2016年3月3日 星期四

Global Central Banks Continue Longest Gold-Buying-Spree Since Vietnam War

又說黃金唔食得, 又唔可以產生現金流, 所以中央銀行買黃金為乜呢 ? 

大家心知肚明啦, 呃你地傻人沽出實實在在的黃金 !


While "greed was good" in the '80s, it appears "gold is good" in the new normal. As much as the barbarous relic is despised by all the mainstream money-peddlers in public (aside from those who have left the familia like Alan Greenspan), it seems to be loved in private. Central banks have been net buyers of gold for eight straight years, according to IMF estimates, the longest streak since the first troops were deployed in The Vietnam War.

As Bloomberg notes, Russia, China and Kazakhstan among the biggest hoarders, International Monetary Fund data show.

Countries purchased almost 590 metric tons last year, accounting for 14 percent of annual global bullion demand, the World Gold Council estimates. Central bankers are using the metal to diversify from currencies, particularly the dollar, said Stefan Wieler, a Toronto-based vice president at GoldMoney Inc., a financial bullion services firm.

While physical demand has been consistently strong, paper prices have roller-coastered over the same period. However, gold's recent "golden cross" as the world goes NIRP (and protectionist), just as The Fed unleashes tightening hell, suggests something is different this time...

16 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

如果係咁,點解香港又好似好容易買實金?!去 中銀有99金條,去上實有9999金條,只是走難不可以用它來買麵包,因中銀金條只可以買反比中銀(?)

雪道浪投 提到...


Lisa 提到...

上商一両9999金粒只可以賣返俾上商, 但99/9999五両金條(牌子:永豐/黃沙/寶生/金銀貿易場)恒生都收, 中銀就唔知要唔要收據, 華橋永亨就要收據先回收 !

依家當然還可以易買到金條, 因為入市的年輕人好多都唔夠錢, 所以專買白銀; 等金價升去2000美元, 就會好多有資金的中年人出來瘋搶, 到時就難買到啦 !

Lisa 提到...

葉問打日本仔個套戲: 家中無米, 葉問取出隻錶去換米, 如果是金條都一樣可以換到食物 !
家中無值錢野, 就幫你唔到囉 !

Unknown 提到...


Lisa 提到...

白銀去LPM/Kitco/Royalex/Apmex/Silvergoldbull 買, 多多都有 !

Unknown 提到...


Lisa 提到...

銀行無貨就是無貨, 你可以慢慢等, 可能銀行覺得賺得少, 賣來都賺唔多 !

Lisa 提到...

而長城銀條己無新造貨, 所以銀行要等有客來回收才有貨賣或姐等到銀價50美元時有人會掉出來 !

Jackcal 提到...


Lisa 提到...

佢想講:低溢價吧 :)
好多新人都是算死草, 我當初都係, 所以走去買Kitco 10oz 銀條, http://investtalk-lisa.blogspot.hk/2010/11/kitco-2.html
其實買貨最緊要是銀價的高低位, 個少少溢價又算得係乜 ?

Lisa 提到...

遲下銀價去到30/40美元, D人乜都掃到傻 !

Lisa 提到...

當年D人, 一箱箱monster box(500oz)咁買, 好彩我無癲一份, 因為無地方擺, 會俾老公鬧死 XDDD !
所以有資金可以在銀價14-18美元繼續買貨 !

Jackcal 提到...


Lisa 提到...

其實投資實金實銀好易姐, 可以一粒粒咁買或一筒筒咁買, 又可以一箱箱咁買, 睇你資金多定少, 唔同買樓要一間間咁買 ! 跌市就留俾下一代當收藏, 升又可以賣出賺增值 :)

Jackcal 提到...
