“为什么要买黄金呢?道理就是美元要出现重大问题。” 宋鸿兵认为,积累了三、四十年危机绝不是一年或两年能够轻易结束的,美国政府也好、欧洲政府也好,通过现在的方法非但解决不了问题,反而会使问题更加严重。
来源:中国新闻网 程景伟
2010年8月30日 星期一
Gold Rushing On
The World Gold Council’s latest quarterly recap of the gold market confirms much of the big-picture story we already knew: demand is strong (up 36 percent from a year earlier), supply (up 18 percent) is not keeping pace, and global economic worries are driving investors toward gold as a safe haven.
Drilling down a little further turns up a number of interesting points:
* Investment demand in the second quarter of 2010 (red bar in the chart) more than doubled compared to the same period in 2009, and accounted for more than half of total global demand. Investors bought the most gold since the first quarter of 2009, at the depths of the Great Recession.
* Demand from exchange-traded funds rose more than 400 percent to about 291 metric tons (9.4 million troy ounces), and retail investors bought about 30 percent more bars, coins and gold in other forms.
* Industrial demand is approaching pre-recession levels. The WGC credits the growing popularity of new consumer devices like iPads, Kindle electronic readers and netbook computers with driving this trend.
* Jewelry demand is down only slightly year-over-year, even though the gold price has risen from the $900+ per ounce range to $1,200 per ounce. In Hong Kong, for example, jewelry demand rose more than 30 percent in physical terms and nearly 80 percent in U.S. dollar terms.
The WGC says it foresees strong gold demand through the end of 2010, with India and China leading the way, along with concerns about economic recovery and the massive sovereign debt loads in Western Europe and elsewhere.
So far August has been an unusually good month for gold – as of midday today, the price is up 6 percent this month, where historically the August price tends to rise only 2.5 percent above July.
We recently wrote about gold seasonality – September, just a few days away now, is on average the best month for both gold and gold equities. Learn why September means ready, set, gold!
We also have written about gold in the context of the global economic uncertainty and also about China’s important role in future gold demand.
All opinions expressed and data provided are subject to change without notice. Some of these opinions may not be appropriate to every investor.
by Frank Holmes
CEO and Chief Investment Officer
U.S. Global Investors
以上述那位讀者情況為例,假如他以美元出糧,基本上將不用承擔滙率風險,因為阿聯酋貨幣迪拉姆( Dirham)與美元掛鈎。反之,如果他選擇以歐元出糧,即是他需要承受滙率風險,並意味着打賭歐元兌美元或迪拉姆將有升值潛力。
我會建議他選擇收取美元作工資,然後在生活開支鬆動和滙市條件合適的情況下,不定時把部份美元兌換成其他貨幣。事實上,我不認為歐元有能力大升,而《經濟學人》編制的「巨無霸指數」( Big Mac Index)正顯示歐元滙率稍為偏高。
當然,我不會單憑「巨無霸指數」就輕率地作出買賣外幣的決定,但該指數卻或多或少能反映各國貨幣的應有價值。從中,我察覺到亞洲貨幣兌美元和歐元均偏低,再加上考慮到勞工成本因素,我相信工序外判到亞洲的現象還會持續一段長時間。我認為歐元和美元都不是特別值得青睞的貨幣,歐元正受到「歐豬四國」( PIGS)的債務問題困擾,至於美國的巨額財赤亦不利美元。
股債相爭 黃金得利
教科書理論告訴大家,經濟強,股市會漲,債息也會上升;相反來說,經濟弱,股市會跌,債息亦會跌。 然而,美國花旗銀行的全球股市總策略師Robert Buckland早前發表的研究報告指出,自上月以來,反映全球股市變化的大摩全球股票指數上升了8%,但同一時期,花旗銀行的全球10年期國家債券的指 數不升反跌,亦即出現了「不正常的背馳」。以美國10年期國家債券的孳息率為例,目前已跌至2.5厘以下,除了2008年金融海嘯期間曾出現類似的低位 外,這是美債孳息60年來的最低水平。更矚目的是,不單美債如此,環球主要債券市場,如德國國債,也呈現類似罕見的低息情況。
股債背馳 資金大角力
《巴倫》指出,若日後經濟走向證實了債市投資者是對的,那麼環球股市恐怕要來一次深度調整。報道引 述加拿大皇家銀行的策略師指出,以美股為例,其跌幅恐怕會多達11%至21%不等。相反,若股市投資者的判斷證實是對的,債市便會出現一次大崩潰,以10 年期美債為例,其價格恐怕會下跌近四分之一!
