2011年11月30日 星期三







去 年5月,因希臘主權債務危機形勢惡化,國際金融市場震盪,市場對美元的需求顯著增加。美聯儲局啟動了與其他西方主要央行的臨時性貨幣互換機制,原定截止日 期為2011年1月。去年12月,歐洲主權債務危機繼續惡化,美聯儲局延長這項政策至2011年8月1日。今年6月,美聯儲局又將這項政策延長至2012 年8月1日。

根據貨幣互換協議,美聯儲把某一額度的美元以一定匯率與其他央行的貨幣進行交換,同時約定在一段時間後,以相同匯率再將這些貨幣相互換回。由於對期限和匯 價進行了約定,因此這一舉措不會對國際外匯市場美元對相關貨幣的匯價造成影響,同時解決了海外金融機構對美元資金的需求。在金融危機中,美聯儲局也曾同西 方央行採用這一貨幣互換機制,以保證美元供應,穩定金融市場。

Kiyosaki 富爸爸 : I dont like Equities


Yeah, I think so. I’m not a real equities guy because I don’t like equities. I’m a private investor. In other words, I buy my own apartment houses. I buy my own oil wells. I drill my own wells. I don’t like the public markets because they’re manipulated. But, anyway, when I watch people trying to guess the stock market, you better know it’s manipulated. If you’re not into manipulation, then maybe you shouldn’t be in it. So, I think that’s really the thing. And I predict that the bottom of the stock market, a big run off, will probably be 2016, 2017. It’ll clean out all the baby boomers who are in it and then it’ll be time that gold will go through the roof, silver will go through the roof and it’ll be time to exit gold and silver around 2018. That’s my prediction. There’s definitely no fundamentals to what I say. I just – that’s the way I see it going, so for right now, I’m just kind of watching and seeing how it tracks, but so far, I’ve been right on. And the reason I think the stock market hasn’t seen this bottom yet is because all over the world, there’s a group of people called baby boomers, that’s with the stock market like they do in the European market.

Chris Martenson's presentation at the Gold & Silver Meeting in Madrid

講者說, 因為人口澎漲, 所以資源愈來愈少, 而來緊二十年的經濟走勢會不同於過去二十年的走勢 ! 片段尾段講者有說對油價、黃金和白銀的睇法 !


NOVEMBER 29, 2011

n this video Chris Martenson, economic analyst at http://chrismartenson.com and author of 'The Crash Course', explains why he thinks that the coming 20 years are going to look completely unlike the last 20 years. In his presentation he focuses on the so-called three "Es": Economy, Energy and Environment. He argues that at this point in time it is no longer possible to view either one of those topics separately from one another.

Since all our money is loaned onto existence, our economy has to grow exponentially. Martenson proves this point empirically by showing a 99.9% fit of the actual growth curve of the last 40 years to an exponential curve. If we wanted to continue on this path, our debt load would have to double again over the next 10 years. By continually increasing our debt relative to GDP we are making the assumption that our future will always be wealthier than our past. He believes that this assumption is flawed and that the debt loads are already unmanageable.

Martenson explains how exponential growth works and why it is so scary that our economy is based on it. In an example he illustrates how unimaginably fast things speed up towards the end of an exponential curve. He shows that an exponential chart can be found in every one of the three "E's" for instance in GDP growth, oil production, water use or species extinction. Due to the natural limitations on resources, Martenson comes to the conclusion that we are facing a serious energy crisis.

This energy predicament is namely that the quantity of oil as well as the quality of oil are in decline. He shows that oil discoveries peaked in 1964 and oil production peaked 40 years later. Martenson also shows how our return on invested energy is rapidly declining -- the "cheap and easy" oil fields have already been exploited. In 1930 the energy return for oil was 100:1 or greater. Today it is already down to 3:1 and newer technologies such as corn-based ethanol only provide a 1.5:1 return. Martenson predicts that the time in between oil shocks will get shorter and shorter and that oil prices will go much higher.

Not only oil but also other natural resources are being rapidly used up as well. At the current projected pace of use, known reserves for many metals and minerals will be gone within the next 10 to 20 years. The energy needed to get these non-renewable resources out of the ground is growing exponentially. So we live in a world that must grow, but can't grow and is subject to depletion. The conclusion out of all this is that our money system is poorly designed and that we need to rethink how we do things as quickly as possible.

After finishing his presentation Chris Martenson answers questions regarding a rise in efficiency, alternative technologies and oil prices. He also responds to questions regarding electricity, shale gas, gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and uranium and the race for global resources.

2011年11月29日 星期二


文匯報 香港文匯報訊 (記者 劉景熙)明年為大學入學雙軌年,新舊學制合共逾11萬學生應考2個公開試,預料逾4萬人獲最低升大學資格,爭讀不足3萬個資助大學學位,競爭非常激烈。國家教育部昨日公布,來自11省市的63所內地高校明年將試行免試招港生安排,其中文憑試最低成績要求為與本地大學看齊的「3322」。有關免試招生將於2月下旬接受網上報名,4月開始面試,提供2,000至3,000學額,放榜日期較本地4年制大學聯招早約兩星期。連同暨南大學及華僑大學為港生提供的2,000個學額(見另稿),新學制下可有多達5,000名港生赴內地升學,出路將大大擴闊。  國務院副總理李克強8月訪港時提出2012年內地免試招港生安排,有關具體方案包括報名日期、最低入學成績及報名費用等昨日公布。香港教育局網頁(www.edb.gov.hk/expo2011)已載有各相關詳情,副局長陳維安回應指,對安排表歡迎,希望港生能把握機會,而學生和家長亦可在12月10日至11日參與在伊利沙伯中學舉行的「2011內地高等教育展」,當日會安排升學講座、攤位展覽及分享會,各院校亦會派代表講解其特點,亦有畢業生和僱主分享內地升學須知。 11省市學府 粵佔四分一  明年免試招港生的63所高校有1/4來自廣東省,涉及各類專科學校如廣州美術學院、星海音樂學院等,亦包括北大、清華、復旦等綜合型名校。根據安排,各院校將可在當年內地招生計劃以外,招收30至50名港生,即共提供2,000至3,000個學額,連同暨大、華僑,內地高校明年共可提供5,000個學位予港生,紓緩其升學壓力。 文憑試成績 須達「3322」  在免試安排下,文憑試畢業生需要符合4個核心科中英數及通識「3322」的最低收生要求;高考生則要中英文合格,另加2科高級程度科目或同等成績合格,兩者均與香港升大學最低要求看齊。此外,香港升學適用的「其他學習經歷」、校長推薦及課外活動傑出表,再可望於內地升學面試時獲加分。  教育局副秘書長李美嫦強調,有關收生標準存在彈性,如報讀部分院校工程學科,英文不一定要達3級,但數學成績卻更注意,港生需要留意個別院校情況。  有關報名程序將於明年2月20日至3月5日經網上平台進行,共可依次選擇4所院校,每校各4個專業,即共16個志願,報名費為港幣420元,考生並需要到中國教育留學交流(香港)中心現場確認。3月底各內地高校將公布面試名單,4月在港面試,並在5 月中前公布預錄取名單。在7月底香港文憑試放榜後,考評局會將考生成績經內地聯招辦轉予63所高校,8月3日便能公布錄取名單;比香港4年制大學聯招放榜早約兩星期。教育局提醒,港生可能同時獲香港及內地院校取錄,應小心考慮自己志向。 文匯報 內地63所免試招收港生高校名單 北京市:北京大學、清華大學、中國人民大學、北京師範大學、北京語言大學、中國政法大學、中國傳媒大學、北京中醫藥大學、北京服裝學院 天津市:南開大學、天津大學、天津師範大學、天津中醫藥大學 上海市:復旦大學(見圖)、上海交通大學、華東師範大學、上海財經大學、華東政法大學、東華大學、上海大學、上海師範大學、上海立信會計學院 江蘇省:南京大學、南京師範大學、南京中醫藥大學 浙江省:浙江大學、溫州醫學院、浙江中醫藥大學、寧波大學 福建省:廈門大學、福州大學、華僑大學、福建中醫藥大學、福建師範大學、集美大學 湖北省:武漢大學、華中師範大學、中南財經政法大學、湖北中醫藥大學 廣東省:中山大學、暨南大學、華南師範大學、廣州中醫藥大學、廣東外語外貿大學、南方醫科大學、汕頭大學、廣州美術學院、星海音樂學院、廣州大學、深圳大學、廣東商學院、韶關學院、北京師範大學珠海分校、廣東工業大學、肇慶學院、廣東藥學院 重慶市:西南大學、重慶大學、西南政法大學 四川省:成都中醫藥大學、四川師範大學 雲南省:雲南大學、雲南師範大學 製表:香港文匯報記者 任智鵬 文匯報 內地高校免試招港生重要日程 今年12月10至11日 「內地高等教育展」舉行 2月20日至3月5日 接受網上報名 3月1至15日 考生帶備所須資料,到中國教育留學交流中心現場確認 3月26至31日 公布面試名單 4月1至30日 在港組織面試(如需要) 5月15日前 公布預錄取名單 6月29日、7月20日 高考、文憑試放榜 8月3日前 內地高校公布錄取名單 8月20日前 經考生確認後,最終錄取名單公布,並發放錄取通知書 資料來源︰國家教育部 詳情請瀏覽www.edb.gov.hk/expo2011 製表︰香港文匯報記者 歐陽文倩

2011年11月28日 星期一

Kiyosaki 富爸爸說 : I am a Silver bug


I’m a silver bug, so one year ago, I told my friends, this is when silver was $17.00, I said, “You better buy now, ‘cause you’re never gonna see it again.” So, $17.00 was the magic number to me. And so, they really missed it. Now, as far as above $50.00, I would say that’s probably a given and they don’t understand why they’re getting into this stuff. But, the reason they’re getting into it is because, like, our government’s ripping ‘em off, but they would rather have, you know, a government we trust. And, you know, what I’m sick of right now, personally, is I turn on Fox and I watch the news and all it is is these political shows talking as if these politicians, or whoever’s elected or not elected next year, is gonna make a difference. And they’re talking about taxing the rich. You know, what – that’s not gonna make any difference. And they keep talking about how these regulations impede entrepreneurs. Well, nothing impedes entrepreneurs. So, you know, really, what it is is the individual person really does have very little financial education. And so, right now, this market’s crushing ‘em and I’m afraid if they do nothing, they will be crushed. I have a lot of friends and family who are in very dire straits right now. And no matter how much I talk to them, you know, I say, “You should buy silver now. It’s your last chance”, they didn’t do anything and I think that’s the problem.

