2009年3月31日 星期二


世上無幾多人是含金鑰匙出生的, 畢非特唔係, Bill Gate 唔係, 李嘉誠也唔係; 李嘉誠的兩個仔才是 !
好多人只睇到人地成就的一面, 但辛酸苦難的日子, 又有誰會知 ?

我父母都是在南洋出生, 結婚時好窮; 我媽媽嫁入去時要同家公家婆一齊住, 還有成班弟妹(九兄弟姐妹), 我祖母又掛住日日打牌,因為我爸爸是大仔, 要拿起照顧弟妹的責任! 我媽媽要為成家人煮飯洗衫(用手洗, 因為無洗衣機), 有身孕時一樣要做家務無人幫手搞到小產。 後來我父母借了爸爸舅父的錢買了一架貨車做運輸, 才慢慢建起間運輸公司, 也買自置物業, 建起個小家庭。 點知好景不常, 因為印尼攻退荷蘭的管置, 我地去了荷蘭, 須要從頭來過 !在荷蘭, 爸爸做過工廠, 做過修車, 後來儲到錢才開餐館, 所以我個時要幫爸媽慳錢, 須踩單車去有特價品的商店買食物日常用品, 幾遠都要去 ! 我長高了需要換成人單車, 叫爸媽買新單車俾我, 好開心咁期待, 點知買的是二手單車, 我傷心的哭了三天 ! 爸媽做生意, 我就要照顧弟妹(又係九兄弟姐妹), 因為我是大女, 最後還要去餐館幫手, 一邊讀書, 一邊幫屋企 !

我結婚時, 我老公是個窮小子; 我地住在我爸媽開的其中一間餐館樓上的一間房中, 約 300呎, 又是睡房又是客廳又是煮食的地方 ! 我在樓下餐館幫手, 得到的是當時的最低工資 600荷盾, 我老公就去佐最忙的一間餐館做 waiter, 除佐最低工資還可以分到客的打償 !後來我在諗, 唔可以咁做落去, 打死一世工, 所以一有機會, 有個新開的商場想開中印式的商店, 我就對我爸爸說我想做, 所以爸爸幫我當擔保人去銀行借錢開店, 而我老公也借佐佢有錢姐夫一筆錢 ! 以後我兩公婆齊合力做生意儲錢才有今時今日的成就 !
剛結婚度蜜月, 老公帶我返香港佢屋企, 第一眼我以為我入佐間車房, 一路等佢帶我上樓, 點知個個就係佢父母成個家了 ! 之後我幫佐佢無錢家姐同弟弟開店做生意, 得到我家婆的歡心, 成日讚我又靚女又善良 !

我要說的是, 每一個人都可以由無做到有, 只要你有心機和毅力 !

(專寫俾我仔女和弟妹睇的 !)



【on.cc專訊】 中海油(00883)公布截至08年12月底止全年業績,期內盈利增長42%至443.75億元(人民幣‧下同),每股盈利0.99元,派末期息0.2港元。


但太累了, 眼都睜唔閞, 到依家都沒完全清醒 !

2009年3月25日 星期三


強積金分高、中、低風險組合; 愈高風險的[增長基金]就比例多股票, 可以去到 100%股票, 中=80%股票, 低=60%股票, 所以選組合時要清楚自己選佐乜野基金 ! 另外還有債券基金或貨幣基金 ! 東亞隻[資本基金]都有30%債券70%港元現金 ! 債券和貨幣不一定安全, 須睇成個組合投資佐乜野, 和個 d 野有無貶值風險, 所以一定要識睇世界經濟變化和跟波浪轉換基金 !

可惜無黃金基金呢, 不過都唔算安全, 如果到時基金無實金在倉, 就賺到都是假 !


抽離市場 XD !

反彈完成 ?

2009年3月24日 星期二

The Case for Inflation


Inflation is always a monetary phenomenon. Since the printing press, it has in all times and in all places been the inevitable consequence of creating large amounts of money, not backed by any commodity, such as gold.

Now we are in a period of deflation, with falling prices. Government will do what it feels it has to do to fight deflation, because deflation is synonymous with depression, like in the 1930s. But the only way they know how to solve a problem like this is to throw money at it. The amounts are in the trillions; nothing is like it in all of history.

If all of this newly created money does not cause inflation, it will be the first time in the history of fiat money that inflation has not resulted. Based on the lessons of history, that’s the way to bet.

One of the natural consequences of a dominant world-wide currency, like the dollar, being created in vast quantities, is that the dollar will fall versus other currencies. The irony is that right now the dollar is rising against other world currencies. That only means the dollar is the healthiest patient in the hospital. Why? Other currencies are the early victims of the inflationary plague.

You Americans who earn and spend only dollars will soon see the natural consequences of inflation, which are rising dollar prices.

When will we begin to see the consequence of monetary inflation; broad-based price inflation?

I was on CNBC recently, and they asked me to tell them when this was going to happen. I told them I didn’t have my crystal ball, and the best way to become a fallen prophet was to set a date for something like that and get it wrong. I’m too old and smart to do that. I did give my best guess, which is some place between six months to a year, when trillions of dollars we are creating are no longer sitting silently on the balance sheets of banks but start circulating. That’s when the real inflation starts.

What Will It Look Like?

What will the inflationary world look like?

Gasoline and other oil-derivative prices will start rising. Oil will go back above $145 eventually. Sometime within the next year you will see oil at $75 to $80 per barrel, which will put gasoline prices back under $5. Food will get more expensive.

That’s my best guess; it is not an exact science. You are relying on my experience and instincts to be right more often than I’m wrong.

