2015年2月1日 星期日

Caught On Tape: Dijsselbloem To Varoufakis: "You Just Killed The Troika"

希臘不打算同歐盟合作, 依家要睇兩方點拆 !

睇來明天股市, 兇多吉少 !


Amid 'turmoiling' stock markets on Friday, CNBC's Simon Hobbs summed up the status quo's thinking on the new Greek leadership when he noted, somewhat angrily and shocked, "The Greeks are not even trying to reassure the markets," seeming to have entirely forgotten (and who can blame him in this new normal the world has been force-fed for 6 years) that political leaders are elected for the good of the people (by the people) not for the markets. Yesterday saw the clearest example yet of Europe's anger that the Greeks may choose their own path as opposed to following the EU's non-sovereign leadership's demands when the most uncomfortable moment ever caught on tape - the moment when Eurogroup chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem (he of the "template" foot in mouth disease) stood up at the end of the EU-Greece press conference, awkwardly shook hands with Greece's new finance minister, and whispered..."you have just killed the Troika," to which Varoufakis responded... "wow!"

As Keep Talking Greece reports,

The joint press conference was concluding, when Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis droped a last bombshell.  “…and with this if you want – and according to European Parliament – flimsily-constructed committee we have no aim to cooperate. Thank you.” Varoufakis was referring to the famous Troika, the country’s official creditors consisting of the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank..

After concluding with a “Thank you” Varoufakis gives the word to Eurogroup Chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who wants to hear the translation first. Then he takes off the ear phones, he stands up and sets to leave. An enforced-looking shaking of hands delays the  departure of the Dutch FinMin.
Dijsselbloem quickly whispers something to Varoufakis’ ear, he briefly replies back and the Eurogroup chief leaves the press conference hall as soon as it was possible.



財長今晤德拉吉 德反對變更

希臘財長瓦魯法科斯(Yanis Varoufakis)近日走訪歐洲多國,冀尋求他們支持對希債的新取態。他周一到訪英國倫敦期間接受《金融時報》訪問,透露希臘政府不再堅持要求削減債 務,轉而提出一個新的換債方案,稱此舉可以避免國際債權人為希債減值(haircut,即削減債權人部分本金)。
第一種是與名義經濟(nominal GDP)增長掛鈎的債券,取代歐洲的援助貸款(最多約2,200億歐元);第二種則是沒有指定贖回日期的永久債券(perpetual bonds),取代歐洲央行持有的希臘國債(最多約200億歐元)。

歐央行 傳有意退監管計劃

路透社引述知情人士報道,瓦魯法科斯仍未確定換債金額,有關計劃仍在制定當中,且至今尚未與歐洲央行等債權人討論。消息指,他今天將與歐央行總裁德 拉吉(Mario Draghi)會面。有關建議與新總理齊普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)之前的競選政綱相違,可見希臘的態度開始軟化。惟德國已初步表態,反對一切債務條款變更。

報道又引述不具名的消息人士指,國際貨幣基金組織 (International Monetary Fund,簡稱IMF)認為退出三巨頭宜早不宜遲,若屬實意味只有歐盟委員會擔當援助計劃債權人的職務。消息又稱,歐盟委員會主席容克(Jean- Claude Juncker)相信三巨頭欠缺光明前景,正考慮改為更加民主的監管。

3 則留言:

Kitty 提到...


Lisa 提到...

希臘舊政府俾人玩夠啦 XD !

嘉芙蓮 提到...

Good move!