2011年11月27日 星期日

逾20人含冤入獄 黑人匪幫 專呃港穗才女運毒

幫朋友都要小心, 幫人帶野更加要小心, 還有便宜莫貪, 以為可以免費去旅行 !

www.eastweek.com.hk 全文





Jacky早前突然再透過互聯網「翻撻」穎兒,且在三天內狂發近百個訊息,左一句「我愛你,很想和你生小孩」、右一句「我未來要和你一起生活」,令 穎兒芳心大亂。但其實他的目的只有一個,就是要穎兒到香港郵局,代領兩個寄給另兩位黑人的包裹,再親自帶往廣州給他,結果穎兒在港領取郵包時被捕。


銀幣有分999和9999純度, 而9999是純過999, 因為加入其他金屬(多數是黃銅)少些 ! 所以9999銀幣會比較軟好易花 !

剛睇到在Kitco forum 有人說 9999銀是多數用在高科支工業上, 但一盎司的銀幣, 就算999或9999都是得31.1克的純銀 ! 有些銀幣會重好多, 因為加咗好多其他金屬 !

銀幣都有低過999的, 如925(sterling silver), 900, 720等等, 所以你要查清楚, 你手上的銀幣實在有幾多克的純銀 !


One dealer at a coin show said .9999 was softer & scratched easier than .999, who knows though.Well, the 0.9999 is 9/10,000th more pure than 0.999.
The silver content of either is usually the same (1 toz, 1/2 toz, etc...).

Some (very few) manufactured high-tech goodies benefit from using the 0.9999 as stock over the 0.999.

9999 silver is industrial grade silver
anything less than four 9`s is only investment bullion.

Prepare for riots in euro collapse

各國政府須預備, 萬一歐盟解體如何去幫助自己國民, 如果他們無法去銀行取到現金生活 !


As the Italian government struggled to borrow and Spain considered seeking an international bail-out, British ministers privately warned that the break-up of the euro, once almost unthinkable, is now increasingly plausible.

Diplomats are preparing to help Britons abroad through a banking collapse and even riots arising from the debt crisis.

The Treasury confirmed earlier this month that contingency planning for a collapse is now under way.

A senior minister has now revealed the extent of the Government’s concern, saying that Britain is now planning on the basis that a euro collapse is now just a matter of time.

“It’s in our interests that they keep playing for time because that gives us more time to prepare,” the minister told the Daily Telegraph.

Recent Foreign and Commonwealth Office instructions to embassies and consulates request contingency planning for extreme scenarios including rioting and social unrest.

Greece has seen several outbreaks of civil disorder as its government struggles with its huge debts. British officials think similar scenes cannot be ruled out in other nations if the euro collapses.

Diplomats have also been told to prepare to help tens of thousands of British citizens in eurozone countries with the consequences of a financial collapse that would leave them unable to access bank accounts or even withdraw cash.

Fuelling the fears of financial markets for the euro, reports in Madrid yesterday suggested that the new Popular Party government could seek a bail-out from either the European Union rescue fund or the International Monetary Fund.

There are also growing fears for Italy, whose new government was forced to pay record interest rates on new bonds issued yesterday.

The yield on new six-month loans was 6.5 per cent, nearly double last month’s rate. And the yield on outstanding two-year loans was 7.8 per cent, well above the level considered unsustainable.

Italy’s new government will have to sell more than EURO 30 billion of new bonds by the end of January to refinance its debts. Analysts say there is no guarantee that investors will buy all of those bonds, which could force Italy to default.

The Italian government yesterday said that in talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Prime Minister Mario Monti had agreed that an Italian collapse “would inevitably be the end of the euro.”

The EU treaties that created the euro and set its membership rules contain no provision for members to leave, meaning any break-up would be disorderly and potentially chaotic.

If eurozone governments defaulted on their debts, the European banks that hold many of their bonds would risk collapse.

Some analysts say the shock waves of such an event would risk the collapse of the entire financial system, leaving banks unable to return money to retail depositors and destroying companies dependent on bank credit.

The Financial Services Authority this week issued a public warning to British banks to bolster their contingency plans for the break-up of the single currency.

Some economists believe that at worst, the outright collapse of the euro could reduce GDP in its member-states by up to half and trigger mass unemployment.

Analysts at UBS, an investment bank earlier this year warned that the most extreme consequences of a break-up include risks to basic property rights and the threat of civil disorder.

“When the unemployment consequences are factored in, it is virtually impossible to consider a break-up scenario without some serious social consequences,” UBS said.

Gold to drive on dollar, headlines news next week

實金是用來儲, 當買個保險預防金融體系崩盤, 所以唔適宜用來炒賣, 因為你賣咗好有可能買唔返 !
Barclays Capital 預期金價跌到1600可以買入, 企穩1736可以見返1803/1840 !


Gold prices will likely take their cue from action in the U.S. dollar and any news headlines next week as external influences continue to drive gold’s direction.

The most-active December Gold contract on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange settled at $1,685.70 an ounce, down 2.28% on the week. December Silver settled at $31.014 an ounce, down 4.33% on the week.

In the Kitco News Gold Survey, out of 32 participants, 18 responded this week. Of those 18 participants, 10 see prices up, while five see prices down, and three see prices sideways or unchanged. Market participants include bullion dealers, investment banks, futures traders and technical chart analysts.

Several of those participants in the survey said the longer-term fundamentals of gold remain in good standing and those traders who have a longer-term investment horizon are able to buy the metal at lower levels. Also, several said after recent losses, gold may be considered “oversold” and due for a rebound.

George Gero, vice-president, global futures, and precious metals strategist, RBC Capital Markets, said gold won’t be a leader, rather a follower, with the action of the dollar, interest rates and news headlines the biggest influence.

A stronger dollar has been a bugaboo for the gold bulls, but there is some debate on how much strength it has left. Some analysts have said in the short-term it appears that the dollar has risen too far, too fast and is due some sort of correction and that will take pressure off of gold. However, others said that as long as the problems in Europe remain, then the dollar will remain the safe haven of choice.

Gold has not been the recipient of safe haven flows during the whole European sovereign debt crisis, which has surprised many. Some market watchers have suggested that part of the reason why is that investors are seeking the kind of liquidity only the U.S. dollar can provide. BNP Paribas said the drying up of liquidity conditions is the main catalyst behind the U.S. dollar strength.

They said the lack of liquidity is seen in short-term money markets as the 3-month and one-year euro basis swaps continue to widen. “Spreading illiquidity has impacted even otherwise stellar trades such as long gold which are under pressure despite fundamentals suggesting it should trade higher,” they said.

Gero agreed that liquidity is an issue why gold isn’t going higher in the current environment, but he suggested that there’s another central issue: price. “Let’s face it, there’s sticker shock. The price of gold is under discussion on the jewelry side. With the holidays coming up, most manufacturers have already taken a stand. They’re looking at possible alternatives like silver, like Platinum – the price of Gold has put pressure on the jewelry trade. Even in India, there’s some resistance. Plus there’s less discretionary income – and jewelry is the first (purchase) to go,” he said.

Barclays Capital also noted that physical buying is drying up, except for on dips. “While gold investment demand has firmed up in recent weeks, physical demand from Asia has been weaker than expected amid the seasonally strong period for consumption, with healthy interest only responding to price dips,” they said.

In the every short-tem environment, Robin Bhar, precious metals analyst at Credit Agricole-CIB, the attitude of the investor is “return of capital, rather than return on capital” which was similar to attitudes in 2008-09. That’s also why gold has been getting the short shrift.

Gero added that perhaps people missing the point about the benefits of a weaker euro for Europe. “I think people are misreading the euro weakness as the euro is going out of business. They’re weakening it politically because they’re not able to do it financially. They want to export to the U.S. which is still the last haven,” he said.

Despite the recent weakness, several market watchers who remain bullish on gold pointed to further interest by central banks to buy the metal, which is a strong underlying support. The World Gold Council and the International Monetary Fund said this week that central bank gold purchases rose to 148.6 metric tons in the third quarter.

Looking ahead to next week, Gero said Wednesday is first notice day for many of the U.S. metal futures and that could have an influence on trade. Also, the calendar flips to December and many fund managers will begin to square books as they have to issue quarter-end and year-end profit/loss statements to clients. Any of those activities could have an influence on all the metals markets.

A few technical analysts are keeping their eyes out for the $1,650 area for gold. Bhar said that region could be tested if there is more selling in other markets and a need to raise cash continues. “Technically, gold has remained below the 100-day moving average for four consecutive days and still looks vulnerable to more chart-based selling,” he said.

Yet technical analysts at Barclays Capital like gold at lower levels. “We look for a move higher in gold and would buy dips against the $1,600 area. Above $1,736 confirms upside scope toward $1,803/$1,840,” they said.

By Debbie Carlson of Kitco News dcarlson@kitco.com

Owning silver means you profit whether the economy tanks or not


NEW YORK (Commodity Online): Buying Silver is a no brainer as far Jim Rogers is concerned. And why not? Considering that governments are printing money, silver will prove to be a very good bet.

In a recent CNBC interview, Rogers says - “Throughout history, when things have gone wrong, they print money…when they print money, you should own silver, you should own rice, you should own real assets. Gold could go down a fair bit more…but I’m certainly going to buy more gold if it goes down and silver.”

