2014年12月31日 星期三

奧朗德屈服 法國棄徵富豪稅


【on.cc東網專訊】 法國總統奧朗德2年前上台時力主徵收的「富豪稅」,2年來經歷過被法院推翻、修訂等,將隨着2014年結束而告終。










投資顧問機構J Capital Research創辦人楊思安(Anne Stevenson-Yang)稱,股市的槓桿太高,現時很容易變得極不穩定。她又指,中國的市場監管機構不會打擊人們的期望,但他們會盡量控制槓桿率,讓股市變得不那麼像賭場。














澳洲明天起禁曬太陽燈 以降皮膚癌患病率


【on.cc東網專訊】 澳洲眾多地區將於周四、2015年1月1日開始,禁止所有商營機構提供曬太陽燈的服務。此是繼巴西之後,全球第2個國家實施此禁制令,以減少市民患上皮膚癌的機率。


物業        83% - 物業價格和租金都有增長
流動資金17% - 比對減少咗, 不過實是有增長


實金實銀32% - 量增價跌
人民幣    38% - 增加來之收租和定期利息
股票          2% - 價格升返少少
其他外幣        - 跑輸賺少咗

2014年終結: 流動資金增加5.8%

2014年還是物業跑第一, 股票跑第二, 人民幣跑第三, 實金實銀算打和, 而外幣跑輸 !

外國超高清電視勁逼真 貓追老鼠狗狗送吻


【on.cc東網專訊】 外國一家電視機製造商,為宣傳其4K超高清電視機,特地製作了一段短片。由於該透明高清電視呈現的畫面太清晰寫實,擔當「白老鼠」角色的動物們,完全分不清屏幕上的景物是真是假,有貓咪更傻傻地信以為真,想要捕捉畫面中的老鼠,非常可愛。
從短片中可見,不同動物看見高清電視畫面的東西,各有不同反應,例如有狗狗對着屏幕裏的貓咪吠叫、有貓咪追趕屏幕裏的老鼠;另有大狗看見屏幕裏的另一頭狗, 真的走到電視機後面去,找對方一起玩,但去到卻發現空無一物。有小狗則傻傻地伸嘴,向電視屏幕裏的另一頭小狗送吻。觀眾看過短片後,會否被這部高清電視機 打動未可知,但相信已經被這些小動物的可愛動態逗樂了。

禽流感疫情:內地雞又出事 巿民驚驚避食


【on.cc東網專訊】 長沙灣臨時家禽批發巿場開始撲殺巿場內1.5萬隻活家禽,避免禽流感擴散。東網記者今早巡查九龍城街市雞檔時,不少巿民都表示近期會避免食內地雞。其中譚先生表示,因剛有雞隻出事,擔心內地雞仍存有病毒,暫時不會食雞。


【on.cc東網專訊】 因應有內地供港活雞的樣本中驗出帶有H7抗體,港府今日銷毀長沙灣臨時家禽市場內約1.5萬隻活禽,並停止內地活雞供港21日,令本港將只餘本地活雞供應。
東網記者今早巡查九龍城街市雞檔,發現本地活雞價維持每隻約200元,暫未見雞檔加價。街市雞檔檔主玲姐表示,其檔口主要出售本地雞,目前本地雞剩下6隻, 將會售予相熟顧客;冰鮮雞仍有45隻,如停售內地雞料會影響約一成銷情。她又指,未來會繼續出售內地雞,因有顧客認為內地雞的口感較好,而她就會加強清潔以防範疫情。同樣售賣家禽的梁太則指,其檔位9成為本地雞,料內地雞一旦停售,本地雞售價將會加價。她稱,有市民專程到其檔口買清遠雞及竹絲雞,所以仍會繼續出售內地雞,冀政府可加強抽驗內地雞。現場所見,有外傭到街市購買三隻本地雞,她指傭主擔心之後沒有雞買,所以特意叫她搶先購買。另外,黃女士指自己大病初愈,需燉雞湯補身,惟她擔心內地雞有激素,故不會購買,經過此事後她更認為內地雞帶有不少病毒。

2014年12月30日 星期二

How Russia & China Can Save The World In 2015


By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
December 29 (King World News) – Dear Readers: The conflict that Washington has initiated between the West and Russia/China is reckless and irresponsible. Nuclear war could be the outcome. Indeed, Washington has been preparing for nuclear war since the George W. Bush regime.
Washington has revised US war doctrine in order to initiate conflict with a first strike nuclear attack.
Washington has discarded the ABM treaty in order to build and deploy anti-ballistic missiles that are intended to prevent a retaliatory strike against the US. Washington is engaged in a buildup of military forces on Russia’s borders, and Washington is demonizing Russia’s government with false charges.
As the Bush/Obama regimes dismantled the safeguards put in place in order to minimize the risk of nuclear war, no protests came from the American public or the media. Washington’s European vassal states have also been silent.
Washington’s drive for hegemony has brought nuclear insanity to the world.
Moscow and Beijing understand that they are Washington’s targets. As Larchmonter explains, Russia and China are conjoining their economic and military capabilities in order to protect against Washington’s attack. Read what Larchmonter reports. Open the URL in my column below and run your cursor over the bottom of the page and click “page fit.” Choose 50% and readable text will fill your screen.

Washington’s demonization of Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, and Assad were preludes to military attacks on Iraq, Libya, and Syria. In view of these precedents, it is reasonable to regard Washington’s demonization of Vladimir Putin as a prelude to military action.
Russia is not Iraq, Libya, or Syria. Russian war doctrine states that Russia can use nuclear weapons in response to a nuclear or conventional attack on Russia. For the world to sit silent while Washington’s arrogance provokes armageddon telegraphs total political failure. Where are the voices in behalf of humanity?

The Outlook for the New Year
Paul Craig Roberts
Washington has shaped 2015 to be a year of conflict. The conflict could be intense.
Washington is the cause of the conflict, which has been brewing for some time. Russia was too weak to do anything about it when the Clinton regime pushed NATO to Russia’s borders and illegally attacked Yugoslavia, breaking the country into small easily controlled pieces. Russia was also too weak to do anything about it when the George W. Bush regime withdrew from the ABM treaty and undertook to locate anti-ballistic missile bases on Russia’s borders. Washington lied to Moscow that the purpose of the ABM bases is to protect Europe from non-existent Iranian nuclear ICBMs. However, Moscow understood that the purpose of the ABM bases is to degrade Russia’s nuclear deterrent, thereby enhancing Washington’s ability to coerce Russia into agreements that compromise Russian sovereignty.
By summer 2008 Russian power had returned. On Washington’s orders, the US and Israeli trained and equipped Georgian army attacked the breakaway republic of South Ossetia during the early hours of August 8, killing Russian peacekeepers and civilian population. Units of the Russian military instantly responded and within a few hours the American trained and equipped Georgian army was routed and defeated. Georgia was in Russia’s hands again, where the province had resided during the 19th and 20th centuries.
Putin should have hung Mikheil Saakashvili, the American puppet installed as president of Georgia by the Washington-instigated “Rose Revolution”, and reincorporated Georgia into the Russian Federation. Instead, in a strategic error, Russia withdrew its forces, leaving Washington’s puppet regime in place to cause future trouble for Russia. Washington is pushing hard to incorporate Georgia into NATO, thus adding more US military bases on Russia’s border. However, at the time, Moscow thought Europe to be more independent of Washington than it is and relied on good relations with Europe to keep American bases out of Georgia.
Today the Russian government no longer has any illusion that Europe is capable of an independent foreign policy. Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated publicly that Russia has learned that diplomacy with Europe is pointless, because European politicians represent Washington’s interest, not Europe’s. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently acknowledged that Europe’s Captive Nation status has made it clear to Russia that Russian goodwill gestures are unable to produce diplomatic results.
With Moscow’s delusion shattered that diplomacy with the West can produce peaceful solutions, reality has set in, reinforced by the demonization of Vladimir Putin by Washington and its vassal states. Hillary Clinton called Putin the new Hitler. While Washington incorporates former constituent parts of the Russian and Soviet empires into its own empire and bombs seven countries, Washington claims that Putin is militarily aggressive and intends to reconstitute the Soviet empire. Washington arms the neo-nazi regime Obama established in Ukraine, while erroneously claiming that Putin has invaded and annexed Ukrainian provinces. All of these blatant lies are echoed repeatedly by the Western presstitutes. Not even Hitler had such a compliant media as Washington has.
Every diplomatic effort by Russia has been blocked by Washington and has come to naught. So now Russia has been forced by reality to update its military doctrine. The new doctrine approved on December 26 states that the US and NATO comprise a major military threat to the existence of Russia as a sovereign independent country.
The Russian document cites Washington’s war doctrine of pre-emptive nuclear attack, deployment of anti-ballistic missiles, buildup of NATO forces, and intent to deploy weapons in space as clear indications that Washington is preparing to attack Russia.
Washington is also conducting economic and political warfare against Russia, attempting to destabilize the economy with economic sanctions and attacks on the ruble. The Russian document acknowledges that Russia faces Western threats of regime change achieved through “actions aimed at violent change of the Russian constitutional order, destabilization of the political and social environment, and disorganization of the functioning of governmental bodies, crucial civilian and military facilities and informational infrastructure of Russia.” Foreign financed NGOs and foreign owned Russian media are tools in Washington’s hands for destabilizing Russia.
Washington’s reckless aggressive policy against Russia has resurrected the nuclear arms race. Russia is developing two new ICBM systems and in 2016 will deploy a weapons system designed to negate the US anti-ballistic missile system. In short, the evil warmongers that rule in Washington have set the world on the path to nuclear armageddon.
The Russian and Chinese governments both understand that their existence is threatened by Washington’s hegemonic ambitions. Larchmonter reports that in order to defeat Washington’s plans to marginalize both countries, the Russian and Chinese governments have decided to unify their economies into one and to conjoin their military commands. Henceforth, Russia and China move together on the economic and military fronts. http://www.mediafire.com/view/08rzue8ffism94t/China-
The unity of the Bear and the Dragon reduces the crazed neoconservatives’ dream of “an American century” to dangerous nonsense. As Larchmonter puts it, “The US and NATO would need Michael the Archangel to defeat China-Russia, and from all signs Michael the Archangel is aligned with the Bear and its Orthodox culture. There is no weapon, no strategy, no tactic conceivable in the near future to damage either of these rising economies now that they are ‘base pairs.’”
Larchmonter sees hope in the new geopolitics created by the conjoining of Russia and China. I don’t dispute this, but if the arrogant neoconservatives realize that their hegemonic policy has created a foe over which Washington cannot prevail, they will push for a pre-emptive nuclear strike before the Russian-Chinese unified command is fully operational. To forestall a sneak attack, Russia and China should operate on full nuclear alert.
The US economy–indeed the entire Western orientated economy from Japan to Europe–is a house of cards. Since the economic downturn began seven years ago, the entirety of Western economic policy has been diverted to the support of a few over-sized banks, sovereign debt, and the US dollar. Consequently, the economies themselves and the ability of populations to cope have deteriorated.
The financial markets are based on manipulation, not on fundamentals. The manipulation is untenable. With debt exploding, negative real interest rates make no sense. With real consumer incomes, real consumer credit, and real retail sales stagnant or falling, the stock market is a bubble. With Russia, China, and other countries moving away from the use of the dollar to settle international accounts, with Russia developing an alternative to the SWIFT financial network, the BRICS developing alternatives to the IMF and World Bank, and with other parts of the world developing their own credit card and Internet systems, the US dollar, along with the Japanese and European currencies that are being printed in order to support the dollar’s exchange value, could experience a dramatic drop in exchange value, which would make the import-dependent Western world dysfunctional.
In my opinion, it took the Russians and Chinese too long to comprehend the evil that has control in Washington. Therefore, both countries risk nuclear attack prior to the full operational capability of their conjoined defense. As the Western economy is a house of cards, Russia and China could collapse the Western economy before the neoconservatives can drive the world to war. As Washington’s aggression against both countries is crystal clear, Russia and China have every right to the following defensive measures.
As the US and EU are conducting economic warfare against Russia, Russia could claim that by wrecking the Russian economy the West has deprived Russia of the ability to repay loans to the European banks. If this does not bring down the thinly capitalized EU banks, Russia can announce that as NATO countries are now officially recognized by Russian war doctrine as an enemy of the Russian state, Russia can no longer support NATO’s aggression against Russia by selling natural gas to NATO members. If the shutdown of much of European industry, rapidly rising rates of unemployment, and bank failures do not result in the dissolution of NATO and thus the end of the threat, the Chinese can act.
The Chinese hold a very large amount of dollar-denominated financial assets. Just as the Federal Reserve’s agents, the bullion banks, dump massive shorts onto the bullion futures markets during periods of little activity in order to drive down the bullion price, China can dump the equivalent in US Treasuries of years of Quantitative Easing in a few minutes. If the Federal Reserve quickly creates dollars with which to purchase the enormous quantity of Treasuries so that the financial house of cards does not implode, the Chinese can then dump the dollars that they are paid for the bonds in the currency market. Whereas the Federal Reserve can print dollars with which to purchase the Treasuries, the Fed cannot print foreign currencies with which to buy the dollars.
The dollar would collapse, and with it the power of the Hegemon. The war would be over without a shot or missile fired.
In my view, Russia and China owe it to the world to prevent the nuclear war intended by the neoconservatives simply by replying in kind to Washington’s economic warfare. Russia and China hold all the cards. Not Washington.
Russia and China should give no warning. They should just act. Indeed, instead of step by step, Russia and China could simultaneously use the counter-measures. With four US banks holding derivatives totaling many times world GDP, the financial explosion would be the equivalent to a nuclear one. The US and Europe would be finished, and the world would be saved.
Larchmonter possibly is correct. 2015 could be a very good year, but pre-emptive economic moves by Moscow and Beijing could be required. Putin’s current plan seems to be to turn away from the West, ignore the provocations, and mesh Russia’s strategic and economic interests with those of Asia. This is a humane and reasonable course of action, but it leaves the West untroubled and undistracted by its economic vulnerabilities. An untroubled West remains a grave danger not only to Russia and China but also to Americans and the entire world. 



