2011年12月31日 星期六

港股今年跌2成 市值蒸發3.5萬億

依家買股等升市, 風險唔小, 因為無人可以保証股市會跌去乜位和幾時可以升返 !


香港文匯報訊(記者 李永青)2011年港股最後一個交易日,大市昨以紅盤報收,微升36點,報18,434點。在歐債危機陰霾重重籠罩,及美國被降主權評級等影響下,總括全 年恒指累跌4,601點,跌幅20%,為08年以來最差,年內高低波幅達8,298點;國指亦累計跌21.7%至9,936點。大市市值減至17.53萬 億元,蒸發3.54萬億元或16.79%。

 回顧2011年,48隻恒指成分股中,飽受歐債危機拖累的思捷(0330)表現最差,累跌 73%,其次為新世界發展(0017),累跌53%。相反,聯通(0762)成為表現最佳的恒指成份股,全年累升47%。同時,今年染藍之股份則報喜,康 師傅(0322)及旺旺(0151)雖糾纏於成本上漲問題,但無阻兩股爆上,分別成為本年最佳藍籌股第二位及第四位,升幅分別18.6%及13.8%。另 外,曾為眾多散戶愛股的礇控(0005),昨在2011年最後一個交易日未能重上60元水平,收報59元,全年累跌約26%。

大市先甜後苦 年跌4601點

 以先甜後苦來形容2011年可謂最適合不過,4月份恒指曾見全年高位的24,468點,但之後壞消 息一個接一個,特別是歐債危機像雪球般,多個歐盟成員國先後出事,希臘面臨破產邊緣,希臘總理更被迫下台,再加上去年8月標普調低美國主權評級,令美國失 去「AAA」評級,消息令全球股市大跌,港股單是8、9月份已跌逾6,000點,恒指亦在10月初跌至全年低位的16,170點。港股全年累跌4,601 點,亦令市值大幅蒸發,港股在2010年12月31日市值為210,770億元,但至2011年12月30日,跌至175,372億元,跌幅為 16.79%。



 展望2012年,瑞信私人銀行部亞太區研究主管范卓雲預料,上半年仍受歐債問題困擾,港股走勢將先 低後高,首季將在18,000點至20,000點上落,全年恒指目標價為23,500點,國企指數為12,000點,建議投資者明年購入高息股,並避免投 資受經濟周期影響較大的行業,如航運股。范卓雲表示,在歐債危機和全球經濟放緩情況下,在2012年全球經濟難有改善,但目前股票的估值已反映了經濟衰 退。



 耀才證券研究部副經理植耀輝表示,由於預期明年環球經濟會不景氣,故外貿出口亦會萎縮,加上內地樓 價未見大跌,料中央政府只會微調宏調政策,不會過早放鬆調控力度,故航運、內銀及內房板塊料明年仍然「冇運行」。反之電訊行業為內地「十二五」規劃的重點 之一,加上收入較穩定,較少受經濟不景影響,故料續成為逆市奇葩;電訊設備股料亦會受惠行業增加支出,可看高一線。


誰跑得快 ?
1. 油 +13.35%
2. 黃金 +10.03%
3. Dow + 5.53%
4. 日元 + 5.27%

白銀跌得最傷 -8.44%, 但舊年升成 80%, 所以跌下來正是俾大家買平貨的機會 !
其他外幣升跌輕微 !

本人投資組合流動資金, 2011年增長約 6% !

Joe 網轉過來, 恒指 2011年跌 20%, 所以沽股買金銀是買岩咗 !

2011年12月30日 星期五

Mad Rush in Japan to SELL Bullion


Well what was supposed to be an almost immediate tax implication for bullion transactions in Japan, left two days of freedom for interested buyers/sellers and has resulted in a MAD RUSH to sell their bullion. Bullion houses are staying open late due to huge demand from sellers who want to complete transactions before the new tax law takes effect January 1st.

SINGAPORE, Dec 29 (Reuters) - A new taxation law in
Japan has triggered a bullion sales spree among gold investors
at the end of the year despite sharp falls in gold prices,
dealers said.

From Jan. 1, bullion retailers are required to report to tax
authorities physical gold and platinum transactions of over 2
million yen ($25,700) with members of the general public, said a
senior official with a large bullion house in Tokyo.

Bullion houses stayed open on Thursday, even though it was a
public holiday in Japan, to receive investors who wanted to sell
their physical gold holdings or swap big chunks of gold for
smaller lots, such as coins.

"The general public does not want to pay additional tax on
their gold investment," said the official. "So even though
prices dropped sharply overnight many are coming to bullion
shops for liquidation."

Reuters Full Press Release

2011年12月29日 星期四


金銀又試支持位 !
好彩我地可以用靚靚銀幣來安慰自己 !

2011年12月28日 星期三


今日下午順利收到貨和今晚飯局分曬貨啦 !

最多人買的銀幣是 :

1. 2012 1oz Somalian Elephant
2. 2012 1oz Britannia
3. 2011 1oz Fiji Taku
4. 2011 1oz Somalian Elephant


美國愈窮愈見鬼, 又一招玩死自己 !
















五部委聯手取締 無牌黃金交易商


【本報訊】亂世,黃金必成寵兒!內地幾乎每個城市都有無牌的黃金投資公司透過電話攬客,由於市民瘋狂炒 黃金,中國人民銀行、公安部、工商總局、銀監會和證監會等五部委決定聯手整治,取締所有無牌黃金投資公司,就連天津市金融辦「半撐」的天津貴金屬交易所, 也可能難逃被取締命運。
五部委完成連番整頓後,由官方欽點的黃金交易所就只有上海黃金交易所和上海期貨交易所。五部委聯合發佈《關於加強黃金交易 所或從事黃金交易平台管理的通知》對設立黃金交易所或在其他交易場所內設立黃金交易平台等相關活動進行規範。通知提到正在籌建的,應一律終止相關設立活 動;已經開業的,要立即停止開辦新的業務。


天津貴金屬交易所就是未領正牌已試業中,交易所去年已經完成了 1428億元(人民幣.下同)的交易量,截至 2011年 2月底,交易所累計成交金額逾 2100億元,當然,與上海黃金交易所去年近 2萬億元的交易量相比,還有距離。
據 內地傳媒報道,天津貴金屬交易待所是由交通銀行、光大銀行來進行資金三方託管的合法金融機構,和上海黃金交易所是同一個性質的。目前天津產權交易中心佔天 交所股份 26%,另外 74%的股份已分屬三家民營機構。而天津產權交易中心向天津市金融辦公室提交了關於建立天津貴金屬交易所的請示,並獲天津市金融辦簽發了同意設立的批覆。

伊朗警告封海峽 「不容一滴油通過」

唔怪得油價升去一百樓上 !








 另外,已經承諾下台的也門總統薩利赫(見圖),上周表示會前往美國作短暫迴避,為繼任人讓路。《紐 約時報》前日引述匿名官員消息稱,華府在原則上已批准薩利赫赴美就醫,只待進一步確認,但白宮迅即駁斥報道,重申仍在考慮中,強調報道並非屬實。  


2011年12月26日 星期一


遲來的聖誕卡 !
因為今年24號無出街, 所以無影到相 !