花旗的上述研究報告更指出,今次的股債背馳現象在過去10年一共出現過10次,其中有8次正是像 這回的「股市與債息同步上升背馳」。最值得大家注視的是,在這8次「背馳」裡,有5次證明是股市猜對了,亦即債息隨後急升;債市猜中的次數只有2次,1次 則兩者不分高下。該研究續稱,今次股市有很大機會猜中,亦即意味著該行認為債息會飆升。
過去一年裡,流入債市的避險資金已高達4,000億美元,這是一場何等巨大的賭注,由於香港與內 地的外匯儲備大多投資於外國的國債,所以一旦債市出現大波動,勢必禍及港人的身家。更值得熱中炒樓的港人留意的是,一旦債市出現拋售潮,市場利率必然會攀 升,後果如何不言而喻。
金榮財富管理首席基金經理 中國北方金銀業策略顧問 史理生
2010年8月28日 星期六
被視為「國際大鱷」索羅斯幕後軍師的對沖基金奇才德魯肯米勒(Stanley Druckenmiller),上周突然宣布結束現值一百二十億美元的Duquesne基金,從此金盆洗手,退出江湖,令國際金融界嘩然。這條「鱷後之 鱷」最知名一役,是在九二年策動狙擊英鎊(他時任索羅斯旗下量子基金的投資總監),最後狂賺十億美元。而與香港直接有關的,則是九八年參與對香港金融市場 的世紀進攻,最後觸發政府捍衛金融體系的「官鱷大戰」,戰況之激烈可說空前。
當年風雲激盪,如今人面全非,德魯肯米勒黯然收山,索羅斯垂垂老矣,那時候領軍決戰大鱷的曾蔭權現肩負特首之責(時任財政司司長);另外兩位大將,任志剛 已離任金管局總裁,展開人生新階段,許仕仁(時任財經事務局局長)也於年前退休,逍遙天地間。是非成敗轉頭空,這段歷史已成過去,但留下的慘痛教訓,卻必 須深記,特別是最近香港再現「九七陰影」,更應以前車為鑑,避免歷史重演。
期間擔任金管局副總裁的沈聯濤(後出任證監會主席),在《十年輪迴——從亞洲到全球金融危機》一書指出了問題的關鍵:「對沖基金通常把危機看成機遇,特別 是,如果看到難以持續的資產泡沫赫然出現時,他們拋售估值過高的資產和有關貨幣,就能輕易獲利,要是他們是比竭力捍衛本國貨幣的中央銀行更厲害的大炒家, 贏取暴利就猶如囊中取物。」
大鱷看準機會,一方面大量沽空港元,迫使金管局接貨,同業拆息因銀根收緊而上升,股市隨之下跌;另一方面大手沽空期指,藉股市急瀉獲取暴利。大鱷把股市、 港匯與利率玩弄於股掌之中,恒指跌至六千六百點的危險低位,政府知道不能不果斷反擊,毅然以雷霆之勢運用儲備入市干預,大舉購入成分股,與大鱷展開生死搏 鬥。
我們從這場戰役吸取的最大教訓有二:一是資產急速泡沫化必誘使大鱷進擊;二是銀行信貸過度膨脹,規管機制因經濟過熱變得鬆懈,是爆發金融危機的底因。最近 政府再度出招,顯然是記取當年的慘痛經歷,及早把爆煲危機降低,從目前情況看,此舉實屬必要,亦開始對穩定市場起到作用。
國家金融監督委員會副主席、總理顧問Le Xuan Nghia表示:「大家轉向黃金,規避風險。越南盾的走勢促使人們增持黃金。」
Vietnam Gold Business分析師Nguyen Hoang指出:「黃金和美元等強勢貨幣,吸引越南人投資,特別是在近來股市拉回與越南盾走弱的走勢下。」
2010年8月25日 星期三
Ron Paul Calls for Audit of US Gold Reserves
Texas (Kitco News) -- U.S. Rep. Ron Paul , R-Tex., plans to introduce a new bill next year that will allow for an audit of US gold reserves, he told Kitco News in an exclusive interview.
Paul dropped the news in the interview, indicating that the bill still does not have an official name yet but will be unveiled at the start of the new U.S. Congress.
“If there was no question about the gold being there, you think they would be anxious to prove gold is there,” he said of the Federal Reserve.
This is not the first time the congressman has made his pitch. “In the early 1980s when I was on the gold commission, I asked them to recommend to the Congress that they audit the gold reserves – we had 17 members of the commission and 15 voted not to the audit,” said Paul. “I think there was only one decent audit done 50 years ago,” he said.
Though Paul did not say whether there is any truth to claims that there is no gold in Fort Knox or the New York Federal Reserve, he said, “I think it is a possibility.”
“If we ever get around to deciding we should use gold in relationship to our currency we ought to know how much is there,” said Paul. “Our Federal Reserve admits to nothing and they should prove all the gold is there. There is a reason to be suspicious and even if you are not suspicious why wouldn’t you have an audit?” he said.
The gold audit follows his crusade last year looking to audit the Federal Reserve, which he says is the chief culprit behind the economic crisis.
“I don’t think the Federal Reserve should exist – it would be best for congress to exert their responsibilities and that is find out what they are doing”' said Paul. "It is an ominous amount of power they have to create money out of thin air and being the reserve currency of the world and be able to finance runaway spending whether it is for welfare or warfare; it seems so strange that we have been so complacent not to even look at the books. If we knew exactly what they were doing, who they were taking care of, there would be a growing momentum to reassess the whole system,” he told Kitco News.
Before the creation of the Federal Reserve however, the US saw 16 recessions from 1850 to 1910; they averaged 22 months long. During this time, the U.S. was in recession 60 out of 91 months. Many would argue that the severity of these recessions led to the creation of the Federal Reserve System.
“I think they would be exaggerating what happened before 1913,” Paul responds. “We had some panics …they were usually short and there were no long depressions,” he said. “The Fed creates the bubbles and they are much worse since 1913, if you think of the size of the government and the valuation of the dollar, we are down to about a 2 cent dollar from the 1913 dollar.”
Paul said everyone accuses him of wanting the gold standard but he said he doesn't accept that. “I accept the idea of a gold coin standard and I think we can do much better than what we had," he said. "There was a lot that they did pre-Fed that was not exactly right but we never had a disastrous loss of purchasing power long-term, we didn’t have a great depression, we didn’t have the 1970s with stagflation and we wouldn’t have what we have right now.”
Since the Fed’s creation in 1913 the dollar has lost more than 96% of its value, and by inflating the money supply the Fed continues to distort interest rates and intentionally erodes the value of the dollar said Paul.
Paul’s solution is to not replace the Fed with anything. “It would make the dollar strong… who wants money to be devalued? I want a strong dollar and if it were equivalent to gold it would remain strong.”
Paul also said he wants to legalize the freedom for people to choose. “My proposal for now is to legalize the constitution to use gold and silver as legal tender in a parallel standard and have it compete with paper money. If people get tired of using the paper standard they can deal in gold or silver,” he said.
On the topic of gold price manipulation, Paul said, “I think it is probably true.”
“I am not the one to lay out proof of this, others have done a lot of investigation. One of the reasons I don’t dwell on that is they are not going to listen to us" he said. "But I think it is very important somebody talks about it and emphasizes it just as a warning to be careful; you don’t have to only anticipate what the markets are doing, but you have to anticipate what the government is doing.”
The best example of manipulating the ratio of gold to paper would have been from the late 1950s to 1971, said Paul. “We printed money like currency, we printed too many dollars against the gold, so they said, ‘we will take your gold.’ …if they are capable of that they are capable of doing this as well, because they don’t want their cover blown, ” said Paul. If the markets are saying not to trust paper money, they have to do everything they can to “destroy gold,” said Paul.
