我老公的哥哥在過身之前送咗個奧運銀牌俾我老公; 個時老公轉俾我時, 我在說:是真銀嗎 ? 之後就掉咗落保管箱無再理啦 ! 剛才去保管箱拿出來再細心睇, 原來背面有寫 999Ag 50g !
三兄弟中, 大哥最窮, 因為生意失敗, 而我不嬲覺得佢懶和無乜智慧, 原來佢真人不露相 ! 聽說佢遺產中留咗金條俾 D 仔女 ! 所以由金條和銀牌來睇, 佢一早知金銀的價值, 雖然佢送個銀牌俾我老公時, 銀價還在低位 ! 而我個時沒開始買實銀, 所以傻下傻下唔識分 !
點解銀又叫白銀, 而金又叫黃金 ?
我發覺, 銀會發出刺眼的白光, 而金會發出刺眼的黃光 !
唔信 ? 自己細心 D 去觀察下啦, 當然要用新銀唔好用發黑的銀來試 !
2011年2月28日 星期一

香港文匯報訊(記者 李欣 天津報道)由黃金佳集團推出的全國首款「迷你」投資型金條24日登陸天津,既填補了黃金投資市場的一項空白,也大幅降低了黃金投資的門檻。
據了解,「迷你金條」是黃金佳標準金條中的最新一款,也是最具靈活性的一款,全稱為「黃金佳標準克版金條」,是全國首款以克重為單位發售的投資型實物金條。該金條共分為1克、2克、5克、10克四種,品質均為AU9999(萬足金),由全國五大黃金集團之一的山東招金集團鑄造。購買價格為國際金價的即時報價加上每克18元加工運保費,回購的價格為國際金價的即時報價(無折舊費)加上回購檢驗費每克2 元。
2011年2月27日 星期日
Turk - Dollar Ready to Collapse, Silver Squeeze to Continue
With gold higher and silver up almost $1.30, King World News today interviewed James Turk out of Spain. Turk had this rather frightening warning about the dollar, “The dollar right now is hanging on the precipice. If we break below 77 on the dollar index, look out below. I don’t think people really appreciate how scary the dollar chart is here, or how ominous the implications really are. There’s no predicting how far the dollar could plunge if confidence breaks.”
Turk continues:
“You’ve got civil war breaking out in North Africa and you have rebellions happening in the Middle-East. In this kind of geopolitical situation, in the past the US dollar would always rally, but this time it can’t even bounce. You know Eric the other side of this coin is that if the dollar falls off the edge of a cliff, precious metals are going to skyrocket.”
When asked about silver Turk stated, “During the most illiquid time of the trading day, somebody decided to take out all of the stops in silver. If you were not following during business hours in the Pacific Ocean you missed it. I woke up this morning and looked at the chart and couldn’t believe what happened while I was sleeping.
The important point Eric is that no technical damage was done and in fact the situation has become even more bullish because that little smack down overnight took out all of the weak hands.
With this month’s important options expiry now behind us, I’m looking for higher prices next week. Even though the March/May spread has flattened a little, the backwardation continues to grow to 2015 and has ballooned further to $1.16. The short squeeze is continuing to develop. The shorts are trapped and whether the trap springs this week or in a month or two I don’t know, but we are getting very close.”
When asked about gold specifically Turk remarked, “While silver did get hit in overnight trading, gold hardly moved and then snapped right back. Remember I said last time that the gold chart is beginning to look really strong, that is what the event last night displayed.
Gold is incredibly resilient and looks coiled for an explosive move higher. We started our initial probe of the all-time high this week closing in on $1,430 before backing off. Look for another probe of that $1,430 level very soon. It won’t be long Eric before we take out that all-time high, particularly if the dollar falls off the edge of a cliff.”
It is worth noting that in his King World News interview today Art Cashin also warned about the US Dollar being on the verge of serious trouble. KWN readers globally should keep a close eye on the dollar next week to see if it begins to break down. If that happens it will increase bids in both the gold and silver markets.
With gold higher and silver up almost $1.30, King World News today interviewed James Turk out of Spain. Turk had this rather frightening warning about the dollar, “The dollar right now is hanging on the precipice. If we break below 77 on the dollar index, look out below. I don’t think people really appreciate how scary the dollar chart is here, or how ominous the implications really are. There’s no predicting how far the dollar could plunge if confidence breaks.”
Turk continues:
“You’ve got civil war breaking out in North Africa and you have rebellions happening in the Middle-East. In this kind of geopolitical situation, in the past the US dollar would always rally, but this time it can’t even bounce. You know Eric the other side of this coin is that if the dollar falls off the edge of a cliff, precious metals are going to skyrocket.”
When asked about silver Turk stated, “During the most illiquid time of the trading day, somebody decided to take out all of the stops in silver. If you were not following during business hours in the Pacific Ocean you missed it. I woke up this morning and looked at the chart and couldn’t believe what happened while I was sleeping.
The important point Eric is that no technical damage was done and in fact the situation has become even more bullish because that little smack down overnight took out all of the weak hands.
With this month’s important options expiry now behind us, I’m looking for higher prices next week. Even though the March/May spread has flattened a little, the backwardation continues to grow to 2015 and has ballooned further to $1.16. The short squeeze is continuing to develop. The shorts are trapped and whether the trap springs this week or in a month or two I don’t know, but we are getting very close.”
When asked about gold specifically Turk remarked, “While silver did get hit in overnight trading, gold hardly moved and then snapped right back. Remember I said last time that the gold chart is beginning to look really strong, that is what the event last night displayed.
Gold is incredibly resilient and looks coiled for an explosive move higher. We started our initial probe of the all-time high this week closing in on $1,430 before backing off. Look for another probe of that $1,430 level very soon. It won’t be long Eric before we take out that all-time high, particularly if the dollar falls off the edge of a cliff.”
It is worth noting that in his King World News interview today Art Cashin also warned about the US Dollar being on the verge of serious trouble. KWN readers globally should keep a close eye on the dollar next week to see if it begins to break down. If that happens it will increase bids in both the gold and silver markets.
2011年2月25日 星期五
深圳中國銀行買銀記 (2)

今日有事同老公過深圳, 而辦完事後, 又去掃二元店 !
行行下都無野好買啦, 雖然天氣好好, 但都決定回家去, 而行到中國銀行附近叫老公不如去中國銀行睇下有乜賣 ? 個時是下午三點半, 銀行一樓兩個飾櫃都開著燈, 好閞心見到個銀算盤還有得賣, 而又無加價, 叫老公買 ! 數下我地兩個人的銀包加起上來的現金凈返八百蚊 ! 老公說無帶中銀卡, 我以為呢次又要食白果, 但老公說, 妳等一等, 我去禁機 ! 老公用工商銀行卡去中銀禁現金須加手續費, 但佢都去取錢, 抵錫 !
中銀女職員還記得我, 佢說是否念念不忘返來買 ? 還說是最後兩個, 所以在我買完後凈返一個 !
手快有, 手慢無啦 !
在回答這個問題前,先看看一直睇好貴金屬的Casey Research 怎麼說。這家研究機構相信,眼前情況不過是供應方手上存貨未足應付需求,加之鑄幣廠產能追不上較往常多的訂單,令供應出現「樽頸」有以致之;單憑這一點,不足以顯示金銀供應嚴重短缺。這情況,2008年亦曾發生,供應方在人手設施各方面作出調整後,「缺口」終能補上。
在回答這個問題前,先看看一直睇好貴金屬的Casey Research 怎麼說。這家研究機構相信,眼前情況不過是供應方手上存貨未足應付需求,加之鑄幣廠產能追不上較往常多的訂單,令供應出現「樽頸」有以致之;單憑這一點,不足以顯示金銀供應嚴重短缺。這情況,2008年亦曾發生,供應方在人手設施各方面作出調整後,「缺口」終能補上。
2011年2月24日 星期四
通脹掛勾債券適合保守的投資者如我老公, 成日諗用收息賺生活費 ! 預期通脹會升, 所以收的利息也會跟通脹升, 不過如果港元跟美元跌, 就係購買力原地踏步 !
不過分散投資, 無話不可行, 好過放銀行紅簿仔 !
財 政 司 司 長 曾 俊 華 表 示 , 政 府 建 議 發 行 的 通 脹 掛 勾 債 券 對 象 是 本 港 市 民 , 希 望 讓 市 民 多 一 個 投 資 選 擇 , 但 不 是 購 入 這 些 債 券 就 能 完 全 解 決 通 脹 問 題 。 他 出 席 電 台 聯 播 節 目 時 說 , 通 脹 掛 勾 債 券 預 計 六 個 月 派 息 一 次 , 他 說 債 券 利 息 跟 通 脹 上 升 , 不 預 期 未 來 幾 年 會 出 現 通 縮 。
不過分散投資, 無話不可行, 好過放銀行紅簿仔 !
財 政 司 司 長 曾 俊 華 表 示 , 政 府 建 議 發 行 的 通 脹 掛 勾 債 券 對 象 是 本 港 市 民 , 希 望 讓 市 民 多 一 個 投 資 選 擇 , 但 不 是 購 入 這 些 債 券 就 能 完 全 解 決 通 脹 問 題 。 他 出 席 電 台 聯 播 節 目 時 說 , 通 脹 掛 勾 債 券 預 計 六 個 月 派 息 一 次 , 他 說 債 券 利 息 跟 通 脹 上 升 , 不 預 期 未 來 幾 年 會 出 現 通 縮 。
多謝財爺禮物 !
差餉物業估價署數字顯示,2011/12年度應課差餉總值平均按年上升9%,為減輕市民的供樓負擔,當局計劃寬免下年度差餉,以每戶每季1,500元為上限,估計約82%的物業獲全數減免。該建議會令下年度差餉少收98.55億元,但仍較 2010/11年度的差餉淨額增加16.26億元。
差餉物業估價署數字顯示,2011/12年度應課差餉總值平均按年上升9%,為減輕市民的供樓負擔,當局計劃寬免下年度差餉,以每戶每季1,500元為上限,估計約82%的物業獲全數減免。該建議會令下年度差餉少收98.55億元,但仍較 2010/11年度的差餉淨額增加16.26億元。
2011年2月23日 星期三
Libyan Unrest Supportive For Gold, Silver
Libyan Unrest Supportive For Gold, Silver Along With Oil, But Hurts Industrial Metals
22 February 2011, 12:13 p.m.
By Allen Sykora
Of Kitco News
(Kitco News) - Political unrest gripping the Middle East and North Africa has now spread to one of the world’s major oil exporters, and that in turn is having major ramifications for precious and industrial metals.
Gold is within striking distance of its record highs and silver has hit a 31-year peak as investors seek safe havens. However, sharp rises in oil prices have prompted worries about the economy, leaving industrial metals such as copper, aluminum, platinum, palladium and others on the defensive.
In Libya, protesters have been fired upon in recent days by troops loyal to leader Muammar Qaddafi, as the unrest that began in Tunisia and Egypt spread to other Middle East and North African nations. Libya is the first full-blown crisis involving a significant oil producer, however. The country produces some 1.6 million barrels a day and exports in excess of 1 million. Oil and gas firms have evacuated staff and shut down some production.
This, and worries that unrest could engulf still more producers, have sent Brent and U.S. crude oil prices to their highest levels in more than two years. Light crude oil for April delivery has peaked at $98.48 a barrel so far Tuesday on the New York Mercantile Exchange and was still up $4.54, or 5.1%, to $94.25 late in the New York morning.
“It’s all related to the uncertainty about supply,” said Bill O’Neill, one of the principals with LOGIC Advisors.
Against this backdrop, April gold on Nymex’s Comex division was up $17.10 from Friday’s pre-holiday weekend close to $1,405.70 an ounce. It peaked at $1,411.50, which was only $22.60 from the life-of-contract high hit in December. March silver was up 96.4 cents to $33.260 and earlier peaked at $34.33.
