2019年4月27日 星期六

Andrew Maguire – A Central Bank Is Exploiting A New Gold Window That Will Crush The Naked Gold Shorts


On the heels of the recent takedown in the gold market followed by a rally on Friday, today London whistleblower and metals trader Andrew Maguire told King World News that we are about to see the end of the naked short gold bubble as one predatory central bank is exploiting a new gold window.

A New Gold Window Being Exploited

April 26 (King World News) – Andrew Maguire:  “Eric, a predatory central bank is now capitalizing on the existing Exchange For Physical (EFP) conduit, allowing them to alchemize paper gold.  So they are essentially exploiting a new gold window to convert US dollars into physical gold bullion for delivery at a discount.

And why would they not exploit this gold window? We have irrefutable evidence that the Comex is now being targeted for physical.  Eric, more on this in couple of weeks. 

So where are we now?…

After the current wash and rinse cycle, the COT structure is extremely bullish as will be evidenced in the delayed COT report later today (KWN will release the today’s COT in a few hours). 

The Naked Short Gold Bubble

It is important to differentiate that this is not just a short-term wash and rinse bullish positioning of unallocated gold positions. Instead, this is an orchestrated and unprecedented move by bullion banks into physical gold, the buying of which is backwashing into the synthetic markets, which in turn is increasingly exposing just how large the naked short gold bubble is.  The Gold short bubble is directly proportionate to the concurrent bursting of the artificially inflated asset price bubbles.

Cutting through all of the smaller footprints, as far as gold is concerned it is undergoing the bursting of a directly correlated inverse bubble, created by asset managers who have been provided a safety blanket by the FED to leverage risk to artificially high levels by short selling risk insurance, gold. 

Fed & Western Cabal Hard At Work

Both bubbles can be directly blamed on the FED and the Western cabal of global central bankers printing cash to infinity, creating a “Buy The F*cking Dip” risk environment where the only fear asset managers have had is not being on board the risk train. The general rule is that if everyone gets it wrong, no one gets fired. So regardless of the alarm bells going off, no one dares to leave the burning building, until it is too late. 

This last 2 weeks is just more ‘noise,’ but be assured, the physical market is imposing discipline and limiting the insiders ability to play the historic paper game, and that is why dips will continue to be shallow…