The stock market is in its death throes, and the dollar will soon be in its death throes, when the Chinese, the Indians, and the Japanese stop buying U.S. paper. Now it seems to be recovering. But that is a temporary phenomenon and eventually the dollar will implode, leaving the world knee-deep in a failed currency, as it has always done throughout history.

Does history always have to repeat itself? No, of course not. But that is the way to bet. All the factors are in place, including a President and a Congress that have no compunction against creating unlimited amounts of dollars and spending them through the banking system. This is sheer madness and makes Obama perhaps the most dangerous president the United States has ever had.

His ignorance of economic principles is monumental, equaled only by his arrogance in pursuing this destructive course.

I’m sorry if you don’t like my politics and because I haven’t joined the ranks of those who have been infected by Obama-mania. I just hope I will live long enough to see the day when we will return to some level of sanity. But that sanity will not include the recovery of the dollar as a store of value.
Some day we will need a new currency backed by a fixed commodity. I don’t know what form it will take, but the market will speak and create a new piece of paper that has some tangible anchoring.

In the meantime, the world as we knew it is dying and the dollar is beginning its death throes, regardless of the current daily price of the dollar versus other currencies. When we get sick, the rest of the world gets pneumonia. We will probably attempt to make the euro the reigning world currency (perhaps even the yen), but that is only a temporary stop-gap.

In the meantime, precious metals are an insurance policy that preserves the value of your assets. You can offset the failure of your paper dollars by putting about a third of your assets into precious metals, preferably silver.

By Howard Ruff


所以我只選油同金, 因為如果美國救到市, 經濟好油好,
如果救唔到經濟, 但濫印美元, 通脹來時, 油同金都會升 !

所以千萬唔好高追貨, 因為沒是牛市 !!!
在圖表中, 恒指黃金交叉沒成立 !


美國宣佈買銀行毒資產, 美股現大升316點 !

已加多注油股和金股, 星期四提佐油股出來趕去合和中心轉名, 走到氣咳原來16:30收檔, 唯有今日下午再去過, 好彩無早上咁忙亂 !
今日股票組合比對買入價已升值 12% !
全個流動資產已高過 2007年的高位, 雖然澳元比買入價還是輸錢, 因為外幣組合獲利後太早買返, 唯有繼續收息 !

老公同我講: 做乜妳買完股票全轉自己名 ?
我說: 叫你買你又唔買, 我買你又鬧我, 所以買佐先同你講 !
XD !

2009年3月23日 星期一

"gold parties"

窮人賣金飾, 有錢人買金條, 金價何去何從 ?


Americans strike gold by selling their jewelry at "gold parties" during deepening recession

Guests say getting together with friends in somebody's living room makes it a fun, social occasion, and feels more respectable than hocking their rings, necklaces and brooches at seedy pawn shops or selling them back to jewelry stores.

"It's terrific because it's a little bit intimidating to think about walking into a jewelry store, even though they may be heavily advertising it, and, you know, to someone that you don't know and turning over your valuables to them," said Pat Walsh, a 56-year-old retired store manager from Simsbury, Connecticut.

In front of the guests, Percival uses a jeweler's magnifying loupe to assess the gold, a digital meter to test whether it is real, and an electronic scale to weigh it.

At Podgorski's party, women laughed as they narrated stories behind their jewelry, which included gifts from ex-husbands and boyfriends who no longer inspired fond memories, 1960s cocktail rings that a man gave to his wife before they divorced, and a souvenir from a high school trip to Russia.

"Somebody at a party last week had a pre-engagement ring from her boyfriend before her husband, and her 14-year-old daughter wanted the ring, and she said, `If your father ever saw you with that ring on you, he'd kill me,' so she sold it," Percival said.

The gold-buying services typically are not interested in the jewelry itself. Instead, they sell the items to gold refiners to be melted down.

The gold party host and gold buyer generally get a 10 percent cut. Podgorski made $300 at her party, which she said she donated to a charity she runs that provides free prom dresses to high school girls who cannot afford one.

Alona Bloom, a 34-year-old mother of two and a teacher's assistant in Pittsburgh, recently sold old jewelry at a friend's gold party. Bloom thought she would leave with $100 but walked out with $700.

Now, she is now working to organize her own party to earn the 10 percent commission. She would like at least 10 sellers but has found just eight so far.

"A lot of people have already sold their gold," Bloom said.

2009年3月22日 星期日

The Federal Reserve: The Greatest Scam in History


We first posted this article on 13th August 2007 when it appeared to us that the US Dollar along with the economy was heading into such dangerous waters that gold would be the beneficiary. At the time gold was trading at around $670/oz and it closed yesterday at $960 for a gain of $290 or 43.2%. Yesterday was the first time that we have seen the ‘C‘ word used as the Federal Reserve announced that it would be buying back $300 billion in longer-term Treasuries in order to assist the economic recovery. This move to buy these Treasuries is regarded by many as a last resort or a sign of panic as the turmoil in the financial markets reaches a crisis point.

Gold was languishing at the $890/oz level just prior to the announcement and then within the hour it rocketed to the $950/oz level as the news of the Feds action spread. Whether it be an article on Market Watch or a mention on the BBC World Service, news travels fast these days to every corner of the planet and investors react accordingly with startling results. A new government and a New Fed, not really, just more of the same but in increasingly larger doses. Todays action will turn out to be a defining moment for the US Dollar and recorded by historians as the beginning of its demise. Unfortunately the worst is yet to come so steel yourself for a force ten storm.

On 4th October 2008 we updated our original essay with the following excerpts;

If we fast forward to time now and read any newspaper the headlines are dominated with the fire fighting actions being implemented by the Federal Reserve with bankers and politicians in tow. From these bailouts we can only conclude that the dilution of paper money will continue with the pace of dilution accelerating, resulting in massive inflation and propelling the precious metals to higher ground. If you have the time, please read this article and then take a look at what’s happening around you and then find the time to question what you are doing and why you are doing it. Being too busy to organise your own affairs is a poor excuse. Just switch the television off for a couple of nights and clear your head, the way forward for you personally will become apparent.

