2012年6月28日 星期四
Gold: the Last Asset Standing, & Outline on Collapse End Game
有甘樣的消息, 中國在搬放在外國的黃金回國, 而把重量改為一公斤的金條, 方便銀行買賣 ! 全文 全文
2012年6月27日 星期三
香港文匯報訊(記者 周穎)全球貨幣持續泛濫,市民買樓保值,加上預期新一屆特區政府會因應市場狀況,主動賣地及調整私樓供應等因素。中原地產預期,利好因素持續,今年下半年,樓市仍然向好,更加全面調升樓市全年預測。
香港文匯報訊(記者 周穎)全球貨幣持續泛濫,市民買樓保值,加上預期新一屆特區政府會因應市場狀況,主動賣地及調整私樓供應等因素。中原地產預期,利好因素持續,今年下半年,樓市仍然向好,更加全面調升樓市全年預測。
中原地產亞太區總裁黃偉雄昨日表示,今年上半年整體物業市場暫錄買賣合約5.5萬宗,總值3,128億元。樓價上升約10%,租金上升約5%。而在二手私人住宅市場上,暫錄買賣合約3.3萬宗,總值1,565億元;一手私人住宅市場方面,暫錄買賣合約5,180宗,總值645億元。豪宅市場 (一手及二手)方面,受到歐債危機的影響,豪宅市場表現較為遜色,暫錄買賣合約2,750宗,總值790億元。
至於工商舖市場 (一手及二手),他稱,今年上半年暫錄買賣合約7,900宗,總值828億元。本年上半年成交金額已經逼近1996年全年的水平;僅低於1997年,2011年及2010年3年全年水平。受惠於資金寬鬆,工商舖買賣活躍,有見及此,調升今年原預測1.2萬宗及1,600億元,至全年有1.6萬宗成交,總值2,000億元。全年宗數及金額將會創歷史新高。
白蟻蛀光百萬鈔 女生留學夢碎
如果收藏的是實金實銀, 就唔怕白蟻啦 !
香港文匯報訊 去年剛大學畢業的陳姓女子為了留學夢,8年來拚命打工,將辛苦存下的百萬元(新台幣,下同)藏在家中保險箱,沒想到這筆留學基金卻被白蟻蛀爛,最後只拿回2萬元,讓她留學夢碎,傷心痛哭。
香港文匯報訊 去年剛大學畢業的陳姓女子為了留學夢,8年來拚命打工,將辛苦存下的百萬元(新台幣,下同)藏在家中保險箱,沒想到這筆留學基金卻被白蟻蛀爛,最後只拿回2萬元,讓她留學夢碎,傷心痛哭。
8年課餘打工 存錢追夢
專家束手無策 兌回2萬
「盲拳」買股票 港人「羊群」增
香港文匯報訊(記者 鄭治祖)香港市民熱衷投資股市,但歐債危機的陰霾始終揮之不去。民建聯昨日公布一項調查發現,有39.9%受訪的香港市民在過去1年有買賣港股,其中的55.4%在購入股票前,會先初步了解有關公司的資料,雖較2007年的同類調查上升2個百分點,但不會先了解公司資料的卻由原來10.6%增至15.3%,而「有時」也會在完全不知公司性質的情況下買入股票的被訪者仍達32%。民建聯立法會議員陳鑑林建議,政府在今年第四季成立的投資者教育中心,應加強教育投資者進行負責任的投資,以了解投資、投機和賭博的分別,減少部分人「羊群心理」的投資心態。
香港文匯報訊(記者 鄭治祖)香港市民熱衷投資股市,但歐債危機的陰霾始終揮之不去。民建聯昨日公布一項調查發現,有39.9%受訪的香港市民在過去1年有買賣港股,其中的55.4%在購入股票前,會先初步了解有關公司的資料,雖較2007年的同類調查上升2個百分點,但不會先了解公司資料的卻由原來10.6%增至15.3%,而「有時」也會在完全不知公司性質的情況下買入股票的被訪者仍達32%。民建聯立法會議員陳鑑林建議,政府在今年第四季成立的投資者教育中心,應加強教育投資者進行負責任的投資,以了解投資、投機和賭博的分別,減少部分人「羊群心理」的投資心態。
2012年6月25日 星期一
2012年6月22日 星期五
香港文匯報訊 (記者 馬子豪)美國聯儲局日前決定維持現行之寬鬆貨幣政策,並決定延長其「扭曲操作」至年底,將購入總值2,670億美元的長期美國國債,並沽出等值的短期國債,以推低長期利率。港府表示,美國此舉對香港經濟前景影響不大,但警惕港息或因貸款需求而向上,不會只隨美息長期低企。
香港文匯報訊 (記者 馬子豪)美國聯儲局日前決定維持現行之寬鬆貨幣政策,並決定延長其「扭曲操作」至年底,將購入總值2,670億美元的長期美國國債,並沽出等值的短期國債,以推低長期利率。港府表示,美國此舉對香港經濟前景影響不大,但警惕港息或因貸款需求而向上,不會只隨美息長期低企。
2012年6月21日 星期四
看好內地黃金需求 瑞士鑄金商港發金幣
香港文匯報訊(記者 陳遠威)瑞士Finemetal ASIA與鑄金商Argor Heraeus合作,發行亞洲首枚1重的999.9高純度金幣,Finemetal ASIA合伙人Domenic Parli昨日在記者會上表示,內地是全球最大的黃金購買方,市場對細單位實金的需求大,公司以香港作為據點發行金幣,有助開拓亞洲市場,其後亦會前往新加坡作推廣。
香港文匯報訊(記者 陳遠威)瑞士Finemetal ASIA與鑄金商Argor Heraeus合作,發行亞洲首枚1重的999.9高純度金幣,Finemetal ASIA合伙人Domenic Parli昨日在記者會上表示,內地是全球最大的黃金購買方,市場對細單位實金的需求大,公司以香港作為據點發行金幣,有助開拓亞洲市場,其後亦會前往新加坡作推廣。
The Greatest Bull Market, A Gold Standard & Silver Shortages
Today acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb, told KWN, “The world is rapidly heading toward what you would call a ‘de facto’ gold standard” and that we will see “shortages of silver over the next 5 to 10 years, massive shortages.” Leeb, who is Chairman & Chief Investment Officer of Leeb Capital Management, also told King World News that investors are now “looking toward what I believe is going to be the greatest bull market of our lifetime -- the one in junior miners.” But first, here is what Leeb had to say about the situation in Europe: “For a few hours after the Greek results were announced, investors were breathing a sigh of relief. Initially we saw a big uptick in stocks, commodities, but gold was trading lower. Then investors realized the elections didn’t mean a whole lot.”
