2012年7月12日 星期四
2012 1/4 oz Silver Canadian $20 Polar Bear Coin in COA Card
2012 1/4 oz 加拿大 9999 北極熊, 200蚊, 在 Silver Coin Story 買
Denomination: $20
9999 pure silver
weight : 7.96 g
Diameter: 27 mm
mintage : 250,000
Finish : specimen
Edge : serrated
Ivan 已夠醒, 有晚我都在貼文說 Kitco 賣 288蚊, 但 apmex 賣緊20美元, 咁就俾 Ivan 買咗幾枚平幣, 但可惜佢只買咗少少, 之後 apmex 加價去到 29.99美元, 而依家又減緊價, 所以大家須留意, 去到 20美元附近又可以掃貨 !
星期六我去國際錢幣見到佢都有賣, 老闆娘開價 380蚊 ! 我說朋友賣俾我 200蚊姐, 而佢說無可能賣咁平的 !
呢隻幣當收藏幣一隻半隻買好啦, 因為1盎司來計已去到 800蚊啦 !
貼文 2012-05-06, 修改 2012-07-12
好多人以為 1/4盎司 20加幣銀幣可以去銀行換返 20加紙, 原來是唔可以的, 所以買來只可以當收藏幣, 而唔係投資銀幣 !
20 for 20 coins are NOT accepted at Canadian banks!
You heard it right - the coins with $20 face are not accepted at any Canadian bank! Today I went to CIBC- had a small urgent expence, and unfortunately no cash in my posession. I was thinking that it will be a lot easier to explain to banking officer that this coin is a legal tender..rather than to try to accomplish the same thing with Ahmed at the gas station LOL. Teller refused to exchange this coin for a $20 bill, and I called for a branch manager. Well, I wasn't succesful at explaining to this FOOL that this is a LEGAL TENDER, and the bank MUST ACCEPT IT! He suggested to go to the coin shop..
Well, I went to Royal Bank of Canada ...went directly to the branch manager and she said the following (the most foolish and stupid explanation I ever heard in my life) : This is silver, not the money..even though it has $20 face value. This is a collectable item, and can only be of interest at the pawn shop. Since this coin is made of silver, its not the money and we'll not accept it".
張貼留言 (Atom)
13 則留言:
"幣"有面值都不等於"錢"咁奇怪 ??
咁"幣"同"章"有咩分別呢 ?
其實面值多數低過(金/銀)價來看,都無理由唔收左個幣兌回面值的,真奇怪 ??
呢隻幣只值銀價的1/4, 所以唔值 20加幣 !
個20加幣是RCM 加上去的, 說可以值返20加幣又是 RCM 說的, 所以有少少誤導 !
所以我買也只為收藏, 而唔會買太多和價格一定要在200蚊或樓下 !
Macy之前無留意係1/4安士,睇錯係1安士無理由唔值$20加元,現在明白了,謝謝Lisa姐回覆 !!^^
Lisa姐加拿大生活安好嗎 ? 香港近日天氣好熱(日間33-34度,晚上都接近30度),如果可以學Lisa姐係加拿大避下暑又可以見下親戚朋友都係一件快樂事呢 !!^^
加拿大 ????
英國先o岩,因為我另一好友到了加拿大才攪亂了,嘻嘻 !!^^
我就係唔鍾意歐洲天氣, 成日落雨或陰天, 所以都係香港好 !
在倒數中, 幾時可以回到香港 XDDD !
昨天停雨俾我地出去買野, 而今日又落雨啦 !
回到香港, 第一時間要清理間屋先和一大堆信件, 當然要用最快時間出去收幣 XD !
你唔係搞聚會嗎 ?
Macy就唔太怕落雨或者陰天,因為唔洗太熱已經好好了,今晚香港都落了幾場雨,Macy在家中露台閒坐覺得清涼了一些,感覺良好 !!^^
好呀 :)