Thornton)及前駐華大使芮效儉(Stapleton Roy)等人。
2019年6月30日 星期日
貿談利好 GRAND MONTARA首日沽清504伙
香港文匯報訊(記者 馬翠媚、梁悅琴)中美重啟經貿磋商,加上特區政府下季賣地的住宅土地供應減少,美聯儲又暗示或減息,投資者以至換樓客置業信心增強,新盤銷情回暖。貼市價推出、主攻三房戶且累收7,800票的日出康城新盤GRAND MONTARA昨開售全盤504伙,消息指,首日全數沽清,套現超過48億元,有大手客斥逾7,000萬元拆飛連掃6伙。
GRAND MONTARA昨日分A、B組揀樓,早上大手客A組報到時間,排隊登記人龍較以往新盤開售稍為遜色,市場消息指A組時段沽出82伙,佔全盤約16%。而下午B組排隊登記情況則相對墟冚,有數百準買家在海港城售樓處樓下等待上樓,人龍絡繹不絕。
發展商會德豐地產常務董事黃光耀表示,GRAND MONTARA大手客A組時段銷售情況理想,買家中投資者佔30%至40%,當中有大手客豪言要買夠10伙下,在A1時段分別抽到頭籌及6號籌的買家斥資7,200萬元連掃6伙,創區內最大手紀錄,另有大手客斥3,000萬連掃3伙3房單位。雖然項目收票不及MONTARA,他指滿意收飛情況,超購紀錄為年內第2高,又指是次項目以3房為主,有別於MONTARA以細單位為主。
GRAND MONTARA全盤504伙,實用面積366至789方呎,平均呎價19,261元,扣除最高22.5%折扣後,平均折實呎價14,928元,折實價572.9萬至1,351萬元 ,當中逾一半單位為三房戶。若全盤沽清,以價單計可套現約61.23億元,折實價約47.46億元。
中原地產亞太區副主席兼住宅部總裁陳永傑表示,由於GRAND MONTARA 屬鐵路上蓋項目,料吸引不少大手投資者入手作收租用途,而該行有大手客以公司名義斥逾7,000萬元拆飛連掃6伙。他預期,本月一手盤成交量約1,500宗。
美聯物業住宅部行政總裁布少明表示,該行客戶於GRAND MONTARA 出席率達80%,當中有40%屬投資者,較以往一般新盤投資者佔約20%為高,主因投資者預期項目租金回報逾3厘,以及樓價有機會跑贏大市。他亦認為最近兩星期樓市氣氛好轉,主因中美貿易緊張局勢稍為紓緩,加上股市回升,帶動樓市成交,如中美再無重大壞消息傳出,料下半年樓價將趨穩。
OMA OMA累收逾800票
永泰地產旗下屯門掃管笏OMA OMA昨日截票,累收逾800票,以今日公開發售193伙計,超額認購逾3倍。永泰地產發展執行董事兼銷售及市務總監鍾志霖對登記數字表示滿意。該盤今日亦會推出另外36個特色戶招標發售,並同日起至9月底逐日截標。
香港文匯報訊(記者 馬翠媚、梁悅琴)中美重啟經貿磋商,加上特區政府下季賣地的住宅土地供應減少,美聯儲又暗示或減息,投資者以至換樓客置業信心增強,新盤銷情回暖。貼市價推出、主攻三房戶且累收7,800票的日出康城新盤GRAND MONTARA昨開售全盤504伙,消息指,首日全數沽清,套現超過48億元,有大手客斥逾7,000萬元拆飛連掃6伙。
GRAND MONTARA昨日分A、B組揀樓,早上大手客A組報到時間,排隊登記人龍較以往新盤開售稍為遜色,市場消息指A組時段沽出82伙,佔全盤約16%。而下午B組排隊登記情況則相對墟冚,有數百準買家在海港城售樓處樓下等待上樓,人龍絡繹不絕。
發展商會德豐地產常務董事黃光耀表示,GRAND MONTARA大手客A組時段銷售情況理想,買家中投資者佔30%至40%,當中有大手客豪言要買夠10伙下,在A1時段分別抽到頭籌及6號籌的買家斥資7,200萬元連掃6伙,創區內最大手紀錄,另有大手客斥3,000萬連掃3伙3房單位。雖然項目收票不及MONTARA,他指滿意收飛情況,超購紀錄為年內第2高,又指是次項目以3房為主,有別於MONTARA以細單位為主。
GRAND MONTARA全盤504伙,實用面積366至789方呎,平均呎價19,261元,扣除最高22.5%折扣後,平均折實呎價14,928元,折實價572.9萬至1,351萬元 ,當中逾一半單位為三房戶。若全盤沽清,以價單計可套現約61.23億元,折實價約47.46億元。
中原地產亞太區副主席兼住宅部總裁陳永傑表示,由於GRAND MONTARA 屬鐵路上蓋項目,料吸引不少大手投資者入手作收租用途,而該行有大手客以公司名義斥逾7,000萬元拆飛連掃6伙。他預期,本月一手盤成交量約1,500宗。
美聯物業住宅部行政總裁布少明表示,該行客戶於GRAND MONTARA 出席率達80%,當中有40%屬投資者,較以往一般新盤投資者佔約20%為高,主因投資者預期項目租金回報逾3厘,以及樓價有機會跑贏大市。他亦認為最近兩星期樓市氣氛好轉,主因中美貿易緊張局勢稍為紓緩,加上股市回升,帶動樓市成交,如中美再無重大壞消息傳出,料下半年樓價將趨穩。
OMA OMA累收逾800票
永泰地產旗下屯門掃管笏OMA OMA昨日截票,累收逾800票,以今日公開發售193伙計,超額認購逾3倍。永泰地產發展執行董事兼銷售及市務總監鍾志霖對登記數字表示滿意。該盤今日亦會推出另外36個特色戶招標發售,並同日起至9月底逐日截標。
2019年6月29日 星期六
Trump To Unleash Hell On Europe: EU Announces Channel To Circumvent SWIFT And Iran Sanctions Is Now Operational
美國太霸道, 就來無人同佢玩了 !
With the world waiting for the first headlines from the Trump-Xi meeting, the most important and unexpected news of the day hit moments ago, when Europe announced that the special trade channel, Instex, that will allow European firms to avoid SWIFT and bypass American sanctions on Iran, is now operational.
