2019年9月30日 星期一

屯門人 可唔可以應承我聽日要打場漂亮既仗

The protesters will make a chaos in Hong Kong tomorrow, so be caution and stay at a safe place at home or stay in hotel. Several shopping centers and mall will closing.


#12我地會贏香港翻嚟17 分鐘前



呢個只係我就住6區開花作既簡易be water 戰略。











Split Between Official & Real Interest Rates



Mr. Armstrong; When I first brought this topic up at our board meeting about the split in interest rates between private and public, there was skepticism because such a proposition had never taken place in the short-term memory of our perception of history. I explained your theory and the rest of the members listened only because it was you saying this. That skepticism has now vanished. It is painfully obvious that the events in REPO have proven what you have said was correct that the real rate has risen and the Fed has been forced to intervene to try to prevent real rates from exploding. Is this what the future holds? The free market will undermine the central banks?



I understand what I have warned about is not in any textbooks we were ever handed in school. During a liquidity crisis in which we have begun post-Labor Day, the shortage of money forces real rates to rise and that can be very dramatic. Don’t forget that it was the REPO market which brought down Lehman and Bear Stearns.

In 1899, there was a major liquidity crisis when call money rates soared touching 200%. The Federal Reserve did not exist at that time, but the Bank of England (BoE) did. There was a surge in stocks and the BoE feared speculation. Their discount interest rates were 3% in February 1899. They intervened and doubled the interest rate to 6% in November 1899. This set off a major panic. The British investors in America were forced to sell assets to take money home to meet the liquidity crisis created by the BoE. This created a global contagion and the US market plunged into a massive liquidity crisis as well as imported thanks to the BoE.

The USA had no central bank so the call money rates were a totally free market. The week of December 4th, 1899, saw the US share market collapse opening BELOW the previous week’s low and plunged 20% in just two weeks. On December 18th, 1899, the call money rate touched 200% in the midst of this liquidity crisis.

When I say we have put together the largest database on a global scale of the world economy, I am not kidding. I fully understand that nobody has ever heard of a split in the interest rates between public and private that can be at odds with one another. But in assembling all of this data and allowing the global correlations to unfold, we actually have a shot at understanding how the economy truly functions and where we are headed. All of the economic theories we were taught in school have FAILED!!!!! Quantitative Easing for more than 10 years has utterly failed to produce inflation despite the vast increase in the supply of money. That alone stands as a witness that Keynesian Economics does not work.

I have learned both from my clients around the world which taught me to view the world from their perspective based upon their currency. Socrates has taught me so much by showing me the correlations that no one else has ever dreamed of. This combination has resulted in a different perspective that I fully UNDERSTAND will often go against the established norms.

As for what lies ahead, the Free Markets will dictate the trend. The central banks have lost control of the world economy and they have become the source of the problem. They are trapped. As time passes, you will come to see the full force of the Free Markets. BTW – it was also the Free Markets which defeated Communism. They are doing the same with socialism.

陳雲: 釋放梁天琦! 梁天琦系的勇武派 現時處境是最危險。

全部亂局只是為了奪權利, 難為了商家、市民.........犧牲了年青人, 以為自己在為正義而戰........


#1馬國明放假一天31 分鐘前










■製表:香港文匯報記者 李昌鴻

網民揚言10.1「大戰」 上萬警力嚴陣以待

Tomorrow you should stay at home, when you are in Hong Kong, even shopping centers and malls are not safe...........








2019年9月29日 星期日

【修例風波】灣仔黑衣人破壞咖啡店 又一城示威者破壞食肆設施

The Hong Kong protesters ask for Democracy and free speech, but they destroying pro-Government shops and pro-China shops.








傳美考慮取消華企業在美上市資格 美財政部:「此刻」無此計劃



彭博社上周六引述財政部發言人克勞利(Monica Crowley)回應,政府在這個時候並無考慮阻止中國企業在美國股票交易所上市。


It's Time To Go: Over Half Of All California Voters "Have Considered Leaving The State"

當一個地區變質時, 好多人都會想離開...........


Why in the world does anyone still want to live in California?

Great weather and good paying jobs are the two biggest positives that residents often point out, but the high cost of living and the absolutely ridiculous housing prices often eat up all of the extra money that Californians think that they are making.

In fact, it was recently reported that it now takes approximately $350,000 a year to live a middle class lifestyle in the city of San Francisco.  If you have a ton of money, it can partially insulate you from the problems that are increasingly ravaging the state, but unless you never go out in public nothing is going to insulate you completely.  Cities all over the state are degenerating into drug-infested, crime-ridden hellholes that are literally being overrun by millions of rats.  California has some of the worst traffic in the entire world, unchecked illegal immigration is causing a whole host of social problems, and gang activity has become a massive problem.  On top of everything else, California is being constantly hit by wildfires, mudslides, earthquakes and other natural disasters.  In fact, scientists tell us that it is just a matter of time before “the Big One” hits, and that is probably one of the best reasons to leave California while you still can and never look back.

