2015年1月31日 星期六

Greeks Turn to Gold on Bank Bail-in and Drachma Risks





人民買金幣金條保值, 最受歡迎的會是瑞士銀行的金庫

本人不以為會有人呢個時候走去買樓, 當然可以有例子, 有人乘機買平樓, 不過樓價不會因此升而因為少人買所以會跌 !
在股市你會買嗎 ?
在別人恐懼的時候你要變得貪心 ?


The Greek stock market is down over 36% year to date; the risk of global contagion in the event of a Greek exit is very real. Ordinarily such a crisis would require a massive coordinated effort from global stakeholders, perhaps directed by the IMF or some other pan-national financial body. But not in this case; the rhetoric is nationally-based and biased without unity of purpose across finance ministries. Recent official soundings from the UK and German governments saying that exposure to Greece is limited only underscores the depth of denial, ignorance and lack of consensus that exists within the euro area. A Greek exit from the euro would profoundly weaken the euro experiment and create a dangerous precedent for all future crises in the region.

The European economy is the largest middle class economy in the world. With over 400 million relatively affluent consumers it represents a massive portion of the net global economy and as such a breakup of part of it would be felt across the world in credit spreads and capital decisions for years to come. This would not have been because of Greek exit, but rather because of the inability of the authorities to manage the crisis as risks initially built up, then as bail outs were designed and implemented and then as these efforts surely failed.

We are witnesses to an epic failure of planning, statecraft and social justice. Regardless of where your politics lie, these elements are critical for a modern globally connected economy to function.

Sadly, the geopolitical backdrop is one of suspicion and hostility in the form of a festering proxy war between western and Russian interests in Ukraine and regional crisis and humanitarian catastrophe in the middle east as Syria and Iraq descend into stateless anarchy. These factors reduce the odds of a successful solution in Greece being found in time.

The share value of Greek banks cratered up to 30% Wednesday alone, before pulling back on Thursday as fears grew that the new government may not intend to soften their stance now that they are in office.

In what is probably the worst performance for the sector on record, the four major banks – Bank of Piraeus, Alpha Bank, National Bank of Greece and Eurobank – all closed more than 25% lower. Athens stock exchange closed 6.4% lower.

It marks an acceleration of the losses incurred over Monday and Tuesday in the immediate aftermath of the Syriza victory. From London’s Telegraph.
Greece’s banks have lost almost 40pc of their value in the three days since Syriza ascended to power in Sunday’s election as the dual threats of a bank run and the loss of support from the European Central Bank threaten a liquidity squeeze.
Forbes list five main causes for the collapse:
  1. Deposit flight has accelerated.
  2. ECB liquidity could be cut off.
  3. Potential public and private debt restructuring.
  4. Low profitability.
  5. Reliance on deferred tax assets – Forbes explains it as an over-reliance by Greek banks on liquidity from the state.
Greek banks are hemorrhaging deposits. The telegraph reports, “Banks also risk a repeat of the deposit flight seen in 2012. Up to €8bn of private sector deposits has been pulled out of Greek banks since November, according to Moody’s”, adding that bank deposits have fallen 5% in the last two months.

The Financial Times paints an even more dramatic picture of bank runs and capital flight.
The real danger is that the Greeks themselves lose confidence. There are tentative signs that money is again being sent abroad, as it was in mid-2012. Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou at JPMorgan points out that €350m was sent from Greece to Luxembourg money funds since the start of last week. Extrapolating to all cash flight, he estimates as much as a 10th of Greek deposits may have left already this year. If a Greek bank panic develops it will strengthen the German hand, and make negotiations that much harder.
In the event of any or all of these possibilities, gold and silver bullion will perform well as a currency of last resort.

Greek coin and bullion dealers with whom GoldCore spoke, confirmed an increase in demand for gold coins and bars in recent weeks and since the election.

GoldCore have Greek clients both in Greece and living in the UK and throughout the world. We have seen a definite upsurge in interest, inquiries and demand since the election last Sunday.

Concerns about bank holidays and also a return to the drachma have returned and Greeks are looking for ways to prevent further destruction of their wealth.
For Greeks, Storage in Switzerland remains a favoured way of owning gold.

The comprehensive guide to bail-ins: Protecting Your Savings in the Coming Bail-in Era

As China's Offshore Yuan Crashes To A 2 Year Low, Beijing Warns Its Citizens: "Don't Buy Dollars"

小心成個市場突然逆轉 ! 

講咗差不多十年的事終於會發生, 依家已唔係用年計, 而係用月計 !


We won't go into the specific details of China's burst housing bubble, the shady underworld of its pyramid scheme wealth-management products, the fact that any hard asset in China is rehypothecated literally a countless number of times, the nuances of its deflating shadow banking system, or even the complexities of its alleged capital controls (alleged, because as a reminder, they only exist for the common folks - the really wealthy Chinese are naturally exempt from any capital flow constraints). We will point out something even more disturbing.

Recall that China, a mercantilist, export-driven country, has a currency that is pegged to the dollar in all but name (yes, the technical peg was dropped in 2005 but since then the PBOC controls the daily moves in the strictest and tiniest of increments), a dollar which has soared in the past 6 months to levels which have prompted countless other central banks to ease in recent weeks, and even forced the Swiss National Bank out of the currency wars, waving a flag of surrender. As a result, China's exports have been crushed regardless of what fabricated and goalseeked Chinese data will have gullible observes believing.

And while the value of the local Yuan, the CNY, is set by bureaucrats and policy makers on a daily basis, and trades in a tight band around a specific, political number and thus never truly reflects the fair value of the Chinese currency, its offshore cousin, the CNH, floats and is impacted by the private demand of the Yuan. As such, the latter is far more indicative of the pressures that face the Chinese economy and what financial interests dictate should be the fair value of the domestic currency.

It is also the former, the Offshore Yuan, that overnight hit a two-year low, reaching a level not seen since September 2012. 

Why do we bring this up?
Because in a notice posted on Chinese media yesterday, China is now openly scrambling and on the defensive, when it comes to an ever stronger rush by the locals to get out of their own currency and into the US dollar.  As Want China Times reports, "prompted by the robust performance of the US dollar, growing numbers of Chinese are considering converting renminbi to dollar-denominated assets." It is for those "growing numbers" that China has a polite warning: "experts are advising them to think carefully before making the move."
And this is how China is hoping to keep locals more interested in the Renminbi than in the greenback:

Chinese-language China Business News reports that yield rates for US-denominated wealth-management products range only 1.2-2.5% per annum at major domestic banks, such as China Merchants Bank, Bank of Shanghai, and Farmers Bank of China, a far cry from renminbi-denominated products, such as deposits at Yu'e bao, the monetary fund under internet giant Alibaba, which hit 4.4%.

Interest rates for one-year timed deposits at major domestic banks now stand at 3.3%, much higher than the mere 0.95% for corresponding US-dollar deposits.

Investors in US dollar-denominated assets have the option of subscribing to the existing 10-odd QDII (qualified domestic institutional investor) funds, such as the Guangfa Fund, launched by the Bank of Communications, focusing on investments in US realty, which often generates higher returns but also entails higher risks.

In other words, China is pitching an investment in Ponzi schemes as a higher-yielding alternative than putting one's money in an appreciating dollar. Which, in retrospect is backed by another Ponzi scheme, so at least superficially it does makes sense. The bigger problem is that it would appear that the local citizens have figured out that in a time when the US Dollar is ascendent, the knock on effects on the Chinese economy are quite dangerous, and from the collapse in exports, to the imploding banks, to the halt in commerce and urbanization, the dollar suddenly looks like a far better option especially when the local currency is unbacked by anything: not gold, not crude, nothing.
The punchline from the Chinese media:
A forex trader said that despite the recent plunge in the value of renminbi against the greenback, the exchange rate of the former will fluctuate moderately at most, as the renminbi is essentially pegged to the greenback in value, according to China Business News.
Yes... unless China does indeed proceed to become merely the latest in a long chain of countries - main export competitors Japan, the Eurozone and Korea included - who have already devalued against the USD: something numerous experts have quietly voiced in recent weekly is not only possible by just a matter of time.

And why not: after all with China's economy dramatically slowing, it is virtually inevitable that China will have to devalue to spur its export-driven economy.
Of course, the flipside is that the resultant surge of capital flows in the USD assure that the US economy, with its currency at never before seen heights, grinds to a halt, the stock market crashes, and the US export industry falls like dominoes. In many ways, this would be reminiscent of the short-term pain Greece would suffer if its exits the Eurozone, the financial collapse that would follow and wipe out the legacy wealth but set the country on strong footing with its own currency going forward and a way to fix imbalances not only by cutting wages and welfare, but through its own currency as well.

And finally, even if China does devalue now, it knows very well that it has a currency put later: after all those thousands of tons of undisclosed gold that the PBOC has accumulated "secretly" since 2009 can very easily be used to backstop a new-regime currency, once which would redefine the global world order, and serve as the world's reserve.

When will all this happen? Nobody knows, however it is clear that with every passing day that the stronger dollar forces China's exporters into an ever more untenable position, the D(evaluation)- day comes closer.
Unless, of course, the Fed capitulates in the meantime, and crushes all hope of a rate hike or even proceeds with more quantitative easing or even NIRP. In that case all bets are off, and so is the Fed's credibility, leading to an even more... exciting world.