Recounting a visit with Paul Volcker, former Chairman of the Fed Reserve, Rep. Paul said the Chairman walked straight into the room, went immediately to his staffer and asked what the price of gold was. “They know gold is important. I think they are quite willing to manipulate it. That is the only way they can maintain this false illusion about gold.”
“If they are involved isn’t it pretty amazing what has happened in past year? What will happen if they throw in the towel?” said Paul.
The current economic situation is very healthy for gold, said Paul. “You see people rushing just to put their money in any place …they don’t even care about making money.”
New Regulations
When asked what regulations the Congressman is currently worried about, he said, “All of them.” However, Paul specifically points to the 1099 provision, a portion of the health-care act, passed earlier in the year. “For every transaction of over $600, gold dealers have to fill out a form, it is a lot of paperwork,” said the congressman. Entities must file a Form 1099 with the Internal Revenue Service whenever they make transactions paying out $600 a year to another party.
US economy
It is going to continue to go downhill said Paul on the US economy. “I don’t believe in a double dip, I believe we have single-dip and it has been continuous.”
“The only reason it doesn’t look so bad is if you spend $2 trillion dollars and you have a $5 hundred billion increase in some GDP figures, you didn’t get much for your trillion dollars but it might improve your statistics, so it was a fake recovery.”
As for another presidency run, Paul says it is too early to tell.
By Daniela Cambone dcambone@kitco.com
2010年8月23日 星期一
明天休 blog 一日 !
去呢 D 地方, 大家要認真風險 !
【on.cc專訊】 中國駐馬尼拉大使館證實,康泰旅行團在馬尼拉被劫持事件中,7名人質證實死亡,2人受重傷,6人受輕傷。另外,槍手亦被警方擊斃。
2010年8月22日 星期日
Gold Readies For A Major Price Thrust To $1,325-$1,375 This Fall
Technically, weekly gold is supported at $1,207 and capped at $1,265, (chart below) the former recent high price. However, by using more elaborate and technical charts (not shown) we find the new gold support on December, 2010, gold futures to be $1,175. Seasonally, gold should sell mildly once more to that projected number and then rebound in a new fall rally taking prices much higher.
Other more dominant market forces in bond credit and international stock markets could create unmeasured mayhem depending upon the ability of central bankers to keep things under control. These people are riding a bucking bronco and we think they are about to get tossed-off this horse. If in fact this occurs, our $1,325-$1,375 gold forecast could just be a door-opening beginning.
There is really no way to measure Black Swans, particularly when a whole flock is now flying in large formation. It only takes one slip like the Long Term Capital (LTC) multi-billions mistake back in the 1990’s. That mess scared the wits out of a lot of people as the Big Black Nasty Bird was an unexpected failure in Russian Bonds. This time the stakes are much higher on several fronts. No one can tell me Chopper Ben and Timmy “The Kid” Geithner really have a grip on this mess.
This markets’ dilemma is an impossible dream. The manipulators still have tools and they will do anything legal or illegal (Witness Former Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson’s TARP Robbery) to keep it all glued together with bubble gum and bailing wire.
As we have said so many times, when the bond markets renounce Chopper Ben’s bond Games, it’s all over. In our view, we are very near to that date but of course cannot pin-point it exactly and neither can anyone else. As they say, this is when the rubber meets the road. This is the time for real action by real men. Instead we have a bunch of stupid, wimpy, inexperienced academic children playing with matches and gasoline. There is zero leadership, so get ready to run.
Be very careful in any stock or bond market. We like physical gold and silver, select senior and junior precious metal shares, very specific property locations (by nation) and top flight management. Further, they better not be under any severe pressure to raise more operating capital in this weird credit environment.
For trading, we are recommending gold and silver spreads, grain, and certain other futures and options spreads. For the primary stock market there are several select choices among more than one country for going short and staying short. Remember, it can take weeks or months climbing up the hill on the long side. But, coming down on the short side it’s many times faster and much more exciting.
To put it bluntly, we think bonds of all kinds just stink. Can they be traded, you bet. However, you better be a very fast screen watcher with your hand on the mouse to avoid getting ripped. We think this kind of trading is for the pros and there are easier ways to earn money without a heart attack.
Watch out for faster markets, more volatility and surprises in all directions. One example: We think the Euro is a goner but China is shedding US Dollars for Euros. Obviously, they think the Euro is safer than the dollar for now. We think the opposite is true but the Chinese own way too much US currency, bonds and bills.
Both gold and precious metals shares (XAU) are squeezed in triangles. Before price hits the triangles’ apex, we suggest they both break-out through top channel line resistance and take-off in new fall rallies from the end of this month to nearly Thanksgiving. After that holiday, expect even more buying after a normal, technical, profit-taking pullback.
Note the end of summer gold rallies just before the “O’s” for October many years in a row.
What ever happens to foreign economies, credit and banking along with the American vote in November… could be a major turning point in world affairs affecting all citizens world-wide. This is a generational changing series of events. It might be prolonged but we think not. Prepare for several smashes and crashes from later in this month of August through nasty springs and falls all the way to 2012 when I predict World War III begins over energy, economics and settlement of several old grudges; some of them being 5,000 years old.
The US Dollar and American standard of living shall be cut in half over the next few years.
Now, more than ever, it is important to take the immediate necessary precautions to protect yourself and your families and friends. Traders and investors should be buying precious metals and select shares right now. In our newsletter we have a great list of trading and investing ideas for you. Meanwhile, you can never go wrong buying physical precious metals and holding them for security. We’ve had a constant run of nearly ten years in gold rising 15% per year so this remains a good trade. In the last twelve months, gold rallied over 34% and is going ever faster.