Yes, there are some California residents that continue to insist that it is a great place to live.

But if California is so wonderful, why have more than half of all California voters “considered leaving the state”?  The following comes from the Los Angeles Times

Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, with soaring housing costs cited as the most common reason for wanting to move, according to a new poll.
Young voters were especially likely to cite unaffordable housing as a reason for leaving, according to the latest latest UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll conducted for the Los Angeles Times. But a different group, conservatives, also frequently suggested they wanted to leave — and for a very different reason: They feel alienated from the state’s political culture.
With the way the state is being run, conservatives have been moving out of California in large numbers for years.  In fact, I have a number of really good friends that left the state for political reasons and will never return.

On the other hand, California’s reputation for handing out free goodies has been a magnet for another class of people.  Today, almost half of all homeless people in the entire nation live in the state of California, and this has become such a huge crisis that it literally makes headlines all over the globe.

For example, the following comes from an article in a British news source
Cali Carlisle admits she is a heroin addict — ‘but in a healthy way,’ she insists, even if the visual evidence belies that claim.
Her nose is the brightest shade of red imaginable. She constantly picks at scabs all over her body. Her home is a makeshift bed beneath Interstate 80 in Sacramento.
And Monday was her 26th birthday. Not that you would ever guess. Anyone looking at her would think she is at least 15 years older.
This is the cold, hard reality of the glorious drug lifestyle that so many go to California to experience.

Every year, thousands upon thousands of young people that once had bright futures ahead of them end up on the streets, in prison or dead due to this raging epidemic.

And one of the places where it is the worst is in the capital of the state itself.  Not too long ago, a salon owner in Sacramento made headlines all over the nation when her rant about homelessness on social media went viral
“I just want to tell you what happens when I get to work,” stated Liz Novak, a local salon owner, to the media about what she’s had to deal with trying to conduct business in Sacramento.
“I have to clean up the poop and the pee off of my doorstep. I have to clean-up the syringes. I have to politely ask the people who I care for – I care for these people that are homeless – to move their tents out of the way of the door to my business.”
She ultimately had to move her salon completely because it became clear that things were not going to get better any time soon.

In the state of California today, virtually everything has been defiled.

At one time, California was teeming with natural beauty.  But today the entire state has become a trash dumpster, and that includes California’s once pristine beaches.  Just check out what Dr. Drew Pinsky recently told Laura Ingraham
“There is an organization out here called Heal the Bay which keeps tabs on safety of our beaches in Southern California, from Orange County to Ventura. Since the rains last Winter, [Heal the Bay] has been giving our beaches C’s to F’s, and F means completely overrun with fecal bacteria. What comes with that are other things like syringes, Hepatitis A and other infectious diseases.”
On top of everything else, seismic activity is a constant threat.

There have been more than 1,500 earthquakes in California and Nevada over the past 7 days, and these days that is considered to be a slow week.

Of course most of the earthquakes are very small, but scientists assure us that one of these days “the Big One” will hit the state.  When that day arrives, the geography of the state will be radically changed, and the death and destruction will be off the charts.

We live at a time when our planet is being greatly shaken, and many believe that what we have seen so far is just the beginning.

The coastline of the state of California lies directly along the infamous “Ring of Fire”, and scientists have been persistently warning us that the San Andreas fault is “locked and loaded” and could possibly “unzip all at once”.

It is such a shame what has happened to the state.  California should be one of the most beautiful, prosperous and enjoyable places to live in the entire world.  Unfortunately, Californians have been making exceedingly poor choices for decades, and the consequences of those decisions will be extremely bitter indeed.

2019年9月28日 星期六

團體明發起大遊行 馬會港島5場外投注處將關門





27萬N無人士 明年津貼11億


香港文匯報訊(記者 文森)曾於2013年、2015年及2016年推出的「N無津貼」即將重推。扶貧委員會轄下關愛基金專責小組昨日開會,通過向非公屋住戶及無領取綜援的低收入家庭,即俗稱的「N無人士」提供一次性的生活津貼(即「N無津貼」)。因應通脹問題,N無津貼金額將提高一成,料逾10萬住戶受惠,涉及27萬人,總津貼額達11億元,預料下月提交扶貧委員會大會表決,最快明年7月起率先接受一人住戶申請。


放寬入息限額 擴闊居所類別 



【修例風波】民陣今晚添馬公園集會 水炮車泊政總中聯辦附近

第一次出水砲車示威者避開咗, 因為唔知威力有幾大, 而第二次出水炮車示威者已不怕接水, 點知是辣胡椒水, 痛到好多人成晚叫媽............