恒指若失24400 弱勢加劇


第一上海首席策略師 葉尚志 

1月30日。港股大盤仍處於回整行情當中,資金入市態度趨向謹慎,是令到盤面彈性不強的原因。歐洲央 行已宣布了在3月份開始買債的量寬計劃,兌現了市場的預期,而內地人行亦逐步以採取逆回購操作來釋放短期流動性,降低了短期內減息降準的可能性,這些都是 令到市場在早前出現的熱烈氣氛、逐步回降下來的消息因素,港股因此而出現高位回整,是合理的行情走勢。 


另一方面,從美聯儲最新的會議聲明來看,年內加息的機會依然存在,這個跟早前市場上的一些預期有點不 同,估計有影響到環球資金流的可能。新興市場方面的情況,是我們其中一個重要的觀察點。美聯儲在去年逐步減少每月買債額度、並且在10月宣布停止了買債量 寬計劃,資金從9月份開始流出新興市場股市,MXEF指數從當時的最高點1,104開始展現跌勢,其後油價和俄羅斯盧布大跌,激發資金進一步撤離新興市 場,MXEF指數最終在12月中低見906的16個月新低、以累跌18%來完成這一波階段性跌浪。港股跟MXEF指數的相關走勢是很強的,而觀乎MXEF 指數在12月中出現觸底反彈後,在近日有掉頭回落的跡象,市場重燃美國加息預期,有可能對新興市場股市再次構成壓力,對港股亦有帶來負面影響的機會。 


國指在周四出現跳空下挫後,在周五依然反彈乏力,並且走了一波四連跌的行情,如果進一步失守50日線 11,570的話,跌勢將會出現加劇強化,盤面會受到打擊。國指收盤報11,720,下跌16點或0.13%。而恒指出現高開低走,10日線24,510 正受到考驗,早前股價創新高領漲的火車頭騰訊(0700)和中移動(0941),有掉頭回軟跡象,周五分別下跌1.93%和1.72%。恒指收盤報 24,507,下跌89點或0.36%,24,400依然是中短期重要支持位,宜密切留意能否守穩其上,操作上未宜過分急進。




【on.cc東網專訊】 德國汽車協會(ADAC)最近1份報告表示,利用車上的智能裝置,黑客可在數分鐘內入侵包括寶馬(BMW)及勞斯萊斯等名車,繼而開啟其車門,揚長而去。

報告指,約220萬輛裝有BMW AG智能服務的汽車,都易受黑客攻擊。BMW回應時指,他們已為系統升級,去堵塞這保安漏洞,並為連接到BMW伺服器的汽車,自動作軟件更新。ADAC指,易受黑客攻擊的為勞斯萊斯Phantom部分系列、Mini的hatchback,以及大部分的寶馬汽車,包括i3電動車。所有含保安風險的汽車,是在2010年3月至2014年12月期間生產的。

女兒隨口噏抗生素治癌 英專家取得治癌突破


【on.cc東網專訊】 專門從事癌症研究的英國曼徹斯特大學的醫學教授邁克爾,受到年僅8歲女兒卡米拉的啟發,經過試驗發現常用的抗生素竟然可以殺死癌細胞,並且,一些專家已經表示對實驗結果感興趣。

港大深圳醫院料年中接受醫療劵 方便港人


【on.cc東網專訊】 政務司司長林鄭月娥今日在深圳與市長許勤主持深港合作會議,林鄭月娥會後表示,深圳市衞生計生委已批准移居內地的香港長者,可於港大深圳醫院使用醫療券,方便長者不用返港睇醫生,希望具體細節落實後,計劃於今年中正式推出。

另外,她指會上兩地同意加強青年工作,作為未來一年亮點項目,包括推動青年交流、實習及創業等三方面合作,其中民政事務局會與深圳配合落實大學生暑期實習計 劃、志願服務交流、青年創業培訓班及前海參訪等6個項目;並會配合深圳推動「前海深港青年創業夢工場」工作,透過提供資金、場地及公寓等,讓青年人實踐創 業計劃;林鄭月娥又指,本港會繼續在十二五規劃及CEPA協議下,推動兩地金融合作,擴大跨境人民幣業務,並希望「深港通」早日開通,提升兩地金融發展。此 外,特首梁振英今日亦在深圳與市委書記王榮會面,梁稱過往香港與深圳合作全方位,兩地經濟領域以外的合作,包括社會發展及民生等都有好成果,並羨慕深圳的 增長速度,稱如果本港有深圳一半的速度已經很好。他又指,希望兩地可以加強科技合作,特別提到立法會財委會將會審議成立創新科技局的撥款,希望議員可以通過撥款,又指香港可以成為國內外的聯繫人,在科技上提供平台,政府未來一兩個星期會有新宣布。

2015年1月30日 星期五

First the DEFLATION – then the INFLATION

Martin Amstong 終於來到人地講咗十年的東西, 在美元崩潰時, 就是黃金大升時 - Bingo !


When the Roman Empire collapsed during the reign of Gallienus (253-268AD), for the next two waves of the Economic Confidence Model (17.2 years) Rome remained in chaos. Then a general fought his way to power – Diocletian (284-305AD). During this period, inflation soared. Money really became in kind and the purchasing power of the debased coinage collapsed with the lack of confidence in government. This became akin to the crisis in Germany during the 1920s. People simply did not really accept the debased Roman coinage.

It was Diocletian who instituted wage and price controls and issued an edict on restraining prices. First you have the massive DEFLATION and then government is forced to debase the money supply that finally reverses the economy sending it into a INFLATIONARY spiral.

The second phase is when gold will rise. But you first have the DEFLATION that reduces tax revenues and then you have the INFLATION set in motion by rising costs. What is interesting is passports were invented by Diocletian. WHY? For the same reason we see FACTA and Civil Forfeitures. You could not travel leaving your town until you paid your taxes. Hence – papers please! Except in those days they were metal. The USA has passed the very same law if you owe more than $50,000 to the IRS they will revoke your passport until you pay-up.

Government will hunt down money. This is why history repeats because humans will respond to the same set of circumstances in a predictable manner. Just follow history and you will see the answer. So yes – eventually we will see the shift from PUBLIC to PRIVATE and that is the inflationary cycle. That does not arrive until AFTER we start BIG BANG.

Man Who Predicted Collapse Of Euro Against Swiss Franc Issues Third Terrifying Warning To The World

口口聲聲說要接受新理念的後生仔, 原來接受唔到呢些新概念 !

一知人地年齡大過佢地就認為人地思想是 out !

FED 洗腦黃金不是貨幣是好成功, 好彩還有一班好心的老人家警惕全世界 !


Today the man who 59 days ago remarkably predicted the collapse of the euro against the Swiss franc just issued a third terrifying warning to the world.  This King World News interview takes a trip down the rabbit hole of massive chaos, panic and wealth destruction, as well as a frightening monster that has been unleashed on the world.

Egon von Greyerz:  “Eric, as you know I’ve had a long-standing forecast — for over 10 years — that gold will reach $10,000 in today’s money.  I’m also convinced that in the future the world won’t have anything resembling today’s money because of all the money printing that will take place as well as the accompanying hyperinflations….

“So in real terms the gold price will be a lot higher than $10,000.  Everything is falling into place for the destruction of the current monetary system.  Unfortunately this will also destroy a lot of people’s lives because they won’t be prepared or even understand why the worldwide meltdown is happening.
Massive Wealth Destruction And Chaos
People should ignore stock market rallies because we are now entering a period of massive wealth destruction and chaos in the world economy.  It is not my intention to create panic, but instead to warn people ahead of time so they can save themselves and their families from the coming devastation.
Eric, $10,000 gold is guaranteed in my view.  Gold will act as a refuge for a small number of governments, entities and people around the world as the annihilation in the global markets and financial system begins to unfold.  The unprecedented credit creation, money printing and manipulation of markets will end in disaster.

Panic Into Gold
What has happened to the price of gold since the November bottom is very significant.  Despite the pullback, gold has broken out in virtually every single currency.  Gold has literally skyrocketed in troubled currencies such as the ruble — rising 120 percent since November.
1913: U.S. Federal Reserve Monster Unleashed On The World
The reality is that the global fiat currencies have now started their final leg down that began with the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913.  Before this Great Purge is completed, all fiat currencies will reach their intrinsic value, which is zero.  There will be a panic into gold and this will save a handful of the world’s population from the coming collapse of the global currencies.
At the end of this disastrous and chaotic period, the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank won’t survive, nor will the Bank of Japan or the Fed.  And if the central banks won’t survive, neither will the commercial banks.  Regardless of how this Great Purge unfolds, now is the final opportunity to buy wealth protection insurance in the form of physical gold and have it stored outside of the banking system.

Financial System Will Not Survive
This money creation has served to increase the wealth of the elite, while leaving a mountain of debt for the masses.  We are now looking at the last opportunity for investors to protect themselves from total destruction.  Let me be clear:  The financial system will not survive in any recognizable form in the next few years.
The one quadrillion dollars of derivatives will devour any hope for the financial system as it begins to take down banks and other major entities.  Total world debt is already roughly $300 trillion.  This figure will balloon in size as a cascade of printed money from desperate central banks is created in a futile effort to save the world financial system.

More Than 100 Years Of Curruption
But it will all be in vain as the system implodes, together with all the assets that have been financed by this enormous Ponzi scheme and debt pyramid.  Sadly, this is the inevitable consequence of the corruption and mismanagement of the financial system over the last 100 years.  There are now more potential black swans ready to strike than at any time in the history of the world.  As one or more of them strikes, it will signal the beginning of the end.”

Putin’s Ultimate Move To Crush The EU And NATO


As fighting in Ukraine continues to intensify, today former U.S. Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, spoke with King World News about Putin's ultimate move to crush the EU and NATO.  He also warned that the West may be handing the keys to victory to China and Russia. 

Dr. Roberts:  “Eric, right now there are a great many things in the financial system that can blow up but the real blow up is going to require flight from the dollar and the euro.  Once that happens, they can’t bail out the banks, the derivatives or the sovereign bonds.
In the short-term, while they can still print money, they can keep this rigged system standing.  But the minute the value of both the dollar and the euro start collapsing, that’s when the game is over.  Both of these currencies have increased in quantity far beyond the ability of the underlying economies to provide goods and  services.  When the flight comes there will be no way to stave off the instabilities that currently exist in the system.… 

There is the potential for a massive black swan to develop because of the Greek crisis and the election of the new government.  This will unfold if the German banks, the creditors of Greece and the EU politicians refuse to accommodate the legitimate needs of the Greek government. 
The Greeks must renegotiate the harsh conditions that have been put on their country in order to solve their sovereign debt problem.  The current agreement as it exists is intolerable to the Greeks and it can’t stand.  But if the Germans and the other Greek creditors don’t agree, you could see an alliance between the Greeks and the Russians.

BRICS $100 Billion Bank
The BRICS now have this IMF-type bank and they have funded it with $100 billion.  Putin now sees that he has the opportunity to break the Greeks off from the EU and from NATO.  The BRICS bank would step in and help the Greeks with their debt-servicing problems.  That could be the beginning of the unraveling of the European Union and  NATO.
You have to remember, Eric, that Italy, Spain and Portugal will be watching this situation with Greece very carefully.  These countries still face the same kind of threats that are being applied to Greece.  And of course the Irish have suffered dramatically under the austerity imposed on them.
So if these countries see that Europe will not ameliorate the hardships that have been imposed on them by these austerity programs, and these countries turn to Russia, China and India — the BRICS — you would then see a total breakdown in the EU system.  This is a system where the banks get countries in debt and then they send in the IMF to impose austerity.

The Ultimate Black Swan As Countries Are Looted
The bank's clients then buy the premier assets of these countries for pennies on the dollar.  It’s a looting process.  That’s what happened to Greece.  It also happened to Ireland.  So if these European countries realize that all they are just being looted, they will then accept Putin’s offer and turn to the Russians and the Chinese.  The BRICS can easily assist the Greeks.
These countries would then abandon Germany, Washington and the IMF, who are imposing all these hardships on them and also looting their countries.  So there is the potential for the ultimate disaster here if the West is stupid and arrogant enough not to bend.  That would mean the unraveling of the European Union and of NATO — the ultimate black swan.”

