2017年6月12日 星期一

Everyone In The World Should Watch For This Historic Signal To Go “All-In” On Gold


As we get ready to kickoff another week of trading in June, today one of the greats in the business spoke with King World News about the signal everyone in the world should watch for to go “all-in” on gold.

Dr. Stephen Leeb:  “Eric, you have to be watching the interplay between the United States and China.  This is where the game is really being played for future hegemony — who is going to rule the world. Right now you have to bet on China, and that is so important to gold because it means that you are not going to have a dollar-based monetary system (in the future)…

Dr. Stephen Leeb continues:  “You are going to have a system that will be gold-based.  That’s what China wants.  They make no secret about it.  There are dozens of quotes — virtually none of them in English, almost all of them that have been translated from Chinese — that suggest the same.  And that means it’s just a matter of time before the price of gold fires upward.  

I continue to believe that the gold bull market will be the (greatest) bull market of our lifetimes, and it really is just a question of time.  And every day that goes by seems to suggest that the time is coming nearer and nearer.  The key here is patience.  I still believe that the signal to backup the truck to buy gold, every truck that you have, will be when China starts…To continue listening to the remarkable KWN audio interview with Dr. Stephen Leeb, where he discusses what the historic signal will be to backup the truck to buy gold and much more ..