【收市總結】驚現十連陰 恒指失守二萬六 成交今年最低


十一國慶假期前,滬深港股通南向暫停交易,北水「收水」下港股交投大幅縮減,成交僅得531億元,為今年以來最少成交額的全日市。期指結算日,港股於二萬六關口反覆拉鋸,更創出「十連陰」的技術超弱走勢(即連續10個交易日收市低於開市位)。指數早段曾插201點低見25840,創9月4日以來逾三周低,其後A股回穩,為恒指帶來支持,最後收低87點,造25954,全周累跌480點,為連續第二個星期錄得下滑,同時,恒指國指也表現偏軟,收降63點,造10148。 中美貿談續吹暖風,中國近日持續大量購入美國農產品及豬肉,紓緩兩國貿易緊張氣氛,加上有傳中美下月10日將恢復貿易磋商,A股靠穩。上證指數收報2932,升3點或0.11%,本周累計跌2.47%;深成指數收報9548,揚84點或0.89%;兩市成交合計縮減至3977億元人民幣。

藍籌股方面,騰訊(00700)跌0.9%,收報329.4元;友邦(01299)跌0.47%,收報74元;中海油(00883)跌1.97%,收報11.96元,為最弱勢藍籌。相反,恒隆地產(00101)升1.59%,收報17.92元;創科(00669)升3.08%,收報55.2元。 內地取消煤電價格聯動機制,將標桿上網電價機制改為「基準價+上下浮動」的市場化機制,煤炭及電力股齊受壓。神華(01088)跌1.26%,收報15.7元;中煤(01898)降1.58%,收報3.12元;兗煤(01171)跌1.71%,收報8.03元。火電股方面,中國電力(02380)跌1.2%,收報1.64元;大唐發電(00991)跌1.85%,收報1.59元;華能(00902)跌3.28%,收報3.83元;潤電(00836)挫4.4%,收報9.77元。




陳茂波:訪港旅客大跌 經濟颱風愈吹愈近






Gold Bullion Imports Into China Surge 61% From 8 Year Low To 13 Tonnes


◆ Gold is 0.6% lower today at $1,497/oz and appears headed for a 1.1% fall this week after a 2% gain last week
◆ Gold looks set for a near 2% loss in September which will encourage bargain hunters buying on weakness; The dollar remains near multi-week highs despite poor U.S. economic data of late and the political turmoil in the U.S.
◆ Heightened risks from political tensions to the U.S-China. trade war are being ignored for now but are impacting the global economy and leading to  safe haven demand
◆ China’s net monthly gold imports via Hong Kong in August surged nearly 61%, after falling to their lowest in more than eight years in July, the Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department data showed yesterday
◆ Gold and silver frequently see weakness at quarter end which continues in the very early part of the following quarter; we are likely seeing this again as large players “paint the tape” and hedge funds and banks take profits on their long positions
◆ Palladium is set for an eighth straight weekly gain and remains near all time record nominal highs; platinum is poised for its worst week in two months

2019年9月27日 星期五


It is really funny, the protesters think this money will be given to them and they can buy what they want...............maybe weapons to fight the police ?


page 191-193

(4) HONG KONG.— 14(A) DEMOCRACYPROGRAMS.—Of the 15funds appropriated by this Act under the head-16ing ‘‘Democracy Fund’’ for the Human Rights 17and Democracy Fund of the Bureau of Democ-18racy, Human Rights, and Labor, Department of 19State, not less than $1,500,000 shall be made 20available for democracy programs for Hong 21Kong, including legal and other support for de-22mocracy activists. 23(B) REPORT.—Funds appropriated under 24title I of this Act shall be made available to pre-25
pare and submit to Congress the report re-1quired by section 301 of the United States- 2Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 (22 U.S.C. 35731), which shall also include a description 4of— 5(i) efforts by the Hong Kong authori-6ties and the Government of the People’s 7Republic of China to prevent free assembly 8and communications by the people of Hong Kong; 10(ii) the technical surveillance equip-11ment and methods used by the Hong Kong 12authorities and the Government of the 13People’s Republic of China to monitor the 14movement and communications of the Hong Kong population; 16(iii) the application of social and polit-17ical control tools developed by the Govern-18ment of the People’s Republic of China 19and used by such Government and the 20Hong Kong authorities in Hong Kong; 21(iv) the disinformation and political influence campaigns conducted by the Gov-23ernment of the People’s Republic of China in Hong Kong and overseas with respect to 1the situation in Hong Kong; and 2(v) the mission and activities of the 3People’s Armed Police, the People’s Lib-4eration Army, the Ministries of Public Se-5curity and State Security in Beijing, the 6Government of the People’s Republic of 7China, and other Chinese security forces in 8Hong Kong, including their respective roles 9in human rights abuses against the people 10of Hong Kong.