Following a meeting between the countries who singed the Iran nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which was ditched by US, French, British and German officials said the trade mechanism which was proposed last summer and called Instex, is now operational.
As a reminder, last September, in order to maintain a financial relationship with Iran that can not be vetoed by the US, Europe unveiled a "Special Purpose Vehicle" to bypass SWIFT. The mechanism would facilitate transactions between European and Iranian companies, while preventing the US from vetoing the transactions and pursuing punitive measures on those companies and states that defied Trump. The payment balancing system will allow companies in Europe to buy Iranian goods, and vice-versa, without actual money-transfers between European and Iranian banks.
The statement came after the remaining signatures of JCPOA gathered in Vienna for a meeting that Iranian ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi called "the last chance for the remaining parties...to gather and see how they can meet their commitments towards Iran."
Meanwhile, opponents of Instex - almost exclusively the US - have argued that the mechanism is flawed because the Iranian institution designated to work with Instex, the Special Trade and Finance Instrument, has shareholders with links to entities already facing sanctions from the U.S.
The announcement sent oil sharply lower, with crude futures falling about $1/bbl in closing minutes before settlement, extending daily loss, as it means Iran now has a fully functioning pathway to receive payment for oil it exports to anyone it chooses.
The announcement will likely send president Trump off the rails, because in late May Bloomberg reported that as part of Trump's escalating battle with "European allies" over the fate of the Iran nuclear accord, he was "threatening penalties against the financial body created by Germany, the U.K. and France to shield trade with the Islamic Republic from U.S. sanctions" including the loss of access to the US financial system.
According to Bloomberg, the Treasury Department’s undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, Sigal Mandelker, sent a letter on May 7 warning that Instex, the European SPV to sustain trade with Tehran, and anyone associated with it could be barred from the U.S. financial system if it goes into effect.
“I urge you to carefully consider the potential sanctions exposure of Instex,” Mandelker wrote in an ominous letter to Instex President Per Fischer. "Engaging in activities that run afoul of U.S. sanctions can result in severe consequences, including a loss of access to the U.S. financial system."
Germany, France and the U.K. finalized the Instex system in January, allowing companies to trade with Iran without the use of U.S. dollars or American banks, allowing them to get around wide-ranging U.S. sanctions that were imposed after the Trump administration abandoned the 2015 Iran nuclear deal last year.
“This is a shot across the bow of a European political establishment committed to using Instex and its sanctions-connected Iranian counterpart to circumvent U.S. measures,” said Mark Dubowitz, the chief executive officer of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington.
Here is a simpler summary of what just happened: this was the first official shot across the bow of the USD status as a global reserve currency, and not by America's adversaries but by its closest allies. And once those who benefit the most from the status quo openly revolt against it, the countdown to the end of the USD reserve status officially begins.
* * *
When asked to comment on the letter, the Treasury Department issued a statement saying “entities that transact in trade with the Iranian regime through any means may expose themselves to considerable sanctions risk, and Treasury intends to aggressively enforce our authorities.”
The US ire was sparked by the realization - and alarm - that cracks are appearing in the dollar's reserve status, opponents of Instex argue - at least for public consumption purposes - that the mechanism is flawed because the Iranian institution designated to work with Instex, the Special Trade and Finance Instrument, has shareholders with links to entities already facing sanctions from the U.S.
Separately, during a visit to London on May 8, Mike Pompeo also warned that there was no need for Instex because the U.S. allows for humanitarian and medical products to get into Iran without sanction.
“When transactions move beyond that, it doesn’t matter what vehicle’s out there, if the transaction is sanctionable, we will evaluate it, review it, and if appropriate, levy sanctions against those that were involved in that transaction,” Pompeo said. “It’s very straightforward.”
In conclusion, one month ago we said that "In 2018, Europe made a huge stink about not being bound by Trump's unilateral breach of the Iranian deal, and said it would continue regardless of US threats. But now that the threats have clearly escalated, and Washington has made it clear it won't take no for an answer, it will be interesting to see if Europe's resolve to take on Trump - especially in light of the trade war with China - has fizzled. "
The answer, it appears is that Europe felt unexpectedly emboldened, just hours before Trump's meeting with Xi, and that it is ready and willing to call Trump's bluff; it goes without saying, that if the US does indeed retaliate and proceed with sanctions against European banks, than the global trade war is about to turn far, far uglier.
習特會面雙方同意重啟經貿談判 美方不加徵關稅
壞消息中的好消息 !
Austria Sell 100-Year Bonds – But Who Are the Buyers?
Austria was able to sell its second 100-year bond in history at just a yield of just over 1.00%. Some argue that capital has been forced to buy anything that has a yield which the ECB has been forcing negative interest rates. Why would anyone in their right mind buy a 100-year bond for 1%? The buyers appear to be pension funds who MUST own government debt as a matter of law.
Austria launched the sale of a 100-year bond on Tuesday after overwhelming investor interest gave its debt officials confidence it could become the first Eurozone country to sell a “century” bond publicly through a group of banks. There has been no paper on this part of the yield curve. Because of comments by Draghi, it is also expected that positive yielding paper will vanish in the Eurozone. As it stands, it will take investors 44 years to recoup their original capital. That will surely be a huge loss.
Austria is planning to sell the bonds via syndication to help access a wider base of investors. The banks involved are Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Erste Group, Goldman Sachs, NatWest Markets and Societe Generale. There is a serious problem brewing where as a matter of law pension fund must buy government paper and at low rates, the pension funds face massive failures going into the next 6 years.
Austria was able to sell its second 100-year bond in history at just a yield of just over 1.00%. Some argue that capital has been forced to buy anything that has a yield which the ECB has been forcing negative interest rates. Why would anyone in their right mind buy a 100-year bond for 1%? The buyers appear to be pension funds who MUST own government debt as a matter of law.
Austria launched the sale of a 100-year bond on Tuesday after overwhelming investor interest gave its debt officials confidence it could become the first Eurozone country to sell a “century” bond publicly through a group of banks. There has been no paper on this part of the yield curve. Because of comments by Draghi, it is also expected that positive yielding paper will vanish in the Eurozone. As it stands, it will take investors 44 years to recoup their original capital. That will surely be a huge loss.
Austria is planning to sell the bonds via syndication to help access a wider base of investors. The banks involved are Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Erste Group, Goldman Sachs, NatWest Markets and Societe Generale. There is a serious problem brewing where as a matter of law pension fund must buy government paper and at low rates, the pension funds face massive failures going into the next 6 years.