“I think it’s likely the gold market would have been higher anyway, but the geopolitical issues are an accelerant,” said Jim Steel, metals analyst with HSBC. “In a time of change, investors will tend to seek safe havens. And gold is principal among those.”
Just how much strength occurs will depend on how much disruption occurs in the Middle East, as well as the impact on the dollar and oil market, Steel said. “But it’s safe to say there is geopolitical premium built into gold, which is likely—at some level—to persist,” he concluded.
There are fears that a political-unrest contagion could potentially spread elsewhere.
“Libya is in the front right now, but we’ve seen how fast this (unrest) has moved across the region,” said Mike Zarembski, senior commodities analyst with optionsXpress. “What if it hits some of the real major producers (such as) Iran, Iraq or Saudi Arabia….If unrest does turn to any of those regions, then we’ll really see some fireworks in the oil markets.”
O’Neill and Zarembski both said the unrest could affect crude, and thus metals, for some time.
“Even if things quiet down, there is going to be an underlying concern things could flare up later on in the year or in the future,” Zarembski said. “So that is going to keep a little risk premium in the oil markets.”
Previously, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak initially tried to hold onto power as the protests mounted, before later relenting and resigning in the face of heavy opposition. But there are worries that Qaddafi could be more unpredictable and resort to more violence in a bid to maintain control. Already, his troops have fired upon funeral processions.
Meanwhile, as oil prices surge amid the Libyan unrest, industrial metals are falling back. Base metals that trade on the London Metal Exchange are lower. In New York, Comex March copper futures slid 10 cents to $4.3820 a pound. Nymex April platinum was $18.90 lower to $1,824.40 an ounce, while March palladium lost $23.50 to $834.20 an ounce.
“A situation like this (in Libya) could be something of a threat to the economy, both here, in Europe and elsewhere as well,” O’Neill said.
A spike in oil prices has fanned fears of higher inflation, said Robin Bhar, senior metals analyst with Credit Agricole CIB. This in turn has prompted concerns about tightening of monetary policy and slowing global economic growth, which means less demand for industrial metals. Otherwise, Bhar pointed out, U.S. data has shown improvement since mid-January.
Industrial metals are especially vulnerable to pullbacks since speculators and investors previously were significant buyers, Zarembski said. “They could be victims of a risk-off trade where large speculators start to exit positions,” Zarembski said.
Libyan Unrest Supportive For Gold, Silver Along With Oil, But Hurts Industrial Metals
22 February 2011, 12:13 p.m.
By Allen Sykora
Of Kitco News
(Kitco News) - Political unrest gripping the Middle East and North Africa has now spread to one of the world’s major oil exporters, and that in turn is having major ramifications for precious and industrial metals.
Gold is within striking distance of its record highs and silver has hit a 31-year peak as investors seek safe havens. However, sharp rises in oil prices have prompted worries about the economy, leaving industrial metals such as copper, aluminum, platinum, palladium and others on the defensive.
In Libya, protesters have been fired upon in recent days by troops loyal to leader Muammar Qaddafi, as the unrest that began in Tunisia and Egypt spread to other Middle East and North African nations. Libya is the first full-blown crisis involving a significant oil producer, however. The country produces some 1.6 million barrels a day and exports in excess of 1 million. Oil and gas firms have evacuated staff and shut down some production.
This, and worries that unrest could engulf still more producers, have sent Brent and U.S. crude oil prices to their highest levels in more than two years. Light crude oil for April delivery has peaked at $98.48 a barrel so far Tuesday on the New York Mercantile Exchange and was still up $4.54, or 5.1%, to $94.25 late in the New York morning.
“It’s all related to the uncertainty about supply,” said Bill O’Neill, one of the principals with LOGIC Advisors.
Against this backdrop, April gold on Nymex’s Comex division was up $17.10 from Friday’s pre-holiday weekend close to $1,405.70 an ounce. It peaked at $1,411.50, which was only $22.60 from the life-of-contract high hit in December. March silver was up 96.4 cents to $33.260 and earlier peaked at $34.33.
“I think it’s likely the gold market would have been higher anyway, but the geopolitical issues are an accelerant,” said Jim Steel, metals analyst with HSBC. “In a time of change, investors will tend to seek safe havens. And gold is principal among those.”
Just how much strength occurs will depend on how much disruption occurs in the Middle East, as well as the impact on the dollar and oil market, Steel said. “But it’s safe to say there is geopolitical premium built into gold, which is likely—at some level—to persist,” he concluded.
There are fears that a political-unrest contagion could potentially spread elsewhere.
“Libya is in the front right now, but we’ve seen how fast this (unrest) has moved across the region,” said Mike Zarembski, senior commodities analyst with optionsXpress. “What if it hits some of the real major producers (such as) Iran, Iraq or Saudi Arabia….If unrest does turn to any of those regions, then we’ll really see some fireworks in the oil markets.”
O’Neill and Zarembski both said the unrest could affect crude, and thus metals, for some time.
“Even if things quiet down, there is going to be an underlying concern things could flare up later on in the year or in the future,” Zarembski said. “So that is going to keep a little risk premium in the oil markets.”
Previously, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak initially tried to hold onto power as the protests mounted, before later relenting and resigning in the face of heavy opposition. But there are worries that Qaddafi could be more unpredictable and resort to more violence in a bid to maintain control. Already, his troops have fired upon funeral processions.
Meanwhile, as oil prices surge amid the Libyan unrest, industrial metals are falling back. Base metals that trade on the London Metal Exchange are lower. In New York, Comex March copper futures slid 10 cents to $4.3820 a pound. Nymex April platinum was $18.90 lower to $1,824.40 an ounce, while March palladium lost $23.50 to $834.20 an ounce.
“A situation like this (in Libya) could be something of a threat to the economy, both here, in Europe and elsewhere as well,” O’Neill said.
A spike in oil prices has fanned fears of higher inflation, said Robin Bhar, senior metals analyst with Credit Agricole CIB. This in turn has prompted concerns about tightening of monetary policy and slowing global economic growth, which means less demand for industrial metals. Otherwise, Bhar pointed out, U.S. data has shown improvement since mid-January.
Industrial metals are especially vulnerable to pullbacks since speculators and investors previously were significant buyers, Zarembski said. “They could be victims of a risk-off trade where large speculators start to exit positions,” Zarembski said.
中東亂局助促銷 西方大發軍火財
神密組織又成功啦 !
【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】始於突尼斯的飢餓革命不斷蔓延,突尼斯本‧阿里和埃及穆巴拉克倒台後,執政超過四十年的利比亞「狂人」卡達菲,權位也搖搖欲墜。諷刺的是,在卡達菲被指出動戰機大開殺戒、血腥鎮壓反政府示威之際,西方軍工企業在阿聯酋阿布扎比舉行的第十屆國際防務展上,向中東富國促銷戰機等先進軍備。
【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】始於突尼斯的飢餓革命不斷蔓延,突尼斯本‧阿里和埃及穆巴拉克倒台後,執政超過四十年的利比亞「狂人」卡達菲,權位也搖搖欲墜。諷刺的是,在卡達菲被指出動戰機大開殺戒、血腥鎮壓反政府示威之際,西方軍工企業在阿聯酋阿布扎比舉行的第十屆國際防務展上,向中東富國促銷戰機等先進軍備。
利比亞中企遇劫 近千員工緊急撤離
去高風險地區開荒, 就可以有呢個結果 !
就好似我阿爺和外公個輩以前在南洋的生活; 當時人人會開槍, 而家家有槍旁身 !
香港文匯報訊(記者 王屹峰、郁菁杭州報道)中國華豐公司在利比亞東部城市艾季達比亞的建築工地項目部和建築工地於20日遭搶劫,上千名中國工人被迫離開工地。據了解,中國華豐公司全稱為世紀華豐控股有限公司,總部設在浙江寧波。22日,香港文匯報記者聯繫到華豐公司海外集團總裁兼利比亞公司總經理鄭慧明,他證實了上述信息。
就好似我阿爺和外公個輩以前在南洋的生活; 當時人人會開槍, 而家家有槍旁身 !
香港文匯報訊(記者 王屹峰、郁菁杭州報道)中國華豐公司在利比亞東部城市艾季達比亞的建築工地項目部和建築工地於20日遭搶劫,上千名中國工人被迫離開工地。據了解,中國華豐公司全稱為世紀華豐控股有限公司,總部設在浙江寧波。22日,香港文匯報記者聯繫到華豐公司海外集團總裁兼利比亞公司總經理鄭慧明,他證實了上述信息。
2011年2月22日 星期二
Six reasons for you to purchase silver now, despite high prices
Silver prices have been going up for a while. On Saturday, Silver closed at an all-time high of Rs 48,700. In the last one year, silver has given a return of around 100% in dollar terms and 84% in rupee terms.
Still, it makes sense to buy silver. Here are six good reasons:
1. China has turned net importer
China, the biggest commodity guzzler in the world, is importing silver big time. In fact, in 2005, China exported 100 million ounces of silver (one troy ounce = 31.1 grams). In 2010, five years down the line, the country has turned a net importer, importing 122.6 million ounces, which is around 14% of the global production.
Now, we all know the impact China has on the price of a commodity it takes fancy to. India, the biggest consumer of gold and silver in the world, imported 1,200 tonnes of silver in 2010, up 20% from the previous year. This increase in imports has largely been attributed to increase in the price of gold, thus making gold jewellery very expensive.This has made people in these countries turn to silver jewellery. In fact, as the price of silver keeps going up, more and more people are likely to take fancy to silver jewellery.
2. Supply demand mismatch
This is a very basic point, which is behind every price rise. Silver demand is more than silver supply, and thus the prices have been on a run. The Silver Institute, which tracks silver supply, reports that from 2000 to 2009 (the latest data available), the supply of silver went up to 709.6 million ounces, up from 591 million ounces. This shows an increase of around 2% per year.
Data from the CPM group shows that mine production rose to 741.5 million ounces in 2010 (up around 4% from 2009).
Silver demand in 2009 stood at around 889 million ounces and the difference between supply and demand was largely met out of scrap sales. Given this, nearly 19% of silver demand is being meant out of scrap sale. This is not sustainable.
3. No recycling of silver
One way to increase supply is to recycle silver like gold has been over the years. Silver is largely used as an industrial metal. It is a very good conductor of electricity, the best heat transfer agent and reflector of light, a very good lubricant, catalyst and alloy. But it is used in very small amounts as an industrial metal. Given this, it is not easy to recycle silver.
Also, at its current price, it is not monetarily feasible to recycle silver. Experts are of the view recycling will become monetarily feasible only once the price of silver crosses around $50 per ounce (currently it quotes at around $32-33 per ounce). Given these reasons, increasing sale of silver scrap is not very easy.
4. Not easy to ramp up production
Experts who closely track silver believe the world is running out of silver. The most vociferous of this lot, Adrian Douglas, the proprietor of Market Force Analysis and also a director of GATA (the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee), has gone on record to say the world will run out of silver in 2020, and thus become the first element of the periodic table to become extinct.
Theodore Butler, silver analyst, Butler Research, has said in the past that silver inventories have declined from 10 billion ounces (one ounce equals 31.1 grams) in 1940 to 1 billion ounces today. In comparison, gold inventories stand at a total around 5 billion ounces. So, if we were to believe these experts, there is five times more gold on this earth than silver. But does that reflect in the price of these metals? Certainly not.
This decreasing inventory cannot be built up through increase in production. The earth’s crust has around 17 times more silver than gold. Despite this, silver production cannot be ramped up quickly. The primary reason for this is that it is rare to find a pure silver deposit. Hence, nearly two thirds of the silver that is mined comes as a by-product of mining other metals, like copper, zinc and lead. So, increased production of silver in turn depends on the price of the other metals it is co-mined with.
Also, the silver “mine-cycle” is around 10 years, i.e. the time it takes from starting to explore for silver and until the mine finally begins to produce silver. Over the years, the low price of silver has ensured that the mining companies haven’t gotten around to looking for silver.
