2016年11月30日 星期三
美快餐店員工示威 促特朗普找數增最低工資
【on.cc東網專訊】 美國候任總統特朗普去年在競選時,曾一度稱現時的聯邦最低工資每小時7.25美元太高,惟到了今年5月卻轉軚,稱不明白民眾如何在這時薪下生活,揚言當選後會提高最低工資。美國全國多個城市在當地時間周二,有市民響應組織呼籲舉行集會示威,要求特朗普「找數」,上任後將聯邦最低工資增至每小時15美元。各地警方共拘捕了逾150人。
示威組織者表示,全國340個城市會響應名為「爭取$15(Fight for $15)」的示威,並形容是4年來最大規模和最具破壞性的一次。在新奧爾良,示威者在一間麥當勞快餐店外高舉標語和叫口號。在底特律,示威者坐在一間麥當勞餐廳外阻塞交通,警方到場拘捕逾50人,惟過程順利,無人反抗。
在洛杉磯,近2000名示威者於清晨約7時遊行到市中心一間麥當勞餐廳外,然後分散在一個道路交匯處,警方驅散不果,最後帶走近40人。在芝加哥奧黑爾國際機場,不隸屬任何工會的工人原本已罷工,亦遊行聲援。在紐約市,大批示威者亦舉行靜坐集會集會,約20人因為拒絕與警方合作被拘捕,當中包括多名政客及83歲的麥當勞員工卡里路(Jose Carillo)。
【on.cc東網專訊】 美國候任總統特朗普去年在競選時,曾一度稱現時的聯邦最低工資每小時7.25美元太高,惟到了今年5月卻轉軚,稱不明白民眾如何在這時薪下生活,揚言當選後會提高最低工資。美國全國多個城市在當地時間周二,有市民響應組織呼籲舉行集會示威,要求特朗普「找數」,上任後將聯邦最低工資增至每小時15美元。各地警方共拘捕了逾150人。
示威組織者表示,全國340個城市會響應名為「爭取$15(Fight for $15)」的示威,並形容是4年來最大規模和最具破壞性的一次。在新奧爾良,示威者在一間麥當勞快餐店外高舉標語和叫口號。在底特律,示威者坐在一間麥當勞餐廳外阻塞交通,警方到場拘捕逾50人,惟過程順利,無人反抗。
在洛杉磯,近2000名示威者於清晨約7時遊行到市中心一間麥當勞餐廳外,然後分散在一個道路交匯處,警方驅散不果,最後帶走近40人。在芝加哥奧黑爾國際機場,不隸屬任何工會的工人原本已罷工,亦遊行聲援。在紐約市,大批示威者亦舉行靜坐集會集會,約20人因為拒絕與警方合作被拘捕,當中包括多名政客及83歲的麥當勞員工卡里路(Jose Carillo)。
港商引入3D食物打印機 設計糕點拉花無難度
【on.cc東網專訊】 近年3D打印技術漸趨成熟,有香港公司引入家用食物打印機,讓廚房初哥亦能製作出精巧糕點和個人化的咖啡拉花圖案,並利用電腦軟件為蛋糕、曲奇和薄餅等食物重新設計外觀。
【on.cc東網專訊】 近年3D打印技術漸趨成熟,有香港公司引入家用食物打印機,讓廚房初哥亦能製作出精巧糕點和個人化的咖啡拉花圖案,並利用電腦軟件為蛋糕、曲奇和薄餅等食物重新設計外觀。
憂貶值 金管:11月首3周人幣存款跌幅更勁
跨國銀行又裁員 百業之母難自救
【on.cc東網專訊】 自2008年金融海嘯以來,全球大型銀行裁員、緊縮開支的浪潮,至今未見盡頭,派大信封之聲此起彼落,包括德銀較早前宣布裁員五分之一,過萬員工受影響而震撼市場,而早前表示無特別裁員計劃的渣打集團,也相繼瘦身,即使香港區業務表現不俗,也難獨善其身,被海外市場的不景氣所波及,曾被視為天之驕子的銀行家,今日換來人人自危的局面,叫人唏噓,也揭示銀行業好日子一去不返、復甦無期的現實。
【on.cc東網專訊】 自2008年金融海嘯以來,全球大型銀行裁員、緊縮開支的浪潮,至今未見盡頭,派大信封之聲此起彼落,包括德銀較早前宣布裁員五分之一,過萬員工受影響而震撼市場,而早前表示無特別裁員計劃的渣打集團,也相繼瘦身,即使香港區業務表現不俗,也難獨善其身,被海外市場的不景氣所波及,曾被視為天之驕子的銀行家,今日換來人人自危的局面,叫人唏噓,也揭示銀行業好日子一去不返、復甦無期的現實。
【on.cc東網專訊】 據外國傳媒報道,新加坡金管局剛向樓市投資者發「黃牌」警告!呼籲小心環球樓市前景。
【on.cc東網專訊】 據外國傳媒報道,新加坡金管局剛向樓市投資者發「黃牌」警告!呼籲小心環球樓市前景。
2016年11月29日 星期二
載巴西足球員客機哥倫比亞墜毀 釀76死
【on.cc東網專訊】 一架載着巴西甲組足球隊查比高恩斯(Chapecoense)球員等81人的客機CP-2933,周一由玻利維亞飛往哥倫比亞途中突然消失。哥倫比亞政府其後證實,客機在哥倫比亞墜毀,當局救出6名生還者,其中一人送院不治,死亡人數上升至76人,暫時找到25具屍體。初步懷疑,客機墜毀是燃油不足所致。
事後麥德林市派出大批消防員及救護員趕往現場,該市市長古鐵雷斯(Federico Gutierrez)表示,事件屬大型慘劇,但相信會有生還者。哥國民航處亦已設立統一指揮中心,但礙於當地天氣狀況不佳,救援人員只能在地面搜救。
查比高恩斯的球員原定乘坐該班客機前往麥德林,準備於12月1日的南美球會盃決賽首回合對陣國民體育會(Atlético Naciona)。另外,網上流傳一段疑似查比高恩斯球員登機前,在櫃檯前拍攝的片段。
【on.cc東網專訊】 一架載着巴西甲組足球隊查比高恩斯(Chapecoense)球員等81人的客機CP-2933,周一由玻利維亞飛往哥倫比亞途中突然消失。哥倫比亞政府其後證實,客機在哥倫比亞墜毀,當局救出6名生還者,其中一人送院不治,死亡人數上升至76人,暫時找到25具屍體。初步懷疑,客機墜毀是燃油不足所致。
事後麥德林市派出大批消防員及救護員趕往現場,該市市長古鐵雷斯(Federico Gutierrez)表示,事件屬大型慘劇,但相信會有生還者。哥國民航處亦已設立統一指揮中心,但礙於當地天氣狀況不佳,救援人員只能在地面搜救。
查比高恩斯的球員原定乘坐該班客機前往麥德林,準備於12月1日的南美球會盃決賽首回合對陣國民體育會(Atlético Naciona)。另外,網上流傳一段疑似查比高恩斯球員登機前,在櫃檯前拍攝的片段。
拆息急漲 加息殺埋身 供款人士點算好?
【on.cc東網專訊】 美國加息殺埋身,1個月拆息今日再升至0.39714厘,比昨升0.00785厘,為2010年7月以來的高位,較今年低位累升0.2厘。《東網》即為供款人士拆解原因同影響。
【on.cc東網專訊】 美國加息殺埋身,1個月拆息今日再升至0.39714厘,比昨升0.00785厘,為2010年7月以來的高位,較今年低位累升0.2厘。《東網》即為供款人士拆解原因同影響。
津巴布韋嚴重通脹 總統再豪賭發新貨幣
【on.cc東網專訊】 多年前非洲國家津巴布韋經歷超級通脹及經濟崩潰,民眾帶着一車車鈔票往購物的景象,震撼世界。津巴布韋總統穆加貝周一又宣布發行新貨幣,被指為「最後的賭博」。但國民擔憂這會掀起新一波嚴重通脹及經濟亂象。
92歲的穆加貝日前宣布有關決定,新貨幣為債券式票據(Bond Note),與美元以1兌1掛勾。津巴布韋中央銀行指,相信新貨幣能有助紓緩國內現資長期短缺的問題。
【on.cc東網專訊】 多年前非洲國家津巴布韋經歷超級通脹及經濟崩潰,民眾帶着一車車鈔票往購物的景象,震撼世界。津巴布韋總統穆加貝周一又宣布發行新貨幣,被指為「最後的賭博」。但國民擔憂這會掀起新一波嚴重通脹及經濟亂象。
92歲的穆加貝日前宣布有關決定,新貨幣為債券式票據(Bond Note),與美元以1兌1掛勾。津巴布韋中央銀行指,相信新貨幣能有助紓緩國內現資長期短缺的問題。
賊爆回收店擸3噸銅 女店東:諗住價好啲就賣
【on.cc東網專訊】 回收店遭賊仔偷走3噸銅,店東慨嘆血本無歸。今晨6時許,西灣河康祥街2號一間五金回收店,一對夫妻如常返回開舖時,發現大門鐵閘被撬毀,於是慌忙入內查看,赫見一批銅喉和銅線不翼而飛,相信遭賊人偷走,姓賴(56歲)男店東立即報案。
【on.cc東網專訊】 回收店遭賊仔偷走3噸銅,店東慨嘆血本無歸。今晨6時許,西灣河康祥街2號一間五金回收店,一對夫妻如常返回開舖時,發現大門鐵閘被撬毀,於是慌忙入內查看,赫見一批銅喉和銅線不翼而飛,相信遭賊人偷走,姓賴(56歲)男店東立即報案。
滙豐:亞洲明年最大問題 是美元和利率
【on.cc東網專訊】 滙豐亞洲經濟研究聯席主管范力民指,特朗普當選美國總統已開始塵埃落定,亞洲面臨的挑戰正在變得更加明顯。
【on.cc東網專訊】 滙豐亞洲經濟研究聯席主管范力民指,特朗普當選美國總統已開始塵埃落定,亞洲面臨的挑戰正在變得更加明顯。
年輕人狂外遊 4大因由香港零售雪上加霜!
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
1. 外幣狂瀉 變相打折
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
2. 廉航興起 機票跌價
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
3. 免燃油費 旅費更慳
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
4. 港物價高 外地消費
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
1. 外幣狂瀉 變相打折
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
2. 廉航興起 機票跌價
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
3. 免燃油費 旅費更慳
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
4. 港物價高 外地消費
邵志堯:內地Band 1城市樓價貴得有理
【on.cc東網專訊】 資深測量師邵志堯在東方日報專欄《名家筆陣》中表示,他曾經寫過,真正的專家在分析複雜的事情時,懂得化繁為簡,淺白得連菜市場的主婦也能輕易理解;而學者通常將一件簡單的事以專業用語闡釋,化簡為繁,令大眾一頭霧水,所以他喜歡用比喻去解釋社會狀況。
同樣道理,香港家長也熱衷於把子女送入名校,這些Band 1學校就如中國的一線城市,學生質素相對較好,學習氣氛濃厚,不會輸在起跑線。最重要的是若有人問子女在哪兒讀書,家長可以高八度的聲線,驕傲地說子女就讀名校,教人羨慕。
讀者又會問,如果四大城市是Band 1學校,那香港又是甚麼學校呢?他會將香港比喻為國際學校,比Band 1學校高一級,所以很多富豪都視香港為最後落腳點。
【on.cc東網專訊】 資深測量師邵志堯在東方日報專欄《名家筆陣》中表示,他曾經寫過,真正的專家在分析複雜的事情時,懂得化繁為簡,淺白得連菜市場的主婦也能輕易理解;而學者通常將一件簡單的事以專業用語闡釋,化簡為繁,令大眾一頭霧水,所以他喜歡用比喻去解釋社會狀況。
同樣道理,香港家長也熱衷於把子女送入名校,這些Band 1學校就如中國的一線城市,學生質素相對較好,學習氣氛濃厚,不會輸在起跑線。最重要的是若有人問子女在哪兒讀書,家長可以高八度的聲線,驕傲地說子女就讀名校,教人羨慕。
讀者又會問,如果四大城市是Band 1學校,那香港又是甚麼學校呢?他會將香港比喻為國際學校,比Band 1學校高一級,所以很多富豪都視香港為最後落腳點。
【on.cc東網專訊】 自特朗普勝出美國總統選舉後,十年期美國國債孳息率由1.85%,一度飆升至2.35%高位,債市拖垮環球金融市場的言論甚囂塵上。有「債券天王」之稱的Loomis Sayles資產管理公司副主席富斯(Dan Fuss)接受「東網」專訪時稱,美債孳息急升,除了誘發東南亞資金流向美國外,當地外債沉重的企業或無法還債,最終牽連整個亞洲銀行體系。
【on.cc東網專訊】 自特朗普勝出美國總統選舉後,十年期美國國債孳息率由1.85%,一度飆升至2.35%高位,債市拖垮環球金融市場的言論甚囂塵上。有「債券天王」之稱的Loomis Sayles資產管理公司副主席富斯(Dan Fuss)接受「東網」專訪時稱,美債孳息急升,除了誘發東南亞資金流向美國外,當地外債沉重的企業或無法還債,最終牽連整個亞洲銀行體系。
未足30歲申公屋青年 41%擁大專學歷
【on.cc東網專訊】 樓價高企,大學生亦要申請輪候公屋。據了解,房委會完成2016年公屋申請者統計調查,發現30歲以下,多達41%申請為大專或以上教育程度,較2012年時大增14%,雖然較去年輕微下跌,但估計與房委會去年初展開查核工作,剔除1.4萬宗水份申請個案有關。調查又發現,公屋單身申請入息中位數連續第4年下跌,只有2500港元,較12年少26%。
【on.cc東網專訊】 樓價高企,大學生亦要申請輪候公屋。據了解,房委會完成2016年公屋申請者統計調查,發現30歲以下,多達41%申請為大專或以上教育程度,較2012年時大增14%,雖然較去年輕微下跌,但估計與房委會去年初展開查核工作,剔除1.4萬宗水份申請個案有關。調查又發現,公屋單身申請入息中位數連續第4年下跌,只有2500港元,較12年少26%。
2016年11月28日 星期一
收市10大要知:德拉吉講話 道期挫80點
【on.cc東網專訊】 美元回落跌穿101關,現報100.85;油價反覆偏軟,布蘭特期油現報46.61美元;金價回揚,現貨金報1,194.2美元。歐央行行長德拉吉將出席歐洲議會經濟與貨幣事務委員會季度聽證會。道期現跌80點,報19,060點。以下為「收市10大要知」新聞:
1、歐股開市全線偏軟 能源股受壓
2、恒指二萬三關前卻步 騰訊中移內銀撐市
5、翠華半年少賺48% 大家樂中期多賺11%
6、新盤敦皓4伙可供發售 其餘傾向招標
9、三星「拆骨」壓力增 Note 7之後又一炸?
