2013年1月31日 星期四
World Famous Squares 2013 1oz Silver Proof Four-Coin Set
Silver Content (Troy oz) 1
Monetary Denomination (TVD) 1
Fineness (% purity) 99.9
Minimum Gross Weight (g) 31.135
Maximum Diameter (mm) 33.20 x 33.20
Maximum Thickness (mm) 4.00
Maximum Mintage 1,000
Designer Aleysha Howarth
2013年1月18日收到 Perth Mint 寄來的一套四幣, 連信用卡用費 3226.75港幣 !
四枚銀幣有硬膠盒裝住放在個架內, 有薄膠膜封住 !
沒知個膠膜可否保銀幣不變色 ?
呢套幣發行量雖然是1,000 套, 不過單幣計可以去到 5,000枚 !
YouTube 計劃收費
YouTube Whatsapp 都收費, 睇來遲下無免費午餐啦 !
如果網上免費網誌都收費, 到時本網誌就會停寫 !
全球央行搶金 俄哈最勁
如果想實行, 政府須定意, 什麼是「吉樓」先 !
例如, 本人想置多層樓俾仔女不定時返來住下, 咁樣點計 ?
唔好到時本人同老公要一、三、五住呢間, 二、四、六住另一間 ?
又在外國的人, 會回港住幾個月又點計 ?
但好多時, 上有政策下有對策, 又是搞唔掂 !
香港文匯報訊(記者 鄭治祖)香港樓價貴、置業難問題備受關注,香港研究協會最新調查發現,73%市民期望政府再出招遏抑樓價,79%贊成開徵樓宇空置稅以打擊囤積住宅行為。 協會促請政府積極研究進一步穩定樓市「加碼」措施,在有需要時果斷推出遏抑樓市需求措施,並積極研究優化現行土地政策,以配合社會可持續發展的需求。
Coming Short Squeeze In Gold To Shock The World
已愈來愈多人加入掃實金實銀行動, 所以將來會愈來愈難買到金銀幣 !
Today the outspoken hedge fund manager out of Hong Kong, who recently lit the gold world on fire with his comments about a coming short squeeze in gold, told King World News that managed money around the world is already beginning to convert paper claims on gold into physical metal. Kaye, who 23 years ago worked for Goldman Sachs in mergers and acquisitions and who is now the founder and principal shareholder of Pacific Group in Hong Kong, strongly believes that “only a small fraction of investors in the world need to do what we are doing to create an enormous short squeeze” in gold.
KWN will be releasing a series of written interviews today with Kaye which discuss the coming global systemic meltdown, and how it will impact investors and key markets around the world, including gold and silver. Here is what Kaye had to say in part I of this exclusive interview: “We know the claims on gold in the marketplace exceed, depending on various estimates, 100 to 150 times the amount of physical gold known to exist. So when a credible country like Germany has sufficient concerns about whether they can get physical possession and safe storage of fully allocated gold, it’s our contention that any prudent investor should be concerned.”
William Kaye continues:
the music stops, what the leverage in the system should tell you is
there aren’t going to be enough chairs. So Germany, as a credible
country, is saying, ‘We’re reserving our chair.’ Now this is exactly
the type of catalyst that, as investors, we look for as owners of fully
allocated gold ourselves.
“We want our gold in a safe location,
fully allocated, (where) no one else can have a claim on it. We can go
and touch it, and we know it’s there. That’s exactly the process that
Germany has going on currently, and it’s something that should be
getting the attention of every investor.”
King: “Bill, do you think that other fund managers in your position
are going to move in this direction going forward, to get the physical
gold in their possession so they are not left with pieces of paper
“It’s already happening. It’s happening quietly for the most part at
the moment. I think the potential here is what is starting as a
trickle could become a flood.”
King: “Bill, is that your vision of this? When you talk about this
becoming a flood, you see people panicking eventually that are running
money, countries as well, and saying, ‘We’re done with the pieces of
paper (claims) at the LBMA, at the Bank of England, at the Fed, we want
our gold and we want it right now.’ Is that what you see happening?”
“I do see that happening eventually. Most people who think they own
gold don’t own physical. They own some piece of paper. People who
have that piece of paper, and therefore the false security that they
have the underlying wealth, if even a small fraction of them start
doing what we are doing and what others are doing, it will create the
biggest short squeeze in any financial instrument in the history of the
countries such as Germany continue to convert their assets (and paper
claims) into physical, fully allocated gold. It can’t be
hypothecated. It has very unique serial numbers. It’s for their use
only. (As I said), only a small fraction of investors in the world
need to do what we are doing to create an enormous short squeeze (in
gold). That short squeeze, when fully under way, would likely take
gold to at least $5,000 to $10,000 an ounce.”
2013年1月30日 星期三
2013年1月29日 星期二
為求走出迷宮,日本央行與日本政府共同發表聲明,聯手對抗通縮以及振興經濟至持續增長,宣佈通脹目標訂於2%,承諾在明年1月起,每月買入日圓的國債及票據 合共13萬億日圓。明顯地,今次日央行是被日本首相安倍晉三「霸王硬上弓」,筆者認為,政府如此過火的行為,無疑令日央行的獨立性受到干擾,讓它身陷兩難 局面。
首 先,若央行完全擁有獨立性,即不受任何機構包括政府所監管,那它在制訂貨幣政策時,便可免受政治及人為因素影響,並能以公眾利益出發,讓物價保持穩定,但 央行的「問責性」便下降。權力越大,出錯時的傷害性就越深。諾貝爾獎經濟學家Milton Friedman便強力指控聯儲局是美國上世紀30年代「大蕭條」的元凶。如何防止「獨立」變成「無王管」,考驗全球政府的智慧。
反過來說,若央 行是非獨立的政府機構,即其貨幣政策會受到政府及政客所干預,而當政府不理會公眾利益,一意孤行要推行對經濟存在風險的貨幣政策時,此舉就會令央行失去公 信力。正如現時安倍晉三為求日本經濟高速增長,決定推行QE(量化寬鬆),谷高通脹率,此舉明顯就是干擾或挑戰日央行的獨立性。
然而,現時日本的 經濟底子薄弱,當QE一出,其物價預期上升,即貨幣預期下降,資金難免會大量流走,再加上人口老化結構問題,過於積極的貨幣政策只會令日本債務問題加深。 而安倍晉三把通脹目標訂於2%,只能說他是「玩命之舉」,要麼成功,要麼就會是推倒日本這個「龐氏騙局」的最後一根稻草。
其 實歐洲央行(ECB)的獨立性也好不到哪裏,這也是ECB跟歐元成立前,與德國央行的最大分別,亦解釋了為甚麼這幾年來德國央行行長,久不久就出來批評一 下。歐央行背後充斥不同國家的政客,各懷鬼胎;現時歐央行的救市政策,就是無限量買歐債,這招不就是削弱貨幣政策,並有損獨立性之行為嗎?當然,從某個程 度來說,如果去年中歐央行沒有提出無限買債,歐元區可能已經離分裂不遠了。
為求走出迷宮,日本央行與日本政府共同發表聲明,聯手對抗通縮以及振興經濟至持續增長,宣佈通脹目標訂於2%,承諾在明年1月起,每月買入日圓的國債及票據 合共13萬億日圓。明顯地,今次日央行是被日本首相安倍晉三「霸王硬上弓」,筆者認為,政府如此過火的行為,無疑令日央行的獨立性受到干擾,讓它身陷兩難 局面。
權力越大 出錯傷害越深
如果你問筆者,全球各國央行應否擁有獨立性?傳統智慧,央行獨立性,毋庸置疑,不過,大家可先從兩方面去進行討論。首 先,若央行完全擁有獨立性,即不受任何機構包括政府所監管,那它在制訂貨幣政策時,便可免受政治及人為因素影響,並能以公眾利益出發,讓物價保持穩定,但 央行的「問責性」便下降。權力越大,出錯時的傷害性就越深。諾貝爾獎經濟學家Milton Friedman便強力指控聯儲局是美國上世紀30年代「大蕭條」的元凶。如何防止「獨立」變成「無王管」,考驗全球政府的智慧。
反過來說,若央 行是非獨立的政府機構,即其貨幣政策會受到政府及政客所干預,而當政府不理會公眾利益,一意孤行要推行對經濟存在風險的貨幣政策時,此舉就會令央行失去公 信力。正如現時安倍晉三為求日本經濟高速增長,決定推行QE(量化寬鬆),谷高通脹率,此舉明顯就是干擾或挑戰日央行的獨立性。
然而,現時日本的 經濟底子薄弱,當QE一出,其物價預期上升,即貨幣預期下降,資金難免會大量流走,再加上人口老化結構問題,過於積極的貨幣政策只會令日本債務問題加深。 而安倍晉三把通脹目標訂於2%,只能說他是「玩命之舉」,要麼成功,要麼就會是推倒日本這個「龐氏騙局」的最後一根稻草。
屈從政治 會喪失公信力
事實上,現時不止日央行處於兩難局面。早前,德國央行行長魏德曼就警告,近年多國央行的獨立性正被削弱,令滙率變得政治化,不排除未來全球將陷入貨幣戰爭,觸發各國爭相將本國貨幣貶值的危機。其 實歐洲央行(ECB)的獨立性也好不到哪裏,這也是ECB跟歐元成立前,與德國央行的最大分別,亦解釋了為甚麼這幾年來德國央行行長,久不久就出來批評一 下。歐央行背後充斥不同國家的政客,各懷鬼胎;現時歐央行的救市政策,就是無限量買歐債,這招不就是削弱貨幣政策,並有損獨立性之行為嗎?當然,從某個程 度來說,如果去年中歐央行沒有提出無限買債,歐元區可能已經離分裂不遠了。
沙膽虹手記: 初見劉夢熊
原來當年正達破產係咁一回事 !
沙膽虹第一次見劉夢熊是在九八年初,當時他任職的正達證券公司面臨財務危機,債權人已準備入稟追數。大家相約在正達灣仔辦公室旁的世紀酒店咖啡室,劉夢熊 表示自己本來已找到中資公司當白武士,注資拯救正達,但銀行卻要入稟追數,大嘆可惜。後來揭發這家由有「太子」之稱的王正平兄弟打骰的全港第三大華資證券 公司,賬目原來爛到不堪,又怎可能有中資機構願意落叠?