美聯:買家瘋搶實呎新高 政府推出辣招多年,樓價不跌反升,港島及九龍區樓價已升至上車客難以負擔水平,就連新界區的樓價亦在買家瘋搶下爆升。美聯物業一份報告指出,新界區二手住 宅11月平均實用呎價達9122元【圖1】,按月上升1.3%,創有紀錄以來新高;預期明年樓價會再升10%,呎價勢破萬元關口。由於樓價飆升,以往佔整 體成交90%的400萬元以下交投,近年比例直線下滑,至今年首11個月已跌至67.8%【圖2】,亦創有紀錄以來新低。


據美聯分區樓價走勢圖顯示,新界區二手呎價自今年2月開始連升10個月,11月平均呎價已高見9122元,較去年同區上升12%,跑贏大市,並創該 行有紀錄以來新高;由於近年樓價不斷升溫,上車盤門檻亦不斷推高,400萬元以下成交比例,近年急速下滑,今年至今已跌至67.8%,同為有紀錄以來的新低,與1998至2010年期間,400萬元以下穩佔整體交投90%比例大相逕庭。
美聯新界區董事張子存表示,政府早前調高未來10年房屋供應目標為48萬個,惟短期內供應未到位,同時間市場購買力不斷湧現,實際需求強勁,上車需 求持續殷切,整體樓市將如今年般備受帶動,新界區細價樓旺勢料延續;加上加息對細價樓及用家影響較輕微,故預期2015年新界區交投仍然看俏,區內樓價料 仍有約10%上升空間。以此計算,明年新界區平均實用呎價將衝破1萬元關口,意味上車客入市負擔愈來愈沉重。

二手盤缺 300萬難上車

同樣反映本港樓價的中原領先指數CCL,新界區東、西區上周為135.93及114.16點,按周跌0.59%及2.18%,但兩個分區指數於對上 一周已創出歷史新高,反映新界區樓價不斷上升。事實上,本港樓價亦步亦趨,上車客已轉投新界區如屯門、元朗及天水圍覓盤,但二手盤源缺乏,亦是推高樓價的 「元兇」,以往300萬元以下單位作為上車客基礎,現時已變得絕無僅有。
祥益地產數據顯示,今年截至本月28日,屯門區300萬元以下的私樓放盤量只有149個,比起今年初下跌76.6%。現時屯門區連補地價的公屋及居屋放盤單位亦僅得233個,比今年初亦大跌75%。400萬元以下物業方面,截至本月28日有661個私樓放盤,較年初的1174個下跌43.7%。天水圍屋苑方面,有區內代理指出,目前嘉湖山莊約有600個單位放售。天水圍區逾 90%放盤叫價逾300萬元,僅少數綠表居屋仍有低於300萬元選擇。

假金牛續增 歲晚慎防 03年版偽鈔年升兩倍


【on.cc東網專訊】 去年揭發的03年版港幣千元偽鈔繼續肆虐本港,市民切勿掉以輕心!不法集團去年底印製大量中銀及滙豐03年版港幣千元偽鈔,令市民聞「金牛」色變,事隔雖 已一年,但警方檢獲港幣千元偽鈔的升勢未止,升幅更逾兩倍;另檢獲俗稱「大牛」的500港元偽鈔亦大幅上升6成3。至於人民幣偽鈔檢獲的數字則告回落。
警方今年首三季共檢獲1717張港元偽鈔,較去年同期下跌2成1,但俗稱「金牛」的千元偽鈔不跌反升,達538張,數目較去年同期上升2.1倍,佔偽鈔總數3分1,其中約7成即374張屬03年版千元偽鈔,它們的仿真度極高,擁有模仿真鈔的防偽特徵。今年迄今共有32人涉港元偽鈔罪行被捕,較去年同期大幅上升6成。今年首三季檢獲500元「大牛」偽鈔有415張,較去年同期增6成3,警方在兩次行動中檢得134張及3人被捕。警方發言人指,去年底首次發現新品種中銀03年版千元偽鈔,其後再發現新品種滙豐03年版千元偽鈔,商業罪案調查科同月通知公眾,並採取以情報為主導的行 動,循多方面調查及打擊新品種港幣千元偽鈔的來源,此後再沒有發現另一新品種的千元偽鈔。警方又提醒市民接收或找贖鈔票時,切勿掉以輕心,如收到偽鈔,應立即交予警方或銀行處理,切勿試圖再次使用。千元偽鈔為禍本港,但人民幣偽鈔的問題則放緩,警方今年首三季共檢獲3244張人民幣偽鈔,較去年同期下跌近百分之七,當中以100元偽鈔佔最多,達9成。今年共有16人涉人民幣偽鈔被捕,較去年同期上升3成3。警方指大部分在港檢獲的人民幣偽鈔用平版印刷,質素一般。現行人民幣鈔票有多種防偽特徵,例如水印及安全線,市民可憑肉眼及手感分辨真偽。香港警方檢獲的人 民幣偽鈔主要在香港境外製造,大部分於存入銀行的過程中被發現,也有小部分是事主在內地消費時遭「偷龍轉鳳」換掉。「偷龍轉鳳」常見的手法包括事主在內地乘出租車、光顧食肆或在娛樂場所結帳時,騙徒以偽鈔換掉真鈔。此外,警方今年首三季共檢獲1382張美元偽鈔,數量較去年同期下跌兩成,其中以100美元偽鈔為主。

2014年12月29日 星期一


2015年是火毒最後一年, 過去逢[紅羊]年必出事, 不過2015年會比2014年好一點, 但依然是火毒凶年, 依然瘟毒 !
大家都會希望2015年快些過去, 因為2016年會使香港重回好景的黃金十年, 但到2026年的[丙午年]又掀起一場劫數 !


2015年[五黃凶星]在西方, [二黑病星]在東南方, 威脅幼女和長女, 不幸地, [七赤破軍星]在南方代表中女, 所以要小心家中女兒, 好多都會出事 !
也代表南方抱括香港和東南亞須面對瘟疫和血光, 香港倒退失運勢, 而西方國家犯五黃面臨嚴峻衝擊 ! 在家中西方和東南方不好動土或裝修 !
[三碧是非星]在中宮使家庭不和, 鬥爭撕裂將成為社會普遍現象 !
好彩東方、東北方和北方運氣全面恢復, 使所有男性年經人頭腦清醒起來, 努力工作賺錢, 特別是二仔會行好運 !
而西北方飛來[西綠文昌星]意味著男宅主及領導人有更多[錦囊妙計]化解危機 ! 女性主婦遇[九紫星]在西南方, 丁財兩旺成為大贏家, 但須小心婦女病, 最好多去檢驗身體 ! 想避桃花劫, 家中勿擺鼻子向下的大象或洋娃娃公仔 !
[羊]是[未]是熱土為八字水多又寒者招來好運, 一般生於西曆4月8日至5月8日, 8月8日至10月8日, 11月7日至2月15日的人, 較為入運 !
[未]也為墓為監獄, 為[無仁], 所以羊年會有死亡和牢獄之災; 佔中和雙學諸子以至泛民議員多有這密碼, 而2015年又是刑害之年.....
[北政南商], 所以南方人不適宜搞政治 !
唔好亂食藥, 可以使你入墓招凶 !
羊年[仁]者也[不仁], 唔好寄望任何人任何事, 包括你親人 !
不要將所有雞蛋放一籃子內, 銀行依然危險, 騙案歷年之最 !
零售必轉弱, 因到港遊客減少 !


