2019年4月27日 星期六

Andrew Maguire Says “Broken” Silver Market About To Reverse Dramatically Higher


On the heels of the recent takedown in the silver market followed by a rally on Friday, today London whistleblower and metals trader Andrew Maguire told King World News that that the broken silver market is about to reverse dramatically higher.

Broken Silver Market About To Surge Higher

April 26 (King World News) – Andrew Maguire:  “The unprecedented backwardations that we saw in silver right into option expiry, witnessed up to a 6 cent discount in the futures market vs cash.  The only real price (that matters) is the cash price for silver, and if that is 6 cents higher than the May contract, which is about to roll of the board, and it’s not being arbitraged, then it tells you that this market (silver) is broken…

Andrew Maguire:  “There has been virtually no silver for sale sub-$15 in the cash market of any size whatsoever.  So silver is about to rise and is about to breach…