該公司當時只有一千六百萬元資本,卻將客戶存放在孖展戶口的二十多億股票盡按給銀行,取得 五億多的貸款,轉了給控股公司及個別人士炒樓和其他投資。該公司過萬名客戶中,不少以為自己開了現金股票賬戶,真金白銀畀足錢買賣股票,卻原來是填了孖展 戶口的表格,手頭股票都被按了給銀行。九七金融風暴後,股市大跌,正達按給銀行的股票不斷貶值,銀行自然向正達追數,再加上銀行要收緊股票的按揭成數,正達財政才百上加斤。客戶出售股票要求取回現金,正達那有能力付錢給客戶,最後惟有倒閉,客戶損失慘重,王正平弟及弟婦被控造假賬罪成,被判入獄兩年,緩刑 三年。
投資大陸舖位 信錯商場醫生 財經名人損手
記者:關震海 林熊 黃學潤
位於廣東的台山地王廣場約有1,700個商舖,超過500個舖位的業主是港人,其餘是內地投資者。眾業主收不到租金後,紛紛向當地發展商追討,但不得要 領。苦主先後到過台山市政府、廣東省政府及香港中聯辦示威,亦無結果。
去 年五月,發展商將地王廣場交給有「商場醫生」之稱的沈永年管理,希望他能夠將變成「死城」的商場救活,廣場內多個角落貼着「商場醫生沈永年來接管地王廣 場」的廣告。沈接手後,將二樓僅有的數間租戶集中到地下,租戶只需每月交二千多元管理費就可免租半年,延遲至下午二點才開門,以節省水電費。然而,六個月 過去,該商場仍是水盡鵝飛,但距離20分鐘路程的台山步行街則人山人海。
當 年與沈永年一起到台山睇舖的「陸叔」陳永陸,承認購買台山地王廣場是一個失敗的投資,他認為失敗原因是商場管理不善及市場定位調查做不好。他當時以400 萬元購置了三間商舖,除了收取一萬多元租金後,就一無所獲。他曾向沈永年求助,但得到的答覆:「依家冇人買,等多幾年啦。」
投資80萬元買了一 個舖位的「曾Sir」曾志英,其商舖至今仍未取得房產證及國土證,他四處查詢才得悉是因發展商缺乏資本,所以有關當局暫不發出商舖產權證。曾Sir認為是 次投資失利,是因為撞上一個不好的發展商。
據 了解,當年發展商有十年的租金回贈保證,李先生的舖位以7.6厘息做56萬按揭,月供約1萬元。他當時以為每月有8千多元的租金回贈可封蝕本門,怎料 2012年的上半年發展商只肯給一半,後半年更是零回贈,現在發展商更失蹤,他被迫斬纜,由銀行接收其舖位。
記者:關震海 林熊 黃學潤
位於廣東的台山地王廣場約有1,700個商舖,超過500個舖位的業主是港人,其餘是內地投資者。眾業主收不到租金後,紛紛向當地發展商追討,但不得要 領。苦主先後到過台山市政府、廣東省政府及香港中聯辦示威,亦無結果。
記者日前到台山地王廣場實地查看,發現該商場共有四層樓,另有一層地庫;除了三樓電影院仍營業外,其餘全是「吉舖」;二樓全層數百個舖位全部關門大吉,僅地下十多間商舖有租戶,但只有四家照常開門。去 年五月,發展商將地王廣場交給有「商場醫生」之稱的沈永年管理,希望他能夠將變成「死城」的商場救活,廣場內多個角落貼着「商場醫生沈永年來接管地王廣 場」的廣告。沈接手後,將二樓僅有的數間租戶集中到地下,租戶只需每月交二千多元管理費就可免租半年,延遲至下午二點才開門,以節省水電費。然而,六個月 過去,該商場仍是水盡鵝飛,但距離20分鐘路程的台山步行街則人山人海。
當 年與沈永年一起到台山睇舖的「陸叔」陳永陸,承認購買台山地王廣場是一個失敗的投資,他認為失敗原因是商場管理不善及市場定位調查做不好。他當時以400 萬元購置了三間商舖,除了收取一萬多元租金後,就一無所獲。他曾向沈永年求助,但得到的答覆:「依家冇人買,等多幾年啦。」
投資80萬元買了一 個舖位的「曾Sir」曾志英,其商舖至今仍未取得房產證及國土證,他四處查詢才得悉是因發展商缺乏資本,所以有關當局暫不發出商舖產權證。曾Sir認為是 次投資失利,是因為撞上一個不好的發展商。
與財經精英一起損手的還有約500多名港人業主,其中一名損失139萬元的李先生指,當年買地王純粹靠名人效應,「沈永年、麥玲玲、蔡瀾都話買,我喺內地冇投資經驗,完全係跟呢班名人買舖。」據 了解,當年發展商有十年的租金回贈保證,李先生的舖位以7.6厘息做56萬按揭,月供約1萬元。他當時以為每月有8千多元的租金回贈可封蝕本門,怎料 2012年的上半年發展商只肯給一半,後半年更是零回贈,現在發展商更失蹤,他被迫斬纜,由銀行接收其舖位。
人稱「陸叔」的獨立股評人陳永陸直言,最初相信地王廣場落成後,人流會十分興旺,09年以10%折扣價、約400萬(人民幣.下同)買下三個舖位,怎料商 場入伙後人流減少,「兩個舖曾租出去,收過萬幾蚊租金後,之後就冇收過。」陸叔亦試過將舖位放售,但無人問津,曾經找沈永年幫手,「佢都話市道好差,好少 買賣。」陸叔承認這次投資失敗,希望幾年後環境好轉,將舖位賣出去。2013年1月28日 星期一
風險高過回報 股票唔抵博
基於美股每年11月到翌年4月慣常有好表現,我上月指出美股在總統選舉後應會有一波升浪,但由於多隻龍頭股均出現明顯調整,所以我不認為主要美股指數有能 力再攀上近期的高峯。對於美股好友們高呼股票不算貴,我不能百分百否定,可是這並非事實的全部。如果按照目前「水份」很多的企業盈利來推算,美股才稱得上 是便宜。
投 資者還要留意一點,就是目前美國經濟擴張周期已長達42個月,而在1900至1990年期間的擴張周期,平均月數為37個月;雖然對上三個經濟擴張周期平 均達到95個月,當中卻涉及人為因素:兩代儲局主席格林斯潘和伯南克先後推行寬鬆貨幣政策。
基於美股每年11月到翌年4月慣常有好表現,我上月指出美股在總統選舉後應會有一波升浪,但由於多隻龍頭股均出現明顯調整,所以我不認為主要美股指數有能 力再攀上近期的高峯。對於美股好友們高呼股票不算貴,我不能百分百否定,可是這並非事實的全部。如果按照目前「水份」很多的企業盈利來推算,美股才稱得上 是便宜。
我之前解釋過,財政赤字加上央行狂印銀紙,將會帶來通脹,最終會推高消費品、商品、物業以至股票價格。關於盈利含有「水份」這個問題,我的一位朋友另有一 番見解。他說,正常情況下,當許多打工仔飯碗不保時,企業的每股盈利理應下跌才對,原因是職位減少會削弱消費意欲,到最後會殃及企業生意收入。現時政府透過「洗腳唔抹腳」的用錢方法去「補貼」企業營業額,配合企業減省人手節省了一筆支出,企業的毛利反而升到「不自然」的水平。
投 資者還要留意一點,就是目前美國經濟擴張周期已長達42個月,而在1900至1990年期間的擴張周期,平均月數為37個月;雖然對上三個經濟擴張周期平 均達到95個月,當中卻涉及人為因素:兩代儲局主席格林斯潘和伯南克先後推行寬鬆貨幣政策。
三央行「決堤」 炒(殸+火)英美樓價
置業安居,是願景也是噩夢。全球打工仔大半生營營役役當樓奴,亦有人輕易錢搵錢。踏入2013年,歐美日央行推行量化寬鬆(QE)政策,全球樓市有望水漲船高。歐債問題曠日持久,相對上政治較穩定、監管制度健全和文化獨特的「歐洲邊緣人」英國,以及地產市道復甦的美國,順理成章吸引投資者進駐樓市,炒高當地樓價,當中不乏在港澳的中國內地熱錢。然而專家指出,當聯儲局退市,就是資產泡沫爆破之時。■香港文匯報記者 曾憲龍
去年英國住宅物業價值升570億英鎊(約6,984億港元),重返2009年水平;當中英格蘭升 1.2%,蘇格蘭及威爾斯分別跌0.3%及3.1%。但10年來,蘇格蘭及威爾斯住宅價值累升84%及57%,跑贏英格蘭的43%。相比樓價急升一大截的港澳,英國物業投資價值較高。
港炒家愛熱錢 英人憂成避難所
2008年美國爆發次按風暴,樓市崩潰,拖累全球經濟。5年後「財政懸崖」及國債上限風險未除,但經濟活動稍見起色,樓價有望谷底反彈。美國海外房地產投資協會(AFIRE)月初調查顯示,今年地產投資者最感興趣的5大城市中,美國獨佔4個,外資湧入有望帶動樓市復甦。當中紐約最受青睞,三藩市及華盛頓分列第3、4位,休斯敦首次躋身5強,倫敦排第2位。55%受訪者認為美國是全球最穩定投資地,遠勝 2009年的43%。
華客垂涎 學者:美樓市復甦是假象
置業安居,是願景也是噩夢。全球打工仔大半生營營役役當樓奴,亦有人輕易錢搵錢。踏入2013年,歐美日央行推行量化寬鬆(QE)政策,全球樓市有望水漲船高。歐債問題曠日持久,相對上政治較穩定、監管制度健全和文化獨特的「歐洲邊緣人」英國,以及地產市道復甦的美國,順理成章吸引投資者進駐樓市,炒高當地樓價,當中不乏在港澳的中國內地熱錢。然而專家指出,當聯儲局退市,就是資產泡沫爆破之時。■香港文匯報記者 曾憲龍
去年英國住宅物業價值升570億英鎊(約6,984億港元),重返2009年水平;當中英格蘭升 1.2%,蘇格蘭及威爾斯分別跌0.3%及3.1%。但10年來,蘇格蘭及威爾斯住宅價值累升84%及57%,跑贏英格蘭的43%。相比樓價急升一大截的港澳,英國物業投資價值較高。
港炒家愛熱錢 英人憂成避難所
2008年美國爆發次按風暴,樓市崩潰,拖累全球經濟。5年後「財政懸崖」及國債上限風險未除,但經濟活動稍見起色,樓價有望谷底反彈。美國海外房地產投資協會(AFIRE)月初調查顯示,今年地產投資者最感興趣的5大城市中,美國獨佔4個,外資湧入有望帶動樓市復甦。當中紐約最受青睞,三藩市及華盛頓分列第3、4位,休斯敦首次躋身5強,倫敦排第2位。55%受訪者認為美國是全球最穩定投資地,遠勝 2009年的43%。
華客垂涎 學者:美樓市復甦是假象
2013年1月26日 星期六
3 Incredibly Key Charts For Battered Gold & Silver Bulls
Today Egon von Greyerz sent King World News exclusively 3 incredibly important charts for battered gold and silver bulls. This is an extraordinary interview and sequence of charts that all KWN readers globally must see. Here is what Greyerz, who is founder of Matterhorn Asset Management in Switzerland, had this to say in this exclusive interview: “Eric, last week we talked about all of the storms on the horizon. Now we see that currency war discussions have broken out again. Abe, the Japanese Prime Minister, is doing everything he can to suppress the value of the yen, and therefore he’s going to have Japan print unlimited amounts of money.”
all say we can’t have a deliberate policy to destroy a nation’s economy
through currency debasement. But that’s exactly what every country is
doing. This is just posturing by politicians because the game is to
destroy the currencies....
balance sheets of all central banks are continuing to grow and I’ve
included a chart of the Fed’s balance sheet (see chart below). The
Fed’s balance sheet has now gone over $3 trillion. $3 trillion is an
absolutely massive amount. The total borrowings are now actually over
$3.1 trillion.
Greyerz also added:
“Not only are currencies racing to the bottom, but so are rates. I’ve
included another very interesting chart that shows bond yields for the
US, Germany and Japan. This is a 200 year chart and it shows that
rates are now at an all-time low (see chart below).
Today Egon von Greyerz sent King World News exclusively 3 incredibly important charts for battered gold and silver bulls. This is an extraordinary interview and sequence of charts that all KWN readers globally must see. Here is what Greyerz, who is founder of Matterhorn Asset Management in Switzerland, had this to say in this exclusive interview: “Eric, last week we talked about all of the storms on the horizon. Now we see that currency war discussions have broken out again. Abe, the Japanese Prime Minister, is doing everything he can to suppress the value of the yen, and therefore he’s going to have Japan print unlimited amounts of money.”
Egon von Greyerz continues:
course the President of the Bundesbank, Weidmann, has now begun
criticizing Japan about starting currency wars. He also said its
monetary policy was totally unacceptable. Many others have joined in
this criticism. We have the UBS Chairman, who was the former President
of the Bundesbank, and Mervyn King from the Bank of England also did
the same thing.
“Debt in most countries has been growing
exponentially. Last year in Europe almost every single country grew
its debt. If they don’t grow the debt the political leaders will be
thrown out of office. Rajoy, the Prime Minister of Spain, had a
landslide victory a year ago. Now with austerity his approval rating
is down to 15%. So we know austerity will not work.
long as these countries continue to run deficits, it’s guaranteed the
currencies will continue to decline in real terms, which is against
gold. In 1965, Charles De Gaulle gave a superb speech in which he said
most countries accepted that the dollar was as good as gold. He said
that will lead to the US going massively into debt.
Gaulle, stated that “A currency system must be based on an indisputable
money base that doesn’t bear the mark of one country.” He said that
“There is only one standard that meets those criteria and that must be
gold.” That was back in 1965, Eric.
few years later De Gaulle demanded the US pay all of their debts to
France in gold. Of course as we all know that forced Nixon to close
the gold window in 1971. That was the start of the monetary experiment
and explosion in money printing in the world, and this is only going to
accelerate in the next few years.
included the gold chart below which shows that gold is up almost 7-fold
since 1999. During the last 13 years gold has reached overbought
situations a few times. We saw it in 2006, 2008, and again in 2011.
Every time gold has reached those overbought situations we’ve seen a
to the previous rises this has been a relatively mild consolidation.
This last consolidation has finished in my view. All of the major
moving averages have caught up nicely to the price of gold and it is
now preparing for liftoff.
So the Fed continues to print money to
finance the deficits. They are also there to finance and backstop the
precarious nature of the banking system. We’ve seen the balance sheet
of the Fed consolidating in the last year, just like gold. But now as
you can see on the chart above that it’s breaking out again and I think
we are ready for the next move higher in the Fed’s balance sheet.
we are witnessing right now is a perfect Ponzi scheme with the central
banks buying up the government debt. But like all Ponzi schemes it
will fail and it will fail badly. They will be constantly printing up
new money to finance the debt and as this accelerates we will see the
hyperinflation I have been predicting for quite some time.”