It’s not going to stop any time soon. In fact, we predict those annual percentages will rise even more and this offers a chance, arriving only once in 25 years on the historical cycles. Good trading! -Traderrog
Roger Wiegand
【on.cc專訊】 美股8月12日出現預示大市可能大跌的「興登堡凶兆」(Hindenburg Omen),成為華爾街近日的熱門話題。所謂「興登堡」其實是指興登堡號飛船在1937年5月6日,由德國飛往美國途中,準備着陸的飛船在離地面300英尺的空中起火,造成36人死亡,成為當時航空界最慘重的災難之一。
簡單而言,興登堡凶兆必須同時符合四大準則,包括紐交所同日創52周新高及新低的股票須分別佔當日有交易的股票2.2%以上,創新高的股份數目不得多於創新低的股份數目的一倍,紐交所綜合指數的10日線呈上升趨勢,以及 McClellan Oscillator指標呈負數等。此外,上述情況必須在36日內再度出現,才可確認「凶兆」。
金榮財富管理首席基金經理 史理生(作者為註冊持牌人士)
近日環球股市偏軟,美、日國債及金價卻節節上升,反映在成熟國家經濟可能出現二次探底的憂慮下,環球資金視這 三種資產為避險工具。然而,美、日兩國的負債和赤字問題甚為嚴重,筆者認為上述兩債絕非理想避險工具,雖然短線來說資金或許仍會被迫流進兩債暫避風頭,惟 隨着兩國經濟進一步收縮,兩國央行勢將加推新一輪量化寬鬆行動( QE II),長遠對兩國幣值及通脹預期有負面影響。
美國當前所面對的高赤字、高負債、高失業的三高情況,將令美國難以在可見將來成功削減負債。雖 然債務問題未見好轉,但卻見美國十年國債孳息率不斷下跌,可見債市現正專注預期美國將要跌入衰退及通縮的可能,對潛在的信貸風險卻可謂視若無睹。當然,很 多人會提出,央行有印鈔的能力,國債怎會有賴債的可能,這說法或許有一半是對的。因為如果國債只能單靠央行印鈔買進來填補海外的需求不足的話,那即使債息 真的可被人為壓低,滙價最終也難逃貶值命運。
日本的負債情況同樣未見起色,但卻如美債一樣,受惠資金流入,令日本 10年國債孳息率由 4月份的 1.4厘下跌至現時不足 1厘。
過往很多人也會提出,日本跟美國的情況不同,日本人有儲蓄,而美國人沒有,所以日本的國債可以由本土人承擔,而美債卻要經常依賴外國買家。然而,這說法在過去 20年或還可行,可是隨着日本經濟迷失 20年,日本人的儲蓄率也不斷在下跌,「老本」也有用完的一天。
美、 日兩國似乎正在思量是否應該加推 QE II以振興經濟,筆者認為這不是是否的問題,只是時間的問題,筆者認為下半年美、日經濟正在惡化,年底前兩國均有跌進衰退可能。雖然美、日國債市場似乎已 逐步消化衰退的可能,但股市及其他較高風險資產類別市場,卻仍寄望 QE II早日來臨救市。筆者相信美、日兩地的經濟數據必先要下跌至相當嚴峻狀態,及兩地股市必先要對經濟前景憂慮達到相當恐慌程度,才會逼使央行(或應該說是 讓央行有充份的理由)推出 QE II。印鈔只能救市於一時,但不能救長遠經濟,最終兩國國債或滙價將難逃一跌。上文提及美債、日債及黃金暫成資金湧入的避難所,而最終只有哪一種資產是沒 有賴債風險、沒有印鈔風險、也沒有交易對手風險的,這問題值得三思。
2010年8月21日 星期六
美國加州大學理察.興堡( Dr.Richard Heinberg)教授及其他學者曾做過研究,推測石油在見頂之後會有新的社會秩序,在 100年內,世界會出現四個黑暗階段:第一階段為油價一路上升( 2003年中已出現)、地區停電日多,燃料、煤、原材料價上升,通脹隨之而來,經濟衰退導致失業人數多,加上中東政局不穩,恐怖活動頻生( 911就是序幕)。
22世紀將是一個全新的世代,我們無法 想像沒有石油燃料或產品的社會是怎樣的,正如生活在清朝時代的人無法想像現今飛機汽車的情景。但有一點可以肯定,是有一天我們的後代會很羨慕他們的祖先能 坐飛機、開汽車或用燃氣發電燒水,因為沒有石油及天然氣,這些都變為歷史文物,他們也許會被我們浪費資源和用完即棄的習慣而吃驚。在全球人口爆炸性增長 下,地球資源已被使用至極限。鄺社源
2010年8月20日 星期五
2010年8月19日 星期四
我只記得當年有人供金會因為金行破產而收唔到實金的事, 所以成日叫人唔好供金會 !
依家買黃金 ETF 也無保障你可以收到實金 !
今天,黃金已成為投資畀炙手可熱的商品,其價格已升逾千一美元 一盎司,究其原因,是因為今時今日投資者對美元已失去信心,美國於金融海嘯後,大量印鈔來解決火燒眼眉之危機,這勢必引起高通漲以及資產價格泡沫,今天相信只有白痴才會相信鈔票。黃金,一直以來都是對抗通脹的不二之選,在這大氣候下,爛銅也可變成金了。
2010年8月18日 星期三
根據股神畢菲特投資旗艦巴郡呈交的文件顯示,該公司今年第二季購入 440萬股金融數據服務公司 Fiserv,以上季平均價 45.66美元計算,是次交易涉資約 2億美元,成為股神投資組合的新成員。其他主要變動包括,上季增持 1740萬股強生,以平均價 59.06美元計算,料交易涉資約 10.2億美元,並繼續減持被稱為「重大投資錯誤」的康菲石油、食品股卡夫以及綜合企業寶潔。
索羅斯旗艦基金索羅斯基金管理,今年第二季仍持有大量黃金,但持有的美國證券卻減少 42%,此消彼長下,投資組合的黃金 ETF比重增至 13%,以美元計算,黃金更成為基金持貨比重最大的資產。該基金於本周一向證監會遞交文件,顯示上季沽出大部分包括摩根大通的金融股,而首季仍持有的 1500萬股巴西石油公司股份,則不在今次的申報當中,意味該基金可能已悉數沽清。
New Form 1099 Rules 'Horrendous' For U.S. Gold Dealers
有 D 唔明點解在現代電腦時代還須浪費好多紙張 ?