據外國傳媒報道,受智能手機Note 7爆炸、需全面回收困擾的南韓三星電子,現時面對更大的分拆壓力。三星董事會將會於周二舉行會議,或公布決定。三星股價今日收報167.7萬韓圜,升1.64%,接近紀錄新高的170.6萬韓圜。
報道引述消息人士指,三星管理層與對沖基金股東Elliott一同在美國與南韓會見投資者。Elliott在會上清楚表達了「拆骨」的意願,不少股東亦對三星的Note 7爆炸引發危機表示不滿,因這造成最少60億美元的損失;再者,受到南韓政治危機影響,三星電子辦公室近期遭兩次特擊捜查。
【on.cc東網專訊】 美元回落跌穿101關,現報100.85;油價反覆偏軟,布蘭特期油現報46.61美元;金價回揚,現貨金報1,194.2美元。歐央行行長德拉吉將出席歐洲議會經濟與貨幣事務委員會季度聽證會。道期現跌80點,報19,060點。以下為「收市10大要知」新聞:
1、歐股開市全線偏軟 能源股受壓
2、恒指二萬三關前卻步 騰訊中移內銀撐市
5、翠華半年少賺48% 大家樂中期多賺11%
6、新盤敦皓4伙可供發售 其餘傾向招標
9、三星「拆骨」壓力增 Note 7之後又一炸?
據外國傳媒報道,受智能手機Note 7爆炸、需全面回收困擾的南韓三星電子,現時面對更大的分拆壓力。三星董事會將會於周二舉行會議,或公布決定。三星股價今日收報167.7萬韓圜,升1.64%,接近紀錄新高的170.6萬韓圜。
報道引述消息人士指,三星管理層與對沖基金股東Elliott一同在美國與南韓會見投資者。Elliott在會上清楚表達了「拆骨」的意願,不少股東亦對三星的Note 7爆炸引發危機表示不滿,因這造成最少60億美元的損失;再者,受到南韓政治危機影響,三星電子辦公室近期遭兩次特擊捜查。
澳洲政府讓步 背包客稅下調至15%
【on.cc東網專訊】 澳洲政府原打算對到當地工作假期的背包客,制定高達32.5%的「背包客稅」,但在農民及旅遊業界的強烈反對下一度暫緩。澳洲財政部長莫里森於今早宣布,有關稅率將下降至15%,希望本周內通過有關法案。
【on.cc東網專訊】 澳洲政府原打算對到當地工作假期的背包客,制定高達32.5%的「背包客稅」,但在農民及旅遊業界的強烈反對下一度暫緩。澳洲財政部長莫里森於今早宣布,有關稅率將下降至15%,希望本周內通過有關法案。
Cash is for Criminals – Taxing Cash Withdrawals from ATMs
銀行家還是想控制你的財富 !
www.armstrongeconomics.comWe are entering a very dark phase in this battle to retain out liberty. A proposal now being whispered behind the curtain in Europe is to impose a tax on withdrawing your own money from an ATM. The banks support this measure as a whole because they see this as preventing bank runs.
Nobody will look at the direction we are headed. I am deeply concerned that these type of proposals will send the West in a real revolution not much different from that of Russia in 1917. The divide between left and right is getting much deeper and the left is hell bent on stripping those who produce of their liberty and assets. This type of confrontation is in line with our War Cycle, which we will update in 2017.
This is the most dangerous period we are heading into for governments will respond only to their own self-interest to survive. The socialists hate those who produce. That is just the bottom line. Nobody should have wealth more than they and this is the same human emotion that has cost tens of millions of lives in civil conflicts. We will review all our models and update this after the U.S. inauguration since the socialists are trying to figure out how to steal the election from Trump. There is no way to overturn Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania without fraud. Otherwise, California is being used to justify handing the crown to Hillary despite the fact she conceded. This will not end nicely. The divide will only get bigger. The future is anything but stable and safe.
The war on cash is in full swing. The whispers behind the curtain are starting to get louder. The headlines in Australia demonstrate how the press is already conspiring against the people. The new slogan rising is Cash is for Criminals.
ABC of Australia ran the story:
Cash is for criminals: Why we should scrap big notes
【on.cc東網專訊】 紀惠集團行政總裁湯文亮撰文指,美國總統大選後會立刻加息,並預計明年加4次息將會是最低要求。現在加息已經迫在眉睫,有專家反而認為不會加息,無論誰是誰非,最擔心是市場對加息掉以輕心。
【on.cc東網專訊】 紀惠集團行政總裁湯文亮撰文指,美國總統大選後會立刻加息,並預計明年加4次息將會是最低要求。現在加息已經迫在眉睫,有專家反而認為不會加息,無論誰是誰非,最擔心是市場對加息掉以輕心。
【on.cc東網專訊】 英國《金融時報》報道,多名官員和資深銀行人士表示,如果意大利總理倫齊在有關憲法改革的公投中失利,隨之引發的市場動盪或令投資者不敢對意大利銀行進行資本重組,那麽,意大利就有多達8家這樣的銀行面臨倒閉風險。
意大利已知有8家銀行處於不同階段的困境,包括資產排名第3的西雅那銀行(Monte dei Paschi di Siena);3家中等規模銀行:維琴察大眾銀行(Popolare di Vicenza)、威尼托銀行(Veneto Banca)及卡里奇銀行(Carige);以及4家去年受到救助的小銀行:伊特魯里亞銀行(Banca Etruria)、CariChieti銀行、馬爾凱銀行(Banca delle Marche)及CariFerrara銀行。
【on.cc東網專訊】 英國《金融時報》報道,多名官員和資深銀行人士表示,如果意大利總理倫齊在有關憲法改革的公投中失利,隨之引發的市場動盪或令投資者不敢對意大利銀行進行資本重組,那麽,意大利就有多達8家這樣的銀行面臨倒閉風險。
意大利已知有8家銀行處於不同階段的困境,包括資產排名第3的西雅那銀行(Monte dei Paschi di Siena);3家中等規模銀行:維琴察大眾銀行(Popolare di Vicenza)、威尼托銀行(Veneto Banca)及卡里奇銀行(Carige);以及4家去年受到救助的小銀行:伊特魯里亞銀行(Banca Etruria)、CariChieti銀行、馬爾凱銀行(Banca delle Marche)及CariFerrara銀行。
【on.cc東網專訊】 不法分子跨境逃稅、洗黑錢等層出不窮,令國際金融機構心驚驚,恐置身不法之徒的「犯法渠道」。事實上,為堵塞相關漏洞,多國政府已積極收緊稅務條例,而作為國際金融中心的香港,在今年6月修訂了《稅務條例》,更將實施「自動交換財務帳戶資料」,響應打擊跨境逃稅。究竟這些新招是甚麼?對投資者又有甚麼影響?
【on.cc東網專訊】 不法分子跨境逃稅、洗黑錢等層出不窮,令國際金融機構心驚驚,恐置身不法之徒的「犯法渠道」。事實上,為堵塞相關漏洞,多國政府已積極收緊稅務條例,而作為國際金融中心的香港,在今年6月修訂了《稅務條例》,更將實施「自動交換財務帳戶資料」,響應打擊跨境逃稅。究竟這些新招是甚麼?對投資者又有甚麼影響?
切爾諾貝爾「新石棺」將啟用 阻洩輻射百年
【on.cc東網專訊】 烏克蘭切爾諾貝爾核電廠1986年發生堪稱史上最嚴重的核事故,至今已經30年。當年為防核輻射洩漏,前蘇聯政府於4號核反應堆所建造的石棺現時已經接近崩塌。烏克蘭政府為此早已建造新石棺,將於周二揭幕。
【on.cc東網專訊】 烏克蘭切爾諾貝爾核電廠1986年發生堪稱史上最嚴重的核事故,至今已經30年。當年為防核輻射洩漏,前蘇聯政府於4號核反應堆所建造的石棺現時已經接近崩塌。烏克蘭政府為此早已建造新石棺,將於周二揭幕。
2016年11月27日 星期日
商戶安裝費大減 信用卡公司迎戰手機支付商
【on.cc東網專訊】 隨着手機支付興起,手機支付商正挑戰傳統信用卡地位!信用卡公司終極反擊,Visa環球推出「0元商戶安裝費」mVisa服務,全速吸小微商戶,首階段印度等4個地區已採用。Visa創新及戰略合作關係部高級副總裁Matt Dill指出,過往Visa主要服務高端行業,現時科技令服務伸展至更遠,料未來幾年接受Visa支付的商戶數量將倍增。
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屆時Visa客戶只需以手機掃一掃代表商戶銀行帳戶的QR code便可支付,商戶安裝成本近乎零,即使是普通司機等個體商戶亦負擔得起。Matt Dill接受《東網》訪問時指出:「我們的服務已遍布全球,但以往傾向高端市場,現時科技令(信用卡)支付更普及,擴大Visa的服務群。」
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隨着智能手機普及,信用卡支付亦走出故有「實體卡」加「收款機」的昂貴硬件組合,將信用卡綁定智能手機,並採用支付寶等「掃QR Code」(二維碼)的收款方式,剔除收款機的成本。該支付服務名為mVisa,現時印度的食肆、零售商戶,以至tuk tuk均已支援,亦逐步打入、尼日利亞、肯尼亞及盧旺達市場。
另一信用卡公司MasterCard於本月推出「Masterpass QR Service」,與mVisa類似,惟香港區似乎不見信用卡公司新服務的蹤影,主因是服務需香港銀行配合採用,為商戶安排才可成事。對於銀行保守,阻礙科技普及的說法,Matt Dill認為不應「一竹竿打一船人」,有些銀行積極採用新技術,有些需時觀察市場發展,他相信為客戶提供新服務的銀行將跑贏同業,屆時市場力量將推動金融科技發展,自然可普及服務。
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以香港為例,大家以往可選擇以八達通、信用卡,還是現金支付。到現時已唔同喇,香港市場的主流手機支付品牌包括八達通、TNG、拍住賞、WeChat Pay、支付寶HK、Apple Pay及Android Pay。其中Apple Pay及Android Pay必須信用卡或記帳卡配合才可使用,其他則可不涉及信用卡,已「架空」信用卡的電子支付地位。
【on.cc東網專訊】 隨着手機支付興起,手機支付商正挑戰傳統信用卡地位!信用卡公司終極反擊,Visa環球推出「0元商戶安裝費」mVisa服務,全速吸小微商戶,首階段印度等4個地區已採用。Visa創新及戰略合作關係部高級副總裁Matt Dill指出,過往Visa主要服務高端行業,現時科技令服務伸展至更遠,料未來幾年接受Visa支付的商戶數量將倍增。
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屆時Visa客戶只需以手機掃一掃代表商戶銀行帳戶的QR code便可支付,商戶安裝成本近乎零,即使是普通司機等個體商戶亦負擔得起。Matt Dill接受《東網》訪問時指出:「我們的服務已遍布全球,但以往傾向高端市場,現時科技令(信用卡)支付更普及,擴大Visa的服務群。」
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隨着智能手機普及,信用卡支付亦走出故有「實體卡」加「收款機」的昂貴硬件組合,將信用卡綁定智能手機,並採用支付寶等「掃QR Code」(二維碼)的收款方式,剔除收款機的成本。該支付服務名為mVisa,現時印度的食肆、零售商戶,以至tuk tuk均已支援,亦逐步打入、尼日利亞、肯尼亞及盧旺達市場。
另一信用卡公司MasterCard於本月推出「Masterpass QR Service」,與mVisa類似,惟香港區似乎不見信用卡公司新服務的蹤影,主因是服務需香港銀行配合採用,為商戶安排才可成事。對於銀行保守,阻礙科技普及的說法,Matt Dill認為不應「一竹竿打一船人」,有些銀行積極採用新技術,有些需時觀察市場發展,他相信為客戶提供新服務的銀行將跑贏同業,屆時市場力量將推動金融科技發展,自然可普及服務。
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以香港為例,大家以往可選擇以八達通、信用卡,還是現金支付。到現時已唔同喇,香港市場的主流手機支付品牌包括八達通、TNG、拍住賞、WeChat Pay、支付寶HK、Apple Pay及Android Pay。其中Apple Pay及Android Pay必須信用卡或記帳卡配合才可使用,其他則可不涉及信用卡,已「架空」信用卡的電子支付地位。
迷你自拍無人機 細到可放入手機殼
【on.cc東網專訊】 航拍機現在已非常普遍,不過體積仍是頗大,而且一般都只適宜於戶外使用,外國一間創投公司設計出一款細到可以放進手機殼內的迷你航拍機,就能解決這問題。
迷你航拍機內置Micro USB插槽,可插入4GB記憶卡儲存短片及照片,用家經WiFi將迷你航拍機與不同平台智能裝置連接後,可透過專屬應用程式操控,並即時將短片或照片上載社交網與人分享。
【on.cc東網專訊】 航拍機現在已非常普遍,不過體積仍是頗大,而且一般都只適宜於戶外使用,外國一間創投公司設計出一款細到可以放進手機殼內的迷你航拍機,就能解決這問題。
迷你航拍機內置Micro USB插槽,可插入4GB記憶卡儲存短片及照片,用家經WiFi將迷你航拍機與不同平台智能裝置連接後,可透過專屬應用程式操控,並即時將短片或照片上載社交網與人分享。
Indian Government Seeks To Quell Panic: "No Plan To Restrict Gold Holdings"
Amid increasing social unrest, a collapsing currency (against the dollar), and an economy at a standstill, there has been another growing fear in India that has spooked many around the world.
