2016年6月11日 星期六

Week in Review – Markets

記住, 無一個預測是必贏, 因為市場還有好多獵人, 是用反方向炒賣賺錢的 !


Something BIG is brewing in the World Economy. We are definitely getting closer to the point when everyone starts to say OMG! What is going on? The US 2016 Elections are shaping up to be very interesting. They reflect the degree of how we are on such a tight-rope tottering before a fall. But which way? We have the BREXIT poll starting to be so overwhelming for exit, it is hard for the press to even cover it up. We have Merkel lucky she is not being tarred & feathered. Her decision to allow refugees into Germany reflects everything that is wrong with the EU. She has torn Europe apart and it demonstrates that all other member states had no right to even object. This was her personal unilateral decision that now all of Europe must deal with. There was no unified vote. This was Merkel trying to make person of the year and capture the Nobel Peace Prize. Nobody told her she has to want to invade a country to get the Peace Prize like Obama.

The refugee crisis demonstrates WHY the EU has failed. On the one hand they are trying to federalize Europe, yet her you have Merkel acting as the head of Germany making decisions that changed Europe. The structure cannot possibly survive. They EU should have simply remained as an economic trade union. Trying to make one government to prevent European war was just insane.

Meanwhile, the markets are showing the confusion that is dominating everything. Gold rallied but failed to close above the Weekly Bullish. The Dow again exceeded the Weekly Bullish only to fall back. The pound got crushed with the polls showing 55% of the British want to leave the EU, but it too held the Weekly Bearish. So may markets moved once again right to the threshold and backed off. You can taste it. We are almost there ready to make a move. It will be the tipping point when the general public begins to see this is all coming apart. From “super delegates” use by the Democrats to rig the game for Hillary to Republicans trying to for the NEVER TRUMP effort. Party Politics is being redefined. The under 45 crowd are neither Democrat nor Republican. This is driving the elites insane because they are losing control. Everywhere we look, what was, is starting to be no more. This is what the markets are reflecting.

This is where the Reversal System keeps us our of harm’s way. It defined the critical points up and down and they do so like nothing else. They are not moving averages, stochastics, technical analysis, or anything subjective. There is no opinion involved and that eliminate human error. They simple define the critical points and markets gravitate to them rather amazingly. They will define the change and what we look at is a unified election across the broad scope of markets. They we can catch the trend that if confirmed on a global perspective rather than a single isolated market.