文章說, 美國須放寬個600美元限制唔係會帶來好多麻煩 !
www.kitco.com 全文
(Kitco News) -- A movement is afoot in the U.S. Congress to revise or repeal a portion of the health-care act, passed earlier in the year, that critics say has costly implications for bullion and coin dealers and also raises privacy concerns.
The provision has nothing to do with health care, but instead with government efforts to pay for new programs. Specifically, entities must file a Form 1099 with the Internal Revenue Service whenever they make transactions paying out $600 a year to another party. Dealers who now submit a limited number of 1099 forms say they may have to file thousands each year under the new act, significantly driving up their accounting costs.
"The impact on my industry will be horrendous,” said Bill Haynes, president of CMI Gold & Silver Inc. in Phoenix. The new rules in Section 9006 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are aimed at all businesses, not just the gold dealers.
However, gold may be among the sectors most heavily impacted since the $600 threshold is less than half of the current price for an ounce of the metal, meaning a substantial percentage of transactions will require increased paperwork. The rules do not create a new tax, but establish a paperwork trail to force those who should be paying taxes to do so, if they aren't already. The new regulations go into effect at the start of 2012.
2010年8月17日 星期二
金榮財富管理首席基金經理 中國北方金銀業策略顧問 史理生
2010年8月15日 星期日
Tons of gold imports turn to dust on arrival
Emirates Business 24/7 - 15 August, 2010
Speaking to Emirates 24|7, Mohamad Shakarchi,, Managing Director of Emirates Gold, said: "A lot of people in the UAE who tried to import gold at lower prices or through dubious overseas companies have been cheated.
We have inspected many consignments from African countries, especially Ghana, and found that there is not an ounce of gold in them.
For importing pure dust or other metals with yellow colour, these traders have paid several million dirhams.”
Dubai Customs sources confirmed the incidence of fake gold imports, but did not reply to a questionnaire sent by Emirates 24|7 ten days ago.
“The concerned official is on leave,” said a spokesman.
Emirates Gold has stopped examining gold imported from Africa. "We send specialists to examine a gold consignment only if it is routed through a local company.
We don’t have time to waste because most of these so called gold imports are fake. The traders got greedy. They thought they were getting gold at a discounted rate.”
Mohammed said that at least five tonnes of fake yellow metal is lying with Dubai Customs.
A tonne of gold will cost approximately $ 40 million. Merchants estimated that the minimum loss of fake gold imported by local traders is nothing less than $ 200 million.
He said many clients and Dubai Customs have requested the use of company’s expertise to verify the purity of gold. “The fake gold issue has affected many people. Some of the traders got heart attack, after our inspectors said there is no gold in the tonnes of imports brought from Africa,” Mohammed said.
Recent media reports suggested that several million dollars worth of gold with the Ethiopian Central Bank turned out to be fake. These bars of gold turned out to be gold plated steel bars
African gold merchants claim to be in possession of large quantities of gold dust or gold bars, which they offer to sell at below market prices.
The would-be buyer is made to send money for travel of the seller, for insurance, for shipping and for refinery assays before they would receive anything of any value. Investors are shown samples, which may be original gold.
But when the consignment reaches the port, it will be only mud or sand. Once Dubai Customs tightened controls, fake gold imports started reaching the UAE through other ports.
The seller can walk away at any point with virtually no risk of being caught as all contacts are via anonymous free webmail accounts accessed from Internet cafes and via prepaid mobile phones.
After the real estate and stock market investments became dull, many local investors have turned to commodity, especially gold investment, said the Chief Executive Officer of JRG Commodities, Sajith Kumar PK.
2010年8月14日 星期六
【on.cc專訊】 東方產經「投資心理戰」專欄作者林一鳴:近期本港樓市屢創新高,多個屋苑樓價均超越97年的高位,很多小市民都希望政府可以出招,控制一下樓價的升幅,確保樓市健康平穩發展。筆者今期打算花一點篇幅,與大家分析政府可否控制樓價。
很多人覺得政府要控制樓價,就要從樓宇供應入手,進一步增加土地供應,以維持以市場主導的勾地表制度,在勾地表內指定數幅市區住宅用地,如未被成功勾出,政府會在未來2年因應情況安排作公開拍賣或招標。對於勾地的成效,筆者認為這只是「遠水難救近火」的招數,因為當一塊地皮從勾出到興建樓宇,一般要花上數年時間,試問怎能救到近火呢?這只好怪為甚麼在過去的數年,勾地是如此困難。今年「財爺」預期私人住宅新單位落成量只會有14,300個,而在未來3至4 年,也只預計約有53,000個私人住宅單位供應,是屬於偏低的數字。
全球最大外匯對沖基金FX Concepts主席John R. Taylor在年初看淡歐元,兌美元在1.33水平時看8月前歐元見1.2,一語中的。他在6月中時仍然看淡歐元,豈料歐元兌美元由6月7日低位1.1877一路反彈向上,並曾上試1.33水平。
John R.Taylor在7月29日當天仍然看淡,以「反彈正在完結」(The Rally is Ending)為題,他堅信歐元會再下跌,商品貨幣會受到很大壓力,其周期分析認為「現在」—7月29日是外匯市場重要的轉向日子,亦是股市和信貸市場中 線轉向的日子。不過,他也認為股市和信貸市場的大跌浪會在8月最後一個星期才會到臨,屆時股市向下,信貸差價擴闊,政府債券會升至新高。
John R.Taylor在外匯市場有不少影響力,大家要留心的是他的觀點看法和與市場走勢的關係。如他的立論距離事實不遠的話,歐洲債務危機將會促使有避險功能的美元及黃金同步上升。
「3大彈藥在手」 伯南克疑講大話
聯儲局主席伯南克早前表示仍有3大「彈藥」在手:第1招,將商業銀行在聯儲局的超額準備金利率,由 現有0.25厘降至0,鼓勵銀行取出超額準備金,增加商業放貸。但分析認為,美國信貸投放量萎縮,主因是需求不足,而非供應緊張,加上有關利率已處於較低 水平,即使降至0,影響也不大。