The rumors and speculation of an Indian gold import ban (or even an outright ban on gold ownership) have sparked panic-buying of the precious metal sending retail premia soaring at local jewelers. In an effort to quell the 'uproar', a top Indian finance minister has confirmed the government is not considering an plans to restrict holdings of gold by individuals.
As a reminder, Acting-Man.com's Pater Tenebrarum notes that in the recent past, India’s government has also launched several initiatives aimed at reducing gold purchases by Indian citizens. For one thing, it is asserted that the gold hoards held by citizens are “unproductive” and a sign of India’s backwardness that needs to be eradicated in the name of modernization.
Another official reason is that government wants to lower the country’s trade deficit. Since India isn’t producing much gold, it is importing quite a lot; in recent years gold imports oscillated around 700 tons per year.
The world’s governments are almost without exception comprised of economically ignorant mercantilists who believe that a trade deficit is a symptom of declining wealth. Naturally, India’s government is no different in this respect. This mercantilist view of trade is one of the most “sticky” and widespread economic errors in history (evidently, not only prices and wages are “sticky”…). It is a direct result of viewing the economy through a collectivist lens instead of through the lens of methodological individualism. The government’s efforts included raising a tariff on gold imports (ever since, India’s gold import statistics are no longer reliable, as a lot of gold is smuggled in), as well as urging the creation of assorted “paper gold” products by commercial banks.
The latter were supposed to entice citizens to deposit their gold with banks in exchange for paper receipts. You have one guess why the government would be eager to see that happen.
India’s citizens have a traditional affinity for gold. Gold is not only a “love trade” for Indians though, as our friend Ronnie Stoeferle puts it. They also buy gold because they don’t trust their government and its economic policies.
As has just been demonstrated again, this is quite a healthy attitude – even if the government of the day is widely considered to be “good for the economy” (Mr. Modi’s government has indeed adopted a number of positive economic reforms as well in the past). Not only can it be very costly to trust the government, there is obviously also a big difference between looking at and fondling actual metal, as opposed to a bank receipt for a gold deposit. If you try it, you will see it is just not the same. Indian women love gold adornments and gold jewelry plays a major role as a wedding present that concurrently serves as a store of wealth. Hence the government’s efforts to “wean the citizenry off gold” have completely failed to gain traction.
It remains to be seen if the government will get away unscathed with the recent demonetization of large denomination banknotes. As Jayant has pointed out, Mr. Modi has actually enjoyed widespread popular support for the measure – at least initially. Certain segments of society continue to be supportive, depending on the degree to which they are actually affected by the ban.
After two weeks of increasing chaos and ample demonstrations of government ineptitude, the political opposition has finally decided to join the fray and is now beginning to forcefully denounce the measure.
Parliament was adjourned after an “uproar” over the currency ban, the opposition is organizing an “all India protest” for November 28, as it is now united in opposing the ban. Moreover, allegations that the plan was leaked to certain people in advance have surfaced (that wouldn’t surprise us one bit).
As Jayant has rightly pointed out in the third part of his articles on the currency ban, the evolving situation is forcing the government to continually issue new ad hoc decrees in order to stop people from successfully fighting the edict.
Similar to the attempts of the post-revolutionary assembly of France to defend the assignat in the late 18th century, it is resorting to increasingly repressive steps (the most recent one is that it has apparently suddenly shortened the grace period for banknote exchanges, concurrently with announcing that it will impose a tax penalty on “too large” deposits).
This has led to speculation that gold may be in the government’s cross hairs next. As the thinking goes, if it can ban certain banknotes, surely it can also enact a ban on gold imports? As an aside, an outright ban on gold ownership seems highly unlikely, as that would probably cause more than just an “uproar”.
Also, some of the largest gold hoards are held by temples – in other words, the country’s religious establishment would undoubtedly be less than amused.
* * *
And so, clearly seeking to calm these fears, a top finance ministry source said on Friday that the government is not considering any proposal to restrict holdings of gold by individuals. As The India Times reports, following the demonetisation of 500 and 1,000 rupee notes in a bid to crack down on black money, there were apprehensions among people that the government might impose some kind of restrictions on gold holding by individuals.
Of course, we note that there was no official denial of any proposals to impose a gold import ban.
Amid increasing social unrest, a collapsing currency (against the dollar), and an economy at a standstill, there has been another growing fear in India that has spooked many around the world.
The rumors and speculation of an Indian gold import ban (or even an outright ban on gold ownership) have sparked panic-buying of the precious metal sending retail premia soaring at local jewelers. In an effort to quell the 'uproar', a top Indian finance minister has confirmed the government is not considering an plans to restrict holdings of gold by individuals.
As a reminder, Acting-Man.com's Pater Tenebrarum notes that in the recent past, India’s government has also launched several initiatives aimed at reducing gold purchases by Indian citizens. For one thing, it is asserted that the gold hoards held by citizens are “unproductive” and a sign of India’s backwardness that needs to be eradicated in the name of modernization.
Another official reason is that government wants to lower the country’s trade deficit. Since India isn’t producing much gold, it is importing quite a lot; in recent years gold imports oscillated around 700 tons per year.
The world’s governments are almost without exception comprised of economically ignorant mercantilists who believe that a trade deficit is a symptom of declining wealth. Naturally, India’s government is no different in this respect. This mercantilist view of trade is one of the most “sticky” and widespread economic errors in history (evidently, not only prices and wages are “sticky”…). It is a direct result of viewing the economy through a collectivist lens instead of through the lens of methodological individualism. The government’s efforts included raising a tariff on gold imports (ever since, India’s gold import statistics are no longer reliable, as a lot of gold is smuggled in), as well as urging the creation of assorted “paper gold” products by commercial banks.
The latter were supposed to entice citizens to deposit their gold with banks in exchange for paper receipts. You have one guess why the government would be eager to see that happen.
India’s citizens have a traditional affinity for gold. Gold is not only a “love trade” for Indians though, as our friend Ronnie Stoeferle puts it. They also buy gold because they don’t trust their government and its economic policies.
As has just been demonstrated again, this is quite a healthy attitude – even if the government of the day is widely considered to be “good for the economy” (Mr. Modi’s government has indeed adopted a number of positive economic reforms as well in the past). Not only can it be very costly to trust the government, there is obviously also a big difference between looking at and fondling actual metal, as opposed to a bank receipt for a gold deposit. If you try it, you will see it is just not the same. Indian women love gold adornments and gold jewelry plays a major role as a wedding present that concurrently serves as a store of wealth. Hence the government’s efforts to “wean the citizenry off gold” have completely failed to gain traction.
It remains to be seen if the government will get away unscathed with the recent demonetization of large denomination banknotes. As Jayant has pointed out, Mr. Modi has actually enjoyed widespread popular support for the measure – at least initially. Certain segments of society continue to be supportive, depending on the degree to which they are actually affected by the ban.
After two weeks of increasing chaos and ample demonstrations of government ineptitude, the political opposition has finally decided to join the fray and is now beginning to forcefully denounce the measure.
Parliament was adjourned after an “uproar” over the currency ban, the opposition is organizing an “all India protest” for November 28, as it is now united in opposing the ban. Moreover, allegations that the plan was leaked to certain people in advance have surfaced (that wouldn’t surprise us one bit).
As Jayant has rightly pointed out in the third part of his articles on the currency ban, the evolving situation is forcing the government to continually issue new ad hoc decrees in order to stop people from successfully fighting the edict.
Similar to the attempts of the post-revolutionary assembly of France to defend the assignat in the late 18th century, it is resorting to increasingly repressive steps (the most recent one is that it has apparently suddenly shortened the grace period for banknote exchanges, concurrently with announcing that it will impose a tax penalty on “too large” deposits).
This has led to speculation that gold may be in the government’s cross hairs next. As the thinking goes, if it can ban certain banknotes, surely it can also enact a ban on gold imports? As an aside, an outright ban on gold ownership seems highly unlikely, as that would probably cause more than just an “uproar”.
Also, some of the largest gold hoards are held by temples – in other words, the country’s religious establishment would undoubtedly be less than amused.
* * *
And so, clearly seeking to calm these fears, a top finance ministry source said on Friday that the government is not considering any proposal to restrict holdings of gold by individuals. As The India Times reports, following the demonetisation of 500 and 1,000 rupee notes in a bid to crack down on black money, there were apprehensions among people that the government might impose some kind of restrictions on gold holding by individuals.
"There is no such proposal before the government on restricting domestic gold holding," the source said.
There were reports that many people have converted their black money into gold following the announcement of demonetisation of high denomination currency notes by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 8.
Of course, we note that there was no official denial of any proposals to impose a gold import ban.
無法承受的現場 日本遺品整理師見證孤獨死
所以家庭和親人是好重要的 !
on.cc東網專訊【on.cc東網專訊】 「在那樣的室內環境居住,絕對會死掉吧。」一個陽光燦爛的早上,遺品整理師石見良教獲委託前往東京一個小區,上門清理一間住宅。大門一打開,陣陣刺鼻的血腥味迎面傳來,向屋內瞥見的第一眼,看到在屋中到處亂飛的蟲子,若隱若現地聽到幾隻老鼠在吱吱叫,慢慢向下望,四處漫走的蟑螂和一灘灘啡黑色的屍水......一幕幕挑戰人類感官的畫面,正是遺品整理人多年來重覆面對的工作環境。
【on.cc東網專訊】 「經常出入孤獨死的現場,有甚麼特徵都自然看得透。」日本遺品整理人石見良教處理過眾多孤獨死案例,他敢說一句,孤獨死不限於老人,近年愈來愈多中年人步其上一代的後塵,甚至沒法孤獨終老,便在壯年時遽然永別人世。石見總結了兩種孤獨死最常見的十個模式如下:
● 中年的孤獨死
1. 經常把窗簾關得密不透光,房內昏天暗地
2. 室內垃圾堆積如山,骯髒不堪
3. 患有糖尿病等中年常見疾病
4. 明明吃藥就好,偏偏不吃藥
5. 屋內酒樽、空瓶、汽水罐散落一地
6. 經歷過裁員,失業了,卻未到退休的時候
7. 以前過着幸福的婚姻生活,後來離職、離婚、然後離群索居
8. 落得如斯境況,也不好聯絡家人、親戚、朋友,變得形單隻影
9. 水電煤等費用久久未繳清,催討信如山似海
10. 最終向財務公司招手,然後追數信又蜂擁而至
● 老人的孤獨死
1. 屋內垃圾堆積如山,比中年孤獨死的現場更不堪
2. 生前異常珍視舊時的西裝
3. 經常流連街頭,喜歡「執垃圾」回家
4. 買下很多加工食品和罐頭存貨
5. 用不着的零錢放滿一屋
6. 不准他人踏足屋內
7. 屋內有蟑螂老鼠仍若無其事
8. 有被害妄想
9. 離群獨處
10. 孑然無依
【on.cc東網專訊】 隨着出生率不斷下跌,日本的人口漸趨老化。社會人口結構轉變,加上未婚率持續上升,以及家庭核心化等的社會現況,「孤獨死」及其帶來的遺品處理問題,成為了日本急需面對的疑難。
樓價與市民負擔力脫節 港府稱需推措施應對
香港樓價, 來年真係升跌難估 !
on.cc東網專訊【on.cc東網專訊】 港府早前為壓抑樓巿會推出「加辣」措施,財經及庫務局局長陳家強指,在全球化下,香港與倫敦、紐約或悉尼,都有很多市民面對樓價飆升的問題,強調即使信奉自由經濟,但當樓價與本地市民的負擔能力完全脫節,政府都應為照顧這些人士的利益而推出若干措施,重點或難題是如何拿揑準確、取得平衡,以最恰當的方法應對警號。
日本恐防北韓核襲 小冊子教國民應變
【on.cc東網專訊】 自北韓展開連串核試以來,日本當局首次向國民發出如何應對核戰的可怕指引。政府警告國民,為北韓發動核襲做好準備,並教導倘若北韓領導人金正恩按動紅色按鈕時應如何應變。
【on.cc東網專訊】 自北韓展開連串核試以來,日本當局首次向國民發出如何應對核戰的可怕指引。政府警告國民,為北韓發動核襲做好準備,並教導倘若北韓領導人金正恩按動紅色按鈕時應如何應變。
2016年11月26日 星期六
人行出招 為防貶值加劇跨境人幣或納入MPA
【on.cc東網專訊】 在人民幣貶值和資本流出壓力增大的背景下,人民銀行近期或將採取行動壓止。《財新網》昨引述接近監管層人士消息,人民銀行或將跨境人民幣業務風險管理納入宏觀審慎評估體系(MPA)。
【on.cc東網專訊】 在人民幣貶值和資本流出壓力增大的背景下,人民銀行近期或將採取行動壓止。《財新網》昨引述接近監管層人士消息,人民銀行或將跨境人民幣業務風險管理納入宏觀審慎評估體系(MPA)。
【on.cc東網專訊】 美國候任總統特朗普未上任,美元已亢奮起來,升至近14年新高,環球股市亦唯獨美股可再創新高,究竟這是好兆頭還是市場表錯情?事實上,現在金融市場前所未有的混亂,聽取名家之言,當然不能只選「啱聽」的一方,以下這些金融界名人的分析,或者可以幫你找出特朗普效應下的「股市方程式」。
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1、美股創新高 其實熊市已到?