2019年6月28日 星期五
Gold At Risk Of Sharp Pullback Before Higher Again – David Brady
by David Brady via Sprott Money News
Looking at indicators other than positioning alone, this just reinforces the downside risk. Sentiment is clearly extremely bullish. One just has to spend an hour on Twitter to understand just how bullish everyone is. Money is flowing into Gold ETFs again. If that weren’t enough, Citibank, the second biggest owner of derivatives on the COMEX, second only to JP Morgan, is calling for $1600 Gold. Bloomberg, Reuters, CNBC, and the rest of the mainstream financial media are all cheerleading Gold recently. Sentiment is a contrarian signal. When everyone is bullish, it’s a good sign that the market is going to reverse, even if just a pullback in the short-term, or something much worse. The risk is that everyone is caught wrong-footed, only looking up to higher prices, and the market falls instead.
by David Brady via Sprott Money News
Open interest in Gold futures on the COMEX
bottomed at 430k contracts on April 30. They have since risen to 526k on
June 18. That’s an increase of 96k contracts.
At the same time, the Swaps (aka the
“Banks”) have increased their net short position from 37k to 122k, or
85k contracts. This means that a full 88% of the increase in open
interest has gone straight to the Banks’ net short position.
Open interest on Tuesday, June 25, closed
at 578k, an increase of 52k in just one week. A huge move. Using 88% as a
guide for the corresponding increase in the Banks’ net short position,
we get an increase of 46k contracts to 168k contracts. While this is
just an estimate (it could be higher or lower), this would mean Banks
have the biggest net short position since September 2016. It would also
be just 23k contracts shy of their record net short position in July
2016, when Gold peaked at 1377 and subsequently fell 253, or 18%, to
1124 in just the next five months.
At the same time, using a similar methodology, the Funds have increased
their net long position to 232k contracts. This would be their biggest
long position since the peak in September 2017 at 1362 and just 41k
contracts below their record long position in July 2016.
While these are estimates and we won’t have
the definitive data until tomorrow, they make sense in light of the
increase in price from 1351 on June 18 to their peak of 1443 on June 25.
Funds tend to chase the price higher by adding longs, something they
have done the whole way up from the low of 1267 on May 2. Banks, of
course, take the other and add shorts at the same time.
Could we be about to see a repeat of what
happened post the summer peak of 2016, when Funds were record long and
Banks were record short? Possibly. The Banks are all about making a
quick and sizeable profit, and they would like nothing more to squeeze
out all of the weak and late longs to this rally.
This weekend we have the G20 and trade
negotiations between Trump and Xi. While we don’t know what the outcome
is going to be, there is a high risk that the negotiations fail yet
again and new tariffs are imposed on $300bln, or the majority of China’s
exports to the United States. Should this occur, the Chinese could
respond by allowing USD/CNY to rise above the critical 7 threshold
relative to the dollar. Unless there is a commensurate rise in XAU/CNY,
Gold in dollar terms would fall. Given the size of Funds’ longs and
Banks’ shorts, this could be sizeable.
Alternatively, if we’re surprised by some
kind of deal, however insubstantial, and the stock market rallies to new
highs, expectations for rate cuts from the Fed may subside, causing
Gold to fall (and given the relative positioning, fall hard).
Furthermore, next week is the week of the July 4 th holiday
in the U.S., when many traders are out of the office on vacation,
making it a more illiquid, low volume week. To the extent we get any
kind of momentum on the sell side and longs are forced to cover, this
could exacerbate the speed and size of any decline in price. Of course,
the same could be said on the upside, but given the positioning of the
Funds relative to the Banks, history tells us that the risk is greater
that we see a significant fall rather than a further rally higher.
Courtesy of Marketwatch.com:
Looking at indicators other than positioning alone, this just reinforces the downside risk. Sentiment is clearly extremely bullish. One just has to spend an hour on Twitter to understand just how bullish everyone is. Money is flowing into Gold ETFs again. If that weren’t enough, Citibank, the second biggest owner of derivatives on the COMEX, second only to JP Morgan, is calling for $1600 Gold. Bloomberg, Reuters, CNBC, and the rest of the mainstream financial media are all cheerleading Gold recently. Sentiment is a contrarian signal. When everyone is bullish, it’s a good sign that the market is going to reverse, even if just a pullback in the short-term, or something much worse. The risk is that everyone is caught wrong-footed, only looking up to higher prices, and the market falls instead.
From a technical perspective, Gold is
clearly extremely overbought according to several indicators and across
multiple time frames:
- The daily RSI just peaked at 84, its highest level since February 2016, and is still at 81.
- The daily MACD Line is now higher than the peak in July 2016, at its highest since March 2016.
- The weekly RSI is at 77, its highest since the peak at 1923 in August 2011.
- The weekly MACD Line is at its highest level since September 2016, echoing the positioning data above.
In conclusion, when we consider that Gold
is extreme overbought and bullish in conjunction with the extreme
positioning data, ahead of the G20 this weekend and an illiquid holiday
week, there is a high risk of a pending reversal in Gold after a $276,
or near 20%, rally from the low of 1167 in August.
To be clear, having broken key resistance
at the 2016 peak of 1377 and 1400 also, we now have a long-awaited
higher high, so the trend has turned UP. But an upward trend is defined
by higher highs and higher lows. The data suggests we are going to get a
healthy pullback to a higher low before the next stage of this rally
continues to higher highs.
Support for such a higher low is ~1375, the
38.2% retracement of the entire rally from 1167 to 1443, ~1335, the
61.8% retracement, or ~1270, just above the prior low of 1267.
Silver is likely to fall too, but I expect
it to outperform Gold both on the upside and the downside given its
superior technicals, sentiment, and positioning data: The Banks are
still relatively neutral in Silver.
Gold miners are a beta play on Gold, and
one should expect them to decline in tandem with Gold, but to a greater
degree in percentage terms, if this scenario plays out.
At the end of the day, if we do get a
pullback, and possibly a significant one, I would consider this a gift
in anticipation of the rally to follow. Only a break of 1167 would cause
me to reconsider the bullish potential for metals and miners going
forward. With this in mind, BTFD until proven otherwise, imho.