香港文匯報訊(記者 李鍾洲)古瑪雅人曆法暗示2012年可能是世界末日,隨著人類即將踏進「末日年」,無論是考古學家還是普羅大眾,都越來越關注這一「生死攸關」的預言。本報記者特在一年將盡之際,走訪了物理學家和玄學家,跟大家一道揭開這末日之謎。


銀河對齊 地球大亂?



天外危機 人類束手



楊天命預言 洪災襲全球







年初宜入市 上半年料推QE3


美總統大選 奧巴馬可險勝


2011年12月23日 星期五

Jim Sinclair - The Gold Panic & What to Expect in 2012


With escalating fears from gold and silver investors around the world, including professionals, today King World News interviewed legendary Jim Sinclair. When KWN asked if he has ever seen this kind of fear and panic in the gold market, Sinclair responded, “Not in the first gold market (1970s), not in the gold market we are in now, not in the correction (in ’08 & ’09), which took us down after the first move through $1,000 and back under $800.”

Jim Sinclair continues:

“The amount of discontent and bearishness among people who know better is enormous. It’s moved from bearishness to some form of anger. (This is a) historical bottom, capitulation. A clear sign that the gold market is moving into an outrageously oversold position, most certainly in anything that’s a common share.

You must not allow your emotions to direct your decisions. Your emotions will always be your best contrary indicator you have. You have to examine the circumstances and ask whether or not the reasons why you’ve committed to something have changed. And if they haven’t changed, you simply need to buck up and go the course because you’re right.

People are beginning to literally crack, defined as shifting their total focus to their emotions and away from their intellect. I’ve seen emotionalism in areas where it doesn’t belong, where it’s never existed before. I’m in total shock.

When I see people who have distinguished themselves under pressure, over years, let their emotions cloud their judgement, actually letting their emotions break over them like a tidal wave, it puts me in total shock....

“We’re in the most manipulated markets. We’re in the most fraudulent markets in history. There has never been a time when you can have assets disappear from people and modest inquiries take place of the leaders of that company. What you are seeing go on right now favors the bankers and disfavors all others.

However, when it’s finally finished there will be one man standing and that one man standing will be gold, the only market that the banksters can’t control in the final chapter. In a very short period yesterday we had a range of $100, and I’m going to tell you and the listeners now, you haven’t seen anything yet compared to what you are going to see as gold moves toward $4,500.”

When asked what to expect from gold in 2012, Sinclair stated, “Well into the high $2,000s. And as Truman said, ‘If you can’t stand the heat, you’ve got to get out of the kitchen.’ But let me tell you that when this year is over, the only hands left holding physical gold and gold shares are the strongest hands on the planet.

Every possible weak hand has been shaken out. Every person with emotions even latently capable of overwhelming their intellect, overwhelming their judgement, will have already overwhelmed it this week. After this week, the people who are left are people who will never give up their positions.”

2011年12月22日 星期四


明年是水龍年, 開庫之年, 人人富有豐足, 所以最好的地方是香港。
2014年才是最火毒的一年, 如同未日(說香港和全世界) !
香港運, 是地產和飲食, 而其他行業只是陪襯 。
李居士說, 唐英年會是下一屆特首, 不是梁振英。

2012年樓股, 時好時壞, 但舖價還是高企 !
黃金已不會如以前預測大升, 只可以買些來當保險 !

外間無淨土, 大停電, 大水淹, 大型火爆, 恐怖襲擊和交通火險 !
2012年, 水火相沖, 所以世界多災多難 !

奧巴馬(美國), 普京(俄國), 胡錦濤(中國)和默克爾(德國)都還有幾年運行, 所以呢四位首領還會左右世界, 而奧巴馬2014年如唔下台會俾人剌殺 !

2012年澳門會有大件事發生, 澳門水多必水浸和水多會激起火毒火爆凶事 !

2012年是太陽黑子年, 9月22日會出現太陽風爆, 影響全球通訊, 氣温增高, 車禍增多, 股票大波勳, 情緒波動自殺增加, 恐怖襲擊成功 !

Jim Sinclair Suggests 2015 May Be Time to Take Profits in Gold & Silver


Responding to a reader inquiry, the legendary Jim Sinclair has suggested that the grouping of cycles indicates that the time to consider taking profits in gold and silver may be 2015. Will we see the final, 3rd stage public mania in gold and silver play out over the next 3 years?

Dear Luke,
You have presented the most difficult of questions. Last evening, I answered that via a graph of emotions that finds tops, but not necessarily with the definition of the long term top appended.
I do not think a ratio to the Dow is the answer.
The model answer is when gold sells (per ounce) at the value that equals the total dollar value of US foreign debt divided by the assumed number of ounces of gold the US government has, gold is full priced.
The reason for that is because at that price the international balance sheet of the USA and therefore the dollar is in balance. However, that number, which was $900 in 1980, is now slightly above $12,400.
If grouping of cycles is of any use time wise, that suggests 2015.

2011年12月21日 星期三

London Trader - We are Witnessing a Historic Bottom in Gold


With many investors worried the price of gold could head lower, today King World News interviewed the “London Trader” to get his take on the gold market. The source stated, “The Chinese have continued to take delivery of both physical gold and silver directly from the ETF’s GLD and SLV. They are also going directly to producers. Entities are bypassing the COMEX altogether and going straight to gold mining companies. Every single month producers have a certain amount of gold and silver they sell. Normally they sell it to the bullion banks and the bullion banks, of course, leverage this gold and sell up to 100 times that in paper markets to control prices.”

The London Trader continues:

“They (bullion banks) hold that little bit of physical gold and claim they are backed up on their position to the CFTC. I have all my large buyers now going to producers and saying to them, ‘Look, don’t sell it to the bullion banks, we’ll buy it from you.’ So we are buying directly from the producers and this includes some sovereign entities which are doing the same thing.

We’re struggling to get the physical out of these guys (producers) because they have so many people banging on their door, saying, ‘Sell it to us direct.’ What these buyers are doing is essentially taking gold out of the system, which means the bullion banks can’t leverage that gold anymore.

So this is a huge, dynamic shift that wasn’t there before. Now we are working on one other thing. We’re beginning to offer them forward contracts. If you are a sovereign entity, what you are saying to these producers, especially on new projects, is, ‘Why don’t you sell the gold to me in 12 months? Here’s the cash, just provide it to me 12 months from now.’

These buyers are now cutting off future gold supply from the bullion banks....

“This is a huge, tectonic shift in price dynamics going forward because it is taking price discovery away from the bullion banks. These large Chinese buyers and sovereign entities which are doing this are going to have a massive impact on the market.

Interestingly, so many people are bearish on gold right now and looking for a collapse in the price of gold. They don’t understand what is happening in the physical market. The bullish fundamentals I just described to you have enormous implications.

We are making a historic bottom right now. The paper gold, or virtual gold market, has diverged so far from the physical market that it’s no longer a credible marketplace. That’s the key thing that came out of a very important meeting I was in yesterday where we had some serious players. The people I was meeting with are all on the buy side and have been since the lows last week.

