2013年7月2日 星期二

Treasury Bond-Greatest Asset Bubble in History-Jim Willie

Dr. Jim Willie 說, 來緊會有一個黃金大升浪, 而乜野會推動呢個升浪 ?
可能是COMEX 不能交出實金或有大銀行出事; 如果有銀行如雷曼出事, 一定會大十倍的事故發生 ! 大家見到的金價依家不是正確的, 他們應該關閉COMEX, 不過大家不用擔心, 因為壓低金價, 他們使世上黃金買盤火爆, 而導致COMEX會關閉 !


By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com 

Financial analyst Dr. Jim Willie says there is no way the Fed is going to stop printing money or even “taper” it.  He charges, “Everything is dependent on Fed support.  They know if they take it away, they’re going to create a black hole.  The Treasury bond is the greatest asset bubble in history.  It’s at least twice as large as the housing and mortgage bubble, maybe three or four times as large.”   Dr. Willie goes on to say, “I think the Fed’s balance sheet is going to expand further, not contract.”  As far as the gold price, Dr. Willie says what you are seeing now is not real.  Dr. Willie says, “In order for the real gold price to reflect true value, we must shut down the COMEX.  Don’t worry; they’re helping themselves to shut it down by keeping the price down and causing a fire sale around the world.”  Dr. Willie says a big upward move is coming in gold.  What could be the trigger?  Dr. Willie says, “It might be a default for gold delivery . . . at the same time that a big bank fails.  I am hearing every single night there are three big banks that are running the risk of failure.”   Dr Willie predicts, “If we have another repeat of Lehman, it’s going to be 10 times larger.  It’s not going to be containable.”