全球商報聯盟媒體高層深圳采風 金融科技開眼界 

香港文匯報訊 (記者 蔡競文)中央支持深圳建設中國特色社會主義先行示範區,令該市成為海內外媒體的焦點。全球商報聯盟媒體高層采風行近日在深圳市福田區啟動,據當地官員介紹,福田計劃建設金融科技大廈和內地首個徵信大廈,打造以法定數字貨幣研發、個人徵信體系建設為核心,上下游圍繞,全產業鏈的數字經濟先行示範區。











穩中有序 人民幣國際化之路



新中國成立70年來,從計劃經濟體制走向市場經濟體制,人民幣匯率作為貨幣的一種價格,也從由官方決定轉由市場供求決定。其間歷經四輪市場化取向的漸進改革,在成功解決匯率高估問題的基礎上實現人民幣穩中有升,避免了其他發展中國家面臨的匯率貶值慣性和貨幣危機困境。讓匯率主要由市場決定,協調好政府與市場作用,實行真正的有管理浮動,是中國近中期匯率機制改革方向。■香港文匯報記者海巖 北京報道





發展中國家 罕有無慣性貶值 











國慶期間 小型客車行港珠澳橋免費7日








亞幣走資不停 港股弱勢難止






根據追蹤港股的最大型ETF──美國掛牌的iShares MSCI香港(EWH)表現,海外投資者對港股始終偏向審慎。EWH在5月初資金逆轉為淨流出,恒指隨之顯著下滑。值得留意的是,雖然EWH股價近月已反彈,惟未見資金同步回流,僅是「走資」速度放緩,年初至今計算,離開錄得淨流入尚有很大差距;一旦資金外流又加快,港股前景只會更形黯淡。






Hong Kong Hotels Slash Prices As Protests Deter Tourists: Cheapest Room Now Just $9

You may get hurt or arrested, when you are in the fighting area ! 

The local people will go North to Mainland to celebrate the Independent day of China !


Hong Kong was until very recently the world's most expensive housing market, featuring sky-high rents and cramped apartments as small as 100 square feet. But thanks to the pro-democracy protests that have disrupted the city-state's economy and ushered in a new wave of political uncertainty and chaos, many of Hong Kong's most critical industries have seen serious disruptions, especially tourism.

Earlier this month, Hong Kong's financial secretary revealed that tourism had plunged more than 40%  during the month of August, compared with August 2018, the biggest drop since the SARS epidemic of 2003.

As visitors dry up, hotels are being forced to slash rates to try and attract clientele. And some of these cuts have gotten pretty steep.

For example, a "new low" for a hotel booking has been spotted by the South China Morning Post: HK71 - or about $9. 

At that price, living in that hotel would be less expensive than one of the city's subdivided apartments.
At a new low of HK$71 (US$9.06) a night, some hotels are now cheaper than subdivided flats in the city. Winland 800 Hotel in protest-hit Tsing Yi, is offering that rate on weekdays through the Wing On Travel website. It represents a decline of 65.7 per cent from its lowest rate of HK$207 a night in March 2018.
In response, hoteliers and other business owners in the hospitality and tourism industry are asking the Hong Kong government for help in the form of rent and bank-loan interest waivers, arguing that their industries have been the hardest hit by the demonstrations. The city's Housing Authority has already cut rent for the city's retail tenants in public housing, while HSBC offered rebates on loans from small and medium-sized companies in the city that have been struggling because of the protests.

對話會發言女士 曾任輔警非休班警

The silent majority are really afraid to talk in public, afraid of revenge............






2019年9月26日 星期四

比特幣一晚大跌逾15% 孖展散戶炒家輸到懵




食得鹹魚抵得渴,股神巴菲特已一早指出, Bitcoin價值是零。但看着這隻虛擬貨幣價錢大上大落,的確有不少人曾賺大錢。翻查圖表,2017年初由1000美元升至2017年底接近20,000美元,然後一直下跌至2018年底3000美元水平,然後又由今年初3000多美元,升至12,000美元,波幅驚人,實在吸眼球。






政府收古洞北粉嶺北逾68公頃地 提供7萬單位最快2023年入伙








反修例暴力示威勁比沙士肆虐 銅鑼灣魚蛋三寶小店捱不住要結業


自6月起的連串反修例風波對香港經濟的負面影響逐漸浮現,隨着示威者暴力行動不斷升級,內地旅行團和自由行旅客暴跌,大大影響旺區和旅客地區的餐飲、酒店及名店等相關行業,早前先有Prada 宣布,在銅鑼灣羅素街月租900萬的旗艦店,在明年六月租約期滿後,結束營業,業主旭日集團打算減租44%,再找新租客。






If the US really want to help Hong Kong, please let all these protesters move to the US and have their freedom there. Millions of the people in Hong Kong will appreciate it and thank you very much. We want our free living in Hong Kong back and can shopping where we want without fear when there are protests events again.