The Federal Reserve: The Greatest Scam In History?

This is the original essay posted on 13th August 2007

The Federal Reserve was created in 1913-1914 in order to bring stability to the economy and yet almost every major crash, including the great depression, can be attributed to the Federal Reserve.

We are going to take a look at the history of the Fed and what prominent historical figures have said about the organisation.

Firstly, from 1837-1862 there was a system of national banks in the USA but then in 1913-1914 a consortium of 12 privately held banks got together and formed the Federal Reserve Bank, an entity that is not part of the US government. These banks then purchased notes from the US Mint for printing costs and lent them out through member banks charging interest.

The Federal Reserve came into being after its supporters paid for the Presidential campaign of US President Woodrow Wilson. Wilson signed the bill that transferred the US currency to twelve regional private banks Wilson regretted his decision later saying:

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

In 1933 President Roosevelt confiscated citizens gold and handed it to the Federal Reserve. At the very moment when Americans have needed to protect their wealth the most, the best store of wealth ever created, gold, was confiscated from American citizens and given to a un-elected conglomerate of private banks.
When the bill for the Federal Reserve was being considered, some brave politicians spoke out against its creation calling it “the strangest, most dangerous advantage ever placed in the hands of a special privilege class by any Government that ever existed” and Congressman Victor Murdock said, “I do not blind myself to the fact that this measure will not be effectual as a remedy for a great national evil – the concentrated control of credit.”

It even appears that one of the most important and most respected figures in American history disagrees with the Federal Reserve saying, “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

Jefferson also said, “I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies”
“Paper is poverty… it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.”

The Federal Reserve make no secret about the scam they are running as the Boston section of the Federal Reserve Bank said:

“When you or I write a check there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover the cheque, but when the Federal Reserve writes a check there is no bank deposit on which that cheque is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a cheque, it is creating money.”

Perhaps the Fed can create money, but we strongly believe that wealth cannot be created. Wealth is simply transferred, it is not created and we challenge anyone to prove otherwise. The only time wealth was created was when the world was created, with all its resources, true wealth. So why hasn’t the Federal Reserve been disbanded?

Well as the Rothschild Brothers of London said in 1863; “The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from it’s profits or so dependant on it’s favours, that there will be no opposition from that class.”

The great Henry Ford once said “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

The problem is, very few people understand the system at all. It is not taught in schools and even some of the most prominent financial analysts and fund managers really have no idea how the system works. They tend to define inflation as rising prices when in fact inflation occurs because of the expansion of the money supply. Or even link inflation with the economy doing well, saying, “we should raise interest rates as the economy did extremely well this month and we don’t want inflation getting out of hand”, or words to that effect.

What all people, not just investors, need to understand is that paper money is worthless. Gold and precious metals are the real money, the real wealth that cannot be created like its paper ghost.

Gold has been telling us for sometime that all is not well so listen up and put at least a small part of your wealth into precious metals or their associated stocks. Discipline is about to return to a screen near you.

美國會否將來發生革命 ?

推翻大灑人民金錢的政府, 推翻貪婪的銀行家, 反重稅率, 反物價升勢, 因為美元的貶值帶來的通脹 !還有, 推翻假冒國家銀行的 FED !
在發生革命之前, 美國可能會返去牛仔時代, 就係一團糟 !
如有親人在美國, 最好叫佢地快些走 !


Celente says that by 2012 America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches, and that holidays will be more about obtaining food, not gifts.

The prospect of revolution was a concept echoed by a British Ministry of Defence report last year, which predicted that within 30 years, the growing gap between the super rich and the middle class, along with an urban underclass threatening social order would mean, "The world's middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest," and that, "The middle classes could become a revolutionary class."

2009年3月21日 星期六



糟老頭再 9up 寫:... . 由大鱷, 令我想起大鱷的守護神 Fed 和 DT.
有 個很奇怪的現象, 就是 Fed 和 DT 絕少提及 Gold. ( 印象中只有多年前 Greenspan 承認過金價被操控 -- 央行睇住金價, 當佢係「曱由」咁黎打; 同埋 Greenspan 被 Ron Paul 逼 問, 不得不答 "In extremis ,,,," 嗰一次 ).
和一般報紙上的「投資專家」不同, Fed & DT 籠斷 fiat money system, 黃金本來係 fiat money 既死敵, 點解佢地咁客氣, 冇公開出口術去踩金; 而係 stay neutral ? 喱樣野可能暗藏玄機.
好多人話美元會見底回升, 愚見以為, 這是 contrarianism for its own sake, 為一士諤諤而一士諤諤, 而昧於客觀事實 :
1. 不要聽那些競選政客甜言蜜語, 美國軍事開支有增無减. 只要世界一日要用石油, 美國一日都要駐重兵在中東中亞. 近年俄羅斯國力大增, Czar Putin 甚致夠膽派空軍飛越西方 母艦/ 領空. 此情此境, 你說美方的軍備軍費會慢下來嗎 ?
2. 美國 babyboomers 已到退休年齡, 未來 Medicare/Social Security 開支以 Trillions 計.
3. Derivatives Debacle : 自07 年8月 Subprime 爆發至今, 美國約已 泵水 ~ 1 Trillion. 不要忘記, 中國人死做爛做那麼多年, 到舊年才有 1 Trillion 儲備, 人家大筆一揮, 半年就印了出來. 但 Derivatives 困局有排未散, 有消息指 Fed & DT 可能會起用 Resolution Trust Corp 之類物體 , 如同 1989 年拯救 Savings and Loan 般賣起那些有問題按揭.
看好美元見底回升的好友, 請問又有甚麼實質理據 ? ( 除了甚麼玄之又玄的甚麽「物極必反」、「多數人會睇錯」、「老美功力深厚, 深不可測」 . . .. . )
其實有的. 在 race to the bottom ( 各國貨幣鬥快貶值以利出口 ) , 可能未必每段都係老美跑嬴.
不斷貶值, 可幫美國解决很多問題, 多年行之有效. 唯一要忌, 就是外國人頂唔順佢不停貶值, 拉隊離塲, 則美國喪 失world reserve currency 這隻生金蛋的鵝.
到時, 又有甚麼法寶令外國人回心轉意呢 ?