5. New uses of silver
As mentioned earlier, silver has lots of industrial uses, given that it is the most malleable and ductile metal, after gold. Silver is currently used in electrical applications like conductors, switches, fuses etc. It is also used in photography, and silver alloys are used as cathodes in batteries. Interestingly, the new uses of silver keep growing.
As a recent report from Hinde Capital points out, “As a bactericide, silver is used in water purification and air handling systems. Silver is also a natural biocide and is very effective against bacterial infections such... New products using silver’s biocidal qualities are being developed each year; clothing, bandages, toothbrushes, door-knobs (flu-protection), keyboards, the list goes on growing.”
All this will ensure the demand for silver keeps growing.
6. The investment argument
Investors are gradually realising the potential of silver. This has led to an increased demand for silver coins as well as exchange traded funds worldwide. The US Mint sold more than 6.4 million silver eagles this January —- the highest sales in a single month since the coin was introduced way back in 1986.
Eric Sprott, who runs Canada-based Sprott Hedge Fund and who recently launched a silver fund, made a very interesting point during an interview. His new fund entered the market to buy 1 million ounces of physical silver. The silver wasn’t readily available and it took the fund nearly 10 weeks to acquire the entire lot.
Now, this was the impact of just one fund. Imagine what would happen once a few more silver funds are launched.
In fact, data from the Silver Institute shows that the investment demand for silver went up by a whopping 184% to 136.9 million ounces in the year 2009 (the latest data i.e. available).
Moral of the story: Buy silver.
Silver prices have been going up for a while. On Saturday, Silver closed at an all-time high of Rs 48,700. In the last one year, silver has given a return of around 100% in dollar terms and 84% in rupee terms.
Still, it makes sense to buy silver. Here are six good reasons:
1. China has turned net importer
China, the biggest commodity guzzler in the world, is importing silver big time. In fact, in 2005, China exported 100 million ounces of silver (one troy ounce = 31.1 grams). In 2010, five years down the line, the country has turned a net importer, importing 122.6 million ounces, which is around 14% of the global production.
Now, we all know the impact China has on the price of a commodity it takes fancy to. India, the biggest consumer of gold and silver in the world, imported 1,200 tonnes of silver in 2010, up 20% from the previous year. This increase in imports has largely been attributed to increase in the price of gold, thus making gold jewellery very expensive.This has made people in these countries turn to silver jewellery. In fact, as the price of silver keeps going up, more and more people are likely to take fancy to silver jewellery.
2. Supply demand mismatch
This is a very basic point, which is behind every price rise. Silver demand is more than silver supply, and thus the prices have been on a run. The Silver Institute, which tracks silver supply, reports that from 2000 to 2009 (the latest data available), the supply of silver went up to 709.6 million ounces, up from 591 million ounces. This shows an increase of around 2% per year.
Data from the CPM group shows that mine production rose to 741.5 million ounces in 2010 (up around 4% from 2009).
Silver demand in 2009 stood at around 889 million ounces and the difference between supply and demand was largely met out of scrap sales. Given this, nearly 19% of silver demand is being meant out of scrap sale. This is not sustainable.
3. No recycling of silver
One way to increase supply is to recycle silver like gold has been over the years. Silver is largely used as an industrial metal. It is a very good conductor of electricity, the best heat transfer agent and reflector of light, a very good lubricant, catalyst and alloy. But it is used in very small amounts as an industrial metal. Given this, it is not easy to recycle silver.
Also, at its current price, it is not monetarily feasible to recycle silver. Experts are of the view recycling will become monetarily feasible only once the price of silver crosses around $50 per ounce (currently it quotes at around $32-33 per ounce). Given these reasons, increasing sale of silver scrap is not very easy.
4. Not easy to ramp up production
Experts who closely track silver believe the world is running out of silver. The most vociferous of this lot, Adrian Douglas, the proprietor of Market Force Analysis and also a director of GATA (the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee), has gone on record to say the world will run out of silver in 2020, and thus become the first element of the periodic table to become extinct.
Theodore Butler, silver analyst, Butler Research, has said in the past that silver inventories have declined from 10 billion ounces (one ounce equals 31.1 grams) in 1940 to 1 billion ounces today. In comparison, gold inventories stand at a total around 5 billion ounces. So, if we were to believe these experts, there is five times more gold on this earth than silver. But does that reflect in the price of these metals? Certainly not.
This decreasing inventory cannot be built up through increase in production. The earth’s crust has around 17 times more silver than gold. Despite this, silver production cannot be ramped up quickly. The primary reason for this is that it is rare to find a pure silver deposit. Hence, nearly two thirds of the silver that is mined comes as a by-product of mining other metals, like copper, zinc and lead. So, increased production of silver in turn depends on the price of the other metals it is co-mined with.
Also, the silver “mine-cycle” is around 10 years, i.e. the time it takes from starting to explore for silver and until the mine finally begins to produce silver. Over the years, the low price of silver has ensured that the mining companies haven’t gotten around to looking for silver.
5. New uses of silver
As mentioned earlier, silver has lots of industrial uses, given that it is the most malleable and ductile metal, after gold. Silver is currently used in electrical applications like conductors, switches, fuses etc. It is also used in photography, and silver alloys are used as cathodes in batteries. Interestingly, the new uses of silver keep growing.
As a recent report from Hinde Capital points out, “As a bactericide, silver is used in water purification and air handling systems. Silver is also a natural biocide and is very effective against bacterial infections such... New products using silver’s biocidal qualities are being developed each year; clothing, bandages, toothbrushes, door-knobs (flu-protection), keyboards, the list goes on growing.”
All this will ensure the demand for silver keeps growing.
6. The investment argument
Investors are gradually realising the potential of silver. This has led to an increased demand for silver coins as well as exchange traded funds worldwide. The US Mint sold more than 6.4 million silver eagles this January —- the highest sales in a single month since the coin was introduced way back in 1986.
Eric Sprott, who runs Canada-based Sprott Hedge Fund and who recently launched a silver fund, made a very interesting point during an interview. His new fund entered the market to buy 1 million ounces of physical silver. The silver wasn’t readily available and it took the fund nearly 10 weeks to acquire the entire lot.
Now, this was the impact of just one fund. Imagine what would happen once a few more silver funds are launched.
In fact, data from the Silver Institute shows that the investment demand for silver went up by a whopping 184% to 136.9 million ounces in the year 2009 (the latest data i.e. available).
Moral of the story: Buy silver.
儘管美股升至兩年半高位,但根據耶魯大學管理學院向大戶進行的最新調查顯示,有 75%受訪大戶認為,美股在未來 6個月內會出現股災的機會最少有 10%,比率較去年 5月美股出現「閃崩」事件暴瀉千點之前還要高,意味投資者擔心大市充滿暗湧。事實上,現時北非及中東政局持續緊張,若反政府示威浪潮繼續蔓延至其他國家,將令股市更添波動。
耶魯大學自 1989年開始,每月都會向大戶進行調查,主要針對美股在未來 6個月內出現股災可能性的問題。有兩大原因解釋為何大戶在美股仍處升軌的時候卻不再亢奮,其一是在「閃崩」發生後,投資者對美國金融市場失去信心,其次則是投資者對雷曼爆煲引發的金融海嘯,仍然歷歷在目。
該大學在去年 12月進行的調查顯示,有 75%大戶認為美股在未來半年,最少有 10%機會出現股災,較去年 5月時的 68%還多。如今再加上茉莉花革命的推波助瀾,令貴金屬等商品熱炒,亦會增加大戶的恐慌情緒。
Bespoke Investment Group分析師指出,在美股牛氣冲天之時,投資者卻擔心會出現股災,有點前所未見。他續稱,美國金融海嘯所帶來的股市崩潰,明顯對投資者心理造成很大的影響。根據耶魯大學以往的數據顯示,通常在股市下跌後,由於投資者對經濟失去信心,擔心出現股災的人數才會上升。有關調查可能用作預測熊市結束的指標之一。
以 09年 3月為例,當時認為美股在未來半年出現股災機會率最少有 10%的受訪者,高達 85%,事實上,當時投資者對股市信心盡失,正是股市見底之時。當時標普 500指數跌至 666點的 12年半低位,其後隨即展開逾兩年的升浪。
儘管美股升至兩年半高位,但根據耶魯大學管理學院向大戶進行的最新調查顯示,有 75%受訪大戶認為,美股在未來 6個月內會出現股災的機會最少有 10%,比率較去年 5月美股出現「閃崩」事件暴瀉千點之前還要高,意味投資者擔心大市充滿暗湧。事實上,現時北非及中東政局持續緊張,若反政府示威浪潮繼續蔓延至其他國家,將令股市更添波動。
耶魯大學自 1989年開始,每月都會向大戶進行調查,主要針對美股在未來 6個月內出現股災可能性的問題。有兩大原因解釋為何大戶在美股仍處升軌的時候卻不再亢奮,其一是在「閃崩」發生後,投資者對美國金融市場失去信心,其次則是投資者對雷曼爆煲引發的金融海嘯,仍然歷歷在目。
該大學在去年 12月進行的調查顯示,有 75%大戶認為美股在未來半年,最少有 10%機會出現股災,較去年 5月時的 68%還多。如今再加上茉莉花革命的推波助瀾,令貴金屬等商品熱炒,亦會增加大戶的恐慌情緒。
Bespoke Investment Group分析師指出,在美股牛氣冲天之時,投資者卻擔心會出現股災,有點前所未見。他續稱,美國金融海嘯所帶來的股市崩潰,明顯對投資者心理造成很大的影響。根據耶魯大學以往的數據顯示,通常在股市下跌後,由於投資者對經濟失去信心,擔心出現股災的人數才會上升。有關調查可能用作預測熊市結束的指標之一。
以 09年 3月為例,當時認為美股在未來半年出現股災機會率最少有 10%的受訪者,高達 85%,事實上,當時投資者對股市信心盡失,正是股市見底之時。當時標普 500指數跌至 666點的 12年半低位,其後隨即展開逾兩年的升浪。
2011年2月20日 星期日
眾院削支4749億 華府缺錢瀕癱瘓
共和黨被斥「破壞能手」 損經濟復甦
影響美借貸能力 金融市場關注
共和黨被斥「破壞能手」 損經濟復甦
影響美借貸能力 金融市場關注
【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】 南韓金融服務委員會,要求該國4家儲蓄銀行今日起暫停營業半年,原因是銀行出現資金不足的情況。
樓按壞帳堪憂 韓5銀行擠提停業
曾大幅借貸 「海嘯」後陷困
【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】 南韓金融服務委員會,要求該國4家儲蓄銀行今日起暫停營業半年,原因是銀行出現資金不足的情況。
樓按壞帳堪憂 韓5銀行擠提停業
曾大幅借貸 「海嘯」後陷困
湛雅妍:銀價 有條件繼續上
【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】東方產經「商品圈」專欄作者湛雅妍:商品市場上周變天,較突出的有棉價突破每磅2美元為歷史新高;銀價亦不甘示弱;升至最高32.85美元為31年新高,以單周計上升近9%。看來銀價有接力的味道成為下一樣繼黃金之後的另一隻熱炒的貴金屬。
敦沛金融產品服務部助理副總裁 湛雅妍
【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】東方產經「商品圈」專欄作者湛雅妍:商品市場上周變天,較突出的有棉價突破每磅2美元為歷史新高;銀價亦不甘示弱;升至最高32.85美元為31年新高,以單周計上升近9%。看來銀價有接力的味道成為下一樣繼黃金之後的另一隻熱炒的貴金屬。
敦沛金融產品服務部助理副總裁 湛雅妍
2011年2月19日 星期六
內地網民號召 「 中國茉莉花革命 」明午各大城市集會
唔係呀 ?
股市唔跌都幾難 !