Stephen Leeb continues:
“At that point you saw gold recover some, while stocks gave up the overnight enthusiasm they enjoyed in the futures markets. At the end of the day, Europe is a mess, and it is still up to the Europeans to decide what to do to get out of this situation.
The strongest evidence of the continued chaos in Europe is a chart of the Spanish bond yields. Spanish bond yields are now approaching 8%. That’s a crazy number....
How in the world can Spain engage in anything? How can they maintain growth in the face of austerity?
How in the world can Spain engage in anything? How can they maintain growth in the face of austerity?
How can they do anything if they are paying 8% to borrow money? The short answer is they can’t do anything. Right behind Spain is Italy, a much bigger economy, and their bond yields are now north of 6%. How long before their yields go above 7%?
So the wolves are at the door and it’s the door to (German Chancellor) Merkel’s home. My guess is she is going to cave. The Mexican central banker, Ortiz, who is widely regarded as one of the clear thinkers, was quoted as saying they can stop the problem in Europe almost immediately, ‘by carrying out a massive round of government bond purchases.’
I think that’s where we have to go. In other words, just as our Fed has printed literally trillions of dollars by buying our bonds, the European central bank has to do something very similar.
Where will everybody turn to for safety in that atmosphere? Gold. I know China is turning to gold, they’ve been buying it hand over fist. In addition to being the world’s number one producer of gold, they are buying as much as they possibly can in the open market.
So I think the world is rapidly heading toward what you would call a ‘de facto’ gold standard. I think the winners are going to be those with precious metals. Investors can accumulate gold right now, but once the turmoil in Europe is over, just back up the truck.
Investors also need to remember these junior gold miners. Over the last couple of years the junior gold miners have been dreadful. There were many days when gold was up and the juniors were down.
Today we see gold is flat, but the junior miners are up about 3%. That kind of divergence is so unusual over the past two or three years. It tells you that investors are looking past whatever kind of turbulence you may see in Europe, and looking toward what I believe is going to be the greatest bull market of our lifetime -- the one in junior miners.
The same could be said for silver. Japan is just now putting in 3.2 gigawatts of solar. Now 3.2 gigawatts of solar is not a lot, but that small amount of solar requires about 400 tons of silver. That is just the first step in Japan. You know China will be coming in behind the Japanese with heavy solar use. What you are talking about here is shortages of silver over the next 5 to 10 years, massive shortages.