加息. 再加 :
A return to Gold standard.

到時, 海外美元持有人又可以如當年戴高樂般, 將 $ 換回 Gold, 則美元地位又再重生矣. 美國境內美元則無此優惠, 此「一國兩幣」也. http://www.inv168.com/phpBB2/viewtopic. ... F4#1067503
海 外美元數目不詳, 但一定數以 Trillion 計, 以之除以美國黃金庫存 261 Million OZ ( guessimate ) , 得出過萬元一安士, 即是美國可能會令美元不斷貶值, 黄金一路升值, 直至金價去到一個階段, 令美國藏金價值可以 cover 海外美元, 到時重回「金本位」 ( for overseas Dollars ) 才有 credibility.
當然, 未到比 target, Fed/DT 就要預早出手, 可能未到一半就要出手, 否則 free fall 起來, 神仙難救.
既然黄金可以有此後着, 可能便是 Fed & DT 本身從來不說黃金壞話的原因.

2009年3月20日 星期五

銀行博懵 敏感資料變附注


會計人士指出,銀行部分敏感財務資料常在「損益表」往後翻幾頁,譬如「可供出售」金融資產就藏身在「股東權 益」中,只不過一般投資者不知要去查閱這條數。如匯控(0005)08年全年業績中文摘要,匯控的盈虧情況可於第18頁的「綜合收益表」,而「可供出售」 影響的股東權益則在第21頁「綜合確認收支表」中的首項。


 此外,銀行依據新會計準則作出的資產重新分類以及「可供出售」金融資產的潛在風險一般在業績貌似極 不重要的附注內容,譬如渣打08中英文版業績第54頁的「附注(續)」就為其去年將資產重新分類的情況,而匯控的相關資料只可於英文版的第146中找到, 「可供出售」金融資產的撥備資料則分別見於英文版的第65、148、149及436頁。


在美元危機後會有利率火山 !
有做按揭的朋友要小心, 最好把按揭轉去定息按揭, 預防利息大升 !
我預計會在年尾或2010年發生 !


投資無難度 XD !

2009年3月19日 星期四


把國民的錢倒入落海 !


美國國際集團(AIG)獲得政府打救,但資金卻因之前種下的投機禍根而隨處亂流。美國《華爾街日報》揭露,救 助AIG的資金中,有520億美元花在與樓市相關的對賭上,其中部分可能流向押注樓市下跌的對沖基金,這意味著華府忙於提振樓市之際,部分公帑卻變相「獎 勵」押注樓市泡沫爆破的投機者,可謂極大諷刺。

報道引述一名消息人士指出,至少一家大型銀行——德意志銀行擔當了AIG與對沖基金的中介人。對沖 基金與德意志對賭樓市前景,德意志通過複雜金融操作將風險轉嫁AIG,後者為此預留託管資金,若按揭違約飆升至設定水平,AIG預留的託管資金將會用作償 還德意志銀行,後者再賠償對沖基金。



先跌破900去到883, 之後殺上940 !
成日都係半夜見低位, 第二早都買唔到平金 :(


自己買美國債, 導致股匯油金大波動, 而資金流出美元 !

2009年3月17日 星期二



又是 Accumulator 累事


【本報北京新聞中心記者海巖16日電】星展銀行與內地私人銀行客戶的Accumulator合約(期權合約) 糾紛近日全面升級,暴露出素被稱為「富豪殺手」的金融衍生品禍延內地的冰山一角。北京市大成律師事務所高級合夥人肖金泉今日向本報表示,星展銀行一些內地 客戶在不知情的情況下購買Accumulator,不僅蝕光上千萬元本金,更欠下銀行巨款並被起訴追討,其中個別客戶損失甚至逾億元。目前,星展銀行已向 中國境內法院提起訴訟,正式起訴北京地區的多位客戶,要求其承擔對星展銀行相關債權的擔保責任。


星展遞狀高院 告粵客拖欠款


油價都企穩 !

2009年3月16日 星期一






1. 盡量影低物件相和保存買入單據。
2. 唔見佐的文件可以叫銀行俾錢補返, 例如樓契(如賠償債任在銀行)。

下午去佐銀行保管箱抄佐實貨股票的 certificate number, 預防第日可以追返 !






2009年3月15日 星期日

Demand for gold coins soaring


The Royal Canadian Mint, which produces Maple Leaf bullion coins, said it quadrupled its production capacity late last year as demand for gold and silver bullion products leapt.

Gold is being driven by concern about the financial system and lack of confidence in paper currencies,” said Adrian Day, the president of Adrian Day’s Asset Management in Annapolis, Maryland. “All the pressure is on the upside.”

The United States Mint said sales of its one-ounce American Eagle gold bullion coins rocketed to 710,000 ounces in 2008, from 140,000 ounces a year before.

"The demand for gold and silver has been unprecedented," a spokesman for the Mint told Reuters.

The chairman of the French Mint, Christophe Beaux, said sales roughly doubled last year in value terms and are expected to rise by another 50% this year.