美國著名「財演」、近期一直是「大淡友」、9月預警美股或已見歷史新高的Northman Trader創辦人Sven Henrich再度發炮,表示自己之前預計美股8月已見頂,雖然現時再創新高,但要注意不等如牛市未死。他強調,不是為唱淡而唱淡,而是有理由的,熊市恐已悄悄來臨。
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2、最準股災預言家:快沽 股市會跌到唔識彈
以上大淡友「失準」,未夠說服力?著名「股災預言家」、早在去年5月22日中港股民仍陷「大時代」瘋狂時警告環球股災近眼前、之後在去年11月18日及12月16日再預言環球股災開始,結果今年1至2月全球瘋狂拋售、在11月美國總統大選前高呼誰當選股市都要狠插25%的美國前總統列根政府預算總監David Stockman又預警,投資者是時候「賣掉一切」!
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3、美股6大指標 揭示今次「牛市」史上最貴
除了預言家「吹水」,亦有數據支持!美國投資通訊及專欄作家Mark Hulbert本周發現,隨着美股不斷創新高,過去2周已升至「過熱」,而且已遠超過往牛市的狂勢程度。從本文附上的圖顯示,6大用來量度股市過熱的指標均顯示,現時股市相比1900年以來的36次牛市頂部,均「貴」79至95%。以下是6大指標現時的概況:
●Q比率。該指標是由諾貝爾經濟學奬得主James Tobin編輯,涉及計算資產重置成本。現水平是過去36次牛市見頂中,高於其中的30次。
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今年以來回報表現突出、曾預期環球股市仍會有「終極一跌」的Horseman Global對沖基金公司掌門人Russell Clark警告,過去20年,每次凡有特大危機爆發前,都有一個共同點,就是美債孳息急飆!
現時市場甚為關注歐元,因上周創下1999年以來連跌10日的紀錄。花旗分析師Brent Donnelly明言令人不安,因根據歐元兌美元有史以來的17年歷史,連跌10日的情況只發生過一次,就是在2008年9月,當年連跌9日,4天後「雷曼兄弟」就破產,繼而引發金融海嘯。今次呢?
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6、特朗普廢TPP 全球大蕭條來臨?
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特朗普是否真的那麽可怕?大好友又點睇?華爾街著名的「死硬派大好友」也睇淡!去年8月及今年初大跌市時仍堅稱牛市、不斷叫人低撈、今年4月預測美股遲早創新高、6月英國脫歐公投後仍叫人放心買股的股票研究企業Fundstrat Global Advisors聯合創辦人Tom Lee接受外國傳媒訪問時表示,特朗普的總統任期內美股料將創出大牛市,足以媲美歷史上美股兩段最長的牛市周期。
Tom Lee表示,值得留意是,歷史上持續時間最長的兩輪牛市,分別出現在1953至1974年,以及1982至1999年,都是在共和黨「改革」後發生的。
【on.cc東網專訊】 美國候任總統特朗普未上任,美元已亢奮起來,升至近14年新高,環球股市亦唯獨美股可再創新高,究竟這是好兆頭還是市場表錯情?事實上,現在金融市場前所未有的混亂,聽取名家之言,當然不能只選「啱聽」的一方,以下這些金融界名人的分析,或者可以幫你找出特朗普效應下的「股市方程式」。
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1、美股創新高 其實熊市已到?
美國著名「財演」、近期一直是「大淡友」、9月預警美股或已見歷史新高的Northman Trader創辦人Sven Henrich再度發炮,表示自己之前預計美股8月已見頂,雖然現時再創新高,但要注意不等如牛市未死。他強調,不是為唱淡而唱淡,而是有理由的,熊市恐已悄悄來臨。
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2、最準股災預言家:快沽 股市會跌到唔識彈
以上大淡友「失準」,未夠說服力?著名「股災預言家」、早在去年5月22日中港股民仍陷「大時代」瘋狂時警告環球股災近眼前、之後在去年11月18日及12月16日再預言環球股災開始,結果今年1至2月全球瘋狂拋售、在11月美國總統大選前高呼誰當選股市都要狠插25%的美國前總統列根政府預算總監David Stockman又預警,投資者是時候「賣掉一切」!
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3、美股6大指標 揭示今次「牛市」史上最貴
除了預言家「吹水」,亦有數據支持!美國投資通訊及專欄作家Mark Hulbert本周發現,隨着美股不斷創新高,過去2周已升至「過熱」,而且已遠超過往牛市的狂勢程度。從本文附上的圖顯示,6大用來量度股市過熱的指標均顯示,現時股市相比1900年以來的36次牛市頂部,均「貴」79至95%。以下是6大指標現時的概況:
●Q比率。該指標是由諾貝爾經濟學奬得主James Tobin編輯,涉及計算資產重置成本。現水平是過去36次牛市見頂中,高於其中的30次。
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今年以來回報表現突出、曾預期環球股市仍會有「終極一跌」的Horseman Global對沖基金公司掌門人Russell Clark警告,過去20年,每次凡有特大危機爆發前,都有一個共同點,就是美債孳息急飆!
現時市場甚為關注歐元,因上周創下1999年以來連跌10日的紀錄。花旗分析師Brent Donnelly明言令人不安,因根據歐元兌美元有史以來的17年歷史,連跌10日的情況只發生過一次,就是在2008年9月,當年連跌9日,4天後「雷曼兄弟」就破產,繼而引發金融海嘯。今次呢?
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6、特朗普廢TPP 全球大蕭條來臨?
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特朗普是否真的那麽可怕?大好友又點睇?華爾街著名的「死硬派大好友」也睇淡!去年8月及今年初大跌市時仍堅稱牛市、不斷叫人低撈、今年4月預測美股遲早創新高、6月英國脫歐公投後仍叫人放心買股的股票研究企業Fundstrat Global Advisors聯合創辦人Tom Lee接受外國傳媒訪問時表示,特朗普的總統任期內美股料將創出大牛市,足以媲美歷史上美股兩段最長的牛市周期。
Tom Lee表示,值得留意是,歷史上持續時間最長的兩輪牛市,分別出現在1953至1974年,以及1982至1999年,都是在共和黨「改革」後發生的。
【on.cc東網專訊】 中國全面二孩政策於今年1月1日實施,國家衛計委副主任王培安在一個公開場合上表示,2016年出生人口將逾1,750萬,大致相當於2000年前後的人口出生規模,與全面兩孩政策出台時的預判基本脗合。
【on.cc東網專訊】 中國全面二孩政策於今年1月1日實施,國家衛計委副主任王培安在一個公開場合上表示,2016年出生人口將逾1,750萬,大致相當於2000年前後的人口出生規模,與全面兩孩政策出台時的預判基本脗合。
中國明年或提延遲退休方案 以緩財政壓力
【on.cc東網專訊】 內地媒體引述人社部養老保險司原副司長張建明表示,延遲退休方案原計劃在今年出台,明年進行公示,並保持3至4年的公示期,初步計劃在2021年開始執行。「目前方案還在報批中,預計明年出台方案,並在下屆政府任期推行。」
【on.cc東網專訊】 內地媒體引述人社部養老保險司原副司長張建明表示,延遲退休方案原計劃在今年出台,明年進行公示,並保持3至4年的公示期,初步計劃在2021年開始執行。「目前方案還在報批中,預計明年出台方案,並在下屆政府任期推行。」
Forget The Pullback, A Legend Connected In China At The Highest Levels Just Predicted Price Of Gold Will Surge More Than A $1,000 From Current Levels
As we approach the end of November, in what has been an extremely tough environment in the gold and silver markets, a legend in the business that is connected in China at the highest levels says forget the pullback and predicted that the price of gold will see a staggering 86 percent spike or more than a $1,000 upside surge.
Price Of Gold To Surge More Than $1,000
By John Ing, Maison Placements
November 26 (King World News) – After the Trump tsunami, predictions including our own were fortunately relegated to the dustbin of history. While visiting Hong Kong, we watched Trump’s victory with gold skyrocketing over $30 and the market meltdown was some 800 points. However, the next morning, gold was off $30 and not the $100 an ounce spike we expected, with the market closing up 300 points.
Everyone hates uncertainty and the Donald’s success as President raised fears of a black hole as the glass that was half full, is now half empty. Rather like his victory, investors saw what they wanted…
His presidential demeanor made the President-elect look, more presidential – he must be president then. Near term, the outcome outweighed the uncertainties. However, the realities of political deal-making and his inevitable fence mending will likely leave investors in the dark for some time.
The Republicans will control the White House and both chambers of Congress. Of course, there is no certainty that the Republicans will support their leader. After all, they did not support him during the election. Bad blood between the two parties is only surmounted by bad blood within their parties. America is divided. To be sure important problems such as the tax code, America’s record debt, infrastructure requirements or even immigration needs fixing. But Mr. Trump is caught in a vicious circle where he will cut taxes and red tape with a focus on domestic issues which will result in higher interest rates, trade tariffs and higher inflation.
The President-elect’s victory was one of the biggest upsets in modern US history, shocking America’s power structure, popular media, Wall Street and just about everybody else, but Main Street. Who knew those so called deplorables would number more than 60 million of Americans?
Trump did. Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and Trump’s victory has fueled concerns that populism is gaining, at the expense of the status quo. The upcoming December 4th Italian constitutional referendum and elections in France and Germany next year are yet another test that could pave the path for another euro exit. In the wake of Trump’s victory, the shifting geopolitical balance will impact globalization, immigration and the establishment, all targets of Mr. Trump.
So many words are wasted on what Trump will or won’t do. The media, Democrats, world leaders and even his own party who were against his election are now giving unsolicited advice on what he should or not do and some even suggest he abandon his freestyling ways that upset the well entrenched and financed political elite. To be sure, Mr. Trump’s every move and tweet will be magnified. The media narrative, as usual has taken a literal view of his previous pronouncements comparing them against recent announcements in a “gotchya” attempt. In essence there are two Trumps, the candidate versus the president. Campaign rhetoric is one thing, the president is another. Which one will surface?
The Apprentice In Waiting
A perfect example is the fear or hype of a full-blown trade war with America’s biggest creditor China, on concerns of a new era of US protectionism. We believe a more practical approach is likely because China is the largest trading partner of the United States. While Mr. Trump threatened to slap a whopping 45 percent tariff on Chinese imports and name the country as a currency manipulator, a fight would boost consumer prices hurting his mainstream constituency in the pocketbook.
More relevant is that China’s $1.3 trillion of US Treasuries could be unloaded pretty quickly, sending interest rates higher which would have a much more negative consequence on the domestic economy. Besides, it seems that every president before him has threatened to impose trade barriers and the most recent, Mr. Obama actually imposed a tariff on Chinese tires which was quickly dismantled when China, in a tit-for-tat move, put its own tariff on US car parts and chicken. This time Apple phones, Boeing airliners and Hollywood movies are in China’s arsenal.
Trump’s tearing up of the TPP, Brexit and the Belgium hold up of the Canada-EU Pact are part of the slippery slope of protectionism, reminiscent of the Dirty Thirties and the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act which seized up trade in the Thirties and of course contributed to the Great Depression. Competitive devaluation is one barrier to trade. Tariffs, of course are another. Tariffs still protect Canada’s milk producers for example. The essence of the trade deals is not the loss of jobs but the free flow of goods and services at much lower prices. Tariffs simply subsidize jobs. Today, Canada, Europe, China and the US are reliant on trade. China remains the American’s major trading partner but 80 percent of Canadian exports go to the United States. What our populist leaders will soon discover that by erecting trade barriers, as in the Thirties, they might protect some jobs but those US working class families won’t be able to afford their cars, vacuum cleaners, Walmart or Apple products.
And that is something even Trump can understand.
Simply everyone must take a deep breath and relax. A new day has come and who knows, Mr. Trump might well make a decent president. We believe that China and the United States could actually be facing a new era of cooperation with shared responsibilities for stability in the world.
To be sure, over the next few years, Mr. Xi and Mr.Trump will have numerous opportunities for both strongmen to get to know each other.
After all it took Nixon, that other Republican, to normalize relations with China, which changed the world. The good news is that this non-politician president could act in a business-like manner – he has a transactional mindset, whether it is positive remains to be seen. The bad news, is that no one can tell this apprentice, he is fired.
Yet there were losers. The Mexican peso is off more than 10 percent. US Treasuries took their biggest plunge in five years on fears that Trump will ramp up spending to revive the economy. Other losers were the interest rate sensitive stocks. Gold futures were also losers as gold fell to six month lows on fears of a Yellen interest rate increase in December.
Ironically by reviving growth, inflation will pick up as well which will be good for gold. We believe there is still much uncertainty and the lack of clarity on the policies of the new administration plus the Italian vote in December will keep investors cautious. And while the promised tax cuts plus $1 trillion of spending will be enough to revive the economy, Mr. Trump’s debt binge could go bust.
Global bond markets swooned while the greenback strengthened to 13 year highs as investors bet that Mr. Trump will unveil an inflation fueling economic stimulus package of tax cuts and infrastructure spending.
Instead of unconventional central bank monetary policy, it will be replaced by a massive printing exercise that monetizes Treasuries at a time when its creditors are dumping Treasuries. Obviously bonds are in bubble territory and the valuations of equities are rich but noteworthy is that global debt continues to rise from the 2008 crisis, to levels never witnessed before. With higher rates, the cost of debt will rise. Also with Mr. Trump likely to remove the thousands of pages of complex financial regulation and by unwittingly dismantling the nanny state coddling of the banking system, he could leave it exposed for failure. In the past, government rescue plans benefitted a handful of Wall Street firms at the expense of society. This time it may be different.