Putin's Aggressive Move Into Europe
Eric King:  “Dr. Roberts, what we are seeing unfold right now has ramifications far beyond Greece.  You are talking about an aggressive chess move by Putin and a massive sweep by the Russians and the Chinese into Europe — through the back door of Greece, and then eventually into Spain, Italy, Portugal, and possibly even Ireland.  You are talking here about the total destruction of the EU and the euro.”
Dr. Roberts:  “That’s exactly right.  You see, Eric, the EU is telling the Greeks they won’t change any conditions and if the Greeks don’t agree they may simply expel the Greek government out of the EU and the euro system.  Well, if they are that stupid, then Russia and China will enter — that’s the opening.  If that unfolds, then yes, the Chinese and the Russians can unwind NATO.”



香港文匯報訊 (記者 涂若奔)

本港銀行或再有大規模併購。路透社昨引述知情人士表示,中銀香港(2388)正考慮出售旗下南洋商業銀行,估值約60億美元(約468億港元), 潛在買家為專收不良資產的信達資產管理(1359),出售資產的原因是因為南商的內地業務與中銀的母公司中國銀行(3988)重疊。中銀香港昨晚發公告證實,公司正進行一項出售「一些銀行資產」的可行性研究,但未有正面回應是否出售南商。信達資產在昨晚發公告指,截至昨日,並沒有就報道中的出售與任何第三 方進行磋商。
在昨日下午約三時半,外電已傳出中銀計劃出售南商的消息,直到昨晚九時,中銀終在聯交所發公告正式回 應事件。通告稱,公司董事會知悉近日媒體有關該公司潛在出售資產的猜測。董事會謹此表明,公司正進行一項可行性研究,審視集團的業務及資產組合,「相關研 究結果可能會或可能不會導致出售所持有的一些銀行資產。」
而據昨日下午路透社的報道,中銀計劃出售的是南洋商業銀行,出售資產是因為南商的中國內地業務與中銀 母公司中國銀行重疊,出售南商將幫助集團理順在中國內地的業務。報道指,若交易能成事,有關資產估值高達60億美元的規模,將是亞洲歷來的第三大銀行業併 購交易。排在前兩位的分別是,澳洲西太平洋銀行在2008年以179億美元(約1,396億港元)收購St George Bank,以及當年美國銀行以70億美元(約546億港元)購買了建設銀行(0939)的股份。 


中銀的通告未有回應正評估出售的「一些銀行資產」,是否就是南商。中銀的一名人士在電郵中稱,「我們 不評論市場傳言」。本報記者昨日下午亦曾致電中銀集團一位高層求證,他稱未聽聞該事件,但透露不久前有另一家內地大型銀行,曾洽談收購南商,中銀當時的決 定是「說什麼也不賣」,因為擔心會加劇彼此的競爭。 


事實上,近年中資或外資對本港銀行資產頗感興趣,紛藉併購本港銀行作踏腳石,以進軍內地或藉此走出海 外,如去年新加坡華僑銀行就以最多387.12億元收購永亨銀行,明言藉此進軍內地;而前年廣州的越秀企業集團則以116.44億元收購創興銀行 (1111)75%股權,藉此進軍本港銀行業。

ELITE PREPARING FOR TOTAL COLLAPSE - Ultra Rich are Quietly Preparing to Bug Out

在美國居住的朋友要小心啦, 美國富豪已預備預防窮人大暴動 !

小心小心 !


A lot of ultra-rich people are quietly preparing to “bug out” when the time comes. They are buying survival properties, they are buying farms in far away countries and they are buying deep underground bunkers. In fact, a prominent insider at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland says that “very powerful people are telling us they’re scared” and he shocked his audience when he revealed that he knows “hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand”. So what do they know? Why are so many of the super wealthy suddenly preparing bug out locations? When the elite of the world start preparing for doomsday, that is a very troubling sign. And right now the elite appear to be quietly preparing for disaster like never before.

The insider that I mentioned above is named Robert Johnson. He is the president of the Institute of New Economic Thinking, and what he recently told a packed audience in Davos is making headlines all over the planet… With growing inequality and the civil unrest from Ferguson and the Occupy protests fresh in people’s mind, the world’s super rich are already preparing for the consequences. At a packed session in Davos, former hedge fund director Robert Johnson revealed that worried hedge fund managers were already planning their escapes. “I know hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand because they think they need a getaway,” he said.

very powerful people are telling us they’re scared and that the elite “see increasing evidence of social instability and violence”. “Getaway cars the airstrips in New Zealand and all that sort of thing, so basically a way to get off. If they can get off, onto another planet, some of them would.”

Of course not all elitists are planning to jet off to the other side of the globe. go deep underground when things hit the fan. The so-called Survival Condo complex boasts full and half-floor units that cost $1.5 million to $3 million each. The building can accommodate up to 75 people, and buyers include doctors, scientists and entrepreneurs, says developer Larry Hall. As former nuclear missile sites built under the supervision of the Army Corps of Engineers, the structures were originally designed to withstand a direct hit by a nuclear bomb. At ground level, they can be sealed up by two armored doors weighing 16,000 pounds each. sophisticated water and air-treatment facilities, state-of-the-art computer network technology and several alternate power generation capabilities. homes into high tech security fortresses. Wealthy families across the country are shelling out millions to protect their loved ones from intruders, natural disasters or the apocalypse as home security goes increasingly sci-fi. futuristic gadgets – and a priceless peace of mind – bunkers, passageways, panic rooms and recognition software. wealthiest clients, the spending on home security has noticeably grown in the past five years. Bond film.

anger and frustration are rising to unprecedented levels. And they can see that things are likely to boil over once the next major economic crisis strikes.

We live at a time when almost everyone is getting poorer except for the elite. The top 1 percent now have close to 50 percent of the wealth in the entire world, and each year wealth becomes even more concentrated in their hands.

And we got a few clues about what things might look like what that time comes from the recent “snow scare” in New York. Frightened consumers wiped out supplies of bread, milk and eggs within just a few hours. People started to take advantage of one another, even the journalists seemed like they were on the verge of panic, and virtually the entire city shut down.

If the elite are preparing to bug out, it is hard to blame them. Life is about to dramatically change, and signs of the coming storm are everywhere. I hope that you are getting prepared for what is about to hit us while you still can.

平安夜跌錢案執走16萬元 商人囚5個月

貪字得個貧, 又何必呢 ?


【on.cc東網專訊】 去年12月24日平安夜,在灣仔告士打道發生的解款車「跌錢」案,拾獲16萬1,500元的商人承認偷竊罪,今在東區法院判入獄5個月,為「跌錢」案中首名判囚人士。

本港老鼠身上多惡菌 元朗黃大仙南區高危


【on.cc東網專訊】 坑渠老鼠和屋鼠通街「搵食」,身上藏滿惡菌!香港大學微生物學系發現,本港13%坑渠老鼠及7%屋鼠帶有比抗藥性金黃葡萄球菌更難醫的超廣譜酶大腸桿菌, 當中元朗、黃大仙及南區的老鼠糞便樣本含菌比率最高,帶菌率介乎21%至50%;33%坑渠老鼠對三種以上常用抗生素呈抗藥反應。
負責研究的港大感染及傳染病中心總監何栢良相信,老鼠有機會於部分雞、豬隻養殖場或街市進食,接觸了雞或豬的糞便感染超廣譜酶大腸桿菌,且有機會經環境傳人,嚴重病發可致細菌入血,專襲年長或抵抗力弱者,故長者人口居多的黃大仙區屬高危。港 大於○八至一三年,委託食環署及漁護處從全港十八區搜集四種常見老鼠的糞便樣本,包括主要在野外棲息、吃野果維生的針毛鼠及印支林鼠,以及經常出沒街市、 食垃圾的坑渠老鼠及屋鼠,以坑渠老鼠的樣本佔多。五年來共檢驗九百六十五隻老鼠樣本,其中在四百五十二隻坑渠老鼠樣本中,有六十三隻帶有該菌。十八區的坑渠老鼠當中,只有屯門及沙田兩區的沒帶有超廣譜酶大腸桿菌,但在元朗、黃大仙及「富豪區」南區竟發現最高水平帶菌率,介乎21%至50%。何 栢良指,研究已排除感染惡菌比率高與污水處理廠有關,且鼠患多也沒直接關係,他相信各區帶菌率高有獨特因素,當中元朗的家禽或豬隻養殖場較多,若老鼠接觸 帶病菌動物的糞便也會感染惡菌,變成病菌中介傳給人類;至於黃大仙區街市較多,或令垃圾收集量仍較高,南區則原因未明。他擔心,超廣譜酶大腸桿菌侵襲長者 及長期病患者為主,黃大仙長者人口較多、街市多、加上樓宇空間密,最大風險。他提醒市民到過街市必須徹底清潔雙手,避免吃生的食物,家居垃圾也要以垃圾袋 包裹好,免惹鼠患。

Jim Willie: US Dollar Will Not Survive 2015!

夠陰毒, 在美元爆煲前, 把全世界的資金趕入美元內, 之後落閘放狗, 一網打盡 ! 所以大家須忍耐下 !

www.silverdoctors.com 全文

The forecast for fast acceleration of events into the January month has occurred on schedule.  Normally a very big event occurs every several weeks, or every few months.  In just the last three weeks, ten have taken place of significance.
The pace has quickened in an alarming fashion. The Great Quickening has commenced.
Something big, ugly, and nasty this way comes.
The disruptive events and pace of systemic breakdown are surely going to continue.  The year will go down in history as extremely messy, extremely chaotic, and extremely important in the demise of the USDollar.
Check the 7-year cycle for an amazing sequence that goes back to the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo, the 1980 Gold & Silver Hunt Brothers peak, the 1987 Black Monday, the 1994 Irrational Exuberance with ensuing Asian Meltdown, the 2001 Inside 9/11 Job, and the 2008 Lehman failure.
The Year 2015 will be known for the USDollar demise with full fireworks.
With the acceleration of events in progress and in view, the pressures will grow against the entire King Dollar Court, the corrupt fortresses in Wall Street and London Centre, the crime syndicate hive.
The USDollar will not survive the year.