“I’m long commodities and currencies, because if the world gets better, the shortages in commodities will make sure I make money. If the world economy doesn’t get better, I’d rather own commodities because they’re [central banks] going to print money.” he added.

Bottom line – you profit in both ways whether the economy slips into recession or the economy rebounds and grows

He noted that the MF Global fiasco has created a temporary forced selling in the markets and this will provide an opportunity for buyers to accumulate more silver.

Though he remained uncertain as to the magnitude by which Gold and Silver will fall, he however remarked that he will be ready with his chequebook if silver and gold fall further.

Stephen Leeb, the noted American economist, had earlier said that he expected silver to hit at least $100/oz

2011年11月26日 星期六


透明膠盒和玻璃袋仔, 保護銀幣不可少。

當初買銀條、銀幣, 以為只是用來保值, 第日可以當原材料純銀賣出去, 所以無保護它們的意識, 因為實銀就算變黑變形都一樣可以跟重量賣得出 。
但依家買多幾種不同的銀幣後, 先發現它們對收藏家來說有本身升值的能力, 因為愈少發行量的銀幣和愈多人喜愛的銀幣, 價值會高出銀價好多倍, 而愈少傷痕的收藏幣, 也愈值錢, 所以才知道要好好保護銀幣 !

也要多謝東洋老闆娘處理她的銀幣給我的旁樣, 因為她賣的銀幣處理的乾乾正正, 有膠盒裝之外還有一個玻璃袋仔袋住, 唔依有D幣舖賣的銀幣有爛盒還有灰塵 !

透明膠盒是用來保護銀幣跌落地都唔會傷, 而俾硬物壓住都唔會變形 !
玻璃袋仔是用來隔灰麈和防光線的, 咁銀幣就無咁易變黃變黑 !

如果你覺得盒仔太貴, 咁你起碼都要用個玻璃袋仔袋住, 減少銀幣互相磨擦多花痕 !
如果你銀條、銀幣有本身的保護軟膠, 咁就要好好保護個軟膠唔好變污穢, 等第日可以有個好賣相 !

處理銀幣時, 最好唔好用赤手去摸, 因為手上油脂可以留痕, 第日銀幣會出班點 !

愛樂 - 37mm
楓葉/timber wolf/grizzle bear/Cougar - 38mm
墨西哥天使 - 40mm
鷹楊 - 41mm

(東洋都有賣不同大小的玻璃袋, 可以放到銀條的)

註: 本人不是幫東洋賣廣告的 !



銀行資金成本上漲,除了企業要面對借貸息口上升的壓力,一般小業主亦不能倖免。較早前,渣打便上調以 HIBOR為基準的新造按揭息率,但以最優惠利率為基準的按揭計劃( P按),相信遲早亦要面對加息。


很多人包括筆者都認為,美國已打開口牌,至 2013年亦不會加息,香港息口走勢向來都惟美國馬首是瞻, H按加息,亦不過是 H+的部份上升及影響新造按揭而已,倘若 H維持低水平,整體按揭息口仍未至「離晒譜」。這亦是較早前,筆者相信樓市雖有隱憂,但未致惡劣程度的原因。
不過,最近筆者跟幾位經濟學者談及息口問題,他們都認為,即使美國不加息,香港的 HIBOR可能要上升。經濟學者所抱的論點是,如果美元滙率持續走強,加上全球銀根抽緊,在供求定律下,不但 H+部份的息率會上升,由於要維持聯繫滙率, HIBOR本身亦可能在壓力下要調升,這情況過去亦曾出現。若所言成真,一度為業主樂於採用的 H按揭計劃,貸款息率便會升得「離譜」了,因為屆時不但 H+部份要加息,影響新造按揭的業主,作為基準的 H亦會同時抽高,相信最優惠利率( P)亦會緊隨其後受影響,樓市勢危。


索羅斯襲台 新興市場大撤資


香港文匯報訊(記者 海巖、卓建安)歐債危機惡化殃及新興市場,資金紛紛從亞洲區撤走,亞洲貨幣下跌,國際大鱷索羅斯更乘亂在亞洲區興風作浪,有消息稱索羅斯正狙擊台灣股市,大手沽空台股。最新統計數字顯示,海外熱錢也正大規模撤出中國。











Interview With Silver Guru Ted Butler


November 19, 2011 - Weekly Review/Financial Terrorism
posted: 11/19/2011
Weekly Review

The price of gold and, especially silver, sold off sharply this week, with most of the damage coming on Thursday. For the week, gold was off $64 (3.6%), while silver was off $2.30 (6.6%). The numbers would have been worse for silver were it not for some snapback on Friday. As a result of silver’s steep underperformance this week, the gold/silver ratio widened out to almost 53.5 to 1, near the top end of where this ratio has traded year to date. This means silver is cheaper relative to gold and on a value basis this is an opportune time for gold-heavy investors to switch gold holdings into silver.

As always, my suggestion to switch from gold to silver and to buy silver with fresh cash is intended on a metal for metal switch or on a money on the barrel basis. In other words, no borrowing and no leverage. Yes, I understand the silver price action looks punk. I also understand that silver investor sentiment is weak, with countless stories suggesting a silver price smash dead ahead. But I also understand that in any investment the best time to buy is when things look rotten. The alternative is to wait until things look and feel better. Of course, that usually means buying at much higher prices, when confidence is restored and everyone is feeling fine.

As long as the facts point to an undervaluation in silver, both on an absolute basis and relative to gold, those facts will override sentiment on a long term basis. Sentiment can change a lot easier than facts can change. It doesn’t seem that way in the midst of brutal price takedowns, but history has shown that the best time to buy silver is after it has been smashed in price. This applies to many investments, but none more so than silver, given its manipulated price state. As always, it’s vital to view the facts objectively.

That gold has been performing better than silver is, paradoxically, one of the best arguments for silver. At current prices, the dollar value of the world’s three billion ounces of gold bullion is more than $5 trillion, which towers over the value of the one billion oz of silver bullion ($32 billion) by almost 160 times. Yet this fact is largely unknown and vastly unappreciated. It takes roughly $7 billion monthly in new investment to absorb newly produced gold (above jewelry and other fabrication) and less than $400 million monthly to absorb all the net new silver available for investment. Even though silver investment demand has been lackluster recently, due to current rotten investor sentiment, that sentiment can turn on a dime. As a silver bull, a strong gold price is one of the strongest arguments for sharply higher silver prices. Given overall world financial conditions, it is very easy to imagine continued strong gold prices.

The current weak silver investor sentiment, brought about by the weak price action, is reflected in recent weak retail demand statistics. Data from the US Mint indicate that November may be the weakest month for sales of Silver Eagles in recent years, although 2011 is already in the record books as the best year ever for Silver Eagle sales. Just to keep things in perspective, as weak as very recent Silver Eagle sales have been, they still tower over sales of Gold Eagles. This highlights that retail demand in general is not a short term driver of price, otherwise gold prices wouldn’t be as strong as they are presently. The low price of silver, low premiums and current easy availability of Silver Eagles suggests to me that this is an opportune time to pick up Silver Eagles. Maybe I’ll ask my good friend and silver mentor, Izzy Friedman, to write another piece on why Silver Eagles are maybe the best form of silver to hold. The last time he did so, US Mint production capacity was maxed out for years.

Movements, or turnover, in COMEX silver warehouse stocks have remained frantic on balance. This turnover is still a prime indicator to me for wholesale tightness. As a result of Thursday’s massive decline in price, we did see a reduction of 2.2 million ounces in the big silver ETF, SLV. Given the sharp price drop, this looked like plain vanilla investor liquidation and quite normal to me. I’m also hopeful that the silver price sell-off may result in a reduction in the outrageously large and manipulative short position in SLV, although the very next short report (due in a week) may not reflect that, as the cut-off for that report was Nov 15, just before the latest price swoon.

Over the past year or so, SLV as well as all other silver ETFs have roughly unchanged inventory levels, which given the extreme price volatility over that time, looks constructive to me. My take is that the price volatility has caused a pause in new buying by silver investors, but not to the point of them becoming big net sellers. It looks to me that the wild price fluctuations have turned silver investors into strong holders and that when price action invariably improves, aggressive new buying will emerge. I am particularly encouraged that holdings in the big gold ETF, GLD, have risen recently despite volatile gold price action and reports of selling by the biggest GLD investor, John Paulson. Retail investors may not be plowing into gold, but larger investors seem to be doing so. Again, strong physical demand for gold will, sooner or later, likely translate into strong silver physical demand. One of these days, some big gold investors are going to discover silver and try to invest in silver in a big way. When they do, the fact that there is such a small amount of silver available for investment will cause a price mess to the upside, just like trying to put ten pounds of flour into a two pound bag.

This week’s Commitment of Traders Report (COT) was somewhat uneventful in that the big price and volume drama came well after the Tuesday cut-off. In fact, the continued MF Global disaster and mess has undoubtedly impacted the COT reports for the past two weeks, as the CFTC readily admits on the COT web page. For instance, some of you may have noticed the unusually large changes in the non-reporting category for gold and silver over the past two weeks. For that reason, it may be wise to read both weeks as one. In doing so, my original guess two weeks ago that the gold total commercial short position may have increased by 20,000 to 30,000 contracts becomes more accurate, as the two week increase comes in at 22,000 contracts or so and not the 14,500 increase of the single prior week.

Regardless, this week the silver total commercial net short position increased by a further 1600 contracts, to 26,300 contracts. This is still a very low and spectacularly bullish historical COT reading for silver. You might ask how can you have a one day 7% decline in price when I proclaim the COT structure to be spectacularly bullish? My answer is that you must always remember that the silver market is manipulated and crooked, perhaps the most manipulated and crooked market in the world, including diamonds and cocaine. The commercial crooks can do anything they want on a short term basis.

