2012年5月29日 星期二

Going nuclear-free: Germany smashes solar power world record


Germany’s solar power plants produced a record 22 gigawatts of energy on Friday, equivalent to the output of 20 nuclear plants. The country is already a world-leader in solar power and hopes to be free of nuclear energy by 2022.
The director of the Institute of the Renewable Energy Industry (IWR) in Muenster, northeast Germany, said the solar power delivered to the national grid on Saturday met 50 per cent of the nation’s energy quota.
"Never before anywhere has a country produced as much photovoltaic electricity. Germany came close to the 20 gigawatt (GW) mark a few times in recent weeks. But this was the first time we made it over," Norbert Allnoch told Reuters news agency.
The German government decided to turn its back on nuclear energy last year after the Fukushima disaster and plans to be nuclear-free by 2022. Critics have rounded on the initiative, skeptical that renewable sources can meet the nation’s growing energy needs.
“This shows Germany is capable of meeting a large share of its electricity needs with solar power. It also shows Germany can do with fewer coal-burning power plants, gas-burning plants and nuclear plants," stressed Allmoch.
Merkel’s government has invested large amounts of money in restructuring the nation’s energy infrastructure and weaning it off atomic energy. It has almost as much solar power energy units as the rest of the world combined and currently generates four per cent of its annual energy needs from the Sun.
Utilities and consumer groups have complained that increased use of solar energy will push up the price of electricity in Germany.

German tax payers currently shell out around $5 billion annually for solar energy, an Environmental Ministry report says. Chancellor Merkel has tried to slash prices but has been blocked by the German parliament.

Stumbling blocks on the path to ‘a greener future’

Germany is also planning to ratchet up its use of other renewable forms of energy in an attempt to compensate for its nuclear shortfall.
The government will capitalize on wind, solar and bio-mass as well as increased use of coal power stations to produce its power.
However, in spite of increased investment, Bundesnetzagentur, the country’s new energy regulator, has predicted widespread power cuts as the power grid is put under extra pressure this winter.
Bundesnetzagentur has said Germany will have an energy capacity gap of approximately 10 Gigawatts, equivalent to the output of 15 power stations.
In addition, critics have voiced fears that increased use of unreliable energy resources such as wind power and solar energy will put a lot of strain on the national grid because of fluctuations in output, making it very unstable.
Although Germany faces significant hurdles in its race towards a nuclear-free future, it still remains a world

倫敦地鐵好搞野 !

星期日想搭地鐵去唐人街, 入到去等車先知有壞訊息無車, 行返出去又唔俾返車費 xyz !
星期一又去地鐵站, 呢次醒左問職員是否有車去唐人街, 點知說剛好有人跳鐵路成條線取消左 !

明天再試下去唐人街, 要買甜醋煲薑醋 !

2012年5月24日 星期四


金銀都企穩 !

823 領匯

領匯有可能已見頂, 可以乘反彈沽出 !

基金重傷 淡馬錫又瀨嘢 勁輸16億


上 藥昨日大插,令 H股市值單日蒸發22億,重貨在手的基金紛告重傷。聯交所資料顯示,上藥 H股大股東頭幾位都是外資基金,其中淡馬錫佔16.19%、瑞信佔13.64%、美資基金 T. Rowe Price Associates佔10.95%、摩通持股10.06%、摩根士丹利佔8.09%,而社保基金亦有9.12%。

限售期滿 隨時掟貨


珠三角經營嚴峻 2%港企擬結業


香港文匯報訊 (記者 涂若奔)香港工業總會一項調查指,僅有27%的珠三角港企有意擴充業務,計劃收縮及維持不變的港企共佔70%,有2%更將在下半年結業。工業總會副主席劉 展灝表示,珠三角的經營環境正趨向惡化,目前大部分港企均面對比08年金融海嘯時更嚴峻的形勢,港企應加快開拓內地市場和升級轉型,並希望新一屆特區政府 和內地政府可推出更多協助港商的措施。
 報告又指,由於內地的勞工、原材料價格不斷上漲,今年以來整體經營成本同比增加15%,但絕大部分 企業不能把成本增幅轉嫁給買家;其中約3成企業能將多於20%以上(30%-50%佔多)的成本增幅轉嫁,約2成企業僅能將不到20%的增幅轉嫁。有 13%的港企表示考慮到將搬遷到珠三角以外地區,有10%甚至考慮將「遷出中國」,搬到東南亞或其他地方。
 調查又披露,約7成港企指今年以來出口貨值下降,平均減幅約2成;其餘3成則表示出口貨值有增 加,增幅約1成。在傳統市場方面,68%出口往美國及歐盟的企業聲稱,出口貨值平均同比下降約2成,接單情況也未見改善,58%港企表示訂單的價值下降, 同比降幅約10%-15%。不過在內地市場,75%的港企表示出口貨值有增加,平均增幅約2成;82%港企訂單值增加,增幅平均達3成。
 不過劉展灝指出,珠三角的經營環境正趨向惡化,現時大部分港企均面對比08年更嚴峻的形勢,來自歐 美的訂單降幅也比金融海嘯期間更差,雖然許多港企在內地市場的銷售情況不俗,但卻「幾乎不能減輕痛苦」,部分缺少內銷業務的廠商由於較依賴歐美市場,受到 的衝擊更大,不排除會出現倒閉潮。他要求港府制定長遠的工業政策,為港企提供科技研發支持,並提供低息或免息貸款,及資助環保生產和協助培訓更多人才。

2012年5月23日 星期三

The Outlook For Gold

就連 Martin Amstrong 都要睇支持和阻力位, 金價低過 1522 就還會跌, 高過 1684 就會升 !


Gold fell rather nicely into our target week bottoming at 1532.30 testing the Weekly Bearish Reversal at 1522.00. As was warned, the weekly closing below our 1599 Weekly Bearish Reversal for the week of May 7. This indicates that ensured that decline. Only a weekly closing now below this Weekly Bearish Reversal at 1522 will signal a drop to 1407 and a weekly closing beneath that level would point the to a retest of last year’s low at 1310.5. As I have been warning, this is the 13 year. The best possible outcome was for a low this year rather than a high.

It is still possible that a May low appears possible with a rally into July and a panic to the downside in Aug/Sept. However, the absence of a Directional Change in this period also warns that we could simply continue lower into July and that would tend to make the Aug/Sept time period pointing up rather than down. So caution is still NECESSARY!!!! Keep in mind that cycle targets are TURNING POINTS rather than specific events.
Normally, each target produces the opposite effect of the previous. On occasion, two such targets can produce the same event during strong moves.

Gold is still pointing to high volatility in August and a major turning point in September, which should be the most important this year. The monthly Bearish Reversal still lies at 1465.7 and a monthly closing beneath that level could send this market down to 1158.9 at the most extreme. Ideally, we should just fade last year’s low at 1310. With gold making a pause in the uptrend at this time, we are extending the cycle long-term point to the record highs after 2015.75. The Monthly Bullish Reversal stands at 1924.30 and unless that is exceeded on a monthly closing basis, then there is no hope of avoiding the retest of support.

The Weekly Bearish Reversal lies at 1522.7 followed by 1405.8. Clearly, a weekly closing below last year’s low of 1310 will point to support at 1234.5 and 1199.8 followed by 1158.9. It appears that the next important weekly turning point will be the week of June 11th/June 18th. If the May low holds, then a rally into June is possible. That would imply we should see the primary target thereafter fall the week of September 3rd. We have initial closing resistance at 1597. Our Weekly Bullish Reversals stand at 1684, followed by 1742.

On the Daily level we see rising volatility into the end of this week 05/24-25. Volatility will rise again on May 29th. Keys days appears to be 05/23, 05/25, and 05/30 this month. The Daily Bullish Reversal stands at 1609.80. The key Daily Bearish Reversal lies at 1526.9. Minor Daily Bearish Reversal is to be found at 1544.5 and only closing back beneath this would signal a resumption of the decline.

2012年5月22日 星期二

陳德霖:樓市看不透 需要時出招


香港文匯報訊(記者 涂若奔)本港樓價升穿97年高位,受到各界廣泛關注。金管局總裁陳德霖昨日表示,本港房地產市場存在極大的不確定性,坦承「看不透」未來前景,但相信未來 幾個月將是關鍵時期。他強調將繼續密切留意市場發展,若樓市延續上升周期,金管局將會在有需要時推出逆周期措施,以維持銀行體系穩定。另外,房協為滿足本 地居民的置業需求,昨在推售旗下新盤時,首度引入「港版內銷房」概念,只准港人購買。
 陳德霖昨日出席立法會財經事務委員會會議時表示,本港樓市去年7月起連續降溫7個月,不僅成交量 大跌,樓價亦微跌4%,但今年2、3月份又回復暢旺,其中3月份成交達1.1萬宗,4月份亦達8,200多宗。他稱,最近幾個星期市場氣氛出現變化,主要 是受到外圍因素影響所致,由於現時存在諸多不確定因素,難以確定樓市是否處於上升區間的「休息期」。他承諾,若樓價繼續上升,金管局會「根據一貫原則」採 取適當措施,但拒絕回應是否會進一步收緊按揭成數,僅表示要預防按揭質素轉壞拖累金融系統的風險。
 不過,陳德霖同時指出,樓價升穿97年高位並不一定代表樓市不健康,稱若市民的收入如60-70年 代般高速增長,則樓價相對而言不貴。他指衡量樓市發展須參考一籃子的指標,包括樓市成交量、摸貨宗數、市民的供樓負擔與收入的變化,及銀行信貸狀況等。而 今年首季銀行信貸增長溫和,約為9.1%,顯示風險不高。
 陳德霖又提醒置業者,未來除了要留意歐債及外圍因素外,亦要小心利率風險。目前按揭息率約為 2.8厘,相對於通脹仍屬較低水平,故令不少人認為買樓較租樓合算。他警告稱,雖然美國表明在2014年前不會加息,但本港將根據自身供求狀況決定息率水 平,「未必一定跟足美聯儲」,且供樓期往往長達20-30年,置業者即便享受了1-2年低息,一旦將來恢復高息水平,供樓負擔就會大大增加。
 有議員質疑按揭貸款信貸資料庫未能完全發揮作用阻止炒樓,陳德霖對此回應稱,銀行可透過資料庫查核 申請者是否未有如實披露所有按揭,相信能夠有效遏抑市民過度投資樓市的狀況。副總裁阮國恒亦表示,在推出數據庫時,已向銀行提議若業主擁有1個以上未償還 貸款的物業,可視情況調整按揭上限,今後金管局會進一步跟進執行。
 對於內地資金大量湧港炒樓的擔憂,陳德霖指內地買家通常購買的是新樓和豪宅,且需要按揭者較本港 少,銀行最多亦只會給予4成按揭。阮國恒亦表示,自去年6月開始,所有收入非來自本地的樓按業主,銀行給予的按揭普遍較本港借款人低一成,又透露近期每月 新造樓宇按揭之中,收入非來自本地人士佔比僅約3-4%。
 為優先滿足本地居民的置業需求及防止炒賣,香港房屋協會昨為旗下新盤長沙灣「喜雅」開價時,就首度 引入港版內銷房概念,只售予持有香港身份證的人士,並只准以私人名義認購,且每人限買1伙。喜雅首批推60伙,平均即供呎價7,315元,低市價5%,即 供入場費379.43萬元。