縮表失敗 金價蠢動
C觀點: 施永青
C觀點: 施永青
收市速遞:恒指跌78點收28542 成交717億元
【逃犯條例】浸大副校直指 連串示威屬「顏色革命」
Universal Basic Income & Gaming the System
社會福利的濫用 !
I was just reading your post, Universal Basic Income, and I feel the need to respond. I have always worked, always found whatever work I could. I have worked on market stalls and also on installation of Active Directory in a government institution. I managed to graduate with honours from uni. I am now retirement age. I brought my children up single handed and have never had any wealth but I have to point out that people who are living in poverty don’t automatically become criminal. There’s so much talk about playing the system, but we have to ask why so many people need support. It’s because industry has disappeared and we have developed a class system where the difference between haves and have nots has widened. I live in UK and it’s an industrial wasteland, we had jobs to go around not all that long ago but now there are none for the majority, except in self-policing call centres. It isn’t due to population increase alone, there is nothing for us. Closing the pits was a mistake. There’s no significant increase of carbon and when it becomes Cold which it will in a few years, we’ll be scratching for surface coal to cook and be warm, trees will be decimated. We import things that we used to make, steel, textiles etc, and we gave away our ship building and our fishing waters. Governments are using surveillance to protect themselves from our scrutiny of them, and putting the blame on the people for everything they have done wrong. I know this is simplistic but this is my perspective.
I place most of the blame on Socialism. The unions became greedy and abused their power. New York City was once the major port. They chased all the shipping out to other ports who were more competitive. Today, no ships go to New York City. Then add the greed of politicians. Before World War II, yes the woman stayed home and raised the kids and managed the house. I knew European men who married Eastern European girls when the wall came down and they retained those old values and did not understand they were expected to go out and work. Taxes kept increasing so today, women lost the right to stay home and raise the kids. It now takes TWO incomes to do what one used to do prewar. In Europe, you pay unbelievable taxes not just on income, then 20% VAT on average. Taxes lower the standard of living for you will NEVER get your money’s worth in service in return.
As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. If you create a network with social services, there will ALWAYS be people who game the system. Prisons have plenty of doctors for Medicare fraud in the USA submitting bills for people that did not exist.
Julius Caesar also confronted the abuse of welfare rolls in ancient Rome. He conducted a census and found that out of 320,000 pretend people getting free bread, only 150,000 were real.
“Caesar changed the old method of registering voters: he made
the City landlords help him to complete the list, street by street,
and reduced from 320,000 to 150,00 the number of
householders who might draw free grain. To do away with the
nuisance of having to summon everyone for enrolment
periodically, he made the praetors keep their register up to date
by replacing the names of the dead men with those of others
not yet listed.”
the City landlords help him to complete the list, street by street,
and reduced from 320,000 to 150,00 the number of
householders who might draw free grain. To do away with the
nuisance of having to summon everyone for enrolment
periodically, he made the praetors keep their register up to date
by replacing the names of the dead men with those of others
not yet listed.”
(Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, Julius Caesar 41,3)
(Penguin Classics ed., translation by Robert Graves)
(Penguin Classics ed., translation by Robert Graves)
Therefore, people have been gaming the system for thousands of years. It is just part of human nature.
2019年6月27日 星期四
李小龍Bruce Lee為華為全球首款5G手機發聲
李小龍為獲得中國首張5G許可證的華為手機Mate 20 X發聲,並指出更加眾不同之處在於這也是全球首款支持5G雙卡手機。
大家在搞清楚什麼是5G雙卡模式之前,大概很有興趣知道這位洋名Bruce Lee的李小龍是什麼來頭。原來這位活躍於國內手機界的科技人,是華為手機產品線副總裁,畢業於華南理工大學。至於雙卡是指Mate 20 X支持「非獨立組網」(NSA, Non-Standalone)和「獨立組網」(SA, Standalone)兩種模式。
華為李小龍表示, Mate 20 X支援SA/NSA 雙模5G網絡的同時,也相容4G、3G、2G多重網絡制式,這是世界獨一無二的雙卡手機,其他的只能做到單卡。目前,率先推出5G商用的韓國和美國所用的都是NSA,這是一個可稱為「快捷簡潔」版本,發射基站是以4G核心網為基礎,加建5G上去。由於是「加建」的,所以功能未能達到最高要求,只用來下載電影、打電遊問題不大,應用在真正的5G場景,就難以勝任。
李小龍為用戶進行5G知識科普︰「在5G NSA組網方式下,運營商可以4G 、5G共用核心網,節省網絡投資,但缺點是無法支援低延時等5G新特性。而且手機在NSA網絡下需要同時連接4G和5G網路,耗電也比SA網絡為高。為節省開支,部分運營商會在5G建網初期採用NSA方式,但SA才是5G的最終演進方向。」
儘管中美仍未達成一個合作雙贏的協議,科技戰的對抗氣氛依然高漲,不過,除華為推出象徵性的首款5G雙卡模式手機之外,工信部最近也發放首個視頻宣傳片《未來已來,The Future is now》,預告中國明天的5G生活。總的來說,中方的5G保持樂觀和正能量,完全無形化解美國的科技極限施壓。華為李小龍在微博如是說︰「這是一個最艱難的時代,也是一個最好的時代!」
李小龍為獲得中國首張5G許可證的華為手機Mate 20 X發聲,並指出更加眾不同之處在於這也是全球首款支持5G雙卡手機。