There are massive physical orders, sitting, waiting for any more discounts, and yet everyone else seems to be short. So you have huge fuel for a rally here.

You have to keep in mind this recent plunge was orchestrated with borrowed gold and that borrowed gold is now gone. That’s why gold can’t go much lower. Any dips in price will be aggressively purchased. As I said earlier, right now we are witnessing a historic bottom.”

The London Trader previously told KWN on October 21st that China had purchased a massive amount of physical gold at the lows of the October 20th session. That marked the dead low for the price of gold in October and gold rallied roughly 10% in the following 8 trading sessions.

London Trader - There are Tremendous Silver Shortages


King World News is receiving reports of significant waits for delivery of silver. Today King World News interviewed the “London Trader” to get his take on the situation. The source stated, “It is so tight, the silver market is so tight that we’ve been waiting three weeks plus, before this takedown, for deliveries of size to arrive. I’m talking about tonnage orders. This is also key, most of the silver being delivered was refined after the orders had been placed, and again, that was before the takedown. You can just imagine how long the wait times will be going forward.”

The London Trader continues:

“This game is getting so stretched that it’s going to break. You don’t think the Chinese know this stuff. If we get a close above the 200 day moving average in the mid 30’s on silver, watch silver immediately pop $2 or $3. Silver is totally incredible. There is nobody in COMEX silver contracts anymore, other than casino players. The only way they have been able to keep silver depressed is by borrowing silver from SLV to meet immediate demand. That’s the only reason silver isn’t trading $10 to $15 higher right now.

There isn’t enough silver for investors to buy (in large amounts) so they have been using SLV as a flywheel. SLV is over 20 million ounces short on the silver they are supposed to have in the vaults to back the shares which have been issued. The silver isn’t there. So there are people who purchased SLV to own physical silver, but all they have is shares that aren’t backed by the physical silver.

Part of managing the price of silver recently has been for the central banks to attack the gold market. But what is interesting is how this manipulation of the gold price was effected. Obviously, the bullion banks, which are working with the central banks, have inside knowledge as to the timing and just how much gold is going to be available to them.

So, in order for the bullion banks to maximize the effect of the physical gold they get from leasing, they add high scale paper leverage. They then short-sell just enough tranches of COMEX contracts to surgically take out three important support pivots....

“Each of those important support pivots that everyone is watching, like the 50 day moving average and so on, each one of those are taken out in the access market in the quiet trading, overnight, on three successive days. In other words, they take out these three important pivots, which turns the momentum buyers into sellers. It also gets a bunch of funds to start selling as well.

So using as little ammunition (physical gold) as possible, and in thinly traded markets, they take out these pivots. They smash the price, but leave just enough physical gold for going into the fixes because the smart buyers are saying, ‘I’ll take it at this price.’ So, as we go into the fix, they’ve provided just enough physical to satisfy as many of those buyers as they can. They then smash it right after the fix, again, with paper.

That’s what’s happened with gold and it’s the reason it has been manipulated down to these levels. It’s the only way they could do it, and it’s a sign of absolute desperation when central banks are willing to risk giving bullion banks gold they will never, ever receive back.

You don’t think the Chinese aren’t sitting here taking every single ounce of that leased gold? Of course they are. There were actually three enormous physical buy areas that they pierced, where, literally, there was tonnage ordered. I estimate well over 100 tons of physical gold was taken between the first pivot they broke, where these guys loaded up with discounted gold, and this stuff disappears from the West to the East.

These central banks had to be in desperation to allow this borrowed gold to be absorbed by foreign entities. They needed to raise dollars in a hurry and they are extremely afraid of gold going through the roof. I was very, very surprised they got as far as they did (driving gold lower). They had to use an awful lot of gold to do it.”

2011年12月20日 星期二

Martin Armstrong: Gold to Correct Through January

睇下又會唔會咁走先 ?


Martin Armstrong has published his latest outlook for gold, and Armstrong is looking for a continued correction through January down to the $1405 area.
Armstrong states only a year-end close below $1,058 would be bearish long term and signal a prolonged decline, while a 2011 close above $1704.20 is needed to continue gold's short term bull move.

The world may hold together until June. From then on it appears to be starting to go nuts going into 2014.
It is not fiat currency you must fear. It is government itself. So if you want to know why gold will eventually go up? It ain’t the fiat. Try good old fashion security from the enemy within.
December should have been a Directional Change. So far that looks to be on target. The Indicating Ranges for December are MOMENTUM 198010-163800, TREND 153950-107200, and LONG-TERM TREMD 163700-132870. This shows that the first level of support is at $1539, followed by $1328, and $1072. The Yearly number of $1405 also provides important underlining support.
The Weekly Bearish Reversals to now watch after 1604.00 are 1522.00 1405.00. As it currently stands, a decline into January is the most likely course of action. We can see a intra-day low form in February, however, January is still likely to be the lowest close.

2011年12月19日 星期一




海嘯引證了自由市場已死,領袖技窮,更抵受不了市場威嚇,於是 3年來為選票而印鈔票,冀能學以致用,將量化寬鬆宏願輻射擴散。因此要選龍年最佳行業,吾等凡夫俗子首推機械,要數最有前途股份,印刷股以外也別無他選。




金正日逝世 朝鮮要求軍民忠於金正恩領導

世局更加不穩定 !





 金正日因疲勞過度去世 享年69歲




 1964年6月至1974年2月,金正日先後任朝鮮勞動黨中央委員會科長、副部長、部長、朝鮮勞動黨中央委員會書記、朝鮮勞動黨中央委員會政治委員會委員。從1980年10月起,他歷任朝鮮勞動黨中央委員會政治局常委、書記。1982年至1998年,他被選為歷屆朝鮮最高人民會議代表。1990年12月至1993年4月他先後擔任朝鮮人民軍最高司令官、國防委員會第一副委員長和委員長。1997年10月8日他出任朝鮮勞動黨總書記。1998年9月和2003年9月分別再次當選國防委員會委員長。2009年3月,金正日當選為第12屆最高人民會議代議員。同年4 月,金正日再次當選為國防委員會委員長。2010年9月,朝鮮勞動黨代表會議推舉金正日為朝鮮勞動黨總書記。


 金正日1983年曾訪問中國。2000年5月、2001年1月、2004年4月、2006年1月、2010年5月、2010年8月和2011年5月,他對中國進行了非正式訪問。 2011年8月,他途經並順訪中國東北地區。

2011年12月17日 星期六

Silver’s a bargain under $30, but watch volatility


By Myra P. Saefong, MarketWatch

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Silver is ready to finish a dramatic year near the level it started, and some analysts predict big gains, and heavy volatility, for the white metal in 2012.

“Silver went parabolic when it broke above $29 back in March of this year,” said James Carrillo, senior portfolio adviser for Swiss America Trading Corporation. “It fulfilled its parabolic blow off at $50 shortly thereafter and is now testing the break point.”

Silver futures closed at almost $49 an ounce in late April. After a whopping 7% drop on Wednesday, they’re trading back below $30. Read more on gold and silver futures.

