2016年6月6日 星期一

Billionaire George Soros Dumps 37% of Stocks To “Buy Up Massive Amounts of Gold” But Why?


From Mac Slavo

Why is George Soros moving billions of dollars out of stocks and into gold assets and other precious metals?

Perhaps the point of collapse has arrived.

The suggestion seems to be that a point of no return is coming for the stock market system of illusion and usury. The Fed’s great bubble is getting ready to burst. It is playing out on a time frame decided, undoubtedly, by those closest to the inside.

Worse, the end of the U.S. petrodollar is playing out, with plenty of geopolitical drama as currency wars threaten to undo the foundation that the nation has been resting upon.

When the music stops, the economy will shatter and collapse in a devastating wave that will catch the vast majority of Americans off guard. It isn’t the first time Soros’ positions haveserved as a stark warning.

Soros is shifting towards gold because he understands what is coming, and likely has several tricks up his sleeve.

According to the experts, fear of the dollar is driving his gold purchases.

via Sputnik News:

Maybe the best argument in favor of gold is that American legendary investor and billionaire George Soros has recently sold 37% of his stock and bought a lot more gold and gold stocks. 
“George Soros, who once called gold ‘the ultimate bubble,’ has resumed buying the precious metal after a three-year hiatus. On Monday, the billionaire investor disclosed that in the first quarter he bought 1.05 million shares in SPDR Gold Trust, the world’s biggest gold exchanged-traded fund, valued at about $123.5 million,” Fortune and Reuters reported Tuesday.

AGXIIK says:
That credit card with gold embedded in it kind of reminds me of the golden colors on the new $100 bill.  There’s something about it that gives me pause.  A person can buy combi bars with 1 gram of gold, bitgold and other iterations on the gold phenomenon.  The real deal, gold coins, float my boat or sink my canoe as the case might be
Now here’s was really pegs my weird-o-meter.  We’ve all be into precious metals for years and, in some cases, decades.  And now Soros comes along, like the deadly 15,000 lb incontinent hippo in the room, buying millions of ounces of faux GLD gold (and I still wonder if GLD really had the physical given they can add or remove 10 tons a clip)
If Soros is buying  GLD either he knows something about this precious metal ETF or he’s as clueless about its real numbers as Druckenmiller.  Just because a billie buys a 10 figures of this or that doesn’t make him right, smart or on time.
Soros is a bird of different plumage. He is so well connected that if he’s not part of the Illuminati NWO oligarch crew he’s as close as we might get and still be able to put a name and a face together.  He’s been crushing currencies, people and entire countries for 60 years.  He learned his chops by selling out his fellow jews in the Nazi Ghettos for  the price of a loaf of bread.  He even bragged that this was the happiest time of his life.
Makes me think he’s hankering to bring back those ‘good time’ which explains much of his actions today.  Now he’s selling out entire countries and people for the price of 1,000,000 shares of GLD.  It’s not whether this hyena’s changed his stripes. It’s how big a meal it takes to satisfy his insatiable appetite
If there is a face of evil, it’s Soros.
The sick irony of his investment into gold; real or paper, is that he’s the insiders insider.   If he’s buying gold then he knows it’s the place to be.  If he’s in this pond he will rig the markets to his benefit or knows those who control the markets and jerk their chain to do his bidding.
What is really sick is this foul ghoul is doing a cannon ball  into our pond.  If there was every a picture in my mind of a gigantic turd being dropped into sweet water, it’s the picture of this 10,000 bag of merde splashing into the low end of the pond, stinking up everything.
Now we have to think of the moral hazard of being in gold while he’s dog paddling around.  Darned if you do ;  darned if you dont.
At least he’s not buying up the farm in SLV.  Being in silver sounds better all the time.
Creditors are predators.  When the little boy cries wolf we’d best listen   When Soros cries wolf we’d better check the menu to see if we’re the soup be jew-er or the Blue Plate Special
