2014年12月4日 星期四

Marshall Swing Warns MUCH BIGGER PM Crash is Coming…

預計銀價大跌 ?

等位買平貨 !


The only precious metals analyst (and advocate) who warned that a silver crash to $15 was imminent warns that a MUCH BIGGER precious metals crash is coming…

Can you spell V-O-L-A-T-I-L-I-T-Y ?
Is anybody watching this precious metals circus?
Quote from http://www.silverdoctors.com/marshall-swing-speculators-scared-out-of-their-shorts/:

“I have written numerous times over the years that they do exactly that sort of operation taking both sides of the bet because you are about to see what appears to be some market volatility but is in fact planned, calculated, architected volatility that will shake up the speculators from both ends of the price war and leave them dazed and disoriented and trying to regroup.

I received a Facebook message from a friend Sunday who asked me if I had seen silver go down $1.15 in a split second?
Then added “IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE”.
In the blink of an eye is absolutely right.
Using HFT (high frequency trading) and the right volume, Commercials can crash the price of the metals in seconds.  I have written about it many times and explained how they do it and why the Speculators cannot react in time to pare their losses.
This same event is going to repeat itself, though with a much deeper crash, next September, as the Commercials understand far better than anyone else why, how, and when the jig is up in the world’s markets.

I wrote many months ago the main goal they are trying to accomplish is to get all parties to sell physical metal and take their fiat dollars to the equity markets.  Their opinion is storing wealth in hard assets is counterproductive to their world wide economy in that hard assets that sit in vaults are not producing anything.  They print even more fiat in order to make up for this “imbalance” BUT they must manipulate the precious metals, in particular, to make sure they do not reflect anything even remotely close to the vast web of fiat entanglements.  Also, they are ridding the marketplace of individual interest in the metals as an investment or store of value so all the metal can be used for their one world currency of the near future.
My Facebook friend used the phrase “…in the blink of an eye…” and that is a quote from 1st Corinthians in the Bible:

1 Corinthians 15:51-52 New King James Version (NKJV)
51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

I had never thought of the PM crash next year as happening “in the blink of an eye” but I have written it will be fast and impossible to buy futures (longs) on the way down or at the bottom because the rebound will be so fast.  That is why I state it is far better to buy today at cheap prices than to wait until next summer when physical may not even be available, particularly late Summer.
Some friends write me and say “I bought at $34 should I sell?”  My answer is always “No”.  My rationale is $34 might have been a nice time to sell but $16 or $18 is not worth the chance as if price goes back up after the 1st of January we may not see these low prices again.  If I am correct and silver price goes to the stratosphere, will it matter to you the difference between $15 and $19?  Will it matter to you if you bought gold at $1400 or $1150?  No.

Not if gold is $18,000 as one writer recently predicted and definitely not if gold is several times that as I postulated scenarios for calculating the price of gold in a crash and in the new, one world currency economy:

In the past days, we have seen commodities being rocked to their core while fiat equities soar in price with hundreds of analysts predicting far higher prices in the stock markets.
There are literally billions around the world who are sick and tired of this yo-yo economy and want something stable and dependable:

BRICS – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRICS

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa are the members with potential members of: “Indonesia, Turkey and Germany have been mentioned as candidates for full membership of the BRICS, while Egypt , Argentina, Iran, Nigeria, Syria and most recently Bangladesh have expressed interest in joining BRICS.“

Quote: “…it is high time that the currency of worldwide theft, abuse and exploitation – the US dollar – financial instrument for endless wars and economic terrorism, be replaced with a currency of peaceful endeavors that respects national sovereignty – a currency that works for the people, not for the elite few,” said Koenig adding that currently six US banks control more than 60 percent of all banking assets.

The West, however, is not going to let that happen.  More specifically, the elite power brokers who control the governments of the West, and by default the entire world, are not going to let these nations wrestle economic control of the  world from their cold, dead hands.

The West has massive problems:
Italy just hit record unemployment of 13.2%.
The latest in the woes of the West are best detailed here: http://dollarcollapse.com/deflation/instability-here-we-come/

Quote from John Rubino: “If everything but equities is being sucked into a 2008-style deflationary vortex, how much longer can US stocks hold out? Probably not long.”
Not long is exactly right.  About 9 months, to be more exact.  I have written about those things for what seems like a long time now.  Recently, I mentioned a little about the possibility of an upcoming Shemitah financial disaster, written about by two authors Jonathan Cahn and Mark Biltz.  We are 287 days away from their projected date of disaster.  This coincides with Martin Armstrong’s 2015.75 crash.
To date, I remain the only writer, anywhere, willing to stick his neck out and say it is all planned and tell you exactly why.
Your job is merely to do your due diligence and review all the evidence and make the appropriate plans to take care of your family, friends, and neighbors (and some strangers).
What a great deal, huh?
It is now Monday morning (still waiting on the COT numbers to come out after the holiday break)  and I have witnessed the metals rebounding off the lows.  I wonder what the other writers will say?  Many of them will be errantly optimistic, I am sure.  The reality is the metals do not crash like this, then rebound, to find out it is the work of the speculators going long that have caused such a thing.  Only the Commercials can cause a crash like that and only they can cause a rebound like that.  I have little doubt they destroyed new Speculator longs in the crash (while the Speculators were taking shorts as fast as they could), then went long on the way and at the bottom, then destroyed the Speculator shorts in a rapid rise in what gave the appearance of a strong LONG rally (only it is the commercial longs and HFT causing the “rally”).