內 地 有 網 民 號 召 發 起 「 中 國 茉 莉 花 革 命 」 , 呼 籲 民 眾 明 日下 午 , 到 北 京 、 上 海 、 天 津 、 廣 州 等 13 個 城 市 集 會 , 要 求 改 善 民 生 、 司 法 獨 立 、政 治 改 革 和 新 聞 自 由 。
活 動 發 起 者 又 呼 籲 , 若 果 未 能 成 功 召 集 民 眾 , 以 後逢 星 期 日 下 午 均 繼 續 嘗 試 舉 行 。 在 內 地 , 負 責 轉 載 告 示 的 網 站 遭 封 鎖 , 在 香 港 亦 多次 未 能 登 入 。
股市唔跌都幾難 !
內 地 有 網 民 號 召 發 起 「 中 國 茉 莉 花 革 命 」 , 呼 籲 民 眾 明 日下 午 , 到 北 京 、 上 海 、 天 津 、 廣 州 等 13 個 城 市 集 會 , 要 求 改 善 民 生 、 司 法 獨 立 、政 治 改 革 和 新 聞 自 由 。
活 動 發 起 者 又 呼 籲 , 若 果 未 能 成 功 召 集 民 眾 , 以 後逢 星 期 日 下 午 均 繼 續 嘗 試 舉 行 。 在 內 地 , 負 責 轉 載 告 示 的 網 站 遭 封 鎖 , 在 香 港 亦 多次 未 能 登 入 。
恒生 H按突閂閘
加息的先兆 ?
【本報訊】本港樓按市佔率排名第三的恒生銀行( 011),昨率先向拆息( Hibor)按揭計劃(下稱 H計劃)說「不」,該行由即日起,將主要向客戶提供最優惠利率( P)為基準的按揭計劃, H計劃則視乎客戶關係而定,即酌情權由銀行決定。 記者:劉美儀
港元拆息( H)水平幾近零,令大量新造按揭業務從傳統的最優惠利率( P)為計息基礎,轉至遠為便宜的 H按息計劃。以目前 1個月及 3個月港元拆息水平,僅得 0.14厘及 0.22厘,市場普遍提供的 H按息新造水平,為 H+0.8至 H+1厘,即實質水平合計不逾 1.3厘,與 P為基礎的實質息率最少超過 2厘,平貴立見。
銀行長期承受極窄息差,去年底已開始「反彈」,紛紛上調 H按息水平,部份更希望有銀行帶頭宣佈,取消 H按揭計劃。
恒生發言人接受查詢時回應,該行由即日起,將以 P為基礎計息的按揭計劃,作為向客戶主要提供的按揭產品, H按息則只會選擇性地,因應客戶關係決定審批,當中考慮因素包括貸款規模、客戶還款能力及與銀行的往來關係等。
目前該行提供的 P基準新造按息,最低可達 P-2.85厘(實質息率為 2.15厘),現金回贈最多 1%。去年 11月初,恒生隨渣打(香港)將新造 H按息計劃,由原來的 H+0.7厘,調升到 H+0.8至 H+1厘。
市場一哥滙豐銀行發言人則表示,目前仍然提供 H及 P按息計劃,未來視乎市況及客戶需要而定。東亞銀行( 023)物業按揭部主管錢偉倫認為,去年底同業開始調高新造 H按息,但 H按息息差始終太過微薄,提高息差亦不足以彌補營運成本,故進一步加息甚或有銀行撤出有關業務,亦不為奇。
息差微薄 H按隨時蝕本
若再有大行跟隨,終止向客戶全面提供 H按息計劃,他不排除會發展成市場大趨勢,相信各行將因應市場變化,對按息水平重新定位。對於該行會否步恒生後塵,他只表示會視乎市況發展及對手安排,不時作出檢討及調整。
一家大行個人銀行業務主管透露,金融海嘯及其後各國央行的量化寬鬆貨幣政策,令拆息浸至接近零水平,近年拆息已成為新造按揭業務主流,兩三年前罰息期滿的客戶,亦伺機「甩身」轉用 H計劃,故即使以整體未償還按揭組合計,現時市場的 H按揭貸款,已超過了 P為計息基礎的規模。
【本報訊】本港樓按市佔率排名第三的恒生銀行( 011),昨率先向拆息( Hibor)按揭計劃(下稱 H計劃)說「不」,該行由即日起,將主要向客戶提供最優惠利率( P)為基準的按揭計劃, H計劃則視乎客戶關係而定,即酌情權由銀行決定。 記者:劉美儀
港元拆息( H)水平幾近零,令大量新造按揭業務從傳統的最優惠利率( P)為計息基礎,轉至遠為便宜的 H按息計劃。以目前 1個月及 3個月港元拆息水平,僅得 0.14厘及 0.22厘,市場普遍提供的 H按息新造水平,為 H+0.8至 H+1厘,即實質水平合計不逾 1.3厘,與 P為基礎的實質息率最少超過 2厘,平貴立見。
銀行長期承受極窄息差,去年底已開始「反彈」,紛紛上調 H按息水平,部份更希望有銀行帶頭宣佈,取消 H按揭計劃。
恒生發言人接受查詢時回應,該行由即日起,將以 P為基礎計息的按揭計劃,作為向客戶主要提供的按揭產品, H按息則只會選擇性地,因應客戶關係決定審批,當中考慮因素包括貸款規模、客戶還款能力及與銀行的往來關係等。
目前該行提供的 P基準新造按息,最低可達 P-2.85厘(實質息率為 2.15厘),現金回贈最多 1%。去年 11月初,恒生隨渣打(香港)將新造 H按息計劃,由原來的 H+0.7厘,調升到 H+0.8至 H+1厘。
市場一哥滙豐銀行發言人則表示,目前仍然提供 H及 P按息計劃,未來視乎市況及客戶需要而定。東亞銀行( 023)物業按揭部主管錢偉倫認為,去年底同業開始調高新造 H按息,但 H按息息差始終太過微薄,提高息差亦不足以彌補營運成本,故進一步加息甚或有銀行撤出有關業務,亦不為奇。
息差微薄 H按隨時蝕本
若再有大行跟隨,終止向客戶全面提供 H按息計劃,他不排除會發展成市場大趨勢,相信各行將因應市場變化,對按息水平重新定位。對於該行會否步恒生後塵,他只表示會視乎市況發展及對手安排,不時作出檢討及調整。
一家大行個人銀行業務主管透露,金融海嘯及其後各國央行的量化寬鬆貨幣政策,令拆息浸至接近零水平,近年拆息已成為新造按揭業務主流,兩三年前罰息期滿的客戶,亦伺機「甩身」轉用 H計劃,故即使以整體未償還按揭組合計,現時市場的 H按揭貸款,已超過了 P為計息基礎的規模。
稱被告呃人 未交代細節
稱被告呃人 未交代細節
2011年2月18日 星期五
想買野, 一定要在平時買
2006年時開始買金飾, 就連老公都說保唔到值 !
當時一隻純金戒指賣5/6百蚊, 所以買咗一人一隻送俾個女和兩位新抱當聖誕禮物, 個時去英國剛好是聖誕節 ! 又有一年佢地返來香港, 又是送咗一人一對純金耳環, 都係 5/6百蚊一對 ! 依家金戒指和金耳環都升去 1500蚊一隻/對, 所以唔送啦, 改送銀幣 !
通脹來臨, 一定要一早做好防風設施 !
當時一隻純金戒指賣5/6百蚊, 所以買咗一人一隻送俾個女和兩位新抱當聖誕禮物, 個時去英國剛好是聖誕節 ! 又有一年佢地返來香港, 又是送咗一人一對純金耳環, 都係 5/6百蚊一對 ! 依家金戒指和金耳環都升去 1500蚊一隻/對, 所以唔送啦, 改送銀幣 !
通脹來臨, 一定要一早做好防風設施 !
2011年2月17日 星期四
旺角東洋買銀記 (二)

前天又見到個位朋友說, 又買齊一套鼠、牛、虎銀幣, 所以昨天幾經辛苦趕去旺角, 一落火車連飯都唔食, 廁所都唔去, 快步走去東洋, 最後好彩買到一套鼠、牛、虎銀幣, 不過每樣都剩返一個, 想買多個都無, 所以剛好有一個10oz 兔銀幣, 買咗俾自己當情人節禮物 !
銀幣都還是 Kitco 最平, 而Kitco 無賣的就可以去東洋買 !
1/2oz 兔 = $180 無加價
2oz 兔 = $650 無加價
1oz 鼠 = $350 加 20蚊
1oz 牛/虎 = $340 加 10蚊
10oz 兔 = $3080 無加價
昨天還經過朗豪坊 Thomas Sabo 銀飾店買咗洗銀布, 20蚊一塊, 大上水買的四倍和厚 D, 所以用起來方便好多 !
Reports Of Physical Silver Shortages ‘Limited’
There are some spot shortages in the physical silver market, but they are limited to higher purity metal in specific forms and locations at most, said commodities research and consulting firm CPM Group Wednesday.
There have been reports of shortages of physical silver circulating in the market, CPM Group said in a research note, but information about the market tightness has been “blown out of proportion by the silver conspiracy theorists who are trying to portray this as a much more cataclysmic event for the silver market.”
CPM Group explained that the tightness comes from the fact that refiners do not make 1,000 ounce bars, rather they make something called “silver shot” – also known as grain, powder, flake and/or sponge – because of demand from manufacturers.
“They do not waste time, money, and energy casting bars as their user clients do not want bars, and demand for sponge is very high due to increased demand in electronics and solar panels,” CPM Group said.
One-thousand ounce bars in silver purity of 0.999, the good delivery grade, are plentiful, but they said there is tightness in the higher purity 0.9999 and 0.99999 for two reasons. One, investors are buying more metal and two, refiners would rather sell higher purity silver in sponge, not bars.
Demand for photovoltaic cells used in the solar panels has surged, with growth accelerating in the second half of 2010, they said. The silver flake or powder used in this manufacturing must be of a high grade, which explains why there is tightness for silver of high purity. While producers of this specialized silver are increasing supply, there are only a few producers that source silver to the photovoltaic industry currently.
CPM Group said it has heard of only a specialized instance of actual supply tightness in the physical market. The firm added that there is talk in the market of shortages of 100-ounce investment-sized bars and coins, but its investigations dispute this. CPM Group said it surveyed Fidelitrade, Kitco, and Northwest Territorial Mint in the first week of February about the supply of these metals. “There were hundreds of thousands of ounces in 100-ounce bars available for immediate delivery, and NWTM said it was steadily producing more each day,” CPM Group said.
Regarding the rise in silver lease rates and the slight backwardation in March Comex futures prices, it said that lease rates are higher, at 0.8% versus 0.3% previously. Still, it said 0.8% lease rate is still very low, considering in the past 30 years lease rates have ranged between 3% to 6%. They also attributed the backwardation in futures to market congestion.
“In conclusion, there are short-term market developments along the lines of what CPM has repeatedly said to expect in February and March 2011, and there is spot tightness in high purity silver cast into bars as opposed to sponge. The rest is noise,” they said.
By Debbie Carlson of Kitco News dcarlson@kitco.com
There are some spot shortages in the physical silver market, but they are limited to higher purity metal in specific forms and locations at most, said commodities research and consulting firm CPM Group Wednesday.
There have been reports of shortages of physical silver circulating in the market, CPM Group said in a research note, but information about the market tightness has been “blown out of proportion by the silver conspiracy theorists who are trying to portray this as a much more cataclysmic event for the silver market.”
CPM Group explained that the tightness comes from the fact that refiners do not make 1,000 ounce bars, rather they make something called “silver shot” – also known as grain, powder, flake and/or sponge – because of demand from manufacturers.
“They do not waste time, money, and energy casting bars as their user clients do not want bars, and demand for sponge is very high due to increased demand in electronics and solar panels,” CPM Group said.