大家在搞清楚什麼是5G雙卡模式之前,大概很有興趣知道這位洋名Bruce Lee的李小龍是什麼來頭。原來這位活躍於國內手機界的科技人,是華為手機產品線副總裁,畢業於華南理工大學。至於雙卡是指Mate 20 X支持「非獨立組網」(NSA, Non-Standalone)和「獨立組網」(SA, Standalone)兩種模式。
華為李小龍表示, Mate 20 X支援SA/NSA 雙模5G網絡的同時,也相容4G、3G、2G多重網絡制式,這是世界獨一無二的雙卡手機,其他的只能做到單卡。目前,率先推出5G商用的韓國和美國所用的都是NSA,這是一個可稱為「快捷簡潔」版本,發射基站是以4G核心網為基礎,加建5G上去。由於是「加建」的,所以功能未能達到最高要求,只用來下載電影、打電遊問題不大,應用在真正的5G場景,就難以勝任。
李小龍為用戶進行5G知識科普︰「在5G NSA組網方式下,運營商可以4G 、5G共用核心網,節省網絡投資,但缺點是無法支援低延時等5G新特性。而且手機在NSA網絡下需要同時連接4G和5G網路,耗電也比SA網絡為高。為節省開支,部分運營商會在5G建網初期採用NSA方式,但SA才是5G的最終演進方向。」
儘管中美仍未達成一個合作雙贏的協議,科技戰的對抗氣氛依然高漲,不過,除華為推出象徵性的首款5G雙卡模式手機之外,工信部最近也發放首個視頻宣傳片《未來已來,The Future is now》,預告中國明天的5G生活。總的來說,中方的5G保持樂觀和正能量,完全無形化解美國的科技極限施壓。華為李小龍在微博如是說︰「這是一個最艱難的時代,也是一個最好的時代!」
香港文匯報訊(記者 馬翠媚)繼三大發鈔行取消個人戶口低結餘收費後,恒生、東亞銀行昨亦跟隊取消。
恒生銀行昨宣佈,由8月起取消優進理財、綜合戶口,以及個人港元儲蓄戶口的低結餘服務月費,同時取消ATM 存摺或結單儲蓄戶口現時轉賬及現金提款櫃位服務費每項20元,以及取消所有個人戶口客戶每曆月透過分行櫃位辦理多於50宗交易每宗收30元的戶口交易費。
香港文匯報訊(記者 馬翠媚)繼三大發鈔行取消個人戶口低結餘收費後,恒生、東亞銀行昨亦跟隊取消。
恒生銀行昨宣佈,由8月起取消優進理財、綜合戶口,以及個人港元儲蓄戶口的低結餘服務月費,同時取消ATM 存摺或結單儲蓄戶口現時轉賬及現金提款櫃位服務費每項20元,以及取消所有個人戶口客戶每曆月透過分行櫃位辦理多於50宗交易每宗收30元的戶口交易費。
【遊日注意】熱帶低氣壓橫掃日本 G20峰會或受影響
收市速遞:恒指升399點收28621 成交784億元
《泰晤士》全球年輕大學排名 科大蟬聯榜首
華為推昆侖量子計算 絞殺微軟與英特爾聯盟
上世紀80年代,PC產業為微軟的視窗作業系統,配合英特爾的芯片,一軟一硬的Wintel (Windows + Intel)架構控制,直到2000年移動互聯網興起,智能手機使用普及,PC地位一跌再跌再跌,兩大公司被新興互聯網公司的光芒掩蓋。不過,進入5G通訊時代,個人電腦又出現生機,微軟與英特爾又積極走在一起,希望藉5G高速連網功能,打造全新的「5G個人電腦」概念。早前傳言,為阻止華為染指PC領域,微軟和英特爾將加入美國禁制行動,封鎖華為產品使用WinTel。據悉,華為最新筆記簿型電腦Matebook被迫擱置推出,Wintel似乎重拾當年聲威。
上世紀80年代,PC產業為微軟的視窗作業系統,配合英特爾的芯片,一軟一硬的Wintel (Windows + Intel)架構控制,直到2000年移動互聯網興起,智能手機使用普及,PC地位一跌再跌再跌,兩大公司被新興互聯網公司的光芒掩蓋。不過,進入5G通訊時代,個人電腦又出現生機,微軟與英特爾又積極走在一起,希望藉5G高速連網功能,打造全新的「5G個人電腦」概念。早前傳言,為阻止華為染指PC領域,微軟和英特爾將加入美國禁制行動,封鎖華為產品使用WinTel。據悉,華為最新筆記簿型電腦Matebook被迫擱置推出,Wintel似乎重拾當年聲威。
2019年6月26日 星期三
收市速遞:恒指升36點收28221 成交648億元
文章說金價的阻力/支持位在: $1,050, $1360, $1,550 (or $1,600), and $1,800
如果依家見1400回吐後可以企穩 1360, 就下一個升勢會去到 1550-1600 !
by Steve St Angelo of SRSrocco Report
What happens to the gold price this week will likely set the trend for the foreseeable future. While many precious metals investors disregard technical analysis and key chart formations, you can bet your bottom dollar that large traders and institutions are watching the price action of the yellow metal quite carefully. And if you think that these large traders and institutions don’t believe in market intervention, then you are sadly mistaken.
The entire market is rigged, so we should get past the notion that only the gold and silver prices are controlled. Furthermore, one of the reasons that the gold and silver prices have languished over the past 5+ years has to do with the “Grand Trading Market Casino.” For example, one of the new trendy stocks is ROKU.
ROKU, a TV streaming platform company, has seen its stock price surge from $26 to $105 over the past six months. That’s a 300% increase from the December 2018 lows. Why would anyone want to mess around with gold, that may go up or down 5-10%, when you can make triple-digit gains on ROKU?
As we can see, ROKU enjoyed two extensive BREAKOUTS during the days of positive earnings release. When these positive earnings releases occurred at key technical levels, the stock price shot up 15-20% in a single day. You will also notice how ROKU is trading off the upward blue channel (blue dashed lines).
There is no coincidence that ROKU is trading this way.
Moreover, ROKU is trading close to 10 million shares a day, the same as the GLD ETF. So, traders, hedge funds, and institutions are focusing on stocks like ROKU because the share price action is providing excellent returns in a very short period of time. It doesn’t matter that the markets are rigged, or that central banks are providing trillions of dollars of liquidity. What matters to those who play in these markets, are the NICE RETURNS that can be made in the “Grand Market Casino.”
While ROKU’s stock is certainly hitting all-time highs, the company still hasn’t made a profit in the past four years. Of course, Wall Street analysts say not to worry because it will take the company 5+ years to be profitable. But what if that fifth or sixth year takes place during the next big recession?? Just look what happened to ROKU’s stock from October to Dec 24th, 2018. Do you honestly believe ROKU’s financials and revenues fell that much to push the stock down by 65% in three months?? No, ROKU’s share got BUSHWACKED because the entire market was in freefall. That is, until the central banks came to the rescue.
Unfortunately, for many investors, ROKU is just another high-tech over-valued stock that will crash along with the markets when the lousy economic fundamentals finally kick in.
And what about the recent IPO of Beyond Meat (BYND)? The stock price opened at $25 on May 2nd and reached $200 on June 19th, less than two months later. Talk about a COOL 700% return in a lousy seven weeks. Again, why on earth would investors pay attention to the precious metals market when they can get rich on stocks like ROKU and BYND??