This breaks every single economic law
there is. You can’t have unlimited credit expansion and record low
rates. This is totally unreal and unsustainable. When borrowings are
high, the rates must be high as well. This the law of supply and
governments and central banks have temporarily suspended economic laws
by artificially manipulating rates. This will not last, that much is
absolutely guaranteed. Since governments can’t repay their debts in
today’s money, bond prices will fall dramatically.
yields will go higher and they will go a lot higher than what we see on
the above chart, even at the peak where interest rates were in the mid
Greyerz had this to say regarding gold:
“Looking at gold and silver we are seeing another small pullback as
both of these metals prepare to launch. So the manipulation short-term
continues. But the continued rise of both of these metals is
who deals in the physical market sees strong demand whether it’s in
coins or bars. I have mentioned previously that the next target for
gold will be $4,500 for gold and $150 for silver. Eventually there
will be many zeros in the price due to the hyperinflation we will see.
investors are buying gold and silver to protect themselves against the
destruction of paper money. By now investors should know they must buy
physical gold and silver and they must store it outside the banking
金槍不倒 樓價不跌之謎
發展商轉軚與特首施政報告有莫大關係,對於實施買家印花稅(BSD)後三個月態度軟化,乃因明知鬥不過政府,為免節外生枝,觸怒政府再施辣招,但這只是公 眾的演繹,老樓卻認為今天以本地客為主的地產市場,既然未能吸引內地大款,就來個順水推舟,大家好下台。
(2) 出貨者為小部份對後市有保留或持貨過多的投資者,先止賺離場;相同道理,看升者多過看跌,早前成交量不多難以拖低樓價,過去兩周出貨者縱然調價最多一成仍 有承接,以及業主選擇撻定重售,售價更高過撻定前的價位,這表明樓市承接力強勁,成交量持續每周錄得升幅,使其他有意出貨的業主收窄減價,樓價自然亦會原 地踏步,待好友入市。
發展商轉軚與特首施政報告有莫大關係,對於實施買家印花稅(BSD)後三個月態度軟化,乃因明知鬥不過政府,為免節外生枝,觸怒政府再施辣招,但這只是公 眾的演繹,老樓卻認為今天以本地客為主的地產市場,既然未能吸引內地大款,就來個順水推舟,大家好下台。
(1)基本樓價上升因素不變,一直以來,低息、低供應和熱錢太多,使人們預期樓價升幅向上,今次是政府出手打擊炒家,官府多次強調不是打擊樓價,既然打擊 炒家,只是把炒家活躍程度大大減低,並未影響到真正用家的入市意欲,買家在選擇多了後比較利好因素不變,難有大跌的期望,只是把升幅減慢,增加他們入市的 機會,過去三周入市者分別以用家主導便可見一斑,這批有能力兼有需要的買家,按實際需要入市,量力而為。既然有入市行動,當然是評估樓市中長期走勢升多於 跌後的判斷。(2) 出貨者為小部份對後市有保留或持貨過多的投資者,先止賺離場;相同道理,看升者多過看跌,早前成交量不多難以拖低樓價,過去兩周出貨者縱然調價最多一成仍 有承接,以及業主選擇撻定重售,售價更高過撻定前的價位,這表明樓市承接力強勁,成交量持續每周錄得升幅,使其他有意出貨的業主收窄減價,樓價自然亦會原 地踏步,待好友入市。
【本報綜合報道】日本央行要推無上限量寬措施,以圖拯救一蹶不振的出口及國內經濟,不過卻受各界人士「圍攻」。其中,德國總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)批評日本以貨幣政策提升經濟競爭力,指20國集團(G20)會關注滙率操控等問題。曾經舞弄滙市的大炒家索羅斯亦指出,日本等國採取寬鬆政 策與德國主張的緊縮政策不同,可能引起貨幣戰爭。圓滙昨繼續尋底,每美元對日圓曾穿91關。
德國財長朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Schaeuble)上周表示,全球均指摘歐元區拖累經濟,但日本及美國的寬鬆政策向金融體系注入過多資金,對環球經濟造成新威脅。德國央行行長魏德曼早前亦警告日本央行,不要將貨幣政策政治化。
圓 滙雖曾於本周一開始「死貓彈」並連升三日,但周四公佈去年貿赤按年增加近兩倍、創6.93萬億日圓歷史新高後,隨即令圓滙再回落,反映當地出口受圓滙強勢 打擊。日圓昨更曾穿91水平,美元兌日圓高見91.2,升0.96%。每百日圓兌港元昨曾低見8.5034;歐元兌日圓則曾見121.75。
【本報綜合報道】日本央行要推無上限量寬措施,以圖拯救一蹶不振的出口及國內經濟,不過卻受各界人士「圍攻」。其中,德國總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)批評日本以貨幣政策提升經濟競爭力,指20國集團(G20)會關注滙率操控等問題。曾經舞弄滙市的大炒家索羅斯亦指出,日本等國採取寬鬆政 策與德國主張的緊縮政策不同,可能引起貨幣戰爭。圓滙昨繼續尋底,每美元對日圓曾穿91關。
德國財長朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Schaeuble)上周表示,全球均指摘歐元區拖累經濟,但日本及美國的寬鬆政策向金融體系注入過多資金,對環球經濟造成新威脅。德國央行行長魏德曼早前亦警告日本央行,不要將貨幣政策政治化。
索羅斯則表示,美國聯儲局推行的量寬政策是正確的,但德國認為需要透過緊縮政策處理財赤,取向與其餘國家不同,可能引起貨幣戰爭。他表示,日本透過更進取 的量寬壓低圓滙,歐元已經會因為歐元區沒有採取量寬而被動地升值,令德國經濟衰退或增長放緩。圓 滙雖曾於本周一開始「死貓彈」並連升三日,但周四公佈去年貿赤按年增加近兩倍、創6.93萬億日圓歷史新高後,隨即令圓滙再回落,反映當地出口受圓滙強勢 打擊。日圓昨更曾穿91水平,美元兌日圓高見91.2,升0.96%。每百日圓兌港元昨曾低見8.5034;歐元兌日圓則曾見121.75。
2013年1月25日 星期五
英經濟回跌 恐陷第3次衰退
如果出現3次衰退,可能影響目前英國保有的AAA債券評等。標準普爾公司(Standard & Poor's)最近將英國的評等列為「負面觀察」(negative watch),主要是擔心英國疲弱的經濟復甦力道及政府財政。
IHS環球透視公司(IHS Global Insight)經濟學家阿契爾(Howard Archer)指出,英國經濟情勢十分嚴峻,如果經濟要回復到2008年第1季的水準,必須等到2015年上半年。
財政大臣歐斯本(George Osborne)表示,今天公布的報告再次提醒大家英國面臨非常艱難的經濟情勢,2012年尤其險峻,不僅國內有多年累積的鉅額債務,英國主要出口市場歐元區的經濟也陷入衰退。
歐債危機緩 銀行紛償歐央行款
索羅斯預期 利率即將上升 歐元將會轉強
船闖島被截 兩岸首合作保釣 台日水炮戰 陸海監船聲援
台灣民間保釣船「全家福」號昨再闖釣魚台宣示主權,台海巡署派四艦護航。接近釣魚台海域時遭日海上保安廳八艘巡邏艦阻攔,以水炮攻擊,台海巡艦也以水炮還 擊。雙方互射糾纏時,三艘中國海監船突然駛到,跟在台艦後面,作聲援助威之勢,但未有加入對日水戰。此為多年兩岸官方保釣所罕見。事件引起外界關注,更令 日方高度緊張。
全家福號昨日凌晨從新北深澳港前往釣魚台,擬去島上安放媽祖像並宣示主權,船上有保釣人士及漁工等七人。台海巡署派出四艦護航,分別為排水量1823噸的 「和星艦」、668噸的「連江艦」及兩艘100噸的快艇。上午9時40分,保釣船抵近釣魚台28浬時,遭日本海上保安廳八艘巡邏艦攔截,日艦以蛇行、造 浪、噴黑煙等,阻撓保釣船前進。
10 時50分,台艦後方突然出現三艘中國海監船,分別是「海監23」、「海監46」和「海監137」。三船直駛現場,先跟在台方「和星艦」後約2.5浬。為免 引起日方「兩岸攜手保釣」疑慮,台「和星艦」一度以廣播及LED燈警示,要中方海監船離去,但中方未被理睬,仍跟隨其後,只是沒有加入對日水戰。
台、日艦船邊混戰邊靠近釣魚台,最近只有17浬,日方拚命阻攔台方接近所謂12浬的「領海範圍」。中國三艘海監船也一路跟進,最近時距離台灣「和星艦」只 有約500米左右。因日方全力圍堵阻攔,保釣船無法再前,繞島一圈後決定放棄登島,於11時30分在海巡艦護衞下返航,中國三艘海監船亦離去。
台灣民間保釣船「全家福」號昨再闖釣魚台宣示主權,台海巡署派四艦護航。接近釣魚台海域時遭日海上保安廳八艘巡邏艦阻攔,以水炮攻擊,台海巡艦也以水炮還 擊。雙方互射糾纏時,三艘中國海監船突然駛到,跟在台艦後面,作聲援助威之勢,但未有加入對日水戰。此為多年兩岸官方保釣所罕見。事件引起外界關注,更令 日方高度緊張。
全家福號昨日凌晨從新北深澳港前往釣魚台,擬去島上安放媽祖像並宣示主權,船上有保釣人士及漁工等七人。台海巡署派出四艦護航,分別為排水量1823噸的 「和星艦」、668噸的「連江艦」及兩艘100噸的快艇。上午9時40分,保釣船抵近釣魚台28浬時,遭日本海上保安廳八艘巡邏艦攔截,日艦以蛇行、造 浪、噴黑煙等,阻撓保釣船前進。
保釣船避開干擾全速駛前。上午10時32分,日艦向保釣船射水炮攻擊;台方海巡艦立即趨前保護,介入日艦與保釣船之間,以廣播、LED燈等方式,警告日艦 勿阻中方船舶航行;日艦也向台艦喊話警告,並向台艦射水炮,台艦以水炮還擊。雙方在海上大混戰。10 時50分,台艦後方突然出現三艘中國海監船,分別是「海監23」、「海監46」和「海監137」。三船直駛現場,先跟在台方「和星艦」後約2.5浬。為免 引起日方「兩岸攜手保釣」疑慮,台「和星艦」一度以廣播及LED燈警示,要中方海監船離去,但中方未被理睬,仍跟隨其後,只是沒有加入對日水戰。
台、日艦船邊混戰邊靠近釣魚台,最近只有17浬,日方拚命阻攔台方接近所謂12浬的「領海範圍」。中國三艘海監船也一路跟進,最近時距離台灣「和星艦」只 有約500米左右。因日方全力圍堵阻攔,保釣船無法再前,繞島一圈後決定放棄登島,於11時30分在海巡艦護衞下返航,中國三艘海監船亦離去。
2013年1月24日 星期四
2013年1月23日 星期三
Silver Bars Being Secured By HSBC – Buy $876 Million Worth From Poland
Today’s AM fix was USD 1,692.25, EUR 1,268.84, and GBP 1,066.19 per ounce.
Yesterday’s AM fix was USD 1,692.50, EUR 1,268.17, and GBP 1,068.36 per ounce.
Silver is trading at $32.33/oz, €24.32/oz and £20.46/oz. Platinum is trading at $1,700.50/oz, palladium at $725.00/oz and rhodium at $1,200/oz.
Gold climbed $6.40 or 0.4% in New York yesterday and closed at $1,690.50/oz. Silver slipped to $31.79 in London, but it then climbed to a high of $32.34 in New York and finished with a gain of 1%.
Gold hovered near a 1 month high on Wednesday supported by loose monetary policies of central banks. There are renewed hopes regarding U.S. debt ceiling talks and the U.S. House of Representatives plans to pass a bill on the almost 4 month extension of the borrowing limit.
Silver has now rallied for 7 days due to the flood of inflows into silver backed ETF’s and investment demand for coins and bars internationally. Analysts polled by Reuters expect silver to rise in 2013.
Holdings of iShares Silver Trust, the world's largest silver ETF, stood at 10,689 tonnes on Jan. 22, up 604.9 tonnes, or nearly 6 percent, from the end of 2012.
By comparison, SPDR Gold Trust, the world's top gold ETF, saw an outflow of nearly 15 tonnes so far this year.
This has helped silver prices rally over 6% so far this year and 4.5% last week alone. The close above $32/oz yesterday was bullish technically and could lead to silver testing the next level of resistance which is at $34/oz.
The U.S. Mint has sold out of 2013 American Eagle silver coins and will resume sales the week of January 28 when the US Mint said inventory would be replenished.
Chinese silver turnover surged to 2,200 tonnes on Friday and analysts say Chinese investor’s interest in silver is continuing to rise as many are looking at silver as a cheaper alternative to gold.
Hence, trading volumes for the precious metal on the SGE soared in 2012.
Silver bullion imports by China remain robust too. Silver imports were 228 metric tons in December, according to data released by the customs agency.