2015年1月29日 星期四

市場押注肯定減息 澳紐元恐未跌夠


【on.cc東網專訊】 澳紐貨幣成為市場焦點!澳元兌美元日內跌逾1%,刷新5年半新低0.7775,因市場對澳洲減息預期升溫,澳元面臨重壓;紐元在新西蘭央行溫和立場和澳元偏軟的雙重壓力下跌至近4年低位0.7265。



【on.cc東網專訊】 俄羅斯盧布匯率下挫,加上西方制裁導致油價暴跌、外幣融資緊縮,俄羅斯銀行體系嚴重受創,經濟學家估計俄羅斯經濟將收縮2.5%至5%。英國《金融時報》 文章稱,俄政府正考慮為不良資產設立一家「壞帳銀行」,以應對日益惡化的經濟危機。


大洋打電話來說訂開的中國熊貓銀幣已返貨, 順邊問佢有無細粒金貓, 說無貨, 只有1盎司的; 心血來潮打咗個電話去長城, 說有貨呵, 所以今日出咗去中環和灣仔 !

2015年中國熊貓金幣1/4盎司2703蚊, 1/10盎司1147蚊, 1/20盎司653蚊

大家上去買最好先打個電話問有無貨先, 而只收現金唔收一千蚊紙 !

二手成交:業主有樓唔怕等 叫價點高都賣得





更有等得愈久,成交價愈高的個案,中原分行經理伍錦基說,將軍澳天晉I期7座高層D室,實用面積536方呎,屬2房間隔,外望開揚景觀,據了解,原業主去年 5月份開價690萬元,放盤8個月間,叫價愈來愈高,近日成功反價至748萬元沽出單位,實用呎價13,955元,創屋苑2房做價新高。






南韓社會福利支出超負荷 2033年或破產


【on.cc東網專訊】 南韓最新調查顯示,該國許多家庭正面臨難以脫貧的問題,愈來愈多貧困家庭無法晉身中產階層。正當各界專家討論南韓當局如何改善福利政策,幫助貧困家庭時, 南韓國會財政機關卻發表報告稱,該國的福利支出正拖垮經濟,至2033年更可能陷入破產。
在南韓,年收入低於1841萬韓圜(約13萬港元)的家庭屬貧困階層,年收入達1841萬至5524萬韓圜(約13萬至39萬港元)的家庭,則屬中產階層。 南韓保健社會研究院與首爾大學社會福祉研究所於周二,發表於2006年至2014年間、針對全國7000多個家庭的調查報告,顯示去年貧困家庭升至中產家 庭的比例為22.3%,創下最低紀錄。而中產階層降至貧困階層的家庭比例是10.9%,數字自2012年持續上升。這意味愈來愈少家庭成功脫貧,反而愈來愈多的中產家庭正面臨貧困。當地媒體引述專家稱,南韓社會福利保障制度不完善,不能只關注為貧困家庭提供最低生活費,還要增加對教育和住房保障的支出,同時積極創造就業機會。然 而南韓國會的財政報告卻認為,不斷增加社會福利支出會令國家破產。南韓《朝鮮日報》報道指,國會預算處製作「2014至2060年國家長期財政預測報告」 時發現,社會福利費用正如滾雪球般增加,加上人口老化和稅收減少等問題,朴槿惠政府對借款愈加依賴。分析指,政府總收支不平衡,至2021年將出現財政赤 字,2033年起政府不得不發行國債,並最終破產,直至2060年,南韓赤字率將高達11.4%。

兒童面具:致癌物超標 即戴即敏感


【on.cc東網專訊】 「變……身!」鐵甲奇俠、蝙蝠俠等兒童玩具面具深受兒童喜愛,惟面具所含揮發性有機化合物(VOC)可能爆錶,兒童隨時帶上「毒面具」!有8歲男童戴上面具半小時,已出現敏感徵狀。記者日前在市面隨機抽樣購買3款兒童面具,並交給室內空氣處理顧問代為檢測,發現全部VOC含量均超出環境保護署的室內空氣質素指標,其中1款更超標近3倍。醫學界直指,過量吸入VOC,容易引致眼、鼻及喉嚨不適,呼吸系統較弱人士及哮喘患者尤其受影響,更可能破壞中樞神經,甚 至成為致癌元兇。
「戴咗半個鐘都冇,成面敏感出晒紅疹。」陳太日前在玩具店購買1款兒童玩具面具給8歲的兒子玩耍,兒子佩戴曾表示面具焗促,豈料戴上半小時後,感到痕癢無比,面上多處更出現紅疹,「嘩,戴一戴就敏感,乜咁毒!」為了解有關面具的「毒性」,記者日前到深水埗、中環、灣仔的化妝面具集中地購買3款時興的「山寨」兒童面具作VOC含量檢測,3個樣本無標明來歷,及分別由透明膠袋裝好,並交予室內空氣處理顧問黃勁松作測試。現時本港沒有就個別產品的VOC濃度訂定標準,但按照現時環保署建議的室內空氣質素指標,VOC濃度的安全水平則為不多於0.261ppm(百萬分率)。黃在不拆除獨立包裝袋的情況下,逐個近距離進行VOC含量測試,結果發現3款兒童面具同樣超標。樣本一的VOC為0.7ppm,而樣本三的VOC含量為 0.71ppm,同樣超標近1.7倍。當中樣本二的結果超標更是嚴重,打開包裝袋時已有1陣刺鼻怪味,VOC含量達1.03ppm,超標達近3倍。「雖然VOC會揮發,用之前洗吓亦都有幫助,但面具始終好貼面,抖氣位又細,臭味吸晒入肺。」黃指,面具不能長時間戴上,「始終無可能揮發得晒」,而面具上的顏料如金色、銀色,含有較高度的揮發性有機化合物,氣味相對會較重。「面具會貼實咗皮膚,好易引起過敏或皮炎,如果有濕疹或蕁痲疹嘅小朋友戴咗可能會令病情更嚴重。」皮膚科專科醫生侯鈞翔指,兒童面具所選用的顏料若含有重金屬或質素差,物料會殘留在面具內,在汗水、分泌物的刺激下,更會易引發皮膚病,「小朋友帶住周圍跑跳,唔單止會焗出疹,更會好易割傷皮膚。」侯建議,面部有傷口不適宜佩戴,而小朋友佩戴兒童面具只可帶少於20分鐘,使用完畢後亦要清洗乾淨,更不能每日佩戴,否則面具會成為傳染細菌的溫床,「同其他小朋友交換戴就會令細菌傳開去。」香港中文大學呼吸系統科講座教授許樹昌指,曾有醫學實驗把動物放在揮發性有機化合物濃度極高的環境,發現動物的肝及中樞神經等重要部分受到破壞,更可能致癌。許又指,一般而言,帶有刺激性的揮發性有機化合物,可能會令人流眼水及鼻水,引致鼻水倒流及喉嚨痕癢,長時間接觸亦可能會感到頭痛,患有呼吸系統較弱 人士及哮喘患者尤其需要小心,可令他們呼吸系統的黏膜易於水腫及發炎。「細路仔容易因為面具覆蓋口鼻,而吸入多咗VOC。」呼吸系統專科醫生梁宗存亦指,雖然面罩面積小,但仍有機會令兒童氣管發炎加重或加劇鼻敏感。他指,有氣管敏感及哮喘的兒童,需特別小心,佩戴面具應帶備常用藥物及控制佩戴時間。環 保署發言人表示,玩具面具不屬《空氣污染管制(揮發性有機化合物)規例》管制之列。而海關發言人表示,一般在香港供應的玩具及兒童產品,包括兒童玩具面 具,其產品安全需受《玩具及兒童產品安全條例》及其附屬法例所規管,玩具亦需附加安全標準或規定,包括須附有識別標記和適用於該玩具的雙語警示或警告等資 料。

警破3千部iPhone5失竊案 逾千人疑誤用賊贓


【on.cc東網專訊】 物流公司失3000多部iPhone 5,多國至少1700人正用賊贓。1間物流公司去年底購入3400多部全新的黑色iPhone 5手機,送至大埔工業邨1個貨倉後,貨主赫然發現手機不翼而飛。警方經調查後,懷疑該公司有一名倉務員疑監守自盜,將手機混合「吉盒」送至打鼓嶺一間廢紙 回收場,再串謀他人偷去手機,其中1700多部賊贓已被人「激活」啟動使用,使用者更遍佈內地、台灣和新加坡等地。1月28日警方採取行動,拘捕10名涉 案男女,正追查賊贓去向。
被 捕的6男4女,年齡介乎22至59歲,包括文員、售貨員、倉務員、酒樓部長、地盤工人及無業人士。去年11月,1間物流公司的貨主由美國購入3465部全 新黑色iPhone 5手機,入貨後將手機放在大埔工業邨一個貨倉內,按工序將其拆盒和重新包裝,分銷至不同國家。直至11月15日,貨主發現該批iPhone 5手機不翼而飛,總值約810萬元,追查不果後於12月中報案處理。大 埔警區重案組接手調查案件後,發現該物流公司其中1名倉務員,疑曾將該批手機混合了其他空的iPhone 5手機包裝盒等廢紙,送到坪輋1間與該物流公司合作了逾10年的廢紙回收場。倉務員早前已串謀回收場的一批職員,趁機混水摸魚偷去手機,再分銷海外轉售圖 利。警方經進一步調查,發現該批失竊的iPhone 5,有1700多部被人登記了資料「激活」啟動了,其中21部在本港啟動,其餘的主要在內地、新加坡、台灣和其他東南亞地方「激活」,相信海外不少人正使 用部份賊贓。警 方昨午在新界多區拘捕涉案的10名男女,他們皆以自己的個人資料啟動了該批失竊的iPhone 5手機,涉嫌盜竊被捕,現正被扣留調查,但警方仍在調查他們的盜竊手法及疑犯角色。警方已起回6部失竊的iPhone 5手機,相信有人會以比市值較便宜的價錢出售賊贓,故失竊的手機可能已經流至各地。他們會繼續追緝失竊手機的去向,不排除會有更多人被捕。


【on.cc東網專訊】 使用賊贓屬嚴重罪行,隨時惹官非。大量iPhone5賊贓流出,執業大律師陸偉雄指出,使用者若在知情的情況下使用賊贓,屬非常嚴重的罪行,一經犯案,最高可被監禁14年。若接贓者報稱自己不知情,並不知道手機是賊贓,陸指法官要因應其年齡、身份及背景,再判斷他們是否「有理由相信佢係畀人呃」,若法官有 理由相信該人對事件毫不知情,便屬「不知者不罪」。
陸又指,若事主看過新聞後始懷疑自己的手機是賊贓,應立即到警署交出贓物,如繼續或明知地管有贓物,其罪行與接贓罪無異。律 師黃國桐則指出,有關罪行與盜竊的性質相同,非常嚴重,但坦言﹕「唔係咁容易就入到呢條罪。」黃續指,事主在辨認何謂贓物時亦有待深究,並說﹕「除非你果啲iPhone係平到幾百蚊買番嚟啦、平到離哂譜,先會意識到係賊贓。」黃指出,事主若從新聞上得悉手上為賊贓,應盡快到警署備案,以供警察更多有關資 訊。

