2013年5月2日 星期四

Arizona Senate Passes Bill - Gold & Silver Now Legal Tender

美國 Arizona 使用黃金和白銀當貨幣的法案已通過啦 !


MAY 01, 2013

Arizona recently became the second U.S. state to verify gold and silver as legal tender, its lawmakers sending a strong message to Washington of their growing distrust of Federal Reserve Bank policies.
We reported on April 19th the Arizona House of Representatives vote to approve a bill that would make gold and silver a legal tender option. On Tuesday, April 30 th, the Arizona Senate gave the measure “final approval.”
Since 2008, The Fed, a privately owned entity authorized by Congress, has been printing cash at unprecedented rates in an effort to stem fears of an impending worldwide crisis driven by insolvency. One result of the Fed printing campaign has been citizens’ rush out of “paper currency” to embrace gold and silver legal tender as an option. Arizona businesses will not be required to accept the metals in payment.

If signed into law by Governor Jan Brewer, the Arizona measure will take effect in mid-2014. No word yet from the Brewer’s office on whether or not she will sign (Press Releases). If enacted the new law would allow a “state judge of appropriate jurisdiction to grant legal tender status to non-U.S. minted coin (specie).”
If you live in Arizona:
You may contact Governor Brewer and let her know that you want her to sign SB1439 into law.
Even those Arizonans who aren’t interested in an alternative currency might consider supporting the legislation simply on the principle of freedom of choice.
TenthAmendmentCenter strongly recommended that you CALL Brewer’s office rather than email:
(602) 542-4331
800-253-0883 (outside Maricopa County only)
The legislation “cleared the Republican-controlled Senate by an 18-10 vote after being approved by the state House earlier this month.” By approving the “Constitutional Tender Act,” Arizona would join the lead established by Utah in 2011 in recognizing U.S.-minted gold and silver as legal tender. As we previously stated, other states are also following Utah’s lead, as looming distrust of the Federal Reserve becomes more evident. Minnesota, North Carolina, South Carolina, Idaho, Colorado, Missouri, Maine, Washington, Tennessee, and New Hampshire are all currently considering adoption of the Tender Act; Missouri and South Carolina are the closest to enacting legislation.
To track constitutional tender bills see this Google map.

Democrats, who voted against the Arizona measure in the Senate and the House, argue that it “sends a false message to constituents that gold and silver are safer than traditional currency… this is too extreme,” as Democrat Senator Steve Gallardo of Phoenix said. “We don’t need it” [freedom of choice]. Republican State Senator Chester Crandell counters, however, by saying that making gold and silver legal tender for Arizona is “the logical thing to do.” He continues, “I think you look at some of the things that are happening and the amount of money [currency] printed by the Federal Reserve and who has control… I think anybody would be concerned.” He maintains that enactment of this bill gives people the opportunity to use an alternative method of payment in light of the ever-increasing devaluation of the U.S. dollar, and states, “Gold and silver have been around a long time, and people are secure with it, and we should give them an opportunity to use it.”

Keith Weiner, president of the Gold Standard Institute, believes that the legislation is needed to counter what he sees as insolvency in the global monetary system. “The dollar system and all of the derivative currencies, including the euro, are a recipe for worldwide bankruptcy,” Weiner said. By expanding the definition of legal tender, Arizonans may well be on the path to making gold and silver legal currency once again. As Arizona follows Utah’s lead and returns to its “Gold Rush roots,” citizens may once again obtain a sense of economic stability as fears of a collapsing dollar diminish.

4 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

eeeeee.....my comment disappeared @@
I leave again la:
I don't understand who, as a buyer, will be willing to spend gold/ silver in exchange with goods...... as u know the paper money will be less valuable....

Lisa 提到...


就係說, 你可以好安心把全部紙幣轉實金實銀, 因為到你想買野時, 可以用金銀去交收不須再轉返紙幣 !

Unknown 提到...


Lisa 提到...

我諗你沒get到真正用意 !
如果可以用真金白銀, 你手上都唔會有幾多廢紙啦 XD !
到出糧都用真金白銀, 交租又用真金白銀, 交水電又用真金白銀, 買野又真金白銀, 咁你就會用真金白銀交易啦 !