2015年[八白星]在北方, 以港運而言是[北京], 而中國之北是俄羅斯, 可見港運會由北京帶導, 而全球氣運由俄羅斯和北韓帶動 !
[未]為土必主地震之災, [乙未]為木之生旺雙沖之應, 風災帶來前所沒見的災難, 木旺地動, 2015年地震和水災是大險 !
2015年大利旅遊, 飲食文化, 而隨著火毒漸退, 油價有一段低迷日子!
中國羊年須面對更嚴峻的運勢, 但亦代表中國以柔制剛, 在國際上大玩[國際平衡術], 對抗美日的制衡 ! 到了2016年, 習近平蛇猴合水, 產生良好變化, 中國步上黃金十年 ! 中國羊年經濟下半年比上半年好, 但房地產依然疲弱 !
台灣馬年遇大災, 羊年依然火毒, 火警和爆炸事件依然存在, 颱風肆虐, 地震必應, 台灣也要在2016年才會有新氣象 !
澳門羊年有運行, 不過2016年, 澳門便入兩年凶運之中, 所以投資須小心 !
南韓羊年經濟好轉, 政府有良好政策出爐, 氣運比各國稍強, 情況和新加坡相似 !
新加坡行木運便好, 所以可以避過火毒之年, 馬來西亞犯馬年太歲又逢火毒年, 必有燒飛機之劫, 馬航雙犯太歲, 空難成災 ! 羊年依然小心風難和空難 !
上半年地鐵、火車、飛機都因金欠力而招凶, 小心又再出事 !
昂山素姖羊年有劫, 緬甸反而入運, 而越南羊年火毒亦缺乏神采 !
泰國到了2016年才可以全面翻身, 羊年依然有火毒之劫, 經濟死水一灘, 而泰王羊年要過最大關口 !
印度由馬年開始入運, 羊年行正印星, 身強多動作, 有5年好景 ! 到了2016年會有多人講印度股票和去印度旅遊 !
英國和法國羊年犯五黃, 必生事端, 賊匪當道, 影響旅遊業 !
普京行運行到66歲, 還有3年的大運, 羊年必有大動作, 又加八白星在正北方, 俄羅斯來緊5年, 只要過到油匯下跌之關, 運勢仍在, 中俄合作會超速發展 !
世界各國各懷鬼胎, 歐元和英鎊及整體銀行體系都有變數, 全年小心歐洲地區的投資 !
美國羊年經濟將有旺盛氣象, 拜一白星所至, 油價下跌, 就業增加, 消費意欲大旺 ! 美元雖強, 但因為油價的下跌, 可使美元先調整 !
忌火日本國民經濟, 羊年依然死水一潭, 而要到2016年8月日本經濟才會有新突破 ! 日元在羊年有止跌回升的現象.


羊年須[金生水起], 人人餓金餓水, 所以白衣和金飾利港人 ! [金]也是[銀銅鐵錫] !
黃金價似回又升, 希望羊年勝馬年 ! 金價走勢較難預測 !


2015年上半年, 因為佔中暫平息有回氣復甦現象, 但到7月[木]主仁入墓[黑色七月], 開始三癲三落, 地產金股又面臨大波動, 8月開始會出現世界性的金融變數, 所以投資要特別小心 ! 到了11月港運已過火毒三年可望進入2016年的好景 !
美國財賊又應運而來, 小心海盜又來香港肆虐, 大玩財技, 其中上海、台灣、日本、美國都牽引著香港的投資神經, 不過股票基調仍看好 !
澳門賭業股雖因中國政策有變出現下調, 但仍屬急挫後吸入的對象 !
美股因為利率仍偏低, 所以還是向好 !


2015年地產時升時跌, 起跌極大, 且看眼光機遇 ! 羊年利坐北向南樓, 而坐西向東樓最當黑 !
個別樓盤[高處沒算高], 豪宅依然缺貨, 香港只要羊年不見紅潮, 地產異路功名 !


利率仍偏低, 不利紅簿仔一族 !


睇完李居明羊年預測,  睇唔到美國經濟和美元會崩潰, 只要捱多3/4年就世界好景,  所以Martin Amstrong 的預測, 說歐美經濟在羊年2-3月期間會轉差而崩潰, 真係沒知誰對誰錯 !

意國渡輪希臘水域起火 一半乘客生死未卜


【on.cc東網專訊】 臨近大除夕,一艘載有478名乘客及船員的意大利渡輪,12月28日清晨由希臘出發前往意大利期間,船上停車場突然發生猛火。火勢一發不可收拾,船長宣布棄船,乘客陷入恐慌,疏散混亂,有人跳入寒冷海水逃生。出事海域風高浪急,當局至今僅救起二百多人,其餘乘客生死未卜。
載有422名乘客及56名船員的「諾曼大西洋號」(Norman Atlantic),早上5時半由希臘西部巴特拉斯出發,原定經亞得里亞海,前往意大利東部城市安科納。渡輪起航約半小時後,途經科孚島對出水域時,下層停車場首先起火。停車場泊有222輛汽車,包括20至25輛裝滿橄欖油的油車,暫未知是否與起火有關。火勢迅速蔓延,船長立即發出求救信號,又下令乘客疏散。希臘當局隨即派出5架直升機、一架軍機及兩艘消防船到場,意大利海岸防衞隊亦加入救援。但事發水域每小時風速高達100公里,海浪高達6米,加上有暴雨及冰雹,能見度極低,救援工作極為危險和困難。一艘拖船嘗試拖走渡輪,帶到避風港或碼頭。出事地點附近7艘商船聞風趕至,在渡輪附近築成屏障擋住烈風,以助救援。其中一艘船載走約55名乘客,另有最少150人成功坐上救生艇。一名58歲男子被救起時患上低溫症。希臘官方指,約268名乘客為希臘人,其餘乘客國籍未明。意大利外交部證實,渡輪上並沒中國公民。渡輪沒即時沉沒危險,惟未知有否乘客跌入海中未被救起。希臘商船事務部長瓦維齊奧蒂斯稱,這是他遇過最複雜的救援行動,但承諾會盡力救出船上每一個人。希臘國防部長登迪亞斯稱,現時救援行動已交由意大利全權負責,兩國正合力救人。意大利總理倫齊表示,正和希臘方面密切聯繫,全力合作救援。

2014年12月28日 星期日

亞航客機失蹤:亞航失蹤近半日 馬國航空黑暗年


【on.cc東網專訊】 馬來西亞廉航亞洲航空公司(AirAsia)一架載有162人的客機,今日由印尼泗水飛往新加坡途中失去聯絡,至今未有消息。據報搜索隊伍於印尼勿里洞島東部發現有飛機墜毀,但未證實是否為亞航出事的飛機。
該班編號QZ8501的A320型號客機,於當地時間今早6時17分,在印尼勿里洞島一帶,與雅加達航空交通控制塔失去聯絡。根據英國《衞報》報導,印尼交 通部代理總司長佐科·阿特莫卓表示,肇事失蹤客機於當地時間6時16分仍顯示在雷達上,但於6時18分已從雷達顯示上消失。客機原定8時30分抵達新加坡。失蹤客機在失蹤區域的飛行地圖顯示,該區域可能有暴雨。根據傳媒報道指,機師曾要求批准將飛行高度,由9753米(3.2萬呎)高空升至10363米(3.4萬呎),以躲避惡劣天氣。據印尼傳媒報道,搜索隊伍於印尼勿里洞島東部發現有飛機墜毀,目前尚未確定具體位置,亦未確定此是否就是失去聯絡的QZ8501客機。運輸部官員表示,機上155名乘客包括有149名印尼人、1名法國人、1名馬來西亞人、1名新加坡人及3名南韓人,另外有7名機組人員。而據報道指,乘客中138名為成人、16名兒童以及1名嬰兒。


【on.cc東網專訊】 失事亞航QZ8501客機墜毀現場一帶海域早前出現惡劣天氣,令搜索行動被迫暫停。目前天氣情況已經有所改善,搜索可以再次展開。據報除印尼和馬來西亞、澳洲、新加坡、南韓和美國都動員參與,合共多達30艘船和21架飛機。
印尼一艘軍艦今早發現了一個乘客的背包、一些食物以及童裝鞋。除了搜索死者遺體和飛機殘骸等,今日搜索的其中一個重點目標,將是俗稱黑盒的飛行紀錄儀。有航空專家估計,失事客機是在觸及海面時解體,相信搜尋機身的難度會較低。而 所謂的「黑盒」其實是橙黃色,會記錄客機的飛行速度、高度、方向等數據,還存有機師的操作紀錄和最後的聲音紀錄,這些都將有助於判斷客機失事原因。一旦找 到黑盒,應將之放到裝滿鹽水的冷卻器內,送往實驗室下載其中的數據分析。假若印尼不具備相應分析能力,黑盒或會送往製造飛機的澳洲或法國分析。

Gold For Closing 2014


Well despite all the hate mail, accusations, threats, and bad-mouthing not to mention the silent-treatment, gold continues to reflect the real deflationary trend that has engulfed the entire world. The metals promoters keep trying to ignore reality causing many to lose their life-savings. They remain ignorant of the fact that the dollar has become the world currency by default and hence a mere increase in money supply does not transform into inflation when the demand is global. They continue to cling to old theories that no longer work while ignoring the fact that the markets have proven them wrong as they continue to try to blame anyone but themselves.
The dollar debt alone has reached nearly $6 trillion among emerging markets which contributed to soaking up dollars from QE1-3. The demand for dollars has sky-rocketed since 2007 assuming rates are low it was like a Boxing-Day sale at Harrods in London so issue dollar debt now and save a fortune. That works until the dollar rises. Dollars are the defacto circulating global currency among so many nations. This of course will change. However, there must be first severe economic pain before we get the change. What people do not grasp is the extent of bad loans outside the USA that amounts to massive capital destruction (deflation). Increasing the supply of money remains far less that the destruction of money through de-leveraging the global economy and bad loans. Liquidity remains still about 50% below 2007 levels.
We achieved the “pop” in gold but there remains little follow-through. Gold is fading into the distant memories of so many investors that its luster is nearly gone outside the diehard believers. A year-end closing below 1227 will signal we will see new lows next year. A year-end closing BELOW 1155 will guarantee that drop below $1,000 is coming. The main support next year lies well below the market between $778-$618. We will provide an update to the metals report after the year-end closing.
For now, mid-January remains the target. However, a low will push the rally off, but that will be just another reaction. Nothing appears to change the forecast for the low to form on the benchmarks.