So people who are betting against fiat currencies, paper currencies, and betting on precious metals, I think their time is coming around again. I would urge all KWN readers globally, don’t make the mistake of selling your gold as it clears $2,000. The move will only be getting just started when gold reaches $2,000 to $2,200.
The people who make the really big money in these markets are those who hang on for the mania, and getting to $2,000 will not be a big deal. The bottom line is there could still be a little turbulence, but the lights are basically flashing green for gold, silver and junior mining shares.”
2012年6月15日 星期五
BOE Will Provide Banks With Whatever Liquidity They Require
昨晚英國電視好緊張甘報告呢段新聞, 又說希臘情況, 好多人返工無糧出, 有人有錢在銀行都取唔到出來用, 所以好多人都在賣家中值錢的野來換野食 !
英國為避免呢種情況在英國出現, 所以會大手注資金入銀行體系 !
Bank of England Governor Mervyn King tonight announced two new stimulus/easing packages to be implemented by the central bank, and stated that “I want to make it clear that the Bank, through its discount window and other facilities, will provide banks with whatever liquidity they require given the prospect of turbulence ahead.”
King also announced a new lending facility called the Extended Collateral Term Repo Facility.
Massive fears of contagion? Check.
New loan facilities with incomprehensible (to the Average Joe) names and acronyms? Check.
This is starting to feel like 2008 again.
QE to Infinity…AND BEYOND!!!
The Bank of England will launch two new stimulus packages in response to the worsening economic outlook, governor Sir Mervyn King has said.
Together with the government, it will provide billions of pounds of cheap credit to banks to lend to companies.
It will also offer banks access to short-term money to deal with “exceptional market stresses”.
英國為避免呢種情況在英國出現, 所以會大手注資金入銀行體系 !
Bank of England Governor Mervyn King tonight announced two new stimulus/easing packages to be implemented by the central bank, and stated that “I want to make it clear that the Bank, through its discount window and other facilities, will provide banks with whatever liquidity they require given the prospect of turbulence ahead.”
King also announced a new lending facility called the Extended Collateral Term Repo Facility.
Massive fears of contagion? Check.
New loan facilities with incomprehensible (to the Average Joe) names and acronyms? Check.
This is starting to feel like 2008 again.
QE to Infinity…AND BEYOND!!!
The Bank of England will launch two new stimulus packages in response to the worsening economic outlook, governor Sir Mervyn King has said.
Together with the government, it will provide billions of pounds of cheap credit to banks to lend to companies.
It will also offer banks access to short-term money to deal with “exceptional market stresses”.
Chancellor George Osborne said the measures would “inject confidence” into the financial system.
2012年6月14日 星期四
歐銀行滿手國債 成歐債計時炸彈
2012年6月11日 星期一
2012年6月8日 星期五
防幅射食物 全文
Because Iodine is water soluable it travels in the lymph fluid and delivers this critical element to every cell of our body. Iodone has the highest vibratory rates of all elements. It is usually one of the 4 most critically missing elements in humans.
What Does Iodine Do?
Really, almost everyone is probably deficient in Iodine Iodine and certain natural healthy foods are goitrogens.
When these goitrogenic foods are eaten raw, they prevent iodine uptake by the thyroid gland, cooking does diminish this problem. Until Radioactive Iodine quits circling the earth, I'll skip these foods. It's important to consider adding Iodine rich foods If you eat a lot of the following: (以下食物防止典吸收, 所以須避免生吃或少吃為妙)
* Broccoli, Chinese broccoli, Bok Choy, Bamboo shoots
* Cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage,
* Kale, Collar greens, Mustard greens, Spinach
* Pears, Peaches
* Peanuts, Pine nuts
* Sweet Potatoes, Turnips
* Radishes, Rutabagas
* Soy anything
How Much Iodine Do I Need?
According to the World Health Organization there are iodine deficiences in 54 countries. Processed foods lose their iodine content, and refined sugars have no iodine. Iodized salt can provide excess amounts.
The thyroid and other organs can't store iodine so your body need to have a little every day, about 150 microgram as a daily requirement. Too much iodine can be toxic.
