2016年4月22日 星期五

What Are Tangible Assets?

Martin Amstrong 說, 在金融改革前的過度期, 最好是持無債的資產, 如: 

金、銀、鉑金和銅(當然是實物) ! 

物業(當然是無按揭的), 但要睇地點, 須注意稅收和地區風險(地震? 海嘯? 火山? 山火? 山泥滑坡? 政治?) !  

股票, 因為如果一間公司出事, 你都還可以有野收得返, 但政府債一爆, 你乜都無啦 !



Hi Martin,

In your April 20 blog post, you stated, “You are better off with tangible assets for the transition when it comes.
Please explain what “tangible” assets are, and what “non-tangible” assets are, assuming these also exist.

Thanks for the wonderful education,


Tangible assets are non-debt related, fixed assets in general. This includes commodities, equities, and real estate. The commodities include non-perishable assets such as gold, silver, platinum, copper, etc. The agricultural commodities are not really sustainable on a long-term basis.

The primary advantage to silver and gold is that they are the same commodity in different nations, whereas there are differences between Texas and Brent crude oil.

Real estate varies depending upon location. You definitely have two problems. First, there is the risk of tax increases, and second, there is the geopolitical risk in some areas.

Equities (shares in public corporations) serve well and blue chips have never defaulted. Even if a company goes bust, you get something back. When government debt goes bust, you get nothing.