It is now Tuesday morning and what appeared to be a massive long rally well into the 1,200s and beyond has faded into a repositioning contest at about the $1,200 mark.  The Speculator shorts have to be getting tired of these losses!
Christmas is coming and trees are being put up, packages being bought and Speculators are being molded to believe a long rally is coming…
In short (okay a little pun intended), their minds are being messed with and some of them are going to get some “rally” as the New Year dawns and optimism towards things budding in the Spring will bring some long Speculator fruit.  Fruit that will never ripen, I might add.
Before the numbers recap, I want you to remember one thing.  In both gold and silver, prices rise slightly YET total open interest positions are SMASHED.  Many previous times I have pointed out total open interest rising while price was dropping.  This operation by the Commercials is different.  Precious metal analysts always seem to think (and falsely believe) that rising open interest is a function of demand (of the physical metal) and positive and it is not.  What do I have to do to get them to see reality?  Rising open interest indicates someone believes they can make a profit and nothing else.  Psychology in bidding (and Commerical HFT) determines where prices goes not interest in acquiring longs as for every long there has to be a short in the future’s CASINO.
My favorite term for them, and I cannot take credit for it, was coined by Steve St. Angelo (SRSrocco) many years ago, before he started publishing, and it is:
“ANAL-ISTS”  or “ANAL-YSTS” and refers to those who always analyze things the same way, over and over again, ignoring data that is so obvious if one just steps back and thinks outside the box prison they have placed themselves in…  They have a “one way out” blinders mentality.

By the way, I have cut and pasted the 4 sets of gold and silver numbers (aggregated and disaggregated) so you can see these without having to click a link that expires at the end of the week when new numbers come out.
In silver, we see price rising slightly during the COT Week BUT we see EXTREME VOLATILITY on Wednesday of the COT Week.
Large Speculators are forced out of their long positions but also forced out of their short positions by a 2 to 1 margin, shorts over longs.  Commercials, who took more longs than shorts in previous weeks, sell almost 9,000 longs at way higher prices than they bought at the bottom recently.  In the disaggregated Commercials, we see some short and long buying but we see a tremendous amount of contracts coming out of the spreading total.  If one floods the market with bids it affects psychology especially when they are ripped from the marketplace suddenly.

In gold, we see a thunderous 71,512 contracts DISAPPEAR from the totals.  Just evaporate!
Gold starts the COT Week at about $1197 and ends the COT Week about $5 higher at $1202.  And 71,512 contracts just evaporate?

This is about like the Twin Towers coming down on 9/11 !!!

Deception/manipulation is in the air and is thick and obvious to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.  Remember, in weeks previous, I have been bringing to your attention how the Commercials were buying up both the long and short sides of most of the bets placed?
Commercials.  Nothing up their sleeves, right?
Come on CFTC say it again for us!  Nothing up their sleeves, right?
This is what is known as fool’s gold, this paper fiat pig we call a future’s market.

In gold, Large Speculators lost almost 21,000 longs and covered over 15,000 shorts.  Commercials sold 37,334 longs for huge profit and covered almost 40,000 shorts for some profit (but the real point of the short coverings was the disorientation of the Large Speculators positioning) as they used EXTREME VOLATILITY  to yank the chains on the necks of Speculators.
Did I not tell these Speculator’s large and small to cover all their shorts weeks ago for immense profits?  To this day, they hold huge short positions and those gold Small Speculators are well net short.  They truly believe they can tame the savage beast (Commercials).
The gold Commercials ran up the total open interest in previous weeks, playing both sides of the long short coin, then used HFT to cut both long and short margins of the Speculators because the short bets of the Speculators were too weighted, at this time, and were affecting whether the Spring “rally” could take place.  There has to be a Spring rally in order to build hope on the part of naïve longs yet the confirmed giant killers (hedge funds managed money) will sense control of the floor in late Spring and force (they think) Commercials back into a corner for the future rout.  It is those hedge funds and managed money who will be routed next year right before the greatest crash the world’s financial markets has ever seen.
Notice the disaggregated gold Producer Merchant numbers.
I rest my case.
Until next week, still reporting from the wilderness of Southern Illinois, stay thirsty for physical metal my friends!