伯南克提出的第2招,是聯儲局向市場發放更多信息,影響投資者對維持超低息政策時期的預期。如在 利率政策措辭上,不再使用維持低息「多一段時期」的用語,代之以明確的時間。但此舉有損聯儲局利率政策的靈活性。伯南克的最後一招,是聯儲局恢復購買國債 等債券,以降低其孳息率,從而影響整體息口。但美國國債孳息率已處於較低水準,下調空間有限。
「木馬」侵英銀行電腦 三千存戶失八百萬
一種新型木馬病毒除盜取用戶資料外,還能「騎劫」網上理財活動,將用戶存款悉數盜去,用戶甚至全然不覺存款被 盜。位於英國和美國加州的電腦保安公司M86 Security發現,英國一家銀行約3,000個客戶電腦受「Zeus v3」(宙斯3代)入侵,自7月5日起共被黑客盜去67.5萬英鎊(約828.3萬港元)。M86 Security稱,該病毒未能匿藏在普通合法網站中,而傳統的防火牆偵察不到。
M86 Security滲入黑客位於東歐的伺服器,揭發事件,並已於2周前通知警方和有關銀行,但沒有透露受影響銀行的名稱;相關黑客活動現時似未停止。M86 Security表示,「宙斯3代」是3年前出現的銀行木馬病毒「宙斯」的改良版,專門針對視窗系統。
匿藏普通網站 《紐時》也中招
過往的電腦病毒一般匿藏在賭博和色情網站中,但「宙斯3代」等新型病毒卻在普通網站也能匿藏,美國 《紐約時報》的網上廣告也曾受同類病毒感染。「宙斯3代」利用微軟網絡瀏覽器Internet Explorer和文件閱讀器Adobe Reader等軟件的保安漏洞,感染個人電腦。
結餘近萬即被盜 銀行束手無策
「宙斯3代」侵入個人電腦後會先蟄伏,只有用戶登入網上理財網站後才發難,可騎劫用戶理財活動。 「宙斯3代」不但能盜取銀行用戶的登入名稱、密碼和其他重要資料,還可以「查詢」用戶的結餘,如超過800英鎊(約9,817港元),便會直接將帳戶結餘 轉到另一個被盜用的銀行帳戶中,再轉到黑客控制的國外帳戶。「宙斯3代」然後在被盜帳戶顯示假結餘,使用戶全然不覺存款被盜。使用「雙編碼」認證(包含一 個只能使用一次的編碼)的銀行,亦對「宙斯3代」束手無策。M86 Security建議銀行用戶向銀行申請,關閉允許轉帳給第三者的設定。有銀行界人士指出,各大銀行對這種新攻擊方式全無所聞。
2010年8月11日 星期三
10:00 am : The dollar's role as a safe haven from economic uncertainty has sent it 1.2% higher this session. That's its best percentage move in two months and enough to put the greenback at a one week high.
An interest in the safety of gold has trumped concerns about implications of a stronger dollar on precious metals prices. Futures contracts for gold currently price the yellow metal at $1202.50 per ounce, up 0.5%.
Despite the relative strength of gold prices, market participants are dumping shares of diversified metals and miners, which are currently down more than 4%, collectively. That has undermined the materials sector, which has plummeted to a 2.4% loss.
Why Gold and Silver Seem Stuck
I have contended that the Obama Administration has printed so much money that it will cause serious price inflation. So why is gold stalled around $1,200 and silver around $17 and we are seeing actual price deflation?
Let me restate some economic principles:
Inflation is first and foremost a monetary phenomenon. Monetary inflation is the real threat caused by creating money out of nothing. Price inflation is not real “inflation” but merely the
natural consequence of monetary inflation and tends to follow with a time lag.
Gold and silver are performing their usual predictive function in anticipation of future price inflation. They have risen steadily for several years.
From a price-inflation perspective, we are in a deflationary period. From a monetary inflation point of view, the government is still printing money and monetary inflation will continue. It will not be reflected in price inflation until the money gets into circulation.
The Velocity of Money
The banks where the money has been deposited will have to start lending the money to get it into circulation. The government produced the money and gave it to the banks, and the banks must loan it into circulation.
Because of all the uncertainties created by the Obama Administration about the future of taxes and the economy, banks are afraid to loan money for fear of losing it. Businessmen are logically afraid to borrow because they don’t know what the future looks like, so they won’t invest and expand their businesses, keeping the economy in the doldrums.
Until the banks realize they can’t make much money if they don’t loan the money they are sitting on and just deposit it in interest-bearing accounts yielding under two percent at the Federal Reserve, the money won’t get into circulation and cause price inflation.
Always distinguish monetary inflation from price inflation. Monetary inflation is caused by creating more currency; price inflation is caused by the velocity of money or currency getting into circulation.
Despite the fact that we are in a price-deflationary period, gold and silver are holding up under forces that theoretically should be bearish for the metals, but it isn’t bearish for the metals because the markets are looking ahead to the inevitable future price inflation When price inflation shows up, they will take off.
Also, Socialism always causes inflation. The Soviet Union tried to control price inflation with price controls, which inevitably created horrendous shortages with people standing in line if a rumor spread that a store had something to sell. Even if they didn’t know what it was and didn’t want it, they knew they could barter it or sell it for rubles which they could spend to support their families.
We will see the same thing. When price inflation breaks out, government will eventually try to control price increases, which will create inevitable shortages. I don’t know when it will happen, as the timing is beyond my pay grade. It is inevitable. We simply need to wait it out and use the current pause in the markets to load up on gold and silver to protect our assets from the coming price inflation.
Two Functions
The metals serve two basic functions. One is insurance. When you own coins and bullion, you are insuring against the potential loss of the purchasing power of the dollar. Money is supposed to be a medium of exchange and a store of value. The dollar is still an important medium of exchange, but many years ago ceased to be a store of value.