2012年5月21日 星期一

Indonesia imposes 20% export tax on Gold, Silver and Platinum, Will Ban Exports Beginning in 2014

印尼加黃金白銀鉑金出口稅20%至2014年, 之後不再出口原材料 !


Indonesia appears to no longer be willing to trade physical commodities and currencies for US dollars. 

The nation has instituted a 20% export tax on minerals including gold, silver, and platinum to discourage exploitation of the nation’s resources until 2014, when Indonesia will begin banning exports of raw materials (natural resources).
Indonesia has decided to retain gold, silver and platinum in the list of minerals enforced with a 20 percent export tax but coal is exempted.

 A total of 65 mineral categories has been included in the list which is expected to provide the government an additional revenue up to $2 billion.

The minerals include antimony, bauxite, chromium, copper, , iron ore, iron sand, lead, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, and tin apart from gold, silver and platinum…

The 2009 Law on Minerals and Coal stipulates that in 2014 all mining companies in Indonesia will be prohibited from exporting raw materials.

To prevent overexploitation of the country’s natural resources and excessive environmental hazards before 2014, the government plans to apply the export tax.



香港文匯報訊(記者 陳遠威)受歐債危機影響,近期黃金價格大幅波動。業內人士認為,雖然近期金價有所反彈,但有可能再試低位,但未來幾年仍看好金價的走勢。

2012年5月19日 星期六





首先,最大的隱憂是歐債問題,執筆之時仍未得知希臘能否籌組新政府,但希臘政局持續不明朗,市場醞釀希臘會退出歐元區。若希臘如市場所料退出歐元區,恐慌 情緒有機會一觸即發,引發信心危機,歐債危機再次升級,銀根有機會再度收緊。香港為開放型經濟,在環球銀根緊張之時,本港樓市表現料亦不能倖免而有所回 調。
此 外,市場也開始預期,如果美國不再推行 QE3,美國經濟能否仍能保持現時亮麗。中國4月份經濟數據再度轉差,4月出口按年增長由3月的8.9%,大幅降至4.9%,進口增長更由的5.3%跌至 0.3%,中國人民銀行隨即出手救市,降低存款準備金率0.5個百分點。除環球局勢外,本港也有不明朗因素,就是梁振英新政府快將上場。因局勢有機會波濤 洶湧,市場已開始從地產股反映這些風險。




【本報訊】阿聯酋航空前日一班來港航機,有扒竊集團趁乘客途中入睡,偷去16部手提電腦及約值5萬港元的現鈔,有乘客連戴着的手錶亦被偷走。當飛機抵港 前,乘客發現失竊報警,警方事後在機尾洗手間兩個垃圾桶內起回大部份財物,惟因證據不足,涉案被捕內地漢獲釋。有法律界人士承認,空中罪案難界定案發地 點,加上搜證困難,令執法倍加困難。 外籍男子 Rob前日在杜拜乘搭阿聯酋航空編號 EK384航機返港,中途停曼谷,至下午5時許,航機準備降落時,有乘客發現財物不翼而飛,經點算後,三名外籍乘客報稱失竊,合共約5萬港元,於是報警。 警員登機調查,在機尾洗手間兩個垃圾桶內,起出約值4.5萬港元的外幣及一隻手錶。



We’re Still in Phase 1 of Capital Flight to Quality

Martin Amstrong 說, 金銀是沒到飛翔時刻, 因為資金還是停留在各種貨幣上, 而美元會是最後倒下的貨幣, 而唔係最先倒下的 ! 資金會由一個貨幣轉去另一個貨幣尋找安全島, 而最後會走入真正的安全島黃金和白銀 !

www.silverdoctors.com 全文

Martin Armstrong’s latest discusses why gold and silver are being pummeled, and the dollar is soaring in the midst of the Euro-crisis.  Armstrong states that we are still in Phase 1 of capital flight to quality, where capital flees from one currency to the next.
All in time Phase 2 will begin, and capital will flee from the last remaining fiat ‘safe-haven’ to the true safe havens of gold and silver. 

Here is a monthly chart of the US 30-year Treasury bond and the pattern is very clear. The flight-to-quality is not yet over. I have been warning gold was not ready yet for prime-time. Here we are on the edge of Europe being torn apart at the seams, socialists taking control of the battlements, inflation appearing likely, yet gold retreats. Phase ONE of a Sovereign Debt Crisis is international capital flight-to-quality from one currency to the next. I have warned that the USA would be last to go – not first!


早在十幾年前,已經有人預知今天白銀升勢。財務專家馬田‧ 岩士唐(Martin Armstrong),被譽為「當代經濟循環理大師」之一,於90 年代已經預言,白銀在未來10 年會升值10 倍。同期巧合地,股神巴菲特亦大量購入白銀,存貨量數以噸計。有見及此,不少炒家唱好白銀升值潛力,紛紛跟隨買入白銀,以及跟相關衍生產品,短短10 年間大賺特賺。
林行止於信報專欄亦曾表示,岩士唐發現8.6 年一個循環的現象,跟經濟、政治、地震都非常吻合。他更由此發展出黃金循環理論,解構金價走勢和原因。
從下表顯示,現在白銀比黃金更稀有,而且白銀是工業用消耗品,目前全球白銀總需求量的百分之70 都被用作工業用途,包括電子、攝影和醫療領域。在白銀存量不斷減少的情況下,供不應求,白銀無疑有一定升值潛力。

有市場分析推測,白銀供應量按年下跌,極容易被大戶大手買入,從而壟斷市場、操控價格。岩士唐亦在其著作提到,「白銀市場可以通過各種操縱方法來控 制價格,比如遠期合約、借款、期權期貨和受到控制的分析師的虛假宣傳。」對此,不少白銀買家表示,考慮買實體白銀( 實銀)。他們認為,投入期貨買賣,角色太被動,銀價一旦下跌就要補差價,資產價值被市場掌控,隨時變成負資產!有實銀買家強調,「有嘢揸喺手」,並不會因 市場價格大幅波動,而變成一張無用牆紙,「好過拎張紙起手啦!一輸就咩都冇!」
有分析師看好白銀走勢,他大膽預測,由於美國不斷印銀紙( 量化寬鬆政策),當美元制度崩潰的時候,貴金屬便回復主要交易貨幣身份,其價值升幅不可同日而喻。而「馬田大師」預測金價於2015 年見頂,到時白銀地位,自然追隨黃金水漲船高。

2012年5月18日 星期五

Peter Schiff - The Market Rollover, QE3 Bottom & Gold

作者預期, FED 好快會推出 QE3, 所以金價會升, 不過美元會跌 !


With tremendous volatility in global stock markets, and gold on the move, today King World News interviewed Peter Schiff, CEO of Europacific Capital, to get his thoughts on what lies ahead. Schiff discussed stocks, gold and what central planners are up to, but first, here is what Schiff had to say about what is happening in key markets: “Well, we keep getting more weak economic data, which is validating my perspective that we never really had a recovery at all. We simply juiced the economy up on stimulus, and as the stimulus high wears off, the hangover sets in.”

Peter Schiff continues:

“We’re seeing that today with weak jobless numbers.  We also have the weakness of the Philadelphia Fed Study.  So the market is just rolling over as it’s coming to grips with the fact that the fantasy investors believed in is just that, fantasy.  It’s not reality.

Gold at least is finally having an up-day.  It’s up $30 to $40 today.  It still hasn’t recouped all that it’s lost in the last couple of weeks, but I think it will as investors start to realize that QE3 is coming...

“The Fed has already said that if the economy needs it (QE), it’s going to get it.  And the economy is addicted to it, I mean this economy needs QE the way a heroin addict needs another fix.

Gold is oversold.  It had a pretty big drop in a short period of time.  I think a lot of people have been prematurely negative and a lot of people have called it quits on the gold market because of the apparent loss of momentum.

People expect gold to go up all of the time.  If all of the sudden you see some problems in Europe and gold doesn’t go up, people say, ‘See, we’ve got to sell it.’  The JP Morgan loss is now $3 billion, not $2 billion.  That might get people to be more nervous about the financials.

You are not going to wake up one morning and find out that your gold coins have somehow gotten involved in some kind of derivative trade that has blown up.”

Schiff also added:  “I don’t think the downside is going to be enormous (in stocks).  As I said, the weak economic data, and weaker stocks, put pressure on the Fed because the Fed looks at the stock market as a barometer of the economy.