2015年1月28日 星期三

淘寶大反擊 否認賣假貨


香港文匯報訊(記者 梁偉聰)

內地工商總局上周點名批評淘寶假貨率達六成,淘寶昨日作出大反擊,在其官方微博轉發一名自稱「80後淘寶網運營小二」的心聲,直指當局對網購產品 的抽檢過程、「非正品」定義,以至於結果均不合規,誤導媒體和消費者,損害大小商家利益,並點名直指國家工商總局網絡監管司司長劉紅亮「別吹黑哨」。


「一個80後淘寶網運營小二」質疑工商總局抽檢方法以及樣本的數量,「92批次商品,某電商只抽查了 1件,得出了正品率為0的結論。另一家電商只抽查了3件,得出正品率100%的結論」。又認為,以淘寶網的規模,根本不應直接與自營的B2C商家放在同一 條線上比較,當局「如果不是疏忽,那麼必定是故意」。 


對於該心聲,雖然有人認同文章中對抽查準則的質疑,例如網民逍遙立博表示,「確實應該明確鑑定的標準 和抽樣的範圍」。不過對於假貨充斥的問題,網民的意見就見得一面倒,網民STEVIEZH直指,「淘寶本來就是假貨橫行的地方」。認證為「人民出版社發行 編輯」的杜朋朋就指,「淘寶假貨橫行本就是事實,不說別的,就拿圖書來說,盜版書多的是,一查一個準,你還別真不信」。



香港文匯報訊(記者 陳楚倩)

路透報道,追蹤機構投資者的美國研究公司eVestment發現,養老基金在2013年和去年1月至 9月分別向新興市場投入200億和175億美元。而去年該公司追蹤的主權財富基金則撤出了110億美元。機構投資者自2006年以來通過常規基金向新興股 市投入5,000億美元,但過去兩年投入規模已經減少。
雖然大型養老、保險和主權基金在新興市場投資佔比不大,但根據資金流動情況和全球資產經理,最近幾年 新興市場投資配比有所增加。但隨覑世界銀行本月再次下調發展中國家經濟增長預估,多年來投資回報疲弱,以及增長前景蒙陰,現在大型基金對新興市場的人氣惡 化。國際金融協會(IIF)執行總裁洪川表示,一些吸引機構投資者投資於新興市場的有力理由已經消失。 


IIF去年的數據顯示,2013年6月美聯儲暗示升息導致市場大跌後,流向新興市場股市和債市的資金 有增無減。IIF將這種現象歸因於機構投資者因覑眼長期而買入新的廉價資產。但資金在12月轉為流出,為18個月以來首次。IIF預測2015年料淨流出 250億美元,很大程度上是因為機構撤資。 


IIF研究顯示,按照在總體投資組合當中所佔百分比來看,相比最近幾年,機構投資者在加碼發達市場的 同時削減對新興市場資產的配比。而且,推動資金流向新興市場的理由也沒那麼充分了。油價自6月以來暴跌60%,法國巴黎銀行預測,能源出口國將因此從全球 市場抽回資金,一改二十年來的趨勢。
摩根大通資產管理公司客戶投資組合經理人Zsolt Papp稱,目前投資者對於混合或無限制基金的興趣提高,這類基金可以很方便地在發達與新興市場的資產、債券與股票之間轉換。投資新興市場本幣債券的主要 目的就是可以獲得更多回報,但近幾年非但沒有帶來額外回報,反而產生了很高的波動。



香港文匯報訊 (記者 周紹基、陳堡明)

港交所(0388)向券商發出通告,指交易所將於本月底,舉行「滬股通」沽空功能的系統測試,暫定下月正式推出相關服務,本周六將測試。 通告顯示,每隻沽空證券的沽空數量會有限制,每日限額為1%,累計限額是連續10個交易日合共5%。高盛中國首席策略分析師劉勁津昨日於記者會上表示,由 於沽空機制必然會有嚴謹的監管規則及額度,相信初期對A股整體影響不大,且只會佔成交很小的一部分。


但有分析員認為,容許境外人士沽空A股,是今次新措施的最大突破,目前內地融資融券市場中,融資(孖 展)買賣活動佔去當中近九成,融券(沽空)的活動相對沉寂,這是A股近期爆升的原因。但長遠而言,要A股回歸理性,減低其波動情況,實有需要激活沽空的成 交,讓更多人參與A股的沽空市場,有助理順A股的大上大落。





Greece Begins The Great Pivot Toward Russia

好野 ! 歐洲國家開始站起來反抗欺壓 !


Ten days ago, before the smashing success of Greece's anti-austerity party, Syriza, we noted that Russia gave Greece a modest proposal: turn your back on Europe, whom you despise so much anyway, and we will assist your farmers by lifting the food import ban.
And, sure enough, Greece's new premier Tsipras did hint with his initial actions that Greece may indeed pivot quite aggressively away from Europe and toward Russia in general and the Eurasian Economic Union in particular (as a tangent recall "Russia's "Startling" Proposal To Europe: Dump The US, Join The Eurasian Economic Union").

Today we got further evidence that Tsipras will substantially realign his country's national interest away from the west and toward... the east.
First, as Reuters reported, today the new premier halted the "blue light special" liquidation of Greece to those highest bidders who have the closest access to various printing presses and stopped the privatization of Greece's biggest port on Tuesday, "signaling he aims to stick to election pledges despite warning shots from the euro zone and financial markets."
One of the first decisions announced by the new government was stopping the planned sale of a 67 percent stake in the Piraeus Port Authority, agreed under its international bailout deal for which China's Cosco Group and four other suitors had been shortlisted.

"The Cosco deal will be reviewed to the benefit of the Greek people," Thodoris Dritsas, the deputy minister in charge of the shipping portfolio, told Reuters.
Europe, for one, will be most displeased that Greece has decided to put its people first in the chain of priority over offshore bidders of Greek assets. Most displeased, especially since the liquidation sale of Greece is part of the Greek bailout agreement: an agreement which as the Troika has repeatedly stated, is not up for renegotiation.
Syriza had announced before the election it would halt the sale of state assets, a plank of the 240 billion-euro bailout agreement. Stakes in the port of Thessaloniki, the country's second biggest, along with railway operator Trainose and rolling stock operator ROSCO are also slated to be sold.
And it wasn't just this open act of defiance that marked the new government's anti-European agenda:
In a separate step, the deputy minister in charge of administrative reform, George Katrougkalos said the government would reverse some layoffs of public sector workers, rolling back another key bailout measure. "It will be one of the first pieces of legislation that I will bring in as a minister," he told Mega TV.
The Germans were not happy: A German central banker warned of dire problems should the new government call the country's aid program into question, jeopardizing funding for the banks. "That would have fatal consequences for Greece’s financial system. Greek banks would then lose their access to central bank money," Bundesbank board member Joachim Nagel told Handelsblatt newspaper.

Well, maybe.... Unless of course Greece finds a new, alternative source of funding, one that has nothing to do with the establishmentarian IMF, whose "bailouts" are merely a smokescreen to implement pro-western policies and to allow the rapid liquidation of any "bailed out" society.
An alternative such as the BRIC Bank for example. Recall that the "BRICS Announce $100 Billion Reserve To Bypass Fed, Developed World Central Banks."

And yes, the BRIC are going through their own share of pain right now as a result of plunging crude prices, but remember: crude is only low as long as the US shale sector is still vibrant. Once this marginal producer of crude with a $80 cost-breakeven is out of the picture, watch as Saudi Arabia tightens the spigots and Crude surges to $100, $150 or more. The question is whether Saudi FX reserves can outlast the Fed's ZIRP, which is the only reason - think idiots junk bond investors desperate for any ounce of yield - why the bulk of unprofitable and cash flow-bleeding US shale can still operate with WTI at $45.
Which naturally means that now Russia (and China) are set to become critical allies for Greece, which would immediately explain the logical pivot toward Moscow.

But wait, there's more.

As Bloomberg further reports, "Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias is due in Brussels on Thursday to discuss possible additional sanctions on Russia over the conflict in Ukraine. Before the cabinet even meets for the first time tomorrow, the Greek government said that it disagreed with an EU statement in which President Donald Tusk raised the prospect of “further restrictive measures” on Russia."
The punchline:
In recent months, Kotzias wrote on Twitter that sanctions against Russia weren’t in Greece’s interests. He said in a blog that a new foreign policy for Greece should be focused on stopping the ongoing transformation of the EU “into an idiosyncratic empire, under the rule of Germany.”
And when it comes to the natural adversary of any German imperial ambitions in recent history, Europe has been able to produce only one answer...


Greek Stocks Crash, Bonds Plummet, Banks Have Worst Day Ever

In the two days after Syriza's dramatic victory in the local Greek election, global investors assumed this loud cry against European policies would mean... more of the same, and as a result not much changed in the risk assessment of Greek assets. Then, overnight, following the previous report that not only does Syriza mean business but it is actively pivoting away from Europe (and toward Russia?), and everyone started paying attention, with a waterfall of selling engulfing not only the Greek stock market but also its bonds, which are crashing in the process sending the 3 Year yield to 16.4%, the highest since the restructuring, and the 10 Year either below or above 10%, depending on which data source is used (Bloomberg has them slightly below, others reporting 10-year bond yields up 50 basis points at 10.30%).



希臘激進左翼聯盟(Syriza)勝選組閣後,負責航運的副部長Thodoris Dritsas周二表示,將中止前政府啟動的出售最大港口比雷埃夫斯港(Piraeus)多數股權交易。Dritsas稱,將根據希臘人民的利益重新審核該交易。










莊太量指坡元貶值助競爭力 港聯匯構風險




MIT科學家研製超幼纖維 將電腦連接人腦


【on.cc東網專訊】 未來的生活會怎樣?相信不少人都好奇,科學家預言人體可接駁電腦,並在太空打造殖民衞星居住。別以為只是空談,美國麻省理工學院(MIT)科學家已研製出較頭髮更幼的纖維,讓電腦得以連接人腦,猶如把電影《廿二世紀殺人網絡》的「母體」(Matrix)世界帶到現實。
MIT科學家以聚合物研製出新型極幼纖維,可把光學訊息和藥物直輸人腦,腦袋電子訊息亦可被電腦讀取。他們指,現有同類產物既硬且利,不斷傷害附近組織,但新纖維柔軟富彈性,不會令人體受損。可 是不少科學家認為,地球未來將不再宜居,尋找新地球、把火星地球化是現時較普遍的「解決方法」。但德州大學學者指,即使在茫茫宇宙找到新地球,人類受制光速極限,很難前往其他星系,改造火星的難度亦非常高。他們相信,打造殖民衞星會是人類出路,待地球自行復原後才「回家」。

美劫匪車撞銀行博物館 搶走展出歷史性金塊


【on.cc東網專訊】 美國三藩市市中心富國銀行歷史博物館的玻璃門周二凌晨被一輛雪佛蘭SUV多功能車撞破,車上3名劫匪用槍指嚇博物館保安,搶走正在展出的歷史性金塊後,乘坐汽車匆匆逃離。

會計界料財政盈餘達600億 倡增加稅務寬減


【on.cc東網專訊】 特許公認會計師公會(ACCA)香港分會今早發表財政預算案建議,該會會長黃宏泰表示,因受印花稅正面影響及稅收增加,保守估計今年的財政盈餘可達600億,甚或高達700億至750億亦不會感詫異。

2015年1月27日 星期二

Dow futures off nearly 300 points after data miss


U.S. stock index futures furthered already steep declines after data had orders for U.S. durable goods unexpectedly falling in December, adding to a bearish view as corporate earnings disappointed.