Like last week’s COT in silver, the raptors (the smaller commercials away from the 8 largest traders) accounted for all the selling, reducing their net long position to 13,000 contracts. Importantly, the big 4 category (read JPMorgan) hasn’t changed much since the COT report of Oct 25, when there was an increase of 3000 contracts into that week. JPMorgan is still sitting with 16,000 contracts net short in my estimation, among the lowest COMEX short reading since they acquired Bear Stearns’ big concentrated short position in 2008. My hunch is that while JPMorgan may have been able to reduce their short position on Thursday’s manipulated takedown, it is more likely that the raptors were the initiators and beneficiaries of the price smash that day. While JPMorgan is the big enabler of the continued silver manipulation, the collusive raptors are usually responsible for the big price smashes.

In gold, there was an increase in the total commercial net short position of 7200 contracts for the week, to 204,163 contracts. As in silver, it was largely due to raptor selling. The difference was that the gold raptors did get net short last week and added to their net short position this week, which now totals near 10,000 contracts. Also as was the case in silver, the down turn after the cut-off was precipitated by the raptors who act collusively in each market, even as the regulators turn a blind eye to that collusion. No doubt there has been notable improvement in the COT structure in both silver and gold on the deliberate takedown. There may be more takedown possible in gold from a paper market perspective given that we are dancing on the 50 day moving average, although recent strong gold physical demand may argue against that. In silver, we are deep into the “getting blood from a stone” levels of potential liquidation and it is hard to imagine massive new liquidation given how depleted the speculative long side has become.

I’m planning an article (probably on Wednesday) talking about some new factors favoring silver on a longer term basis that’s away from manipulation and the like, assuming no last minute developments. It’s been some time since I’ve been able to discuss silver in non-manipulative terms.

Financial Terrorism

2011年11月25日 星期五

「賺錢天堂」不再 華人慳儉過節



憂經濟不出遊 趁平入貨






2011年11月24日 星期四



Holdfast's Avatar Holdfast

All the coins below were inked / pad-stamped by Perth.

So to confirm:

The Nine-Coin set which included the Red: 1oz Blue: 1oz; Silver: 1oz; Purple: 1oz; Brown: 1oz; White: 1oz; Yellow: 1oz; Black: 1oz and Gold: 1oz - silver coins.


The Red: 1kg, 10oz, 5oz, 2oz, 1oz and 1/2oz silver coins.

Were all pad-stamped (Inked) by Perth.

2011年11月23日 星期三

細價股掀斬倉潮 股東財困遭掟貨

天下無新事, 歷史又重演 !


【本報訊】港股昨日喘穩,收市倒升 25點,惟細價股卻掀起一輪斬倉潮,中國煤層氣( 578)及志高( 449)分別離奇暴瀉八成及兩成,據悉為內地背景的股東被斬倉所致,斬倉券行包括金利豐證券。證監會前日發預警,指券商可先「斬」後奏,昨已出現斬倉場 面,業界警告斬倉潮陸續有來,細價股少沾為妙。

據了解,河南煤企煤層氣及空調產銷商志高,兩股一名主要股東,同屬一內地投資者,由於財務困難,抵押的煤層氣股份迅速被證券行斬倉。金利豐發言人證實,該行有沽出小量持股,亦有幫客戶減持。煤層氣昨由朝洗到晚,午後變仙股、曾低見 0.07元,跌幅達 87%,市值由 38億蒸發至不足 5億元,全日成交額大增至 2.07億元,成交股數激增百倍,尾市洗倉告一段落,股價跌幅收窄至 0.094元,跌 83%。

58隻細價股 52周新低

據了解,該客同時持有志高,因此「洗埋一份」,志高一度暴瀉 42%,收市報 0.233元,跌 24%,成交額 7182萬元,成交股數大升 43倍。事實上,細價股昨日紛紛暴瀉, 58隻創 52周新低股份中,近七成為股價低於 1元細價股。以細價股為主的創業板指數昨跌 0.6%,今年迄今累挫 42%,遠遠跑輸恒指,亦反映細價股弱過藥煲。
煤層氣及志高昨發表通告,均指不知悉股價下瀉及成交大增原因,並確認沒有任何收購或變賣需作出公佈。不過,有傳部份證券行眼見兩股股價暴跌而上調孖展按金,並追 call孖展,期後因斬倉而在下午觸發進一步拋售。
煤層氣執行董事李俊安回應本報查詢時表示,暴瀉與營運無關,並估計「事件牽涉 shareholding(股權),平日成交邊有咁大?」集團正擬再就事件發表進一步通告。港交所資料披露,煤層氣大股東為主席王瑞雲,持股 65.95%,次股東為金利豐行政總裁朱李月華,持股 16.83%。

港股升 25點 萬八關拉鋸

早前股份狂插水的鴻隆( 1383)證實,前主席曾雲樞所抵押約 3.2億股股份已遭斬倉,並於上周四被強制轉移至新股東手上。集團早前亦有第二大股東趙銘的抵押股份,遭強制出售,落入主席周焯華手上。
港股昨在萬八關口拉鋸,埋單升 25點( 0.14%),收 18251點,主板成交 580億元。散戶炒無可炒,集中於窩輪、牛熊證等衍生工具「搵食」,昨日衍生工具成交額 235億元,佔整體交投逾四成,沽空金額 58億元,比率接近一成。


金銀還是好過股匯油 !

2011年11月22日 星期二

順差快消失 人仔有壓力


渣打銀行同時亦將人民幣於 2012年上半年的升值幅度,調低至每季 0.6%。
美國政客當然不認同此說,美國總統奧巴馬於一周前,就說人民幣滙率已「玩夠了」(原文是 Enough is Enough!),似乎未肯讓步。

李稻葵的言論,有一點筆者是同意的,就是人民幣絕非只會升不會跌的貨幣,不排除會有貶值壓力的。現行的不自由浮動( Dirty Float)慢升慢跌,是對經濟和資金進出震盪減少。
中國並無淨外債,技術上要控制 Dirty Float是做得到的。
所以,過去一段時間,不停螞蟻搬家每天轉 2萬元的讀者,或願意用上低息購入人民幣債以求財息兼收的朋友,升值的部份收益,不排除會比預期的要低。




【本報綜合報道】由於民主共和兩黨意見分歧甚大,令美國國會削赤委員會未能如期就緊縮方案的細節達成共識。有消息指,兩黨或於當地時間周一晚上宣佈談判破裂,意味華府將自動執行共值 1.2萬億的削赤計劃。雖然評級機構穆迪表示,事件不具決定性,但市場仍然擔心美國主權評級會否再次被降,美國前景再起暗湧。
雖然削赤死線為 11月 23日午夜時間,但據法例規定,所有提案需要於表決 48小時前準備好。而兩黨現時仍然就增加稅收及削減開支的兩大方面爭持不下,以現時情況看來,兩黨根本難以在限期前,就總值最少 1.2萬億美元的削赤方案執行細節達成共識。

削赤方案總值 1.2萬億美元

市場預料削赤委員會即將發表聯合聲明,宣佈談判失敗,意味華府將於 2013年起,自動執行總值 1.2萬億美元的削赤計劃,主要從減少國防及非國防開支着手。
與此同時,不少投資者亦擔心事件會拖累美國信貸評級再被調低。穆迪指,現時機構仍在考慮會否調低美國評級,但稱事件只屬「資料性」( Informative)而非「決定性」( Decisive),對美國評級不存在太大威脅。


另一評級機構惠譽就指,如果削赤委員會未能削減 1.2萬億元開支,或經濟增長再次放緩,不排除把美國列入負面觀察名單,而標準普爾則拒絕評論事件。

2011年11月21日 星期一

2012年1月3日Perth Mint 將發行的新幣


  • H.M. Queen Elizabeth II – Diamond Jubilee 2012 1/4oz Gold Proof Coin
  • Australian Lunar Series II 2012 Year of the Dragon 1/20oz Gold Coloured Edition
  • 2012 Year of the Dragon Stamp and Coin Cover
  • Famous Battles in Australian History – Kapyong 2012 1oz Silver Proof Coin
  • Love Coin
  • Baby Dragon in Card
  • 2012 1oz Bullion Koala in Card

2011年11月20日 星期日






通用汽車執行長艾克森(Dan Akerson)周四警告,「歐債危機對全球經濟的殺傷力將會超過美國經濟衰退。」美國上次經濟衰退,通用就出現史上最大的營運危機,最後聲請破產並接受政府紓困。




野村政券分析師亞諾德(Charles Arnaud)指出:「雷曼兄弟事件的記憶猶新,所以銀行業大概現在都忙著囤積美元。」(新聞來源:工商時報─記者林國賓/台北報導)

美食水廠遭黑客入侵 更多公共設施堪虞

電腦化的方便, 帶來保安漏洞 !


美國伊利諾伊州一間食水廠上周遭黑客入侵破壞水泵,當局證實是來自俄羅斯的網絡襲擊,是美國首次有重要工業系 統遭外國黑客入侵。雖然今次無造成嚴重影響,但由於美國很多公共設施,包括鐵路、水壩甚至核電站等都使用同類電腦系統,安全成疑。聯邦調查局(FBI)跟 國土安全部已介入調查,據講已追蹤到施襲的電腦是在俄羅斯。


採相同軟件 保安嚴重不足

 專家引述伊州恐怖主義及情報中心的報告指,黑客先入侵製作工業監控及數據採集系統(SCADA)的 軟件公司資料庫,盜取用戶帳號及密碼,再登入食水廠電腦系統,遙距操控水泵開關,結果燒毀水泵。有指食水廠電腦系統3個月前已遭入侵並出現輕微故障,但直 至水泵失靈才揭發事件。


 網絡安全專家指出,事件反映食水廠等設施保安嚴重不足,系統操作員大多不知道如何偵測及預防網絡威 脅,令重要設施的電腦系統輕易被黑客入侵。另外有網絡政策顧問表示,很多SCADA系統已經過時,但很多老闆因得不到資助,負擔不起高昂的更新費用,令系 統保安岌岌可危,他更警告網絡虛擬襲擊如搬到現實可造成大災難。 




紐約警方前日宣布搗破一個組織嚴密的身份盜竊集團,起訴28人,包括41歲首腦杰卡斯,正追緝其同黨。該集團 擅用唇膏大小的高科技讀卡裝置,且分工精細,盜取餐廳食客的信用卡資料,製成假卡後交由同黨假扮豪客瘋狂「碌卡」購買名貴貨品。集團專偷高消費信用額的美 國運通(America Express,簡稱AE)信用卡,即使巨額簽賬,銀行也不會致電通知卡主,確保萬無一失。

高級餐廳侍應 趁碌卡偷料

 曼哈頓地方檢察官表示,28人被控敲詐勒索及合謀盜竊等罪名。案情指,集團招攬7名侍應,當客人用信用卡結賬時,便偷偷複製信用卡資料。至少50名食客的AE卡資料被盜,犯案地點包括Smith & Wollensky及Wolfgang's等高級食肆。




2011年11月19日 星期六

Beware of Saudi gold fraud during Hajj


RIYADH(BullionStreet): Gold markets in Saudi Arabia is in full swing at the moment as the annual Hajj pilgrimage is going on with millions of people from across the globe wants to buy at least a gram of gold from the holy land.