As the market digests the weakening economy and the lower market, then you start to get the optimism for the release, the fix, which is QE3.  So I think QE3 puts a floor (somewhere) beneath the market. 

But I do think the overall weakness of the US economy is going to put a ceiling on the market.  So, I’m not looking for a huge run up in stocks, but I’m not looking for a collapse.  But I am looking for a collapse in the dollar at some point because more QE is definitely bad for the dollar.”

無啖好食 成交弱小證券行難撈


港股走低兼成交弱雞,小型證券行難撈!數據顯示,港股上月日均成交額跌至今年新底的505.7億元,總成交額則為9101億元,創逾四年新低,當中 C組證券行所分得的份額更連續三個月縮減,僅佔9.6%。


聯交所最新資料,市場排名65名以後的 C組證券行,上月成交額佔整體市場的9.6%,為七個月來最低,即只佔大市873.6億元成交,以市場合共約437間獲發牌的 C組證券公司計,即每間行上月平均有2億元成交,每個交易日成交額千萬元,假設佣金0.1%,即每間行每日收入平均僅1.1萬元,一個月不足20萬元,分 分鐘燈油火蠟亦難以負擔。
相反,排名在首14位的 A組市佔率則連續三個月上升,至58.23%,即佔上月5300億元成交額,即一間行一個月已有378.6億元成交,佣金以千萬計;至於 B組市佔率則維持32.17%。



【本報綜合報道】美國《紐約時報》報道,摩根大通首席投資辦公室( CIO)的巨額對冲交易虧損仍不斷擴大,目前總額已激增50%,至30億美元(234億港元)以上。


報道引述消息人士指出,過去4日以來不少對冲基金紛紛利用摩通的投資失誤作反向投資而大舉獲利,導致虧損持續增加。摩通行政總裁戴蒙於上周公開 CIO投資策略出現重大缺失時,已曾暗示這項損失數季後恐怕還會倍增,而虧損數字每天都因市場波動而改變。
目 前聯儲局已對摩通的巨額投資事件展開調查,聯邦調查局( FBI)亦已介入。銀行業分析師表示,儘管摩通財務狀況穩固,營運獲利亦不受威脅,但只要虧損越滾越大,恐怕將影響股息發放。分析師預期,若將初次估計的 20億美元虧損納入計算,摩通本季盈利約為40億美元;因此即使虧損倍增,盈利仍有大約20億美元。


此 外,英國《金融時報》報道,令摩通招致損手的衍生工具、包含121家投資級別美國企業的信貸違約掉期( CDS)指數 IG.9,最先是經一名對冲基金經理推介而摩通輾轉買入的。據悉,曾是德銀交易員的 Boaz Weinstein,在今年2月一次慈善投資會議上提及 IG.9,相隔約一個月後市場便知悉外號「倫敦鯨」的摩通交易員大量購入上述 CDS。



香港文匯報訊(記者 卓建安)世界黃金協會昨日發佈的《黃金需求趨勢報告》顯示,今年首季,在全球黃金需求下滑的背景下,中國黃金需求仍逆市增長10%,並創下歷史新高,而且 連續第二個季度成為世界最大黃金市場。該協會還預測,今年中國黃金需求最高可能增長30%,令中國可超越印度成為世界最大黃金市場。
首季逆市升10% 全年料可增30%
根據報告,今年首季,全球黃金需求1,097.6噸,同比下降5%;黃金需求價值約597億美元,同比增長16%;黃金平均價格為每盎司1,690.57 美元,同比上升22%。今年首季在全球黃金需求下滑的情況下,中國對黃金需求仍逆市增長10%,達到255.2噸,佔全球需求量的23%,並連續第二個季 度超越印度成為全球最大的黃金市場。今年首季印度黃金需求為207.6噸,同比大幅下降29%。
印度需求急降 中國吸金稱冠
世界黃金協會遠東執行董事Albert Cheng昨日接受彭博採訪時表示,預計今年中國黃金需求可能增至900-1,000噸,而去年為769.8噸,即今年中國黃金需求最高可能增長約 30%。Albert Cheng還預計今年印度的黃金需求可能下滑至800-900噸,而去年為933.4噸。

2012年5月17日 星期四


2012年1/4盎司金熊貓, 3219蚊

昨日先去長江大廈對面的中國銀行買2012年金熊貓, 兩個窗口都有人在買雞碎咁多人民幣搞咗成大半個鐘; 左邊一位大嬸唔明點解一千美元唔可以直接換人民幣, 而職員再三解釋, 要先轉換港元, 才可以換人民幣 ! 個女人以為美元只可以換港元, 所以在問要點搞先可以換到人民幣, 是否要匯去大陸 ? 終於半小時後佢先明白, 要先轉港元, 才用港元換人民幣現鈔 !
右邊一位阿伯, 用一千美元現鈔換五千人民幣, 但要新的人民幣現鈔, 而餘數要港紙, 不過一定要新鈔, 而佢要求差不多睇曬女職員櫃抽入面的現鈔為揀最新個張 ! 又要信封, 接過四個還不夠, 要多兩個  ! 難為個姐姐仔還可以笑笑口好好氣問佢還要乜野 ? 係我一早就黑面啦 !
而終於到我時我問有無1/10盎司金熊貓, 個職員說無曬金熊貓 ! 我說其他 size 都無 ? 答案是: 全賣曬 ! 用時一分鐘搞掂 !

後來行去永安大廈, 一邊在諗也可以去恒生買小金袋鼠, 最後行入永安大廈中銀一問, 1/10盎司金貓仔賣曬, 但好彩有1/4盎司小金貓, 最終買到心頭好 !
對比大半年前買2011年金熊貓仔是買平咗 !

原來昨天中環地鐵站有大單事發生, 有個傻佬帶假炸彈入車箱俾警員制服, 而地鐵站 ABCD出入口 2點半至3點半俾封鑰 ! 我剛好個時段去中環, 不過是由尖沙咀轉去的, 而唔係經九龍塘, 而到站後由J出口行咗去中銀 ! 在去完永安大廈中銀後, 我去咗大家樂食粉, 之後行去皇后大道, 想搵 Macy 說的舊大廈商場銀幣店, 但搵唔到最後行去華興 ! 華興 1盎司一期生肖全是一千蚊一枚, 而二期牛要 1200蚊, 所以幫襯旺旺和 Ivan 好過啦 !
行到四點鐘我才入去地鐵站坐車走, 所以完全唔知有事發生過 !


PM 好學唔學, 學中國政府加大發行量 !


The 2013 1oz Australian Kookaburra will be the first to have a mintage cap of 1 million coins.
The decision follows the expansion of the traditional 300,000 mintage to 500,000 for 2012. Despite the added availability, this year’s 1oz silver bullion coin sold out remarkably quickly and so we’ve taken the bold set of doubling the mintage.
There’s a feeling around the Mint that the 2013 artistry works particularly well. In fact it’s has been adjudged internally as one of the stand-outs from the entire program!
For me it recalls the classic two-bird designs of 1994 and 2001 but in the attractive style of Natasha Muhl who created the image for our acclaimed Australian Platypus platinum bullion coin.
Hopefully the market will agree and we’ll be interested in feedback via this blog when the time comes.
The 2013 Kookaburra design is due to be unveiled in mid-August, with availability via the website, bullion desk and international dealer network soon afterwards.
Stay tuned for the first glimpse of what promises to be a spectacular addition to the Australian Precious Metals Coin Program, which will also be celebrating the Year of the Snake in 2013.

Falling Gold Prices: A Few Thoughts

印度人唔係蠢成咁信佢地呀 ?


There's an element in India in the last several months which is very strongly saying we've got all this money tied up in gold which is not good for the economy,” Rogers says. To India’s west, “There are Europeans who are talking about the need to sell their gold or at least to start offering gold backed-convertible bonds. - in CNBC


2012年5月15日 星期二



【本報訊】「我係你初中同學啊!」曾有10次不誠實案底的無業漢,又再重施大話本色,於中環街頭一隅,亂認較他年輕15歲的男途人是多年不見的初中同窗, 短短15分鐘已令對方上當,得「舊同學」乖乖到銀行撳機給他應急,10天內先後借錢七次,騙去共4.5萬元。直至他玩失蹤,「舊同學」方知被騙。記者: 鍾焯如

這宗街頭騙案始於去年1月29日早上11時,樣貌帶點戇直的男事主葉佳盛(24歲)於街上與被告劉剛強(39歲)相遇,被告即趨前與他搭訕,15鐘的言談 間,男事主除相信被告是他所說多年不見的初中同學外,更確信被告急需9,000元應急。


男事主立即親身到銀行提款借錢予被告,被告聲稱同日下午還錢。至同日下午,男事主收到被告來電,被告訛稱已將2.2萬元存入其銀行賬戶,並要求男事主退回 「多收」的1.3萬元,轉賬至他另一個戶口。男事主未有查核賬戶,便按指示轉賬。
被 告昨承認七項欺詐罪,他沒有聘請律師,自行求情時稱:「之前喺喜靈洲,因為吸毒,所以先做呢啲嘢!」裁判官將被告還柙至下月4日判刑,至於被騙款項,裁判 官明言要男事主自行提出訴訟追討。資料顯示被告於10年前已用同樣手法,於港島街頭及地鐵站騙取八名途人逾八萬元,當時就11項欺詐罪被判囚20個月。

