文章解釋, 點解FED和銀行家要推高股市和禁低金銀價, 就係因為金銀價對比美股市已升上去高位, 和要管制開始升的通脹 !
佢地想大眾以為股票、養老基金等是安全的投資和破壞大眾對金銀的信心, 但想唔到低價反而吸引大眾去搶購實金實銀 !
本人認為大鱷依家最想見到是, 中港民眾大沽出手上實金實銀和物業導致價格大跌, 還要把得來的資金轉去買股票, 而佢地就可以在股市派貨和低吸實金實銀和殘價物業 !
呢個把戲玩完又玩, 當大家是Lu Lu !
其實經過1997年樓災之後, 大多數人都學精啦, 而物業多數已供完 ! 大謄炒樓的人是少數 !
就算利息升樓價跌, 好多業主自住的自住, 收租的繼續收租, 影響好微 !
The tactic by the Fed and Central Banks is to inflate the stock markets while manipulating the price of gold and silver lower.
This achieves two goals, 1) it reassures the public’s faith by pumping up stock prices while the economic indicators continue to deteriorate and 2) it elevates the dollar while it destroys market sentiment in the precious metals.
So far, the strategy has worked. Some of the toughest gold and silver bugs are becoming extremely frustrated and downright bearish. You can’t blame them as this is typical human psychology. Although, extremes and manipulations never last forever and at some point in time they reverse.
If we look at the next series of charts, we can see just how extreme the gold & silver markets have become. In typical inflation-hyperinflations, stock and commodity asset prices rise together. However, since the Fed announcement of Q3, only certain asset classes have risen — mainly stocks, real estate and to a lesser extent, bonds.
August of 2011, you could buy 250 oz of silver for the Dow Jones
Average, however today, it takes over 650 oz of silver to purchase the
Dow – an amazing 160% increase. Furthermore, you can see just how extreme the Relative Strength Index has become.
Let me clarify my position on Technical
Analysis. Most of those who read my work, know that I have stated
that technical analysis is meaningless in a rigged market. I truly
believe this to be true as it pertains to forecasting short-term moves
in the prices of gold and silver. On-the-other-hand, using charts to
show trends and extreme patterns is useful.
The disconnect of silver after QE3 really
takes place around Nov 2012, when the Dow-Silver ratio had fallen to
375 oz. This is the same for gold below:
In this chart we can see when the price
of gold peaked at $1,900 an ounce, you could buy 5.7 oz of the yellow
metal for the Dow Jones Average. Today it takes 10.7 oz of gold (85%
increase) to equal the value of the Dow. As I mentioned above in the
case of silver, if you look at chart in Nov 2012, you will see how the
Dow-Gold ratio fell to approximately 7.2 oz. Both gold and silver
disconnected from the Fed’s inflationary program at the very same time.
Even though Dow-silver ratio has nearly declined twice as much as the Dow-gold ratio, the HUI index has suffered much worse:
Here we can see that in Sept of 2011, you
could have bought 17.5 shares of the HUI compared to the Dow Jones
Average, but it takes an amazing 58.5 shares today. Thus, the
Dow-HUI ratio wins the extreme trend award by losing 234% of its Sept
2011 value compared to the Dow in less than two years.
Anytime there is an extreme trend in a
stock or commodity, it always reverses. We cannot give a date when the
trend will reverse as many using technical analysis have tried and
failed, but we can safely say… it’s just a matter of time.
Precious metal sentiment is not only in
the toilet, its down all the way in the cesspool. Again, the Fed and
Central Bank policy is working. They have deluding the public into
believing their 401ks, pension plans, stocks and etc are safe
investments in a deteriorating economy, while at the same
time destroying the faith in owning gold and silver.
I would like to remind the reader, all
bear markets follow the same trend. At the top of the market there is
huge volume of buying, but when the bubble bursts and the market
declines, volume disappears.
However in this supposed MSM touted gold
and silver bear market, the opposite is taking place. As William Kaye
spoke about this in his interview on KWN,
when the price of gold and silver were taken down, physical buying in
the Asian countries increased 4-5 times. How can buying increase in a
bear market? It can in a disconnected manipulated market.
Many frustrated gold and silver investors
today are searching for any articles or any information that validates
holding onto their precious metal investments. This is the simple rule
of thumb — if you feel euphoric, it’s time to sell, and if you feel
sick to your stomach it’s time to buy.
Lastly, the fundamentals for the precious metals are better than ever even though it is not reflected in the paper price. The
most important aspect in understanding the true value of gold and
silver is their ability to be STORES OF TRADE-ABLE ENERGY VALUE.