Earnings season is poised to gather steam this week, with some of Wall Street's biggest names lined up to report.
Apple (AAPL) releases its earnings after the close on Tuesday, with analysts expecting the tech firm to beat consensus.
Yahoo (YHOO), Electronic Arts (EA), AT&T (NYSE:T) and Amgen (AMGN) are all also due after the close. Before market open, investors will be watching Pfizer (PFE), 3M (MMM), Caterpillar (CAT), Procter & Gamble (PG), American Airlines Group (AAL), Coach (COH), Lockheed Martin (LMT), Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMY).

Pfizer fell sharply in premarket trading, despite beating analyst expectations, after the group said 2015 earnings would come in below expectations.
P&G, the world's largest household products maker, said foreign exchange headwinds would hit fiscal sales in 2015 by 5 percent and net earnings by 12 percent, adding that the "outlook will remain challenging". Quarterly profits in the group fell around 31 percent as a result of a stronger dollar.

Chemical maker DuPont said it expects to buy back shares up to $4 billion, using the dividend from the spinoff of its performance chemicals unit. Net income rose $683 million or 74 cents per share in the fourth quarter of last year, but the group gave a disappointing outlook for 2015 due to dollar strength.

Caterpillar (CAT) posted earnings of $1.35 a share on revenue of $14.24 billionPoor weather conditions have brought New York and other areas in the north-east to a standstill, however extreme forecasts have been downgraded, with some meteorologists predicting less snowfall than initially expected.

The travel ban on all non-emergency vehicles, enforced in New York City and surrounding counties on Monday night, was lifted early on Tuesday.

Also due for release will be the Conference Board's consumer confidence index for January at 10:00 am ET, which is expected to record its sixth consecutive monthly rise to a new post-crisis high.

New home sales data for December at 10:00 am ET and the Richmond Fed's manufacturing index for January is also scheduled for Tuesday.

In Europe, the new anti-austerity Greek prime minister Alexus Tsipras was sworn in Monday and is set to meet with finance ministers from his fellow euro zone countries to begin negotiations on financial support and debt repayments.
European markets were lower in morning trade on Tuesday, as investors focused on corporate earnings rather than the results of Greece's parliamentary election





永隆亦再提高人幣定存息率,為期12個月、人幣10萬以上的新資金定存,一般客戶可享3.8厘優惠;新金葵花客戶則有3.85厘優惠。同樣為期12個月的人 幣定存,新私人財富管理客戶及新私人銀行客戶則分別上調至3.90厘及3.95厘,惟起存金額則分別需100萬及500萬以上。小額定存方面,永隆為期 12個月、起存金額2萬的定存息率亦調高至3.5厘。

領匯奪觀塘項目 失REIT穩定派息意義


領匯(00823) 與南豐合組財團,以高於市場預期約兩成的價錢,競得觀塘鴻業街商業地項目。AMTD證券及財富管理業務總經理鄧聲興認為,市區地供應量少,不時「爆冷」高出市場估值不足為奇。不過,本次為領匯首次進入地產發展的範疇,項目投資雖較領匯的規模為細,但資金回籠期可能長達兩至三年,當中或有風險,失卻房地產投資信託基金(REIT)穩定派息的意義,其基金價格有需要作出風險補償,或需較現價折讓4%至5%。


1. 樓市

大鱷炒高樓價後使利率大升刺爆樓市泡沫, 低價買高價出貨, 而大眾多數只會高追接高價貨, 之後無能力供款破產收場 !
大鱷還可以用衍生工具來生財, 如發行資貸債券 !

買樓最好唔借錢, 要借都須預足夠的後備金來填數 !

2. 股市

大鱷低位收集股票, 炒高出貨, 還利用期貨期權賺錢, 而大眾只會高追接火捧或出一隻又入兩隻, 揸實股票睇住個市升又睇住個市跌, 或嚇破膽在低位出貨 !

唔好同股票有感情, 唔好日日想買股票賺錢, 唔好借錢買只用閒錢, 須跟大鱷步驟, 低買高出, 就係乘股災買入(在人人都訴苦蝕咗幾多幾多時), 在股市高位(在人人都在數自己賺咗幾多幾多時)出貨 !

3. 匯市

大鱷推高某國家貨幣又推低某國家貨幣合用衍生工具去賺錢, 多數同國家銀行對著玩角力 !

只買有實際生產力國家的貨幣, 如澳元, 因為澳洲有礦業, 不過暫時金屬俾大鱷玩下行, 所以澳元也要跌; 如加元, 因為有油田、水源、森林業, 不過又俾大鱷玩油價下行, 所以暫時要跌; 如新加坡元, 因為新加坡是外資避風港之一, 又出油產品, 依家又搞金銀業, 不過美元暫時是升, 所以乜都跌; 如人民幣, 因為中國是世界最多資金的國家 !

4. 商品

大鱷在商品市場(油、金、銀、鐵、糖、棉花、加啡、小麥等等)乘風破浪賺錢, 不過普通小散戶不會參與呢個市場的, 除咗實金實銀 !
又來到為何要買實金實銀的問題, 而唔只買會生產流動資金的樓(租金), 股(股息), 人民幣/外幣(利息) ?
本人都在網上見到有人只買樓, 有人只買股票, 有人只買實金實銀的 !
只買樓, 就算你full pay, 都要有現金在手也唔可以無止境的去買; 只買股票, 上面已寫股市的波動, 在捱跌市時, 你會好難過的; 只買實金實銀, 當然是無現金流啦, 所以本人主張是分散投資, 而分散的投資也會有些跑得快, 有些跑得慢的, 但不用俾人一次過 knock out !
認為只須買入有現金流的人只 suppose 呢個世界一路和平繁榮至永遠, 沒預到匯市中的風險, 貨幣可以 reset, 到時如果貨幣須跟黃金掛鈎, 好多貨幣會貶值到你唔信 ! 好多人都睇唔到呢樣, 也睇唔到好多國家在加黃金儲備, 為乜野呢, 你估 ? 手持美元 ? 到美元是跌得最多個時, 世上就剩返實金實銀 !

只買實金實銀, 只用閒錢不借錢, 因為大鱷在金銀市中用衍生工具炒上炒落, 試圖把你地的貨震出來, 而買實貨是分段買, 最好 buy on dip, 每次跌就出去買幾枚, 而點解要買實貨放銀行保管箱? 因為除非大鱷去銀行爆你箱, 佢地好難震你出來 !

IMF:荷蘭去年12月增持黃金 08年來首次



IMF 數據顯示,黃金持有量最多的國家之一俄羅斯上個月增持約666,500安士黃金,黃金儲備總量為3,880萬安士。哈薩克斯坦將黃金儲備增加2.2%,至 620萬安士。白俄羅斯的黃金儲備增加3.3%,至140萬安士。荷蘭官方黃金儲備增加30.9萬安士,至2,000萬安士,增幅1.6%。馬來西亞也增 加其黃金儲備量,從110萬安士升至120萬安士。





Currency Wars - Russia Buys 20.7 Tonnes Of Gold In December; Netherlands Refutes IMF Gold Data

UPDATE: Since we published our blog this morning, the Dutch central bank has denied that it added to its gold reserves in December.

De Nederlandsche Bank, the Dutch central bank has denied reports in Reuters, Bloomberg and picked up by GoldCore, that the bank had increased its gold holdings for the first time in sixteen years. IMF data had shown that the Dutch had increased their holdings to 622.08 tonnes.
“De Nederlandsche Bank has not increased its gold holdings. Several media reported this Tuesday that based on IMF figures, DNB’s gold stock increased in December 2014. This is incorrect,” it said on its website.
The DNB’s correct and current gold holdings consist of 19.691 million troy ounces (612.5 tonnes), the tenth largest holder of the metal in the world, according to the World Gold Council’s January data.

We believe that it is only a matter of time before a European or other central bank begins to emulate China and Russia and starts accumulating gold. Today's error may portend tomorrow's reality. It is important to note that while Dutch central bank gold accumulation would have been a very significant development, Russia's steady and robust accumulation of gold is very important. It came at a time when some analysts were suggesting and there was much chatter that Russia would sell gold reserves.

巴西研究:咖啡可提煉止痛藥 更勝嗎啡


【on.cc東網專訊】 咖啡可以提神,原來也隱含止痛功能。巴西近日有人發現,咖啡內含有肽(peptides),可以提煉出止痛藥,而且效用可比嗎啡更好。

愛爾蘭推護照卡 通行歐洲31國


【on.cc東網專訊】 愛爾蘭將於7月推出全新的塑膠護照卡,作為通行歐洲的證件,最「盞鬼」的是國民可用自拍照作為證件照片。

特大暴風雪襲擊美東 逾萬航班取消或延誤


【on.cc東網專訊】 周一開始,美國東北部地區遭遇特大暴風雪天氣的猛烈襲擊。紐約州、新澤西州、麻省等多個州宣布進入緊急狀態或發布外出旅行禁令。受特大暴風雪天氣影響,至周一下午,全美當天超過7000架次航班被迫取消或延誤。目前周二宣布取消的航班,已達3648架次。



【on.cc東網專訊】 金管局公布,外匯基金2014年全年投資收入436億元,按年少賺46%;是2011年以來最差,主要受累外匯虧損擴大;去年撥付予財政儲備的費用為275億元。
全年計,股票投資收入402億元,當中香港股票收入佔65億元;其他股票收入佔337億元。債券及其他投資收入分別為473億元及88億元;外匯虧損則高達527億元。2014年外匯基金的投資回報率為1.4%。過去3年的平均回報率為2.8%,過去5年為2.6%,過去10年為3.7%,而自1994年至今則為5.2%。 金管局總裁陳德霖表示,如果2014年是投資困難的年份,預期2015年會更難。不論宏觀經濟和全球的金融環境,今年都會比去年更複雜和有更多變數。當中最重要的變數莫如美國利率正常化的時間和步伐。陳 德霖指出,美元的利息走向、歐元區最新的量化寬鬆和日本加強版的寬鬆貨幣政策,究竟會為全球資金流向、匯率、利率、資產市場帶來甚麼影響,都有很大不確定性。最近美元急升,油價大跌和瑞士法郎突然和歐元脫鈎所帶來的震盪,都反映市場目前極不平衡、極不正常的貨幣政策環境。

假裝修公司「走數」後消失 苦主求助無門

裝修間屋, 無人會一次過俾全數, 多數會分三期, 第一期材料費, 做到一半俾第二期, 做完才俾第三期 !