One-thousand ounce bars in silver purity of 0.999, the good delivery grade, are plentiful, but they said there is tightness in the higher purity 0.9999 and 0.99999 for two reasons. One, investors are buying more metal and two, refiners would rather sell higher purity silver in sponge, not bars.
Demand for photovoltaic cells used in the solar panels has surged, with growth accelerating in the second half of 2010, they said. The silver flake or powder used in this manufacturing must be of a high grade, which explains why there is tightness for silver of high purity. While producers of this specialized silver are increasing supply, there are only a few producers that source silver to the photovoltaic industry currently.
CPM Group said it has heard of only a specialized instance of actual supply tightness in the physical market. The firm added that there is talk in the market of shortages of 100-ounce investment-sized bars and coins, but its investigations dispute this. CPM Group said it surveyed Fidelitrade, Kitco, and Northwest Territorial Mint in the first week of February about the supply of these metals. “There were hundreds of thousands of ounces in 100-ounce bars available for immediate delivery, and NWTM said it was steadily producing more each day,” CPM Group said.
Regarding the rise in silver lease rates and the slight backwardation in March Comex futures prices, it said that lease rates are higher, at 0.8% versus 0.3% previously. Still, it said 0.8% lease rate is still very low, considering in the past 30 years lease rates have ranged between 3% to 6%. They also attributed the backwardation in futures to market congestion.
“In conclusion, there are short-term market developments along the lines of what CPM has repeatedly said to expect in February and March 2011, and there is spot tightness in high purity silver cast into bars as opposed to sponge. The rest is noise,” they said.
By Debbie Carlson of Kitco News dcarlson@kitco.com
2011年2月16日 星期三
美「情人節屠殺」 預算案拿窮人開刀
美國總統奧巴馬前日(2月14日情人節)向國會提交2012年財政預算案,承諾未來10年削減1.1萬億美元 (約8.6萬億港元)財赤,但同時加強在潔淨能源、教育和高速鐵路的投資。共和黨以至部分民主黨人均批評預算案削支太少,共和黨更提出自家方案。有官員指責兩個方案皆大減社會發展和住房福利,拿窮人開刀,形容為「情人節屠殺」。
削支克制 為連任鋪路
■綜合外電消息/ 路透社/《華爾街日報》
美國總統奧巴馬前日(2月14日情人節)向國會提交2012年財政預算案,承諾未來10年削減1.1萬億美元 (約8.6萬億港元)財赤,但同時加強在潔淨能源、教育和高速鐵路的投資。共和黨以至部分民主黨人均批評預算案削支太少,共和黨更提出自家方案。有官員指責兩個方案皆大減社會發展和住房福利,拿窮人開刀,形容為「情人節屠殺」。
削支克制 為連任鋪路
■綜合外電消息/ 路透社/《華爾街日報》
2011年2月15日 星期二
是次預算案為2012年度而設,諷刺的是,美國仍未通過去年10月1日開始的2011財年(即今年)撥款法案,現時依靠所謂「權宜措施」(stop-gap measures)維持撥款,但會在3月4日到期。共和黨人上周表示,會力爭在本財年削減610億美元(約4,754億港元)支出,其中牽涉不少民主黨人支持的項目,雙方勢將擦出火花。
是次預算案為2012年度而設,諷刺的是,美國仍未通過去年10月1日開始的2011財年(即今年)撥款法案,現時依靠所謂「權宜措施」(stop-gap measures)維持撥款,但會在3月4日到期。共和黨人上周表示,會力爭在本財年削減610億美元(約4,754億港元)支出,其中牽涉不少民主黨人支持的項目,雙方勢將擦出火花。
2011年2月14日 星期一
大陸炒風捲台 「百年壹百圓」漲15倍
香港文匯報訊 據台灣《工商時報》報道,近年大陸炒風蔚然,除民生必需品外,酒類、玉石,甚至錢幣紙鈔都成炒 作對象。今年台灣「央行」發行「百年壹百圓券三開典藏版」,大陸炒家早在去年就鎖定下單,一套定價500元新台幣的百圓三連鈔,現在至少1,500元人民 幣,身價暴漲15倍。
香港文匯報訊 據台灣《工商時報》報道,近年大陸炒風蔚然,除民生必需品外,酒類、玉石,甚至錢幣紙鈔都成炒 作對象。今年台灣「央行」發行「百年壹百圓券三開典藏版」,大陸炒家早在去年就鎖定下單,一套定價500元新台幣的百圓三連鈔,現在至少1,500元人民 幣,身價暴漲15倍。
炒家看漲 入貨不問價
台島內郵幣業者表示,去年底就陸續接到大陸藏家的代購訊息,但受限央行規定每人每次限購2套,且島 內收藏家也對這套紀念鈔抱持濃厚興趣,島內錢幣業者也瞄準後續行情看漲,大量囤貨。郵幣業者透露,大陸專業炒家透過各種管道瘋狂買進,已經到了不問價格、 「有多少買多少」的地步。
人幣紀念鈔 漲價有前科
以大陸購物網站淘寶網來說,單套「三開典藏版」的售價約在1,450元到1,600元人民幣間,價 格比央行500元新台幣的發行定價,暴增至少15倍以上。且郵幣業者指出,1999年新中國建國50年的未裁切三連刷紀念鈔冊,當初售價150元人民幣, 至今身價已經狂飆到近3萬元人民幣,漲幅超過200倍,市場也看好「百年典藏版」的增值潛力。
2011年2月13日 星期日
周顯, 當年串曬全個新聞組, 成為多人攻摯對象, 專炒股仔最高賺到三千萬, 最後要輸返一半, 但都還有千幾萬, 不過大洗慣, 所以要寫書寫專檔過日 ! 近來連佢都賺唔到錢, 証明股市幾難炒 !
新界全新工廈 呎價僅4000多
新界全新工廈 呎價僅4000多
【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】 2月14日是情人節,一些病毒會借此機會在互聯網絡上進行傳播。國家計算機病毒應急處理中心提醒廣大計算機用戶謹防「情人節」病毒。
【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】 2月14日是情人節,一些病毒會借此機會在互聯網絡上進行傳播。國家計算機病毒應急處理中心提醒廣大計算機用戶謹防「情人節」病毒。
旺區舖租勁加 珠寶商喊「兇狠」
記住: 花無百日紅和聖經說的七隻肥牛和七隻瘦牛, 在七年好年後會來七年比較差的年份 !
方剛:敵不過貴租 無奈割愛
方剛慨歎,該店現時每個月租金130萬元,今年3月租約期便滿,業主要加租金,但他只能負擔月租 180萬元,豈料被著名品牌以逾200萬元月租,成功搶得舖位。他指出,若要承租下去,租金支出由130萬元急升至200多萬元,每年單是租金開支就高出千萬元,「要賣多少件衫,才可以回本﹖」
方剛:敵不過貴租 無奈割愛
方剛慨歎,該店現時每個月租金130萬元,今年3月租約期便滿,業主要加租金,但他只能負擔月租 180萬元,豈料被著名品牌以逾200萬元月租,成功搶得舖位。他指出,若要承租下去,租金支出由130萬元急升至200多萬元,每年單是租金開支就高出千萬元,「要賣多少件衫,才可以回本﹖」
2011年2月12日 星期六
Gold Prices Settle Flat, Putting Silver in Focus
Kitco Jon Nadler 又真係在倒自己米 !
呢篇文指出, 金有三頂阻力, 所以好難衝破, 但銀就可以有機會見 35美元, 因為須追返落後於金的價格 !
NEW YORK (TheStreet ) -- Gold prices closed relatively flat Friday as investor interest waned and interest gravitated toward silver.
Gold for April delivery was lost $2.10 to $1,360.40 an ounce at the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. The gold price has traded in a tight range Friday with a high of $1,369.70 and a low of $1,354.30. The spot gold price was losing more than $7, according to Kitco's gold index.
The U.S. dollar index was adding 0.21% to $78.41 while the euro was losing 0.41% to $1.35 vs. the dollar. The stronger dollar was neutral for gold, not causing a big selloff but not allowing it to rally either.
Silver prices settled down 9 cents to $29.99. Prior to today, silver has managed to close above $30 for the past three consecutive trading days.
Silver and gold prices had started gaining a bit of safe haven steam as protests in Egypt heated up, but as soon as President Mubarak announced his long-awaited resignation, the metals gave up recent gains.
George Gero, senior vice president at RBC Capital Markets, said silver was the metal he was focusing on Friday. Mihir Dange, trader at Arbitrage, was thinking about shorting silver this past Monday in order to capitalize on any 50-cent move to the downside, but now has adapted his tune.
"I am bullish," says Dange, who was long silver this morning and will stay long unless the price slips below $29.63. Dange has said that a move above $30 would push prices to $35 an ounce.
"The next leg for these commodities should be up barring any substantial economic or political news in the coming weeks," Dange said.
Higher gold prices have to contend with a triple-top in which the metal tried three times to break above its intraday high of $1,432 an ounce, which for many technical traders is a cautious sign. It's not that gold can't go higher, but that there are more headwinds aside from fundamentals.
"Gold certainly needs some more work ahead before it can make new highs," argues David Morgan, founder of Silver-Investor.com, "Silver is tougher to analyze."
Silver has yet to reach its past high of $50 an ounce, leaving a lot more space for the metal to move. The gold/silver ratio at 45 is also slightly lower than the 46 at the start of the week -- typically, the lower the ratio, the higher the silver price and vice versa.
If silver is going to outpace gold and head higher "it would have to happen in the next couple of weeks," says Morgan. "If it doesn't make a new high in that time frame, I would expect it to have a high level consolidation ... in the $27 to $30 or maybe even $25 to $30 range.
Silver's recent move hasn't left all analysts bullish. Jon Nadler, senior analyst at Kitco.com, doesn't necessarily think that silver closings above $30 point to another rally.
"The $30.50 resistance mark was touched Wednesday. The camp over at Elliot Wave analysis looks at that touch as the last go-around for silver in a large overall declining wave." Nadler says if a pullback brings prices to mid-$27 then silver could head much lower.
South Korea didn't raise key interest rates, as many were expecting, which usually would have given a boost to the precious metals. The U.K.'s core producer price index rose 3.2% year over year pointing to higher inflation, which should have also helped the complex. But none of those factors led to higher prices.
Gero pointed out that gold was suffering more from a tug-of-war between short covering and traders selling extra long positions.
Investors seem to have lost interest in gold and silver for the short term. The SPDR Gold Shares shed less than 1 ton on Thursday as minor outflows continued.
Next week, the U.S. will release its inflation data for January. Including food and energy prices, which every other country does, inflation is at 1.5% vs. a year ago, well under the Federal Reserve's target of 2%. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke cites low inflation and high unemployment as two factors which support the agency's $600 billion bond buying program and low interest rates.
If inflation comes in hotter than expected, pressure could be on for the Fed to raise rates. If inflation is still anemic, low rates will persist. Low interest rates are typically good for gold and silver prices as investors buy the hard asset as a form of money that retains more value than paper currencies.
However, Goldman Sachs released a note on gold recently which said that gold is not a consistent inflation hedge and said inflation fears and loose monetary policies were already baked into higher gold prices. If inflation doesn't actually materialize, gold could see more downside. Goldman also goes on to say that gold doesn't fulfill its role of a safe haven asset in an investor' portfolio as tactical traders have made prices more volatile.
The investment bank has said that gold will hit a top in 2012 but before that could rise to more than $1,700 an ounce.
呢篇文指出, 金有三頂阻力, 所以好難衝破, 但銀就可以有機會見 35美元, 因為須追返落後於金的價格 !
NEW YORK (TheStreet ) -- Gold prices closed relatively flat Friday as investor interest waned and interest gravitated toward silver.
Gold for April delivery was lost $2.10 to $1,360.40 an ounce at the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. The gold price has traded in a tight range Friday with a high of $1,369.70 and a low of $1,354.30. The spot gold price was losing more than $7, according to Kitco's gold index.