2014年12月27日 星期六


2006-2007年股市大牛市, 本人已抽離股市, 只慢慢買入實金實銀, 而生活費來之收租物業 !

2014年股市又來瘋, 本人都一樣抽離股市, 繼續慢慢買入實金實銀, 而生活費來之收租物業 ! 分別是身家已翻一番, 因為物業的升值 !

所以投資可以好簡單, 唔曬日日諗要買乜野好 !

見到有人在討論, 財務自由後, 應該點樣走, 是否放下工作去環遊世界 ? 其實就是要好好去保持財富的增值, 唔好俾世界金融蠱惑招奪走你財富 ! 所以投資不只要有財智, 還要知世界經濟的變化, 例如半年前, 你都唔會諗到油價會大跌, 大家以為只是短暫調整吧啦! 油價由當初睇升去150美元, 到依家睇會跌去20美元, 一唔小心真的會玩死你 !


With more people becoming increasingly fearful because of moves in the West to legalize bank bail-ins, today David Stockman spoke with King World News about what is going to trigger the next Lehman moment that will usher in the age of bail-ins.
Eric King:  “David, what is the biggest danger facing the world?”

David Stockman:  “The biggest danger is that we have a totally artificial, unstable monetary system.  We’ve created massive amounts of credit that can’t be supported or repaid.  All of this makes for instability. 

“In June, you couldn’t find one out of a thousand people who would predict the oil price would be $55 a barrel today.  But it is and we are just beginning to see all the collateral impacts of that.”
Eric King:  “David, there is so much out there that could get the dominos tumbling, but what is going to cause the next Lehman moment that triggers (bank) bail-ins in the West?”
Stockman:  “The unraveling of the energy bubble.  That (bubble) was massive globally.  So there is going to be some real dislocation in the whole energy supply and production system.  That could trigger some serious dislocations in the credit markets because energy or junk shale bonds are the subprime this time around.” 

俄羅斯臨經濟危機 普京禁部長放聖誕假


【on.cc東網專訊】 俄羅斯總統普京昨日宣布,取消各部長的聖誕及新年假期,原因是該國經濟危機持續惡化。俄國一般上班族,會在1月1日到12日放假慶祝新年,而東正教聖誕節則在1月7日。
普京昨日在政府會議上表示,閣員如今不應該休假,「就政府、各機關而言,我們放不起這麼長的假期,至少今年是如此。大家知道我的意思。」他續指:「我們一直 在努力改變我國經濟結構,使之完善、更創新......已朝這個方向作出不少努力。然而最近事件顯示(努力)還不夠。」總理梅德韋傑夫也告訴閣員,希望他們掌控局勢,即便新年休市期間也要緊盯狀況。俄羅斯經濟受累油價下跌和西方國家制裁拖累,盧布貶值近一半,明年恐怕是6年來首度邁入衰退。


【on.cc東網專訊】 俄羅斯受油價下跌以及西方國家制裁拖累,經濟陷於水深火熱之中,為了改善經濟狀況,總統普京積極插手國內大小事務,12月25日下令取消各部長級官員的聖 誕及新年長假,齊齊加班,以渡難關。他又要求官員遏制伏特加價格,並開徵小麥出口稅,對抗因盧布急劇貶值所帶來的負面影響。
普京在內閣會議上宣布,取消各部長的聖誕及新年假期,原因是該國經濟危機持續惡化。他表示:「就政府、各機關而言,我們放不起這麼長的假期,至少今年是如此。」東正教聖誕節為1月7日,俄國政府官員本由1月1日到12日放聖誕及新年長假,但今年則要繼續工作。普京續指,俄國目前面對的經濟困境不僅和西方制裁及國際形勢有關,政府自身也有不足之處。儘管國家一直努力地嘗試改變經濟結構,欲將其變為創新型體系,但所做的仍不夠。總理梅德韋傑夫亦告訴閣員,希望他們緊貼局勢,即便新年休市期間也要留意狀況。由 於盧布貶值不斷,令該國特產伏特加酒價格在過去一年飆升3成,為免民眾轉而買成分不明的黑市私酒,普京在較早時周3的會議上要求其內閣控制伏特加的價格, 以防有人販賣私酒,危害民眾健康。普京前日又宣布,明年2月起開徵小麥出口稅,以減低小麥在國內的相對售價,保障國內糧食供應。俄羅斯因烏克蘭危機受歐美制裁,貨幣盧布貶值近一半,國際儲備自09年以來首次跌穿4000億美元,恐怕明年將步入6年來首度衰退。普京勢必承受着巨大壓力,如何帶領俄國走出陰霾將成為一大難題,亦將考驗其管治能力。


俄羅斯央行把對主要零售銀行National Bank Trust的救助金提高逾兩倍,目前俄羅斯當局仍在努力提振因盧布大跌而受重創的銀行體系。

俄羅斯央行對這家銀行的近24億美元援助規模將是俄羅斯史上第2大,僅次於2011年國營VTB接管莫斯科銀行(Bank of Moscow)。

National Bank Trust是民眾恐慌性搶購外匯與擠兌存款導致盧布大跌的受害者之一。

俄羅斯央行曾於周一表示,國營的俄羅斯存款保險機構(Deposit Insurance Agency)將成為該行的臨時管理者,該行將獲得300億盧布(約5.32億美元)央行貸款,以支持其流動性和救助計劃。


此外,俄羅斯央行也將另外提供280億盧布給私人銀行Otkritie,該行最終將執行監管National Bank Trust的救助計劃。該行已表示,將償清所有債務,但周五仍有群眾聚集該行分支。

內地出手救市 金價收漲1.8%再闖千二







A股暴升 非因政策市全因散戶狂


內地股市大幅飆升,凱投宏觀首席亞洲經濟學家Mark Williams認為,將漲勢視作完全是政府行為造成,未免過於簡單,這反而與「散戶投資者日益瘋狂」有很大關係。



他指出,內地股市看上去,全場都已為狂躁氣氛所控制。從6月1日到11月21日,上證指數上漲了23%之多,超過任何其他較大的股市,而與此相對應的,是同 時期當中,官方媒體發表了一系列高度強調股價當時已低到怎樣程度的文章。這似乎說服了許多人,讓他們最終確信政府已下決心要讓市場上漲,由此而形成的熱情,一定程度上說來已到了可以自我滾雪球的程度。


減肥神物:奇亞籽助減肥 釀生態災難


【on.cc東網專訊】 減肥神物成生態殺手?近期一種產自美洲,俗稱奇亞籽的食用種子,由於內含大量纖維,食後可減少食欲,故受減肥一族追捧,紛紛封為神物,四出搜購及自行栽種。不過,記者發現,奇亞籽因繁殖能力高,最近已被內地政府禁止入口,惟奇亞籽若以保健食品名義入口本港,則未有任何限制。生物專家警告,奇亞籽繁殖力及 生命力超強,加上沒有天敵,擔心在港引發生態災難。
高纖、低卡路里,含有大量奧米加三脂肪酸,奇亞籽食用種子漸受注重健康的港人歡迎,奇亞籽更變身為減肥神物,進駐高級保健食品公司及有機食品公司,「平時沖水或者沖果汁就飲得,好方便,愈來愈多女士買嚟減肥或者幫助排便。」一間高級保健食品公司售貨員。現在普遍在港出售的奇亞籽屬活種子,在本港天氣下,亦可發芽極速生長。「浸咗水3日之後無飲到,點知就發咗芽,就咁擺喺泥土唔理佢,佢都係咁生長。」從事文職的趙小姐表示,早前買了些奇亞籽回來用作減肥,意外發現這些奇亞籽生命力驚人,而記者日前將約數百粒奇亞籽放於泥中,3日後已冒出新芽,9日後更幾乎全部生長,而且十分茂盛,平均每棵近2厘米高。「奇亞籽發芽率高,生得快,又沒有天敵,容易大量繁衍,吸晒泥土內營養,令其他本土植物生長唔到,退化,甚至滅絕,破壞當地生態平衡,已被科學界認為係有入侵 物種。」浸會大學生物系教授翁建霖指出,奇亞籽本身於高山空氣稀薄地方生長,一旦奇亞籽落於地勢低的本港郊區或農地,便會大量繁衍,影響本地草本植物、花 卉及蔬菜生長。早在09年,已有外國文獻指,奇亞籽生長快速,可於100天內由發芽至成熟繁衍。綠色力量助理教育及項目經理鍾翠珊補充,由於本地植物多數需多年才生長成熟,如果奇亞籽種子落在曾被山火破壞地方,由於「粗生」,會比其他本港植物具優勢,有機會霸佔整片土地。今年11月,內地官方機構曾發表檢驗結果,指奇亞籽發芽率達98%,發芽率遠高於其他植物,內地國家質檢總局已禁止奇亞籽入口,即使作食品用途亦不可入境。不過於本港,卻未有法例規管奇亞籽種子入口,商人可以保健食品名義合法將奇亞籽運至本港及出售。「呢個係漏洞,如果有人貪得意拎嚟種或者隨地拋棄,有機會令奇亞籽喺野外繁殖,影響本港生態。」綠色力量行政總幹事文志森認為,對於有入侵性的植物,即使本身作食品用途,亦須加以規管,例如先烘乾或磨碎,確保種子不會在本港生長才允許入口。漁護署發言人表示,若入口奇亞籽等種子作食物用途,因條例已豁免《植物(進口管制及病蟲害控制)條例》的進口證要求,入境時無需附有植物檢疫證明書。海關發言人表示, 如發現有走私活動,會適時採取執法行動,有需要會與相關部門跟進。

2014年12月26日 星期五

Can the Bankster Elites Take Down Russia?

唔好理中國是在網中還是在網外, 繼續分散投資, 繼續一部份資產是實金實銀 !


What most people refuse to understand, if not even acknowledge, is the extent to which the elites have an utter stranglehold on the world’s financial system, and by world we do not mean just the Western world.  China and Russia are included.  
Not a few hold out the errant belief that the BRICS nations, primarily China and Russia, will replace the elite’s banking system. 
Absolutely not!  The elites are redesigning the next phase of their control over the financial world to include the BRICS, all eager to join the “club” for the first time and be major participants on the financial world stage.
The question is, will Russia make it before the Obama administration, under direct control of the elites, destroys the Russian economy?  Perhaps a better question to ask is, CAN the elites take down Russia?   
Just as the United States, as a physical country was replete with so many natural resources, which have all had their existence sucked out of them, Russia has the most natural resources of the entire world, and the bankers want control over them
There is one big obstacle:  Vladimir Putin.