These crazy stock prices become even more insane when we compare them to “Real companies.” How does Beyond Meat’s present stock price of $154, based on Q1 2019 total revenues of pitiful $40 million compare to Tyson Foods trading at $79 a share with $40 billion in Q1 2019 revenues? Where is the fundamental logic behind Beyond Meat’s valuation???? There isn’t any. But, the flow of funds focused on high-flying stocks in the market keep investors from paying much attention to gold… up until now.
So, getting back to gold. The problem with many precious metals investors is that they don’t believe technical analysis works in a rigged market. What they fail to understand is that most participants in the market realize that central bank intervention is taking place. It’s not a state secret any more.
However, there is some METHOD to the MADNESS when it comes to the gold price action over the past 40 years. Here is a monthly chart of the gold price going back until 1981:
Now, there is no coincidence that gold enjoyed a nice BREAKOUT in 2007 when it finally surpassed the long-term $700+ resistance level. And then when gold surpassed the $1,000 level, it had another BREAKOUT to $1,400. Of course, there were important “Fundamental factors” that pushed gold above that $700 level, but when it finally surpassed it, it shot up to $1,000 quite quickly.
If we look at the 20-year gold monthly chart, we can see some interesting trends:
After gold surged to $1,900, like with all stocks, it experienced a typical correction. Normally, stocks will correct back down to prior support-resistance levels. After gold fell back to the $1,350-$1,360 level in 2013, it continued lower to $1,050. Now, once again, there is no coincidence that the gold price bottomed at $1,050 in late 2015 right at the very same level it that peaked in 2008. You can see that black dashed line at $1,050. Furthermore, the Ascending Triangle baseline (blue dashed line) was another bottoming area for gold when both key technical levels converged.
However, the technical $1,050 level where gold bottomed was also based on fundamental data on the gold production cost. At that time, the top gold miners were producing gold at $1,025-$1,100 an ounce. The declining production gold cost was due to the oil price falling to a low of $26 from a high of $110 in 2011. So, technical analysis in the chart also provided a clue as to the bottom in the gold price.
If we look at the weekly gold chart, we can see the Key Technical levels:
It has been more than five years since the gold price reached $1,400. So, it’s an important milestone. According to gold’s price action, the important technical levels are $1,050, $1360, $1,550 (or $1,600), and $1,800. There is a reason the gold price has traded off these technical levels. Traders and institutions are trained to use these technical levels as a guide.
So, are the central banks using these technical levels to control the gold price? Likely. However, when the fundamentals of the market get to the point where the central banks are no longer able to keep the gold price capped under a certain level, like the Fed announcing interest rate cuts, then the traders, hedge funds, and institutions in the market take over. And when the gold price surpasses certain key technical levels, then BREAKOUTS occur.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Years ago, I did not pay attention to Technical Analysis, so I did not understand the value of these key technical levels or how to spot them. Even though gold will become one of the best assets to own in the future, its price rise will likely take place at these key technical levels, regardless if precious metals investors believe it or not.
For gold to continue a BULLISH TREND, it will need to close above the $1,360 level at the end of the month, shown in the top two charts. If it closes below that $1,360 level, then it will just take more time for the trend to push above that level for an extended period. But, if we do see continued buying of gold next week, then we will likely be in a new Bull Market for gold.
The last chart is the Gold Daily Chart. It clearly shows how gold shot above that critical $1,360 level:
While gold is overbought on the Daily chart (shown at the top right part of the chart, 81 RSI), it isn’t on the first Monthly gold chart above. Even if the gold price falls to the $1,370-$1,380 range by the end of the week, that could still be a positive sign, because it’s still above the key $1,360 by the end of the month.
If we continue to see more “Iran War News” in the media this week, the gold price may head to the $1,410-$1,425+ level. Regardless, for gold to finally break above its 5-year $1,360 is a crucial milestone for traders and investors. A significant close above $1,360 for June could be very Bullish for the yellow metal.
Lastly, if we do see gold close above the key level and move higher in July, it will likely retest the $1,360 level before doing so. Then look for the next technical level of $1,550-$1,600 for gold to find serious resistance.
In conclusion, technical analysis provides traders, hedge funds, and institutions, key levels to focus on. When these technical levels are breached, either to the upside or downside, then we can see significant movement in the price action. So, for gold to head to $2,000 and higher, it will likely do so in and around these key technical levels.
Chris Vermeulen: Next Bull And Bear Markets Are Now Set-Up
Chris Vermeulen 預測今年金價升, 股市跌 !
by Chris Vermeulen of The Technical Traders
Sharing market analysis and my opinions every day is far from easy and sometimes I feel like a song on repeat. My focus and goal has always been to try to alert fellow traders and investors of what is unfolding now in the financial markets around the globe because it appears we are about to experience another financial life-changing event much like the 2000 stock market top, and the late 2007 bull market top which will play out over the next 24+ months
If you lost money during the last bear market then you need a new game plan to take advantage of falling prices and the solution is not just to by gold, silver, and miners. In fact, you could lose a lot buying and holding them over the next year if you are not careful. We all know what the precious metals sector did during the last equities bear market (they crashed 64% with the stock market before starting to rally).
From a technical analysis standpoint, we are still a long ways away from a confirmed bear market. We do need a see a rather larger drop to break the December low we saw in the SP500 index. But, each month more warning signs pop up to confirm we would be in a full-blown bear market by the end of 2019.
Last month I talked about how I have been waiting for gold miners to start outperforming the US stocks market. Once miners start outperforming in a big way (just like we saw in 2007), we know the stock market is topping out and something really bad is about to happen.
In the last couple of weeks, the gold miners index is up over 16% while the SP500 is up only 6%, this feels like the start-of-the-end if you know what I mean.
It’s a known fact that stock market prices lead earnings, news, and the economy. Stock prices start to flatten, chop sideways, and sell off typically 3-6 months or more before negative data starts to become daily headline news.
I have been predicting a top for form since early 2018 with the book I co-authored called “The Crash of 2019 and 2020 – How You Can Profit” only available to subscribers of the Wealth Building Newsletter.