Von Greyerz: "Whole Financial System Disappearing Into Black Hole"

Martin Amstrong 預測的2032年大洗牌........


Via Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com,

Financial and precious metals expert Egon von Greyerz (EvG) says the signs abound that we are nearing the end of this global fiat money experiment while central bankers are befuddled.

EvG explains, “The central banks are panicking..."

"They don’t know what to do anymore. They are just starting to print money and with the euro on a daily basis...
Europe is starting QE again with $20 billion a month, but that’s nothing compared to what is coming. . . . The panic that started with central banks in the summer in late July and August was, to me, the first step towards total chaos in the world that we will be seeing in the months and years to come.  They (central bankers) see it clearly.
They know the banking system is absolutely on the verge of collapse.  They know Deutsche Bank (DB) and CommerzBank, too, are down 95%.  If you show this chart to a child and ask where is that likely to go, it is likely to go to zero. DB, with their $50 trillion in derivatives, there is no chance they will survive. Of course, Germany and the ECB is panicking because that will affect the whole banking system worldwide.  This is why they have started to print money now because there is a massive liquidity problem, and that’s Germany, which is the best country in the EU from the point of economics.  Then you take Italy, Spain, France and Greece and they are in a real mess. 
This is why the whole system is on the verge of disappearing into a black hole... With the U.S., there is massive liquidity pressure there too.
The massive amount of money printing to keep the fiat system afloat is just starting.  EvG contends, “This is just a practice round..."
"  This is just more money at this point.  The balance sheet . . . of the Fed is going to go from around $4 trillion to $40 trillion.  It is going to go to $100 trillion before this is over. So, right now, they are just practicing a bit because they are going to put the pedal down to the bottom very soon...
There is no other way to save this system, it has gone too far. I am not a pessimist. I don’t want to see the end of the world, but you can see their actions. You can see that now there is absolutely no way out. The only thing they know is to print money. They have already reduced rates to zero or negative, which is a disaster in and of itself.”
EvG predicts, “All of these bubble assets that are based on just credit and credit expansion are going to implode measured in real terms, measured in gold."

"I expect the stock market and the property market to lose at least 95% or more in real terms. . . . The next up cycle for gold (and silver) has started. The next phase of this market has started, and it is going to go on for a long, long time. It is going to go to levels that will be hard to believe today. . . .The world cannot have solid growth until this debt has imploded . . . the transition will be terrible, but I don’t see any other solution to this...
The debt can only be wiped out by also wiping out all the asset values. You can’t just make the debt disappear and have the assets stand there at the values that they are today. . . . When this debt is written off or implodes, or whatever they want to call it, that means all these assets are going to go down. That’s why I am saying it is going to go down 95% against gold. There is absolutely no other way, in my view.” 

RED ALERT -- The Fed to Dump $53 Billion PER DAY Into Repo Market Until Oct. 10th


The Federal Reserve conducted a repurchase operation involving $53 billion worth of various debt instruments as it seeks to control the level of its benchmark interest rate. It was the first such move in a decade. So, it took a decade for the banks to blow through trillions of dollars on hookers and blow and other mal-investment. Today the junkie is looking for his next fix, it only took $53 Billion to calm him down.

The “repo” move, comes a day after market turmoil in which rates spiked at record levels and worries grew that the Fed was losing control of its benchmark rate. The repo markets serve as short-term plumbing that runs the financial market’s operating systems. In extreme cases, breakdowns can lead to financial crises such as the one that engulfed Wall Street in 2008 when overnight lending dried up between big Wall Street institutions. Banks and Banksters get free money, we have to go to work for our money .

And for those wondering why the Fed did a repo, the answer is simple: it did not want to launch QE just yet. But make no mistake, once repo is insufficient, the Fed will have no choice but to escalate to the next step which is open market purchases. Which brings us to the bigger question of how long such overnight repos will satisfy the market, and how long before the next repo rate spike prompts the Fed to do the inevitable, and restart QE. Apparently they can't print enough to solve Triffin dilemma. That is why rehypothecation and repo exist.

Going back to a gold standard would eliminate millions of useless banking jobs ( and military supplier jobs too. it will be the greatest QE ever! Much better than Obama's QEs. and we'll have rate cuts. the most beautiful rate cuts and QE you have ever seen for the greatest economy in the history of mankind ,or even longer. And so it begins . This is the first step toward an ever increasing series of desperate measures by the FED and the major banks ,the FED's owners , to stave off the consequences of their market manipulations (e.g. theft, fraud, racketeering) over the past 12 years (and more).