The sale this year is also reported to have climbed to new record so far but a new problem seems to have weakened the sales during the last few weeks.

Demand for gold was up around 10 per cent during hajj but high prices and fake gold threat might cut down sales this time, analysts warned.

According to analysts, increase in fake gold sale in Saudi markets especially during Hajj is a real problem for authorities as it will tarnish country's image.

Fake gold and jewelery are sold to pilgrims even by reputed gold shops in the kingdom as most of the pilgrims were unaware of the quality of the product they'r buying. On an average each pilgrim bought between 80 or 100 grams of gold during Hajj.

It is estimated that fraud cases in the Saudi gold market reached 35 percent during normal days, but rose up to 50 percent during Haj.

Many of the pilgrims were cheated after traders convince them that they were buying pure gold.

An Indian pilgrim who was cheated said he never believed that such a fraud will happen to him in the holy land, which is also known for its strict law enforcement. Indian jewelery set are fraudsters No 1 choice as pilgrims like them very much.

They said jewelers are taking advantage of unaware pilgrims who cannot even distinguish an 18 karat gold with a 22 karat one and never heard about the hallmarking of gold.

The most used trick is to sell gold mixed with zicron by which the jewlers can earn a handsome of money while customers were cheated by about $100 for evry ten grams of gold.

This percentage cannot be measured when the purchase was made and that's why traders infuse a large quantity of zircon and customers are not aware of the quantity in a particular item, analysts added.

Meanwhile, Saudi authorities along with gold traders and jewelers have decided to take strict measures against those involved in selling fake gold and jewelry.

As a first step, an agreement banning the exchange of damaged gold jewelry among wholesalers and factory owners without testing it or receiving payment with pure gold will be implemented soon.

The Saudi gold market consists of about 6,000 shops, and 250 manufacturing workshops that include 30 factories, in addition to 700 repair workshops.


聯軍搶劫完利比亞, 下一個是敘利亞 !






2011年11月18日 星期五

Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Cases in Southeastern Alaska

少食貝殼類為妙 !


ANCHORAGE -- Alaska health authorities investigated eight confirmed and 13 potential cases of paralytic shellfish poisoning in southeastern Alaska in June. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report issued on Thursday, paralytic shellfish poisoning can be a fatal condition due to the ingestion of saxitoxin, which is one of the most potent natural toxins known to man. It's ingestion typically occurs after consuming shellfish tainted by toxic algal blooms. Federal health officials explained that shellfish is tested before they hit the market, making them safe to eat. However, the report said saxitoxin could still be present in non-commercially harvested shellfish. It added that the 21 cases indicate an increase in the number of reported cases in recent years. The cases also coincide with higher saxitoxin levels reported this spring. Authorities warned that those who consume non-commercially harvested Alaskan shellfish are at risk and must seek medical attention immediately in case symptoms develop.

Shanghai hikes silver margins to fresh high


By Chris Oliver, MarketWatch

HONG KONG (MarketWatch) — China’s leading market for precious metals trading increased its silver margin requirements Friday to a fresh high amid heightened volatility in precious metals.

The Shanghai Gold Exchange lifted silver margin requirements to 18% of a contract’s value, up from 15% previously, according to data provided by ScotiaMocca, the metals unit of Scotia Capital.

It’s not clear when the new margin requirements come into effect, but a report by Reuters said it would likely be from Monday.

Reuters also reported that the margins would change further if price swings breach daily trade limits on Friday.

Brokers said the margin changes would affect Shanghai retail investors who have margin trading accounts.

“It is extraordinarily high — it’s higher than most other exchanges,” said ScotiaMocatta managing director Sunil Kashyap in Hong Kong, referring to the new margin requirements.

He said the hikes appeared intended to prevent sharp losses among small traders.

“It’s a continuing reaction to the problems that took place earlier this year in May and April and when there was extreme volatility in silver,” said Kashyap. “The exchange is a little bit skittish that we may have further volatility.”

央行買金逾148噸 40年新高

買債風險大, 不如買實金啦 !




 WGC投資部董事總經理格拉布指,第3季黃金買賣集中9月進行,原因是當時金價由1,900美元 (約1.5萬港元)下跌至最低1,534.49美元(約1.2萬港元),加上美元受壓,各國央行紛紛增加黃金儲備,令儲備多元化分散風險,估計央行全年的黃金淨購入量可達450噸。  


Silver Takes Out Support at $33


Silver has taken out crucial support near $33 this morning to the downside, meaning silver looks to rechallenge $30 unless it can immediately get back above $33 and hold this level through the close. Traders may want to keep a close eye on their stops this morning, but long term stackers of phyzz have nothing to be concerned about as NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

Use the short term smashes and corrections to increase the size of your stack by accumulating INTO price weakness.
Silver looks like it could target $30 here, and again, another chance to purchase physical silver at $30 or below would be an amazing opportunity.

2011年11月17日 星期四


少在ebay買野, 最好去廠買或直接由廠訂貨的代理或有信譽的幣店, 而買時要留意大小, 圖案的徵細成度和重量 ! 每一種金銀幣都有固定的尺度, 重量和特徵 !
少買舊幣如Morgan 銀幣或 Peace 銀幣, 因為舊幣的模糊樣好易假冒 !


I read about a dealer who ended up with a large bunch of fake maples.
The crook came into the guys shop a couple times to unload a couple of REAL maples. He then came in and unloaded all the fake ones at once after they developed a relationship. It worked

Rice containing radioactive caesium found in Japan


Radioactive caesium has been detected above the safety level in rice for the first time in Japan since the nuclear crisis began at the Fukushima plant.

The sample came from a Fukushima city farm about 60km from the plant.

The government is considering banning shipments from the area it was found.

There have been a series of scares over radiation in food in Japan in recent months - in beef, mushrooms and green tea among other products - but never before in the country's staple, rice.

Now caesium in concentrations above the official safety limit has been detected in a sample from a farm in Fukushima city.

The rice was being prepared for market, but Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura said none had been sold.

The discovery highlights the difficulty of tracking the radiation which has been spread across eastern Japan by wind and rain.

Local governments in rural areas have set up testing centres to try to ensure contaminated products do not get into the food chain.

Last week the Tokyo Metropolitan Government also began testing samples bought at shops in the capital in an attempt to further reassure anxious members of the public.

Silver And Platinum Bullion Coin Sell Outs


No more orders for the 2012 Australian Kookaburra 1oz silver bullion coin will be taken by The Perth Mint.

We have received orders for the full mintage of 500,000 coins and once they are shipped we will be in a position to declare it a sell out.

Meanwhile, the full mintage of our 2011 Australian Platypus 1oz platinum bullion release has been purchased. All 30,000 have been shipped and the coin is officially sold out at the Mint.

The availability date of the 2012 Australian Platypus will be announced shortly.




東華三院平和坊今年 1至 10月收 360宗求助個案,當中 101宗即 28%屬病態炒股,較去年同期只有 20多宗、約 7%急增三倍。分析顯示求助者中一成是 25歲或以下,最多是 40至 49歲佔近三成,也有約 8%是 60歲以上,求助者並以男性居多,佔近八成。至於求助者的經濟狀況,有六成人欠債,更有 7%已破產,逾兩成人欠債 10至 60萬元,有 15%欠債 60萬元或以上。

心癮起 銀碼越炒越大

她呼籲有病態炒股行為市民及早求助,盡早接受治療及處理債務問題,以免泥足深陷。為了提高市民對牛熊證、沽空等金融市場風險的認識,平和坊將於本月 30日開辦講座,詳情可致電 2827 4321查詢。

德國將冧 歐元收檔

佢又來預言嚇人 !


然而以去年底國債佔 GDP計,法國 82.3%,德國 83.2%,德國比法國還差。如是擔心法國未來數月到期債務趨升,那末觀圖所見,德國教人擔心的程度不相上下。

短線下試 1.28

目前德國只靠避險資金湧入其債市推低債 息,暫避一劫。但資金湧入不是必然的,尤是當其基本因素也不算好之際,只要市場想法一轉,忽然認清真相,德國明年下場,跟今年的法、意難有大別。固之然, 當意大利如希臘般債息達雙位數,歐元已近收檔;當德國也步後塵,歐元可正式收檔。美、日本質一樣,遲早也會收檔,但屬後話。
後話日後再說,回到目前,如圖所示,歐債到期高峯起碼至明年 4月。未來半年,看來炒作主題還在歐債;新聞界就慘了,講到乾塘、寫到墨盡。實話實說,歐元收檔,價位幾多都得;但在此之前會逐格試:短 1.28(年初低位),中 1.14(跌勢底部)。
長的?不是一算。十年前歐元冧,是算二直插 8毫。



還敢在呢個情況下買股票的人是拿自己資產去冒險 !