An imminent collapse of the US fiat petrodollar? China and Russia, with their enormous build-up of physical gold over the last several years, waiting in the wings to lead a new gold-backed currency? The growing BRICS alliance to unseat the elite’s Western NWO and its banking system?

A growing likelihood on the first question, and no and no to the latter two questions. In fact, the elites are probably doing more to destroy the fiat Federal Reserve “dollar” than any other group or alliance. There has been talk about the US destroying the dollar for at least the past four years. Kyle Bass even made the pronouncement whereby a senior Obama administration official told him, “We’re just going to kill the dollar.” That is exactly what is happening and coming from “inside information.”

What most people refuse to understand, if not even acknowledge, is the extent to which the elites have an utter stranglehold on the world’s financial system, and by world we do not mean just the Western world. China and Russia are included. There is no single country that can exist without the machinations of the elite’s banking system. They have been running the world for a few hundred years and are masters at it.

Russia has enough gold to back its ruble in some way. Understand that the current price for gold does not represent a fair standard of value. It is vastly undervalued, and one day, the reality of what should be a fair value for gold and silver will occur. They are both money and measures of value. Most people have reversed their thinking and measure the value of PMs by valueless fiat. This is a huge mistake and reflects how well the elites have successfully exercised mind control over the masses to maintain this false belief.

The agenda for a New World Order is at least 100 years old, when bankers and corporate presidents were all aiming to control every aspect of industry via financial manipulation, straight from the well-established Rothschild “game book,” as it were. This unabated zeal for world control is not something that has been in the works for just the past several decades. Knowledge of this does not come from an announcement in the New York Times or Wall Street Journal; rather, one has to diligently read through a myriad of source material and then see how the dots are connected.

In a nutshell, if the elites have their way, and to date they remain unopposed, the fiat Federal Reserve Note, aka the debt “dollar,” will be replaced with some form of a new international currency, or perhaps SDRs [Special Drawing Rights], an international basket of currencies. All money may exist as computer credits that can be readily tracked. If anyone dare oppose the bankers, poof, your credits just disappeared, and you have nothing. Bankers rely on debt largesse and fear.

There will be no sovereign nations. All countries will be held accountable to the new Wizard Of OZ bankers behind the curtain, much like the experiment called the European Union. The EU may fall apart, but the lessons learned will not be lost, and in fact they will be honed to format what is to come. The handful of banking elite that rule the Western economies will become “elite-er”

What of China and Russia? Both have advocated respect for the IMF with expressed desires to be participants in the system. The system will change, to be sure: no more Federal Reserve fiat “dollar” as the world’s reserve currency. Not a few hold out the errant belief that the BRICS nations, primarily China and Russia, will replace the elite’s banking system. Absolutely not! The elites are redesigning the next phase of their control over the financial world to include the BRICS, all eager to join the “club” for the first time and be major participants on the financial world stage.

The question is, will Russia make it before the Obama administration, under direct control of the elites, destroys the Russian economy? Perhaps a better question to ask is, CAN the elites take down Russia? Just as the United States, as a physical country was replete with so many natural resources, which have all had their existence sucked out of them, Russia has the most natural resources of the entire world, and the bankers want control over them. There is one big obstacle: Vladimir Putin.

If Putin had his way, he would kick the Russian Central Bank out of Russia. It was created, designed and controlled by the Rothschilds, so Putin has little control over it. The Russian central banking elite have been getting wealthy from their arrangement, and they are not about to give up their Golden Goose.

If you want to understand why Obama has chosen to overthrow the sovereign Ukrainian government and replaced it with a puppet leader that has been conducting genocide against Russian loyalists in Eastern Ukraine, the Donbas area, it is a not-so-indirect [non]declaration of war. This has been followed up by another form of war via all the economic sanctions Obama has been strong-arming the EU to enforce against Russia to their own detriment. The US does not care, as long as it gets its way.

Western bankers will not allow Putin to remove the Russian central bank, as he is trying to do. The elites have a 3-pronged attack against Putin: 1. military threat, [Russia is more than up to the task], 2. economic sanctions, [mostly backfiring and costing the EU more], and 3. Russian banker oligarchs who will do anything to oppose Putin in order to preserve their banker-criminal enterprise. With US history as a guide, presidential opposition, Lincoln, Garfield, Kennedy, and Reagan prove that assassinations have their effect and may not be out of the question.

It is interesting to see the West [really just Wall Street banks] attack the ruble causing it to lose about 60% of its value relative to the fiat “dollar.”*** Will it succeed, or is Putin allowing the attack to push down the value of the ruble, and at the bottom rush in to buy as much as he can, using the sale of over-valued Treasury holdings owned by Russia? In the process, flooding the market with US bonds will put pressure on the fiat “dollar,” and viola, a reverse financial coup by Putin.

***Russia has less than $700 million in debt, the US has over $18 trillion; Russian debt is about 15% of GDP, the US runs at over 100% of GDP; Russia runs a budget surplus, the US runs a burgeoning deficit; Russia has gold to back it currency, the US now only has the military to back its fiat and increasingly widely shunned “dollar;” Russia has the largest natural resources in the world, the US has depleted or ruined most of its natural resources. With which of these two countries does the rest of the world want to conduct business?

China is not in a position to have its renminbi become a world reserve currency, and that country has been announcing its support in becoming a stronger member in the IMF via participating in SDRs with its national currency. For China, it becomes a major world player and participates in a remake of the financial COMPOSITION [not replacement] of the existing world banking system.

For the elites, it is a match made in heaven. The US, as a spent nation, gets dumped and China becomes a willing replacement in the pecking order. To what degree Russia is a participant remains to be seen. While China and Russia have become stronger trading partners, China is not above seeing Russia weakened to China’s advantage. All is never as it seems.

2014 is ending unexpectedly for PMs, considerably weaker than what most thought would be sharply higher prices. Based on what the charts are conveying, at least the initial part of 2015 will not fare much better. Supply and demand are not the driving factors. World financial dominance is. A number of PM “experts” are not focusing on this aspect.

If it has not yet become clear, seeing how the banking elites are attacking Russia, militarily and economically, willing to destroy that country, and seeing how the US is being used in its own self-destruction, willing to impose its military might and debt sabotaging of other nations, then those who cannot understand the process will never understand how gold and silver have become useful pawns in the service of the elite bankers and now how China is positioning itself to become the next United States as a world superpower. The role of Russia remains a question. The role of gold and silver is also a burning question.

As to substantially higher gold and silver prices in the “great reset” scheme, it makes no sense for the still-in-control elites to allow PMs to be dramatically revalued too high. Neither gold nor silver will ever be allowed to compete with their fiat monetary system. We have no clue how gold and silver will ultimately be re-priced, nor do we think does anyone else, despite all the numbers being bandied about.

What we know for sure is that the trend of any market is the most powerful and most influential force, and this week’s analysis of the PMs market is a simple fact-based one. It takes time and effort to change a trend. To whatever degree these market are being manipulated, even the manipulators eventually “show their hand” through price and volume activity. We see no change for prices remaining low, if not even making newer recent lows in the months ahead.

It does not alter the view and necessity for the ongoing accumulation of the physical metals, for having them will be essential when the big “reset” finally hits. Time remains on the side of the buyers, but low prices may give way to higher premiums in order to keep the game alive.

Last week, we wanted to see gold rally strongly on increased volume, taking out 1250 with ease. That did not happen and until it does, gold remains on the defensive and subject to staying at current levels. The longer gold stays at these levels, the greater the probability for another low. Chart comments provide the factual explanation.

GC W 20 Dec 14
It remains to be seen if last week will become a higher swing low by holding or if price will continue lower. There is some evidence of support at last week’s low, but we do not need to know in advance if support will hold or fail. Instead, let the market confirm any potential strength, and then look for a buying opportunity. Keep in mind, while the overall trend remains down, any rallies are suspect in their sustaining power.

GC D 20 Dec 14
Put into the same context as described for weekly gold, there is not much else to add for silver, and keeping it simple makes the most sense. There is nothing that addresses being on the long side for paper silver based on this chart.

SI W 20 Dec 14
When accepting the power of a trending market and not viewing it from a biased perspective anticipating “inevitably higher” prices, you can better see how developing market activity provides a clearer landscape for decision-making. It is not always so easy to take such a clinical look at the markets, but seeing how steps 1 through 4 unfolded in a logical way is the best example of how to use market generated information.

Silver is at point 4, a weak reaction. Unless or until there is evidence of a strong rally, supported by volume and upper range closes, a weak reaction, like this, will lead to lower prices in an effort to discover demand. The markets have worked this way for over a 100 years.

SI D 20 Dec 14

日警拘2黑幫分子 涉嫌由香港走私金塊往日本


【on.cc東網專訊】 日本福岡縣警方近日拘捕2名黑幫分子,涉嫌由香港走私約4公斤重金塊入境日本。這些金塊並未完稅,涉及稅款約145萬日圓(約9.36萬港元)。
被捕的2名男子分別為石丸弘昭(45歲)以及永野勇一(30歲),都是日本著名黑幫山口組的成員。報道指,他們本月12日從香港飛往福岡機場時,各帶了兩塊長11.6厘米、闊5.4厘米、高0.9厘米的金塊,藏於錢包內,企圖走私入境。由於兩人在接受隨身行李檢查時,石丸的上衣口袋因金條的重量而下墜,永野 的褲子口袋鼓起來,被當局發現。雖然兩人供稱此行是個人性質的旅遊,不過警方認為今次事件有黑幫社團組織性參與,正展開調查。

簡化工作申請 吸港移民後代「回流」


【on.cc東網專訊】 移居外地香港人在海外誕下的「第二代」,成為香港吸納人才的最新目標。據悉,港府最快明年推出新的入境政策,針對性地「大幅簡化」港人海外所生子女申請來港工作的程序,讓他們相對其他外國人更易「回流」香港發展,政策細節及實施日期預計會在下一份施政報告中作出交代。
多年來,一批在外國定居的香港人在海外誕下兒女,這些港人「第二代」以至「第三代」,不少長大後都冀回流香港發展,當中很多是具高學歷及專業技能的年輕一輩,據知港府認同他們是本港吸納人才的「好人選」,並認為他們較其他外籍人士具有更多「優勢」。所 謂「優勢」,首先是他們很多都懂得說廣東話、熟悉香港文化,更易適應本港生活,加上他們的上一代當年可選擇移居外地,反映家庭具備相對優厚條件。不過他們 大部分無香港居留權,據知港府評估約有數十萬人,現時他們要回港工作,須與其他外籍人士一樣,透過幾項入境政策,即一般就業政策、優才計劃或投資移民等申請來港,無任何優惠,變相令這班「港人後代」須與其他外國專才競爭來港機會。港府去年底推出的人口政策諮詢文件表明,人口政策督導委員會認為應考慮推出更積極政策,為無香港居留權的海外及內地香港僑民家人,提供更方便的入境安排。為 吸納這群「人才」,據知港府將推出新的入境政策,把父母(或其中一方)是港人的海外子女的來港工作申請規定放寬,「簡化到好簡單」,吸引他們「回流」香港發展。據知當局正制訂相關細節,料會在明年初發表的施政報告中正式公布,預期於同年實施。不過,在港通常居住七年方可獲得香港居留權的規定,為法例指明不會改變。 港府每推人才政策,總會被質疑會否影響本地人就業,但今次政策針對的港人第二代雖有外國國籍,但始終有「港人背景」,故預計引起的負面反響較小。另外,為吸引更多人才來港,據知當局有意對現有幾項人才計劃作出微調,調整將着重加快及簡化審批程序等「小修小補」,料門檻等申請條件不會有顯著改動。

執錢惹禍 兩男女被捕

傻的嗎 ?