* Adults should take 130 mg tablets OR two mL of solution
* Breastfeeding women should take the adult dose of 130 mg
* Children 3 and 18 years of age should take one 65 mg tablet OR 1 mL of solution
* Children who are adult size >150 pounds should take the full adult dose
* Infants and children between 1 month and 3 years of age should take 1/2 of a 65 mg tablet OR 1/2 mL of solution
* Newborns from birth to 1 month of age should be given 1/4 of a 65 mg tablet or 1/4 mL of solution
If you're unable to find an oral source of iodine, you can still put Betadine or other Iodine tincture on your skin. DO NOT DRINK IT! This method is said to block thyroid radioactive iodine uptake up to 99 percent. You can paint a patch on the abdomen, or on your throat above your thyroid, it will be absorbed into your skin.
Personally, I prefer super saturated Potassium iodide (SSKI) on the soles of the feet. Your body will absorb the amount that is needed and will deliver the KI to all organs of your body, including the thyroid gland. This is easy to do, can be done just before bed, you don't have to worry about taking too much. The acupuncture meridian lines loop through the feet and are very effective for delivery of herbs, oils & natural remedies.
People in Japan eat about 12 milligrams (mg) daily or about 50 times more than North Americans.
Most Americans are iodine deficient and would need to consume 12.5 mg a day for 1 year in order to have sufficient whole body iodine levels.
The Japanese eat lots of seaweed and other sea vegetables which protect them from the harmful effects of radioactive iodine. For thyroid protection they should not need to take additional iodine supplements. Their abundant consumption of iodine rich foods helps their thyroid but more will be needed to protect their other organs from radiation damage.
High Iodine FoodsLevels of iodine in animal products will vary depending on the type of food given to the animal. This is an even more critical time to avoid grain fed, or soy fed animals. Soy is a goitrogen which will prevent iodine uptake into your thyroid gland.
* Consuming foods rich in natural iodine helps protect the uptake of radioactive iodine-131
* Iron inhibits the absorption of plutonium
* Vitamin B12 inhibits cobalt
* Sulfur is a preventative for sulfur-35, a product of nuclear reactors. I now include 1 tsp of MSM also beneficial for improved concentration, pain relief for headaches, arthritis or other inflammation, gastrointestinal relief, improved hair and nail growth, considered to be anti-aging, helps with increased wound healing, improves metabolism and insulin resistence.Eating these natural healthy foods will help supply sufficient iodine and boost other mineral levels. This is a very important time to ensure that you are eating organic food rather than pesticide sprayed or false foods. Iodine concentrations differ and are found to some degree in every living plant and animal.
* blueberries, bananas, prunes, watermelon
* asparagus, garlic, onions, eggplant, oats
* papayas, pineapples, mangoes
* eggs, liver, raw goat milk, yogurt, salmon
* green peppers, Cilantro Swiss chard, 14 Organic Greens, tomatoes
What Is Iodine
Iodine comes from the Greek Word ioeides which means violet. Iodine is the largest of the 25 elements that make up the human body. Our depleted soils and poor diets cause many people to be iodine deficient. Iodine is a water soluable essential trace element that is fairly rare in our soils, but abundant in the sea.Because Iodine is water soluable it travels in the lymph fluid and delivers this critical element to every cell of our body. Iodone has the highest vibratory rates of all elements. It is usually one of the 4 most critically missing elements in humans.
What Does Iodine Do?
Really, almost everyone is probably deficient in Iodine Iodine and certain natural healthy foods are goitrogens.
When these goitrogenic foods are eaten raw, they prevent iodine uptake by the thyroid gland, cooking does diminish this problem. Until Radioactive Iodine quits circling the earth, I'll skip these foods. It's important to consider adding Iodine rich foods If you eat a lot of the following: (以下食物防止典吸收, 所以須避免生吃或少吃為妙)
* Broccoli, Chinese broccoli, Bok Choy, Bamboo shoots
* Cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage,
* Kale, Collar greens, Mustard greens, Spinach
* Pears, Peaches
* Peanuts, Pine nuts
* Sweet Potatoes, Turnips
* Radishes, Rutabagas
* Soy anything
How Much Iodine Do I Need?
According to the World Health Organization there are iodine deficiences in 54 countries. Processed foods lose their iodine content, and refined sugars have no iodine. Iodized salt can provide excess amounts.
The thyroid and other organs can't store iodine so your body need to have a little every day, about 150 microgram as a daily requirement. Too much iodine can be toxic.