Expect it all, ZIRP, NIRP, whatever they can think of. In 30 minutes they printed an amount of currency actually able to buy all the existent investable physical silver. That's the craziness of present times. I keep imagining that this is the first small leak in a temporary dam that has been holding back way too much water for way too long ,the deluge is surely coming. This could be the first dribble of water flowing out of the crack in the damn of our Financial system.

I also remember the FED saying, very recently, all the banks were in great shape after doing some type of liquidity test Actually, via US Dollar Reserve Currency status, every country with a Reserve Bank is fucked. Repo ripples will be tectonic across all countries, unfortunately, not all reserve banks have the reserves or ability to print to infinity.

Our inflation levels are already through the roof. By exporting US inflation relentlessly to the world via exchange rate manipulations, weaker currencies and economies will fall first. Going to be a hell of a week . Make debt great again!

By the time I finished this video, the national debt increased a few billion. Just throw it on the pile as it will never be repaid so just run up the bar tab while you can.

2019年9月25日 星期三

北京大興機場採人臉辨識系統 「一張臉走遍機場」







而今日首班航機為南方航空飛抵廣州的航班,機票開賣後就立刻被搶購一空;另外,為了讓北京大興機場、首都機場客流量平衡,因此按照航空公司的聯盟做區分,包含東方航空、南方航空等天合聯盟(SkyTeam)的成員將轉移至新機場,而中國國航所屬的星空聯盟(Star Alliance),預計會繼續停駐首都機場。












新世界捐出300萬呎農地建屋 鄭志剛稱為承擔社會責任





Dash-For-Cash Ahead Of The Next Market Crash: Ultra Rich Prepare For Economic Storm

2020年會差過 2019年 ?


We have described, in the last several days, a fascinating trend that is developing: the dash for cash ahead of the next market crash.

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) warned over the weekend about an imminent financial crisis, while it was reported on Monday that billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer is building cash to take advantage of opportunities after the next crisis. On Tuesday morning, we noted how 200 institutions that manage a combined $4.1 trillion in assets, are becoming increasingly bearish ahead of 2020. Now Bloomberg is reporting that family offices around the world are stockpiling cash ahead of a market meltdown.

Bloomberg spoke with Rick Stone, a former partner at Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, who sees economic storm clouds ahead, if not already here.

Stone warned about low bond market returns over the next decade. He said equity markets would crash and then go flat, and said venture capital and private equity money would continue the hunt for yield in very few opportunities.
Stone currently runs the Palm Beach Investment Research Group, a network of 35 family offices in Palm Beach, Florida. “The areas to invest in are fewer, and there is a lot of money looking for those spaces,” he said.

The bearish macro view shared by the family offices in South Florida is also shared by 360 global single- and multi-family offices surveyed in the 2019 UBS Global Family Office Report, which was conducted in conjunction with Campden Research and published Monday, Bloomberg said.

The survey said most family offices expect the global economy to tumble into a recession by 2020, with the most doom and gloom in emerging markets. About 42% of family offices around the world were quickly building cash by late summer ahead of an economic downturn.

“There’s more caution and fear of the public equity markets among ultra-high-net-worth investors,” said Timothy O’Hara, president of Rockefeller Global Family Office. “That has more people thinking about private investments, alternative investments or cash.”

Campden said the family offices in the UBS survey had $917 million under management. The survey was conducted between February and March.

Most offices had 5.4% returns over the 12 months before taking the survey, with disappointing returns in developed markets (2.1%) and significant returns in Asia-Pacific and emerging markets regions (6.2%). North America yielded 5.9% returns, and Europe was 4.3%.

And we wonder why family offices around the world are building cash? Maybe because the twilight period of global equities is coming to an end, and a growth scare could be imminent (remember fall of 2018?).

Trump To UN: The Future Does Not Belong To Globalists


Authored by Graham Noble via LibertyNation.com,

President Donald Trump delivered a measured speech to the United Nations General Assembly this morning. Ever the showman who usually likes to go off-script, Trump was almost painfully presidential – the UN, after all, is not the forum for off-the-cuff remarks. The speech was wide-ranging, but the overriding theme was the importance of national pride and sovereignty to every country. “The future,” Trump told the assembly, “does not belong to globalists.”

In addition to providing an overview of America’s foreign policy challenges, the president berated China for its unfair trade practices and its violation of obligations made to the people of Hong Kong. He called for the empowerment of women and for the rights of the LGBT community to be protected.

Adversaries Singled Out

Taking aim at the World Trade Organization (WTO) for admitting China, Trump pointed out that 60,000 American factories have closed since China became a member-state.
“The World Trade Organization needs drastic change,” the president said. “The second-largest economy in the world should not be permitted to declare itself a developing country in order to game the system at others’ expense.”
Trump also singled out the governments of Iran and Venezuela. Of the former, the president made it clear that US sanctions would not be lifted while the Iranian government continues its aggressive behavior. At the same time, the US leader expressed sympathy and support for the Iranian people. Such a distinction is important.