當時在現場都要走得遠一遠, 費事俾人冤枉取走錢 !

本人當年在銀行股票部做野時, 如果有鈔票送來時, 都會企得遠一遠, 費事唔見錢俾人冤枉 !


【on.cc東網專訊】 千萬失鈔未見影,警民齊緝執錢人,貪心男女涉盜竊被捕。灣仔平安夜有錢執事件轟動全城,甚至成為國際新聞,至今有卅名執錢市民將拾來的「橫財」交還警方, 惟至今只尋回五百六十九萬元,餘下約九百萬元鈔票仍下落未明。警方根據「天眼」及目擊者線索,將大批拾遺不報的執錢人點相及起底,昨日拘捕乘的士前往上環 港澳碼頭的一對男女,懷疑他們曾落車執錢,警方在男方寓所床下底尋回十六萬一千五百元。解款車司機及兩名解款員昨已被停職調查。熱心網民在 facebook更設專頁貼執錢人及晒錢人照片,展開人肉起底。



不知情收失鈔 不會控接贓

鰂魚涌一間麵包店昨在店內向客人展示拒收中銀500元的紙牌,店員盧小姐表示,老闆擔心從客人收取得來的500元紙鈔是失鈔,怕被充公,落下拒絕收 取中銀500元新鈔的指令。不過,她稱昨日沒有客人以500元紙幣買麵包,相信要密切留意新聞才決定何時恢復收取500元紙幣。

網民促公布 涉事鈔票號碼


DIY清潔劑:易致化學灼傷 隨時爆炸


【on.cc東網專訊】 聖誕佳節,不少人都喜愛DIY自製環保手工禮品,果皮酵素清潔劑及手工番梘更是大熱,不過DIY環保禮品隨時變成DIY危險品。原來製作果皮酵素清潔劑不當,可能積聚易燃氣體,當累積至一定濃度,一點火花即可引致爆炸;而手工番梘的過程涉及處理腐蝕性物質,不慎處理可致化學灼傷。學者警告,初學者勿輕看手工製作過程中的危機,自製禮物隨時炮製出意外。
聖誔節前,不少男女都親手製作手工禮物表心意。坊間有機構趁機舉辦聖誕肥皂工作坊,學員可速成炮製。製作手工肥皂的基本材料相當簡單,就是油脂及俗稱哥士的的氫氧化納,製作步驟簡單, 更可自行添加不同顏色、香味,再製成不同形狀,手工番梘成為近期受歡迎的禮品。製作手工番梘的方法及配方,於網上都可輕易搜尋得到,既有圖文及短片教學。造梘過程輕易,先將油脂,如橄欖油或椰子油等煮熱,然後再混和氫氧化納溶液,混合後攪拌至漿狀,即可入模,翌日便會變硬成梘。不過步驟雖然簡單,過程卻潛藏灼傷風險。浸會大學化學系一級講師麥嘉慧表示,氫氧化納為強鹼的高腐蝕性物質,製作時必須戴上防護手套,小心處理;製作溶液 時,應逐少將氫氧化納加進水中,而不可將水倒進氫氧化納溶解,「如果將水倒入氫氧化納,會令佢嘅濃度變到好高,亦會突然釋出好大熱能,容易濺出腐蝕性水 花,接觸到皮膚,會造成化學灼傷,好多家居意外都係咁樣發生。」麥嘉慧又指,氫氧化納溶解時會放熱,釋出腐蝕性的煙霧,故此須保持室內空氣流通。「果皮加糖加水,擺入個樽幾個月後就變酵素,可以用嚟當洗潔精。」製作果皮酵素清潔劑,材料易得,又無需技術,同樣於受人追捧,自用送禮皆宜,惟疏忽處理,果皮酵素隨時成為炸彈品。浸會大學生物學系研究員梁浩文博士表示,果皮的腐化過程中,內裏細菌會將果皮分解成酵素及氣體,酵素正是用作清走油份的清潔劑。但梁表示,在密封缺氧的環境 中,細菌會產生沼氣類等易燃氣體,當氣體於樽內累積至一定濃度,就變成「計時炸彈」,「發酵分解時會放熱,而沼氣就成為氣體燃料,天氣咁乾燥,1個火花即可導致輕微爆炸。」首1至2個月為細菌生長期,沼氣濃度亦會累積得最快,亦最危險。除了易燃爆炸風險外,發酵過程亦會產生大量氣體。梁表示,必須定期將樽蓋稍稍扭開,以免氣體膨脹時發生爆破,亦要避免使用毫無彈性的玻璃樽,需以膠樽盛載, 讓氣體有空間膨脹。另外即使製造出清潔液,亦不建議用作清洗食具。「始終係由不知名嘅細菌組成,而且果皮上有防腐劑,如果細菌同防腐劑依附喺食具,食落肚就好唔健康。」

2014年12月25日 星期四

美股新高不斷 可惜美國人仍是缺錢











原油不再是會生金蛋的鵝, 又是一場財富轉移 !

油價會否跌去20美元還須等待, 而依家去搶入油股須冒一定的風險 !



納 伊米稱,要求油組減產不公平。油組生產的原油不到全球產量的40%,而且是最有效率的產油國。他稱,確信原油市場最後會恢復平衡狀態,石油公司削減資本支 出只是個時間問題。但油價不會重新回到每桶100美元,這不僅是因為頁岩油技術給原油市場帶來一場革命,而且非化石燃料也取得進步。





能源分析師Chris Cook表示,沙特在形勢變得艱難的情況下向銀行貸款,使用未來的原油產量做抵押,這在原油行業中被稱為「預付結構」,其優勢在於產油國能以原油而非現金進行結算,從而得以保存金融儲備。

歐洲出現中國犯罪集團假幣 可騙過自動販賣機


【on.cc東網專訊】 歐洲出現大規模的假幣。英國傳媒報道,有來自中國的犯罪集團鑄造假硬幣的技術極高,可以鑄造出真的一樣的2英鎊硬幣,而他們鑄造的歐元硬幣,甚至連自動販賣機也騙得過。

居美猶太人另類習慣 聖誕節愛吃中菜


【on.cc東網專訊】 又到聖誕節,許多人都喜歡留在家中享受聖誕大餐。然而對許多居住在美國的猶太人而言,此節日卻是出門到中餐館吃飯的好日子。
美國《華盛頓郵報》報道,吃中餐近年成為了不少猶太裔美國人,歡渡聖誕的熱門選擇。專門研究猶太人的作家普羅(Joshua Eli Plaut)曾出書提及,中餐館是少數在聖誕節仍然營業的餐廳,所以對於許多住在美國的猶太人而言,久而久之養成在聖誕節吃中餐的習慣。猶太教徒一般根據猶太曆過節,傳統上不會慶祝聖誕節或新年。故此聖誕節對他們來說,只是平常日子,而通常都會如常營業的中餐館,就成為猶太人少有的選擇。

Chinese Gold Diggers Drop Their Shovels As Gold Miner Bankruptcies Begin

Martin Amstrong 一早預計的金礦停產終於來了 ! 佢說過要等到金價跌到金礦停產, 價格低到無人投資黃金, 金價才會反彈向上行 !


For those wondering where US shale exploration and production companies will be in about 2-3 years, look no further than the gold miners, where the disconnect between undaunted physical demand and relentless paper supply (after rebounding above 0%, GOFO is once again negative through the 3 month mark), and where high production costs and low selling prices, after two years of balance sheet pain, is finally leading many over the cliff. Case in point, Canadian gold-miner San Gold, which had a capitalization of over $1 billion in 2010 just filed for bankruptcy protection. It isn't the first gold-miner to wave the white flag, and it certainly won't be the last.

As the WSJ reported earlier, the Winnipeg-based company said in a statement that it has asked Canadian courts for an initial 30 days protection from its creditors as it seeks to restructure its business.
“San Gold spent half a billion on their assets, and they haven’t had a profitable quarter in six years,” said Greg Gibson, who became CEO in June after a boardroom revolt against the previous management.

The problem, as gold miners (and their long-suffering shareholders know) and as shale companies are about to find out, is that "the sector had overstretched itself during the commodity boom, when the high gold price, and willing investors, saw miners spend heavily on acquisitions and bring new production on line. Some of the sector’s new production was lower grade gold, which is more expensive to mine and became unprofitable as the price of gold fell."

This all happened before the Swiss National Bank imposed its currency controls by way of a EURCHF 1.20 floor on September 6, 2011 as the Eurozone was tearing apart, and which, incidentally, also marked the record high in the gold price. Since then gold has tumbled by a third and many of the smaller miners have gone bankrupt while others have stopped production or exploration as they look to raise cash.
As Gibson said, “The party is over and its time fix things" and now even the big companies, those which have access to Wall Street's ZIRP capital are starting to fold.

But it's not just western gold miners that are finally starting to feel the pain of three years of declining gold prices: even more importantly, according to Bloomberg's Chart of the Day, China's "gold diggers" are also preparing to drop their shovels.

As a reminder, China surpassed South Africa as the top bullion producer in 2007 as surging prices spurred domestic companies such as Shandong Gold and Zijin Mining Group. Global production reached a record high in 2013, according to the World Gold Council. China’s output may exceed 470 metric tons this year, up from a record 428 tons last year, according to the China Gold Association.
That is about to change: monthly output growth in China almost stalled in August through October, World Bureau data show. Miners’ costs are mostly higher than spot prices, increasing the likelihood of writedowns next year, Nick Holland, chief executive officer of Gold Fields Ltd., said Nov. 20. The production cost per unit for Shandong Gold Mining Co., one of China’s four biggest gold miners, will rise to 150 yuan per gram ($749 an ounce) in 2015 from 146 yuan now, UBS’s Lin estimates. And while Shandong will still be profitable, many of its peers will not be so lucky.