Inflation is Back
We also believe inflation is more likely. In 2008, central banks experimented with everything from quantitative easing to negative interest rates with debt increasing to record levels, which fueled asset bubbles abroad and at home. Historically, inflation is a product of too much money chasing too few goods. Deflation on the other hand is a symptom of too little money but this time, thanks to the central banks, we have too much money. To be sure, producer prices appear to be edging up as the excess capacity built up in anticipation of a Chinese supercycle finally was extinguished. Oil at $50 a barrel, cheap by the standards of the past decades is still higher than the lows of January. The recent increase occurred not because of OPEC jawboning but because excess capacity was shutdown, finally meeting demand. Similarly, the shutdown of excess coal and steel capacity has resulted in a resurgence of prices. It is clear that with prices stabilizing, the next step is a ratcheting up, as demand increases.
We are at a second inflection point as we move from a deflationary era to a reflationary era. Mr. Trump’s victory will ensure a revival in prices. Eventually, the normal economic rules will prevail and the past extraordinary measures by the central banks, which resulted in an excess supply of dollars will erode the attraction of American money. In the UK too, the likelihood of a sharp rise in inflation is substantial given the plunge in sterling to all-time lows. Britain also faces a £100 billion Brexit budget hole. Exchange rates have become volatile feeding the embers of inflation. We believe this toxic combination of depreciating currencies will catch policymakers unaware. Inflation is back.
Land of Silk and Money
China’s One Belt, One Road project is the largest infrastructure plan in the world, linking over 65 countries along transportation corridors that follow the path of the ancient Silk Road which stretched from China through Central Asia into Europe. While much of the plan is not yet spelled out, Chinese banks and the newly formed Chinese AIIB infrastructure bank are expected to finance a major part of the route.
China has thirty agreements with countries along the route with more to follow. Energy investments in Russia and Central Asia will see pipelines carry the energy into China. The plan emulates the Marshall Plan which was an American initiative to help rebuild the European economies after the war, using America’s spare industrial capacity. The Marshall Plan also entrenched the US dollar in the world’s global architecture which of course benefitted American businesses. The investment in the One Belt, One Road is expected to reach $3 trillion, overshadowing the post World War II Marshall Plan which cost roughly $13 billion.
President Xi Jinpeng has shifted the Chinese economy more towards consumer spending but still capital investment remains key. China ascent to superpower status was driven by a state capitalism system. His One Belt, One Road is expected be a major contributor to businesses, enabling goods and resources to travel from Europe to China on land and sea, financed by the renminbi, making the renminbi more of a convertible currency.
In China, the Singles’ Day shopping extravaganza falls on November 11 that resembles four sticks, and in Chinese, the word for bachelors. November 11 is not a recorded holiday nor does it represent any religious or political association but in China, thanks to Alibaba, it is a celebration of singlehood and consumerism. Alibaba has turned the day into 24 hours of frenzied online shopping that encourages consumerism and this year surpassed $17 billion of gross merchandising value. Online sales made up almost 12 percent of China’s total sales in the first nine months of this year. Of course the use of smart phones has resulted in an increase in spending. Of interest is that the courier business delivered an estimated billion packages. China’s economy is alive.
Make Gold Great Again
Uncertainty in Mr. Trump’s book, is a strength. In making America Great Again, there are also downsides. Mr. Trump threatens to undo America’s hegemony and dismantle the global architecture that saw US national interests embedded in the international economic and financial system. It is expected that while Trump is preoccupied with domestic issues, China will fill the void moving the axis in the now-stalled 12 nation Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) which accounts for 40 percent of the world economy, from the United States to China. TPP was to be about the US showing leadership in the regime. Backing away will help accelerate the decline of US influence. Already America’s global power is threatened by China and other rising states, like Persian states demanding a stronger voice in managing the international financial system. China is set to assume leadership in this new monetary order.
There is no question that debt has skyrocketed just about everywhere else. The IMF calculates world debt at 225 percent of gross domestic product including combined public and private debt. To be sure debtors have benefited from ultralow interest rates and in fact there is an inducement to borrow even more. However, should interest rates edge up as they inevitably will, debtors will lose the ability to repay. One of Mr. Trump’s biggest problem is money. The United States is $20 trillion in debt and large deficits will be the norm. We believe questions will arise about the United State’s fiscal sustainability, particularly given Trump’s stimulus plans, usage of debt and offhanded comments about renegotiating America’s debt. The dollar’s strength is transitory.
We believe Trump’s election is an inflection point and the dollar, once considered a haven, is vulnerable. In the Forties, the British pound was the haven currency because of Britain’s balance sheet, military might and strong alliances. However, the cost of war saw the US replace Britain as the world’s superpower with the dollar replacing the pound. In a déjà vu moment, America’s record debt is set to grow, her alliances are threatened and a protectionist stance could push its creditors who have now the power to topple the dollar’s reserve status. Gold would be a good thing to have then.
Central Banks, Creators and Controllers
For years, we have warned about fiat money, particularly after almost a decade of unconventional monetary policies. We believe the era of paper money and its loss of value is finally coming to an end as well as the tenure of their alchemists, the central banks. Their role is under review. Markets have become distorted by the flood of paper currencies created by the central bankers in their war on savers, hoping to get them to spend. Negative rates was the latest move, but now India has demonetized their existing 500 and 1,000 rupees currency notes (valued at $7.50 and $15.00 respectively) causing a spike in gold purchases.
These notes make up about 85 percent of India’s total currency supply and were deemed worthless to eliminate the black market and the hoarding of cash. Such a shock treatment has been seen before in Germany, the Soviet Union and recently Zimbabwe. The currency crunch and confiscation of wealth in India is a symptom of money not being money and a war on savers. Then there is Sweden’s Riksbank, the world’s oldest central bank, considering moving away from cash to a digital currency. Central banks are part of the problem. They were once stewards of money but having created money, now want to control money.
“The dollar is our currency, but it’s your problem”. That is what US Treasury Secretary John Connally said to his peers at the Rome G-10 meeting in November 1971, right after President Nixon ended the dollar’s convertibility into gold which made the greenback, the world’s reserve currency. Since then the dollar reigned supreme, protected by a system of trade tariffs but came under pressure twice as tariffs were dismantled.
Creditors sought other currencies and gold to protect themselves from the flood of dollars that allowed America to consume beyond its means. Today, America can no longer finance its debt domestically. Thus, the dollar’s hegemonic role is being questioned by America’s creditors and there are clamors for a new monetary order. We believe gold is a good thing to have. It is a hedge against monetary disorder and protection against the central banks’ growing move to control savings and money. No wonder there is a shortage of gold.
Gold A Hedge Against Debt Monetization
And, around the globe, the carry trade of borrowing dollars, investing the proceeds in higher- yielding bonds elsewhere is particularly risky. Floating currencies have been in a stealth currency war. China, the biggest trader has seen its currency decline some 6 percent. The US is the world’s biggest debtor. The potential nightmare is that America’s trading partners, in particular Asia tire of buying US Treasury bonds and then the flood of paper could swamp the market. To be sure an adjustment is necessary and inevitable. Meantime the general tone is darkening.
Gold was money for thousands of years but in the last 50 years, gold has been relegated to the monetary sidelines. However, China and Russia have been accumulating gold every month for the past 20 months as a protector and hedge against the stacks of dollars they hold in reserves.
The coming inflection point is that a Trump announcement or attempt to fix the system may have collateral damage of a lower US dollar, particularly when borrowers seek to get liquid or when creditors worried about repayment, trigger massive distress selling. The herd instinct would take place here. Gold is a good thing to have against debt remonetization, currency devaluation and the expected pickup in inflation. We continue to believe gold will reach $2,200 per ounce, within 18 months.
King World News note: John Ing is connected in China at the highest levels and it is interesting that he is going against the herd of pessimism and anti-gold propaganda by issuing such a remarkable prediction. For gold to skyrocket more than $1,000 from current levels would represent a jaw-dropping 86 percent surge. One thing is certain, gold is in a secular bull market and no amount of manipulation by Western central banks or mainstream media anti-gold propaganda can stop it. This bull market in gold will end the way all bull market do — in a mania.
As we approach the end of November, in what has been an extremely tough environment in the gold and silver markets, a legend in the business that is connected in China at the highest levels says forget the pullback and predicted that the price of gold will see a staggering 86 percent spike or more than a $1,000 upside surge.
Price Of Gold To Surge More Than $1,000
By John Ing, Maison Placements
November 26 (King World News) – After the Trump tsunami, predictions including our own were fortunately relegated to the dustbin of history. While visiting Hong Kong, we watched Trump’s victory with gold skyrocketing over $30 and the market meltdown was some 800 points. However, the next morning, gold was off $30 and not the $100 an ounce spike we expected, with the market closing up 300 points.
Everyone hates uncertainty and the Donald’s success as President raised fears of a black hole as the glass that was half full, is now half empty. Rather like his victory, investors saw what they wanted…
His presidential demeanor made the President-elect look, more presidential – he must be president then. Near term, the outcome outweighed the uncertainties. However, the realities of political deal-making and his inevitable fence mending will likely leave investors in the dark for some time.
The Republicans will control the White House and both chambers of Congress. Of course, there is no certainty that the Republicans will support their leader. After all, they did not support him during the election. Bad blood between the two parties is only surmounted by bad blood within their parties. America is divided. To be sure important problems such as the tax code, America’s record debt, infrastructure requirements or even immigration needs fixing. But Mr. Trump is caught in a vicious circle where he will cut taxes and red tape with a focus on domestic issues which will result in higher interest rates, trade tariffs and higher inflation.
The President-elect’s victory was one of the biggest upsets in modern US history, shocking America’s power structure, popular media, Wall Street and just about everybody else, but Main Street. Who knew those so called deplorables would number more than 60 million of Americans?
Trump did. Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and Trump’s victory has fueled concerns that populism is gaining, at the expense of the status quo. The upcoming December 4th Italian constitutional referendum and elections in France and Germany next year are yet another test that could pave the path for another euro exit. In the wake of Trump’s victory, the shifting geopolitical balance will impact globalization, immigration and the establishment, all targets of Mr. Trump.
So many words are wasted on what Trump will or won’t do. The media, Democrats, world leaders and even his own party who were against his election are now giving unsolicited advice on what he should or not do and some even suggest he abandon his freestyling ways that upset the well entrenched and financed political elite. To be sure, Mr. Trump’s every move and tweet will be magnified. The media narrative, as usual has taken a literal view of his previous pronouncements comparing them against recent announcements in a “gotchya” attempt. In essence there are two Trumps, the candidate versus the president. Campaign rhetoric is one thing, the president is another. Which one will surface?
The Apprentice In Waiting
A perfect example is the fear or hype of a full-blown trade war with America’s biggest creditor China, on concerns of a new era of US protectionism. We believe a more practical approach is likely because China is the largest trading partner of the United States. While Mr. Trump threatened to slap a whopping 45 percent tariff on Chinese imports and name the country as a currency manipulator, a fight would boost consumer prices hurting his mainstream constituency in the pocketbook.
More relevant is that China’s $1.3 trillion of US Treasuries could be unloaded pretty quickly, sending interest rates higher which would have a much more negative consequence on the domestic economy. Besides, it seems that every president before him has threatened to impose trade barriers and the most recent, Mr. Obama actually imposed a tariff on Chinese tires which was quickly dismantled when China, in a tit-for-tat move, put its own tariff on US car parts and chicken. This time Apple phones, Boeing airliners and Hollywood movies are in China’s arsenal.
Trump’s tearing up of the TPP, Brexit and the Belgium hold up of the Canada-EU Pact are part of the slippery slope of protectionism, reminiscent of the Dirty Thirties and the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act which seized up trade in the Thirties and of course contributed to the Great Depression. Competitive devaluation is one barrier to trade. Tariffs, of course are another. Tariffs still protect Canada’s milk producers for example. The essence of the trade deals is not the loss of jobs but the free flow of goods and services at much lower prices. Tariffs simply subsidize jobs. Today, Canada, Europe, China and the US are reliant on trade. China remains the American’s major trading partner but 80 percent of Canadian exports go to the United States. What our populist leaders will soon discover that by erecting trade barriers, as in the Thirties, they might protect some jobs but those US working class families won’t be able to afford their cars, vacuum cleaners, Walmart or Apple products.
And that is something even Trump can understand.
Simply everyone must take a deep breath and relax. A new day has come and who knows, Mr. Trump might well make a decent president. We believe that China and the United States could actually be facing a new era of cooperation with shared responsibilities for stability in the world.
To be sure, over the next few years, Mr. Xi and Mr.Trump will have numerous opportunities for both strongmen to get to know each other.
After all it took Nixon, that other Republican, to normalize relations with China, which changed the world. The good news is that this non-politician president could act in a business-like manner – he has a transactional mindset, whether it is positive remains to be seen. The bad news, is that no one can tell this apprentice, he is fired.
Yet there were losers. The Mexican peso is off more than 10 percent. US Treasuries took their biggest plunge in five years on fears that Trump will ramp up spending to revive the economy. Other losers were the interest rate sensitive stocks. Gold futures were also losers as gold fell to six month lows on fears of a Yellen interest rate increase in December.
Ironically by reviving growth, inflation will pick up as well which will be good for gold. We believe there is still much uncertainty and the lack of clarity on the policies of the new administration plus the Italian vote in December will keep investors cautious. And while the promised tax cuts plus $1 trillion of spending will be enough to revive the economy, Mr. Trump’s debt binge could go bust.
Global bond markets swooned while the greenback strengthened to 13 year highs as investors bet that Mr. Trump will unveil an inflation fueling economic stimulus package of tax cuts and infrastructure spending.