“In the latter half of the year, panic selling at both the personal level and institutional level brought silver down as investors had increased anxiety over world economic events,” said Paul Mladjenovic, author of “Precious Metals Investing for Dummies.”

The white metal hasn’t held up as well as gold because silver’s dual nature kicks in, he said. “Since silver is also an industrial metal and silver is a smaller market, panic selling has a more pronounced effect and the moves are more violent.”

“When people need money to cover margin increases, debt or other liability, they will sell and silver was part of this dynamic,” said Mladjenovic. But “nothing changed in the fundamentals for silver — they, in fact, keep getting better.”

Futures prices for gold are poised to end the year with a gain of around 11%, while silver’s trading 5% lower — which would be its smallest year-on-year decline since 2001, according to data from FactSet Research. Starting in 2002, silver had gained every year except 2008.

If prices hold above $28, silver may “resume its upward march next year,” said Carrillo.

“I would be a buyer of physical gold and silver at these levels, with gold being massively supported at $1,500 and silver at $28,” he said.

Bargain buying

Still, investors may need a little more convincing than usual these days regarding the outlook for silver. Read about Wednesday’s metals plunge.

Silver futures lost 7.4% on Wednesday, as gold futures fell nearly 5%. Month to date, silver has already dropped 11%.

“This week’s sharp declines in silver prices have generally washed out the speculative long positions,” said Carrillo. “The damage to the long term trend is now clearly visible, although the market is now grossly oversold.”

Should silver snap back in the short term, however, “as should be expected, and it closes the month of December above the $31 level, it should be viewed as a major buying opportunity,” he said.

On the other hand, if prices close below $31 at month end, “approach silver cautiously in the near term since a fall below that level “violates the long term trend and major support won’t appear until nearing the $20 level,” he said.

But while some focus on silver price levels for outlook guidance, others look toward the metal’s past actions.

Colin Hayward, who’s been a precious metals investor for more than 30 years, said the odds greatly favor silver finding a bottom in the short term, within the next one month to three months, considering the “extreme pessimism of silver bugs today.” Silver will then begin a run similar to what occurred after the 2008 “correction.”

When the commodities sector bottomed in 2008, silver bottomed around $9 and then marched all the way to $49 over the next 31 months, representing a rise of over 5.5 times — “a bull market advance if ever there was one,” he said, adding that gold’s advance was about 2.8 times or around half that of silver’s.

Silver is a bargain below $30, said Hayward, who’s also president of Gearology, which sells gold- and silver-themed consumer products. “Buying silver under $30 today is like buying it at $5 ten years ago.”’
‘Kissing cousins’

Still, investors shouldn’t expect a straight climb in silver. It’s still as volatile as ever and its moves will continue to be closely tied to gold.

John O’Donnell, chief knowledge officer for Online Trading Academy, said the “global deflation forces” are cause for silver’s price weakness and he expects silver to decline to $26-$27 before it finds any substantial price support.

And looking further ahead, by the fourth quarter of next year, he expects a return to the $35 price level, and then more selling pressure.

Peter Grandich, editor of The Grandich Letter, meanwhile, turned bearish on silver when it traded at the $50 level this year. Read about the mania in silver earlier this year.

Even so, Grandich expects both gold and silver to have at least double-digit gains in 2012, with gold likely to be the better performer.

“Silver continues to be more a base metal than precious [metal], but because of its ‘kissing cousin’ relationship with gold, it shall ride gold’s coattails and occasionally lead the way,” he said.

Others were even more upbeat.

With silver oversold during the second half of 2011, Mladjenovic expects to see a strong rebound in the metal, which could take out $50 during the first half of 2012 and during the rest of the next year, see support at that level and challenge the $60 level by the fall.

“Demand for physical silver is relentless as individual buyers across the globe and industrial buyers in Asia continue taking advantage of silver’s relatively low price,” said Mladjenovic, who believes this “will overcome the paper market’s current pullback.”

“If demand changes or if the manipulation lawsuit is resolved (or both), you could see silver in the $75-$100 range,” he said, referring to the ongoing Commodity Futures Trading Commission investigation of possible manipulation in silver markets.
Silver vs. gold

But both gold and silver each have their own great potential to see higher prices in the new year.

“Supply constraints, permitting challenges, increasing costs, lack of talented geologists and engineers, and costs of building a mine that have escalated over the last 10 years are all factors that should keep gold and silver prices high,” said Malcolm Gissen, co-manager of the Encompass Fund.

He thinks silver and gold prices will rise in 2012 as economies in China and India recover, with a better quality of life likely leading to more purchases of gold and silver.

As for the better pick, Edmond Bugos, director of mining finance at Strategic Metals Research & Capital, would choose silver.

He doesn’t expect the European Union will collapse in the short term. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government will get its way on the fiscal side and give the European Central Bank a “green light” so the economic outlook will improve for a time, and investors could start buying riskier assets again, he said.

Bugos also likes silver because Sprott Asset Management recently filed a shelf prospectus for the issue of $1.5 billion worth of units for the Sprott Physical Silver Trust. That could provide a hefty boost to silver demand and prices.

“That doesn’t mean Sprott’s Chief Executive Offer Eric Sprott will raise this capital, but “it puts all the legalities in place so that if he decides to do the issue, it can happen overnight,” said Bugos.

Terry Hanlon, president of Dillon Gage Metals, on the other hand, would choose gold over silver.

Gold’s long term prospects remain strong as demand should further rise, while growth in world supplies remain limited,” he said. “Continued uncertainty about the U.S., European and other economies will clearly keep investors interested in precious metals in 2012” and gold could reach $2,000 next year.

Still, Hanlon said investors should give silver, and platinum, a look as well, because of the industrial components and jewelry and investment aspects of demand for those metals.

島內投資者搶金 一天30億元

黃金牛市就快來 ?


香港文匯報訊 台北消息:國際金融情勢動盪,金價、銀價暴跌,台灣人逢低大買黃金。據金融界人士透露,15日台灣投資者透過銀行體系就搶進價值約新台幣30億元黃金,瘋狂程度為2008年金融海嘯以來僅見。



2011年12月16日 星期五

股匯上季勁虧 港外匯基金蝕408億


  • 投資股票 - 蝕 (長揸都要蝕, 除非你是在恒指 8000-15000 買的優質股)

  • 投資外幣 - 歐元/英鎊 蝕, 澳元/日元/瑞朗 賺

  • 手持實金 - 賺 (除非你是在 1600-1900 時才開始買貨)

  • 手持實銀 - 今年才開始買貨要蝕, 除咗一些記念幣, 因為發行量少, 所以價格高企 ! 2010年或之前買的實銀是賺錢的 !

  • 投資物業收租 - 除咗新起豪宅, 大多數是賺錢的 !