騙徒公然在 fb開專頁 假冒迪士尼套個人資料


【本報訊】迪士尼樂園疑遭冒名,在 facebook( fb)成立活動專頁,聲稱邀朋友加入,便可獲得樂園門票,但須同時填寫問卷,並提交個人資料。專頁目前已獲超過1.7萬人參與,獲邀者則達41萬人,當中 不少是香港人。迪士尼澄清,無授權有關活動。


facebook近日瘋傳一個名為「 Receive3 Disney Land/Disney World Tickets FREE」的活動專頁,設立者是「 Disneyland Giveaway」,聲稱迪士尼為慶祝去年獲利20億元,特別送出樂園門票;只要在5月21日至30日其間參與有關活動,並邀請朋友加入,只要邀滿50人 便會送一張門票,邀請滿100人便送門票兩張,200人送3張、500人送4張。參加者同時須填寫問卷,提交個人資料如電郵、收入及所在地區等。截至昨 日,已有逾1.7萬人參與,獲邀者更達41萬人。
這 個在 facebook開設的專頁,吸引不少香港人參與,部份留言對可獲免費門票感到高興,但也有人質疑這個專頁的真偽。迪士尼發言人對此回應,本港或美國迪士 尼等均無授權此活動,呼籲市民注意,並已要求 facebook刪除該專頁及作出跟進。本報嘗試聯絡該專頁成立人或有關的問卷公司,均未獲回覆。



香港文匯報訊(記者 李昌鴻 深圳報道)國際大宗商品價格下跌,國際黃金價格近日跌破1,600美元,並呈現持續下挫趨勢。不過,國際投資大師羅傑斯近日表示,11年來黃金表現超過任 何資產,雖然目前金價正處於調整,但並不令人奇怪。他表示不會賣出黃金,如果金價再向下,他計劃買入更多黃金。更叮囑投資者不要輕易賣出黃金。
中國需求巨 仍看好黃金
 由於QE3推出的預期降低,加上美國經濟數據好於預期,以及歐洲政局動盪推動美元匯率上升等,金價 近月持續下探。今年一季度,金價下挫逾4%,4月份下跌2.91%。儘管如此,羅傑斯仍看好黃金,並說如果金價能夠跌至1,100、1,200美元或 1,300美元,他希望可以買入更多,但他不認為金價會跌至該水平。他稱,如果伊朗戰爭爆發的話,金價升至1,850美元他也會買入。金價取決於全球地緣 政治因素影響。因此,他對目前金價的創新低並不感奇怪。
經濟將更糟 現不宜買股
 在可預見的未來,經濟將變得更糟糕,而市場是反映經濟晴雨表,他不認為目前是買入股票的適當時機。 對於他來說,只有看到股票具有翻番的前景時才會決定買入。羅傑斯表示他對未來20年的全球金融業極其悲觀。他強調,由於債務危機龐大,人們不可能一下子解 決其帶來的危機和影響。但西方將因債務危機而可怕地結束此前的優勢。

2012年5月14日 星期一

國際盜卡黨侵港 大批網民中招 Apple App Store無掩雞籠


【本報訊】國際盜卡黨疑入侵香港,盜取為數不少的網民信用卡資料,然後透過 Apple App Store網購同黨售賣的「廢 app」,每宗交易動輒99.99美元(約780元),大批網民中招,有人兩天遭過數四次。電腦專家認為, Apple審查用戶商戶程序馬虎,如無掩雞籠,且程式等非實物毋須付運,難以追查,讓盜卡黨有機可乘。 記者:翁煜雄

越來越多人透過 iPhone、 iPad的交貿平台 Apple App Store,以信用卡網購應用程式、書籍等,用戶信用卡月結單會顯示過數商戶是 Apple iTunes Store Luxembourg。 iPhone 用戶譚先生上月翻查其恒生信用卡的月結單,赫然發現四項不明賬目,分別於3月18日被「 Apple iTunes Store Luxembourg」過數三次,3月20日再有一次,每次99.99美元:「咁耐剩係用免費 app,從冇喺 App Store畀錢買過嘢。」


他致電恒生查詢,職員追查數天後,要他填表證明交易非他授權,又為他換新卡,「話我張卡被盜用,之後退返錢畀我」。 阿雄也遇到類似情況,他今年2月8日收到 Citibank通知,「問我啱啱有冇喺 Apple買嘢,我話冇」。銀行職員稱,發現有人以阿雄信用卡資料在網上購物,要求阿雄填表格證明沒授權此交易,「仲懷疑我張卡被盜用,發過張畀我」。 阿雄其後翻閱賬單,發現當天遭 Apple iTunes Store Luxembourg過數99.99美元,銀行調查後2月23日退回:「我冇實際損失,但想叫大家小心啲。」 網上包括 Apple官方討論區可見大批同類個案,部份人沒有購買 Apple產品,最早2010年已有美加網友投訴,金額多涉99.99美元,也有19.99、49.99美元;個案其後蔓延至亞洲如台灣,本港討論區年初也湧現「受害者」。


互聯網協會會長莫乃光表示,事件實情有待追查,但估計騙徒可能盜用網民的信用卡資料,在 App Store開設戶口 Apple ID,再購買同黨在 App Store售賣的程式:「整個廢 app嚟賣,好易之嘛。」他懷疑騙徒透過一買一賣圖利,「每筆收99.99美元,如果國際集體式經營,可以賺好多」。他相信事件已引起部份銀行關注,「如果唔係, Citibank點會咁快通知個卡主」。 電腦保安事故協調中心經理古煒德說,騙徒選擇在 App Store犯案,是因在此開戶只需電郵及信用卡資料,難追究;在 App Store申請售賣程式等, Apple多只審查程式有否病毒,未必嚴格審核商戶身份,加上貨品只需下載毋須郵寄,「有事都唔知去邊追個商戶。騙徒被揭發,最多咪關閉戶口,再開一個」。 「 Apple審查商戶好兒戲」。玄學家麥玲玲2010年擬推運程書 iPhone版遭 Apple拒絕,原來當時 App Store已有一本《麥玲玲運程書》,「有人之前擅自放我本書去賣」。她說最後 Apple要她證明「自己先係麥玲玲」才准在 App Store賣書。 本報聯絡 Apple查詢但不獲回覆。 Citibank和恒生稱已經解決有關個案,但不肯透露同類案件的數目。 Citibank承認有專人留意有關問題交易。

2012年5月13日 星期日



May 11th, 2012 by Egon von Greyerz
The precious metals markets have now been going sideways for around 7 months. No investors like corrections but in all bull markets there will always be periods when the price corrects. Some of these moves are bigger like in 2008 when gold in dollar terms corrected by 34% from $1,032 to $681. Silver which is always more volatile corrected by 60% in 2008.

The correction, in dollar terms, is so far 17% in gold and in silver 42% . In Euros gold is down only 10%. If we look at the long term charts of gold starting back in 1999, these corrections look like at little wiggle at the top of the chart. Thus the correction in gold is totally insignificant in this major bull market and absolutely nothing to be concerned about
The physical precious metals market is still very strong with Swiss refiners working around the clock and central banks around the world continuing to buy. Chinese imports this year so far are up 6 times on last year. The selling that we are currently seeing is primarily in the gold paper market. This is short term speculators in precious metals that are getting out of their positions. We saw the same in the 2008 correction when gold came down as many investors liquidated gold market continues to be very strong and at some point the paper gold market will be exposed for what it is; worthless paper with no gold backing.
I can understand that investors who entered the gold market in the $1,600 to $1,900 range might feel a little bit uncomfortable at these levels. And even at the current price of $1,585 there might be a further downside risk of $50-$100 at the very most. But the upside in the next few years is likely to be in excess of $10,000 as I have been forecasting for many years and it could be a lot higher depending on how fast governments will run the printing presses.
As I said in my King World News interview yesterday all the dominoes are falling as predicted which will necessitate unlimited money printing. Just in the last few days we have seen Greek and French voters throwing out austerity programmes and we have also seen a Spanish bank having to be saved again. All of this is very bullish for gold and silver in the longer term.
More importantly, a very big domino fell yesterday with JP Morgan having lost US$ 2 billion on a derivative position that was taken to hedge their portfolio. JP Morgan do not even know the size of their exposure but they admit that their losses could be a lot bigger. (No doubt the rocket science employee who lost this amount in the bank’s London office has been earning millions in bonuses every year for taking positions that nobody understood).
I have warned investors for more than a decade that the current $1 quadrillion plus (the $700 trillion figure is incorrect) of outstanding derivatives is a timebomb of colossal magnitude. It is guaranteed that we will see losses in the trillions in the next few years. That is why wealth preservation is so critical and investors should not worry about a relatively small correction in the price of precious metals. The most important investment you can hold today is physical gold and silver stored outside the banking system. This is the only investment that protects your wealth against the destruction in value of most asset including paper money and also avoids counterparty risk. Investments within the banking system will always involve major counterparty risk. And with most banks having massive toxic loan books with nowhere near adequate provisions and derivatives in the trillions with no provisions, the whole financial system is today extremely fragile. Central banks and governments are fully aware that without money printing in the trillions of dollars and more likely in the tens of trillions, the banking system is unlikely to survive.
So if investors are nervous about this correction in gold and silver, take my advice; stop looking at the price and go on holiday. Economically and socially times will soon be a lot worse so enjoy the “good times” when you still can.

Fake Engelhard Prospector Silver Rounds

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因為呢隻幣太多假貨, 所以本人唔會買 !

原來在 ebay 賣的好多都是鍍銀銅幣 !