【on.cc東網專訊】 裝修公司「走數」兼人間蒸發,消費者主求助無門!「上年9月我一次過畀晒9萬3,間公司話明10月完工,點知拖到依家郁都冇郁過,間屋仲似足廢墟咁!」邱 先生去年購入牛頭角一單位,收樓後獲鄰居介紹聘用一間建築工程公司進行家居裝修,並繳付全費約9萬3千元,對方承諾1個月內完成工程,並於收款後派員到新 居視察及搬運材料,詎料始後全無音信,至今入伙無期。
邱 先生於過去數月不斷致電該建築工程公司,卻一直無人接聽電話,按卡片地址上門了解亦無人應門,及後更得悉鄰居及大廈內多個住戶同時受害,「當初個鄰居只係畀間公司個電話我,出咗事之後我哋一齊對卡片,先知除咗電話之外,其他資料都唔同,全部都係假嘅,再查下原來間公司連商業登記都冇!」邱曾報警求助,警方 卻指未能處理,邱與家人除蒙受金錢損失外,亦因新居裝修無期而「有屋住不得」,需暫租附近單位容身。警方發言人證實,曾接獲當事人求助,經調查後初步認為事件涉及商業糾紛,經警員調解後,雙方已自行商討和解方案。不過,邱先生卻指至今仍未能與有關公司取得聯絡,記者曾按有關公司卡片上的傳真發信查詢,但至截稿前仍未獲回覆。消 費者委員會發言人指出,由於涉事裝修公司並無商業登記,有關交易被界定為私人交易,不屬消費者與公司間的協議和交易,難以介入調停。發言人續稱,去年1月 至11月間,該會共接獲165宗與裝修工程有關的消費投訴,較2013年同期的146宗稍有上升。發言人提醒市民應光顧有固定辦公室或店舖、並持有商業登 記的裝修公司,交易亦必須有單有據,以便在發生糾紛時可作聯絡及追討。「電話、地址乜都假,又冇人上去裝修,好明顯唔係單純嘅商業糾紛,嚴格嚟講可以叫做瞞騙!」資深律師黃國桐認為,上述事件明顯涉及刑事成份,認為警方應盡早作出調查,以防有關公司重施故技,令更多市民受害。

2015年1月26日 星期一



【on.cc東網專訊】 受美匯指數急升影響,在岸人民幣兌美元即期大跌254點子,收報6.2542,創去年6月5日以來新低。永隆銀行司庫蕭啟洪表示,歐央行推量化寬鬆,令美元走強,人民幣短期之內有下貶壓力,但料在6.27位置有支持。

美國首家持牌交易所誕生 Bitcoin飆27%


【on.cc東網專訊】 獲紐交所及花旗前舵手潘迪特等撐腰的虛擬貨幣Bitcoin(比特幣)交易平台Coinbase,宣布成為美國首家持牌Bitcoin交易所,可在紐約 州、加州等半數美國州份營業,多數交易抽佣0.25%,首2個月提供免費優惠。

希臘反對派勝出 將結束災難性緊縮政策


【on.cc東網專訊】 希臘反對派激進左翼聯盟周日在大選中勝出後,領袖齊普拉斯向數千支持者發表勝利宣言,聲稱選民決定結束災難性的緊縮政策和恥辱,所謂「三駕馬車」債權人將告終。


【on.cc東網專訊】 希臘反對派激進左翼聯盟在(Syriza)周日大選中勝出。希臘內政部稱,Syriza已經贏得36.5%選票,預計將獲得希臘議會總計300個席位中的 150個;保守派新民主黨獲得27.7%選票,預計贏得76個議會席位;此外極端民族主義政黨金色黎明預計將位列第3,獲得17個議會席位。

Syriza黨魁齊普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)發表勝利宣言,稱希臘人民已經書寫歷史,希臘正在走向下一個階段,放棄緊縮政策,救助協議在希臘走到盡頭,對希臘而言,「三頭馬車」時代已經結束,希臘寡頭政治和精英已被擊敗。齊普拉斯稱,Syriza政府準備好在債務問題上進行談判,將與國際債權人重新商討貸款條件,達致公正、互惠互利和可行的解決方案。希臘總理薩馬拉斯表示,尊重希臘人民的選擇,其新民主黨將扮演歐洲穩定保證人的角色。他希望新政府不要退出歐盟和歐元區。目前為止,仍難判定Syriza會否需要尋求與其他政黨合作組建政府,一般預期,如果Syriza需要尋求與其他政黨合作,代表他們必須妥協,可能促使新政府放棄極端立場。未來數月,希臘需要其他歐元區國家以及國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)提供數十億歐元資金,才能避免公共債務違約。希臘銀行業也需要歐洲央行持續援助流動性。歐洲當前的希臘救助計劃將於2月28日到期,制訂新計劃的必要性已迫在眉睫。

樓價比天高 倫敦人被迫與陌生人合租房間


【on.cc東網專訊】 英國倫敦近年樓價高企,市民已難以承受昂貴的租樓費用。有不少人為求棲身之所,不惜與陌生人分租單位,甚至是分租房間。
根 據專門提供分租服務的網站SpareRoom.co.uk表示,在他們過去2年的紀錄中,接到的生意大增7成。客人除了夫婦、情侶或朋友外,單身客的數目 亦有明顯增加趨勢。舉例指,單在倫敦西部一間雙人房的平均租金,每周就需要260鎊(逾3千港元)。可是所謂雙人房,其實只是擺放了碌架床的房間。有與陌生人合租房間的倫敦市民表示,唯一能解決困境的辦法,就是政治人物盡快落實興建市民可負擔得起的房屋。

金價未越1300 難展升勢


英皇金融集團(香港)總裁 黃美斯 

上周金價維持走高,周中以後大致處於1,300美元關口震盪,周四一度刷新五個月高位至 1,306.20美元。近月全球經濟放緩的信號此起彼伏,這打壓了市場的風險偏好情緒,避險黃金在全球經濟放緩的浪潮下受到支撐。此外,歐洲央行及加拿大央行的寬鬆措施將會有助推高了通脹,黃金作為一個傳統的抗通脹品種,亦受到寬鬆政策所支持。 


歐洲央行上周四終於不負眾望推出QE對抗通縮,新的量化寬鬆(QE)計劃將每月向市場注入600億歐 元,持續到2016年9月。迎來本周市場焦點將轉向美聯儲,美聯儲將會在周三晚公布最新的利率決議,這將成為市場最為重要的風險事件。如果美聯儲在全球寬鬆的背景下有意打壓加息進程,這將重挫美元,金價有望受到提振,反之如果美聯儲強調維持之前的加息立場,支撐美元,1,300關口仍然是金價難以逾越的門 檻。 



倫敦黃金經過1月初的回升,目前已初步突破1,250美元上方的一系列阻力,或許正意味覑金價在 2014年低位已觸底。自去年7月以來的下降趨向線,以及月線圖歷時兩年多的趨向線亦告突破,10天上破25天平均線成黃金交叉,預示覑金價在中短期走勢 亦保持上揚意向。金價上周四亦見升破去年10月高位1,255.20美元,短線亦將以此區為重要支撐。策略上應以回位買入為主,較近支持將參考1,287 及1,278水平,較大支撐則會留意250天平均線1,266水平。至於當前向上阻力先為1,306及1,316水平,進一步則會指向1,325水平。


倫敦白銀方面,預計銀價較大支持為17.90及17.50水平,關鍵仍是前期頂部16.50美元。現 階段10天與25天平均線出現黃金交叉的中期利好訊號。由於銀價已升破12月10日高位17.33美元,此區同時亦可視為一雙底形態的頸線位置,在明確破 位的情況下,量度幅度可至19.16美元。短線較近阻力可先看250天平均線18.79及18.90美元,進一步可看至19.10美元。

內房分化大茶飯不再 超六成內房股去年銷售未達標


香港文匯報訊(記者 張易)

內地去年下半年放寬樓市「限貸限購」後,內房銷售迎來轉機。在港上市的內房企本月陸續公布2014年銷售業績,本報統計22間主要發展商,當中僅8 間完成年初制定的全年銷售目標;75%達標企業為年銷售額逾700億元(人民幣,下同)的大型發展商,顯示內房「黃金十年」結束後,行業分化愈來愈嚴重。
據統計,該22間企業去年合計銷售額1.139萬億元,較2013年的9,840.89億元增長 15.79%,但完成年度目標卻不盡人意。合生創展(0754)年初制定的銷售目標為130億元,實際完成53.52億元,達標率僅41.2%。方興地產 (0817)8月下調全年目標至240億元,即使如此,實際達標率亦僅77.27%。


而14間未達標內房企中,超過一半(8間)銷售達標率不到八成,顯示內地房地產行業分化嚴重,強者愈 強,弱者愈弱,中小企面臨巨大生存壓力。有分析認為,去年銷售未達標的房企多數為區域性中小房企,項目多分布於二三線城市,市場下行對這些城市衝擊較明 顯,降價促銷都難以拉動銷售增長,故銷售不達標、業績下滑甚至虧損也在所難免。


萬科及綠地去年銷售增長均為20%以上,反觀銷售規模在300億元以下的不少房企,年增長率卻降至個 位數甚至負數,如瑞安房地產(0272)去年銷售額97.5億元,按年大減41%;深圳控股(0604)去年銷售額74億元,按年下降17.8%。鑑於內 地市場分化及行業門檻愈來愈高,有分析認為,2015年內房行業分化將會持續。


香港文匯報訊(記者 蘇洪鏘)

去年內地地產市道波譎雲詭,面對由來已久的負債比率高企,內房企扭盡六壬四出「撲水」融資,同時為加快去貨回籠而不惜減價,一度出現集體劈價。及 至去年底,業界再傳出負面消息,陸續有房企因捲入反貪調查,而令旗下樓盤遭禁售,內房「爆煲潮」乍現。 


與此同時,三四線市場積存不少新盤,內房難以通過加價補平資金缺口,惟有向第三方融資。與以往主要通 過發債或向銀行貸款不同,今年以來愈來愈多內房股通過供股或配股方式,直接向股東伸手募資,碧桂園(2007)和越秀地產(0123)通過供股向股東抽 水,雅居樂(3383)亦兩度提出供股計劃,最新一次以8供1比例籌資約16.5億元。樓市信貸鬆綁,釋放了部分購買力,最終令2014年9月、10月的 樓市雖失「金九」,卻保住「銀十」不失。
不過小陽春僅維持短暫,及後迎來更大陰霾,去年底佳兆業(1638)等多間內房旗下部分樓盤先後被當 局鎖定;期間佳兆業多名高級管理層先後宣布辭任,最終觸發一項貸款及至限期前仍未能支付折合近2億港元的債息,為內地首家美元債券違約的發展商,及後更陸 續被多家金融機構向法庭申請資產保全。

小心爛尾樓又出現, 所以去大陸買樓, 首要選的是發展商 !