【本報綜合報道】歐債危機發展至今已開始失控,並快速地擴散至東歐及北歐各國。自上周評級機評級展望降至負面,投資者擔心該國最終會受歐債危機拖垮,連日 恐慌性拋售匈牙利資產,令匈牙利貨幣福林跌至歷史低位,鄰國奧地利亦受牽連。區內擁有「 AAA」評級包括芬蘭及荷蘭等北歐國家亦受拖累,國債孳息亦急升;奧地利、比利時及荷蘭 CDS更創下歷史新高,蘇格蘭皇家銀行表示,情況意味歐債危機已升至一個「全新的危險境界」。

2011年11月16日 星期三

3偷鐵黨出海打撈錨鏈 水警青洲擒人

鋼鐵有價, 在偷完溝蓋、鐵閘、避雷銅、消防喉後又偷錨 !


香港文匯報訊 (記者 溫瑞麟、杜法祖) 偷鐵黨愈發猖狂,竟連海底廢置船錨亦不放過。3名男女偷鐵黨昨凌晨利用一艘漁船,於葵涌8號貨櫃碼頭對開海面摸黑「作業」,企圖打撈廢置海底的船錨及錨鏈 變賣圖利,豈料被其他船家發現慌忙逃走,水警接報追至青洲附近海面,終將漁船截獲,船上3人涉嫌非法打撈被捕。警方則將案件列作「企圖盜竊」案處理。


海床鋪光纖 不准亂打撈

 惟據海事處發言人表示,由於海床可能鋪設有各種設施,包括電纜、水管或光纖等,均受到法例保障,根 據目前本港相關法例,未經許可不可進行海底打撈,就算發生沉船事件,有關船公司亦需事先向海事處申請,才可展開打撈工作,否則即屬違法。發言人又稱,根據 紀錄,8號貨櫃碼頭對開海面過往並無沉船,縱使曾有船沉沒,因該處屬繁忙航道,當局亦會盡快打撈,免妨礙海上交通。

睹漁船有可疑 船家報警

 現場為葵涌8號貨櫃碼頭對開海面,昨日凌晨4時許,一艘漁船摸黑航至上址後,船上2男1女不停來回 往海中拋下繩纜,似有不軌企圖,途經其他船家認為有可疑於是報警。警方接報立即通知水警輪趕赴現場調查,其間未知是否有人已察覺事敗,開船全速向青洲逃 逸,水警輪到場展開追截,未幾在青洲附近海面截停該艘可疑漁船,經調查後以涉嫌「企圖盜竊」罪名拘捕船上3名男女扣查。


2011年11月15日 星期二

Alf Fields 預期黃金走勢

預期, 而不是更定, 所以唔會用成個身家訓身 !


Jim Sinclair has announced that gold expert Alf Fields will release a new outlook on gold Tuesday, after retiring from public commentary on the metal several years ago.
For those unfamiliar with Alf Fields' 5 wave prediction for the current gold bull market, please review his Major One- Five.
We are more than a little excited to read Alf's update Tuesday. His calls for major waves one and two were uncannily accurate, with wave 3 ongoing.

Major ONE up from $256 to $1,015 (actually 4 times the $255 low);
Major TWO down from $1015 to $699, say $700 (a decline of 31%);
Major THREE up from $700 to $3,500 (a Fibonacci 5 times the $500 low);
Major FOUR down from $3,500 to $2,500 (a 29% decline);
Major FIVE up from $2,500 to $10,000 (also a 4 fold increase, same as
Major ONE)


Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Alf Fields Releases New Outlook on Gold

Once this correction has been completed, Intermediate Wave III of Major THREE will be underway. This should be the largest and strongest wave in the entire gold bull market. The target for this wave should be around $4,500 with only two 13% corrections on the way.

Alf Fields 說: 金價如果調整完, 呢浪可以升去 4500美元, 而唔係之前預計的 3500, 所以唔好亂沽金 !

投資不是賭博 ?

見到有人大大聲說 : 投資不是賭博, 炒輪炒期才是賭博 !
佢認為,長揸股票是投資, 短炒股票是賭博, 所以買咗股票唔好賣 !

其實人生已是一個賭場, 當你投胎時, 選父母已是一個賭注, 在學校選攻讀邊課又是一個賭注, 到結婚選對象又要落賭注對方會一生一世對你好 ! 生仔又要賭是仔是女, 出來做野又要落好多賭注 !

而股市是一個大大的賭場, 除非你有水晶球, 說你知邊隻股票十幾廿年後, 股價還保高價格而又可以派息夠你養老 !

就算我地買物業和實金實銀的, 又有誰可以保障, 世界唔會發生第三次世界大戰 ? 到時大家會唔會餓死 ?

一路叫人全身家買股票有乜預謀 ? 還是因為自己成手都係股票, 所以要搵人陪 ?
股市一路跌, 一路倒錢落大海 !

買乜都好, 賭乜都好, 要留後路俾自己, 唔好成個身家買股票 !

西方藥廠臨床測試 印度15萬人淪「白老鼠」


西方藥業淪為新殖民主義推手!英國《獨立報》昨日報道,印度2005年放寬藥物測試限制後,多家歐美藥廠如阿 斯利康(AstraZeneca)、輝瑞(Pfizer)及默沙東(Merck)等,相繼在當地合共進行最少1,600項活人臨床藥物測試,涉及的「白老 鼠」逾15萬人,4年內最少釀成1,730人死亡。由於參與測試的人大多為長期病患者,外界要調查真正死因非常困難。

 社運組織表示,雖然不少關鍵測試依足指引進行,但藥廠未有向貧民區及部落的民眾清楚解釋,他們根 本不明白同意書的內容便盲目簽署。轉介「白老鼠」的行業乘機牟取暴利,估計現時行業總值1.89億英鎊(約23.4億港元)。印度人口眾多,絕大部分醫生 通曉英語,加上政府醫院配套完善,均為試藥創造有利條件。

蓋茨夫婦基金 捲奪命研究



中國印尼泰 個案近年急升


 印度退休內科醫生錢德拉現時全職收集10多年來國內的試藥紀錄,資料反映測試缺乏監管,不少主要藥 廠公然違反印度及國際指引。印度衛生部長年初向國會表示,去年有10家外國藥廠向22名因試藥身亡的家屬賠償,但每名死者平均僅獲23.8萬盧比(約 3.6萬港元)。錢德拉慨嘆印度人慘成「白老鼠」,淪為藥廠賺大錢的工具,因他們根本買不起如此昂貴的藥物。  


2011年11月14日 星期一


23年前帶開的介指, 用洗銀水前

用洗銀水後, 有明顯的變化 ! 睇來洗銀水只可以洗剛剛轉黃的銀器, 如果太黑或侵入太深就洗唔到啦 !

在Kitco forum 有人說, 用整濕咗的抹銀布抹, 會對收藏銀幣造成最少的傷害, 因為用肉眼睇唔到的痕跡, 會對銀幣評級有影響 !



The North American silver retail investment market is dominated by the United States, which has recently benefited from robust demand for (in particular) its 1oz Eagle bullion coin, 100oz bars and1oz rounds. However, in recent years there has also been a substantial gap between the level of Eagle coin production and the total consumed locally. This has been due to the substantial flow of coins into Europe, especially into the German speaking countries of Switzerland, Austria and, especially, Germany itself. In recent years there have been quite distinct trends in the United States in terms of the consumption of bars and coins, each of which are discussed below. Looking first at the coin market, the production of Eagles has surged in recent years, after remaining broadly stable during the 1999-2007 period, at an average of 9.4 Moz(292 t) per annum. However, in 2008 total off take leapt to a record high of 19.7 Moz (613 t), before rising to 34.7 Moz (1,079 t) in 2010. This year, a fresh peak will be set, in excess of 41 Moz (1,275 t),which will therefore achieve a similar gain to the 20% improvement posted in 2010. The US Mint’s impressive outturn has presented the Mint with a series of challenges, principally in terms of sourcing sufficient quantities of blanks (not only to produce bullion coins, but also to satisfy the range of commemorative coins released each year).

2011年11月13日 星期日

Royal Canadian Mint's official position on "milk spots" on silver Maple Leaf coins


The following is an email letter from a RCM distributor concerning the problem. To summarize, the RCM's position on "milk spots" on their silver coins is : "Don't like it? Buy something else."


Here is the short explanation. We just had a meeting with the Mint about this 10 days ago.

The white stains (or "milk spots") result from the planchet (flan) cleaning and preparation process. Some Silver Maple Leaf coins have them (SMLs), some do not.

This is the Mint's official position: The coins are bullion coins. They are not collector coins. They are sold as one ounce of silver. The Mint knows that there is a problem. The problem has existed since 1988, when the SML coin was first introduced. The Mint says that there is nothing that they can do about the problem.

Our experience is that some SMLs have them and some do not. We do not know what we are going to get when we open the boxes of 500 ounces of silver that come from the Mint. We have to take what we get; we can not return them. We do not have the time to sort them, etc.

We ship out what we get. Per the terms of our invoices, we do charge a restocking fee for returned bullion items.

I am sorry about the problem, but we have no control over it.

I hope that this helps,

Professur :
Maybe I'm strange, but I welcome seeing them. Sort of an unofficial authentication mark. After all, if you're going to fake Maples, you're going to want them as shiny and attractive as possible, no?

Another thing also, philharmonics get those spots too.



When grading Proof ASE look for "milk" spots, they happen when some sort of condensation reaches the coin (such as sneezing). That will cause the "milk" spots and will hurt the grade.


What are milk spots?
Milk spots are very common on silver coins and bars; it happens when condensation reaches the silver. Depending on your luck, sometimes the whole bar or box comes out perfect. We take every precaution to ensure our bullion is shielded from the elements. We do not open mint sealed tubes when shipped whole. That spots sometimes appear on mint sealed items that we ship out is indicative of their natural occurrence and difficult prevention.