The 2009 catalog the mint had produced was almost entirely pre-sold, he said. The French Mint produces 100 euro gold coins, and plans to mint 10-ounce and 1-kilo coins this year.

In South Africa, the world's third-largest gold producer, Natanya van Niekerk, deputy general manager for numismatics at the South African Mint Company, said she had seen a big increase in demand for gold.

"I think we will see this same trend in this and the next quarter," she said. "Gold surely has been resilient in these times."

Michael O'Kane, head bullion trader at the New Zealand Mint, said many overseas buyers had come into the New Zealand market. "We're seen as a safe-haven market," he said.

He said buying had been strong since the collapse of US investment bank Lehman Brothers in September, as investors moved money from banks into hard assets like gold.

金融海嘯中誰賺錢 ?

(星島日報 報道)美國 《福布斯》雜誌公布最新全球富豪榜,大部分榜上有名的富豪身家大縮水,但有四十四人不跌反升。這些在金融海嘯下仍逆流而上的富豪,包括預測到風暴將至而大手造淡倉的對沖基金經理索羅斯和保爾森。

  能夠成為金融「先知」,自然能夠跑贏大市,當中排名從第九十七位躍升至二十九位的國際大炒家索羅斯(Geroge Soros)就是當中的表表者,估計他的身家由九十億美元增加至一百一十億,上漲二十億美元。


  被譽為○八年最賺錢的對沖基金經理保爾森(John Paulson),排名則由三百六十八位急升至第七十六位,估計身家由三十億美元增加一倍至六十億美元。

  當去年標普五百指數下跌三成九,他的基金Paulson Advantage市值卻逆市上漲三成八。


  保爾森去年轉戰英國,沽空英國萊斯銀行集團(Loyds Banking Group)和HBOS,獲利三億鎊(約三十三億港元)。去年,保爾森的旗艦基金回報率達三成八,反觀整個對沖基金業平均虧損一成九。

  另一逆市梟雄是富豪榜排名第三十五位的兼併大王佩雷爾曼(Ronald Perelman),估計其身家達一百億美元。他的驚人之舉包括在○二年將金州銀行集團(Golden State Bancorp)以六十億美元,出售給花旗集團。花旗集團股價在過去一年下挫九成半,但佩雷爾曼稱早已沽清股份。

美國人換現金度日 黃金假牙也變賣







2009年3月14日 星期六


証明愈多人已返回工作崗位, 也代表市離底又行近一步 !
如果成交去到 100億就差不多了 XD !


買賣自保 可在律師行收訂金

一屋兩賣 假業主騙百萬訂


2009年3月13日 星期五


如果銀行同保險公司再倒下來, 最慘的會是小股東, 而不是存戶或承保人 !
也要小心企業債券 !



   宋鸿兵:我觉得如果第一波主要冲击的是美国的影子银行系统,也就是他的投资银行和跟资产证券化相关的这些机构,包括保险机构、对冲基金。第二波我觉得它 冲击的重点和中心地区将是美国的商业银行,不光是美国,包括欧洲商业银行体系在内的大型商业银行将是第二波金融海啸集中冲击的核心领域。当然也包括一些大 型的保险公司和对冲基金,但是它危机的核心将爆发在商业银行体系,商业银行体系将是危机的中心和重点。


   宋鸿兵:我们认为第二波它发生在企业债、金融债这个领域,那么它的一个核心点,爆发最薄弱环节就是垃圾债。所以如果我们能够准确的判断垃圾债券违约出现 的高峰期这个时间段,我们就可以得到类似的概念,就是金融海啸第二波发作的时间表。从现在我们所掌握的垃圾债券违约这个情况来看,从今年的3月份,也就是 从现在开始,一直到今年的10月份,我觉得垃圾债违约率会上涨300%到500%,到今年10月份很可能突破20%,那么这个时间段,我觉得酝酿着重大的 危机。


   宋鸿兵:应该说由于美国的存款保险制度的存在,包括欧洲的存款保险制度,我觉得大家存在银行的存款彻底损失掉,这种可能性并不是很大。比如说美国,现在 已经把每个账户的保险额从10万美元提高到25万美元,也就是你只要在银行一个账户中存有不超过25万美元的情况之下,那么你的存款是安全的。从这个角度 来说,我觉得大家对这个倒不必太过惊慌。那么一些大型保险公司像AIG,政府也不能允许它破产,所以说如果出了再大的窟窿,政府必须要用财政来贴补它,或 者是直接拯救它,或者把它国有化。



是否啟示美元轉弱的開始 ?
我已把組合內港元比重, 壓去了流動資金的 25%; 如果唔係老公攬住定期唔俾我掂, 我會再把港元比重壓去只有 20% !

2009年3月12日 星期四


睇來金價愈高, 飾金價差價就會愈大 !
也可能是因為實金運輸成本高佐或是金價波幅風險大佐 !