Of Venezuela’s dictator, Nicolas Maduro – whose role as that country’s legitimate leader is now in dispute – Trump said: “[He] is a Cuban puppet, protected by Cuban bodyguards, hiding from his own people while Cuba plunders Venezuela’s oil wealth to sustain its own corrupt communist rule.”
Expanding on the issue of the Venezuelan government’s catastrophic political and economic policies, Trump warned that “one of the most serious challenges our countries face is the spectrum of socialism,” which he described as “the wrecker of nations and destroyer of societies.”

The Injustice Of Illegal Mass Migration

The president also devoted part of his address to the issue of mass illegal immigration. Acknowledging that this was not just an American problem but a global one, Trump told the gathering that every country has the right to secure its own borders. He had a direct message, though, for open-borders activists whom he accused of cloaking themselves “in the rhetoric of social justice”:
“Your policies are not just. Your policies are cruel and evil. You are empowering criminal organizations that prey on innocent men, women, and children. You put your own false sense of virtue before the lives, well-being in [sic] countless innocent people.”
It is indeed ironic that the same people who champion the alleged right of people from Central America to flow unchecked into the United States also feign concern for the economic deprivation that exists in those countries from which these migrants are coming. Trump made the counterpoint in succinct fashion:
“[T]hese nations cannot reach their potential if a generation of youth abandon their homes in search of a life elsewhere.”

A Jab At Domestic US Politics

In a continuation of the anti-globalist, sovereign-nations theme, Trump warned against totalitarianism and the erosion of democracy and individual freedoms. “We must always be skeptical of those who want conformity and control,” he told the assembly. “Even in free nations, we see alarming signs and new challenges to liberty.”

In what seemed to be a thinly veiled reference to the efforts of Democrats and left-wing activists in the US to reverse the result of the 2016 presidential election, the Commander-in-Chief went on:
“A permanent political class is openly disdainful, dismissive, and defiant of the will of the people.”
He was not done. Though it would have been entirely inappropriate to openly call out his political opponents, Trump dwelt on the topic while presenting it as a problem faced by all free nations – which, in fact, it is:
“A faceless bureaucracy operates in secret and weakens democratic rule. Media and academic institutions push flat-out assaults on our histories, traditions, and values … a free society must not allow social media giants to silence the voices of the people and a free people must never, ever be enlisted in the cause of silencing, coercing, canceling, or blacklisting their own neighbors.”
Still on the subject of individual liberty, the president also warned the UN that Americans would not be deprived of their Second Amendment rights: “There is no circumstance,” he warned, “under which the United States will allow international actors to trample on the rights of our citizens, including the right to self-defense.” To emphasize the point, the president reminded the assembly that America would not ratify the UN Arms Trade Treaty.

To close his address, the president delivered to the gathered world leaders and ambassadors a message of unity, peace, and recognition that, like the US, every country in the world should, first and foremost, act in the interests of its own people. “Lift up your nations,” he told them, “cherish your culture, honor your histories, treasure your citizens, make your country strong and prosperous and righteous. Honor the dignity of your people and nothing will be outside of your reach.”

Liquidity Crisis

把錢存去外國銀行的人要小心啦, 因為大眾在囤積美現鈔, 搞到美元現金流短缺.......小心攬炒...........



Marty, you have made many unbelievable forecasts in so many markets around the world. But your forecast that we would see a liquidity crisis after Labor Day and dollar hoarding is at the top of the list. There is nobody who saw this coming. Your computer can see things nobody can. Looking forward to Orlando this year. Two more board members are coming because of this forecast.



This is what I have been saying. You cannot forecast something you have never witnessed and has not taken place ever before. It takes a computer with a vast database to see things unfold according to historical patterns, but in markets that never existed before.

We have a liquidity crisis unfolding because of massive uncertainty. In October, Draghi leaves and Lagarde enters who believes the answer is to eliminate cash. This is causing dollar hoarding and there are more $100 bills in circulation now with 70% of the physical money supply being hoarded OUTSIDE the USA. Even Australia is hunting money aggressively. They are even proposing nano-chips in $50 bills and up to be able to track hoarding. So smart Australian’s won’t hoard A$ – they will use foreign currencies. Dah?

I mean what I say that the central banks are TRAPPED!!!!! People have NO IDEA what we face. The system is unraveling but not even those in government have understood how it was interwoven to begin with. This is all part of how we are headed into a major Monetary Crisis Cycle and I fear they will misunderstand it once again and create more stupid laws that will bring the entire house of cards down by the time we reach 2032.