Instead of unconventional central bank monetary policy, it will be replaced by a massive printing exercise that monetizes Treasuries at a time when its creditors are dumping Treasuries. Obviously bonds are in bubble territory and the valuations of equities are rich but noteworthy is that global debt continues to rise from the 2008 crisis, to levels never witnessed before. With higher rates, the cost of debt will rise. Also with Mr. Trump likely to remove the thousands of pages of complex financial regulation and by unwittingly dismantling the nanny state coddling of the banking system, he could leave it exposed for failure. In the past, government rescue plans benefitted a handful of Wall Street firms at the expense of society. This time it may be different.
Inflation is Back
We also believe inflation is more likely. In 2008, central banks experimented with everything from quantitative easing to negative interest rates with debt increasing to record levels, which fueled asset bubbles abroad and at home. Historically, inflation is a product of too much money chasing too few goods. Deflation on the other hand is a symptom of too little money but this time, thanks to the central banks, we have too much money. To be sure, producer prices appear to be edging up as the excess capacity built up in anticipation of a Chinese supercycle finally was extinguished. Oil at $50 a barrel, cheap by the standards of the past decades is still higher than the lows of January. The recent increase occurred not because of OPEC jawboning but because excess capacity was shutdown, finally meeting demand. Similarly, the shutdown of excess coal and steel capacity has resulted in a resurgence of prices. It is clear that with prices stabilizing, the next step is a ratcheting up, as demand increases.
We are at a second inflection point as we move from a deflationary era to a reflationary era. Mr. Trump’s victory will ensure a revival in prices. Eventually, the normal economic rules will prevail and the past extraordinary measures by the central banks, which resulted in an excess supply of dollars will erode the attraction of American money. In the UK too, the likelihood of a sharp rise in inflation is substantial given the plunge in sterling to all-time lows. Britain also faces a £100 billion Brexit budget hole. Exchange rates have become volatile feeding the embers of inflation. We believe this toxic combination of depreciating currencies will catch policymakers unaware. Inflation is back.
Land of Silk and Money
China’s One Belt, One Road project is the largest infrastructure plan in the world, linking over 65 countries along transportation corridors that follow the path of the ancient Silk Road which stretched from China through Central Asia into Europe. While much of the plan is not yet spelled out, Chinese banks and the newly formed Chinese AIIB infrastructure bank are expected to finance a major part of the route.
China has thirty agreements with countries along the route with more to follow. Energy investments in Russia and Central Asia will see pipelines carry the energy into China. The plan emulates the Marshall Plan which was an American initiative to help rebuild the European economies after the war, using America’s spare industrial capacity. The Marshall Plan also entrenched the US dollar in the world’s global architecture which of course benefitted American businesses. The investment in the One Belt, One Road is expected to reach $3 trillion, overshadowing the post World War II Marshall Plan which cost roughly $13 billion.
President Xi Jinpeng has shifted the Chinese economy more towards consumer spending but still capital investment remains key. China ascent to superpower status was driven by a state capitalism system. His One Belt, One Road is expected be a major contributor to businesses, enabling goods and resources to travel from Europe to China on land and sea, financed by the renminbi, making the renminbi more of a convertible currency.
In China, the Singles’ Day shopping extravaganza falls on November 11 that resembles four sticks, and in Chinese, the word for bachelors. November 11 is not a recorded holiday nor does it represent any religious or political association but in China, thanks to Alibaba, it is a celebration of singlehood and consumerism. Alibaba has turned the day into 24 hours of frenzied online shopping that encourages consumerism and this year surpassed $17 billion of gross merchandising value. Online sales made up almost 12 percent of China’s total sales in the first nine months of this year. Of course the use of smart phones has resulted in an increase in spending. Of interest is that the courier business delivered an estimated billion packages. China’s economy is alive.
Make Gold Great Again
Uncertainty in Mr. Trump’s book, is a strength. In making America Great Again, there are also downsides. Mr. Trump threatens to undo America’s hegemony and dismantle the global architecture that saw US national interests embedded in the international economic and financial system. It is expected that while Trump is preoccupied with domestic issues, China will fill the void moving the axis in the now-stalled 12 nation Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) which accounts for 40 percent of the world economy, from the United States to China. TPP was to be about the US showing leadership in the regime. Backing away will help accelerate the decline of US influence. Already America’s global power is threatened by China and other rising states, like Persian states demanding a stronger voice in managing the international financial system. China is set to assume leadership in this new monetary order.
There is no question that debt has skyrocketed just about everywhere else. The IMF calculates world debt at 225 percent of gross domestic product including combined public and private debt. To be sure debtors have benefited from ultralow interest rates and in fact there is an inducement to borrow even more. However, should interest rates edge up as they inevitably will, debtors will lose the ability to repay. One of Mr. Trump’s biggest problem is money. The United States is $20 trillion in debt and large deficits will be the norm. We believe questions will arise about the United State’s fiscal sustainability, particularly given Trump’s stimulus plans, usage of debt and offhanded comments about renegotiating America’s debt. The dollar’s strength is transitory.
We believe Trump’s election is an inflection point and the dollar, once considered a haven, is vulnerable. In the Forties, the British pound was the haven currency because of Britain’s balance sheet, military might and strong alliances. However, the cost of war saw the US replace Britain as the world’s superpower with the dollar replacing the pound. In a déjà vu moment, America’s record debt is set to grow, her alliances are threatened and a protectionist stance could push its creditors who have now the power to topple the dollar’s reserve status. Gold would be a good thing to have then.
Central Banks, Creators and Controllers
For years, we have warned about fiat money, particularly after almost a decade of unconventional monetary policies. We believe the era of paper money and its loss of value is finally coming to an end as well as the tenure of their alchemists, the central banks. Their role is under review. Markets have become distorted by the flood of paper currencies created by the central bankers in their war on savers, hoping to get them to spend. Negative rates was the latest move, but now India has demonetized their existing 500 and 1,000 rupees currency notes (valued at $7.50 and $15.00 respectively) causing a spike in gold purchases.
These notes make up about 85 percent of India’s total currency supply and were deemed worthless to eliminate the black market and the hoarding of cash. Such a shock treatment has been seen before in Germany, the Soviet Union and recently Zimbabwe. The currency crunch and confiscation of wealth in India is a symptom of money not being money and a war on savers. Then there is Sweden’s Riksbank, the world’s oldest central bank, considering moving away from cash to a digital currency. Central banks are part of the problem. They were once stewards of money but having created money, now want to control money.
“The dollar is our currency, but it’s your problem”. That is what US Treasury Secretary John Connally said to his peers at the Rome G-10 meeting in November 1971, right after President Nixon ended the dollar’s convertibility into gold which made the greenback, the world’s reserve currency. Since then the dollar reigned supreme, protected by a system of trade tariffs but came under pressure twice as tariffs were dismantled.
Creditors sought other currencies and gold to protect themselves from the flood of dollars that allowed America to consume beyond its means. Today, America can no longer finance its debt domestically. Thus, the dollar’s hegemonic role is being questioned by America’s creditors and there are clamors for a new monetary order. We believe gold is a good thing to have. It is a hedge against monetary disorder and protection against the central banks’ growing move to control savings and money. No wonder there is a shortage of gold.
Gold A Hedge Against Debt Monetization
And, around the globe, the carry trade of borrowing dollars, investing the proceeds in higher- yielding bonds elsewhere is particularly risky. Floating currencies have been in a stealth currency war. China, the biggest trader has seen its currency decline some 6 percent. The US is the world’s biggest debtor. The potential nightmare is that America’s trading partners, in particular Asia tire of buying US Treasury bonds and then the flood of paper could swamp the market. To be sure an adjustment is necessary and inevitable. Meantime the general tone is darkening.
Gold was money for thousands of years but in the last 50 years, gold has been relegated to the monetary sidelines. However, China and Russia have been accumulating gold every month for the past 20 months as a protector and hedge against the stacks of dollars they hold in reserves.
The coming inflection point is that a Trump announcement or attempt to fix the system may have collateral damage of a lower US dollar, particularly when borrowers seek to get liquid or when creditors worried about repayment, trigger massive distress selling. The herd instinct would take place here. Gold is a good thing to have against debt remonetization, currency devaluation and the expected pickup in inflation. We continue to believe gold will reach $2,200 per ounce, within 18 months.
King World News note: John Ing is connected in China at the highest levels and it is interesting that he is going against the herd of pessimism and anti-gold propaganda by issuing such a remarkable prediction. For gold to skyrocket more than $1,000 from current levels would represent a jaw-dropping 86 percent surge. One thing is certain, gold is in a secular bull market and no amount of manipulation by Western central banks or mainstream media anti-gold propaganda can stop it. This bull market in gold will end the way all bull market do — in a mania.
香港文匯報訊(記者 吳靜儀)銀行公會署理主席譚何錦文昨表示,市場預期美國加息在即。美元持續走強,離岸人民幣兌美元一度創新低,目前香港人民幣資金池錄得輕微下跌,預料短期內人民幣兌美元有機會進一步下跌,令香港人民幣存款繼續下降。不過她相信,長遠而言,由於人民幣正式納入特別提款權(SDR)及在人民幣國際化推進下,無論香港或其他離岸市場的人民幣資金池均會逐步增加。
香港文匯報訊(記者 吳靜儀)銀行公會署理主席譚何錦文昨表示,市場預期美國加息在即。美元持續走強,離岸人民幣兌美元一度創新低,目前香港人民幣資金池錄得輕微下跌,預料短期內人民幣兌美元有機會進一步下跌,令香港人民幣存款繼續下降。不過她相信,長遠而言,由於人民幣正式納入特別提款權(SDR)及在人民幣國際化推進下,無論香港或其他離岸市場的人民幣資金池均會逐步增加。
不滿工作環境 倫敦地鐵司機下月罷工24小時
【on.cc東網專訊】 英國鐵路海事及運輸工會宣布,倫敦地鐵司機將於下月6日,由晚上9時半起,罷工24小時。據工會日前透露,這次發起工業行動,主要由於不滿一些路線的工作環境所致。
工會日前表示,地鐵司機被置於一個脆弱的工作環境,在別無選擇的情況下,揭露事件,避免造成進一步損害。勞資雙方的調解機構(Mike Cash)稱,他們仍然歡迎談判,而地鐵方面則指,工會過早作出罷工決定,而他們已提出化解糾紛方案,現正等待工會回覆。
【on.cc東網專訊】 英國鐵路海事及運輸工會宣布,倫敦地鐵司機將於下月6日,由晚上9時半起,罷工24小時。據工會日前透露,這次發起工業行動,主要由於不滿一些路線的工作環境所致。
工會日前表示,地鐵司機被置於一個脆弱的工作環境,在別無選擇的情況下,揭露事件,避免造成進一步損害。勞資雙方的調解機構(Mike Cash)稱,他們仍然歡迎談判,而地鐵方面則指,工會過早作出罷工決定,而他們已提出化解糾紛方案,現正等待工會回覆。
【on.cc東網專訊】 近期人民幣持續走弱,在市場一致看淡下,卻有「大行」因做空人民幣而招致損失。
【on.cc東網專訊】 近期人民幣持續走弱,在市場一致看淡下,卻有「大行」因做空人民幣而招致損失。
2016年11月25日 星期五
等到了!深港通12月5日啟動 共涉1298股份
【on.cc東網專訊】 中港證券監管機構聯合公布,深港通於12月5日正式啟動,為第2階段的中港股市互聯互通揭開新的一頁。其中,深股通可供買賣股份有881隻,港股通可供買賣股份有417隻,兩地共有1,298隻股份可供買賣。
【on.cc東網專訊】 中港證券監管機構聯合公布,深港通於12月5日正式啟動,為第2階段的中港股市互聯互通揭開新的一頁。其中,深股通可供買賣股份有881隻,港股通可供買賣股份有417隻,兩地共有1,298隻股份可供買賣。

變種木馬呃認證 手機「自拍」洩密
【on.cc東網專訊】 新型手機銀行木馬程式,殺入香港!銀行木馬程式過往甚少針對某些地區,但專門為香港「度身訂造」的變種木馬程式,例如「Acecard」,近月殺入香港,多人中招。它可偽裝成Google Play、WhatsApp或Line,甚至銀行程式,以認證為藉口,誘騙用戶自拍身份證明文件,還指明要提交香港身份證資料,也有新變種以新加坡為目標。香港金管局證實接獲有銀行報告有關未經授權的網上股票交易,不排除部分是不法之徒,透過流動裝置上的惡意程式竊取進行交易。警方提醒市民,不要下載來源或性質可疑的程式。
該款稱為「Acecard」的銀行木馬程式,主要針對Android用家,騙取客戶網上理財資料,它會截取短訊內容,一旦用戶開啟某些網上理財或交易程式時,木馬會彈出一些虛假視窗,誘騙用戶輸入個人資料及信用卡號碼。它可偽裝成Google Play、WhatsApp、Line等手機常用程式,運作方式與其他的銀行木馬相似,當用戶下載並安裝已嵌入木馬程式時,它便會潛藏在手機內。
【on.cc東網專訊】 新型手機銀行木馬程式,殺入香港!銀行木馬程式過往甚少針對某些地區,但專門為香港「度身訂造」的變種木馬程式,例如「Acecard」,近月殺入香港,多人中招。它可偽裝成Google Play、WhatsApp或Line,甚至銀行程式,以認證為藉口,誘騙用戶自拍身份證明文件,還指明要提交香港身份證資料,也有新變種以新加坡為目標。香港金管局證實接獲有銀行報告有關未經授權的網上股票交易,不排除部分是不法之徒,透過流動裝置上的惡意程式竊取進行交易。警方提醒市民,不要下載來源或性質可疑的程式。
該款稱為「Acecard」的銀行木馬程式,主要針對Android用家,騙取客戶網上理財資料,它會截取短訊內容,一旦用戶開啟某些網上理財或交易程式時,木馬會彈出一些虛假視窗,誘騙用戶輸入個人資料及信用卡號碼。它可偽裝成Google Play、WhatsApp、Line等手機常用程式,運作方式與其他的銀行木馬相似,當用戶下載並安裝已嵌入木馬程式時,它便會潛藏在手機內。
Harvey Organ Holiday Report: HUGE RAID!