As a result, Chinese gold miners, which ramped up production are poised to begin reducing output as the price slump begins to bite with a several year delay. Putting it in context, Chinese mine output rose 15% in the first 10 months of this year, outpacing a 3.4% gain in the global total, according to World Bureau of Metal Statistics data, even as gold prices declined.
“We will see output growth moderating going forward into 2015 as miners perceive a downtrend in gold prices to persist,” said Lin Haoxiang, an analyst at UBS Group AG in Shanghai. “Falling prices are cutting into some high-cost private mines in China, while some big miners chose to reduce costs by reducing jobs and capital investments.”

The bottom line: just as everyone expects oil production to decline as capital spending plunges, the reality is that for the next couple of years domestic oil production will actually surge as producers try to put their competitors out of business while collecting every dollar of demand cash that is available, a process described previously. For the gold miners, however, the buffer period is now over even with the benefit of ZIRP providing cheap funding extending the inevitable collapse, not only in the US but also in China. And as gold prices continue to slide, the marginal cost producers - who have been living onborrowed time for year - are about to fold en masse.

What happens next is that physical gold supply is about to slide, even as demand for physical gold remains solid, or even rises more now that India is once again easing import regulations. The only question is how will relentless paper gold supply impact the price of gold and can the world hit a thought experimental state where the cost of gold is so low that physical production is completely mothballed and where the price of gold is set entirely by paper contracts representing said non-existent physical. Impossible? Then read the fascinating story of how an otherwise bankrupt Radioshack is kept in a pseudo-alive zombie state thanks to $25 billion of Credit Default Swaps who just can't envision the company folding. Now reverse that and apply it to gold.

2014年12月24日 星期三




邵曉鋒稱,阿里巴巴會繼續會強化技術和大數據的應用水平,跟更多的政府職能部門及機構合作,向外輸出數據和信息。他續稱,假貨是全社會共同面臨的問題,阿里會堅持自己的責任,跟社會各界共同來打假。同時,阿里正考慮未來定期公布基於淘寶打假數據得出的「全國下假貨分布及流通地 圖」。


假金銀幣多到, 你想得出的都可以整俾你, 所以去Ebay 買金銀幣須冒好大的風險買到假幣 !

阿里巴巴打假打咗去邊 ?

美國GDP勁升 油價反彈 美匯破關





美國3季度GDP大幅上修,大大優於早前初值估計的3.9%和市場預期的4.3%,為迄今美國經濟明顯增速的最有力證明。分項數據顯示,3季度消費支出經季調後年化增長由此前的2.2%上修至3.2%,其中服務和商品類家庭消費支出為GDP貢獻2.21個百分點,單單是醫療服務就為GDP貢獻0.52個百分 點。商業開支同樣強於預期,非住宅固定投資第3季度增速4.8%,高於初值1.1%;軟件、研發和其他知識產權方面的產品投資增速從此前的6.4%上修至 8.8%;新設備投資增速11%,小幅高於預期的10.7%。


美國銀行全球經濟研究聯席主管Ethan Harris表示,經歷達5年的低迷,美國經濟終於迎來復甦;預計未來聯儲局將以溫和而緩慢的方式調整貨幣政策。

經濟學人智庫(EIU)全球分析師Mike Jakeman表示,新增就業機會已經達到15年來的最快速度,更多人工作,意味更多收入,也意味更多消費支出和更多商業投資,從而又產生更多的就業機會。



【on.cc東網專訊】 獲前政務司司長許仕仁豪贈八百五十萬元的上海情婦沈莉娜隨時見財化水!許仕仁破產受託人之一、JLA asia Ltd董事總經理吳宓接受本報專訪時表示,根據《破產條例》,受託人有權追討破產人破產前五年內的相關交易,故許饋贈予沈的巨款必會成為調查目標,他指律政司是否追討該筆饋贈金不會影響其行動,表明已決定到上海與沈會面,希望雙方能達成協議,為債權人追回部分饋贈金。
曾任空姐的沈莉娜,洋名Eline,與許仕仁拉上關係始於二○○五年一次飯局,其後沈離婚後於○八年主動投靠許,許即時答應「照顧」對方,自○八年十一月至○九年七月,先後六次饋贈五十萬至三百萬元不等予沈,金額合共達八百五十萬元,以讓沈購買名車及在上海置業。吳宓昨日表示,許仕仁去年十一月獲法庭頒布破產令,故上述許饋贈予沈莉娜的巨款必成其調查目標。他解釋指,根據《破產條例》訂明,破產人破產前五年內進行的交易,如交易金額低於物件本身價值,受託人便有權追回,例如破產人在破產前三年,將一層市值一千萬元的單位,以三百萬元售予其親戚,受託人便會向該名親戚 追回單位。至於饋贈則是完全沒有價值交換,故必受有關條文規管。吳宓又指,此舉是確保所有債權人可平均分配破產人的資產,「如果佢(破產人)淨係選擇還畀一啲鍾意嘅人,咁對其他(債權)人咪好唔公平囉!」對 於有消息指律政司不會追討許饋贈予沈的巨款,是否代表受託人亦不會追討,吳宓重申是「兩回事」,律政司是否追討是其決定,受託人仍會按《條例》賦予的權利 研究有關資產是否值得追討,而律政司追回的款項屬政府,受託人追回的款項則屬債權人。他作為債權人的受託人,責任是「變現」破產人的資產,再交還債權人, 「任何有機會變現資產嘅情況,我哋都會去研究,呢個係我哋嘅研究項目之一。」吳宓不諱言,追討許仕仁的資產有一定困難,例如時間相隔太耐及涉及境外資產,但過去亦有案例顯示,內地法院承認香港的破產程序,亦可成功追回資產。至於以何方法追討該筆饋贈,吳稱會「一步步」地追,最符合成本效益的做法是到上海與沈莉娜會面,與對方達成協議,否則便需要進行訴訟,但是可能會涉及昂貴訟費。他 重申會盡力而為,為債權人的利益着想。

買星冠名 送禮變贈㷫


【on.cc東網專訊】 當你見到天上星星,可會想過可以為它命名?臨近聖誕,坊間潮興送贈星星,但原來只是一場「星星騙局」!多間外國公司及內地購物網站提供「買星命名」服務, 聲稱買家只需支付港幣數百元至千元,就可替一顆星星命名和擁有它,更會獲發證書,保證該顆星星不會再被冠名。惟天文學者踢爆,星星的命名權是由國際天文學 聯合會負責管理,並非一般人可以擁有,換句話是「千金難買星」,所謂的證書根本沒有認受性,提醒市民勿因送禮心切,誤墮買星陷阱。

入侵社交媒體代購點數卡騙案 大升三倍


【on.cc東網專訊】 入侵LINE等社交媒體戶口後騙人購買點數卡的案件大升三倍,涉及總損失亦上升三成六。警方更發現,騙徒最新犯案手法共「三部曲」,首先入侵受害人電郵戶口,再取得對方的手機號碼,其後登入社交媒體,輸入手機最後四個號碼的「換機密碼」,再假扮受害人詐騙手機名單上的朋友;另警方今年接獲裸聊勒索案上升約四成,最年輕的受害人僅十二歲。
警方今年首十個月接獲八百廿六宗社交媒體騙案,較去年同期的二百零五宗大升三倍,涉及總損失五千七百四十五萬元,較去年同期的四千二百三十萬元大升近三成六,受害人年齡由十至六十八歲,損失最多一案為一名中年女子按「朋友」要求,到便利店代購點數卡,結果她共四次買了一百張點數卡,金額達十萬元,她將點數卡的序號及密碼以手機傳給對方,之後對方失蹤,至她聯絡到「真朋友」才知受騙。警方商業罪案調查科科技罪案組高級督察黃宇濤表示,社交媒體騙案今年初一度受控,但至八、九月明顯回升,綜合有關案件後,發現騙徒的新犯案手法有三部曲,先 是入侵事主的電郵戶口,因電郵一般須手機登記,故第二步是取得手機號碼,然後嘗試「撞」入社交媒體戶口,輸入「換機密碼」,若事主沒有預設密碼,一般是以手機最後四個號碼作該換機密碼,騙徒亦因而能進入事主的社交媒體戶口,第三步是盜用手機名單的「朋友」資料,再要求「朋友」代購點數卡騙款。黃呼籲市民如接獲「朋友」透過社交媒體要求購物,必須核實身份;巿民亦應定時更新各類戶口密碼,並預設「換機密碼」,以及盡量用一種途徑登記社交媒體戶口,或採用由媒體提供的雙重認證。

另外,警方今年首十個月接獲五百五十一宗裸聊勒索案,較去年同期上升四成一,總損失一百八十七萬元,較去年同期上升三成三,損失最多一宗涉款十萬元,受害人 介乎十二歲至六十三歲,以二十至四十歲男士為主,另有兩名女受害人。警方呼籲男士如有陌生女士要求成為網友,並進一步要求裸聊、交出裸照及裸體片段,便要小心,謹記初相識保持警惕,否則可能是裸聊在前,勒索在後。



【on.cc東網專訊】 俄羅斯總統普京表示,吉爾吉斯加入歐亞經濟聯盟的文件已在周二簽署。連同早前的白俄羅斯、哈薩克及亞美尼亞,俄羅斯在面對歐洲及美國的制裁下,將與這4個前蘇聯國家合組新經濟聯盟。

2014年12月23日 星期二

烏克蘭國會通過撤中立國狀態 將申請入北約


【on.cc東網專訊】 烏克蘭國會周二以303票贊成,8票反對,通過撤銷烏克蘭於2010年在俄羅斯壓力下,實施被禁加入任何軍事聯盟的中立國狀態。烏克蘭總統波羅申科指,基於俄羅斯對烏克蘭領土完整的危害,他將會申請加入北約。


油價跌帶來的好消息 !


