2020年10月25日 星期日

美增逾8萬宗確診 特朗普:疫情已現逆轉




8 則留言:

  1. The death may double the number at the end of this year.
    He is keep moving around to let more people get COVID-19, and he is the main reason why the number is keep going higher and higher.

  2. Yes, most of the people attended his campaign don't have mask on and took no distances.

  3. PCR test is a lie, RFU Amplification manipulation convert normal seasonal flu deaths in to Covid. No one seems to look at total deaths. You will see there's no increase.

  4. https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202002/13/P2020021300595.htm
    成人方面,一月五日至二月十二日期間共錄得182宗與流感相關而需入住深切治療部或死亡的個案,包括113人死亡。在二○二○年,共錄得六宗兒童(十八歲以下)嚴重個案(無死亡)。當中五人沒有曾接種今季季節性流感疫苗。Normal seasonal flu deaths 113 in about 38 days. What happened to them? They are all covid now. Do the math!

  5. Raymond, COVID-19 is effect all the part of body such as your brain, heart, lung, etc.
    It is not like Flu, it hurt more and damage more on your body.
    The virus doesn't care you lie or which political.
    They are happy and like to kill the one who is lie and don't do the right things to stop them.

    I can said China is doing the best in this whole world right now, and the USA is the worst one to keep sending the COVID-19 to the whole world now.

    USA is doing nothing and pay $0 since 2019 when this virus is exist.

    2008-2016 USA is the world doctor.
    2017-2020 "Trump" just want money and pay nothing, USA is bankruptcy soon.

  6. Dont get me wrong. I am pro-china, but truth is truth. You need to look at facts and numbers. Not media and medical establisment narratives. I already told you. The lie is the PCR test

  7. https://www.bitchute.com/video/wOSeTz57xrCF/

    Even Inventor of PRC told us it can not be trusted and will misread flu as covid. Yhus is fact!

  8. Doctors are spreading pure psychological Warfare. This is the reason why you keep hearing covid effecting all parts of Your body. This is to address everyone's deepest fear. May it be your brain, toes or any part of your body that your fear the most being harm.