The U.S. dollar index was adding 0.21% to $78.41 while the euro was losing 0.41% to $1.35 vs. the dollar. The stronger dollar was neutral for gold, not causing a big selloff but not allowing it to rally either.
Silver prices settled down 9 cents to $29.99. Prior to today, silver has managed to close above $30 for the past three consecutive trading days.
Silver and gold prices had started gaining a bit of safe haven steam as protests in Egypt heated up, but as soon as President Mubarak announced his long-awaited resignation, the metals gave up recent gains.
George Gero, senior vice president at RBC Capital Markets, said silver was the metal he was focusing on Friday. Mihir Dange, trader at Arbitrage, was thinking about shorting silver this past Monday in order to capitalize on any 50-cent move to the downside, but now has adapted his tune.
"I am bullish," says Dange, who was long silver this morning and will stay long unless the price slips below $29.63. Dange has said that a move above $30 would push prices to $35 an ounce.
"The next leg for these commodities should be up barring any substantial economic or political news in the coming weeks," Dange said.
Higher gold prices have to contend with a triple-top in which the metal tried three times to break above its intraday high of $1,432 an ounce, which for many technical traders is a cautious sign. It's not that gold can't go higher, but that there are more headwinds aside from fundamentals.
"Gold certainly needs some more work ahead before it can make new highs," argues David Morgan, founder of Silver-Investor.com, "Silver is tougher to analyze."
Silver has yet to reach its past high of $50 an ounce, leaving a lot more space for the metal to move. The gold/silver ratio at 45 is also slightly lower than the 46 at the start of the week -- typically, the lower the ratio, the higher the silver price and vice versa.
If silver is going to outpace gold and head higher "it would have to happen in the next couple of weeks," says Morgan. "If it doesn't make a new high in that time frame, I would expect it to have a high level consolidation ... in the $27 to $30 or maybe even $25 to $30 range.
Silver's recent move hasn't left all analysts bullish. Jon Nadler, senior analyst at Kitco.com, doesn't necessarily think that silver closings above $30 point to another rally.
"The $30.50 resistance mark was touched Wednesday. The camp over at Elliot Wave analysis looks at that touch as the last go-around for silver in a large overall declining wave." Nadler says if a pullback brings prices to mid-$27 then silver could head much lower.
South Korea didn't raise key interest rates, as many were expecting, which usually would have given a boost to the precious metals. The U.K.'s core producer price index rose 3.2% year over year pointing to higher inflation, which should have also helped the complex. But none of those factors led to higher prices.
Gero pointed out that gold was suffering more from a tug-of-war between short covering and traders selling extra long positions.
Investors seem to have lost interest in gold and silver for the short term. The SPDR Gold Shares shed less than 1 ton on Thursday as minor outflows continued.
Next week, the U.S. will release its inflation data for January. Including food and energy prices, which every other country does, inflation is at 1.5% vs. a year ago, well under the Federal Reserve's target of 2%. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke cites low inflation and high unemployment as two factors which support the agency's $600 billion bond buying program and low interest rates.
If inflation comes in hotter than expected, pressure could be on for the Fed to raise rates. If inflation is still anemic, low rates will persist. Low interest rates are typically good for gold and silver prices as investors buy the hard asset as a form of money that retains more value than paper currencies.
However, Goldman Sachs released a note on gold recently which said that gold is not a consistent inflation hedge and said inflation fears and loose monetary policies were already baked into higher gold prices. If inflation doesn't actually materialize, gold could see more downside. Goldman also goes on to say that gold doesn't fulfill its role of a safe haven asset in an investor' portfolio as tactical traders have made prices more volatile.
The investment bank has said that gold will hit a top in 2012 but before that could rise to more than $1,700 an ounce.
2011年2月11日 星期五
【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】 越南政府官網公布,將美元兌越南盾匯價設定為每美元20,693越南盾,較周四的18,932越南盾升值9.3%,越南盾兌美元貶值 8.5%,為1年來第3次貶值越南盾,同時宣布越南盾兌美元交易區間由3%收窄至1%。
【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】 越南政府官網公布,將美元兌越南盾匯價設定為每美元20,693越南盾,較周四的18,932越南盾升值9.3%,越南盾兌美元貶值 8.5%,為1年來第3次貶值越南盾,同時宣布越南盾兌美元交易區間由3%收窄至1%。
內地經濟樓市 Too big to fall?(一)
一年多之前,我在這裏寫了一連 3篇以「中國長遠的泡沫化」為題的文章,其中提到:
•中國資產(特別是樓市)長遠的泡沫化,是因為中國在走所有先進國家的貨幣政策舊路,在「後」金本位的 Fiat Money制度下,資產升值是因為鈔票貶值……
根據「維基解密」報道,連中國領導人自己也不相信內地 GDP的數據,反而着重看電力和貨運數據等。如果我們看電力消耗量, 2010年每一季的增幅均明顯減少:第一季增幅是 23%、第二季 18%、第三季 11%,而第四季只有 5.5%。同樣地,通脹數據並不可靠,估計官方 1月份 CPI增長 5%,但問任何一個內地人都知道,過去一年衣食住行的物價增幅肯定遠高於此數。
一年多之前,我在這裏寫了一連 3篇以「中國長遠的泡沫化」為題的文章,其中提到:
•中國資產(特別是樓市)長遠的泡沫化,是因為中國在走所有先進國家的貨幣政策舊路,在「後」金本位的 Fiat Money制度下,資產升值是因為鈔票貶值……
根據「維基解密」報道,連中國領導人自己也不相信內地 GDP的數據,反而着重看電力和貨運數據等。如果我們看電力消耗量, 2010年每一季的增幅均明顯減少:第一季增幅是 23%、第二季 18%、第三季 11%,而第四季只有 5.5%。同樣地,通脹數據並不可靠,估計官方 1月份 CPI增長 5%,但問任何一個內地人都知道,過去一年衣食住行的物價增幅肯定遠高於此數。
2011年2月10日 星期四
Perth Mint Out of 100 Ounce Silver Bars
King World News has verified with the Perth Mint that they have run out of 100 ounce silver bars and they are not slated to be available again until the end of March. As of the close Thursday, 100 ounce silver bars were still unavailable at ScotiaMocatta as well.
KWN also reached out to one of the largest dealers in Australia where Peter August of ABC Melbourne stated, “Pamp was just approached by an unnamed Swiss bank and solicited for their entire one kilo silver production ongoing. They said, “Because of the high demand, we’ll take everything you’ve got in one kilo silver bars ongoing.” Peter August went on to say, “We already have a month’s wait for the silver we are buying and it’s getting much harder to find.”
August also remarked, “Gold is starting to get a lot scarcer. Apparently at one point Hong Kong basically ran out of physical gold for sale two weeks ago. We were told that there was no physical gold available for sale in Hong Kong with no timeline given as to when more would be available. Mitsui ran out and the large dealers in Hong Kong were short of physical gold as well. Wether that was just a one time situation remains to be seen, but cracks are starting to appear in the physical market.”
Multiple sources around the world have been confirming tightness in the precious metals markets. So far the market has reacted with higher prices. Silver is within striking distance of multi-decade highs, it will be interesting to see how it trades the next couple of weeks.
Eric King
King World News has verified with the Perth Mint that they have run out of 100 ounce silver bars and they are not slated to be available again until the end of March. As of the close Thursday, 100 ounce silver bars were still unavailable at ScotiaMocatta as well.
KWN also reached out to one of the largest dealers in Australia where Peter August of ABC Melbourne stated, “Pamp was just approached by an unnamed Swiss bank and solicited for their entire one kilo silver production ongoing. They said, “Because of the high demand, we’ll take everything you’ve got in one kilo silver bars ongoing.” Peter August went on to say, “We already have a month’s wait for the silver we are buying and it’s getting much harder to find.”
August also remarked, “Gold is starting to get a lot scarcer. Apparently at one point Hong Kong basically ran out of physical gold for sale two weeks ago. We were told that there was no physical gold available for sale in Hong Kong with no timeline given as to when more would be available. Mitsui ran out and the large dealers in Hong Kong were short of physical gold as well. Wether that was just a one time situation remains to be seen, but cracks are starting to appear in the physical market.”
Multiple sources around the world have been confirming tightness in the precious metals markets. So far the market has reacted with higher prices. Silver is within striking distance of multi-decade highs, it will be interesting to see how it trades the next couple of weeks.
Eric King
2011年2月9日 星期三
J.P. Morgan Will Accept Gold as Type of Collateral
銀行開始承認實金可以做抵押品借貸, 是金又上一層樓的訊息 !
Gold hasn't reinvented itself as a currency yet. But it is getting closer.
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM - News) said it will allow clients to use the metal as collateral in some transactions. For example, a hedge fund wanting to borrow money for a short period can put up gold as collateral and use the borrowings to invest elsewhere, betting on making a better return. Typically, banks accept only Treasury bonds and stocks in such agreements.
By making the announcement, J.P. Morgan is effectively saying gold is as rock solid an investment as triple-A rated Treasurys, adding to a movement that places gold at the top tier of asset classes. It also is trying to capitalize on all the gold now owned by hedge funds and private investors that is sitting idle in warehouses.
"It's solidifying a trend that gold is re-establishing its role as a monetary and financial asset," said Carlos Sanchez, associate director of research with New York commodities consultancy CPM Group.
J.P. Morgan said it is responding to demand from clients, many of which also store gold in the bank's vaults.
"Many clients are holding gold on their balance sheets as an inflation hedge and are looking to make these assets work for them as collateral," said John Rivett, collateral-management executive at J.P. Morgan Worldwide Securities Services.
J.P. Morgan's decision Monday reignited debate among gold's fans and detractors. For decades, supporters have argued gold is a monetary asset and should be treated on an equal footing with cash. However, gold critics argued the market has been too volatile and too small for it to be considered a legitimate currency.
Recently, though, gold's status has been rising.
Exchanges in New York, Chicago and Europe recently agreed to accept gold as collateral for certain trades. And the World Gold Council also is gaining traction in its push to have the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision accept the precious metal as a Tier-1 asset for banks, along with government bonds and currencies.
In India, many financial-services companies are offering personal loans against physical gold, a market that is expanding.
"Gold is increasingly being used as collateral around the world," said Natalie Dempster, the gold council's director of government affairs. "All these moves reflect a growing recognition of gold's role as a high-quality, liquid asset."
Gold futures for February delivery on Monday settled 70 cents lower, or 0.1%, at $1,347.60 a troy ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. It reached a nominal record close on Jan. 3 of $1,422.60.
In essence, J.P. Morgan is creating another role for gold, which has limited use now. One of the main laments of the metal's critics is that, once bought, the metal doesn't generate any income, compared with interest on bonds or dividends on stocks, and mainly just sits in vaults, rising and falling in value.
"It gives another use to gold as a cash instrument," said Tom Pawlicki, an analyst at MF Global, a commodities brokerage. Investors who hold gold, he said, "might be less likely to sell it."
Gold still is far from being the integral part of the monetary system it once was.
After World War II, under the Bretton Woods agreement, several countries pegged their currencies to the dollar, which in turn was fixed to the price of gold. President Richard Nixon ended the dollar-gold peg in 1971.
It is unclear whether customers need to hand over the physical bullion to J.P. Morgan or at what haircut the metal will be pledged with the bank.
There still is risk for financial institutions in taking gold as collateral.
If prices fall sharply, along with the value of the underlying trades, the collateral value could fall short of covering the trading positions, leaving banks scrambling for more margin to cover the losses.
In the past, worries about a lack of liquidity in the gold market have prevented banks from taking gold as collateral. But as investors piled into the market in recent years, the market has deepened.
The market is more liquid than many government-bond markets in Europe, with daily trading volumes normally exceeding $100 billion, according to the World Gold Council.