You need to own some actual bullion or bullion-type coins for insurance. Not for profit, but for insurance. It will be profitable, but that’s not your primary objective. If you want to make big money with gold and silver, the best way is gold and silver in the ground.
That’s why I recommend mining stocks after you have insurance. The fundamentals that apply to any corporation apply to mining stocks. I have listed many of them in my Maverick Ala Carte Investment Menu.
The mining stocks are the place to make money. It will not be the place ultimately for insurance protection.
The day will probably come when liquidity in the stock market is a real problem. When I see that coming, I will recommend you liquidate your mining stocks and transfer your assets into gold and silver coins and bullion.
By Howard Ruff
The Ruff Times
1年期內票據增 8.5%
巴郡上周五向證監會遞交的文件顯示,截至 6月 30日止,巴郡投資組合內 1年期或以下的債券(包括國債、市政債、外國政府及企業債券),佔投資組合 21%比重,較今年首季的 18%及去年同期的 16%多。其中, 1年期或以下票據的金額,按季上升 8.5%至 60.8億美元(約 474.2億港元), 1年期以上則減少 8.6%至 227億美元。
畢菲特早於去年 8月已呼籲美國國會防範通脹重臨,擔心當局的量化寬鬆措施最終令美元的購買力大幅下降。巴郡股東兼 T2 Partners合夥人 Glenn Tongue表示,股神很可能認為美國快將重現通脹,遂增持年期較短的票據,原因是通脹環境對長債的表現最為不利。
巴郡上季的定息投資組合與去年同期比較,下跌 30億美元,至 321億美元;而非政府債券及企業債券總額分別下跌 7.7%及 3.9%,至 102億美元和 127億美元。
人民幣產品 定存風險低
人民幣投資產品推陳出新,短短1個月時間,除市場上的已存產品,如定期存款及債券,還湧出存款證、保險、結構性投資存款,甚至基金,令人花多眼亂。有專家提醒,投資前要留意不同產品的特質及風險,雖然市場預期人民幣升值,但投資人民幣產品未必穩賺。 ■本報記者 余美玉
定期存款設計簡單,是保守派投資者的最愛。近期各銀行為爭取人民幣存款,紛紛調高定存息率吸客。當 中以中信國際銀行(下簡稱信銀)最高,12個月定存利率按階段遞升,如存入金額達50萬元人民幣以上,可獲額外0.2%現金回贈,計及所有優惠,年利率高 達1.8厘。根據現時的百分百存款保障條款,市民於持牌銀行存款10萬元或以下,可獲百分百保障保本,算是風險最低。
另外,有3家銀行推出人民幣存款證,持有人可按季、年或於贖回日獲派發預先保證的利息回報,而且 可於到期日全數取回本金。除信銀只限投資者認購外,礇豐及恒生均接受零售客認購,入場費為5萬元人民幣,投資期為6個月,平均年利率為2厘。不過,存款證 亦有分記名及不記名,後者不包括在存款保障計劃之內。
與利率或貨幣掛鹇的結構性投資存款亦大受歡迎,入場費僅1萬元人民幣,年利率最高達3.5厘,部分 銀行如信銀及東亞更設有最低回報,即使投資者看錯走勢,仍有利息落袋。不過,投資者要留意,雖然有關產品名為存款,而且保本,但不受百分百存款保障;如銀 行資不抵債或倒閉,投資者可能會賠上本金。
基金入場費低 可隨時贖回
海通資產日前推出全港首隻以人民幣計價及交付的基金,不過礙於小QFII仍未開通,只可投資中國境 外的人民幣定息或浮息債務產品,投資選擇不多,並需繳付多項費用,例如認購費及管理費。此外,基金表現要視乎基金經理「功力」,投資可能虧損,屬高風險產 品。不過,該基金勝在入場費不高,僅1萬元人民幣,加上沒有投資期限,可隨時贖回,較為靈活。
有基金經理透露,一般中國或大中華債券基金主要投資以美元為單位的債券,如內地企業的可換股債 券,或者是政府機構的外匯債券選擇較多,可達分散風險之效。不過,上述人民幣基金如未能取得小QFII額度,只可買境外發行的國債或是小量人民幣企債,例 如合和公路(0737),選擇相當有限。
NDF或涉借孖展 留意時間值
以往多為商企買賣的人民幣不交收遠期合約(NDF),是一種無本金交收遠期外匯合約,雙方於合約到 期日時,只需交收雙方議定的匯率與即期匯率差額,而不需交收本金。近日,有銀行將該種產品推至零售層面,以交銀為例,最低入場金額為1萬美元,投資者可選 擇1、2、3、6或12個月的合約期,且可與銀行協議遠期匯率。
浸會大學財務及決策系副教授麥萃才表示,不同的NDF有溢價或折讓,但在人民幣升值預期下,以溢 價為主,雖然入場門檻稍降,但要留意部分可能涉及孖展借貸,而且要留意時間值損耗,合約價值越近到期日就越低。他強調,NDF多數是企業商家用作對沖人民 幣升值風險,當中要付出成本,散戶入場要留意。
2010年8月8日 星期日
其實巴菲特股市, 匯市, 衍生工具都做齊 !
芝加哥權威投資研究機構晨星(Morningstar)分析師柏格曼(Bill Bergman)指出,衍生性商品在柏克夏第2季財報中確實是個問題,也明顯反映在最終的損益數字上。
《永遠的價值:華倫.巴菲特的故事》一書作者吉爾派翠克(Andy Kilpatrick)亦認為,整體而言柏克夏仍舊體質強健,只是因為帳面數字而遭到掩蓋。
2010年8月7日 星期六
深圳服務費香港交 逾廿萬港人受惠
依家愈來愈方便, 可以在香港申請人民幣銀聯卡在深圳使用 !
如果是自住深圳才須要用卡過數電費, 煤氣費, 有線電視費用等等, 如果是出租樓就不能了, 因為我們通常會用業主名開一本銀行簿仔, 之後交俾租客叫佢入錢來扣電費, 煤氣費等等 ! 有時每一樣用費都要開另一本銀行簿仔, 所以銀聯卡就用唔著了 !