I have some 2009 Maples myself, but none of them have those "milk spots", so I cannot speak from experience. However, having been involved in the numismatic arena for over 30 years, I can just about guarantee you that you would end up doing far more damage to your coins, even if only esthetic, in your attempts to clean them. Cleaning any kind of coin properly, but especially uncirculated ones, is an extremely delicate procedure best left to professionals, and only to be done in the worst or most unusual cases. Any slight rubbing, buffing or wiping of any kind, for example, with ANY kind of material (no matter how soft it feels to you) will instantly and obviously mar the surface of an uncirculated coin.
use toothpaste with a cotton ball, no water. Wipe clean. LOL

One thing you might try is to dip the coins in the liquid "Revitalizing Silver Jewelry Cleaner" produced by "Connoisseurs". It come in a silver-gray plastic jar; cost is about 3 dollars, and it's available in the jewelry department at WalMart. Just follow the directions...dip item for no more then 10 seconds and then rinse thoroughly with water. Pat the coin dry with a soft cloth and let it finish drying in the air for a few minutes. If the item doesn't look the way you want it to the directions tell you to repeat the process.

The dip does not harm the surface of the coins. I've left .999 rounds, Eagles, and M/L's in the dip (was busy with something else & forgot 'em) for a minute or so and didn't notice any effect other than tarnish was removed.

搵到啦, 用洗銀水, 在銀飾舖有得賣, 十蚊一樽仔, 唔會留花痕在銀幣上 !

洗銀水對付污積一流,對付氧化白就冇乜功效, 最有效係用抺銀布.要注意含銀量 80% 以下既,都係唔用洗銀水為妙,一沖會變喑啞色,冇哂光澤,此時,妳又係要用抺銀布先攪得番.

Cougar 美洲獅

又唔係太醜啊 !
起碼好便宜 310蚊一個, 而又9999純銀 !
限量發行一百萬枚, 大小同加拿大銀楓葉一樣 38mm, 是加拿大野生動物系第三個發行的銀幣, 而下一年會再發行多三隻, 一共六隻 !
第一隻是 Timber Wolf, 大受美加收藏家和炒家歡迎而價格炒高咗一倍, 而依家想買要在ebay買或好旺角中心賣成750蚊/800蚊一枚, 所以第二隻 Grizzle Bear 一出就俾人掃曬 !
呢隻因為大家以相評論是好醜, 所以少咗人搶買, 不過買幾枚收藏, 將來可能有意想不到的升值 !

呢三隻銀幣和楓葉銀幣都俾人發現有 milk spot, 是在鑄幣時形成的, 所以買時好好驗幣, 而之後如有現出白點, 可以用摸銀布清潔 !

2011年11月12日 星期六

Jim Rickards - The US Won’t Give Germany its Gold


With gold and silver surging higher along with stocks, today King World News interviewed KWN Resident Expert Jim Rickards, Senior Managing Director at Tangent Capital Markets. Recently, there has been speculation that Germany may want its gold back from the United States. When asked about the German gold stored in the US, Rickards responded, “Well that’s a really good question and this is really clouded in obscurity. Germany has been completely non-transparent about that information. We do know that Germany has about 3,000 tons. We also know there are 6,000 tons in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and that gold does not belong to the United States.”

Jim Rickards continues:
“A little bit of it does, but not very much. So most of the 6,000 tons in New York belongs to other countries. Not all of the European gold is in New York, but a lot of it is. So this thing is really shrouded in mystery. But what we do know for a fact is that there are 6,000 tons in New York. It does belong to other countries and the IMF and in my view that gold is held hostage.

...So they (Gemany) started with no gold, but they earned their 3,000 tons by running trade surpluses through the 50s, 60s and 70s. So they’ve got it, but that gold started out in the United States, it was earned by Germany and most of it stayed in the United States.

But remember there were Russian tanks on the outskirts of Berlin. So there was good reason to put the gold in New York in the first place. But why hasn’t it been moved back to Frankfurt or back to Berlin? That’s a political question, the German people have to answer that for themselves....

“Now Italy has come out recently and they have actually been a little more transparent and they say most of their gold is in Italy, in Rome.

But I do know looking at it from a US perspective, as I’ve described in the book Currency Wars, if the US gets into extreme distress, and there’s a collapse in the dollar, I have no doubt that in an emergency basis the US will basically confiscate all the gold in their possession. Then they will convert it to back up a new gold based US dollar as plan B or some way to stop the crisis.

So it’s a political question for Germany as to whether they want their gold back, but sometimes you don’t ask questions if you don’t think you are going to like the answer. It would be interesting if Germany demanded that gold be shipped to Frankfurt or Berlin what the US would say.”

When asked if he thinks any of these countries are going to be selling any more of their gold, Rickards replied, “I don’t, Eric, and that is a startling turnaround from what has been the case for the last 15 years...The fact is the central banks have slammed on the brakes. Gold is back in play.”

上季跌價2% 樓泡收縮


香港文匯報訊(記者 涂若奔)歐債危機不斷擴大,外圍環境不僅拖累本港經濟增長,樓市亦受到衝擊。港府昨公布,首3季住宅樓價同比雖升13%,但在第三季則按季下跌2%,這是 自08年第四季(即11季)以來首次錄得按季跌幅,成交宗數亦按季急挫41%。港府經濟顧問陳李藹倫表示,這反映市場氣氛轉趨審慎,相信樓市過熱的風險已 經減少,未來樓價可能繼續面臨下行壓力。

 港府昨公布的《2011年第三季經濟報告》(簡稱《報告》)披露,隨著港府多項調控樓市措施發揮 效力,以及外圍環境動盪,本港住宅物業成交宗數在第3季按季急挫41%,整體住宅售價在6至9月期間下跌2%,期間中小型單位及大型單位售價分別下跌2 %及4%。另外,第3季的住宅租金升幅收窄至2%,而寫字樓及舖位租金則分別上升6%及2%。



 陳李藹倫(見圖)昨日於記者會上表示,本港第三季供樓負擔比率下跌至46%,較第一季的49%有所 下調,而1990年至2009年期間的長期平均數為51%,顯示樓市過熱的風險已稍為減少。她稱,樓價於第三季出現調整,主要是因為外圍負面因素增多,令 市場的投資情緒趨向審慎,另外今年3月以來銀行的樓按息口數次上調,截至目前普遍累積調升了1至2厘,亦在某種程度上影響了樓市。




 陳李藹倫並警告稱,歐債危機不僅從外貿層面影響本港,亦會通過金融體系對本港造成衝擊,預料未來一 段時間金融體系、資本市場的波動性都會加劇,樓市存在繼續下行的風險,而買樓是一項重要投資,因此市民應謹慎評估,量力而行,尤其是應考慮到就業、收入穩 定性等多種因素,平衡各種風險後再作出決定。


大家都要小心曬錢, 因為2012可能會差過2011年, 儲多D糧食和日用品 !









金銀油股匯又升上去 !

2011年11月11日 星期五

存戶急提款 恐轉幣貶值








2011年11月10日 星期四

I Would Prefer Silver To Gold Just On Relative Value


We're certainly going to have more crises coming out of Europe and America; the world is in trouble. The world has been spending staggering amounts of money that it doesn't have for a few decades now, and it's all coming home to roost.

I would prefer silver because it is still depressed on a historic basis. Silver is thirty percent below its all-time high. Gold is ten percent below its all time high. I would prefer one just on relative value, silver is probably better. I am not buying either today, but I am certainly not selling. If they go down, I will buy more.


睇來1800好大阻力, 反而銀價橫行34-35 !

2011年11月8日 星期二

匯控毒資產 遠超歐債


金融海嘯發生至今已4年,市場對於「債務擔保證券」(CDO)、「槓杆貸款」等投資工具聞之色變,但原來包括 匯控、蘇皇、法興等歐洲大銀行至今仍持有大量此類毒資產,甚至比歐洲主權債券還要多。《華爾街日報》擔心,倘若銀行為了應付新資本要求而大舉拋售這些投資 產品,將會導致其價格狂瀉,對銀行資本構成沉重壓力。






 拋售或續持 難以定奪




Alabama Couple Requiring Tenants to Pay in Silver Coins Arrested

如果在香港用銀幣交收會唔會俾人告呢 ?


An Alabama couple who considered themselves sovereign citizens — who required their tenants to pay rent in silver coins and buried $350,000 worth of gold coins in their backyard — were convicted of conspiracy to defraud the U.S. and three counts of tax evasion on Friday.

Monty Ervin and Patricia Ervin, owners and managers of Southern Realty, amassed “hundreds of investment properties over the last decade, receiving more than $9 million in rental income,” but paid nothing in federal income taxes, according to the Justice Department.
Patricia Ervin is facing a maximum of 25 years in prison and a fine of $1.25 million and Monty Ervin is is facing 20 years and a $1 million fine. Both are set to be sentenced on Jan. 23.


港股 ?

2011年11月5日 星期六





研究人員根據檢測出的放射性銫濃度,推算了體內放射性銫在70年內的累積輻射量。在上述104名嬰幼兒中,93人的尿中每升放射性銫為20至30貝 克,70年的累積輻射量為0.054至0.058毫希。對於該指標最高達每升187貝克的孩子,其70年內累積輻射量為0.37毫希。




CME Goes To Collateral DefCon 1: Makes Maintenance Margin Equal To Initial For... Everything!?

CME Group 美國期交所提升維護按金至交易按金, 所以星期一可能有好多期貨參於者會俾人要求補倉, 而沒補倉者會俾人斬倉, 所以下星期市場一定大波動 ! 大家小心小心啦 !


CME Group Inc. (NASDAQ: CME) owns and operates large derivatives and futures exchanges in Chicago and New York City, as well as online trading platforms. It also owns the Dow Jones stock and financial indexes. The exchange-traded derivative contracts include futures and options based on interest rates, equity indexes, foreign exchange, energy, agricultural commodities, rare and precious metals, weather and real estate.