金銀價繼續回吐, 要等12月美息走勢才可以知金銀價是升定落 !
有可能美加息後金銀價會反彈 !
In silver, the total open interest ROSE by 709 contracts UP to 168,952 with YESTERDAY’S trading. In ounces, the OI is still represented by just less THAN 1 BILLION oz i.e. .844 BILLION TO BE EXACT or 120% of annual global silver production (ex Russia & ex China).
In November, in silver, 0 notice(s) filings: FOR NIL OZ
In gold, the total comex gold FELL by 21,657 contracts DESPITE THE RISE IN THE PRICE OF GOLD ($1.10 with yesterday’s trading ).The total gold OI stands at 461,062 contracts. The gold specs have been blown out of the water
In gold: we had 16 notice(s) filed for 1600 oz
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
With respect to our two criminal funds, the GLD and the SLV:GLD:
We had another huge change in tonnes of gold at the GLD, a withdrawal of 4.66 tonnes of gold
Inventory rests tonight: 904.91 tonnes
THE SLV Inventory rests at: 347.099million oz
2016年11月24日 星期四
ECB Warns There Is "Significant Risk Of Abrupt Market Reversal"
One week after the BIS issued an unexpectedly stern, if completely ignored warning, that the surge in the USD is leading to an abrupt tightening in financial conditions around the globe, making the repayment of trillions in USD-denominated cross-border debt increasingly more difficult and suggesting that the Dollar index itself is the new "fear indicator", overnight another central bank, the European Central Bank warned that the risk of "abrupt" global asset market corrections "have intensified" on the back of rising political uncertainty, posing a threat to banks, stability and economic growth.
“More volatility in the near future is likely and the potential for an abrupt reversal remains significant amid heightened political uncertainty around the globe and underlying emerging market vulnerabilities,” the ECB warned in its twice-yearly Financial Stability Review published on Thursday.
“Elevated geopolitical tensions and heightened political uncertainty amid busy electoral calendars in major advanced economies have the potential to reignite global risk aversion and to trigger a major confidence shock.”
The good news is that “despite relatively volatile global
financial markets, bank and sovereign systemic stress indicators for the
euro area have remained fairly stable at low levels.”
The ECB also warned about the risk of a return of market pressure on the region’s highly-indebted countries as the spread of populism hinders reforms. “Higher political uncertainty may lead to more domestically focused, growth-hindering policy agendas,” the report said. “This, in turn, could delay much needed fiscal and structural reforms and could in a worst-case scenario reignite pressures on more vulnerable sovereigns” and that “concerns about debt sustainability might re-emerge despite relatively benign financial market conditions.”
It also cautioned about Europe's failure to address its hundreds of billions in NPLs, noting that “banking sector structural challenges stem from high stocks of non-performing loans, high operating costs and excess capacity, with different incidence across countries.”
Speaking at a press conference in Frankfurt, ECB Vice President Vitor Constancio said that “we are in a new phase of weaker world trade” and that “if, on top of that, there would be a wave of protectionist measures, world trade, and world growth would suffer.” Constancio confirmed that the despite the risk build-up, the ECB still sees euro-area growth around 1.6 percent in 2017, with inflation rising to about 1.25 percent in the spring. Even so, he stressed that some of the region’s lenders remain weak and need to continue addressing excessive costs and a high burden of non-performing costs.
Ultimately, the ECB threw the problem at the politicians' feet, warning them that if they succumb to "populist" whims, i.e., democracy, then all bets are off and the ECB's "whatever it takes" will be retracted: “Higher political uncertainty may lead to more domestically focused, growth-hindering policy agendas. This, in turn, could delay much needed fiscal and structural reforms and could in a worst-case scenario reignite pressures on more vulnerable sovereigns.”
【on.cc東網專訊】 據外國傳媒報道,歐央行警告,隨着發達國家政治風險不斷升溫,加上美國通脹上揚令貨幣政策出現變化,已危害歐元區穩定及經濟增長。這不確定因素可以令到「全球」資產市場調整,而且可能性正在強化。
One week after the BIS issued an unexpectedly stern, if completely ignored warning, that the surge in the USD is leading to an abrupt tightening in financial conditions around the globe, making the repayment of trillions in USD-denominated cross-border debt increasingly more difficult and suggesting that the Dollar index itself is the new "fear indicator", overnight another central bank, the European Central Bank warned that the risk of "abrupt" global asset market corrections "have intensified" on the back of rising political uncertainty, posing a threat to banks, stability and economic growth.
“More volatility in the near future is likely and the potential for an abrupt reversal remains significant amid heightened political uncertainty around the globe and underlying emerging market vulnerabilities,” the ECB warned in its twice-yearly Financial Stability Review published on Thursday.
“Elevated geopolitical tensions and heightened political uncertainty amid busy electoral calendars in major advanced economies have the potential to reignite global risk aversion and to trigger a major confidence shock.”
In its report, the ECB
warned about the recent period of dramatic, unexpected political results
that started with the Brexit vote and culminated with Donald Trump’s
victory, which have increased volatility and herald profound
economic-policy changes whose implications for the euro area are still
hard to gauge.
“Financial stability implications for the euro
area stemming from changes in U.S. economic policies are highly
uncertain at this point in time.”
The Central bank noted out that while the currency bloc’s economy and
financial system have remained resilient so far, more political
instability in coming months may put pressure on weak banks and
countries with high sovereign debt.
The ECB also focused on domestic banks and admitted that “vulnerabilities remain significant for euro-area banks,”
confirming the ongoing Deutsche Bank lament that “profitability
prospects overall remain low across the euro area in a subdued economic
growth environment.” The good news is that - largely unexpectedly - the
Trump victory has spurred a pick-up in bank stocks as investors saw the
risk of ever tighter regulation recede. If sustained, this would
“provide some support for euro area banks’ profitability prospects,”
according to the ECB. The ECB also said that steeper yield curves “may
provide some support for euro-area banks’ profitability prospects."
The ECB also warned about the risk of a return of market pressure on the region’s highly-indebted countries as the spread of populism hinders reforms. “Higher political uncertainty may lead to more domestically focused, growth-hindering policy agendas,” the report said. “This, in turn, could delay much needed fiscal and structural reforms and could in a worst-case scenario reignite pressures on more vulnerable sovereigns” and that “concerns about debt sustainability might re-emerge despite relatively benign financial market conditions.”
It also cautioned about Europe's failure to address its hundreds of billions in NPLs, noting that “banking sector structural challenges stem from high stocks of non-performing loans, high operating costs and excess capacity, with different incidence across countries.”
Speaking at a press conference in Frankfurt, ECB Vice President Vitor Constancio said that “we are in a new phase of weaker world trade” and that “if, on top of that, there would be a wave of protectionist measures, world trade, and world growth would suffer.” Constancio confirmed that the despite the risk build-up, the ECB still sees euro-area growth around 1.6 percent in 2017, with inflation rising to about 1.25 percent in the spring. Even so, he stressed that some of the region’s lenders remain weak and need to continue addressing excessive costs and a high burden of non-performing costs.
Ultimately, the ECB threw the problem at the politicians' feet, warning them that if they succumb to "populist" whims, i.e., democracy, then all bets are off and the ECB's "whatever it takes" will be retracted: “Higher political uncertainty may lead to more domestically focused, growth-hindering policy agendas. This, in turn, could delay much needed fiscal and structural reforms and could in a worst-case scenario reignite pressures on more vulnerable sovereigns.”
【on.cc東網專訊】 據外國傳媒報道,歐央行警告,隨着發達國家政治風險不斷升溫,加上美國通脹上揚令貨幣政策出現變化,已危害歐元區穩定及經濟增長。這不確定因素可以令到「全球」資產市場調整,而且可能性正在強化。
Relentless Dollar Surge Continues: Asian Currencies Plunge To 7 Year Lows, Hitting Emerging Markets
While most global equity markets were subdued due to the US Thaksgiving holiday, the FX world was very busy overnight, marked by the relentless dollar surge on expectations of a rate hike not only in December but further in 2017, sending Asian currencies to the weakest level in 7 years: the Bloomberg-JPMorgan Asia Dollar Index reached 103.32, the lowest level since March 2009.
The regional FX plunge will likely deter regional central banks from easing monetary policies as the prospects of higher U.S. rates spurred capital outflows according to Toru Nishihama, an emerging-market economist at Dai-ichi Life Research Institute who added that depreciating currencies are making it very hard for central banks to ease on concerns about inflationary pressure and acceleration of fund outflows.
The dollar also pushed its way past more of last year's peaks against the euro to hit $1.0550 in early European action, with only the March 2015 high of $1.0457 standing in the way of a drive toward parity, likewise the yen skidded to an eight-month low and China's yuan to an 8-1/2 year low, while the highly sensitive Turkish lira and Indian rupee hit new historic troughs, although the USD has since given up some of the gains.
"There doesn't seem to be anything stopping U.S. yields going higher in the near-term so I think people are going to stay on the dollar trend," said Michael Metcalfe, head of global macro strategy at State Street Global Markets.
"The only risk to this are that the dislocations in markets outside of the U.S., particularly in emerging markets, get to a point where they start to feed back into concerns (for the Federal Reserve as it looks to raise interest rates)," he said.
While so far US equity markets have ignored the jump in the DXY to a near 14 year highs, dollar gains reverberated through emerging markets. India’s rupee and Vietnam’s dong slid to records, while the Philippine peso dropped to its weakest level in eight years. In Turkey, the lira rebounded from an all-time low after the central bank unexpectedly raised interest rates, although even that move has now been faded. Copper’s surge pulled a gauge of commodities higher for a fourth day, the longest rally in a month. Rosneft PJSC approved a $17 billion bond program, the biggest ever by a Russian company as the nation’s largest oil producer refinances debt. Copper was set to close at its highest level in more than a year.
As Bloomberg writes this morning, central banks worldwide are being pushed to take action in the face of the stronger dollar.
In Turkey, policy makers opted to support the nation’s beleaguered currency, while the European Central Bank warned that the risk of an abrupt global market correction on the back of rising political uncertainty has intensified, posing a threat to banks, stability and economic growth. The market odds of a December rate hike in the U.S. are 100 percent and traders are adding to bets that Fed Chair Janet Yellen will lead further action in 2017. U.S. equity benchmarks extended records last session before the Thanksgiving holiday.
“The dollar has been really strong in anticipation of Yellen’s move next month and that strength in the U.S. dollar is ultimately going to mean that emerging-market assets would be seen as disadvantaged,” said Nicholas Teo, a strategist at KGI Fraser Securities in Singapore.
The Stoxx Europe 600 Index added 0.1 percent, while Japan’s Topix index climbed for a 10th straight day, on the back of the ongoing surge in the USDJPY, its longest streak since June 2015. Europe’s top equity market this month, Greece, is giving signs of overheating: A technical indicator hit its most-overbought level since October 2013, meaning that gains might have come too quickly to be maintained.
US equity futures were unchanged at 2201.
European sovereign bonds were broadly higher as ECB Governing Council Member Francois Villeroy de Galhau was quoted by Expansion as saying the central bank was mulling many options for its debt-purchase program. They partially reversed a selloff from Wednesday that was fueled by a report that the ECB is planning to lend out securities in an effort to boost bond-market liquidity and reduce shortages in the repurchase market. France’s 10-year bond yield fell three basis points to 0.76 percent. Portugal led gains in the region, with the nation’s 10-year yield falling nine basis points to 3.59 percent. Indonesia’s 10-year sovereign bonds retreated for a sixth day, sending yields to the highest since March 2.
While most global equity markets were subdued due to the US Thaksgiving holiday, the FX world was very busy overnight, marked by the relentless dollar surge on expectations of a rate hike not only in December but further in 2017, sending Asian currencies to the weakest level in 7 years: the Bloomberg-JPMorgan Asia Dollar Index reached 103.32, the lowest level since March 2009.
The regional FX plunge will likely deter regional central banks from easing monetary policies as the prospects of higher U.S. rates spurred capital outflows according to Toru Nishihama, an emerging-market economist at Dai-ichi Life Research Institute who added that depreciating currencies are making it very hard for central banks to ease on concerns about inflationary pressure and acceleration of fund outflows.
The dollar also pushed its way past more of last year's peaks against the euro to hit $1.0550 in early European action, with only the March 2015 high of $1.0457 standing in the way of a drive toward parity, likewise the yen skidded to an eight-month low and China's yuan to an 8-1/2 year low, while the highly sensitive Turkish lira and Indian rupee hit new historic troughs, although the USD has since given up some of the gains.
"There doesn't seem to be anything stopping U.S. yields going higher in the near-term so I think people are going to stay on the dollar trend," said Michael Metcalfe, head of global macro strategy at State Street Global Markets.
"The only risk to this are that the dislocations in markets outside of the U.S., particularly in emerging markets, get to a point where they start to feed back into concerns (for the Federal Reserve as it looks to raise interest rates)," he said.
While so far US equity markets have ignored the jump in the DXY to a near 14 year highs, dollar gains reverberated through emerging markets. India’s rupee and Vietnam’s dong slid to records, while the Philippine peso dropped to its weakest level in eight years. In Turkey, the lira rebounded from an all-time low after the central bank unexpectedly raised interest rates, although even that move has now been faded. Copper’s surge pulled a gauge of commodities higher for a fourth day, the longest rally in a month. Rosneft PJSC approved a $17 billion bond program, the biggest ever by a Russian company as the nation’s largest oil producer refinances debt. Copper was set to close at its highest level in more than a year.