2012年5月12日 星期六

馬雅最古曆法曝光 否定末日論


【明報專訊】不少危言聳聽者聲稱馬雅曆法曾預言今年12月底將是世界末日,但美國考古學家早前在危地馬拉一幢馬雅建築 物遺蹟牆上,發現來自公元9世紀的古馬雅曆,這亦是迄今已發現的最古老馬雅曆,當中演算的日期涵蓋長達6700年,遠超所謂的世界末日周期,否定了 2012世界末日的迷信言論。

來自美國波士頓大學的考古學家薩圖爾諾(William Saturno),2010年帶領研究團隊,深入南美國家危地馬拉城巿蘇爾通(Xultun)一處約在百年前發現的馬雅聚落遺址,進行考古研究。在觀察之 前的盜墓者開挖的通道時,研究員發現其中一面灰牆上有繪畫的痕迹,經發掘後發現一幢埋在地下1米的建築物遺址。該建築物保存大致完好,多面牆上除了繪有馬 雅君王與其隨從的畫像外,亦寫滿象形數字及運算符號,並有更正及附註記號,估計是曆法演算的過程。

牆壁當黑板 古代官員計曆法

薩圖爾諾指出,該建築物是馬雅官方記錄員的工作室。記錄員把牆壁充當黑板,記錄過往重要事件及星相等資料,以演算曆法,並將之抄寫在樹皮紙等物料 上,交予王室貴族參考。牆上貌似化學元素表的圖文符號,相信是太陽、金星、火星及月球等星體的循環規律表。專家相信,馬雅記錄員以這些規律,推演出涵蓋達 250萬日(約6700年)的大型曆法,這套曆法估計源自公元9世紀,比之前估計最古老、源自公元1300年的馬雅法典(Maya Codices)曆法更早數百年。

2012結束第13循環 新發現17循環

近年坊間傳言稱,根據馬雅文明始於公元前3114年8月11日的長計曆法,世界周期共有13個名為「baktun」的循環,每循環為14.4萬日, 到第13個循環結束,即2012年12月21日後,世界周期就會「終結」,惹起末日論。不過薩圖爾諾指出,新發現的曆法涵蓋17個「baktun」,超出 所謂的末日周期。雖然暫未能確定新曆法是否包括2012年12月21日後的日子,但發現證明對古馬雅人來說,世界周期終結,只代表新周期開始,一如汽車計 程器讀數由最大值跳回零,與末日無關。

周期終結續開始 無關末日




上幾日因為有筆澳元定期剛好到期, 而見到市場好唔穩定, 所以沽出獲利先, 當是今年的利市錢, 遲下低返先買返 ! (咁樣短炒唔一定成功的, 所以大家唔好學)

差價加利息可以有 18%利潤在今時今日已算好啦 !
投資是不理賺幾多, 一定要保持賺錢記錄 !



【本報訊】網上拍賣網民熱捧,惹來黑客盜用賬戶賣 A貨。有受害人的拍賣賬戶被雅虎追討600多元「刊登費」,始知自己久未使用的賬戶,被人盜用放售冒牌貨,擔心遭海關追究,隨時惹上官非。
Catherine 使用雅虎拍賣網多年,但只間中用作購物,從未上載物品放售;惟上月中她突然收到雅虎電郵,指她需要支付共664元的「貨品刊登費」,她大吃一驚,隨即登入 拍賣賬戶查看,發現被人先後上載逾200件名牌手錶及手袋進行拍賣。


「賣嘅全部都係勞力士、 Chanel同 Gucci產品……,但冇講係咪正貨,加上價錢較低,懷疑係冒牌貨。」 Catherine更發現盜用者利用她的賬戶與買家聯絡,相約在地鐵站交收;她隨即把貨品下架,同時又發現其他網民的賬戶亦遭入侵,因對方的貨品相片、描 述及價錢,跟她賬戶內的一模一樣。
Catherine事後曾多次致電雅虎但未獲回覆,擔心海關認為她售賣盜版貨將其拘捕,「如果有人落 bid(競投)就會出事……,根本好難證明唔係我(上載貨品)!」她正準備報警求助。


商品價挫 金價今年升幅報銷


香港文匯報訊  (記者 周紹基) 受歐債危機升溫影響,加上全球經濟增長不明朗,令近期商品市場紛紛重挫,繼油價跌破每桶100美元後,金價也跌破1,600美元大關,昨日低見1,573 美元一盎司,令金價今年的漲幅消失殆盡。金價在跌穿1,600美元後,未有資金踴躍入市低吸,令金價進一步下挫至1,573美元。昨晚7時左右,金價報 1,580美元。除了黃金以外,白銀、鉑金等貴金屬價格也齊齊向下,三者都創今年1月以來新低。
 金價下挫也令黃金基金平均下跌約18%,但摩根環球天然資源基金經理Neil Gregson認為,全球製造業指數仍處擴張,加上各大央行積極擴大黃金儲備,看好油、金價格有支持,中線跌勢將會放緩。
 不過,Neil Gregson預期金價跌破1,600美元後,開始會出現低位承接的買盤。他認為,環球經濟未復甦,部分歐洲國家更呈大幅衰退,例如英國連續兩季衰退,中 國經濟也在收縮,這促使美國仍有機會推出QE3,其他地方也會持續其寬鬆的貨幣環境,故此,黃金的保值優勢將會重新顯現。

新世界, 一個政府, 一個貨幣, 一個祟教

有傳說, 地球上有一班精英(The Elite), 成員有英女皇家族, 世界各地富豪、銀行家、企業家, 聯盟控制地球上的一切事務, 而佢地的夢想是地球上可以有一個政府, 一個貨幣和一個祟教 !
所以佢地先會搞亂世界秩序, 之後才出來當自己是救世主操控世界 !

佢地想統一世界貨幣, 而呢個貨幣好有可能是金和銀 !
所以依家買入金和銀是和班精英對著捍, 因為佢地就係想到時大眾手上無實金實銀, 而要用天價同佢地換, 吸盡世界財富 !

所以認為買實金實銀是多餘的人一定要好好反思, 大家點都要有少少實金實銀在手 !

買實金實銀的風險考慮已寫在本網誌的[投資金銀手冊], 所以唔會盲目叫人去冒險 !

2012年5月11日 星期五


印錢又死, 減赤又死, 死路一條 ?


 默克爾指,以往討論的發行泛歐債券或槓桿效應,都不是持久可行之法。她指,解決歐債危機是長久而困 難的過程,須針對源頭、減低債務,同時加強部分歐元區國家的競爭力。默克爾將出席下周五在美國大衛營舉行的八國集團(G8)峰會,她稱要達到持續增長,歐 洲和其他工業國都須控制開支。  


英削退休金 40萬公僕大罷工

政府想減赤, 但人民唔合作 !

政府救銀行益了大鱷苦了民眾, 不過如唔救, 市民存款和退休金一早已跟銀行消失咗 !


 工會PCS稱,政府一方面削減退休金,一方面又將退休年齡延至68歲,意味工作年期更長、納稅更 多,所得退休金卻更少。英國政府稱,現行制度有欠公允,且隨著國民平均壽命延長,政府將無力支付巨額退休金,故必須改革;工會Unite則警告若政府堅持 削支,將號召旗下巴士司機在奧運期間發起工業行動。
每月退休金 較私企多近倍
 雖然公務員投訴退休金減少,但有調查顯示,英國約8萬名公共機構退休人士,每年退休金高達2.59 萬英鎊(約32.5萬港元),數目極為可觀,每月平均退休金較任職私營機構者多近一倍。自首相卡梅倫推出緊縮政策以來,英國半年內已發生兩次大型罷工。然 而,女王文誥前日提到,英國政府來年將繼續節流,務必削減達320億英鎊(約4,018億港元)的年度退休金支出。 

■路透社/《每日電訊報》/《每日郵 報》/英國廣播公司

2012年5月10日 星期四

Thousands of Twitter usernames and passwords leaked


"Hackers" have released a list containing 55,000 Twitter usernames and passwords. Mercifully, more than half are duplicates, and most of the others are spam accounts.
If you happen across headlines warning about tens of thousands of Twitter usernames and passwords leaking onto the Web, don’t worry about it — unless you happen to be a spammer.
Earlier today, a post on hacker news aggregation site Air Demon declared that “anonymous hackers” (with a lower-case “a”) had released a list containing “55,000+” Twitter logins onto Pastebin.com. And, in fact, such a list exists. The list is actually housed on five different Pastebin pages, because of its seemingly endless length.
Fortunately, nearly half of the logins listed are duplicates, and most of the rest belong to suspended spam accounts. It appears as though some of the accounts may be owned and operated by legitimate Twitter users, however, so the careful amongst you may want to verify your absence. Here is the full list: 1 / 2  3 / 4 / 5.
In an email with The New York Times, a Twitter spokesperson said that the company is “currently looking into the situation,” and that anyone whose account credentials were exposed in the “leak” has been sent an email to reset their password.
So, unless you received an email from Twitter, that’s pretty much it for this one. That said, it is essential to fortify your Twitter account — and any other online account — with the strongest possible password. (Here’s our guide for how to craft a Kevlar password.) If you really want to be safe, change your password frequently. And never use the same password across multiple accounts — especially critical accounts like banks and credit cards.

Leeb - We Will Now See a Gold Standard Imposed in Europe


With stocks trading lower, along with gold and silver, today King World News interviewed acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb, Chairman & Chief Investment Officer of Leeb Capital Management. Leeb told KWN we will see a gold standard imposed on Europe. Leeb also said the Chinese will move to back the yuan with gold. Here is what Leeb had to say about the situation: “Gold is reacting to what’s going on in Europe. It’s the last resort of liquidity for a lot of people. It’s been the best performing major asset over the last 12 years. You have a lot of chaos in Europe and no one knows what’s happening, so there has been a lot of reflex selling of gold.”

Stephen Leeb continues:

“Gold has been a bit stronger than I thought it would be considering the danger of a euro breakup is accelerating.  I don’t think there’s any chance the euro holds together under its current form.  Unemployment among the young in Greece is about 50%.  That can’t stand, it just can’t.

These politicians can’t do this forever.  People are not going to tolerate starvation.  Sooner or later the politicians are going to have to respond.  This means less austerity and more growth, and the end of German hegemony in Europe.

This looks similar to the end of World War I.  Once the euro goes, it will be very much like the end of the war....
“You are going to have a lot of currency devaluation.  You are also going to see massive inflation.  Everybody knows what that means for gold.

So you are in the last hours of turbulence for the gold market (to the downside).  Once this correction ends, you are going to have a barnburner to the upside.  Gold will just vault.  I don’t think investors will even remember these frustrating days.  I had been warning we could see this drop in gold because of the problems in Europe, but investors should take advantage of it.