歐債危機未見紓緩,國際評級機構惠譽( 下圖)繼早前稱將檢討歐元區核心國家評級後,前日出手將歐洲5大銀行的投資評級下調1級,原因是銀行業整體面臨更大阻力,前景不容樂觀。其中一間被降級的法國農業信貸集團,前日發出盈警,並宣布全球裁員2,350人。






 法國農業信貸銀行的盈警,加上另一邊廂的德國商業銀行正避免接受政府援助,反映全球金融系統再面臨繃緊局面。投資者關注歐洲領袖未能提出有效措施應對危機,持有大量歐洲國家債券的銀行,蒙受巨額損失的風險未除,歐洲銀行體系可能陷入癱瘓。澳洲 Westpac銀行前日警告,若危機持續,該國銀行獲得信貸的額度和成本難免受影響。


 昨日再有華爾街大行傳出裁員消息,摩根士丹利宣布,由於銀行業盈利減少,將於明年首季在全球裁減1,600人。 ■路透社/綜合外電消息/《華爾街日報》

2011年12月15日 星期四




歐元快喘定 新春後再插


美滙指數日前突破 80,技術上似突破頭肩底之頸線,量度升幅為與今年 5月低位 73之差,即 80+( 80- 73)= 87。無獨有偶, 2009年初延伸至明年上半年的阻力亦近 87;兩個指標互相確認,增加了 87之可信性。至於時間,三年前後的拼圖顯示 4月到達。不過在此之前,拼圖亦指美滙將於本月在稍高於 80先短暫見頂,急回後才再度急升。
反轉 來看,乃歐元於算三上下應暫喘定,農曆年後才再插水;同樣也以頭肩頂看,以今年 5月的 1.49為頭、去年 10月及今年 10月為肩、 1.31為頸,向下量度直指 1.13。如以 2008年的支持延伸至今,則明年 4月應得 1.13水平,兩者也互確認。早前有拼圖測 1.25上下見底,可見 1.25及 1.13兩個皆為目標;農曆年後才造淡者,概可分段收水。


金價的敏感三角日前向下突破,料試 1520± 50美元之橫行區;而這對應於歐元見 1.25。若歐元見 1.13,則對應之金價恐是 1370± 50美元之再上一次橫行區。澳元較堅,目前同處敏感三角但未突破,估計農曆年前後美滙回插後再升,屆時澳元才見突破。



金銀股匯油都跌 !

Review of the Paper Futures Implications of the HSBC Gold/Silver Lawsuit

紙金紙銀的風險, 就算你想收取實貨, 原來批貨已俾人當衍生工具賣咗出去 !
依家就打緊官司, 睇貨屬誰 ?


With gold and silver paper futures being smashed this morning, we thought it would be a good time to remind readers of the possible paper futures dumping that The Doc predicted this past Sunday as a result of the HSBC lawsuit over gold/silver rehypothecation. Along with liquidity fears over Europe, this likely could be a large part of the current paper rout.

With less than an hour until gold and silver trading opens on the Globex, we will soon find out what, if any, HSBC's lawsuit against the MF Global trustee and Jason Fine has on gold and silver futures prices.
For those who missed it, Jason Fine, an MF Global client, demanded delivery for 5 gold contracts (500 ounces) and 3 silver contracts (15,000 ounces) from HSBC, the custodian of the metal. Fine had used the warehouse receipts of his PHYSICAL METAL on deposit at HSBC as collateral for his account at MF Global. MF Global's liquidation trustee James Giddens (i.e. Jamie Dimon) said WHOA THERE PARDNER!, NO CAN DO! MF Global rehypothecated your gold and silver collateral when it purchased CDS contracts from us, so we'll be taking the delivery of said gold and silver thanks to our SENIOR creditor status. HSBC subsequently filed suit Friday against both Jason Fine and the MFG trustee, in effect to allow a judge decide who gets the phyzz.
This weekend has seen rampant speculation that the markets will open with a collapse in GLD, and a spike in gold and silver, as all the paper holders rush to get out of paper gold and into phyzz.
Personally, The Doc disagrees.
From how I understand it, the lawsuit doesn't mean anything- yet. The real fireworks should come when the judge decides whether the phyzz belongs to the actual holder of the futures contracts, or the counter-party of the CDS contracts purchased with Fine's rehypothecated collateral by MFG.
This could play out in 3 ways:

1. Judge orders Phyzz liquidated for cash, and all parties receive a haircut and a portion of the assets. This is most likely in The Doc's opinion- and at this point, holders of futures contracts may well panic and dump futures positions for phyzz, causing a collapse in COMEX futures prices of phyzz, with a corresponding evaporation of physical inventory as the physical metal becomes unavailable.
2. Judge rules in favor of Jason Fine, and all phyzz is delivered to the rightful owner. JP Morgan instantly panics, crashes paper futures prices, and scoops up all available phyzz. Least likely outcome in my mind.
3. Judge rules in favor of MFG Trusee James Giddens (i.e. Jamie Dimon, Blythe Masters, and The Morgue). Jason Fine told to F*** off, you are an unsecured creditor as JP Morgan holds senior status to your rehypothecated collateral/ assets. For aftermath, see No. 1 only magnified 100 fold. Futures traders instantly lose all confidence in the system, and the COMEX implodes not from a delivery default, but from a loss of confidence among futures traders.

I may be wrong, but I don't see an outcome to this that results in PAPER gold and silver prices rocketing. All three possible outcomes seem to mean major sell-offs in the PAPER futures markets, while at the same time, physical inventory dries up and becomes unavailable. Again, it appears to me that this is more likely to happen when the judge makes a ruling in the case, rather than imminently on the announcement of the lawsuit. I could be wrong, as should a futures trader similarly think through the likely possible outcomes of this HSBC suit, the smart ones will get out now and not wait for a verdict. We'll see whether the speculative futures traders panic now, or wait for the handwriting on the wall before they panic and attempt to get out. My money is they'll wait for the handwriting on the wall, Belshazzar style, when it's too late to get out!

2011年12月14日 星期三

Blog 改發佈時間

click[新文章] ---->click [修改文章]---->選想編輯的文章 click [編輯] ---->左下方 click [張貼選貢]----> 就出現上面的圖

在右面可以改現時的日期和時間, 而時間上午或下午, 鐘數 1至 12 (唔用13至24), 之後發佈文章就可以啦 !
左下方可以改俾唔俾人回應或最下面個個 hidden 回應 !

2011年12月13日 星期二


12/13晚12點前:團友繳款,而把銀行收據電郵俾旺旺; 須在入數紙上寫上團購名和手機號碼及旺旺確認收款。過時者剔出本次團購。

Gold Bull & Germany Flirting with Depression


With gold trading lower by almost 3% and silver off more than $1, today King World News interviewed acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb, Chairman & Chief Investment Officer of Leeb Capital Management. When asked about the action in gold, Leeb responded, “It doesn’t make a lot of sense to see the world coming apart and gold going down. We are seeing liquidation by some hedge funds and maybe even banks to some extent that need liquidity. You have to go back to 2008 and I think the drop in 2008 was probably in the neighborhood of 30% and then gold just started taking off again.”

Stephen Leeb continues:

“The catalyst after the drop in 2008 was recognition there were problems that had to be solved by extraordinary means. And once that was recognized, gold just shot up like a missile and really didn’t look back. I think this is probably a similar kind of correction, except now it’s not the US financial system that is in peril, it’s the eurozone that’s in peril.

