2021年1月14日 星期四

By Year End Gold $2,300 & Silver $45


The Fed will cap interest rates, but the money printing and inflation will have to rise dramatically…

Craig Hemke interviewed on USA Watchdog by Greg Hunter

Financial writer, market analyst and precious metals expert Craig Hemke says, “As inflation picks up from all this money printing, the Fed can’t allow the 10 Year Treasury to go to 3% . . . the Fed will, at some point, institute yield curve control.”

Hemke says yield curve control by the Fed will cap interest rates, but the money printing and inflation will have to rise dramatically. This is why Hemke is predicting, “By the end of 2021, gold will be $2,300 per ounce and silver will be around $45 per ounce.”

In short, printing money to cap interest rates will result in much higher prices for gold and silver, and Hemke predicts this is the trend into the future. Hemke also warns, “The gold and silver bull market will be a bucking bronco, and it will try to throw investors off.” In other words, investors will have to hang on tight and expect volatility to be high–especially in silver.

Hemke also says there is “permanent damage from Covid 19 . . . and the economy will not be bouncing back in any sort of “V” shaped recovery.”

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Craig Hemke, founder of the popular website TFMetalsReport.com.