There are also rumours that Apple is experiencing delays in producing the new iMac due to difficulty in sourcing industrial silver in volume in China. More silver than is typically used is utilised in the new 21.5" Apple iMacs.
HSBC Buying KGHM Silver Bars
HSBC has quietly moved into acquiring large amounts of silver bullion.
The bank has secured another deal to buy silver bars from KGHM which brings their total purchases of silver from KGHM alone in the last 12 months to $876 million or PLN 3.65 billion.
KGHM is one of the largest producers of silver in the world and is the second-largest producer of refined silver in the world.
They produce silver bars registered under the brand KGHM HG that are attested to by “Good Delivery” certificates issued by the London Bullion Market Association and the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre.
Listed metals producer KGHM signed an estimated PLN 1.67 billion deal on 2013 sales of silver to HSBC, KGHM said in a market filing yesterday.
The deal puts the total value of deals between KGHM and HSBC in the last 12 months to PLN 3.65 billion or $876 million, the filing read.
The Management Board of KGHM announced that on 21 January 2013 a contract was entered into between KGHM and HSBC Bank USA N.A., London Branch for silver sales in 2013.
The estimated value of the contract is PLN 1,672,260,469.66. As a result of entering into this contract, the total estimated value of contracts entered into between KGHM and HSBC Bank USA N.A., London Branch over the last 12 months exceeded 10% of the equity of the Company and amounts to PLN 3,654,120,061.59.
The highest-value contract signed during this period is the above-mentioned contract. The criteria used for describing the contract as significant is that the total estimated value of the contracts exceeds 10% of the equity of KGHM.
KGHM is one of the largest companies in Poland and one of the largest mining & metallurgy companies in the world.
The main customers of Polish silver in recent years have been the United Kingdom, Germany and Belgium. HSBC appears to be one of their main customers now.
Respected and erudite, James Steel, the chief commodity analyst at HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. continues to be bullish on silver and recently said how “silver tends to track gold, except it over performs in a bull market” and how he was “moderately bullish on silver” in 2013.
HSBC did not comment on the deal and it only came to light as KGHM is a listed company and had to report the deal which was then picked up in Polish media.
The massive deal could simply be HSBC securing supply for the NYSE listed ETFS Physical Silver as they are the custodian.
Or it could be that senior people in HSBC are concerned about securing supply as they expect robust investment demand to continue and possibly increase resulting in higher prices.
Today’s AM fix was USD 1,692.25, EUR 1,268.84, and GBP 1,066.19 per ounce.
Yesterday’s AM fix was USD 1,692.50, EUR 1,268.17, and GBP 1,068.36 per ounce.
Silver is trading at $32.33/oz, €24.32/oz and £20.46/oz. Platinum is trading at $1,700.50/oz, palladium at $725.00/oz and rhodium at $1,200/oz.
Gold climbed $6.40 or 0.4% in New York yesterday and closed at $1,690.50/oz. Silver slipped to $31.79 in London, but it then climbed to a high of $32.34 in New York and finished with a gain of 1%.
Gold hovered near a 1 month high on Wednesday supported by loose monetary policies of central banks. There are renewed hopes regarding U.S. debt ceiling talks and the U.S. House of Representatives plans to pass a bill on the almost 4 month extension of the borrowing limit.
Silver has now rallied for 7 days due to the flood of inflows into silver backed ETF’s and investment demand for coins and bars internationally. Analysts polled by Reuters expect silver to rise in 2013.
Holdings of iShares Silver Trust, the world's largest silver ETF, stood at 10,689 tonnes on Jan. 22, up 604.9 tonnes, or nearly 6 percent, from the end of 2012.
By comparison, SPDR Gold Trust, the world's top gold ETF, saw an outflow of nearly 15 tonnes so far this year.
This has helped silver prices rally over 6% so far this year and 4.5% last week alone. The close above $32/oz yesterday was bullish technically and could lead to silver testing the next level of resistance which is at $34/oz.
The U.S. Mint has sold out of 2013 American Eagle silver coins and will resume sales the week of January 28 when the US Mint said inventory would be replenished.
Chinese silver turnover surged to 2,200 tonnes on Friday and analysts say Chinese investor’s interest in silver is continuing to rise as many are looking at silver as a cheaper alternative to gold.
Hence, trading volumes for the precious metal on the SGE soared in 2012.
Silver bullion imports by China remain robust too. Silver imports were 228 metric tons in December, according to data released by the customs agency.
There are also rumours that Apple is experiencing delays in producing the new iMac due to difficulty in sourcing industrial silver in volume in China. More silver than is typically used is utilised in the new 21.5" Apple iMacs.
HSBC Buying KGHM Silver Bars
HSBC has quietly moved into acquiring large amounts of silver bullion.
The bank has secured another deal to buy silver bars from KGHM which brings their total purchases of silver from KGHM alone in the last 12 months to $876 million or PLN 3.65 billion.
KGHM is one of the largest producers of silver in the world and is the second-largest producer of refined silver in the world.
They produce silver bars registered under the brand KGHM HG that are attested to by “Good Delivery” certificates issued by the London Bullion Market Association and the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre.
Listed metals producer KGHM signed an estimated PLN 1.67 billion deal on 2013 sales of silver to HSBC, KGHM said in a market filing yesterday.
The deal puts the total value of deals between KGHM and HSBC in the last 12 months to PLN 3.65 billion or $876 million, the filing read.
The Management Board of KGHM announced that on 21 January 2013 a contract was entered into between KGHM and HSBC Bank USA N.A., London Branch for silver sales in 2013.
The estimated value of the contract is PLN 1,672,260,469.66. As a result of entering into this contract, the total estimated value of contracts entered into between KGHM and HSBC Bank USA N.A., London Branch over the last 12 months exceeded 10% of the equity of the Company and amounts to PLN 3,654,120,061.59.
The highest-value contract signed during this period is the above-mentioned contract. The criteria used for describing the contract as significant is that the total estimated value of the contracts exceeds 10% of the equity of KGHM.
KGHM is one of the largest companies in Poland and one of the largest mining & metallurgy companies in the world.
The main customers of Polish silver in recent years have been the United Kingdom, Germany and Belgium. HSBC appears to be one of their main customers now.
Respected and erudite, James Steel, the chief commodity analyst at HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. continues to be bullish on silver and recently said how “silver tends to track gold, except it over performs in a bull market” and how he was “moderately bullish on silver” in 2013.
HSBC did not comment on the deal and it only came to light as KGHM is a listed company and had to report the deal which was then picked up in Polish media.
The massive deal could simply be HSBC securing supply for the NYSE listed ETFS Physical Silver as they are the custodian.
Or it could be that senior people in HSBC are concerned about securing supply as they expect robust investment demand to continue and possibly increase resulting in higher prices.
本身住公屋 女租霸居屋一劏四掠錢
【本報訊】小業主要小心,近年有租霸擅自將單位劏成板間房出租牟利。上水區有「女租霸」,自己住公屋,卻租了居屋翠麗花園一個兩房單位,擅自多間兩房,若 四房全部出租,女租霸每月可賺近一倍租金;她在區內合共租了最少三個住宅單位和一個舖位,當中三個因欠租遭業主入稟強制收樓。
涉事女租霸姓陳,年約40多歲,活躍於上水區。去年7月下旬,她以7,800元租了上水翠麗花園一個600多呎的居屋單位,向業主交付2.3萬元按金及上 期後,再花費估計約萬餘元,將單位的廳以白色薄木板「劏」成兩個房間,令原本的兩房兩廳,變成四個房間。
此 外,她2008年成立了一間裝修公司;而所租的新樂街舖位,曾經營時裝,去年初遭業主入稟收樓。至於陳租的另外兩個唐樓單位,分別位於新康街及新成路,一 個於去年底被業主入稟收回,另一個則有四個劏房,她曾發過分租單。
【本報訊】小業主要小心,近年有租霸擅自將單位劏成板間房出租牟利。上水區有「女租霸」,自己住公屋,卻租了居屋翠麗花園一個兩房單位,擅自多間兩房,若 四房全部出租,女租霸每月可賺近一倍租金;她在區內合共租了最少三個住宅單位和一個舖位,當中三個因欠租遭業主入稟強制收樓。
涉事女租霸姓陳,年約40多歲,活躍於上水區。去年7月下旬,她以7,800元租了上水翠麗花園一個600多呎的居屋單位,向業主交付2.3萬元按金及上 期後,再花費估計約萬餘元,將單位的廳以白色薄木板「劏」成兩個房間,令原本的兩房兩廳,變成四個房間。
之後,陳託朋友放租,在11月中將主人房(月租3,500元)、客房(月租4,000元)及其中一間板間房(月租3,900元)租出,合共月租 11,400元,尚有一房未租出。換言之,若四房全部租出,陳每月可收的租金,將接近原來她付給業主的租金7,800元的一倍。由於陳一開始就拖欠租金,並換了門鎖,業主梁小姐決定收回單位,在11月下旬爆鎖入屋,赫然發現單位被劏。她找裝修師傅拆除僭建房間,但簇新的裝修經已遭破壞。
此 外,她2008年成立了一間裝修公司;而所租的新樂街舖位,曾經營時裝,去年初遭業主入稟收樓。至於陳租的另外兩個唐樓單位,分別位於新康街及新成路,一 個於去年底被業主入稟收回,另一個則有四個劏房,她曾發過分租單。
記者追訪陳時,陳否認是租霸、否認有劏房、否認有分租,但言論似有矛盾(詳見另稿)。她聲稱有財務困難,「我依家銀行剩番幾多錢你知唔知呀?……清河邨 (公屋)嘅租都未交得掂!」至於公司,她指是早年成立並蝕錢的。婦墮買樓騙局 42萬誤購銀主盤
樓市一到高位, 就出呢些新聞啦, 所以買樓不能急 !
香港文匯報訊 (記者 杜法祖) 一名中年女子,去年底在上水東閣圍村以超筍價買入一個村屋單位自住,早前付出42萬元訂金後,即大肆裝修並擇吉入伙,不料原來其所購村屋竟是銀主盤,且被 銀行職員揭發有人冒認業主賣樓騙去買家首期,警方已列作詐騙案,正通緝該單位一名前戶主助查,暫無人被捕。
2013年1月22日 星期二
First-Hand Account of Gold & Silver Mania in China- Black Friday Style Mobs Scrambling for Bullion
大陸咁快為實金實銀瘋癲啦 ?
幾時輪到香港 ?
With the recent claims from an Apple contractor that a Chinese silver shortage is the culprit for the production delay in the new I-Macs, an SD reader who has recently moved to China has given SilverDoctors a MUST READ first-hand account of the retail gold and silver mania underway in mainland China.
With the Chinese New Year less than a month away, Ichban describes Chinese demand for gold and silver in Beijing as a tidal wave, and states that the demand for gold and silver is more intense than Thanksgiving/ Black Friday mobs in the US, despite the nearly 60% premiums retail dealers are asking for silver bullion!!
Ichban gives readers a glimpse of what to expect when the mania stage of the gold and silver bull markets finally reaches the US, as he describes the scene at Chinese retail bullion stores:
Despite these high premiums, I have never seen such frenzied buying in my life! I am a young adult male and 40 year old Chinese women are shoving me out of the way because they are trying to buy some gold and silver!
Ichban’s full first-hand account of China’s gold and silver mania below:
I have been in China for the past few months and I have been witnessing the silver and gold demand first hand at ground zero. Let me tell you. At first, I was quite stunned to see the small silver and gold shops that sell everything but the bullion rounds we are used to seeing back in the states like ASEs, Maples, Krugerrands, and even Chinese Pandas (these are only legally sold at the National Chinese Banks like Bank of China, ICBC, etc).
The reason I
was stunned is that I did not witness the typical scene described back
in Western websites about the massive PM demand in China when I first
arrived in October. Of course there is a lot of retail demand in China
for silver and gold but the bulk of this retail demand appears to comes
around the Chinese new year (which is Feb 9 this year). The typical
scene at a silver/gold store did not impress me. This changed very
quickly as the Chinese buying habits according to a Western mind (me)
are not very predictable and appear to be lemming like or Giffen-good
esque. In other words, if they see that something will increase their
prestige or esteem and people are catching on, then all of a sudden
like a tidal wave, everyone will start buying it, wearing it, or doing
whatever “it” is. This is a common trait in South Korea, where 1
product or musician can become very popular out of no where. One has to
keep in mind that in general, Asia, which is not based on
Judeo-Christian norms, is an area all about perception, prestige, and
not losing face.