Potassium Iodide (KI)
Potassium iodide is available without prescription and may protect the thyroid against exposure to radioactive iodine if a sufficient amount is taken before or within 24 hours of the radiation exposure. It must continue to be taken every 24 hours until the emergency has passed. KI will not help with radiation damage to other parts of your body.The FDA has approved two different forms of KI, tablets and liquid, that people can take by mouth after a nuclear radiation emergency. Tablets come in two strengths, 130 milligram (mg) and 65 mg. According to the FDA, the following doses are appropriate to take after internal contamination with, or likely internal contamination, with radioactive iodine:* Adults should take 130 mg tablets OR two mL of solution
* Breastfeeding women should take the adult dose of 130 mg
* Children 3 and 18 years of age should take one 65 mg tablet OR 1 mL of solution
* Children who are adult size >150 pounds should take the full adult dose
* Infants and children between 1 month and 3 years of age should take 1/2 of a 65 mg tablet OR 1/2 mL of solution
* Newborns from birth to 1 month of age should be given 1/4 of a 65 mg tablet or 1/4 mL of solution
If you're unable to find an oral source of iodine, you can still put Betadine or other Iodine tincture on your skin. DO NOT DRINK IT! This method is said to block thyroid radioactive iodine uptake up to 99 percent. You can paint a patch on the abdomen, or on your throat above your thyroid, it will be absorbed into your skin.
Personally, I prefer super saturated Potassium iodide (SSKI) on the soles of the feet. Your body will absorb the amount that is needed and will deliver the KI to all organs of your body, including the thyroid gland. This is easy to do, can be done just before bed, you don't have to worry about taking too much. The acupuncture meridian lines loop through the feet and are very effective for delivery of herbs, oils & natural remedies.
High Iodine Diet
People in North America eat about 240 micrograms of Iodine daily.People in Japan eat about 12 milligrams (mg) daily or about 50 times more than North Americans.
Most Americans are iodine deficient and would need to consume 12.5 mg a day for 1 year in order to have sufficient whole body iodine levels.
The Japanese eat lots of seaweed and other sea vegetables which protect them from the harmful effects of radioactive iodine. For thyroid protection they should not need to take additional iodine supplements. Their abundant consumption of iodine rich foods helps their thyroid but more will be needed to protect their other organs from radiation damage.
High Iodine FoodsLevels of iodine in animal products will vary depending on the type of food given to the animal. This is an even more critical time to avoid grain fed, or soy fed animals. Soy is a goitrogen which will prevent iodine uptake into your thyroid gland.
* Consuming foods rich in natural iodine helps protect the uptake of radioactive iodine-131
* Iron inhibits the absorption of plutonium
* Vitamin B12 inhibits cobalt
* Sulfur is a preventative for sulfur-35, a product of nuclear reactors. I now include 1 tsp of MSM also beneficial for improved concentration, pain relief for headaches, arthritis or other inflammation, gastrointestinal relief, improved hair and nail growth, considered to be anti-aging, helps with increased wound healing, improves metabolism and insulin resistence.Eating these natural healthy foods will help supply sufficient iodine and boost other mineral levels. This is a very important time to ensure that you are eating organic food rather than pesticide sprayed or false foods. Iodine concentrations differ and are found to some degree in every living plant and animal.
Best Natural Iodine Sources (多天然典的食物)
* Chlorella, Bladderwrack, sea vegetables, Kelp, Dulse* blueberries, bananas, prunes, watermelon
* asparagus, garlic, onions, eggplant, oats
* papayas, pineapples, mangoes
* eggs, liver, raw goat milk, yogurt, salmon
* green peppers, Cilantro Swiss chard, 14 Organic Greens, tomatoes
雙底形態 金價有支持
英皇金融集團總裁 黃美斯
2012年6月7日 星期四
東 亞 人 幣 定 存 3.1 厘 冠 全 城
2012年6月6日 星期三
香港文匯報訊 內地鋼鐵行業受經濟增長放緩和全球鐵礦石價格高位運行的雙重夾擊,經營遭遇困境,多間企業出現利潤大幅下滑甚至虧損,有的企業為保利潤而需經營其他業務。為防範風險,中國銀監會近日表示,已就對部分鋼鐵貿易商過度放款的問題向銀行業提出警告,因為這些貿易商會利用貸款取得的資金在地產和股票市場進行投機交易。
香港文匯報訊 內地鋼鐵行業受經濟增長放緩和全球鐵礦石價格高位運行的雙重夾擊,經營遭遇困境,多間企業出現利潤大幅下滑甚至虧損,有的企業為保利潤而需經營其他業務。為防範風險,中國銀監會近日表示,已就對部分鋼鐵貿易商過度放款的問題向銀行業提出警告,因為這些貿易商會利用貸款取得的資金在地產和股票市場進行投機交易。
2012年6月1日 星期五
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