"When a bank, such as J.P. Morgan, is willing to extend collateral value against an asset such as physical bullion, it shows that they are not worried about the liquidity issue if they might take the collateral over or they have to liquidate the collateral," said Frank McGhee, head precious metals trader at Integrated Brokerage Services, a Chicago broker.
—Liam Pleven and Matt Whittaker contributed to this article.
Gold hasn't reinvented itself as a currency yet. But it is getting closer.
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM - News) said it will allow clients to use the metal as collateral in some transactions. For example, a hedge fund wanting to borrow money for a short period can put up gold as collateral and use the borrowings to invest elsewhere, betting on making a better return. Typically, banks accept only Treasury bonds and stocks in such agreements.
By making the announcement, J.P. Morgan is effectively saying gold is as rock solid an investment as triple-A rated Treasurys, adding to a movement that places gold at the top tier of asset classes. It also is trying to capitalize on all the gold now owned by hedge funds and private investors that is sitting idle in warehouses.
"It's solidifying a trend that gold is re-establishing its role as a monetary and financial asset," said Carlos Sanchez, associate director of research with New York commodities consultancy CPM Group.
J.P. Morgan said it is responding to demand from clients, many of which also store gold in the bank's vaults.
"Many clients are holding gold on their balance sheets as an inflation hedge and are looking to make these assets work for them as collateral," said John Rivett, collateral-management executive at J.P. Morgan Worldwide Securities Services.
J.P. Morgan's decision Monday reignited debate among gold's fans and detractors. For decades, supporters have argued gold is a monetary asset and should be treated on an equal footing with cash. However, gold critics argued the market has been too volatile and too small for it to be considered a legitimate currency.
Recently, though, gold's status has been rising.
Exchanges in New York, Chicago and Europe recently agreed to accept gold as collateral for certain trades. And the World Gold Council also is gaining traction in its push to have the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision accept the precious metal as a Tier-1 asset for banks, along with government bonds and currencies.
In India, many financial-services companies are offering personal loans against physical gold, a market that is expanding.
"Gold is increasingly being used as collateral around the world," said Natalie Dempster, the gold council's director of government affairs. "All these moves reflect a growing recognition of gold's role as a high-quality, liquid asset."
Gold futures for February delivery on Monday settled 70 cents lower, or 0.1%, at $1,347.60 a troy ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. It reached a nominal record close on Jan. 3 of $1,422.60.
In essence, J.P. Morgan is creating another role for gold, which has limited use now. One of the main laments of the metal's critics is that, once bought, the metal doesn't generate any income, compared with interest on bonds or dividends on stocks, and mainly just sits in vaults, rising and falling in value.
"It gives another use to gold as a cash instrument," said Tom Pawlicki, an analyst at MF Global, a commodities brokerage. Investors who hold gold, he said, "might be less likely to sell it."
Gold still is far from being the integral part of the monetary system it once was.
After World War II, under the Bretton Woods agreement, several countries pegged their currencies to the dollar, which in turn was fixed to the price of gold. President Richard Nixon ended the dollar-gold peg in 1971.
It is unclear whether customers need to hand over the physical bullion to J.P. Morgan or at what haircut the metal will be pledged with the bank.
There still is risk for financial institutions in taking gold as collateral.
If prices fall sharply, along with the value of the underlying trades, the collateral value could fall short of covering the trading positions, leaving banks scrambling for more margin to cover the losses.
In the past, worries about a lack of liquidity in the gold market have prevented banks from taking gold as collateral. But as investors piled into the market in recent years, the market has deepened.
The market is more liquid than many government-bond markets in Europe, with daily trading volumes normally exceeding $100 billion, according to the World Gold Council.
"When a bank, such as J.P. Morgan, is willing to extend collateral value against an asset such as physical bullion, it shows that they are not worried about the liquidity issue if they might take the collateral over or they have to liquidate the collateral," said Frank McGhee, head precious metals trader at Integrated Brokerage Services, a Chicago broker.
—Liam Pleven and Matt Whittaker contributed to this article.
2011年2月8日 星期二
2011年2月7日 星期一
港鐵掠水 四屋苑會所被抽佣千萬計
一早說過, 唔好以為大大的會所好威, 其實支出會好大, 到時小業主要俾錢維修, 條數會幾甘 ! 所以買樓前, 一定要睇清楚公契條例 !
而經理人收費跟支出抽, 只會引人有意無意加大屋苑支出 !
呢個不平等條例好奇點解無人去改 ?
本人住的屋苑在大赤字後炒咗管理公司, 而新管理公司只可以每月收取固定經理人收費, 所以屋苑才可以有盈餘去做維修 !
【本報訊】港鐵旗下屋苑再被踢爆涉嫌濫收管理費。有小業主發現,多個屋苑的公契均列明,屋苑住客會所的開支,並不計算入住宅管理開支內,換言之,港鐵不能從住客會所開支中抽取 10%經理人佣金,估計港鐵過去 10年多收佣金以千萬元計。有小業主已去信港鐵要求「回水」,並準備入稟土地審裁處討回公道。
港鐵住宅業主權益聯會主席林悅表示,有東涌映灣園業主近日翻查屋苑公契,發現內有蹺蹊,公契第 I1( b)部份列明,屋苑住客會所的收支應該獨立處理,而不是跟住宅管理的收支混合處理。林悅翻查了其他數個港鐵屋苑的公契,包括東涌東堤灣畔、海堤灣畔、藍天海岸,及將軍澳蔚藍灣畔,發現全部有類似條款。
過去每年抽 10%佣金
現行法例下,物業管理公司可從住宅管理開支之中,抽取某個特定比例金額作為經理人佣金,以港鐵物業管理公司為例,過去數年一直是抽取 10%佣金,直至今年元旦才降至 8%。
不過,若根據映灣園的公契條文,會所的開支需要跟住宅管理的開支分開處理,港鐵便不能從會所的開支中抽取經理人佣金。以蔚藍灣畔為例,一年屋苑管理的營運開支總額約 3,000萬元,會所開支佔 643萬元,即港鐵去年從蔚藍灣畔會所開支中多收的經理人佣金約 64.3萬元。
林悅表示,映灣園、蔚藍灣畔等均是 00年後入伙,估計港鐵旗下 10多個 00年後入伙的屋苑,均有被港鐵「額外」收取了會所經理人佣金,單是東涌四個私人屋苑,一年會所開支便達 3,500萬元,換言之被港鐵每年多收的佣金多達 350萬元。
會所舉辦的康樂活動,例如舞蹈班、旅行團等,又往往以超低成本價,甚至是補貼舉辦,「港鐵仲要抽埋佣金,就變咗蝕本。」他批評港鐵為增加佣金,將一些使用量甚低的會所設施也經常開放,導致營運開支增加,例如東涌某私人屋苑的冬季泳池,冬天只得 1,000人次使用,但開支 100萬元,「除番條數,游一次水要一千蚊。」
港鐵近年屢被小業主揭發濫收屋苑管理費。 08年底港鐵被指向海堤灣畔小業主多收約 200萬元「前期開支」後,引起其他港鐵屋苑迴響,紛紛追討港鐵回水。港鐵最終認衰,向東涌線沿線 10個屋苑連本帶利回水 4,400萬元。
而經理人收費跟支出抽, 只會引人有意無意加大屋苑支出 !
呢個不平等條例好奇點解無人去改 ?
本人住的屋苑在大赤字後炒咗管理公司, 而新管理公司只可以每月收取固定經理人收費, 所以屋苑才可以有盈餘去做維修 !
【本報訊】港鐵旗下屋苑再被踢爆涉嫌濫收管理費。有小業主發現,多個屋苑的公契均列明,屋苑住客會所的開支,並不計算入住宅管理開支內,換言之,港鐵不能從住客會所開支中抽取 10%經理人佣金,估計港鐵過去 10年多收佣金以千萬元計。有小業主已去信港鐵要求「回水」,並準備入稟土地審裁處討回公道。
港鐵住宅業主權益聯會主席林悅表示,有東涌映灣園業主近日翻查屋苑公契,發現內有蹺蹊,公契第 I1( b)部份列明,屋苑住客會所的收支應該獨立處理,而不是跟住宅管理的收支混合處理。林悅翻查了其他數個港鐵屋苑的公契,包括東涌東堤灣畔、海堤灣畔、藍天海岸,及將軍澳蔚藍灣畔,發現全部有類似條款。
過去每年抽 10%佣金
現行法例下,物業管理公司可從住宅管理開支之中,抽取某個特定比例金額作為經理人佣金,以港鐵物業管理公司為例,過去數年一直是抽取 10%佣金,直至今年元旦才降至 8%。
不過,若根據映灣園的公契條文,會所的開支需要跟住宅管理的開支分開處理,港鐵便不能從會所的開支中抽取經理人佣金。以蔚藍灣畔為例,一年屋苑管理的營運開支總額約 3,000萬元,會所開支佔 643萬元,即港鐵去年從蔚藍灣畔會所開支中多收的經理人佣金約 64.3萬元。