The treaty or so-called treaty they struck last week is a joke. To assume countries that have been fighting for 300 years, and share absolutely nothing culturally, are suddenly going to come together and sign a piece of paper and all agree to think alike, it’s crazy.

What I think will happen, one way or the other, is Germany will decide it’s going to have to print money. That’s really the only way out. You have to have growth or you are never going to get rid of these deficits.

People can only cut back to a certain extent. If they start cutting back on food and energy you impoverish the entire population. You are seeing some of that in the US right now. A large portion of our population in the US is spending over 50% of their money on food and energy. Clearly the numbers are high in Europe too....

“What’s remarkable here, Eric, is the Germans have this long-standing inflationary fear. We all know it stems from the 1920s and the hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic and the wheelbarrows of money, etc.. But it wasn’t the hyperinflation in the ‘20s that laid the foundation for Hitler, that wasn’t the catalyst for Hitler. It was the depression in the 1930s, the protracted depression that made possible the rise of Hitler.

So the Germans are really flirting with the same kind of situation that occurred in the 1930s. If Europe continues to sink and the Germans don’t relent on this stuff we are going to head for a real deflationary depression.

My big picture is that Merkel and the Germans will allow the printing of money and once that happens, just as it happened in 2008, once you get a sign, that’s blastoff time for gold. Gold and silver will shoot up like rockets. In my opinion gold will close 2012 at $2,500 or above, probably above. Gold could easily double from here in the next 12 months if you get the kind of money printing that I expect to happen in Europe.

So how low gold will go here is literally meaningless. My advice to investors is don’t try to catch a bottom and be a hero. It could happen any time. It could be happening as we speak, it could be happening today. But it’s really irrelevant. Let’s say gold is at $3000, $4,000 or $5,000 in three or four years, which I think is very, very likely--are you really even going to remember that it went to $1,650 or $1,550? No.”


金銀油股匯通通下跌 !

想買的銀幣又平多些, 正 !

2011年12月10日 星期六


大家自己整個 list 自己訂咗D乜和產品用幾多USD來計, 為以後可以同旺旺對數她用幾多USD買咗 ! 運費Samuel 已在google 幫大家計咗, 加上去再乘8, 就知要轉幾多錢俾旺旺 !
寄入數紙俾旺旺時, 加個 list 入 e-mail 度, 咁旺旺可以check 多次 !

記得在飯局時帶呢個list 出去對數 !
唔係唔信Samuel 的excel doc, 不過只驚出咗錯, 所以dubble check 好D !






周 五歐股與歐元走勢震盪,主要是因為之前歐盟高峰會尋求化解歐債危機的協議並無新意,使市場失望。不過有專家指出,在該協議中,包括歐元區在內的歐盟國家同 意對國際貨幣基金(IMF)提供貸款,供其對歐元區債務國住行紓困,有助中國與巴西等新興國家對其伸出援手。專家指出,歐盟此一決定將使中國等新興國家提 供援助意願升高。


而昨日傳出由中國人民銀行籌設的這家外匯投資機構,目前營運方 式不得而知,只知總部將選在上海,並將利用發債方式籌集資金,也就是在中國市場發行人民幣債券,然後用籌集的人民幣資金從人行或其他銀行機構購買外匯用以海外投資。


今 年4月人行行長周小川就曾表示,「誰都知道雞蛋不應該放在同一個籃子裡」,表示中國應設立新投資機構,讓巨額外匯存底擁有更好投資收益。截至今年9月底, 中國外匯存底餘額逾3.2兆美元,曾有訊息,龐大外匯存底中有三分之二投資於美元計價資產。為分散投資風險,已經將五分之一外匯存底投資於歐元資產。


2011年12月9日 星期五




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(5) 凍結期:訂購截止后團購登記網頁將暫時轉爲私人網頁,待Samuel根據2011年12月9日美國收盤情況,從APMEX更新價格並計算網友應預付金額。 計算完成后,團購登記網頁將重新以唯讀形式開放。屆時如有任何問題請在Lisa網站提出,唯通常情況下不接受更改和取消訂單。


(7) 繳款期:團購網頁重新開放直至2011年12月14日晚上12點。團友只有已經簽署確認協議書后方可從旺旺処獲得其個人真實英文姓名和銀行賬號。團友必須 嚴格保密旺旺的個人資料,如有洩漏保留追訴的權力。請在轉帳存根清晰寫上用戶登記名稱后影相或掃描,用和確認協議書同一電子郵箱發送email給旺旺作 準。旺旺須回信確認,email名稱統一為“確認收到APMEX貴金屬團購預付款”。或可用任何事先與旺旺協商雙方同意的方式提交轉帳證明和獲取收款證 明,唯須各自保留商討過程之證據以防未來可能之爭執。旺旺將在回復中提供5位數字/字母的特別驗證碼以供取貨時確認團友身份。團友有完全責任保密個人特別 驗證碼。


(9) 向APMEX落訂單:旺旺會盡量在收齊款項后的一周内向APMEX下訂單並匯款去APMEX,最終價格以落單為准。因本次團購訂單數量大品種多,部分幣种 可能售迄,香港並非APMEX官方認可的運貨地區,時差存在,所以在和APMEX之client交流落單可能需時超過預期,請團友給予旺旺理解支持和寬 容!任何人不得對旺旺落單的時機和最終價格表示異議,本次團購操作者不是貴金屬交易員,無任何責任和能力把握市場波動。

(10)最終價格:團購的 最終價格包括APMEX訂單,APMEX運輸和其他附加費用,電匯APMEX的銀行手續費,和可能的稅費。所有折算成港幣之費用以電匯銀行提供的單據存根 為唯一依據,團友不可對電匯行的選擇(目前定為恆生或中銀香港),電匯匯率,和銀行手續費提出異議。各團友須支付的最終費用包括以以上電匯匯率計算的貴金 屬產品價值以及分攤的運費和銀行手續費。運費:所有團友運費首先記作USD50/團友人數+USD0.30/件產品。如運費超過USD50+0.30x產 品件數,則超出部分由所有訂購10件或以上的團友合共平均分攤。以上件數計算不考產品重量和價值,即1/2oz和10oz同价,投資幣和收藏幣同价。銀行 手續費由所有團友平均分攤。如發生其它任何未知之額外費用(如海關稅費等),由全體團友平均分攤。如最終費用多於預訂費用,團友須補足全部差價后才可領取 貴金屬產品,不得以少提取部分產品作爲免除差價的代價。

(11)市場波動風險:如金銀價格相對以12月9日美國收市釐定的預付價格發生波動(例如 歐洲峰會后大幅上升),亦屬於不可抗因素。在銀价$35以下不會再行統計團友意向而會繼續向APMEX下單。團友在提取銀幣時必須首先補足向上之差額給旺 旺,以免發生不必要的爭吵。如銀价超出$35則本團暫停訂購,討論下一步行動。任何貴金屬價格向下之差額利益歸屬各團友個人。