I just wanted
to tell you that the last couple weeks, these retail shops which are
often found around big box stores like Carrefour or Wal-Mart in China,
have been absolutely swamped with buyers. I was not impressed
with the traffic a couple months ago but there is a lot of money
flowing to gold and silver the last couple weeks here and it isn’t
showing any signs of abating soon. I have never witnessed anything like
it before, and this is comparing it to Thanksgiving shopping in the US,
where people get stabbed over the newest Iphone that is released on
For a little background: The Chinese
New Year is the biggest holiday celebration in China of the year and it
is based of the Lunar calendar (but it is usually sometime in February
or early March according to the Gregorian calendar). This is the only
time of the year that every Chinese person has some time off to visit
with family, similar to our Christmas but even bigger in my opinion
because of the magnitude of people moving around in China and the
amount of time off (usually 1 month). With that in mind, gift giving is
a very important thing in China because of something called guanxi
(pronounced gwan she) and mianzi (pronounced meon zuh).
Chinese are the ultimate source when it comes to presentation and
perception. Because of this, the children will buy the parents a gift
of something that they can wear, and it is almost always in the form of
Gold and/or Silver. Silver and Gold signify money and wealth to all
Chinese and this is just a basic concept to them. Anyways, instead of
buying your mother a vacuum cleaner for Christmas a typical Chinese son
or daughter would prioritize spending 500-1500 yuan on gold/silver for
their parents (focusing on the mother first). This is $80 to $240 in
USD.But the buying doesn’t stop with the children. Usually the mother
and father will go out and buy gold and silver on their own in addition
to their son or daughter buying them gold and silver. Just today while
I was at Carrefour, I saw multiple grandmas, fathers, and mothers
wearing gold necklaces that were 20 karat or above and weighed around
70-85 grams. One such necklace I saw was $5000. I took a good notice at
what clothes the man was wearing. He had some old tennis shoes, and
just a t-shirt with some basic jeans. I know judging a book by its
cover is wrong but he did not appear to be ultra wealthy. You would not
see this sort of buying back home in the states which is why this is
absolutely stunning to any Westerner. I also saw numerous older women
wearing traditional silk Chinese shirts with similar necklaces that
looked to have cost around $2500, as I would look at their necklace and
compare it to the one in the shop (as they are all pretty easy to look
at and compare because they are sort of standardized here).
Next time I go, I will take photos for you and you can post them on SilverDoctors… Furthermore,
I was shoved numerous times out of the way by 40 year old women who
wanted to get a gander at the newest necklaces and bracelets….. I am not a big guy but
I am a young adult male nonetheless and these are women that are
shoving me out of the way because they are trying to buy some gold and
silver. This just gives you the idea the sort of frenzy
that is going on over here. I won’t make price predictions, but I do
expect silver and gold to go higher from here over the next 3 weeks,
with a small correction by the end of February.
Here is a breakdown on the prices:
gold at most of these small silver gold stores were selling anywhere
between 388-420 yuan per gram (or $62.47 to $67.63 per gram, using a
6.21 exchange rate). With a current gold spot of $1685, the per gram
cost is $54.18. China’s retail precious metals scene is currently
putting only a 15% to 25% premium above spot prices. This of course is
higher than premiums in the west but relative to Chinese premiums, this
is pretty cheap. All of the PM retail shops in China lower the premiums
significantly leading up to the Chinese New Year (Feb 9) in order to
attract more buyers. I’ve witnessed premiums well above 50% a couple
months ago for gold.
The silver was anywhere
between 8.8 yuan to 20 yuan per gram (depending on the significance of
the artwork, and other factors). However, there were .999 50 gram art
bars that were selling for 10 yuan per gram or 500 yuan per bar. These
art bars have each of the 12 zodiac animals on them. So, one 50 gram
art bar is $80.51 or $1.61 per gram…. whereas at the current spot price
of $32 equals $1.02 per gram. So in other words, China has a street silver premium of 57% on a typical art bars….
If this 50 gram Chinese Zodiac art bar were to only weigh a troy ounce
(31.1 gram) it would cost $50.07…. a much higher premium than the art
bars you can buy at your local dealer, SD Bullion, retail shop, or on eBay.
Anyways, despite these high premiums, I have never seen such frenzied buying in my life before.
I must take pictures and/or a video next time I go to the Carrefour in
Beijing just to show everyone in the West what the mania stage will
look like when it finally arrives in the states. In the meantime, I am
going to take care of those bruises I received today from the 40+ year
old women who shoved me out of their way. Cheers from Beijing.
2013年1月21日 星期一
金幣閃爆 投資者熱捧
報紙都開始介紹實貨啦, 睇來市場好快會熱爆 !
【本報綜合報道】全球五大投資貨幣之一的鷹揚金幣,今年1月銷量大升67%至12.7萬盎斯。美國鷹揚銀幣更因銷量太好,導致供不應求,美國鑄幣局需在本 月底前要暫時停售該款銀幣。此外,備受投資者追捧的澳洲鴻運金幣的批發和零售銷售按年分別躍升35%及40%。分析指,投資者追捧金幣反映市場對實體金有 需求,而且投資者非獨沽一味捧黃金,並瞄準現貨銀或其他貴金屬。 美國鑄幣局指,截至1月18日止,美國鷹揚金幣1月銷量12.7萬盎斯、共24.1萬枚;遠多過上月的7.6萬盎斯。美國鷹揚銀幣1月銷量601萬盎斯, 接近去年創下歷史高位611萬盎斯,也遠高過上月的164萬盎斯。
由於市場對鷹揚銀幣需求過盛,美國鑄幣局出現貨源短缺,要暫停發售,冀本月28日或之前恢復發售鷹揚銀幣。世 界五大著名投資貨幣之一的澳洲鴻運金幣,其市場需求亦有增無減。澳洲柏斯鑄幣廠的報告指,自2013年澳洲鴻運金幣於去年10月推出至今,銷售按年升 40%。報告指,澳洲鴻運金幣需求大升,除了北美和中國兩大客戶外,香港、新加坡和台灣對該金幣的需求同樣殷切。而澳洲鴻運金幣在環球金幣市佔率由前年的 7%倍增至14%。
此外,有分析指投資者熱捧金幣主要因為金價升幅越來越少。金價雖保持連續12年升浪,但目前現貨金價格較前年9月創下的歷史高 位每盎斯1900美元水平低12%。此外,去年現貨金全年累積升幅僅7.1%,創08年以來最少升幅。而按現貨金目前每盎斯1685美元水平計,一盎斯鷹 揚金幣最新報1745美元,對現貨金的溢價達3.5%,故令投資者認為買金幣更保值。
在金價升勢疲軟下,德銀分析報告認為,驅使投資者轉移至買現貨銀。而券商Lear Capital行政總裁Scott Carter則指,市場擔心美國債務上限和擔心美元回落,推動了市場對現貨金或現貨銀需求,而且投資者更不再只追捧黃金,投資貴金屬更講求多元化。巴克萊 表示,雖然今年銀供應仍充裕,並足以支持6441噸的市場需求,預測投資者對現貨銀需求可持續。地產代理:買家要癲過業主先買到樓
記住呢個瘋狂畫面, 好多人又要交學費了 !
【本報訊】運輸及房屋局長張炳良表示,市民「不應該恐慌性買樓」,現實卻是「嘥氣」;梁振英(CY)的施政報告一出,累積的購買力即時爆發,二手樓成交量 勁升近五成,創近八個月新高,全城破頂價湧現,畸形樓市無藥醫。代理都話現在樓市是癲的,太理性反而難買樓。皆因業主叫價是瘋狂,「(買家)一定要癲過佢 先買到樓」。
記者:朱連峰 湯家明
十大屋苑 成交升50
反價封盤 賣貴一成
該單位為1座低層H室,實用面積622方呎(建築面積736方呎),本月1日叫價都只是540萬元,10日已加至560萬元,隔兩日再加20萬元至580 萬元。施政報告公佈後,該業主更驚死平賣蝕底,翌日即封盤不賣,要重新估算叫價。之後亦不設底價,價高者得。至昨天,竟然有客畀到596萬元,有指業主這 口價都不想賣,但在代理積極游說下才肯此價售出。原業主05年6月僅以242萬元購入。祥益地產分行經理蕭嘉偉亦稱,天水圍嘉湖山莊賞湖居2座高層A室,實用面積636方呎(建築面積824方呎),反價15萬元至365萬元售出。
上車熱點 400萬絕迹
美聯助理區域經理陳惠玲表示,馬鞍山新港城向來是年輕客上車熱門屋苑,本月截至18日,已有19宗買賣,高出上月全月才錄14宗成交36%。本月成交中, 連約戶至少5宗,佔總數26%;上月該類連約戶只佔21.4%。她預期,受上車熱潮影響,區內400萬元以下私樓料在農曆新年後絕迹。中原分行經理馮子峰也指,施政報告措施溫和,買家急速起步,尤其上車盤,買家「冇樓睇」都照買。沙田中心為例,本月至少錄16宗成交,40%屬連約貨,單位全部有租約在身,買家無得親身實地睇樓。
老實業主 被指儍人
有人大貪賺盡,但仍有「菩薩心腸」不求賺盡的業主。黃大仙鳴鳳街伯德大樓一個實用面積352方呎(建築面積451方呎)高層單位,業主竟將單位賣給出價最低的買家。據 地產代理透露,該單位於上周六同時被三個客睇中,第一位買家於上午出價288萬元,並得到業主口頭應承,有趣的是,即使其後有人於傍晚出價295萬元,該 業主竟然不反口,以288萬元賣予第一位買家。其中一名代理笑言,「都唔知話佢(業主)儍定係聖人,我有個客畀多7萬佢賺,佢就話應承咗人,唔想失信於人 喎……」正當全城業主驚蝕底紛紛反價封盤,但估不到仍有人不求賺盡,是真是假,讀者自行判斷。
麥基疑墮騙局 高息投資輸光60萬積蓄
自己財, 自己理, 唔好假手於人 !
【本報訊】粵語長片中以飾演「飛仔」聞名的資深演員麥基,疑錯信世姪介紹投資計劃,貪圖每月5%回報,60萬現金積蓄付諸流水,昨天召開記者會交代詳情; 涉事投資公司負責人卻聞風而至,「直踩」記者會搶着解畫,聲稱信錯人,亦已積極籌錢向麥基還款,對他堅持報警感無奈。
麥基昨日在民主黨立法會議員涂謹申陪同下,召開記者會詳述懷疑被騙經過。麥基說,早年一位生死之交過身後,協助將其遺產分配予該友人的三名子女,其中一人 名叫阿偉;2011年,阿偉向麥提及一位名叫陳英鳴的好友「好識搵錢」,存錢給他投資,可享每月5%高息。麥基去年7月不敵游說,到陳位於灣仔的「兆容創 富」聽其講解投資計劃,「係咪貪便宜?我承認,投資梗想搵番多少錢」。
麥基憶述,陳的「高息保本投資/借貸計劃」,每月可得5%利息,三個月期滿可以取回本金或繼續收息。麥開出50萬元支票,陳要求將抬頭留空,麥照辦;陳同 時將同等金額的三個月期票交給麥,由兆容創富簽發作為本金保證,但沒簽署任何合約或文件。8月份麥再加碼10萬,本金合共60萬。此後麥基每月如常收到5%利息,合共約11萬,直至某日麥得知陳並非兆容創富員工,感到不妥,擬11月到期取回本金,至此才獲陳告知60萬已輸清。麥嘗試到銀行兌現期票不果,更查出當日開出的支票,抬頭寫上陳的英文名。麥基懷疑受騙,上月底報案。
他 更說誤信「期權大師」、蒙能前高層潘東凱,去年9月讓潘操盤,誰知半個月便使他損失慘重。莊日前也向警方報案,指有人涉作出虛假陳述,但拒進一步透露詳 情。阿偉則說,莊表示一直設法籌款還給麥基,又欲與麥商討如何善後,惜對方不理睬,堅持報案及向傳媒披露,對此感到無奈。
2013年1月20日 星期日
Something Substantial Has Just Changed In The Silver Market
銀價大升 ?
等睇戲吧 !
On the heels of KWN receiving more reports that available retail silver products are disappearing from wholesaler and dealer inventories, acclaimed trader Dan Norcini told King World News that something substantial has also just changed in the paper silver market. Here is what Norcini had to say: “Most of the time shortages don’t mean there is not a lot of the commodity around, it just means there is not a lot of it available at that particular price. In other words, silver is sitting out in the vaults of investors. There are guys with 1,000 ounce bars, and quite frankly, they are not interested in selling that metal at prices down near $30.”
Dan Norcini continues:
a matter of fact, when we look at that weekly price chart now, Eric, 4
out of the last 5 weeks preceding this one the silver has dipped down
to $30 or below $30, and it has encountered very substantial buying
down at those levels. The bears could not crack the market below that
($30 level).
Eric King: “Dan, moving the price of
silver from $30, to $32-$33 is not going to get rid of a shortage. So
they are going to have to move silver a lot higher, and that’s going to
create that breakout you have been talking about in silver.”