中銀香港提醒客戶,Telex transfer section(Hong Kong)Limited 和網站www.telexboc.com 的一切業務及其所提供的服務一概與中銀香港、南商及集友無關,並已將有關情況知會香港金融管理局及香港警方。中銀香港請客戶經常保持警覺,注意任何試圖冒充中銀香港網址www.bochk.com的偽造網站。在任何情況下,客戶均不應透過來歷不明的電子郵件中的超連結進入自己的電子銀行賬戶。為確保客戶的個人資料安全,最安全的方法是在瀏覽器的網址欄內直接鍵入該行的網址(www.bochk.com)。除非客戶已完全確定登入 www.bochk.com,否則不應提供任何有關電子銀行賬戶的資料。中銀香港無論何時都不會向客戶發送電子郵件詢問或確認客戶的私人資料,包括但不限於賬戶號碼、個人識別號碼(PIN)、賬戶餘額、香港身份證號碼或護照號碼。客戶如有任何疑問,請致電中銀香港客戶熱線(852)233 233 28查詢。

2009年3月11日 星期三



4賊掠東亞保險箱4百萬 (16:21)





建 行 沽 空 倍 增   六 行 齊 跑 輸 大 市

2009年3月10日 星期二




【本報訊】(記者 卓建安)匯控(0005)公佈業績後,股價連日劇挫,市場分析這與匯控存有幾大隱憂有關,其中包括北美業務撥備不足,且仍未「止血」,並恐成為「無底洞」,匯控並有再次供股的可能性。

1. 北美貸款 每年料需減值千億
2. 供股未夠填數 可能再要集資
3. 歐業務惡化 威脅10萬億資產
4. 東歐若爆煲 勢重創歐洲經濟
5. 部分金融資產 虧損尚未入賬

2009年3月9日 星期一


外幣弱, 金回軟 !

China oil reserve full, sea storage needed


By George Chen and Zhang Shengnan

BEIJING, March 9 (Reuters) - China has filled its first 100 million barrels of onshore emergency crude oil tanks and the government should use some of its foreign exchange reserves on floating storage, an industry executive said on Monday.

The rare acknowledgement of China's strategic oil reserve levels indicated that the world's No. 2 energy user has been making good use of oil's $100 price fall to boost supplies while demand falters in an unfolding economic crisis.

Beijing is also making good on its pledge to better use its massive foreign exchange reserves to stock up key commodities from grain and metals to crude oil.

China Shipping (Group) Co President Li Shaode told Reuters on Monday that he had proposed that the government use some of its foreign exchange reserves on floating oil storage because the onshore tanks were full.

"The four onshore reserve bases have been fully filled, so we need to invest urgently in floating storage," Li said on the sidelines of the country's annual parliament.

Analysts believe China's crude stockbuild was much bigger than the 100 million barrels -- about one month's imports -- the four coastal sites can accommodate, and expected stockpiling to continue in the next 20 months or so as new tanks come on line.

"We expect China's oil stockpiling to reach a peak in 2009, and continue into the next year," said Yan Kefeng, Beijing-based senior oil analyst with Cambridge Energy Research Associates.

"Apart from reasons of supply security, China also wants to contain the investment risk of its foreign exchange reserves." said Yan, adding China did not stop replenishing crude reserves last year when global crude topped $147 a barrel in July.

Yan said the oil fill at the reserve bases matches a separate set of data released by China OGP, a publication run by the official Xinhua News Agency, which showed China's crude inventories surged by nearly a third last year to about 34 days of forward demand.

(Additional reporting and writing by Chen Aizhu, Editing by Jacqueline Wong))



專 責 調 查 電 話 騙 案 的 東 九 龍 總 區 重 案 組 總 督 察 韋 理 民 解 釋 , 電 話 騙 案 自 去 年 3 月 起 有 上 升 趨 勢 , 尤 其 是 去 年 6 月 起 , 發 現 騙 徒 透 過 電 話 遙 控 受 害 人 到 港 澳 碼 頭 等 地 點 直 接 交 收 款 項 的 新 電 話 騙 案 ; 加 上 今 年 首 兩 個 月 有 兩 至 三 宗 個 案 涉 及 的 金 額 較 大 , 最 嚴 重 的 一 宗 受 害 人 被 騙 120 萬 元 。 但 他 稱 , 仍 有 65% 電 話 騙 案 不 成 功 , 反 映 市 民 警 覺 性 提 高 。



除權期近 沽壓有增無減

  由上周一匯豐公布08年業績大跌7成及世紀集資1,400億港元後,匯豐股價已從56.95元急滑 至43.5元,一周(四個交易日)跌去23%,跌幅遠遠大於同期恆指下跌6.94%,匯豐已成恆指的超級大弱股。值得一提的是,當匯豐股價下破40元大關 後,又會引發新一波的場外衍生產品大殺倉的壓力,估計ELN、Accumulator等涉及天文數字的賭盤被迫接貨,尤以Accumulator的殺傷力 最大,聽聞有某美資投行在1月中下旬已開出58元的盤口,以100萬美元為單位,以升上63元可賺5元差價,跌落40元要接100萬美元貨,跌至35元要 雙倍,跌至30元則要3倍接貨,即300萬美元,直至合約期滿。可以想像,投行在40元之上的賭盤,如50元、60元均有相當的衍生產品在上流、中產階層 以高息、大折讓價招引客戶,在兩個月以前,說匯豐見40元乃至30元係匪夷所思的極吸引盤口,故連月來匯豐股價一洩如注,中招的高端客戶群已蝕入肉,財產 大縮水。當然,月前以「血肉長城」低吸匯豐的散戶投資者,已成大鱷的點心。










2009年3月8日 星期日




其實早在幾年前, 我在新聞組已提醒版友, 手機一定要關閉藍牙功能, 因為當時匪徙已可以用特製儀器, 經藍牙吸取你手機中的存檔 !所以重大秘密, 唔好儲存在手機中 !


東亞銀行旺角分行星期四, 日光日白俾人用特製儀器開電鎖入保管庫爆保管箱, 好彩沒得手, 唔係又搞到大眾恐慌 !

依家好多人都買實金放保管箱, 所以保管箱內容的價值已提升, 好易引匪徙犯案 !

早排有人投訴東亞保管箱唔見金條, 東亞沒能解釋 !



每日经济新闻 2009-03-06












一股匯豐一斤菜心 ?