林悅表示,映灣園、蔚藍灣畔等均是 00年後入伙,估計港鐵旗下 10多個 00年後入伙的屋苑,均有被港鐵「額外」收取了會所經理人佣金,單是東涌四個私人屋苑,一年會所開支便達 3,500萬元,換言之被港鐵每年多收的佣金多達 350萬元。
會所舉辦的康樂活動,例如舞蹈班、旅行團等,又往往以超低成本價,甚至是補貼舉辦,「港鐵仲要抽埋佣金,就變咗蝕本。」他批評港鐵為增加佣金,將一些使用量甚低的會所設施也經常開放,導致營運開支增加,例如東涌某私人屋苑的冬季泳池,冬天只得 1,000人次使用,但開支 100萬元,「除番條數,游一次水要一千蚊。」
港鐵近年屢被小業主揭發濫收屋苑管理費。 08年底港鐵被指向海堤灣畔小業主多收約 200萬元「前期開支」後,引起其他港鐵屋苑迴響,紛紛追討港鐵回水。港鐵最終認衰,向東涌線沿線 10個屋苑連本帶利回水 4,400萬元。
2011年2月5日 星期六
過年搵筍工 被呃買 iPhone
【本報訊】日做 5小時、月薪過 2萬,如此筍工卻疑是一個大騙局。上水一家公司登報招聘「水貨客」帶 iPhone 4北上,待遇優厚,但求職者先要跟隨公司職員四處上台出機,手機歸公司。有求職者被游說連出 8部手機,雖然出機費用由公司支付,但事主要孭起 8份兩年期的手機網絡服務合約,加上呆等 24日仍無工開,疑受騙報警,有警員透露,連日來已接到多宗同類報案。
「同我一齊俾人帶去出機嘅仲有另外 5個人……」李小姐說,保守估計每天有 10人中招,「月入 2萬」的招聘廣告上月 8日已在報章刊出,她估計可能已有過百人受害。若有 100人各出 5部機,水貨公司便穩賺 120萬元。
【本報訊】日做 5小時、月薪過 2萬,如此筍工卻疑是一個大騙局。上水一家公司登報招聘「水貨客」帶 iPhone 4北上,待遇優厚,但求職者先要跟隨公司職員四處上台出機,手機歸公司。有求職者被游說連出 8部手機,雖然出機費用由公司支付,但事主要孭起 8份兩年期的手機網絡服務合約,加上呆等 24日仍無工開,疑受騙報警,有警員透露,連日來已接到多宗同類報案。
「同我一齊俾人帶去出機嘅仲有另外 5個人……」李小姐說,保守估計每天有 10人中招,「月入 2萬」的招聘廣告上月 8日已在報章刊出,她估計可能已有過百人受害。若有 100人各出 5部機,水貨公司便穩賺 120萬元。
2011年2月3日 星期四
2011年1月宋鸿兵再次推出第三部力作:《货币战争3——金融高边疆》。将目光集中到了中国,从金融方面解说中国近代史。除了用金融的名义拷问中国近代史,新书中还有一条“白银”的线索 贯穿全书并提出了一个全新的概念——金融高边疆。
在已经过去的2010年,“货币战争”再次成为世界经济局势的流行词。那么面对国际货币战争的硝烟逐渐弥漫,中国究竟该如何应对?老百姓又该如何应对愈演愈烈的通胀危机?宋鸿兵携其“战 争系列”,以盛世危言之姿,试图给出答案。
法币改革统一了中国的货币,却加速了日本发动侵华战争。战争一旦爆发,外汇立刻短缺,法币的基础遭到严重削弱。蒋介石不得不依靠英美贷款,才能稳定货币,坚持抗战。英美充分利用了蒋 介石的困境,以外汇平准基金为平台,以外汇贷款为条件,一举夺走了中央银行的大权。
19世纪末,美国人马汉首先提出了“制海权”的概念,认为“控制海洋就是控制世界”。1921年,意大利人杜黑提出“制空权”的概念,提出“掌握制空权就是胜利”。时隔60年,美国陆军中将 格雷厄姆又提出了“制太空权”的“高边疆”理论,坚信“控制外层空间就可以称霸世界”。
无论是制海权、制空权,还是“高边疆”理论,归根到底强调的是控制范围和控制能力。从西方文明的视角看,有人类活动而没有被控制的地区都是需要征服的“边疆”。基于此,宋鸿兵提出金 融高边疆理论。
“日本金融的历史,远比大多数中国人想象的更久远、更先进。三井家族的金融从业经历,比英格兰银行还早10年,比山西票号早了100多年;日本现代银行体系的建立,比中国领先了30多年;日本中央银行的成形,比中国早28年;日本的统一货币日元,遥遥领先中国的法币70多年;日本在亚洲最早确立了金本位的货币基石;日本的金融网络,完全控制了本国的经济体系;日本横滨正金银 行,帮助本国贸易商一举夺回了定价权。”
宋鸿兵指出,日本成功地守住了金融高边疆,击退了外国金融势力的染指,这正是日本明治维新得以成功的关键前提。“日本最终发现了银行信用的秘密,在金银货币有限的情况下,以金融的高 倍杠杆,充分调动起全国的资源,撬开了近代工业化的大门。”
反观中国,宋鸿兵发现,早在抗战时期,根据地就开始了以“物资储备”发行货币的金融创新,“这种货币在完全没有金银外汇做储备的情况下,保持了币值和物价的稳定,这在当时世界普遍采 用以黄金储备来发行货币的情况下,堪称惊世骇俗。中国共产党的货币实践远比西方的货币理论更前卫”。
白银在50多种语言中都与钱是同义词。白银在世界上许多国家都曾是主要的货币。自鸦片战争至清末的50多年时间中,屡战屡败的中国,各种不平等条约签了 1000多条,累计赔款总额达到10亿两白银。一贯喜欢金币的西方人为什么不首先掠夺中国的黄金呢?为什么鸦片不被推销到印度、非洲、美洲,偏偏卖到中国来呢?“这是特别为中国设计的鸦片战争。 ”宋鸿兵如是说。
宋鸿兵认为,美国所启动的新一轮量化宽松政策终将以失败收场,其后果必将推动黄金价格继续走高。在他看来,未来黄金价格还有巨大的上涨空间。除继续关注黄金的投资潜力外,白银的重要 投资价值也将逐步体现,有望为投资者带来惊人的回报。
他的观点是,美国经济的根本问题在于负债率过高,负债增速远远超过了GDP增长的速度,而能够持续繁荣的动力来自于向其他国家低成本负债以推动资产价值。这个模式的核心在于资产价格要 无限上涨,但最终会面临自己的债务越来越高,造成资金流断裂。“迎接我们的将是一个战国时代”。
同时,宋鸿兵也提出,在目前的市场环境中,白银具有重要的投资价值。“历史上,白银就是货币,无论在中国、美国、英国都一样。白银在美国用到上世纪60年代,这个历史传承和惯性是存在 的。”
您认为在您的人生中最正确的一次选择是? 回国。
在您的职业生涯中您输的概率有多少? 零。
如果您陷入困境通常习惯用什么样的方式来摆脱? 乐观的天性。
请您用最简洁的话来概括对机遇的定义? 运气。
您对于货币一词的名词解释? 财富的中介物。
您最理想的生活状态? 周游列国。
如果可以选择的话您最希望自己拥有哪种才华? 释放天性。
您最恐惧的事情是? 失去独立思考的能力。
您身上的哪个特点让您觉得最痛恨? 宽容。
您最不喜欢别人身上的什么特点? 不认真。
您最珍惜的财富是什么? 思维方式和思考的能力。
您觉得在您的人生中做过的最奢侈的事情是什么? 能有一个月的时间让思想放空。
您对您自己的外表哪一点不满意? 眼睛小。
您最欣赏男性身上的什么品质? 守信用。
女性呢? 善良仁义。
您认为人生必读的作品是? 红楼梦。
您对大智慧的定义? 自我认知。
如果可以选择的话您希望什么可以重现? 没有。
在您人生的经历中,哪个阶段对您的影响最大? 90年代开始思考货币本质。
2011年1月宋鸿兵再次推出第三部力作:《货币战争3——金融高边疆》。将目光集中到了中国,从金融方面解说中国近代史。除了用金融的名义拷问中国近代史,新书中还有一条“白银”的线索 贯穿全书并提出了一个全新的概念——金融高边疆。
在已经过去的2010年,“货币战争”再次成为世界经济局势的流行词。那么面对国际货币战争的硝烟逐渐弥漫,中国究竟该如何应对?老百姓又该如何应对愈演愈烈的通胀危机?宋鸿兵携其“战 争系列”,以盛世危言之姿,试图给出答案。
法币改革统一了中国的货币,却加速了日本发动侵华战争。战争一旦爆发,外汇立刻短缺,法币的基础遭到严重削弱。蒋介石不得不依靠英美贷款,才能稳定货币,坚持抗战。英美充分利用了蒋 介石的困境,以外汇平准基金为平台,以外汇贷款为条件,一举夺走了中央银行的大权。
19世纪末,美国人马汉首先提出了“制海权”的概念,认为“控制海洋就是控制世界”。1921年,意大利人杜黑提出“制空权”的概念,提出“掌握制空权就是胜利”。时隔60年,美国陆军中将 格雷厄姆又提出了“制太空权”的“高边疆”理论,坚信“控制外层空间就可以称霸世界”。
无论是制海权、制空权,还是“高边疆”理论,归根到底强调的是控制范围和控制能力。从西方文明的视角看,有人类活动而没有被控制的地区都是需要征服的“边疆”。基于此,宋鸿兵提出金 融高边疆理论。
“日本金融的历史,远比大多数中国人想象的更久远、更先进。三井家族的金融从业经历,比英格兰银行还早10年,比山西票号早了100多年;日本现代银行体系的建立,比中国领先了30多年;日本中央银行的成形,比中国早28年;日本的统一货币日元,遥遥领先中国的法币70多年;日本在亚洲最早确立了金本位的货币基石;日本的金融网络,完全控制了本国的经济体系;日本横滨正金银 行,帮助本国贸易商一举夺回了定价权。”
宋鸿兵指出,日本成功地守住了金融高边疆,击退了外国金融势力的染指,这正是日本明治维新得以成功的关键前提。“日本最终发现了银行信用的秘密,在金银货币有限的情况下,以金融的高 倍杠杆,充分调动起全国的资源,撬开了近代工业化的大门。”
反观中国,宋鸿兵发现,早在抗战时期,根据地就开始了以“物资储备”发行货币的金融创新,“这种货币在完全没有金银外汇做储备的情况下,保持了币值和物价的稳定,这在当时世界普遍采 用以黄金储备来发行货币的情况下,堪称惊世骇俗。中国共产党的货币实践远比西方的货币理论更前卫”。
白银在50多种语言中都与钱是同义词。白银在世界上许多国家都曾是主要的货币。自鸦片战争至清末的50多年时间中,屡战屡败的中国,各种不平等条约签了 1000多条,累计赔款总额达到10亿两白银。一贯喜欢金币的西方人为什么不首先掠夺中国的黄金呢?为什么鸦片不被推销到印度、非洲、美洲,偏偏卖到中国来呢?“这是特别为中国设计的鸦片战争。 ”宋鸿兵如是说。
宋鸿兵认为,美国所启动的新一轮量化宽松政策终将以失败收场,其后果必将推动黄金价格继续走高。在他看来,未来黄金价格还有巨大的上涨空间。除继续关注黄金的投资潜力外,白银的重要 投资价值也将逐步体现,有望为投资者带来惊人的回报。
他的观点是,美国经济的根本问题在于负债率过高,负债增速远远超过了GDP增长的速度,而能够持续繁荣的动力来自于向其他国家低成本负债以推动资产价值。这个模式的核心在于资产价格要 无限上涨,但最终会面临自己的债务越来越高,造成资金流断裂。“迎接我们的将是一个战国时代”。
同时,宋鸿兵也提出,在目前的市场环境中,白银具有重要的投资价值。“历史上,白银就是货币,无论在中国、美国、英国都一样。白银在美国用到上世纪60年代,这个历史传承和惯性是存在 的。”
您认为在您的人生中最正确的一次选择是? 回国。
在您的职业生涯中您输的概率有多少? 零。
如果您陷入困境通常习惯用什么样的方式来摆脱? 乐观的天性。
请您用最简洁的话来概括对机遇的定义? 运气。
您对于货币一词的名词解释? 财富的中介物。
您最理想的生活状态? 周游列国。
如果可以选择的话您最希望自己拥有哪种才华? 释放天性。
您最恐惧的事情是? 失去独立思考的能力。
您身上的哪个特点让您觉得最痛恨? 宽容。
您最不喜欢别人身上的什么特点? 不认真。
您最珍惜的财富是什么? 思维方式和思考的能力。
您觉得在您的人生中做过的最奢侈的事情是什么? 能有一个月的时间让思想放空。
您对您自己的外表哪一点不满意? 眼睛小。
您最欣赏男性身上的什么品质? 守信用。
女性呢? 善良仁义。
您认为人生必读的作品是? 红楼梦。
您对大智慧的定义? 自我认知。
如果可以选择的话您希望什么可以重现? 没有。
在您人生的经历中,哪个阶段对您的影响最大? 90年代开始思考货币本质。
about.ag/LeadFilled100OunceBars.htm 全文
Lead Filled 100 Ounce Silver Bars
Lead-filled silver bars apparently first started appearing in the early 1980s, as the price of silver skyrocketed. The bars started off as real 100 ounce silver bars. Someone then removed much of the silver, and replaced it with another metal, probably either lead or a lead-tin alloy with the same weight as silver. Unfortunately, there is little credible information available (for example, some people claim that they have only heard of this happening with Engelhard bars, but that may be because the 2 pictures of such bars happened to be Engelhard bars).
about.ag/Lead100OunceBars.htm 全文
Lead 100 Ounce Silver Bars
In Late September, 2010 we received our first of several reports of some suspicious Engelhard 100oz silver bars. They were underweight, and it at first appeared that they were real Engelhard bars that were shaved (where someone wouldcut off a small amount from the sides of the bar).
Lead Filled 100 Ounce Silver Bars
Lead-filled silver bars apparently first started appearing in the early 1980s, as the price of silver skyrocketed. The bars started off as real 100 ounce silver bars. Someone then removed much of the silver, and replaced it with another metal, probably either lead or a lead-tin alloy with the same weight as silver. Unfortunately, there is little credible information available (for example, some people claim that they have only heard of this happening with Engelhard bars, but that may be because the 2 pictures of such bars happened to be Engelhard bars).
about.ag/Lead100OunceBars.htm 全文
Lead 100 Ounce Silver Bars
In Late September, 2010 we received our first of several reports of some suspicious Engelhard 100oz silver bars. They were underweight, and it at first appeared that they were real Engelhard bars that were shaved (where someone wouldcut off a small amount from the sides of the bar).
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