聯名買樓方式分為聯權共有(Joint Tenancy)或分權共有(Tenancy in
鮑威爾重申聯儲局不受政治因素影響 減息預期降溫
2019年6月25日 星期二
證監會向14家經紀行發限制通知書 凍結涉中國智能操控市場帳戶
【收市總結】內銀腳軟 招行插近8% 拖低恒指收挫327點
據外媒報道,美國法官裁定三間大型中資銀行可能因違反美國對北韓禁令,而被禁止不能再涉足美國金融體系,甚至包括不能再使用美元進行任何交易。有關三間涉事內銀發表聲明澄清,均表明未有因違反制裁而遭調查,但其負面消息仍觸發內銀股急滑,同時拖累恒指明顯回吐,先後失守28500關口及50天線( 28409),最多挫446點見28066低位,其後於低位反覆上落,收報28185,回吐327點或1.15%;國指走弱,收報10742,下降210點或1.92%。
投資者入市意欲偏低,大市成交僅得823.7億元。 內地股市全線偏軟,滬指跌穿3000關。上證指數結束連續六日的升勢,收報2982,跌0.87%;深成指數收報9118,降1.02%;兩市成交合計增至5133億元人民幣。 受壞消息嚴重影響,觸發內銀股全線受壓。招行(03968)最多跌過10.07%見37.5元,收瀉7.67%,報38.5元,為包尾內銀股;交行(03328)挫3.71%,收報5.95元,跑輸一眾藍籌股。工行(01398)跌1.32%,收報5.61元;中行(03988)降1.22%,收報3.23元;農行(01288)跌1.22%,收報3.24元;建行(00939)下滑1.21%,收報6.51元。
多隻創業板股份慘遭洗劫,星亞控股(08293)瀉96.48%,收報0.172元,單日接近蒸發近60億元;CHI HO(08423)插66.82%,收報0.73元;永耀集團(08022)急滑66.35%,收報0.35元。 市場繼續憧憬全球多國央行將減息,
周一收市後發盈喜的李寧(02331)獲資金追入,股價一度抽升19.11%,最高見過18.2元,最後炒高18.32%,收報18.08元,成交金額7.7億元。 波司登(03998)反駁沽空機構博力達思研究(Bonitas Research)指控,周二復牌後大幅反彈,急飆15.03%,收報1.99元,成交4.58億元。
據外媒報道,美國法官裁定三間大型中資銀行可能因違反美國對北韓禁令,而被禁止不能再涉足美國金融體系,甚至包括不能再使用美元進行任何交易。有關三間涉事內銀發表聲明澄清,均表明未有因違反制裁而遭調查,但其負面消息仍觸發內銀股急滑,同時拖累恒指明顯回吐,先後失守28500關口及50天線( 28409),最多挫446點見28066低位,其後於低位反覆上落,收報28185,回吐327點或1.15%;國指走弱,收報10742,下降210點或1.92%。
投資者入市意欲偏低,大市成交僅得823.7億元。 內地股市全線偏軟,滬指跌穿3000關。上證指數結束連續六日的升勢,收報2982,跌0.87%;深成指數收報9118,降1.02%;兩市成交合計增至5133億元人民幣。 受壞消息嚴重影響,觸發內銀股全線受壓。招行(03968)最多跌過10.07%見37.5元,收瀉7.67%,報38.5元,為包尾內銀股;交行(03328)挫3.71%,收報5.95元,跑輸一眾藍籌股。工行(01398)跌1.32%,收報5.61元;中行(03988)降1.22%,收報3.23元;農行(01288)跌1.22%,收報3.24元;建行(00939)下滑1.21%,收報6.51元。
多隻創業板股份慘遭洗劫,星亞控股(08293)瀉96.48%,收報0.172元,單日接近蒸發近60億元;CHI HO(08423)插66.82%,收報0.73元;永耀集團(08022)急滑66.35%,收報0.35元。 市場繼續憧憬全球多國央行將減息,
周一收市後發盈喜的李寧(02331)獲資金追入,股價一度抽升19.11%,最高見過18.2元,最後炒高18.32%,收報18.08元,成交金額7.7億元。 波司登(03998)反駁沽空機構博力達思研究(Bonitas Research)指控,周二復牌後大幅反彈,急飆15.03%,收報1.99元,成交4.58億元。
雲南楚雄發生4.7級地震 暫無傷亡報告
雲南金水河鎮突發山泥傾瀉 村莊被淹沒多人受困
柬埔寨中資大樓倒塌 增至少28死
柬埔寨西南部濱海西哈努克城(Sihanoukville)一幢正在施工的7層高中資大樓上周六(22日)倒塌,截至目前已經造成28死多人受傷,目前災害現場仍在清理當中。由於肇事樓宇涉非法興建,引發柬埔寨總理洪森(Hun Sen)震怒,除了當地省長請辭獲准外,亦以失職為由開除國家災害管理委員會副主任。同時,宣佈成立一個委員會,全面撤查所有中資在當地的興建工程。
據報,西哈努克城本是漁港,擁有柬埔寨最大港口,也是中國一帶一路計畫的重鎮之一,設有一個中國經濟特區(Chinese Special Economic Zone),以接納中資,當地中資重點投資在賭場、地產和觀光產業,目前約有中資50座興建中的賭場和數十家酒店,在這次事件中,將全部遭到撤查。
柬埔寨西南部濱海西哈努克城(Sihanoukville)一幢正在施工的7層高中資大樓上周六(22日)倒塌,截至目前已經造成28死多人受傷,目前災害現場仍在清理當中。由於肇事樓宇涉非法興建,引發柬埔寨總理洪森(Hun Sen)震怒,除了當地省長請辭獲准外,亦以失職為由開除國家災害管理委員會副主任。同時,宣佈成立一個委員會,全面撤查所有中資在當地的興建工程。
據報,西哈努克城本是漁港,擁有柬埔寨最大港口,也是中國一帶一路計畫的重鎮之一,設有一個中國經濟特區(Chinese Special Economic Zone),以接納中資,當地中資重點投資在賭場、地產和觀光產業,目前約有中資50座興建中的賭場和數十家酒店,在這次事件中,將全部遭到撤查。
The Dollar Decline
While everyone will focus on interest rates, at the end of the summer
we will see a refocus back on the structural problems in the Euro.
Trump will be jumping for joy with a lower dollar for that will help in
trade issues. The lower interest rates will also help to reduce interest
expenditures on the national debt. So once again, we are looking at the
calm before the storm.