【本報廣東新聞中心記者李昌鴻、實習記者龍彥宇深圳6日電】中國銀聯深港跨境繳費業務開通儀式今在深圳舉行, 今後香港地區的銀聯卡持卡人,無需過境即可繳納深圳的公用事業及通信等費用。逾20多萬在深圳和香港居住的港人將受惠。人民銀行副行長劉士余表示,銀聯的 卡戶可以在香港進行跨境繳費,可以滿足本港居民支付小額費用需求,對擴展兩地金融業合作有積極意義,亦可提高兩地金融服務業的效率和擴大服務範圍。
信用卡先行 借記卡稍後跟隨
這樣,在深圳置有物業或登記使用公共事業服務的香港居民,持此類卡即可在香港繳納深圳的多項費用, 如電費、管道燃氣費、天威有線電視費、天威有線寬帶費、中國電信業務費以及中國移動(全球通)和中國聯通的手機費等。跨境繳費的實現,為滿足深港兩地日益 增長的跨境支付需求提供了新的選擇,將更好地服務於兩地的經濟往來和人員交流。
2010年8月6日 星期五
【本報訊】恒生銀行( 011)昨宣佈,推出年期 6個月的人民幣存款證,零售客戶最低入場費 5萬元(人民幣.下同),票面息率遞升,最高達年利率 2.25厘,下周開始接受客戶認購。該行是首間發行零售人民幣存款證的本地銀行。
年息最高 2.25厘
財資市場人士指出,存款證較定期存款更靈活,後者若在存期屆滿前提早終止,客戶可能要被罰息,但存款證投資者若睇好人民幣升值前景,欲在存款證到期前套現,則可透過二手市場沽出票據。恒生新推的人民幣存款證,首兩個月票面年利率 1.75厘, 3至 4個月為 2厘, 5至 6個月則升至 2.25厘,每兩個月派息一次,暫未悉發行總額。
2010年8月5日 星期四
【on.cc專訊】 東方產經「投資心理戰」專欄作者林一鳴:筆者在2個星期之前,即7月22日本專欄的文章中指出,大市將作出轉勢,A股在今年下半年會有良好表現,而板塊方 面則看好內房、汽車及醫藥股。結果大市沒有令筆者失望,上證綜合指數在2周前跌穿過2,400點以後,至執筆時已升穿2,600點,港股及H股亦同樣拾級 而上,而筆者看好的板塊,部分股票的升幅更是驚人,值得慶賀。
相 信有閱讀筆者文章的朋友都知道,筆者在5月初的時候看淡歐美及香港股市,擔心「歐豬」問題會做成三浪的中期調整,結果恆指在5月底低見18,972點,在 圖表中出現了「3底」格局,即包括去年9月2日的19,426點、今年2月8日的19,423點以及今年5月27日的18,972點。
由 於「3底」格局已形成,掹指若跌至19,000點之時,將會形成一個重大支持位,而向上望的阻力位,則仍是今次3浪在去年11月18日見過的23,099 點。所以3浪的上落幅度,將會變成為19,000至23,000點之間,掹指會以21,000點作為軸心,大部分時間在21,000點的正負1、2千點之 間上落,在中間位之時投資者就按兵不動,靜觀其變;升穿22,000點之時就考慮減磅,若跌穿20,000點就把持貨的比重增加,每次享受10多個巴仙的 幅度。
由 於A股已經開車,上證綜合指數今次第1站的終點有機會可到達3,000點或以上,或許會到達今年4月16日與4月18日之間形成在3,097至3,121 點的裂口。若上證綜合指數有足夠動力衝破3,121點,就可升穿近半年來最高的位置,即是4月15日高位的3,168點,也將會把港股推到22,000至 23,000點之間。至於能否升穿23,099點高位,筆者目前仍未看得清楚,要待進一步的資料才能肯定。
其 實筆者對此完全沒有擔心的感覺,因為就是政府擔心經濟增長過快而形成泡沫,特別是樓價不停的上升,所以才推出調控措施,故此為甚麼要擔心經濟增長回落呢? 經濟增長暴升才值得擔心啊!今年政策的重點並非要推高經濟,而是在於結構轉型,特別是對內需的刺激,故經濟增長無論是9%或12%,根本是不太重要。除非 經濟增長連8個巴仙也不能保住,否則根本不用擔心。
2010年8月2日 星期一
高科技假金飾湧港 金行押店中招
【本報訊】俗語說「真金不怕洪爐火」,但金價高企,本港近期湧現大批疑以高科技製造、冒充 999.9金的假金飾。假金實際成色只有五至九成,騙徒將它們拿到全港多區的金舖變賣,成功騙倒不少珠寶金行的老行尊,據悉已有大型連鎖珠寶金行中招。九 龍珠石玉器金銀首飾業商會罕有發出通告,提醒業界提防。有業界人士估計,行內損失以千萬元計;有金行已暫停收購來歷不明的金飾,避免損失。
記者:謝明明 張嘉雯
劉克斌說,據其了解,今次滲入雜質的金飾,成色也有 93%以上,「只係比正常嘅足金成色低約 7%,都唔算好低」。該集團暫未有計劃停收金飾,「最重要本身件金器真定假,有時啲客戴過有汗或其他配件影響,令金飾成色有少許偏差,咁我哋都會照收」。
有 珠寶金業老行尊指,今次發現的合成金,高溫下也不會變色,「成色好嘅金以前一望就望到,加咗銅就會變色,用火燒就現形,但家要熔咗,拎去化驗所驗,驗一 個禮拜先驗得出」。至於夾心類金飾,做假手法非常「蠱惑」,因表面是真金,故使用試金石亦沒有用,「應該係內地生產線做,唔係山寨廠可以做到,相信係集團 式經營」。
高科技假金 成分拆解
金(Au) : | 51.08% |
銥(Ir) : | 20.85% |
鋨(Os) : | 18.75% |
釕(Ru) : | 7.82% |
鐵(Fe) : | 0.87% |
鎳(Ni) : | 0.32% |
銅(Cu) : | 0.25% |
銠(Rh) : | 0.24% |
成色不足 可判監