當年匯豐沒四合一時, 股價約 4 蚊, 而當時一斤菜心也賣約 4 蚊, 所以人人都說, 一股匯豐可以買一斤菜心 !
現在菜心約賣 6 至 10 蚊一斤, 又唔知匯豐會否去到[一股匯豐一斤菜心]價呢 ?


當時出強積金是好意, 但管理錯了 !
我本來以為, 全民供款應該放在一個新基金, 由專人去管理投資, 就如外匯基金咁, 但原來變成要小市民自己去選已有的基金去投資 ! 好多小市民又無投資知識, 唔識跟勢轉換基金, 只以為股票能賺錢, 所以大部份人都選了股票基金, 搞成了今日的慘情 !

2009年3月7日 星期六


2009年3月7日的頭條日報有段新聞 :

又唔知要點計供幾多呢 ?
就係又要政府出錢供款, 送錢俾基金經理 !


和報紙報導, 在股民中, 估計有 80% 人持有匯豐股票 !
在 2005年12月我離開證券行時, 在我客戶中, 只有 5% 人持有匯豐股票 !


由今日起, 只會轉貼某些報網的文章的一部份, 因為驚俾人告 !
想讀全文就要按入報網連結 !

2009年3月6日 星期五


在大陸開銀行戶口個人証明當初是可以用香港身份証的。 前幾年因為外管, 所以規定要 用回鄉証做証明, 或如無回鄉証就可以用護照做証明 !但因為回鄉卡和護照在換新後會改號碼, 所以銀行要你一齊出示舊証件 !

所以大家一定要註意, 在換証件時, 要求俾返舊証件你 !

而用香港身份証開的舊戶口, 就須返去你開戶時的分行, 才可以用香港身份証作身份証明, 唔係你會提唔到錢出來 !存錢入去就無問題, 但避免你將來提錢麻煩多多, 最好開個新戶口, 慢慢把錢由舊戶口轉過去新戶口(如是定期戶口)!

如果你開戶分行搬佐, 可以入去任何一間分行問個清楚須去邊間搞手續 !

今日同老公過去深圳用佐半日時間搞個清楚 !

金又開車了 ?

還以為 900樓下可以再買多少少 !
Henry正 真是好準 :)

2009年3月5日 星期四

現金是王 實物為上






俄羅斯富豪史特里戈夫(German Sterligov)的做法更徹底,提倡以原始的以物易物(barter)方式挽救世界走出經濟危機。





當年有位陳橤新講佐句名句 : [黃金十年變爛銅]
之後佢出佐隻太陽基金, 10蚊認購, 大炒美元升, 黃金跌, 最後跌到無了影 !

當年在大陸也出了個太陽城, 好多香港人認購, 最後變爛尾樓盤 !

2009年3月4日 星期三

日元玩完 ?

油微升, 金尋支持 !



對 於 匯 控 供 股 是 否 值 得 跟 注 , 昨 日 已 有 不 少 分 析 , 但 不 少 讀 者 仍 想 聽 聽 筆 者 意 見 , 在 此 一 併 作 答 。


美 國 按 揭 業 務 是 大 隱 憂

匯 控 在 美 國 留 下 一 條 大 尾 巴 。 次 按 橫 燒 至 信 用 卡 信 貸 , 壞 賬 率 正 持 續 飆 升 , 保 留 美 國 信 用 卡 業 務 , 究 竟 是 禍 是 福 ?


匯 控 已 今 非 昔 比 , 撇 開 情 意 結 不 談 , 市 場 上 難 道 真 的 沒 有 更 佳 的 投 資 選 擇 乎 ?

王 冠 一

海嘯淹亞洲 巴韓最高危


本報記者 荊才

 金融海嘯之後冰島已經破產,目前世界各國政府均在努力應對危機,歐洲G20國家早前召開會議,制定 4月就全球金融危機在倫敦舉行G20會議的框架,中國、日本、韓國及東協(ASEAN)成員國財長同月亦將在布吉召開會議。有「新末日博士」之稱的美國紐 約大學經濟學教授魯賓尼(Nouriel Roubini)指出,儘管各國試圖拯救金融體系,惟政府倒閉的危機仍未解除。事實上,繼東歐國家之後,金融海嘯第二波的巨浪,已經淹至亞洲國家的門口, 其中巴基斯坦、韓國均是瀕臨破產的高危一族。


 去年10月初標準普爾將巴基斯坦主權信用評級下調為「垃圾」級別,其中長期外幣債務評級由 原來的「B」下調為「CCC+」,這是僅高於破產的評級,顯示巴基斯坦已經瀕臨破產邊緣。




悲觀者:割肉殘賣 (現代式)

匯豐手上, 還會有幾多壞賬 ?
英美樓市沒跌完, 會否再爆商業貸款 ? 會否爆信用卡貸款 ?
明年今日, 匯豐會是乜價位 ?
60蚊或25蚊 ?

2009年3月3日 星期二

匯豐供唔供股好 ?


匯 控 供 股 時 間 表

3 月 11 日 : 買 入 有 供 股 權 的 控 股 份 最 後 日 期
3 月 12 日 : 供 股 除 權 日(今日才買無供股權送)
3 月 18 日 : 去 年 第 四 季 股 息 除 息 日(今日才買無息派)
3 月 19 日 : 在 英 國 舉 行 股 東 大 會 表 決 供 股
3 月 23 日 : 供 股 權 在 港 交 所 正 式 買 賣
3 月 31 日 : 供 股 權 最 後 一 日 可 供 買 賣
4 月 8 日 前 : 公 佈 供 股 結 果
4 月 9 日 : 新 普 通 股 正 式 於 港 交 所 買 賣

唔想供股的人士, 可以在3月23日至3月31日任何一日把供股權沽出; 須留意, 供股權的價值都可以升跌的, 睇供求 !還要留意, 你沽出得回來的錢, 是否可以抵消最低佣金, 唔係就白搞 !
想額外供股的人士, 可以買入供股權來供股, 因為額外申請供股沒必會俾你, 除非少人供股 ! 當然供股價就變了 = 供股權價+供股價

註:供股權不是真送俾你的, 而是從股價中扣出來, 就是你自己的錢, 所以應該計:3月12日扣出的供股權價+供股價才是你真正的供股價, 而唔係 28蚊 !

