2015年11月5日 星期四

2015.75 Seems to be On Target


We have been warning that this turning point was different. Instead of a crash in private assets, as in 1998.55 or 2007.15 when the Case-Schiller peaked to the day, this time it was in government. Putin bombed Syria precisely on the day of the turning point (9/30/2015), but there were many stocks that bottomed with 9/30/2015.

Economically, Europe is melting down. Draghi has announced he will increase buying bonds to 33% from 25%. Medicare will explode by 50% in the USA next year; Social Security looks like a crater from a meteor crash. Indeed, 2015.75 was a major turning point that was the BEGINNING of a serious decline into 2020.05. Even politics has gone nuts and the media is starting to figure out that this is all about throwing the bums out. This is the start of a very serious new trend and it is time to wake up. The velocity will begin to pick up with the benchmark targets in gold.