Look at what China is doing.  China is buying gold hand over fist right now.  They are going to move the yuan forward as the world’s reserve currency and it’s going to be partially backed by gold.  The world can also expect to see a gold standard imposed on Europe in the next 12 to 18 months. 

The junior gold stocks, the ones with honest to goodness reserves which have not been developed, they will see one of the greatest, if not the greatest bull market of all-time. 

But many of the big stocks have become like dinosaurs.  Stocks like Newmont and Barrick don’t have enough gold in the ground.  So what’s bad for Newmont and Barrick, is incredibly good for gold.  We are sitting on the cusp of what may be the greatest bull market we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes.”

Leeb also added:  “Prospects for QE3 are rising.  I think the stock market will make some sort of eventual top and just be range bound.  This is what happens when you have inflation taking hold.  We saw this in the 70s when stocks went nowhere for that entire decade, but gold and silver had massive gains. 

The only place to be is going to be hard assets and commodities.  Incidentally, both Glencore and Mitsubishi, two of the largest commodity companies in the world, have come out in the last day or so and stated that “commodity markets are tight.”  Once this is liquidation is over, commodities will go crazy.”



睇下燈神講乜先 ! 




所謂福無重至,跌市的壞消息似乎是夾埋一齊來。一直靠內地股市來支撐的港股,受傳聞有關十八大會議將會押後的消息拖累, A股下跌40點,令一眾中資股也受壓。此因素其實筆者並不擔心,相信只是用來震盪大市的消息。


歐洲不穩 商品面臨拋售


英皇金融集團總裁 黃美斯 

 美國原油期貨已連續下跌五天,周三早段再次跌回96美元水平。因希臘選舉後的不確定性令歐洲政治及 經濟困境加深,且市場持續憂慮美國原油庫存增加,兩者均加重對原油需求的憂慮。美國近月原油合約收在2月來最低水平,錄得自去年10月以來最大的五天跌 幅,而歐債問題持續,且美國原油庫存料連續第六周增加,使得油價近期內難有起色。希臘進一步陷入危機之中,該國左翼總理候選人為組建聯合政府設下條件,但 希臘最大政黨認為這些條件將摧毀希臘。不明朗因素下令資金脫離商品市場,商品價格再受沽壓。貴金屬方面,金價失守1,600美元關口見1,581水平,鉑 金及白銀分別跌至1,500美元及28.70美元水平的四個半月低位。 


 希臘政局的不確定性和法國領導人更迭令投資者懷疑歐洲能否透過救助其處於困境經濟體所需的數十億歐 元而渡過難關。希臘陷入越來越深的危機,當時左派總理候選人為組建新聯合政府設定多項條件,而最大黨派稱這將摧毀希臘。此外,近期美國公佈了一連串強勁的 經濟數據,亦降低了美國進一步放寬貨幣政策的希望,令金價較2月底時觸及的高位1,790美元下跌200美元。 

 圖表走勢所見, 經過兩日下跌,已見金價大幅脫離平均線;位置上亦接連失守1,630及1,600這兩線重要支撐,預料短期金價將繼續承壓下試;較近支持先看1,580美 元,下一級在1,571,為下降平衡通道之底部。此外,1,620為雙頂形態之頸線,計算幅度延伸目標可至1,569美元。阻力位則首看1,611及 1,627美元。

 倫敦白銀周三早市跌至28.72美元,維持近期之下滑趨向。圖表見白銀近月明顯受壓著一下降趨 向線,形成其目前重要阻力在30.50美元,白銀需回破此區,才見可擺脫弱勢傾向。至於即市較近阻力預估在29.60及30.00美元。另一方面,只要白 銀當前仍是處於趨向線下方之際,則仍處於下行趨勢中,下試水準料可試至28.60以至28.40美元,進一步關鍵預估在27.80。

2012年5月9日 星期三

Fleckenstein - Stock Market to Tank, Buffett’s Ego & Gold


With continued uncertainty surrounding global markets, today King World News interviewed Bill Fleckenstein, President of Fleckenstein Capital, to get his take on the situation. Fleckenstein told KWN that despite the volatility, “stocks are going down.” He also predicted continued collapse in Europe and railed on Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. Here is what Fleckenstein had to say: “I mean, look, they’ve figured out how to skin the paper money machine pretty well. They’ve benefitted greatly by government bailouts. Buffett’s gotten himself upside down and sideways in various different financial entities, and they’ve worked out okay in the end.”

Bill Fleckenstein continues:

“They’ve got a lot of these levered financial entities, and that’s helped them. So, I guess they figure they know how to beat the money printing, that they obviously must see. Buffett knows the dollar is doomed by our policies.

 Why they (Buffett and Munger) act like you have to be a moron to own gold, I don’t know. He could just say, ‘It’s not my cup of tea, I prefer businesses that spit out cash,’ instead of talking about it as though as it was something only a fool would have....

“Is Munger trying to imply that only Jewish people in Vienna, before World War II, it was only suitable for them?  Does that mean if he was Jewish, he wouldn’t have seen the problems coming and he wouldn’t have owned any?  

It’s just idiotic.  But then so is Buffett’s stance on tax policy.  Maybe guys get to the point where they have so much money, their ego gets the best of them and they just like to hear themselves talk.  I don’t know.”

When asked about the stock market, Fleckenstein responded,  “Oh I think stocks are going down.  They are going to go down until we get QE3.  The same thing happened last year and the same thing happened the year before.  Easy money boosts stocks higher, then the easy money stops.

The data gets worse.  In this case the data got people’s expectations way too optimistic because of the seasonal adjustments making all of the data seem stronger than they were.

So the data will get worse and Europe will get worse.  Then the stock market will get worse.  And then Ben (Bernanke) will come with QE3 or ‘Operation Twist 2.0’ or whatever he’s going to do.  Then we’ll be on to the next round and we can start looking forward to our own election.”

Fleckenstein also added: “I still think there will be angst over financial collapses in Europe, especially as the Spanish bank problem gets worse.  I wouldn’t say there is not headline shock for the deflationist’s knee-jerk reaction, but I don’t see how it’s a viable outcome.

It’s clear that people aren’t going to stand for austerity anymore and the politicians, all they want to do is get reelected, so they are going to go where the votes are.  This probably ought to be the final hurrah for the deflationists argument.  I say ‘argument’ because it hasn’t been an outcome, it’s just been a theory.”

2012年5月7日 星期一

一套加拿大奧運9999 1盎司銀幣

2008年奧運1oz 9999 銀幣, 340蚊, Silver Coin Story 買 (新相)

2009年奧運1oz 9999 銀幣, 650蚊, 國際錢幣買 (舊相)

2010年奧運1oz 9999 銀幣, 750蚊, 國際錢幣買 (舊相)

2008年加拿大奧運1盎司銀幣 (上), 340蚊 Silver Coin Story 買
2009年加拿大奧運1盎司銀幣 (右), 350蚊 Silver Coin Story 買
2010年加拿大奧運1盎司銀幣 (左), 750蚊 好旺角國際錢幣 買(依家 Silver Coin Story 賣 430蚊)

Weight...............31.10 Grams 1oz
Diameter...........38 mm
Purity................9999 Silver
Thickness..........3.15 mm
Face Value........$5
2008 Inukshuk      937,839
2009 Thunderbird   569,048
2010 Ice Hockey    79,278

多謝 Samuel 的楓葉資料 !

好旺角的價錢真是嚇死人, 不過當時因為銀價差不多升去40美元, 而全香港都見唔到有賣, 所以買咗 ! 好多謝 Ivan 可以用平價幫我買到, 拉低成組的買入價, 儲齊一套 !
如果有人想買, 可以去 Silver Coin Story 同Ivan 講 !



「催眠黨」登陸美國麻省波士頓。警方表示,一名57歲婦人上月在街頭,被三名亞裔女騙徒迷惑,回家取得總值達16萬美元(124.8萬港元)現金和財物, 交給三名疑犯。受害人報警時聲稱,相信自己被催眠。

案發在4月15日,操廣東話的受害人,在波士頓唐人街遭兩名30多歲和一名40多歲的亞裔女性搭訕。受害人稱,騙徒用廣東話問她家裏情況,談了大約五分 鐘,受害人就拿着疑犯給她的膠袋,回家將現金、金戒指等多件首飾,以及自己的護照,放入袋中,再去到約好的地點,將袋子交了給疑犯,讓對方為她的財物祈 福,但事後發現袋內的財物已經不翼而飛,而騙徒亦逃之夭夭。

警 方指,受害人相信自己是受到騙徒催眠,才會按她們的指示交出財物,但臨床催眠專家扎倫( Harvey Zarren)向《波士頓先驅報》指,催眠多數要較長時間或經邪教儀式洗腦,鮮有幾分鐘接觸就成功將人催眠。

騙徒講粵語 紐約有八宗






4580蚊5枚=916蚊1枚, 蝦你唔識野 !


2010年半盎司本色虎(買入價380蚊)和2010年半盎司彩色虎(買入價280蚊)在 Silver Coin Story 買


1/2oz Lunar Silver Coloured Mouse Coin 2008    57,073 (限量 170,000)
1/2oz Lunar Silver Coloured Ox Coin 2009       43,379 (限量 170,000)      
1/2oz Lunar Silver Coloured Tiger Coin 2010     62,358 (限量 170,000)

呢些半盎司銀幣, 好旺角價已去到約 320-420蚊一枚本色, 而 450蚊一枚彩色, 所以大家要多謝 Silver-Pocket Club 和 Silver Coin Story 幫大家帶來好多平幣, 唔曬再俾人搶錢啦 !

2012年5月6日 星期日

1/2 oz 2012 Fiji Taku

2012年半盎司菲濟海龜, 187蚊,在 Silver Coin Story買

Condition      Uncirculated
Year     2012
Country     New Zealand
Refiner     New Zealand Mint
Face Value     $1
Purity     999
Weight (g)     15.5500
Thickness (mm)     1.90
Diameter (mm)     32.5 mm



你手上有掛鉤票據嗎 ?