“That’s a good point, Eric. Look at what’s happened in the platinum
and palladium markets. There was a legitimate shortage of platinum and
palladium, particularly in palladium. Palladium was a very strong
price chart. The price of that metal just surged higher, and the same
thing now with platinum. Platinum (recently) moved from $1,500 to
$1,700. The point here is these metals moved (significantly) higher
because there was a genuine shortage out there.
you said, if the price of silver is around $30, and you’ve got very
strong demand down there, for the price to move $1 or $2, we’re not
talking about enough of an incentive to satisfy that kind of demand.
And certainly not enough of an incentive to induce guys holding the
metal in bar form to release it into the market.”
King: “Dan, I think we are going to see a pretty big move in the price
of silver. If we do see that, what’s the breakout level?”
“Right around $31.50 this week was a big test. When it went through
$31.50, something changed in the (paper) silver market. There is now a
very real possibility, I would say a strong possibility, that silver is
going to try to make a run up toward the $34 level.
白銀有價, 不過要運去大陸一定要報關 !
【本報訊】海關人員前日在深圳灣管制站截查一輛報稱未有載貨的入境私家車時,在車廂後排座椅地下,發現11個尼龍手提包,內藏33塊共重515公斤白銀 磚,總值442萬元。49歲男司機及44歲女乘客,涉嫌觸犯《進出口條例》輸入未列艙單貨物被捕,為海關最近一年破獲的最大宗陸路口岸走私白銀案件。海關 稱農曆新年臨近,會在各口岸加強執法,打擊走私活動。
內地官員急拋樓 穗滬甩賣近萬套
香港文匯報訊(記者 劉坤領北京報道)內地反腐勢頭近來強勁,不斷有官員落馬,這其中包括多名利用職務之便或受賄所得購買多處房產的「房叔」、「房嬸」被查辦,這令擁有多處房產的內地官員心存焦慮,不少官員開始向市場拋售多餘住房。有消息稱,中紀委日前向中央通報「反腐新動向」,去年11月以來,45個大中城市出現拋售豪宅、別墅等新情況,一些一線城市的拋售房產市價動輒千萬。其中,廣州和上海拋售豪華住宅情況最厲害,兩地合共近萬套房。
60%業主匿名 須現金交易
香港文匯報訊(記者 劉坤領北京報道)內地反腐勢頭近來強勁,不斷有官員落馬,這其中包括多名利用職務之便或受賄所得購買多處房產的「房叔」、「房嬸」被查辦,這令擁有多處房產的內地官員心存焦慮,不少官員開始向市場拋售多餘住房。有消息稱,中紀委日前向中央通報「反腐新動向」,去年11月以來,45個大中城市出現拋售豪宅、別墅等新情況,一些一線城市的拋售房產市價動輒千萬。其中,廣州和上海拋售豪華住宅情況最厲害,兩地合共近萬套房。
60%業主匿名 須現金交易
2013年1月19日 星期六
Greyerz - We Are Now Seeing Massive Shortages Of Silver
Today Egon von Greyerz told King World News he is now seeing massive shortages of silver. Greyerz went on to warn about a frightening series of global storms which are set to collide, which will create an enormous hurricane in 2013. He also spoke about gold and included a tremendous chart that all KWN readers will want to see.
Here is what Greyerz, who is founder of Matterhorn Asset Management in Switzerland, had this to say in this remarkable, exclusive interview: “Eric, I see storm clouds gathering everywhere. We have currency storms, economic, political, and geopolitical storms. But short-term we may see some optimism in the economy as global stock markets make their final top.”
Central bank balance sheets have exploded to extraordinarily dangerous levels in recent years....
included a chart for this interview(below), and this shows the growth
in GDP over five years, compared to the balance sheet of the major
central banks. As you can see there is virtually zero growth in GDP,
but there is massive growth in the balance sheets of these central
Today Egon von Greyerz told King World News he is now seeing massive shortages of silver. Greyerz went on to warn about a frightening series of global storms which are set to collide, which will create an enormous hurricane in 2013. He also spoke about gold and included a tremendous chart that all KWN readers will want to see.
Here is what Greyerz, who is founder of Matterhorn Asset Management in Switzerland, had this to say in this remarkable, exclusive interview: “Eric, I see storm clouds gathering everywhere. We have currency storms, economic, political, and geopolitical storms. But short-term we may see some optimism in the economy as global stock markets make their final top.”
Egon von Greyerz continues:
that top in global stock markets is the final top before a major
long-term collapse. Thereafter, I see these storm clouds developing
into serious problems for the world. Every country is running a
deficit and they all keep borrowing and printing incredible amounts of
“Governments continue to apply the only
solution they know which is to print money in order to prevent their
economies from completely collapsing. But money printing will not save
any of these desperate countries.
That growth in central bank balance sheets
is of course money printing. So this graph clearly shows that all of
this unbridled money printing has had no effect whatsoever. It will
not have any effect in the future either, in terms of helping GDP.
More and more money will continue to be printed and borrowed, but the
economies of the developed will continue to be in shambles going
mentioned the political storm. Politicians around the world can’t seem
to agree on virtually anything except money printing. US and European
politicians are simply worried about the pressures in their own
countries. The next countries to have problems in Europe will be
France, and that will be followed by the UK and other European nations.
it comes to geopolitical storms, we have seen problems in the
Middle-East and North African countries. These conflicts are becoming
more and more escalated. This could become extremely serious for the
entire world. So we are now reaching a point in 2013, Eric, where all
of these storms will be colliding and coming together to form a
hurricane. The combination of these factors will be very detrimental
for the world economy.
are also seeing an increase in global hunger, as well as dwindling food
supplies. It’s not only in the developing world that people are
starving. In the United States now, 46 million people can’t get
sufficient food. That’s a staggering 30% increase from 2011 to 2012.
The same thing is happening in southern Europe. Also, in the UK, many
families can no longer afford the food for their children. This is
just the beginning, Eric. We have a major social disaster in the
making here.”
Greyerz had this to say regarding gold:
“These storm factors I’ve described will lead to the precious metals
exploding over the next couple of years. The falling currencies, the
deficits, the political and geopolitical problems will all fuel gold’s
to this point the paper market has managed to hold the gold price down,
but that time is now ending. The fundamental and technical picture is
now in a perfect position for gold to surge. The real gold market is
the physical gold market, and this is the only market that will count
in the long-run. Not only will countries want to have possession of
their physical gold, but investors will as well. Germany is just one
example of this.
you look at Switzerland, where about 70% of the world’s gold is
refined, we are seeing incredibly strong demand. The refiners are
seeing it, the Swiss banks are seeing it, and we are seeing it from our
customers also. We are seeing major investors now buying physical
gold, and in increasing amounts. We are also seeing gold moving out of
the banking system and into companies like ours that vault gold outside
of the banking system.
we have just seen a break-in in a German bank. The burglars dug a
45-meter long tunnel and emptied all of the safe deposit boxes. Of
course the contents of these boxes are not insured, and banks take no
responsibility for the contents in private boxes. This is yet another
example of why gold must be stored outside of the banking system in
safe vaults, and of course it must be insured.
point I’m making, Eric, is we are seeing major increases in demand from
people either buying or transferring gold to us. And this is happening
before any major increase in the price of gold. Investors are sensing
the dangers here and they are concerned. I expect to see a massive
rush into gold as the price begins rising.”
Greyerz also warned of severe shortages in silver:
“We are now seeing major shortages of silver. It’s much, much harder
to get hold of silver than it is to get gold. As soon as people get
silver inventory to sell, it’s gone straightaway.
agree with John Embry who talked about silver going up hundreds of
dollars. Silver will absolutely explode in price. Silver does have a
much greater potential than gold, there’s no question about that. As
an investment silver will be spectacular.
the bottom line is we are having real problems getting silver because
of these massive shortages. We are now seeing very lengthy delays in
getting physical silver. You can still find gold, but silver is simply
not around, and we expect the situation to get much worse. We are now
to the point where we are going to begin to see a massive breakout in
the price of silver.”
供應趨降 金價勢衝高
中 國第四季國內生產總值增長7.9%,優於市場預期的7.8%,國內生產總值由第三季7.4%(三年新低)止跌回升,令市場進一步確認中國的經濟已回復上升 動力,除有助加強投資者的信心外,亦有助刺激國內的資金需求,可進一步鞏固黃金的升勢。
中 國第四季國內生產總值增長7.9%,優於市場預期的7.8%,國內生產總值由第三季7.4%(三年新低)止跌回升,令市場進一步確認中國的經濟已回復上升 動力,除有助加強投資者的信心外,亦有助刺激國內的資金需求,可進一步鞏固黃金的升勢。
近來見到網上有多人說, 去某幣店買銀幣, 要先俾錢後俾貨, 但銀幣有花有白點都唔會換, 只說 bullion coin 就係咁啦 !
先說本人經驗 :
Kitco 是隔住玻璃做買賣, 而佢地會把貨放在你面前先, 會把幣一個個轉俾你睇, 滿意就可以俾錢, 佢就俾貨你, 就好似在銀行買幣咁 !
LPM 我上去時, 佢是先俾幣我, 我咁易望下, 包在透明膠筒的幣無一個個取出來睇, 只睇面和底就收貨俾錢 !
新人可能會俾某人嚇到, 因為佢公司設計是封閉式, 如果佢唔開門你就走唔到的 !
不過你有權利唔收唔滿意的貨品, 何況小小收藏者, 咁辛苦先可以買到個一枚銀幣, 本來開開心心, 點知一盤冷水當頭淋 ! 好多朋友都說唔會再上去啦, 所以呢樣變 bad 口碑 ! 希望某人可以改善下 !
為避免有人誤會, 本人指的某大公司是以前運作好好, 點知近來可能忙得太累或遇到好多煩客, 所以轉咗經營方式 !
