2018年8月11日 星期六

The Shortage of US Dollars

 強美元 - 利率火山 - 惡性通脹 - 剪羊毛 ?


What people have to understand is that the Federal Reserve is moving in the opposite direction with respect to its monetary base. The Adjusted Monetary Base is the sum of currency (including coin) in circulation outside Federal Reserve Banks and the U.S. Treasury, plus deposits held by depository institutions at Federal Reserve Banks. These data are adjusted for the effects of changes in statutory reserve requirements on the quantity of base money held by depositories. This peaked with the Economic Confidence Model turn in 2015 on October 1st. The Fed has been shrinking its balance sheet and believe it or not, there has been growing a SHORTAGE of dollars contrary to those who keep saying the world is awash with dollars so buy gold, cryptocurrencies, or whatever.

I have been stating that (1) were are in a major bull market for the dollar, and (2) it is the US economy that is supporting the world. What I mean is simply this. Everyone from China to Europe is DEPENDENT upon trade with the USA because it is the US consumer who is the marketplace. The balance of the world CANNOT win a trade war with the USA. They have focused on selling to the USA rather than developing their own domestic consumer economies. China has shifted and understood that important distinction and has indeed turned its focus to developing a domestic economy. Europe has not and it is significant to comprehend that the structure of the European Union is disastrous. They want to PRETEND to be the federalized entity of Europe, but all 28 member states must agree on trade. This PREVENTS Germany from accepting Trump’s proposal to abolish all tariffs because France will not agree to an absolute free trade and that will prevent the EU from acting in the best interest of the whole. It requires unanimous consent.

Australia has imposed a 10% tariff on anything purchased overseas and they expect foreign businesses to collect their taxes. They call it a GST, but it is imposed on all products as a protective measure they claim for local businesses. FREE TRADE is simply not feasible politically while Trump gets all the blame. The rest of the world CANNOT win a currency war. So far, our computer has been spot on. We are headed toward a monetary reset in the years ahead but to get there, we must experience a STRONG dollar – not a WEAK dollar. The sooner these pretend analysts stop the same rhetoric that stems from the broken Quantity Theory of Money, the sooner we will begin to truly understand how the economy works. Turnkey is a live example of the most vital element of all – CONFIDENCE. When that is lost, this is what produces hyperinflation – NOT the quantity of money.

There is a SHORTAGE of US dollars on the trading desks around the world – not an excess. This is also what is behind the bid.

3 則留言:

JJ先生 提到...

現在D銀行猛向客戶提供最優惠存款息口, 但要存定期, 縛死D錢. 即是銀行已經開始爭錢, 或為來緊的搶錢潮準備了.

一天世界貿易仍用美元, 美元怎會弱? 尤其現在收水縮表, D商業貿易量不能一時三刻降低, 而流通美元減少, 美元短缺是必然的事.

跟著要看看, 美元息口會被扯到有幾高, 多少資金會由股市債市金市中被抽走出來?

看來, 金市在美元短缺下, 將會更被人質低了.

Lisa 提到...

多方面預備就是啦 !

lyn 提到...

金市在美元短缺下, 將會更被人質低 --- already going down down down