你手上還有呢些銀行股票嗎 ?

2012年5月5日 星期六

Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price - Elites Plan to Control the World


Today multi-billionaire Hugo Salinas Price told King World News in stunning detail what he believes to be the frightening plan to “control the world” going forward. He described this as a “very disturbing fact that is facing humanity.” Here is how he described the situation: “Eric, the problems we are seeing in the West are not going to be resolved in any positive way. What we have had in the West, in recent decades, has been the welfare state. The welfare state is, in my view, what I would call, ‘socialism light.’ We’ve had ‘socialism light’ and now we’re going to transition to full-blown socialism.”

Hugo Salinas Price continues:

“This could not be paid for out of taxes: It had to be financed. This is what has caused the explosion of debt in the West. The people who are in power, the elite, do not want to relinquish their power. They plan to retain it under full-blown socialism for the populations of the West.

This includes all countries that have central banks: They are going to have to follow suit. This is a very disturbing fact that is facing humanity. It means the inevitable decline of industrial civilization, and the inevitable impoverishment of the world’s population.

This means that over time there will be a decline in the number of people on this earth. That is the rather grim outlook that I see. So, it’s socialism ahead. And with that will come more government control and a centrally run economy. This is inefficient and unproductive, and it will lead to impoverishment.

Nikita Khrushchev, when he came to the United Nations, said, ‘We will bury you’....

“Well, it’s not the USSR that buried us, it’s us burying ourselves, under the rule of our elite, who do not want to give up their control. The furtherance of their control lies in socialism.

I think this comes from a central idea that has possessed the imagination of the world. It’s the idea that authority comes from below. In other words, that authority comes from the people. This idea of authority from the will of the people is a myth of our civilization. Excuse me for saying that it’s a myth, but I see that as a fact.

I’m just saying that those who control the world know they have to curry the favor of the people. To do this they went the way of the welfare state, and democracy to give people the fiction they (the people) are in control. Well, they are not and never have been.

We also have fiat money to fund the welfare state. Then we have entertainment to distract the people. We also have war to distract the people. The airplanes bomb people, and the victims are just humans who are expendable. This is how the elite see things.
We will continue to see this from the elite, in order to maintain their power. Remember, socialism impoverishes, it consumes capital, it does not accumulate capital. So, you will have this de-capitalization that will come with socialism.

When you combine that with the probability that we are at peak oil, as that prime source of energy comes to a point where it begins to decline, you will see a decrease in the population.”

Hugo Salinas Price also warned: “Italy and Spain have already imposed a limit on cash transactions. Any transaction above 2,500 euros has to be paid with a credit card. Now that’s ominous. It confirms the socialist trend because in socialism you have very little use for money. Everything is supplied by means of ration cards.

That’s what I see coming, and I see it in the United States as well. Take, for example, the fact that there are 46.5 million people on food stamps. You already have the ration card in action there.”

He also added: “For those people who want to protect themselves, they are going to have to take some drastic measures. They will have to be imaginative in trying to protect themselves in whatever way they can from this onslaught of centralized government.

Everybody should constitute a reserve of something that will function as ‘real’ money because there will be continued abuse of fiat money in order to fund the socialist state. We will see more limitations on the use of cash, and people need to be prepared for that.”

Hugo Salinas Price is a hero to many, and he has crusaded to help poor people around the world. For KWN readers and listeners globally, when Hugo Salinas Price talks about ‘real’ money, based on our interviews over the years, I believe he means gold and silver. He prefers physical silver because it is easier to exchange for goods or services if the system breaks down.

Leeb - We Will See Unbelievable Chaos Going Forward


On the heels of unemployment reports being released today in Europe and the US, King World News interviewed acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb, Chairman & Chief Investment Officer of Leeb Capital Management.  Leeb told KWN he expects to see a tremendous amount of chaos going forward, and it will mean the end of the euro.  Leeb also discussed gold and silver, but first, here is what Leeb had to say about what is happening in Europe and the US:  “Today we got two bad employment reports.  One of those reports was from Europe, the other from the United States.  The fundamentals in Europe and the US are horrendous.  Things are even worse in Europe than they are in the US.”

Stephen Leeb continues:

“The risk in Europe of something really going astray is extremely high.  You have the likelihood of a socialist winning the election in France, who will oppose austerity.  He will not be friendly with Germany.  To me this means the end of the euro, and that will mean a tremendous amount of chaos in Europe.

The euro is not going to last....

“The euro is a complete joke, and the attempts to hold it together will not work. It’s a question of how and when it fails. In the end, you are going to have a lot of inflation in a lot of countries, it’s that simple.

In the United States we saw poor unemployment figures today from ADP. These figures were a disappointment to many investors. This simply reinforces that Chairman Bernanke is ever closer to QE3. This is one of the reasons the stock market isn’t falling a lot today, in spite of the weakness in Europe. This is what’s keeping investors in the market, there’s a tremendous amount of liquidity floating out there.

But what I’m saying is the Western world is going to need even more easing, more money. All of this is incredibly bullish for gold longer-term. I do think you have to navigate the end of the euro before the next massive move in gold, but that’scoming. It’s possible that gold may get hit initially as the euro fails, but you have to buy it if it does.

In the end, the only way this is going to work out is with massive liquidity and inflation.
This inflation is already much more prevalent than any of the numbers suggest. But once the public realizes inflation is heating up, you will see a mad dash for gold.”

Leeb also added: “Once gold gets going, people will be amazed at how fast the silver price moves. You are going to see three digit silver in the next couple of years. Going forward, there simply isn’t enough silver available to satisfy both the industrial demand and investor demand.

We will start to see strains in the physical market in silver at some point in the future. When that happens, silver will be off to the races.”

2012年5月4日 星期五


外幣, 油, 股市跌





2002年馬幣, 左圖是本人持有

2004年猴幣, 左圖是本人持有

真是好似, 不過一放在真幣旁, 再放大少少, 就可以見到不同處 !

大家去拍賣網買銀幣一定要好小心, 因為好似有一批平第一期生肖同本來PM發行的幣有少少出入 !

還有一批笑翠鳥, 似是同PM產品有少少出入 !

空頭支票過數 網民連環中招

呢樣大家要注意, 以前我做證券行時, 經理成日同我地說, 支票和本票, 一定要[good]咗先好俾客買野 ! 當時我唔明, 點解本票都會出事, 唔係銀行已扣起錢的嗎 ?

原來如有人俾咗本票你, 之後走去銀行報失, 你一樣收唔到錢 ! 小心, 小心 ! 最好一手交現金, 才一手交貨!


【本報訊】中銀紀念鈔炒得火紅,原價 6,000元的 30連張炒至五萬元一張,吸引不少抽不中「大獎」的市民炒上炒。網上近日流傳一名肥仔老千,以老舊「過數橋」騙走紀念鈔,令至少兩名炒家血本無歸,最終報警。事主將肥仔老千相片放上網,呼籲炒家們小心。 記者:陳達浩 譚志輝 梁偉權

「係佢啦!我唔會認錯!」讀中六的 Tom指着肥仔老千相片說。相中人 20多歲,肥胖身材,深色短髮戴眼鏡,穿牛仔褲,外表斯文,卻令 Tom白白賠上四張中銀單鈔,損失 5,000多元。 3月初 Tom在網上放售四張中銀紀念單鈔,叫價 9,500元,如果成功放售獲利會近倍,其後他收到肥仔來電相約交收。 翌日 Tom到觀塘港鐵站的恒生銀行赴約,肥仔老千拖着他的女友出現。肥仔表示可用櫃員機過數, Tom不虞有詐,即向肥仔提供戶口號碼,未幾肥仔聲稱已成功轉賬, Tom即時查看戶口,果然發現總結餘確實多了 9,500元,但他未有留意可動用結餘金額,便奉上四張紀念票。 Tom翌日到銀行打簿,發覺該 9,500元未有過數,查詢下銀行稱該筆錢乃空頭支票,之後 Tom無法聯絡肥仔,只好報警。

 網友熱議 合力追緝

另一名中招大專生 Sam,同被騙去四張單鈔。 Sam事後在上網呻笨,隨即引起網友熱議,有人主動與他聯絡,稱疑被同一人所騙,更有事主拍下肥仔廬山真面目供大家認人,合力追緝肥仔老千。 金融界立法會議員詹培忠表示,一般來說,經櫃員機轉賬,來往的戶口又是同一銀行,總結餘和可動用結餘該同步增減;收款人應致電銀行確認,確保萬無一失。


「㩒唔到錢 就知有問題」 用「過數橋」行騙的肥仔老千,曾試圖騙取價值動輒數萬元的 30連張中銀紀念鈔,但遇上醒目事主結果失手而回。任職印刷業的 Andy,早前抽中三十連張,希望賣出好價錢,於是在網上放售,豈料遇上肥仔老千,後者答應以 51,000元收購,險些中招。


肥仔老千同使用「過數橋」行騙, Andy說:「我戶口本來得百幾蚊,見佢好似入咗五萬一,我就試吓㩒三百蚊出嚟,點知唔得,我就知有問題啦!」當時肥仔出示一張名字為「林霆鋒」的身份證給 Andy拍下,聲稱如有問題可憑相報警,要求拍下後立刻交貨。 「我覺得張身份證同佢個樣好唔同,佢話以前唔識打扮喎,我影低咗,但諗諗吓都係唔可以交貨住,一定要確定收到錢先。」肥仔最後悻然離去,事後 Andy亦確認戶口沒有過數,於是向警署備案。 Andy事後將疑似老千身份證打格後放上網供大家參考,「雖然我無中招,但我相信個老千唔會收手,希望其他人小心啲。」 《蘋果》記者

Yamashita's Gold

原來日軍在第二次世界大戰時, 把在全亞洲搶刧來的金銀珠寶運去菲律賓, 藏在不同山洞內, 而戰後俾美軍發現後, 無共於世界, 而運咗去42個國家的銀行用來支付反共運費 !