香港文匯報訊(記者 李昌鴻 深圳報道)

同樣是城市廣場業主的岳先生,已交了四成首付,並作了備案登記,但自佳兆業出現鎖房風波後,銀行拒絕 放款,擔心他的權益會受到傷害。而集會維權組織者之一、業主李先生介紹,目前,這些業主包括已備案、無備案和已交定金的三類,他們權益都因佳兆業風波而面 臨損害,因此,他們統一行動,希望深圳市能夠維護他們的權益。


學洋人說: This will end badly !


巨額民間貸款湧入 變相提供超級孖展 

A股去年第四季度變「瘋牛」,指數大升,成交額更曾達到創紀錄的1.2萬億元(人民幣,下同),歐美日市場也難望其項背。市場驚嘆的同時,也好奇A股何以在短期內撬動起過萬億資金入市?原來,除了融資融券,還有充斥着遊走灰色地帶的「配資」;除了股民之 外,一般市民的錢也拐個彎入市。在民間資本最活躍的浙江溫州,目前有超過300億元的資金參與股票配資,涉及配資業務的公司近300家,在內地配資領域屬 於第一梯隊。
 ■香港文匯報 記者 白林淼 



配資(英文名With funding),是指在證券、期貨投資人原有資金的基礎上,按照一定比例加入出資人資金供其使用,造成槓桿效應。對於配資需求者而言,只要自己具備一定的資金便可以此為基數,放大5倍或10倍實現炒股或炒期貨。比如,你有10萬元,可以提供50萬元配資,那麼你的實際操作資金就有60萬,讓你比原先多收 益5倍,而這僅需支付給放貸人規定的利息和中介公司的管理費。
而對於放貸人來說,儘管普遍月息只有1至1.2厘,但是因為股票和賬戶都在放貸人的名下,且投資者還 會打入保證金。由於資金相對安全、收益穩定,配資逐漸受放貸人的歡迎。據了解,在本輪A股牛市中,「配資」已逐漸成為熱詞,在百度的搜索中與配資有關的信 息已達6,560萬條,從事配資業務的中介公司亦遍佈北京、上海、深圳、杭州等全國各大城市。 

配資規模速增 催生300公司 

其實,配資在溫州早於上一輪A股市場火爆的2008年就已出現,但因當時投資市場的多元及民間借貸的 高利率而未能「走紅」。在2011年溫州局部金融風波爆發以來,曾經從事民間信貸的「投資諮詢」、「資產管理」等中介公司,開始轉向配資業務。近幾年,儘 管公司換了一茬又一茬,但配資公司的數量與資金規模卻逐漸增長,尤其是近期,溫州配資業務呈現加速發展。
業內人士透露,目前溫州涉及配資業務的公司有近300家,資金總額達300億左右,屬於全國第一梯 隊。該人士還指出,2009年滬指從3,400點左右一路下跌到去年反轉前的2,000點不到,股民休眠、退出已成常態,然而溫州的股票賬戶及持股金額, 卻從300億一路上升到800億左右,這些資金中,多數為配資資金。 

市場需求大 信託公司感興趣 

溫州市區一財富管理公司的業務經理透露,當下股市紅火,到該公司配資的股民不在少數,一個星期都會簽 約十幾個單子,配出去的資金達幾千萬是常有的事。不過,溫州的配資充滿着草根色彩,是小散配資彙集量最大的城市。而與溫州的「眾籌式」配資不同,北京、上 海、武漢等地,已出現最高單筆資金超60億元的「機構式」配資,甚至有信託公司對配資市場表達了興趣。


高盛投資管理部中國副主席暨首席投資策略師哈繼銘直言,中國經濟向下、股市向上,不是「新常態」,而是「變態」,股市上漲一定要與基本面結合,才能帶來真正的財富效應。在哈繼銘看來,A股短期內雖有上漲機會與空間,但投資者仍需小心謹慎,因為今年A股將是上躥 下跳的「猴市」。
哈繼銘在復旦大學管理學院舉辦的「2015藍墨水新年論壇」上,同時亦對證監會的政策提出異議。他說,內地股市政策一直變來變去,一段時間非常鼓勵股市,覺得漲的太厲害了,就想管管融資融券,股市即刻下跌8%,管理層又說不要急,不要誤解政策導向, 「我覺得經濟已經『新常態』了,監管層面政策沒有必要『常新態』,『常新態』股市就變成『很變態』,監管層應當要有定力。」
他以註冊制為例,認為而今監管層應當盡早推出註冊制,以迎合資本市場上的強烈需求。他指,股市大漲的 時候,需求隨之增長,供應也應當大力加推,才是政策應該起到的作用。「另外輿論導向也需要平衡,一些分析師說中國股市有風險,馬上就說人家唱空中國,自己 卻在官媒上發文說股市上漲帶來財富效應、刺激消費,」哈繼銘反問,「股市上漲怎麼會刺激消費呢?等大家都套現想去消費的時候,股市不就掉下來了嗎?」 


「中國的A股短期看還是有上漲機會和空間,但值得警覺的是,基本面現在沒有明顯的改善,」哈繼銘說, 有人認為經濟數據若不盡人意,政府刺激政策或將實施,股市更可能上漲,這亦是這段時間中國股市行情與國際市場隔絕的原因,但是若基本面得不到改善,未來脫 節遲早要獲得統一,因此投資A股還是要小心謹慎。

■香港文匯報記者 章蘿蘭

英國工作假期計劃 下月接受申請


【on.cc東網專訊】 勞工處今日宣布,將於下月23日至3月6日接受香港/英國工作假期計劃「贊助者證明」的首輪登記。持有特區護照,年齡須介乎18至30歲的青年人如有意申請英國「青年流動計劃」,可向處方遞交「贊助者證明」登記,以便向英國當局申請第五級別「青年流動計劃」的簽證。


威院3周接160症 專家預警新春爆更嚴重流感


【on.cc東網專訊】 變種甲型H3N2正在本港大爆發,再有兒童中招後有嚴重併發症。該名16歲女童上周五(23日)開始感不適,入院後證實對甲型H3流感呈陽性,今(25 日)病情惡化轉至兒童深切治療部留醫。流感肆虐,公立醫院急症室昨日(24日)總求診人數達6,600多人,當中千多人要轉至內科病房。威爾斯親王醫院過 去3周共接獲160宗流感入院個案,比往年偏高。專家預警,農曆新年期間,將出現更嚴重的流感爆發。
衞生防護中心今公布,女童上周五起有發燒、咳嗽及呼吸困難,昨日到屯門醫院求診,同日入院。她今病情惡化轉至兒童深切治療部,臨床診斷為肺炎,情況嚴重。她居於元朗,沒有外遊紀錄,家人亦無相關病徵,其就讀的中學亦無爆發流感。今年至今,共有5宗兒童嚴重流感個案。公院急症室昨日求診人數達6,611人,較平日升14%,屯門、伊利沙伯及聯合醫院為重災區,其中1,073人轉至內科病房。內科病床整體佔用率高達110%,12間公院超過100%,以伊院及將軍澳最爆滿,均超過120%。中 大感染及傳染病科教授李禮舜稱,近期流感病人數目飆升,疫情較往年嚴峻。威院監測數據顯示,前兩年的1月至3月冬季流感季節期間,約有100至300宗流感入院個案。但截至上周五的3周內,已約160宗入院個案,「數字明顯偏高」。今年入院病人中,不足10%有接種流感疫苗。威院在今年冬季流感季節為有流感徵狀,及出現併發症的入院病人做PCR快速測試,以盡快確診及用藥。港 大感染及傳染病中心總監何栢良今預警,冬季流感將持續至3月。農曆新年期間,或出現更嚴重的流感爆發。他稱,當局可能低估本港嚴重流感個案數目,公院只將 因流感死亡或留醫深切治療部的個案列作「嚴重」,但有入住普通病房的患者因病情嚴重而需要插喉輔助呼吸,並無計算在內。何栢良稱,港大早前的統計,每年因流感間接引致的死亡達1千宗。本港市民接種流感疫苗比率不足20%,遠低於外國,甚至醫護人員的接種率亦僅20%。他建議當局盡快研究如何提高接種率,例如在公院主動為覆診病人接種疫苗。



【on.cc東網專訊】 立法會福利事務委員會今早開會,進行政策簡報會,議員王國興要求當局為長者及傷殘人士提供免費乘車優惠,並讓單肢傷殘人士同享優惠;梁家傑不滿當局遲遲未有討論全民退休保障計劃,又質疑預留500億元的做法,只為拒絕推全民退保;梁志祥則建議,當局將廣東計劃擴展至福建,讓更多居於內地的長者受惠;鄧家彪 則追問現屆政府會否改革傷殘津貼。

勞 工及福利局局長張建宗表示,兩元乘車優惠會在實施一年後作檢討,不排除將來會全面豁免車資,至於將單肢傷殘人士納入優惠則涉及定義問題。另外,他又指,政府提出預留500億元作退保用途是一個政治承諾,顯示政府有承擔,又指是「三軍未動,糧草先行」的策略,而退保問題將會在下半年進行公眾諮詢。張建宗又指,現時有18,300名居於廣東的長者,可在內地領取生果金,但當局暫未有打算將廣東計劃擴展至福建,需一併考慮到政策層面。至於改革傷殘津貼問題,當局暫時仍未有定案,已聘顧問團隊討論,張亦稱,全港有100多萬名長期病患者,若更改傷殘的定義,可能會涉及法律爭拗,政府的開支亦會大增。

滙豐發紀念鈔 溢價一定有

呢些收藏品, 有賺走得快, 好世界 !


