2013年7月10日 星期三

Interest Rates will Soar into 2015.75 and Beyond

Martin Amstrong 說, 利率在2013年是轉捩點, 而會飆升去2015.75, 所以須小心任何債券基金, 因為它們會崩潰和燃燒 !


Here is our 1996 forecast for long-term interest rates that we put out with the dollar low in 1995. We warned that interest rates would bottom on the Pi Cycle 31.4 Years from the 1981 high. That would be followed by a very sharp rally in rates into 2015.75. This was all part of the forecast for the Sovereign Debt Crisis. So to answer all the questions coming in about interest rates – beware of any bond fund. They will crash and burn.

The Fed bought-in 30 year bonds trying indirectly to support the housing market. They fulfilled the cycle perfectly and now we will see rates rise faster than ever before. Thus, everything is exactly on schedule. 2013 is the turning point in rates.

9 則留言:

Lisa 提到...

有邊位知[2015.75]代表乜 ?
2015年7月5日 ?

honson 提到...


Lisa 提到...

謝 honson :)
我睇極都睇唔明, 就係說, 2015年第三季 !

Eric 提到...


Lisa 提到...

謝 eric tse :)

gogoldjoe 提到...


gogoldjoe 提到...



gogoldjoe 提到...

2015.75 = 2015 + 273 days = October 1st, 2015.


一年有365日,365 x 75% = 273日


Lisa 提到...

Martin Amstrong 講野真係好玄, 睇下八月有乜野發生 !