(12)團友變動風 險:如果在周六封鎖訂單后,有團友不匯款而退出,導致某些幣种達不到優惠需要的數量(如1oz需要20枚,2oz龍需要10枚),各團友一致同意支付由此 被提高的的價格(通常是每枚1oz銀幣0.5美元,2oz龍是5美元)給APMEX,而不得再另行更改個人訂單(無論是減少或增加數量)。唯旺旺在落單給 APMEX時候有權增加她自己的訂購數量(絕不可減少)以再次滿足優惠條件。此規則目的是儘快完成訂購以規避市場變動風險。


(14) 限量分配規則:如APMEX最終訂單確認的某幣种之數量少於網友登記的總量,啓動限量分配規則。所有登記該幣种之團員,按照{旺 旺,Lisa,Samuel,chihou,Sam鬍鬚 仔,ket_Kelvin,Keith,Agnes,AlexFan,NLP,Vivi,liulissat,小 c9,JohnnyLam,Tat,Toki,Jay,新人LEO,honson,小初哥}之順序進行分配。所有登記訂購此幣种者才可以參與分配序列,每 輪高順位者優先獲取一枚產品,如達到個人訂購數量則退出分配序列。此分配直至全部產品分發完畢爲止。唯第一個提出訂購該幣种者在第一輪分配中有絕對優先 權,此後各輪則不再有優先權而按照前述順序分配。此優先權在團購登記網頁上標明,不得有異議。分配過程須保留書面記錄。


(16) 產品提取:從APMEX收到產品后的第一個周末舉行網聚,現場開封FeDex包裝。任何團友嚴禁向其他任何人洩露網聚時間和地點。首先由Lisa和旺旺負 責清點完所有幣种數量完畢后才能開始進行分配。歡迎各團友觀看清點過程,但除以上兩人外,任何其他團友在清點過程中不得以任何形式接觸貴金屬產品及包裝, 不得要求在網聚清點前完成前提取貴金屬產品。為保障團友隱私,當日不得以任何形式拍攝錄像或照片。當日不能到現場者,仍可委託其他團友或自動參與限量分配 和品質抽籤唯不得對結果提出異議,並儘快和旺旺聯絡提取,不可讓其他人代領取貴金屬幣。各團友須就每項幣种逐一簽名證實已取貨,每人的簽名表為一張A4 紙,存在相同的三份,分別由旺旺、團友和Lisa作爲供貨、提貨、公證方保留。屆時旺旺會採用事先提供的特殊驗證碼確認團友身份,請務必記住個人驗證碼。 為增加網聚當日之活躍氣氛,如有APMEX提供之免費膠筒,如全筒為同一种銀幣則由訂購者公平抽籤決定歸屬;如全筒包括多種銀幣,則由全體團友公平抽籤。 唯2012楓葉幣之圓筒不參與分配,直接歸屬訂購25枚者所有。




請在星期六12月10日晚上十二點前copy以上文在 e-mail 中 send 俾旺旺 ahwong99@yahoo.com.hk

由 Samuel 於 2011年12月8日下午11:05 張貼在 Lisa's Investment Talk

銀行水緊 貼息借金








美元升, 銀價跌, 益我地團購 !

2011年12月8日 星期四

團購銀幣回應新 thread

個thread太長了,超過200. 下下要睇最新留言好煩. 開一個new thread 好嗎?
我都同意你的建議, 跟著的訂購, 我會選擇性用電郵覆大家, 這雖然對我說來是頗為不便的, 因為太多來回既回應, 會令到跟進電郵好難.


RAM Silver Kangaroo 發行量

Royal Australia Mint Silver Kangaroo 數據來之 Apmex 和 Kitco Forum

1993年 - 72,853枚
1994年 - 44,996枚
1995年 - 72,850枚
1996年 - 49,398枚
1997年 - 72,850枚
1998年 - 49,398枚
1999年 - 30,185枚
2000年 - 42,638枚
2001年 - 45,562枚
2002年 - 32,376枚
2003年 - 35,230枚
2004年 - 55,057枚
2005年 - 26,146枚
2006年 - 25,535枚
2007年 - 15,000枚
2008年 - 20,000枚
2009年 - 5,153枚

Perth Mint kookaburra 發行量

1990 1oz 300,000
1991 1oz 283,766
1992 1oz 198,356
1993 1oz 180,473
1994 1oz 164,327
1995 1oz 134,535
1996 1oz 146,642
1997 1oz 149,219
1998 1oz 92,902
1999 1oz 104,433
2000 1oz 99,388
2001 1oz 164,480
2002 1oz 81,160
2003 1oz 93,596
2004 1oz 79,732
2005 1oz 84,448
2006 1oz 76,943
2007 1oz 202,506
2008 1oz 300,000
2009 1oz 300,000
2010 1oz 300,000
2011 1oz 500,000
2012 1oz 500,000

數據來之Perth Mint 網頁

2011年12月7日 星期三


公司 : www.apmex.com
紹集人: 旺旺
大家可以呢度報名加訂單, 星期六晚十二點截止, 如果唔想呢度訂, 都可以直接send e-mail 俾旺旺 !
運費(49.95*7.8=389.61)+匯錢去美國的費用(約230)+其他費用(如有)會按人頭分灘 !
截止報名後旺旺會send e-mail俾大家須交幾多錢, 最遲星期二旺旺須收到全數, 如有計漏, 收銀幣時再交俾旺旺 !
收到數後旺旺才會去訂銀幣 !

2011年12月5日 星期一


今早收到, 而大半天後才收到貨運電郵, Perth Mint 一定忙到暈 !
通常你會在收貨前兩天收到貨運電郵的 !






2011年12月4日 星期日



熊猫金币一 直都是收藏投资行业的投资热品,金银币市场,关注度最高的是刚刚发行的2012中国壬辰(龙)年金银纪念币,以及即将发行的2012版熊猫金银纪念币身 上,但是由于熊猫金币发行量在30年内增加了800倍,收藏投资专家并不看好这一新品,因为这一款纪念币的发行量比以往的纪念币发行量大增。


历年来央行发行的金银币规模也发现,在中国30多年的现代贵金属币史上,之前20年的时间里,金银币的发行规模一直波澜不惊。但从2000年开始, 金银币的发行量就走上了不断扩容的上升通道。以熊猫金银币为例,2011年就经历了中国金银币史上最大规模、最疯狂的两次扩容,从最初计划的150万枚至 年底实际发行600万枚,而明年的发行量在此基础上又将突破,计划发行近1148万枚。






中国现代贵金属币章收藏家葛祖康告诉羊城晚报记者:“2011版熊猫金银纪念币最初发行计划是150万枚,但由于今年央行在几个商业银行试点销售熊 猫金银币,消费群体瞬间膨胀,150万枚一投入市场马上无影无踪,之后扩容到300万枚,半年的时间又给市场消化掉了,所以央行决定第二次发行扩容,再次 翻倍达到600万枚。一年当中两次发行扩容,这在中国30多年的现代贵金属币史上,都是前所未有的事情。”