By Sterling and Peggy Seagrave
South China Morning Post
In the closing months of World War II, in the Philippines, several of Japan's highest ranking imperial princes hid tons of looted gold bullion and other stolen treasure in caves and tunnels, to recover later. This was the wealth of 12 Asian countries, accumulated over thousands of years.
Expert teams accompanying Japan's armed forces had systematically emptied treasuries, banks, factories, private homes, pawn shops, art galleries, and stripped ordinary people, while Japan's top gangsters looted Asia's underworld and its black economy.
There were 175 ''imperial'' treasure sites hidden throughout the Philippines. When American tanks were close, the chief engineers of those vaults were given a farewell party 67 metres underground in Tunnel 8 in the mountains of Luzon, stacked with row after row of gold bars. As the evening progressed, they drank great quantities of sake, sang patriotic songs and shouted banzai (long life).
At midnight, General Yamashita Tomoyuki and the princes slipped out, and dynamite charges were set off in the access tunnels, entombing the engineers. Their vaults would remain secret. The princes escaped to Tokyo by submarine, and three months later General Yamashita surrendered to American troops. Japan had lost the war militarily, but the princes made certain Japan did not lose financially.
This grisly event has remained unknown until now, and the hidden treasure was brushed off as a fanciful legend of ''Yamashita's Gold''. But an eyewitness to the entombment has taken us there and given us his personal account. During the war, Ben Valmores was the young Filipino valet of a senior prince, who was in charge of closing all imperial treasure sites in the Philippines. A sometimes sentimental man, the prince spared Ben's life and led him out of Tunnel 8 just before the dynamite was detonated.
Japan's looting of Asia was overseen by [then-emperor] Hirohito's brother Prince Chichibu. His organisation was codenamed kin no yuri (Golden Lily), the title of one of the emperor's poems. Other princes headed different parts of Golden Lily across the conquered territories. Eventually, Japanese sources told us that Ben's wartime master was prince Takeda Tsuneyoshi, first cousin of Hirohito and grandson of emperor Meiji.
In 1998, we tested Ben with 1930s photographs of many princes, all the names removed, and he instantly identified prince Takeda, Hirohito's brother prince Chichibu and other princes.
Ben said he had spent time with each of them, bringing them food, tea and cigarettes while they inventoried each treasure site. When he saw our photo of Prince Takeda, Ben froze, then began softly crooning the Japanese folk song Sakura, Sakura (Cherry Blossoms), which he said Takeda often sang to himself.
In the final stages of work on a biography of Japan's imperial family titled The Yamato Dynasty, we were told that in October 1945, American intelligence agents learned where some of the Japanese loot was hidden in the Philippines, and quietly recovered billions of dollars worth of gold bullion, platinum, and loose diamonds. This information, if true, revealed the existence of an extraordinary state secret, something the United States Government kept from its own citizens for more than half a century. There was no time to include this in the biography. It had to be investigated separately. Here is some of what we have since learned:
After surrendering on September 2, 1945, General Yamashita was charged with war crimes over gruesome atrocities committed in Manila under the order of an admiral, while Yamashita had ordered withdrawing troops to leave the city unharmed. During his trial, there was no mention of plundered treasure, or of looting during the war.
But we now know there was a hidden agenda. Because it was not possible to torture General Yamashita physically without this becoming evident to his lawyers, members of his staff were tortured. His driver, Major Kojima Kashii, was given special attention. In charge of the torture of Major Kojima was a Filipino-American intelligence officer named Severino Garcia Santa Romana, whose friends called him Santy. He wanted the major to reveal each place where he had taken Yamashita, where bullion and other treasure was hidden for recovery after the war. Supervising Santy during the torture was Captain Edward Lansdale, later one of America's best known ''Cold Warriors''.
Early that October, Kojima broke and led Lansdale and Santy to more than a dozen Golden Lily treasure vaults in the rugged country north of Manila. What they found astounded everyone from General Douglas MacArthur all the way up to the White House. After discussions with his cabinet, President Harry Truman decided to keep the recovery a state secret.
Santy's ensuing recoveries greatly altered America's leverage during the Cold War. According to senior US government officials and high-ranking US Army officers, the Truman administration set this treasure aside along with Axis loot recovered in Europe, as a secret political action fund to fight communism in the Cold War.
Crudely put, it would be used to bribe statesmen and military officers, and to buy elections for anti-communist political parties. The idea for a global political action fund based on war loot had originated with US secretary of war, Henry Stimson. During the war, Stimson had a brain-trust thinking hard about recovered Axis plunder, and how it should be handled after the war. Their solution was to set up what is informally called the ''Black Eagle Trust'', after the black eagle emblem of Hitler's Reichsbank in Berlin.
The Black Eagle Trust was first discussed in secret during July 1944, when 44 nations met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to plan the post-war economy. This was confirmed to us by a number of high-level sources, including former CIA deputy director Ray Cline, who knew about Santy's recoveries in 1945, and continued to be involved in attempts in the 1980s and 1990s to hide blocks of Japanese war loot still said to be in the vaults of banks in New York.
In November 1945, General MacArthur strolled down row after row of gold bars stacked two metres tall during a tour of vaults opened by Santy. >From what was seen in these vaults alone, it was evident that over a period of years Japan had looted billions of dollars in treasure from all over Asia.Much of this plunder had reached Japan overland earlier, from China through Korea, but the rest was hidden in the Philippines, unable to be shipped to Japan by sea because of the successful US submarine blockade.
According to Ray Cline and others, between 1945 and 1947 the gold bullion recovered by Santy and Lansdale was moved discreetly to 172 accounts at banks in 42 countries.
There were important reasons for all this secrecy. If the recovery of this huge mass of stolen gold was known only to a trusted few, the countries and individuals that had been plundered could not lay claim to it. Truman recognised that the very existence of so much black gold, if it became public knowledge, would cause the metal's fixed price to collapse. But as long as the gold was kept hidden, prices could be maintained and currencies pegged to gold would be stable. Meanwhile, the black gold would serve as a reserve asset, bolstering the prime banks in each country, and strengthening the anti-communist governments of those nations.
To hide the existence of all this treasure, Washington had to tell a number of lies. Especially lies about Japan, which had stolen most of the gold. America wanted Japan to become its anti-communist bastion in Asia, where the mainland was being overrun by communists. If American conservatives and Japanese conservatives were to ally effectively against communism, they had to begin by enlarging their financial resources for the Cold War.
Above all, the source of much of this hidden wealth must never be acknowledged. Washington had to insist, starting in 1945, that Japan never stole anything, and was flat broke and bankrupt when the war ended. Here was the beginning of many terrible secrets.
Because they remained ''off the books'', these enormous political action funds got into the wrong hands, where they remain to this day. We can reveal that in 1960, then vice-president Richard Nixon ''gave'' one of the biggest of these political action funds, the US$35-billion (about HK$272 billion) M-Fund, to leading members of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). In return, he is believed to have sought their support for his presidential campaign that year.
The M-Fund, now said to be worth more than US$500 billion, is still controlled by members of the LDP.
Officially, we are told that Japan's wartime elite the imperial family, the zaibatsu (large industrial business conglomerates), the yakuza (Japanese mafia) and the ''good'' bureaucrats ended the war as impoverished victims of a handful of ''bad'' military zealots. We are told that Japan was badly damaged and impoverished, barely able to feed itself at war's end.
In fact, Japan emerged from the war far richer than before, and with remarkably little damage, except to the homes of millions of ordinary Japanese who did not count, at least in the view of their overlords.
Evidence of Golden Lily loot comes also from straightforward legal actions in America. Such simple things as the probating of the will of Santa Romana (Santy), verification of his tax records, and legal evidence of his fortune deposited in the US, Switzerland, Hong Kong and elsewhere, provide hard proof that the world is awash with clandestine bank accounts growing out of Golden Lily.
Other lawsuits in the US prove that Golden Lily war loot was indeed hidden in the Philippines. Rogelio Roxas, a Filipino locksmith, found a one-tonne solid-gold Buddha and thousands of gold bars hidden in a cave near Baguio only to have it stolen from him by President Ferdinand Marcos. Roxas was subsequently tortured and died in suspicious circumstances. Some believe he was murdered. In 1996, a US Federal Court awarded his heirs a judgment of US$22 billion against the Marcos estate.
As the 1951 Peace Treaty was skewed by secret deals, thousands of Japan's victims have been deprived of any compensation for their suffering. According to Article 14 of the Treaty: ''It is recognised that Japan should pay reparations to the Allied Powers for the damage and suffering caused by it during the war. Nevertheless it is also recognised that the resources of Japan are not presently sufficient.'' To reinforce the claim that Japan was broke, Article 14 noted that ''the Allied Powers waive all reparations claims of the Allied Powers and their nationals arising out of any actions taken by Japan...'' By signing the Treaty, Allied countries concurred that Japan's plunder had vanished down a rabbit hole, and all Japan's victims were out of luck. In return for going along with the Treaty, the Allies received portions of the gold bullion recovered by Santy.
We have evidence from former CIA deputy director Cline that the gold bullion Santy and Lansdale recovered was secretly moved to national treasuries and prime banks in more than 42 countries, including Great Britain. We also have evidence from British archives confirming this.
More than half a century later, the last battle of the Pacific War is being waged in courts in the US and Japan where surviving prisoners of war, slave labourers, comfort women and civilian victims of Japan have filed billion-dollar lawsuits to win compensation so mysteriously denied them after the war. In 1995, it was estimated that there were 700,000 victims of the war who had still received no compensation.
Today, their numbers are dwindling rapidly because of age and illness. Backing them is an extraordinary coalition, including international law firms with years of experience, fighting for compensation from German industries and Swiss banks, for crimes committed and money looted during the Nazi Holocaust.