2013年6月7日 星期五




Trend Mirco網絡保安公司指,fb一個叫「Bring the NFL to Los Angeles」的專頁,扮成是NFL美式足球粉絲建立,專頁的連結卻接到俄羅斯黑客集團的有毒網址,一點擊就安裝「Zeus Banking Trojan」變種宙斯病毒,當中附有鍵盤紀錄程式,可記下使用網上銀行服務時輸入的資料和密碼,讓黑客偷錢。

Trend Micro指該專頁已移除,但可能有更多潛伏在其他專頁中,讓不知情的fb用戶分享給朋友。fb表示正積極掃描網站內的惡意程式連結,並呼籲用戶不時自行掃描和移除惡意程式。


Facebook 存在的木馬程式專偷銀行戶口資料 !

本來在2007年先俾人發現的病毒, 在過去五月好活躍 !

傳柒咗的電腦會發訊息俾 Facebook 內的朋友, 所以到你收到有人俾個連結你叫你睇片或某樣野, 唔好亂開 !

Zeus 只攻摯 Windows 機, 在 Mac OS 和 Linux 運作唔到 !


Malware That Drains Your Bank Account Thriving On Facebook

Reuters/Beck Diefenbach

A six-year-old virus that drains bank accounts is thriving on Facebook, reports Nicole Perlroth of The New York Times.

The virus is spread through phishing messages.

When someone has been phished , their account will  automatically send messages or links to a large number of their friends.

These messages or links are usually ads telling friends to check out videos or products.  Don't click them. 

Facebook is aware of the problem but it isn't taking the matter nearly as seriously as it should be, says Eric Feinberg, founder of  the advocacy group Fans Against Kounterfeit Enterprise (FAKE).

Feinberg told The NYTimes,  “[Facebook isn't] listening ... we need oversight on this.”
The virus is called Zeus. It's a special type of Trojan horse that has already infected millions of computers. Zeus  works by remaining dormant on your computer until you log into your bank account. Once you're in it steals your password and drains your account.
Zeus targets Windows machines. It does not work on Mac OS X or Linux.  The only real way to protect yourself from it is to make sure you only click links that come from trusted sources.

The virus is sophisticated too. Sometimes it can even replace your bank's website with its own page in order to get even more information like your social security number so that it can be sold on the black market.
Zeus has been around since 2007 and evidence shows that it is only getting more active. The virus is being hosted from computers controlled by a Russian criminal gang that has been linked to online crimes ranging from malware and identity theft all the way to child pornography.  


In case you needed further evidence that the White Hats are losing the war on cybercrime, a six-year-old so-called Trojan horse program that drains bank accounts is alive and well on Facebook.

Zeus is a particularly nasty Trojan horse that has infected millions of computers, most of them in the United States. Once Zeus has compromised a computer, it stays dormant until a victim logs into a bank site, and then it steals the victim’s passwords and drains the victim’s accounts. In some cases, it can even replace a bank’s Web site with its own page, in order to get even more information– such as a Social Security number– that can be sold on the black market.

The Trojan, which was first detected in 2007, is only getting more active. According to researchers at the security firm Trend Micro, incidents of Zeus have risen steadily this year and peaked in May. Eric Feinberg, founder of the advocacy group Fans Against Kounterfeit Enterprise (FAKE), has noticed an uptick in Zeus-serving malicious links on popular N.F.L. Facebook fan pages such as one created by a group called “Bring the N.F.L. To Los Angeles.”
Mr. Feinberg said he had noticed an increase in such pages and malicious links in recent weeks. He sent those links to Malloy Labs, a security lab, which confirmed that the links on these pages were serving up Zeus malware. The malware was being hosted from computers known to be controlled by a Russian criminal gang known as the Russian Business Network, which has been linked to various online criminal activities, ranging from malware and identity theft to child pornography.
Mr. Feinberg said he has tried to alert Facebook to the problem, with increased urgency, but wasn’t satisfied with their response. A Facebook spokesman directed this reporter to a previous Facebook statement reminding users that it actively scans for malware and offering users the opportunity to enroll in self-remediation procedures such as a “Scan-And-Repair malware scan” that can scan for and remove malware from their devices.
Mr. Feinberg said that after-the-fact approach was hardly sufficient. “If you really want to hack someone, the easiest place to start is a fake Facebook profile– it’s so simple, it’s stupid.”
“They’re not listening,” Mr. Feinberg added. “We need oversight on this.”

5 則留言:


但係, 都唔好用呢D 3rd-party program, 最好都係用返可信的anti-virus牌子去scan.

Macy 提到...


Lisa 提到...

如果想安全用網上銀行, 最好有一部專機只用來辦理重要事務如銀行過數或上政府網例如報稅等 ! 不過就唔好只用一部機又用FB, 又上討論網又開電郵, 好易撞板 !
所以我多數用Linux 做呢D野 !

今晚食杯麵 提到...


Lisa 提到...

回Tang King,
智能電話有自己病毒, 所以唔好亂裝不明來源軟件和唔好亂開傳訊 :)
不過如用網上銀行, 少用電話為妙 !