當年 8 號仔供股, 我建議客戶供股, 依家知是錯誤的 !

2009年3月2日 星期一


搞到滿城風雨 !
等到下午四點就知真章 !

2800, 525, 246 全跌破 IPO 價, 所以我股票組合都要輸錢了 !
好彩股票持倉只是 under 流動資金的 10% !

2009年3月1日 星期日

IPO 申請新股

用白表申請 - 股票會寄去你地址, 股票上有申請人姓名及地址, 要沽出一定要去銀行或證券公司開戶口, 入倉後(多數有入倉期限, 約兩個星期)才可以沽出。

用黃表申請 - 股票會寄去你申請表格上的銀行或證券行, 股票入了你戶口後就可以立即沽出。

但要記得, 填了白表吾可以再填黃表, 這樣會作廢無得再抽了 !


申請新股有以下途徑 :

  1. 自己填白表或黃表夾上支票或本票, 自行放入收集箱。

  2. 經你證券行或銀行認購, 用費 100 港元, 不需簽名不需寫票, 因為證券行或銀行抽了返來才分給客戶的; 申請的款額會在截止申請日由你證券戶口扣除。

  3. 經你證券行或銀行用借錢方式(Margin Financing)認購, 自己出一成錢, 證券行或銀行借九成給你去認購, 當然要付利息的。

  4. 電子 IPO。

填表格時須注意 :

  1. 申請人名字一定要同票上的發票人一樣, 小心夾錯票 !

  2. 小心 check 清楚 Payee Name , 少個字母都 reject !

  3. 銀碼一定要吻合認購表上的銀碼, 少個或多個"仙" 都 reject !

  4. 日期一定要填, 求其寫個都得(當然不可以舊過三個月或沒到期), 唔寫就一定唔得 !

  5. "認購股數", "英文姓名", "地址", "銀碼", "Check no." 同將check 的"發票銀行"都一定要填, 而且要跟足 check 來填 !

  6. "職業"一定一定要填, 就算寫"Nil"或者"冇"...etc 都得, 但就唔可以空白或用"/" (畫一畫), 咁樣都會 reject !

  7. 要清楚寫明發票銀行名, 如寫"Hong Kong" 冇寫個Bank 字就 reject !

  8. 一人只可以申請一次, 如用黃表申請又去用白表申請, 或用聯名申請又去用單名申請都會被 reject !

  9. 記得簽名

單人申請可以開單人個人支票或用聯名支票都無問題, 只要支票上有申請人之名。


配股是大股東把股票讓給第三者, 可以是基金或大戶或證券行; 他們可以再分給自己客戶認購, 這樣就叫 Placing。 Placing 客戶可以先認頭會認購幾多股, 到最後要睇多或是少人認購, 才分幾多股給你; 分到幾多後才扣你錢, 所以同 IPO (抽新股) 有所不同。 如果太多人認購, 你有機會一股都分不到的。

供股是大股東向小股東要錢, 規定持有幾多股份就要用幾多錢去認購幾多新股。 供股都有個除凈日, 在這日"供股權"會由股價中扣除, 在這日或以後買入的股票就不須供股的, 在除凈日之前買入的股票就可以獲得"供股權", 多數會用 29xx 號碼(2005年時用 29xx, 依家就唔知了)上市買賣交易十日。 如果你不想供股, 你可以把供股權賣出去給外人去供股, 但如果供股價高過市場價, 好多時都無人會買這些供股權的。 供股不是硬性的, 所以就算你賣不出供股權你都可以不供股。 如果供股價低過市價, 好多時小股東會樂意供股; 除了規定的供股股數, 你都可以額外再申請供多一些, 但不一定會分給你的。

如果你股票還在證券行或銀行, 他們會幫你去收取供股權及幫你搞供股, 當然會收你費用。 如果股票是轉了名自己保管, 到時你會收到一張供股權及一張額外供股表格的。 如果你想把這供股權出賣就要拿去你證券行或銀行沽出!



以 手 機 短 訊 互 通 訊 息 十 分 普 遍 , 惟 須 小 心 勿 胡 亂 回 覆 短 訊 , 隨 時 招 致 金 錢 損 失 。 有使 用 儲 值 卡 的 手 機 用 戶 不 慎 回 覆 一 個 短 訊 後 , 儲 值 卡 餘 款 不 翼 而 飛 , 前 後 兩 次 充 值情 況 依 舊 。 經 向 網 絡 供 應 商 了 解 , 才 得 知 回 覆 了 一 間 提 供 網 絡 資 訊 公 司 的 短 訊 , 等同 登 記 服 務 , 每 發 出 一 個 短 訊 收 費 2 元 , 事 主 直 斥 情 況 等 同 搶 錢 。

醒 目 貼 士 : 防 掠 水 短 訊 招 數

1 〉 收 到 短 訊 , 切 勿 隨 便 發 送 回 覆
2 〉 留 意 賬 單 , 查 看 有 否 徵 收 附 加 費 用
3 〉 發 現 不 合 理 短 訊 收 費 , 立 即 聯 絡 電 訊 公 司
4 〉 致 電 電 訊 管 理 局 「 拒 收 信 息 登 記 冊 」 進 行 登 記 ( 電 話 : 1835 000 ) , 表 明 拒 收 商 業 電 子 信 息








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