If you just play out what has taken place in socialism, there will be $400 trillion of unfunded liabilities by the time we get to 2032. That cannot be dealt with and I suspect we will see more authoritarian usurpation down the line.  This is also why I have stated, my fear is NOT Trump, it is what comes AFTER Trump!

Governments have functioned on vote for me and I will rob someone else for you legally with a pen. This is how ALL Republics die. The very purpose of civilization was that coming together created a synergy that was beneficial for all. When government has always turned against one class for the benefit of another, the purpose of civilization ceases to exist and you revert back to separatism. Read Atlas Shrugged. When that was published, all the socialists hated it.

“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed.” 

日消費稅加至10% 外賣堂食不同價引混亂


10月1日起生效 商戶旅客叫苦 







小店停外賣 吉野家分別標價 




深圳白石洲拆遷 網傳誕生1878個億萬富翁











登記選民達413萬較上屆區選增近44萬 創歷來新高









2019年9月24日 星期二

巴布亞省暴力示威致至少27人死亡 3人遭警察擊斃













184名病人感染洋蔥伯克氏菌 現共6款消毒產品正回收



此外,根據醫院管理局的最新通報,除早前公布3款分別名為Pro-Medi Prosept、Kam's KS-MED及加護殺菌消毒液的消毒藥水外,兩款分別名為Smart Medi洗必泰消毒清洗液及麥氏醫生消毒清洗液的消毒藥水亦被驗出對洋蔥伯克氏菌呈陽性反應。另外,一款名為洗必泰殺菌.消毒水(KS Medical)的產品被驗出對無色桿菌呈陽性反應。有關產品均含有0.05%氯己定,根據《藥劑業及毒藥條例》,並不列作藥劑製品。現時共有6款消毒產品正進行回收。

Smart Medi洗必泰消毒清洗液及麥氏醫生消毒清洗液由寶源(美國)藥業有限公司(寶源)供應,而洗必泰殺菌.消毒水(KS Medical)則由金星藥行(金星)供應。寶源和金星並已設立電話熱線,於辦公時間解答相關查詢。


以名人推廣投資產品廣告 金管局籲警惕:逾2000人或洩資料

本人都見到好多呢些廣告, 奇怪會有人信...........






2019年9月23日 星期一

The coming protests events

There will be protests events on the 28th, 29th September and 1st of October, you should be cautious...........and avoid places where the protesters are !





建立時間: 1856
更新時間: 1947

Chinese Firms Dump $40 Billion In Global Assets, Turn Net Seller For First Time In Decades

中國經濟唔好 ?



At the behest of the Communist Party leadership, Chinese conglomerates and investor groups have this year transformed from sometimes overeager spree buyers of foreign companies, real estate, and art, into net sellers of global assets for the first time since Chinese companies became big-time players on the global stage about a decade ago, the FT reports.

The shift comes as the Communist Party tries to tamp down on capital outflows as China's economy weakens with reports suggesting that Beijing could report economic growth below 6% for 2019 and 2020.

Chinese companies have agreed to sell about $40 billion in overseas assets so far this year, up from $32 billion for the whole of last year, according to data from Dealogic. At the same time, Chinese groups have bought just $35 billion of overseas assets this year, making the country a global net seller.

Divestments in the US, where Chinese corporate buyers are now viewed with increased scrutiny, have soared to over $26 billion this year, up from just $8 billion for all of 2018.
The data from Dealogic goes back to 2015, when Chinese companies bought about $100 billion in overseas assets while selling only $10 billion to foreign buyers. However, an FT analysis of Dealogic’s data indicates that China has been a net buyer of overseas assets since at least 2009.
Many of the Chinese-owned assets hitting the market this year were purchased in 2016, the peak of Chinese firms' off-shore shopping spree. That year, Chinese companies struck more than $200 billion in overseas deals, while taking on extremely high levels of debt.
"There was a crescendo of outbound Chinese deals - a few that lacked industrial logic," said Raghu Narain, Asia Pacific head of investment banking at Natixis. "The deals that were either funded by too much debt, lacking logic or subsequent actual synergies are unwinding now."
Two of the most high-profile Chinese acquirers during the boom have become the biggest sellers at the behest of their overlords in Beijing.


星期五去過深圳金光華廣場約下午一點幾, 一行出地鐵站就見到[小龍包]半價, 所以行入去後面食店區, 原來以前個上海餐廳改咗, 以前只賣辣野和熱氣野, 所以沒入過去, 依家賣的餐如[上海婆婆], 所以入去點野食 !

原來半價只限一份, 而要用微信取coupon, 好彩剛在自己部機裝咗微信, 而個侍應幫我地取9元的coupon, 要俾錢時就會折扣 !

食完因為離約朋友的時間還有半個鐘, 所以行去上層見識下, 因為以前只會行下面的幾層 !

戲院, 有兩層




酸辣魚, 好多人食