2013年1月18日 星期五
樓市又癲 上車客加快入市
【本 報訊】施政報告令無樓族失望,樓市再亢奮,業主反價,買家趁樓價再「發癲」前,迅速入市。青衣昨一日內連錄至少三宗成交,美景花園兩房戶剛SSD「刑滿」 免打稅,業主即以318萬元沽出,兩年速袋逾百萬元。一名80後恐樓價再升,施政報告公佈後深宵時分買入天水圍嘉湖山莊。
記者:湯家明 朱連峰
祥益地產分行經理蕭嘉偉表示,施政報告無辣招,嘉湖山莊有上車客前晚8時許開始睇樓,至昨日凌晨2時許終拍板,以316萬元購入樂湖居10座高層H室一個 實用面積549方呎(建築面積714方呎)單位。該上車客原本上周六已睇中同座樓上一個同面積單位,可惜被人截糊,前後睇過15個盤才入市。
中 原分行經理招錦昌指,沙田第一城39座低層C室,建築410方呎,實用304方呎,投資者預計大部份業主將進一步封盤反價,昨寧追價6萬元,落實以316 萬元連租約買入單位,因屬投資物業,須付半數樓價即158萬元,建築呎價7707元。
利 嘉閣市務經理陳志傑表示,青衣藍澄灣1座高層F室易主,實用面積487方呎,建築面積約683方呎,業主放盤6小時閃賣,以430萬元售出,實用面積呎價 折合8,830元,建築面積呎價折合6296元。另世紀21奇豐李嘉文指,青衣曉峰灣畔3座低層B室,建築面積862方呎,實用面積653方呎,553萬 元成交,建築面積呎價6415元和8469元,買家為外國回流客,須繳82.95萬元買家印花稅。
【本 報訊】施政報告令無樓族失望,樓市再亢奮,業主反價,買家趁樓價再「發癲」前,迅速入市。青衣昨一日內連錄至少三宗成交,美景花園兩房戶剛SSD「刑滿」 免打稅,業主即以318萬元沽出,兩年速袋逾百萬元。一名80後恐樓價再升,施政報告公佈後深宵時分買入天水圍嘉湖山莊。
記者:湯家明 朱連峰
祥益地產分行經理蕭嘉偉表示,施政報告無辣招,嘉湖山莊有上車客前晚8時許開始睇樓,至昨日凌晨2時許終拍板,以316萬元購入樂湖居10座高層H室一個 實用面積549方呎(建築面積714方呎)單位。該上車客原本上周六已睇中同座樓上一個同面積單位,可惜被人截糊,前後睇過15個盤才入市。
施政報告未能即時解決住宅供應緊張困局,期望政府「打救」的希望落空,買家加快腳步入市。美聯高級營業經理林振聲表示,施政報告着眼長遠供應,同時又鼓勵 中產置業,部份用家觀望過後,已加快買樓決定。施政報告公佈當日,將軍澳中心11座中層B室,建築581方呎,實用438方呎,上車客以約458.8萬元 承接,建築呎價7897元,實用呎價10475元。儘管市場缺盤,買家入市步伐急起動下,搶盤情況趨嚴重。美聯營業經理溫浩華表示,沙田第一城本月首17日,成交彈升至66宗,上車客趕緊入市。按目前走勢,屋苑本月大有機會直逼100宗成交,再現旺勢。
中 原分行經理招錦昌指,沙田第一城39座低層C室,建築410方呎,實用304方呎,投資者預計大部份業主將進一步封盤反價,昨寧追價6萬元,落實以316 萬元連租約買入單位,因屬投資物業,須付半數樓價即158萬元,建築呎價7707元。
青衣區昨更單日錄至少三宗買賣。利嘉閣市務經理陳志傑表示,美景花園11座高層B室,建築532方呎,實用424方呎,單位剛於本月SSD「刑滿」,業主 見單位鬆綁,毋須付任何額外印花稅,即以318萬元沽出,建築呎價5977元,創同類兩房新高價。原業主2011年1月以201.8萬元買入,當時政府已 實施首輪SSD,豈料期內樓價有升無跌,是次沽出,兩年賺116.2萬元,升58%。利 嘉閣市務經理陳志傑表示,青衣藍澄灣1座高層F室易主,實用面積487方呎,建築面積約683方呎,業主放盤6小時閃賣,以430萬元售出,實用面積呎價 折合8,830元,建築面積呎價折合6296元。另世紀21奇豐李嘉文指,青衣曉峰灣畔3座低層B室,建築面積862方呎,實用面積653方呎,553萬 元成交,建築面積呎價6415元和8469元,買家為外國回流客,須繳82.95萬元買家印花稅。
法國官員促歐元貶值 恐爆全球貨幣戰
2013年1月17日 星期四
美國不可信 德收回黃金
德國央行昨宣布正式收回部分存放在美國及法國的黃金儲備,有分析認為,德國此舉反映西方各國央行之間可能存在 信任危機;美國債務上限逼近威脅美元貶值,也促使德國寧願以黃金「保本」。但有意見指出,德國當局長久以來對冷戰時期存放海外的黃金不聞不問、缺乏監管, 惹來猛烈批評,央行為平息眾怒,遂決定運回黃金進行審計。
德國央行昨宣布正式收回部分存放在美國及法國的黃金儲備,有分析認為,德國此舉反映西方各國央行之間可能存在 信任危機;美國債務上限逼近威脅美元貶值,也促使德國寧願以黃金「保本」。但有意見指出,德國當局長久以來對冷戰時期存放海外的黃金不聞不問、缺乏監管, 惹來猛烈批評,央行為平息眾怒,遂決定運回黃金進行審計。
罕見行動 或方便審計
美國債務上限問題仍未解決,假如真的「爆煲」,美元將成廢紙,有人擔心德國此舉反映對美國前景缺乏信心。資產管理公司Cumberland Advisors投資總監科托克則指,德國央行可能只想審計海外黃金,但因行動罕見,才會引來各種猜測。
2013年1月16日 星期三
Top UBS Analyst Predicts Carnage For The US Dollar & Equities
On the heels of Germany looking to repatriate their gold, today King World News spoke with top UBS analyst Peter Lee about his rather frightening forecasts for the US dollar and equities. Interestingly, his call for the dollar to plunge comes right after Germany expressed that it wants its gold out of the Fed and back inside German vaults. If Lee is right in his outlook, this will have massive global ramifications. Lee also provided KWN with some incredible charts to back up his rather ominous predictions for both the dollar and equities.
Here is what top UBS analyst Peter Lee had to say, along with powerful charts: “We are nearing a couple of inflection points coming up in the markets. There is a distinct possibility that all of this converges in the upcoming two-year window between 2013 and 2014. This will be greatly impacting equities, bonds, and currency markets.
We are about to enter this convergence period, and we suspect in the second half of this year and into 2014 we will see a great deal of major movements in these financial markets. The charts below go back to the Great Depression when we had an 85% drop in the S&P.
What is very interesting about these particular charts is the debate between the bulls and the bears as to where the market gets ‘cheap.’ So the question is, at what level will the market have to fall in order to create a buying opportunity?
The bears are claiming the market has to go down to the green line, which is the 1932 trendline (this would represent a catastrophic 72% decline). We believe the market doesn’t have to go that low. Currently the 1932 trend line is at 414 on the S&P. Two years from now that number will be higher, somewhere between 450 and 500 on the S&P because it is a rising trendline.
We believe the right call is, we are going to do a ‘mean reversion’ towards the red line. The red line represents the trendline back to 1942. The reason we believe this is the correct call is because you can see a series of successful tests of that red trendline at various points covering the 85-year charts.
The most recent test was the March 2009 low at 666 on the S&P. At that time the trendline was up into the low 600s, at 620, 630. So we were within striking distance during that panic. This 1942 trendline should be somewhere in the 850 area or above by 2014 (this would represent a horrendous drop of roughly 42% on the S&P).
Eric King: “Either way we are in for one hell of a rough ride for equities.”
Lee: “We’re not done yet. Everyone thinks that we’re nearing the end of the bear market, or structural sideways trading market. We suspect we probably have another 5 to 8 years of this. No one wants to hear this call because investors have already been frustrated by the last 13 years.
We have run a number of internal studies dating back to 1800, and the track record has been 100% accurate. Every single time we have overextended market to the upside, we see a ‘mean reversion’ back to normal levels. Again, this is 100% accurate going back to the 1800s.”
Lee also issued this ominous warning regarding a 20-year head and shoulders pattern which has developed on the US dollar: “Head and shoulders patterns are significant. The tremendous amount of time, in terms of developing this head and shoulders pattern on the US dollar, means the drop will be quite significant.
When you look at the roughly 25-year chart on the dollar below, you can see the head forming in 2001. The left shoulder formed in the early and late 1990s. In the last five years we have seen the right shoulder form. Again, because of the duration of this top, it suggests to us that any collapse below the neckline in the low 70s would indicate a very serious drop on the US dollar.
Eric King: “It looks like you are targeting 50 on the dollar index (which would equal a nearly 40% plunge).”
Lee: “That would represent extreme conditions as to the completion of this head and shoulders top on the dollar. This drop in the dollar would have massive ramifications for the bond market and commodities prices.”
King World News note: For readers around the world, this type of plunge in the US dollar will light the gold and silver markets on fire. The belief that the dollar was headed into oblivion in the 1970s helped launch gold into a mania which culminated in gold rising 25-fold. Silver was up 38-fold during that time frame as well.
A similar loss of confidence in the dollar would surely create a launching pad for stage III of the next mania in gold and silver. The corresponding decline in equities Lee forecasts could also move the Dow/Gold ratio back to 1:1.
On the heels of Germany looking to repatriate their gold, today King World News spoke with top UBS analyst Peter Lee about his rather frightening forecasts for the US dollar and equities. Interestingly, his call for the dollar to plunge comes right after Germany expressed that it wants its gold out of the Fed and back inside German vaults. If Lee is right in his outlook, this will have massive global ramifications. Lee also provided KWN with some incredible charts to back up his rather ominous predictions for both the dollar and equities.
Here is what top UBS analyst Peter Lee had to say, along with powerful charts: “We are nearing a couple of inflection points coming up in the markets. There is a distinct possibility that all of this converges in the upcoming two-year window between 2013 and 2014. This will be greatly impacting equities, bonds, and currency markets.
We are about to enter this convergence period, and we suspect in the second half of this year and into 2014 we will see a great deal of major movements in these financial markets. The charts below go back to the Great Depression when we had an 85% drop in the S&P.
What is very interesting about these particular charts is the debate between the bulls and the bears as to where the market gets ‘cheap.’ So the question is, at what level will the market have to fall in order to create a buying opportunity?
The bears are claiming the market has to go down to the green line, which is the 1932 trendline (this would represent a catastrophic 72% decline). We believe the market doesn’t have to go that low. Currently the 1932 trend line is at 414 on the S&P. Two years from now that number will be higher, somewhere between 450 and 500 on the S&P because it is a rising trendline.
We believe the right call is, we are going to do a ‘mean reversion’ towards the red line. The red line represents the trendline back to 1942. The reason we believe this is the correct call is because you can see a series of successful tests of that red trendline at various points covering the 85-year charts.
The most recent test was the March 2009 low at 666 on the S&P. At that time the trendline was up into the low 600s, at 620, 630. So we were within striking distance during that panic. This 1942 trendline should be somewhere in the 850 area or above by 2014 (this would represent a horrendous drop of roughly 42% on the S&P).
Eric King: “Either way we are in for one hell of a rough ride for equities.”
Lee: “We’re not done yet. Everyone thinks that we’re nearing the end of the bear market, or structural sideways trading market. We suspect we probably have another 5 to 8 years of this. No one wants to hear this call because investors have already been frustrated by the last 13 years.
We have run a number of internal studies dating back to 1800, and the track record has been 100% accurate. Every single time we have overextended market to the upside, we see a ‘mean reversion’ back to normal levels. Again, this is 100% accurate going back to the 1800s.”
Lee also issued this ominous warning regarding a 20-year head and shoulders pattern which has developed on the US dollar: “Head and shoulders patterns are significant. The tremendous amount of time, in terms of developing this head and shoulders pattern on the US dollar, means the drop will be quite significant.
When you look at the roughly 25-year chart on the dollar below, you can see the head forming in 2001. The left shoulder formed in the early and late 1990s. In the last five years we have seen the right shoulder form. Again, because of the duration of this top, it suggests to us that any collapse below the neckline in the low 70s would indicate a very serious drop on the US dollar.
Eric King: “It looks like you are targeting 50 on the dollar index (which would equal a nearly 40% plunge).”
Lee: “That would represent extreme conditions as to the completion of this head and shoulders top on the dollar. This drop in the dollar would have massive ramifications for the bond market and commodities prices.”
King World News note: For readers around the world, this type of plunge in the US dollar will light the gold and silver markets on fire. The belief that the dollar was headed into oblivion in the 1970s helped launch gold into a mania which culminated in gold rising 25-fold. Silver was up 38-fold during that time frame as well.
A similar loss of confidence in the dollar would surely create a launching pad for stage III of the next mania in gold and silver. The corresponding decline in equities Lee forecasts could also move the Dow/Gold ratio back to 1:1.
2013年1月15日 星期二
香港證監會主席唐家成昨出席亞洲金融論壇時指出,在金融危機過後,金融監管無論在結構、範圍及過程都沒有太大轉變,令金融監管面對的挑戰越來越大;現時各 國仍維持自我監管的形勢,惟當市場越趨全球化,傳統銀行業務的重要性不斷下降,取而代之是各類型複雜的金融產品,為監管帶來更大衝擊。
他 指出,現時並無任何單一機構能夠監管來自整個金融體系的系統性風險,惟市場上卻出現越來越多在監管範圍以外的影子銀行活動。他認為,各國政府需要加強合 作,以強化金融系統,惟相信在實施執行上仍會面對不同挑戰及壓力。
香港證監會主席唐家成昨出席亞洲金融論壇時指出,在金融危機過後,金融監管無論在結構、範圍及過程都沒有太大轉變,令金融監管面對的挑戰越來越大;現時各 國仍維持自我監管的形勢,惟當市場越趨全球化,傳統銀行業務的重要性不斷下降,取而代之是各類型複雜的金融產品,為監管帶來更大衝擊。
他 指出,現時並無任何單一機構能夠監管來自整個金融體系的系統性風險,惟市場上卻出現越來越多在監管範圍以外的影子銀行活動。他認為,各國政府需要加強合 作,以強化金融系統,惟相信在實施執行上仍會面對不同挑戰及壓力。
出席同一場合的迪拜金融服務局主席賽義卜.艾格納表示,英美等地相繼出現佔領華爾街運動,反映市場對銀行體系失去信心,惟監管機構進一步收緊對銀行監管只 會適得其反,令更多原屬於銀行體系的業務轉移到影子銀行身上。他認為,現時影子銀行活動已成為各地監管當局的頭號威脅,惟監管者在進行規範時要小心制定政 策,以免弄巧反拙。另外,金管局總裁陳德霖亦表示,全球不同的國家、機構及個人在過去幾十年負債不斷攀升,令金融體系潛藏危機。他說,要避免問題爆發,各國就要從削減債務、縮減開支及加稅三方面着手。
早前介紹大家匯錢用x隆服務, 因為佢地平過其他銀行, 150蚊, 而佢信用卡客戶可以俾130蚊, 但原來愈平服務就變差 !
上次匯錢俾 G記, 聽漏本人說會俾對方銀行的用費, 好彩 G記 wave 咗本人要俾的匯費, 但呢次無咁好彩啦 !
話說, 本人上星期走去匯錢, 搵到一張 2010年的匯單, 以為照炒一定唔會錯的啦, 點知上次都填漏 sort code, 而呢次俾收錢銀行彈返轉頭 !