The most important news announcement of the day was not anything to came out of Cannes (as nothing did), nor from Greece (the merry go round farce there continues unabated). No, it was a brief paragraph distributed by the CME long after everyone had gone home, and was already on their 3rd drink. It is critical, because not only is this announcement a direct consequence of what happened with MF Global several days ago, but because also it confirms one of our biggest concerns: systemic liquidity is non-existanet. We confirmed interbank liquidity in Europe was at an all time low earlier today, and can only assume the same is true for US banks. But what is very disturbing is that this is just as true at the exchange level, where it appears the aftermath of the MF collapse is just now being felt. What exactly was the announcement. Unless we are completely reading it incorrectly, it is nothing short of a margin call for tens if not hundreds of billions worth of product. Because as of close of business on November 4, today, the CME just made the maintenance margin, traditionally about 26% lower than the initial margin for specs, equal. For everything. Which means that by close of business Monday, millions of options and futures holders will be forced to deposit billions in additional capital to the CME just so they are not found to be margin deficient, and thus receive a margin call. Naturally, since it is very unlikely that this incremental amount of liquidity can be easily procured in one business day, we anticipate the issuance of hundreds of thousands of margin calls Monday, followed by forced liquidations of margin accounts across America... and the world. Just like when Lehman blew up, it took 5 days for Money Markets to break. Is this unprecedented elimination in the distinction between initial and maintenance margin the post-MF equivalent of the first domino to fall this time around?

新消息 : CME Group 提高維護按金是為了MF Global 客戶轉倉去第二間期貨商時, 不須俾人叫補倉 ! 所以呢個變動只是短暫 !



















資金慢慢流入金銀, 又點會有餘錢去做存款呢 ?
所以息率只會慢慢繼續上升 !
而想吸引多些人去做港幣存款, 一定要美元不會貶值, 人民幣唔會升值和通脹唔會來 !


香港文匯報訊 (記者 馬子豪、涂若奔) 樓市高位回調,負資產激增,又逢按息上升壓力,令樓市驟添不明朗因素。金管局總裁陳德霖昨表示,本港銀行貸款增長快過存款,令銀行貸存比率繼續上試高位, 反映銀行資金偏緊,預期貸款及存款利率仍會上升。有分析更大膽推測,按息最多可能升至5厘,較現水平有逾2厘的上升空間,屆時樓價或會下調15%。

 自今年3月以來,本港銀行已五度調高按息,目前實際按息水平普遍為3厘水平;而下半年銀行搶存款 持續激烈,一年期大額港元定期存款息率普遍已推升至2厘以上。雖然貸款按月增幅已放慢,但其增長仍快過存款,故截至9月底,港元貸存比率推高至 86.6%,為05年6月以來新高。


 陳德霖表示,香港經濟受歐美經濟拖累,未來亦面臨越來越大的下行風險。銀行界要留意信貸及流動性風 險,而貸存比率的上升,已顯示銀行於資金管理上出現壓力,即使貸款持續減慢,銀行息率仍存在上升壓力;他期望銀行可維持資本雄厚,以儲備充足的流動現金來 應付隨時到來的金融衝擊。



 投行摩根士丹利表示,本港銀行為維持息差,在上調存款息率後,會對新物業買家上調按息作平衡,估計 實際按息最多可能高達5厘,即較現水平有達2厘的上升空間,屆時供款人士的負擔能力比率,即每月供款佔家庭收入比例,會由目前的50%升至60%,屆時本 港樓價將下調15%,本地地產股有壓力。



 另外,本港第3季負資產宗數急升逾33倍至逾1,600宗,陳德霖強調,這是因為過往基數較低,而 在總數達30萬的樓按宗數中,負資產比例不足1%,與歷史高峰比較仍屬低水平。和廣北則指,這現象「是一個告誡」,提醒銀行和投資者注意,在經濟前景不太 樂觀的情況下,對借貸應持更加審慎的態度。

GS Bullish...How it Will Impact Gold & Silver

在金銀後, 下一個是銅 !


With gold and silver consolidating, today King World News interviewed acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb, Chairman & Chief Investment Officer of Leeb Capital Management. When asked about the tremendous pessimism in gold, Leeb responded, “You are right about the pessimism and I just wouldn’t be surprised to find gold trading at $2,000 by the end of the year. I think the breakout is legitimate and the pullback is natural. I don’t know where else to put money except for gold, silver and maybe a few other commodities. Even if gold doesn’t follow through, as I expect it will, it doesn’t mean a thing. There is no other currency out there that can even remotely replace gold.”

Stephen Leeb continues:

“Resource scarcity implies one currency and that currency is gold. So don’t get shaken out by the pessimism, I would take this pessimism as extremely bullish. If people are pessimistic in the face of a bull market that has continued for more than a decade, that’s great! I want to be in that bull market because it’s just starting. Gold’s potential for price gains is enormous.

Tomorrow and Wednesday should be very interesting. I think the Fed is going to move much closer to QE3. It is much easier to recover from high inflation than from an outright deflationary depression. We have recovered from 20% to 25% inflation in our history. It’s depressions that lead to very, very horrible things in terms of society. The Fed realizes there is a great deal at stake if growth really stops.

As someone who is in the investment community I would buy copper, gold, silver and I would buy commodities in general. So when I say three digit silver and maybe five digit gold it sounds crazy. But does it really sound crazy in light of a firm like Goldman Sachs saying, ‘Copper prices may be unimaginably high with China growth spurring consumption.’

Now I think people ought to stop and think about what that means. Unimaginably high is a very strong adjective and what it suggests is that copper grades are declining and declining very, very fast....

“It also suggests that China’s need for copper is not slowing down and won’t slow down any time soon. This means copper scarcity on an extreme level.

When I gave a keynote speech at a recent JP Morgan gathering of utility executives and energy executives, I asked everybody in the audience, ‘How many of you view copper as a scarce commodity?’ Not one person raised their hand.

Well Goldman Sachs is saying now that it is going to become a very scarce commodity. This will make it harder to build homes or an electric grid as an example. The implications of unimaginably high copper is exactly the kinds of things I’ve been saying, five digit gold, three digit silver, etc.. So on every level investors want to protect themselves.

You have to remember that one of the many byproducts of copper mines is silver. So a shortage of copper is going to mean unimaginably high or much, much higher silver prices.”

Leeb also noted, “America is a great country and if we don’t spend more time trying to protect it and waking up to the problems that are out there, we’re going to lose these incredibly precious freedoms that we have today. We are also going to lose our standard of living which is very, very high. It may not be too late, but it is very late in the day.”

2011年11月4日 星期五



CANBERRA -- State Deputy Director of Public Health Dr. Chrissie Pickin confirmed on Friday that a rare disease that has never been diagnosed in the southern hemisphere, named tularaemia, has been discovered in Tasmania. Tularemia is an infectious bacterial disease which is transmitted through direct contact or biting ticks. Two women in western Tasmania reportedly contracted the disease after they were bitten and scratched by sick possums. Pickin said both women have recovered, and warned the public to refrain from handling wild animals and consult their physician if scratched or bitten. Although the disease is known in North America and parts of Asia and Europe, it is suspected that the case in Tasmania is the first in the southern hemisphere. Veterinarian Dr. James Harris said tularaemia has various effects on humans, including septicemia and pneumonia. He added that the disease can be successfully cured with antibiotics, but when left untreated, it can be fatal.

Source: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/health/2011-11/04/c_131229538.htm

Silver bars found at landfill a precious discovery

唔好亂掉垃圾; 如果是上一代人留下的, 更加要睇清楚才掉 !


YAKIMA, Wash. -- Rob McCune thought the container looked odd when he retrieved it from a drop box at the Terrace Heights Landfill. Little did the hazardous waste technician know how unusual it would turn out to be.

After removing the locking lid, the 50-year-old McCune found himself staring at several small canvas bags, which he opened only to find shiny bars of silver.

McCune said his initial reaction was to freak out.

Somebody had turned in the container, which had a "d-Con" label on the side, believing it held rodent bait.

But there was a clue that something else might be inside: On the lid was a name and address.

That led to the grateful family of the late Robert Lynch, the well-known Yakima auto dealer, World War II veteran and community leader who died in September at age 89.

Rob Lynch, Lynch's son, said he and his sisters had no idea the silver bars even existed. Their dad never said a word about them. The family theorizes that the elder Lynch invested in the silver in the early 1970s during the oil crisis and a period of high inflation and high unemployment.

"He wanted to have something very liquid but not the dollar," Lynch said.

The family has asked that the exact amount of silver not be disclosed. But at the current market price of $33 per ounce, the metal represents a substantial sum of money.

Family members had taken the heavy white container, which they found under a work bench, to the landfill as they cleaned out Lynch's home. The landfill repackages for safe disposal all sorts of unopened paints, oils, solvents and household chemicals.

McCune's supervisors, including Solid Waste Manager Wendy Mifflin and county Public Services Director Vern Redifer, praised his honesty.

While he does feel good about the outcome, McCune, a six-year county employee, deflects the praise.

"I knew it needed to go back to the Robert Lynch family. That was what I was going to do," McCune said Tuesday.

Lynch, who became emotional remembering his father during a telephone interview, said he was still overcome and almost speechless about McCune's good deed.

"The thing you have to know is my dad was known as a straight arrow. I'd like to think it meant honesty no matter the circumstances," said the orchardist. "He would be really proud of our community and of our civil servants."

"My father would have been heaping huge praise on this guy," he added.

McCune, a native of Canada, moved to the United States with his parents and grew up in the Seattle area. He and his wife, a native of Selah, moved to the area several years ago to care for his ailing mother-in-law.

McCune actually discovered the container's contents last week but kept it a secret, telling only his wife and parents. The name Robert Lynch meant nothing to him and he wasn't sure how to proceed with the unusual receptacle, so he decided to wait until Mifflin returned from vacation.

Mifflin said McCune walked into the administrative office Tuesday carrying the one-gallon bucket, telling her he needed to show her something.

"My first reaction was it better not be a snake in that bucket," she said.

Mifflin said it was the strangest thing she had seen in her 25 years in the solid waste business. She immediately notified her supervisors and the younger Lynch's wife.

"I'm really proud of Rob," Mifflin said. "He did the right thing."