【on.cc東網專訊】 民航處公布,航空公司獲准徵收的客運燃油附加費水平,有關收費的有效期為明年1月1日至31日。短途航班的新燃油附加費最高為129元,長途航班最高為566元,減幅各約為10%,有關附加費以發出機票日期為準。

沙特一語力撼市場 油價持續低位徘徊





美國諮詢機構Gary Shilling & Co總裁Gary Shilling認為,當前價格戰環境下,國際油價能否支持產油國的預算並非主要問題,開採、鑽探和運輸成本也不是重點,關鍵是邊際成本,即鑽到石油、鋪 好輸油管後產油商得到原油所需的成本。在中東海灣地區,邊際成本為每桶10至20美元,美國頁岩油生產商的邊際成本也差不多。


IMF:烏克蘭續削黃金儲備 俄羅連續8個月增持




另據外電報道,烏克蘭對南部城市Odessa的央行金庫展開刑事調查。此前Odessa金庫部分金條被發現偷換成鍍了金的鉛塊。外媒報道,肇事員工已逃往克里米亞。烏克蘭央行行長Valeria Gontareva上月曾表示,烏克的黃金儲備幾乎已拋售殆盡,僅小部分剩餘,且佔總儲備比重不到1%。

澳門消息:博彩收益續下跌 企業倡放無薪假


【on.cc東網專訊】 澳門博彩收入連續6個月下跌,11月份博彩收入為242.69億澳門元,按年下跌19.6%,接近市場預期的下跌20%,按月亦跌13.4%。新博彩員工 協進會今早到澳門政府總部遞文請願信,反映有博企因應近月賭收下跌,開始建議員工放無薪假期,導致博彩從業員憂慮就業問題,希望政府與博企合辦在職培訓課程,提升員工技能,增強競爭力。

許仕仁案:四人判囚5至7年半 許需還千二萬賄款

「最好的政務司司長」 ?

可以搞到今日的地步, 真是腦生草 !


【on.cc東網專訊】 前政務司司長許仕仁貪污案,法官今早宣布4名被告分別判刑5至7年半,「主角」許仕仁最終判監禁7年半,並需交還逾1118萬元賄款;另外郭炳江被判囚5 年,取消董事資格5年,陳鉅源被判囚6年,取消董事資格6年,兩人同時各被罰款50萬元,並各自支付1250萬元訟費;至於關雄生則被判囚5年。
法官判刑時指,考慮許仕仁曾在政府出任30年公職,期間曾做過多個政府職位,備受尊重,且口才了得,直言如非本案,許應是「最好的政務司司長」,但他為維持奢華生活,而變得貪心,利用職權謀利,破壞委任者的信任,行為亦令人聯想到「官商勾結」,亦令致力打擊貪污的港人大受打擊,但判刑不會不考慮許在1998 年擊退「金融大鱷」的貢獻,又謂由前特首曾蔭權爵士的求情信,便可知道其功業。法官亦指,相信郭炳江是個善心及誠懇的人,惟他向許仕仁提供利益的行為或令新鴻基一方知道政府政策,但考慮其宗教信仰及善心,給予他1年減刑。至於陳鉅源雖然非案件主腦,且是新鴻基忠心員工,但在事件中扮演中心角色,故判刑較重。法 官又謂,關雄生並非與新鴻基有關,或是新鴻基職員,但新鴻基卻經關向許仕仁付款,關亦有收取報酬,顯示有重要角色,但根據關的個人背景,顯示他素來慷慨助 人,有良好品格,認為關為人真誠且樂於助人,在金融界有「好好聲譽」,故信納他是因對朋友的忠誠而涉及案件,犯案與其性格不同。此案經過逾7個月審訊、陪審團退庭商議5日4夜後,最終裁定許仕仁8罪中有5罪成立,被控3罪的郭炳江則1罪成立,被指協助錢銀交收的陳鉅源和關雄生,則各被裁定2罪罪成。至於被控四罪的郭炳聯,則所有罪名均不成立,獲准當庭釋放。

美國發功? 北韓互聯網連線癱瘓


【on.cc東網專訊】 在美國總統奧巴馬就索尼(Sony)電影公司遭黑客攻擊一事,指摘北韓是這次網絡攻擊的幕後黑手,並且稱美國會作出恰當回應後,北韓的互聯網過去24小時無法上網。
Dyn Research互聯網分析主任馬多里表示,先前從未見過北韓出現如此連線不穩定的情況和故障,說不定是遭到攻擊。如果這次故障是美國所為,將是對一個國家連接互聯網的全面攻擊,定下報復目標攻擊的危險先例。另一方面,美國敦促北韓承認下令向索尼發動網絡攻擊,並對所造成破壞作出賠償。不過,北韓威脅如果因索尼事件而遭到美國任何報復的話,北韓將會千倍奉還,包括摧毀白宮和五角大樓。

Yes, Russia To Unleash Black Swans Against West But Here Is The Scary Part

繼續補充糧倉 !


Today KWN interviewed a man who has been uncovering critical information for 25 years who said "yes," what Dr. Paul Craig Roberts told King World News is true, "Russia will unleash black swans against the West, but here is the scary part."

Eric King:  “Steve, as you know King World News just had the viral interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts where he warned that Russia will unleash the ultimate black swan against the West.”
Steve Quayle:  “The interview that King World News did with Dr. Roberts is one of the most important interviews that anyone has ever done as it relates to the perilous times we are living in and the lateness of the hour.  Yes, Russia will unleash black swans against the West, but here is the scary part:  The Chinese and the Russians no longer believe in ‘Mutually Assured Destruction,’ or MAD.  Instead, they believe in ‘First Strike.’  What that means is that if they are threatened, they reserve the right to use nuclear weapons in a first strike….

"What people don’t know, Eric, is that the Russians are ready to shelter the majority of their populations in major cities in the event of a nuclear war.  By contrast, the United States only has facilities for the elite and key personnel in the form of roughly 234 underground bases.  These bases are referred to by the military and the elite as Deep Underground Military Bases (or DUMB).
And if you look at what is happening right now in the United States, I’m getting reports from all over the country from food processors about huge orders of food by U.S. government agencies to be delivered to these underground bases.  The key is the government has requested immediate shipment of this food so that it can be stockpiled.
These are the type of preparations that would be taken if it appeared that world war, or a possible nuclear exchange was on the horizon.  Concurrent with this stockpiling, I am getting reports from all over the country from store managers that selection and quantity of food is disappearing from grocery store shelves in states where these underground bases are located such as Kentucky, West Virginia, Kansas, Pennsylvania, etc.
Meanwhile, the Chinese are buying factories, farms, mines, fresh water resources, etc.  Other Far Eastern and Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds are also accumulating these key resources.   The Chinese and the Russians understand that at the end of the day it’s all about natural resources and being able to deliver these natural resources to a market that has the money or gold to pay for these key commodities.
And as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts said, the Russians are not just going to sit still while the United States and the West ramp up aggressions against their country.  Cyberwarfare is increasing dramatically as we speak.  There are serious concerns about the ability of the United States’ banking system to whether extremely sophisticated cyberattacks.  The Sony breach is just one example of how a detrimental cyberattack can bring one of the world’s most prominent entertainment giants to its knees.”
Eric King:  “Steve, people used to think that those who were preparing for disaster were crazy.  Now we see the United States government ordering survival kits for employees of every major bank as well as key personnel at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency."  
Quayle:  “Those survival kits you just described, Eric, will allow those employees and key government personnel to ‘shelter in place.’  Just like Dr. Roberts said, the world is now on the brink and appears to be headed for catastrophe.  As one of the original founders of the preparedness movement 30 years ago, it’s very important that people are prepared for what’s coming.  Those who fail to prepare are ensuring a bad outcome for themselves and their families.  People can be incredibly wealthy, Eric, but what good will it do them if the banks are shut down and they have no access to their wealth due to a cyberattack and lockdown of the financial system?”

2014年12月22日 星期一



英皇金融集團(香港)總裁 黃美斯 

全球央行竭力支持經濟增長,促使美元指數連續反彈,刷新五年高位89.654。美聯儲12月貨幣政策 聲明稱耐心等待加息時機,取代了「相當長時間」內維持利率於低位的承諾。加息將提高持有黃金的機會成本,從而打壓金價走勢。 


黃金實物需求方面,瑞士聯邦海關局公布的資料顯示,11月瑞士黃金進口從195噸大幅增加至 239.8噸,其中從英國進口的黃金達到109.7噸,創今年2月來的最高水平。出口方面,中國和印度對黃金需求依然強勁。11月瑞士共出口232.3噸黃金,共有68.9噸黃金分別出口至中國內地和香港,77噸出口至印度。另外,俄羅斯央行周五在其網站上稱,其黃金儲備由12月1日的3,760萬盎司 (1169.0噸)增加至3,820萬盎司(1188.0噸)。不過,黃金儲備總值下跌了8,500萬美元。11月俄羅斯外匯儲備萎縮了97億美元至 4,189億美元,為2009年以來最低水平。位於倫敦的世界黃金協會(WGC)的資料表明,黃金約佔俄羅斯外匯儲備的10.0%。資料顯示,美國黃金儲備佔外匯儲備的71.0%,德國佔66.0%。 

守1175/1180 延升勢 

圖表走勢分析,雖然周三跌勢回探到1,180區間,但隨覑周四又再跳漲至1,190區間,RSI及隨 機指數亦自超賣區域出現回升跡象,預料金價下行空間越見有限,較近先參考1,190及1,185水平,至於關鍵則料為1,175至1,180區域,只要未有跌破此區,金價自十一月的上升勢頭仍可望有機會延續。至於阻力預料為50天平均線1,201及1,211,再數上周金價多日受限100天平均線,故此目前100天平均線位置1,229水平仍是中期一組關鍵阻力。

倫敦白銀方面,在上周初兩日大挫後,銀價徘徊於16美元水平;預計若銀價可重新回穩於16美元上方, 則尚可望銀價有覑靠穩徵兆。下方較大支持預估為15.80及15.50美元,關鍵支持料在15.00美元關口。另一方面,預估向上阻力可至10天平均線 16.38及16.50美元,進一步阻力料為17.20美元。






印尼嚴打非法捕魚 再猛轟炸沉兩外國漁船

印尼夠惡, 又唔見有國家出來抗議 !


【on.cc東網專訊】 誓言打擊非法捕魚的印尼海軍,周日在馬魯古安汶灣(Ambon Bay),再炸沉兩艘掛有巴布亞新畿內亞國旗的漁船,以警告外國船隻不要在印尼水域捕魚。
報道指,印尼當局於本月7日在印尼及巴布亞新畿內亞邊界,攔截該兩艘漁船。印尼海軍安汶第9海軍基地發言人表示,兩船掛有巴布亞新畿內亞旗幟,但船員都是泰國人,兩艘漁船上的漁獲共重63噸。當局在現場逮捕了62名船員,隨後將部分船員移交移民局調查。印尼海軍發言人表示,當地法庭已裁定該兩艘外國漁船的船主,在印尼水域非法捕魚罪名成立,並稱:「我們必須擊沉這些船,以警惕其他打算到我們水域偷魚的外國漁船。」自印尼總統維多多於今年10月就任以來,印尼當局已炸沉3艘在印尼非法捕魚的越南漁船,引起多國關注。報道指,另有6艘被扣押的外國漁船,正等待法庭宣判, 相信之後將同樣被擊沉。據估計,目前在印尼水域非法捕魚的外國漁船多達5400艘,每年對印尼造成約243億美元的經濟損失。