As Bloomberg writes this morning, central banks worldwide are being pushed to take action in the face of the stronger dollar.
In Turkey, policy makers opted to support the nation’s beleaguered currency, while the European Central Bank warned that the risk of an abrupt global market correction on the back of rising political uncertainty has intensified, posing a threat to banks, stability and economic growth. The market odds of a December rate hike in the U.S. are 100 percent and traders are adding to bets that Fed Chair Janet Yellen will lead further action in 2017. U.S. equity benchmarks extended records last session before the Thanksgiving holiday.
“The dollar has been really strong in anticipation of Yellen’s move next month and that strength in the U.S. dollar is ultimately going to mean that emerging-market assets would be seen as disadvantaged,” said Nicholas Teo, a strategist at KGI Fraser Securities in Singapore.
The Stoxx Europe 600 Index added 0.1 percent, while Japan’s Topix index climbed for a 10th straight day, on the back of the ongoing surge in the USDJPY, its longest streak since June 2015. Europe’s top equity market this month, Greece, is giving signs of overheating: A technical indicator hit its most-overbought level since October 2013, meaning that gains might have come too quickly to be maintained.
US equity futures were unchanged at 2201.
European sovereign bonds were broadly higher as ECB Governing Council Member Francois Villeroy de Galhau was quoted by Expansion as saying the central bank was mulling many options for its debt-purchase program. They partially reversed a selloff from Wednesday that was fueled by a report that the ECB is planning to lend out securities in an effort to boost bond-market liquidity and reduce shortages in the repurchase market. France’s 10-year bond yield fell three basis points to 0.76 percent. Portugal led gains in the region, with the nation’s 10-year yield falling nine basis points to 3.59 percent. Indonesia’s 10-year sovereign bonds retreated for a sixth day, sending yields to the highest since March 2.
港人低估退休開支 銀髮月光族機率急升!
好多年無講過了: 小心惡性通脹 !
Putin "Buys The Dip" - Russia's Gold Buying In October Largest This Millenium
Submitted by Mark O'Byrne via GoldCore.com,
Russia gold buying accelerated in October with the Russian central bank buying a very large 48 metric tonnes or 1.3 million ounces of gold bullion.
This is the largest addition of gold to the Russian monetary reserves since 1998 and could be seen as a parting 'gift' by Putin to his rival ex-President Obama.
Commerzbank went with the simple explanation:
However, the Russian Central Bank has quietly been buying huge volumes of gold over the last 10 years. This diversification into gold accelerated since the financial crisis and since relations with the U.S. deteriorated in recent years. Russia bought gold systematically both when the ruble was strong and when it was weak.
In 2015, Russia added a record 208 tons of gold to her reserves compared with 172 tons for 2014.
According to the World Gold Council, only the central banks of the U.S., Germany, Italy, France and China currently hold larger gold reserves than Russia.
The Central Bank of Russia has outpaced the People's Bank of China (PBOC) by nearly 150 tonnes in the last seven years, and has been the world’s largest central bank buyer of gold reserves for some time. This trend is expected to continue.
Total gold mining production globally is around 3,200 metric tonnes per year. Thus, Russia's purchase of 48 metric tonnes is around 1.5% of total annual global gold production. This is a very large amount for one country to buy in just one month.
Some of the gold bought will have come from Russian gold production which is currently at about 26 metric tonnes per month. In 2014, Russia was the third largest gold miner in the world at 266.2 tonnes, just six tonnes short of Australia in second place and China in first place.
The Russian central bank is buying all of Russian gold production and sometimes buying gold on the international market. This demand is solely from the Russian central bank. There is little data regarding investor, high net worth (HNW) and ultra high net worth (UHNW) individuals including family offices who are diversifying into gold in Russia.
Russia is an increasingly wealthy nation with thousands of millionaires and hundreds of billionaires including mega rich oligarchs. It seems likely that some of these Russian investors are also diversifying into gold. Clearly, Russia puts great strategic importance on its gold reserves. Both Prime Minister Medvedev and President Putin have been photographed on numerous occasions holding gold bars and coins. The Russian central bank declared in May 2015 that Russia views gold bullion as “100% guarantee from legal and political risks.”
Submitted by Mark O'Byrne via GoldCore.com,
Russia gold buying accelerated in October with the Russian central bank buying a very large 48 metric tonnes or 1.3 million ounces of gold bullion.
This is the largest addition of gold to the Russian monetary reserves since 1998 and could be seen as a parting 'gift' by Putin to his rival ex-President Obama.
The Russian central bank gold purchase is the biggest monthly gold purchase of this millennium.
Concerns about systemic risk, currency wars and the devaluation of the
dollar, euro and other major currencies has led to ongoing
diversification into gold bullion purchases by large creditor nation
central banks such as Russia and China.
Commerzbank went with the simple explanation:
“Clearly the central bank was taking advantage of the stronger ruble – which has made gold cheaper in local currency – to buy more gold.”
“By contrast, the Chinese central bank bought only around four tons of gold last month – the second-lowest gold purchases since China began publishing monthly figures back in June 2015. The currency is likely to have played a role here, too – the yuan has been depreciating noticeably since the end of September.”
However, the Russian Central Bank has quietly been buying huge volumes of gold over the last 10 years. This diversification into gold accelerated since the financial crisis and since relations with the U.S. deteriorated in recent years. Russia bought gold systematically both when the ruble was strong and when it was weak.
In 2015, Russia added a record 208 tons of gold to her reserves compared with 172 tons for 2014.
According to the World Gold Council, only the central banks of the U.S., Germany, Italy, France and China currently hold larger gold reserves than Russia.
The Central Bank of Russia has outpaced the People's Bank of China (PBOC) by nearly 150 tonnes in the last seven years, and has been the world’s largest central bank buyer of gold reserves for some time. This trend is expected to continue.
Total gold mining production globally is around 3,200 metric tonnes per year. Thus, Russia's purchase of 48 metric tonnes is around 1.5% of total annual global gold production. This is a very large amount for one country to buy in just one month.
Some of the gold bought will have come from Russian gold production which is currently at about 26 metric tonnes per month. In 2014, Russia was the third largest gold miner in the world at 266.2 tonnes, just six tonnes short of Australia in second place and China in first place.
The Russian central bank is buying all of Russian gold production and sometimes buying gold on the international market. This demand is solely from the Russian central bank. There is little data regarding investor, high net worth (HNW) and ultra high net worth (UHNW) individuals including family offices who are diversifying into gold in Russia.
Russia is an increasingly wealthy nation with thousands of millionaires and hundreds of billionaires including mega rich oligarchs. It seems likely that some of these Russian investors are also diversifying into gold. Clearly, Russia puts great strategic importance on its gold reserves. Both Prime Minister Medvedev and President Putin have been photographed on numerous occasions holding gold bars and coins. The Russian central bank declared in May 2015 that Russia views gold bullion as “100% guarantee from legal and political risks.”
人仔貶值 深圳海關頻截港客走私人民幣出境
【on.cc東網專訊】 人民幣匯率持續波動之際,深圳海關今日(23日)通報,該關今年1至10月在口岸旅檢渠道查獲貨幣案件高達1012宗,案值折合1.71億元人民幣(約1.9億港元),同比增長分別為38.8%和24.5%。深圳海關近日亦接連在羅湖、福田等口岸,查獲違規及走私攜帶人民幣出境案件,部分案件現金高達100萬元人民幣(約112萬港元),另有多宗案件涉及香港旅客。深圳海關表示,目前不排除有「地下錢莊」利用水貨客偷帶進行跨境洗錢,又指此類行為嚴重破壞內地金融秩序,海關將予以嚴厲打擊。
【on.cc東網專訊】 人民幣匯率持續波動之際,深圳海關今日(23日)通報,該關今年1至10月在口岸旅檢渠道查獲貨幣案件高達1012宗,案值折合1.71億元人民幣(約1.9億港元),同比增長分別為38.8%和24.5%。深圳海關近日亦接連在羅湖、福田等口岸,查獲違規及走私攜帶人民幣出境案件,部分案件現金高達100萬元人民幣(約112萬港元),另有多宗案件涉及香港旅客。深圳海關表示,目前不排除有「地下錢莊」利用水貨客偷帶進行跨境洗錢,又指此類行為嚴重破壞內地金融秩序,海關將予以嚴厲打擊。
2016年11月23日 星期三
- 根據《商業登記條例》(第310章)在香港登記;
- 在本港有實質業務運作最少一年,而該業務在提交申請時須與申請項目相關;及
- 符合政府訂明的中小企定義,即在申請科技券計劃時,在本港僱用少於100人的製造業企業,或在本港僱用少於50人的非製造業企業。
東京初雪 英法刮寒風 極端寒流襲全球
【on.cc東網專訊】 香港近日受寒流影響,氣溫將大幅急降。據美國冰雪數據中心(NSIDC)早前公布的資料顯示,融冰速度加快,令寒流有可能大肆南下到港,一日之內氣溫大跌。極端天氣絕非本港獨有現象,全球多國均受寒流影響;日本東京都54年來首次在11月迎來初雪;英國東南部持續狂風暴雨,洪水氾濫導致最少一人死亡;美國、澳洲及法國亦分別出現風雪或極端天氣,令民眾生活苦不堪言。
從氣象學角度而言,海冰融解的速度愈快,周邊氣溫下降得愈明顯。英國設菲爾德大學教授漢娜(Edward Hanna)表示:「過去20年北極溫度不斷上升,導致氣流模式變化所帶來的影響加劇,這或許是導致美國東岸、東南亞及英國出現極端寒流的原因。」
【on.cc東網專訊】 香港近日受寒流影響,氣溫將大幅急降。據美國冰雪數據中心(NSIDC)早前公布的資料顯示,融冰速度加快,令寒流有可能大肆南下到港,一日之內氣溫大跌。極端天氣絕非本港獨有現象,全球多國均受寒流影響;日本東京都54年來首次在11月迎來初雪;英國東南部持續狂風暴雨,洪水氾濫導致最少一人死亡;美國、澳洲及法國亦分別出現風雪或極端天氣,令民眾生活苦不堪言。
從氣象學角度而言,海冰融解的速度愈快,周邊氣溫下降得愈明顯。英國設菲爾德大學教授漢娜(Edward Hanna)表示:「過去20年北極溫度不斷上升,導致氣流模式變化所帶來的影響加劇,這或許是導致美國東岸、東南亞及英國出現極端寒流的原因。」
Gold & Silver: Key Levels For Buyers – Stewart Thomson
Professional investors buy weakness, sell strength, and do so very aggressively…
Submitted by Stewart Thomson, Graceland Updates:
Professional investors buy weakness, sell strength, and do so very aggressively…
Submitted by Stewart Thomson, Graceland Updates:
- Most amateur gold market investors look for “road signs” that suggest gold is in a bull market or a bear market.
- In contrast, professional bank and FOREX traders focus on price levels.
- These levels are powerful support and resistance zones where professional investors buy weakness, sell strength, and do so very aggressively.
- Investors should not waste too much time trying to discern whether gold is going to “hold” at a certain level when the price goes there.
- When the price of gold enters a key buy or sell zone, it’s better to think less, and simply act with firm buy or sell action!
- There were a lot of reasons why gold should have gone higher in the $1305 – $1320 area, and it did go to about $1380, but that doesn’t change the fact that $1305 – $1320 is a selling level of importance.
- Likewise, I’m sure that most gold investors are nervous now. They likely have many reasons why the $1230 – $1200 area should not be bought.
- Unfortunately, I don’t believe that analysing a key support zone builds any wealth. Buying it does.
- It’s true that gold can move lower than $1200, like it moved higher than $1320, but that doesn’t change the fact that $1200 is a good buying area.
- Please click here now. Central banks continue to buy substantial amounts of gold, and that’s generally price-supportive.
- Next, please click here now. While most investors wonder if the dollar is beginning a new leg higher, Barron’s master analyst Shuli Ren wonders if it’s time to unwind long positions!
- I think so, and the unwind could be the catalyst for a major gold price rally. On Friday, I sold the bulk of my long dollar/short yen position at the 110 price level.
- To view the current key price levels for the dollar against the yen, please click here now. Double-click to enlarge.
- For investors whose main focus is getting richer, it doesn’t matter whether the dollar is in a bull market or a bear market. What matters are key buy and sell price levels, and the dollar is at a key sell level right now against the safe haven yen.
- RBC Bank economists turned positive on oil in the fall, and now Goldman’s heavyweight team of analysts are joining the upside prediction fun.
- On that note, please click here now. Goldman is tactically bullish, and with good reason.
- Oil is the largest component of most commodity indexes. The oil price has a huge effect on institutional inflation expectations.
- RBC believes an OPEC deal with teeth is I agree. To view the price action, please click here now. Double-click to enlarge this eight hour bars oil chart.
- Goldman’s fundamentally-oriented analysts have a $55 target now, and I’ll note that if oil can hit $55, it would take out some key highs on the chart. That should usher in substantial commodity fund buying of both gold and oil.
- A rollover in the dollar would add to the oil price rally.
- What about gold stocks? Well, please click here now. Double-click to enlarge this GDX daily chart.
- GDX has arrived at the key $20 round number level. It’s done that just as gold has moved into the $1200 area buy zone. That’s significant.
- Eager gold stock enthusiasts can be buyers here in the $20 zone. Note the action of my 14,7,7 Stochastics oscillator, at the bottom of the chart. It’s very positive right now. Also, Chinese jewellery companies are poised to begin their buying for the upcoming New Year celebratory season, and that tends to precede a great January rally for GDX. As Christmas approaches, tis the GDX season to be jolly!
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