2020年9月7日 星期一

騙局 China Officially Backs a CryptoCurrency and Establishes it as their Official Coin.

中國的數碼貨幣唔會經網上賣出的, 一定要經銀行, 只要你一時貪心就中計.............


It’s finally happened. A major worldwide government has just bestowed a huge vote of confidence and legitimacy onto the world of cryptocurrencies. China, in an unprecedented move, just announced that they are officially adopting a certain cryptocurrency as China’s official coin!

The government of China just informed us that they have chosen a preferred firm for the purchase and marketing of their new coin - YuanPay Group. The sales of China's coin officially started September 6 of 2020 and currently these coins can be bought only from YuanPay Group.

In fact, China deputy minister of finance, Liu Kun, informed us that their new official coin starting price is just ¥0.12 cents!

! 1 Chinese Yuan equals 0.14 US Dollars