本人問職員, 是否銀行唔知要填 sort code ? 答:知
為何填漏野都可以寄出去 ? 答:是收錢銀行突然唔收 !
本人後來搵到一張 2009年匯去同個銀行的匯單, 是本人親手填的, 而上面有 sort code.
本人還記起, 當時拿咗張紙仔去匯錢, 但說無 sort code 唔可以匯, 所以要走多次帶 sort code 上去 !
為何 2010年個張會無咗 sort code ?
以前匯錢都會問, 是否要俾對方銀行的費用, 因為扣除後, 收款人收到的錢會少咗 !
依家同客講多兩句都多餘啦 !
依家本人貪平變貴, 成個匯費是 : 2x130蚊, 再加對方銀行的 3x20英鎊 !
本來唔想用網上銀行, 但睇來都要轉去 Sonia 早排介紹的中銀網上銀行, 匯錢只須 100蚊 !
2013年1月14日 星期一
所 謂流動收款服務,即是在智能手機上插上讀卡裝置,再透過手機程式,便可進行信用卡收費。大新銀行零售銀行處信用卡業務主管莊麗蓮表示,開放預先登記後收到 不少查詢,當中主要是小商戶,「細舖好似時裝店佔多,甚至有診所。」她指由於診所空間較少,難以容納傳統的碌卡機,「姑娘多數放喺腳底,要用先拎出嚟,好 唔方便。」
安 全性得到肯定後,她預計有更多商戶願意採用流動收費,例如外送服務。「有商戶覺得店內收錢先安全,外送又有機會唔見錢或者單據。」利用手機進行信用卡收 費,則不會發生上述問題。她說,目前已跟部份流動收費行業,例如保險及自動道路繳費服務商討論,待服務正式推出後作為試點公司,試用有關服務。
Visa北亞區商戶業務總經理辛瑋達表示,過去已於不少巿場推出流動收款服務,當中以韓國使用率最高。「因為韓國人喜愛光顧食肆外賣,服務可讓顧客在任何 地點及時間都能以信用卡付款。」他相信,流動收款可為本港帶來全新的消費模式,「以人壽保險為例,從業員與客戶確認保單後,可即場透過手機為客戶以信用卡 收款,不用再到銀行入款或郵寄支票。」
所 謂流動收款服務,即是在智能手機上插上讀卡裝置,再透過手機程式,便可進行信用卡收費。大新銀行零售銀行處信用卡業務主管莊麗蓮表示,開放預先登記後收到 不少查詢,當中主要是小商戶,「細舖好似時裝店佔多,甚至有診所。」她指由於診所空間較少,難以容納傳統的碌卡機,「姑娘多數放喺腳底,要用先拎出嚟,好 唔方便。」
除了「阻碇」,她指出,傳統碌卡機收費亦較高,影響他們提供收卡服務的意願。「小商戶怕影響營運,寧願唔收信用卡。」而新推出的手機讀卡裝置,費用是傳統 碌卡機的十分之一,「只係幾百蚊」,相信會有更多小商戶樂意使用。而服務推出初期,為了鼓勵商戶採用,銀行收費將會「十分實惠,接近傳統的收卡服務」。對商戶及顧客而言,最關注的仍是安全問題。目前該行仍在透過Visa取得國際信用卡收款的認證,料2月便可完成所有程序。莊麗蓮稱,手機碌卡與使用傳統碌卡機無異,「讀取信用卡資料後,會直接連接中央資料庫,信用卡資料唔會喺手機留底。」
安 全性得到肯定後,她預計有更多商戶願意採用流動收費,例如外送服務。「有商戶覺得店內收錢先安全,外送又有機會唔見錢或者單據。」利用手機進行信用卡收 費,則不會發生上述問題。她說,目前已跟部份流動收費行業,例如保險及自動道路繳費服務商討論,待服務正式推出後作為試點公司,試用有關服務。
Visa北亞區商戶業務總經理辛瑋達表示,過去已於不少巿場推出流動收款服務,當中以韓國使用率最高。「因為韓國人喜愛光顧食肆外賣,服務可讓顧客在任何 地點及時間都能以信用卡付款。」他相信,流動收款可為本港帶來全新的消費模式,「以人壽保險為例,從業員與客戶確認保單後,可即場透過手機為客戶以信用卡 收款,不用再到銀行入款或郵寄支票。」
金銀陷爭持 待消息突破
英皇金融集團(香港)總裁 黃美斯
2013年1月12日 星期六
美國控制實金實銀買賣 ?
美國有個省想出法例控制實金實銀買賣 !
其實加拿大有間網上實銀公司, 一早已須交私人資料和身份証明文件先可以買貨, 所以睇來會是將來指定條例 !
State of Illinois
2011 and 2012 SB3341
Introduced 2/7/2012, by Sen. Kirk W. Dillard
Creates the Precious Metal Purchasing Act. Provides that a person who
is in the business of purchasing precious metal shall obtain a proof of ownership, create a record of the sale, and verify the identity of the seller. Provides that a person who is in the business of purchasing precious metal shall not pay for the precious metal in cash and shall record the method of payment. Requires the purchaser to keep a record of the sale for one year or, if the purchase amount is over $500, for 5 years. Provides that a person who violates the Act is guilty of a petty offense and subject to a fine not exceeding $500. Provides that the Attorney General may inspect records, investigate an alleged violation, and take action to collect civil penalties.
1. AN ACT concerning business.
2. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3. represented in the General Assembly:
4. Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5. Precious Metal Purchasing Act.
6. Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act:
7. "Precious metal" means any item containing, in whole or in
8. part, gold or silver or any alloy of gold or silver.
9. "Proof of ownership" includes a bill of sale, an affidavit
10. of ownership, or other credible evidence showing that the
11. person possessing the precious metal is the lawful owner.
12. Section 10. Requirements applicable to the sale of precious
13. metal.
14. (a) A person who is in the business of purchasing precious
15. metal, before purchasing an item containing precious metal from
16. the same person exceeding $250 in value regardless of form or
17. quantity shall:
18. (1) obtain from that person:
19. (A) proof of ownership for the precious metal; and
20. (B) a record that contains:
21. (i) the name, address, and telephone number of
22. the person or the person's authorized
1. representative;
2. (ii) a description of the item containing the
3.precious metal, including the number of items to be
4. sold; and
5. (iii) the date of the transaction; and
6. (2) verify the identity of the individual selling the
7. precious metal or representing the seller from a driver's
8. license or other government-issued identification card
9. that includes the individual's photograph and record the
10. verification.
11. (b) A person who is in the business of purchasing precious
12. metal shall:
13. (1) not pay for the purchase of precious metal with
14. cash; and
15. (2) for each transaction in which the person purchases
16. one or more item of precious metal, record the method of
17. payment used to purchase the precious metal.
18. Section 15. A person shall retain a record
19. obtained or made under this Act for one year after the date the
20. precious metal is purchased or, if the purchase amount is over
21. $500, for 5 years after the date the precious metal is
22. purchased.
23. Section 20. Penalty; enforcement.
24. (a) A person who violates this Act shall be guilty of a
1. petty offense and shall be fined an amount not exceeding $500
2. for each violation.
3. (b) The Attorney General may:
4. (1) inspect a record retained by a person under this
5. Act; and
6. (2) investigate an alleged violation of this Act.
Chinese To Increase Gold & Silver Storage A Staggering 180%
Today acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb told King World News the West is becoming even more desperate as the Chinese are going to increase storage a staggering 180% this year for gold, silver and other metals. Leeb continues to believe that when the Chinese eventually have gold underlying their currency the game is over. Here is what Leeb had to say: “I’m focused on this battle between the West and the East right now, and the Basel III situation. The Basel III ratios that discuss liquidity ratios the BIS want the banks to maintain so they can survive a bank run are utterly baffling. The puzzling thing was what they said banks could hold in the event of a run on the banks or a liquidity squeeze.”
was left out was gold. Gold hold up well during the entire crisis. It
looked like it had a normal correction during that period. It didn’t
look like GE, which crashed and burned....
the BIS and Basel III people just did was say to them, ‘Take your time
China.’ Well, it’s almost game over. That’s what you are seeing play
out right now. Gold probably has a downside of $1,600 here, and the
upside is the moon. That’s just he way this is going to end and
nothing can stop it now.”
Today acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb told King World News the West is becoming even more desperate as the Chinese are going to increase storage a staggering 180% this year for gold, silver and other metals. Leeb continues to believe that when the Chinese eventually have gold underlying their currency the game is over. Here is what Leeb had to say: “I’m focused on this battle between the West and the East right now, and the Basel III situation. The Basel III ratios that discuss liquidity ratios the BIS want the banks to maintain so they can survive a bank run are utterly baffling. The puzzling thing was what they said banks could hold in the event of a run on the banks or a liquidity squeeze.”
Stephen Leeb continues:
last time we had a run on the banks was in 2008 when liquidity became a
major issue. In 2008, companies like GE were really having trouble
turning over their commercial paper, so this was impacting everybody.
The first of these Basel III requirements say that you can hold
equities or BBB- bonds. Even with a haircut of 50%, this is
ludicrous. Who is going to take a BBB- bond as satisfaction for
liquidity in a true liquidity crunch?
“Incredibly, the Basel III accord also allow banks to hold mortgage-backed securities as a liquidity cushion.
held its own in 2008, better than virtually anything else in the
world. So of course gold should have been included as an option
amongst those junk assets. So why don’t they include gold? Imagine if
they had mentioned gold as a liquidity cushion in the event of a major
catastrophe. Gold would probably be trading at $2,200 or $2,300.
would that say about the value of the dollar as a currency? It would
mean the asset which would be the ultimate hedge in a liquidity crunch
really is gold. But for them to say it would basically cause gold to
shoot up, and that would devalue all of the global fiat currencies
across the board.
ironically, to cause gold to up that much and that quickly could hurt
the Chinese because they are nowhere near buying the amounts of gold
they ultimately want to possess. So the Chinese are just sitting there
and saying, ‘Thank you,’ to the West because they are buying the hell
out of gold and they really don’t want to pay $2,400 for gold when they
can pay $1,600 or $1,700 for it.
trading in Shanghai is also picking up, and they will probably have an
ETF in gold in the next couple of weeks. Where are they going to get
the gold to put into the ETF? They are doing everything they can to
get as much gold as they can without totally disrupting the market.
reality is, and this upsets the hell out of me, but they are getting a
tremendous assist from none other than our BIS. I mean what would any
sensible person rather have in a liquidity run? Would you rather have
a BBB- bond, mortgage-backed securities, or gold? Obviously it’s gold.
didn’t the BIS say it? I’ll tell you why, it’s because they are scared
to death. What you are seeing on the part of the West is
ever-increasing desperation. Now, is it a coincidence that Warren
Buffett, right after these ridiculous Basel III regulations came out on
liquidity, said, ‘He guarantees us that US banks are in great shape?’
great a shape are the banks in when fiat currencies eventually collapse
and gold, silver and other commodities go to the moon and the economy
stops functioning? They’re not. So everything we are seeing right now
is desperation on the part of the West. The West is losing their head
in terms of strategic moves because of this increasing desperation.
of this is playing right into what the Chinese would like the West to
do. They are giving the Chinese all the time they need to get their
yuan backed by gold. There was a news release last night out of China
stating, ‘Gold is going to become an ever greater part of our
reserves. We are going to try to do it in a measured way.’
do you think, that the Chinese are going to hold BBB- bonds and MBS as
a liquidity cushion? It’s preposterous. Either the people heading the
West have cumulatively lost their minds, or they are just completely
message for investors is you better own gold. You better own some of
those junior gold mines. You better own silver. Yes, the Chinese are
accumulating silver for their energy needs. Right now the Chinese have
50,000 square meters of space to store metals. The Chinese are going
to add another 90,000 square meters (a 180% increase) this year.
is a country that is literally going to spend trillions of dollars to
build out, urbanize, modernize, and put together an energy grid that is
second to none. They know they will need a stable currency to do
that. The only way to accomplish this is to own a great deal of gold
to back their currency.
2013年1月11日 星期五
香港文匯報訊(記者 卓建安)香港富豪受惠樓價升,身家大躍進,但一眾受薪階層,過去10年來工資僅升9%,同期樓價升了1.16倍。中信證券國際執行董事、企業及高資產值客 戶銷售及業務發展主管林一鳴(見圖)昨日慨嘆,以目前的樓價及工資水平,即使月入4萬的家庭,也買不起樓。
香港文匯報訊(記者 卓建安)香港富豪受惠樓價升,身家大躍進,但一眾受薪階層,過去10年來工資僅升9%,同期樓價升了1.16倍。中信證券國際執行董事、企業及高資產值客 戶銷售及業務發展主管林一鳴(見圖)昨日慨嘆,以目前的樓價及工資水平,即使月入4萬的家庭,也買不起樓。
若加息3厘 樓價料跌20%