但大幅扩容的不仅仅是熊猫金银币,近期刚刚发行的2012中国壬辰(龙)年金银纪念币,发行量与往年的生肖纪念币相比,同样扩容不少。仅以1盎司圆 形的生肖精制银币为例,1994甲戌狗年时,仅发行8000枚;到2010庚寅虎年,发行量陡增至10万枚;到了今年,原定计划发行18万枚,最近实际发 行22万枚。连日来羊城晚报记者走访多个销售市场看到,龙年纪念币都是当之无愧的市场热点,一来龙年对于中国人而言有着特殊重要的意义,二来年底的礼品经 济也推动了龙年纪念币的销售。




“但今年600万枚的发行量是否过量,最后还是要看市场反映。发行扩容没问题,但千万不能供过于求。这个度的把握非常重要,打个比方如果有10万人 的集藏队伍,那么发行量就应该控制在9万-9.5万枚左右,这样市场就会表现为高开低走,即使升值幅度不大,如1万元买进,半年后涨到1.1万元,但会收 获到收藏的乐趣。”

“一般金银币的定价都是参照国际金价,再加上一定的升水(加工费和利润)和税收等其他费用来定,今年国际金价经过了上一场暴跌,很多投资者都有了恐 慌心理。这种情况下,明年的龙年纪念币的发行价,已经比今年的兔年纪念币价格低,如果央行明智,过几天发行的2012版熊猫金银纪念币,价格也应该比 2011版的便宜。”葛祖康称。



“龙年总共发行的15枚生肖币中,我只看好1公斤金币和10公斤金币,发行量分别是18枚和118枚。1公斤银币也不错,发行量3800枚。投资千 万不要跟热点,关键是选‘老精稀’币。”陈浩敏表示,“‘老精稀’币,并不是单指2000年以前发行的‘老精稀’币,而是说这三个字代表着收藏的铁律。物 以稀为贵,所以最重要的是‘稀’,其次是‘精’,最后才是‘老’。2000年之后发行的纪念币,如果题材和发行量都很好,也有很大的升值空间,如2010 年发行的纪念币,我只看好一套云冈石窟,1公斤金币发行价格82万元,现在已经涨到了200万元。”





在金银币的二级市场广州市纵原邮币卡交易市场,币商陈浩敏告诉羊城晚报记者:“老实说,我看空龙年生肖币。一来最近正是市场的调整期,一些题材的价 格有所回调;二来龙年生肖币的发行量太大了,也太贵了,这个价格是在黄金牛市的时候就已经订下来的,但牛市的思维碰到了目前熊市的现实环境,留下来的升值 空间已经非常有限了,短期投资不安全。”


2011年12月3日 星期六

Ann Barnhardt: "Get the Hell Out of All Paper"

silverdoctors.blogspot.com 全文

Ann states that MF Global has destroyed the integrity of the entire system, and it is time to GET THE HELL OUT OF ALL PAPER ASSETS! She also states that we have literally progressed to the point where the world's central banks are attempting to kick the can down the road for a few more days at a time, and she will be surprised if we make it till Christmas.

Well get the hell out. Get out of all paper and it's not just the commodities markets. This is going to cascade through everything. It is going to get into the equities. It is going to get into 401ks and IRAs, it is going to get into pension plans and so on and so forth. Total systemic collapse. Get out!

I don’t know how I can be anymore plain about this. I say this over and over and over again and then I get scads of emails saying, well I can’t get out of my 401k. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Take the penalty and get the hell out of there. What would you rather do? Would you rather pay the 10% penalty or would you rather have it all go up in smoke? Because that's what we're staring down the barrel of...
What I saw this morning, what the Fed is getting ready to do in terms of Europe, is keep Europe going for another seven days. Well, fantastic. Thanks for that. That is literally the brain dead mindset of these politicians. All they are doing is looking to kick the can down the road. At first it was kick the can down another 10, 12 years. Then it is kick the can down the road for another year. And then it was well, let’s kick the can down the road for another few months. Now we're literally to the point where all we can do is kick the can down the road for a matter of a few days. It's not going to make it. I will be very surprised if we make it until Christmas.

Obama and his Marxist czars come up with the plan to collapse THE System. Corzine, an intimate of Obama, is given an outline of a plan that will precipitate the collapse of our financial system. It begins with Corzine's intentional massive multi billion dollar bet that the Euro/greek debt would be bailed out. He knows it won't get a bailout since that fix is in but goes along with the plan. His reward is the opportunity to loot MF Global of $1 billion or so. JPM gets the Phyzz.
JPM gets the ECB to call the Greek bad bond failure a 'haircut instead of a default. With a haircut JPM loses maybe $5 billion in Greek bond value instead of the $50 billion they would lose as the guarantor of that debt default. $5 billion? A reasonable loss given the worst case scenario. I am sure JPM will be be made whole with some sort of counter party remuneration along the way.
Corzine goes underground and this massive sum of money simply disappears. If $700,000,000,000 in stimulus money can flow away like water into sand, I expect that $1,000,000,000 would be easy to make disappear. My bank made $900,000,000 disappear in bonds back in 1990. No one went to jail then either.

2011年12月2日 星期五


原來蜱蟲一早已殺入香港 !


【本報訊】秋冬的清爽天氣乃行山好季節,但要提防經蟎或蜱咬傳播的立克次體病。上月便有 7名市民染病,其中 3人曾到過港人行山熱點「馬騮山」,即金山郊野公園。專家指立克次體病可致命,提醒市民行山做足預防措施,促請當局調查細菌傳播是否與馬騮有關。

衞生防護中心指, 7人分別為 4男 3女, 30至 76歲,全部人病發時均出現發燒,部份人有皮膚出疹、頭痛等症狀。當中 1人確診染叢林斑疹傷寒, 1人確診染斑疹熱,其餘 5人未能分類,全部均屬立克次體病。 7人分別入住五間公立醫院,包括聯合醫院、聖母醫院等。所有人已出院,情況穩定。


調查顯示, 7人中有 5人曾在疾病潛伏期間行山,其中 3人曾到馬騮山行山,但 3人各不相識,所走路徑也不同。分別與上述 3人行山的同行友人,也沒有類似症狀。中心續指,除行山外,染病 7人均到過港九、新界各區,故難以確定其感染源頭,但列為偶發性個案。
今年截至上月,防護中心共接獲 32宗立克次體病,其中 5宗為叢林斑疹傷寒、 2宗城市斑疹傷寒、 17宗斑疹熱,另有 8宗未能分類。去年則有 44宗立克次體病。立克次體為一種細菌,可引致多種立克次體病,其中叢林斑疹傷寒及斑疹熱在本港較常見。該菌病媒主要為蟎、蜱、蝨及蚤等節足類動物,並寄生在老鼠、貓及狗等動物身上,若人體接觸貓、狗等動物,而被蜱等咬到,便可受感染。

2011年12月1日 星期四

Secret Software Logs Every Keystroke on Nearly All Smartphones!


Android Developer Trevor Eckhart has discovered that software called CarrierIQ has been secretly installed on nearly every smart-phone in America, and logs EVERY SINGLE KEYSTROKE made by the user- including ENCRYPTED web searches!

Do your seaches for fully-automatic kalashnikov's outnumber your precious metals searches on your smart phone? You know, just so they can know what to expect.


還有一個月就年結, 又睇金、銀、股、匯、油, 誰跑得最快 !