Fed meeting this week has triggered a turn in the dollar as US rates
dipped on the 10-year to their lowest since Trump took office. As a
result, the greenback is the weakest among the majors for the week thus
far as we should expect for a decline near-term. Although there has been
an impressive rally in EUR/USD, that currency has significant overhead
resistance. The euro has not gained nearly as much as its major
counterparts such as the Swiss and the C$.
The Next 8.6-Year Wave will be Inflationary
All the real science is warning that there is a reasonable chance that we are headed into a much colder period ahead. This will have an impact on food prices and out computer models have been warning that the next wave of the Economic Confidence Model should be an inflationary wave. Even a new study from nature.com said: “The recent prolonged solar minimum and subsequent weak solar cycle 24 have led to suggestions that the grand solar maximum may be at an end.”
The next 8.6-year wave beginning in January should produce a collapse in confidence in governments which will result in a shift from Public to Private assets, but then on top of this, we see a shortage in agricultural markets adding to the inflationary wave coming. Then add the Monetary Crisis and Sovereign Debt Crisis cycles and we end up with some very interesting impacts during the next wave.
All the real science is warning that there is a reasonable chance that we are headed into a much colder period ahead. This will have an impact on food prices and out computer models have been warning that the next wave of the Economic Confidence Model should be an inflationary wave. Even a new study from nature.com said: “The recent prolonged solar minimum and subsequent weak solar cycle 24 have led to suggestions that the grand solar maximum may be at an end.”
The next 8.6-year wave beginning in January should produce a collapse in confidence in governments which will result in a shift from Public to Private assets, but then on top of this, we see a shortage in agricultural markets adding to the inflationary wave coming. Then add the Monetary Crisis and Sovereign Debt Crisis cycles and we end up with some very interesting impacts during the next wave.
2019年6月24日 星期一
熱浪襲歐洲 多國發高溫預警
【逃犯條例】衝突減旅客意欲 姚思榮:酒店入住率房價下跌
大摩指中美元首G20若無共識 恆指一年瀉逾7000點
中國匯市:人民幣連兩日走弱 對一籃子跌勢明顯;G-20峰會前市場謹慎
【彭博】-- 人民幣日內走勢偏弱,在新興市場貨幣中排名靠後,繼盤初跌破6.87元後,下午續跌破了6.88元關口,交易員稱日內在岸市場客盤購匯偏多;下午4點前後在美元指數回落之際,人民幣一度自日低小幅反彈。
收市速遞:恒指升39點收28513 成交697億元
此外,部署本周六開售的日出康城大型新盤GRAND MONTARA兩度加推,累計推出303伙,市傳該盤連日收逾5000票。
恒生銀行投資顧問服務主管 梁君馡
恒生銀行投資顧問服務主管 梁君馡
2019年6月23日 星期日
美元走弱 港匯見今年新高
香港文匯報訊(記者 馬翠媚)美減息預期升溫,美元走弱,港匯持續逞強,最高曾升至7.8025水平,為踏入2019年的新高。港元拆息昨普遍上升,其中與供樓按息相關的1個月港元拆息昨升至2.48179厘。但有分析認為,港元拆息進一步大漲空間有限,因此預期港匯未必輕易重返7.75至7.8算的強區間內。
短息升 1個月拆息超2.48厘
拆息再升有限 港匯難上強區
香港文匯報訊(記者 馬翠媚)美減息預期升溫,美元走弱,港匯持續逞強,最高曾升至7.8025水平,為踏入2019年的新高。港元拆息昨普遍上升,其中與供樓按息相關的1個月港元拆息昨升至2.48179厘。但有分析認為,港元拆息進一步大漲空間有限,因此預期港匯未必輕易重返7.75至7.8算的強區間內。
短息升 1個月拆息超2.48厘
拆息再升有限 港匯難上強區
2019年6月22日 星期六
One Bank Warns Direct US Currency Intervention Is Increasingly Possible
Here's a "shocker": Donald Trump is right about the dollar being overvalued.
In attempt to answer the ongoing debate about whether the USD is overvalued relative to its peers, in a lengthy report from Bank of America's Ben Randol and Adarsh Sinha we read that the simplest gauge is to compare the real effective exchange rate (REER) to its long-run history, which shows that it is about 13% above its long-term average...
While according to more sophisticated techniques from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) show that the dollar is overvalued by 8-16%. In the recently published Semiannual Report to Congress, the Treasury cited the IMF research and pointed out that the 4.5% dollar appreciation over 2018 is concerning, and that sustained dollar strength would likely exacerbate persistent trade and current account imbalances.
Taking a step back, BofA notes that a classic textbook
definition of long-run valuation is that the exchange rate is in
'equilibrium' if it does not cause internal and external imbalances. That
is, there is no output gap or inflationary pressures domestically, and
the current account is sustainably financed via capital flows
externally. In the short- to medium-term, however, exchange rates can
deviate from equilibrium by considerable magnitudes and for a period of
many years.
Thus, while the dollar might be overvalued, it may not be necessarily out of line with fundamentals. The US is growing at a faster pace than many of its trading partners, therefore supporting dollar strength. In addition during times of heightened uncertainty - owing in part to the threat of tariffs - the dollar is underpinned by safe-haven flows. It is therefore important to understand the reasons for short-run fluctuations around the long-run fair value.
* * *
Whatever measures one uses, however, it is clear that the dollar is currently "overvalued" and Trump is clearly pissed about it, arguing time and again that the strong dollar is "unfair" for one simple reason: the strong dollar stands in the way of his goal to boost exports and support the US manufacturing sector.
So what can Trump do about it?
For one, he could encourage the Federal Reserve to ease policy - something has has been doing rather deliberately on his twitter account and in other media - thereby weakening the dollar. The Fed has shifted and is guiding toward cuts but with limited impact on USD so far.
Another option is to "talk" the markets into weakening the dollar. In the beginning of his administration, this proved to be successful but there appears to be diminishing effects as the chart below shows.
So if verbal intervention is no longer an option, BofA cautions that the risk is that the focus moves to formal currency intervention, and while this is not Bank of America's baseline expectation, "the risks are rising."
If not Trump, what would the Treasury do?
At its simplest, BofA writes, "the US Treasury - which is responsible for international financial policy and therefore managing USD - will guide the NY Fed's market desk to intervene." So, if the goal is to weaken the dollar, the NY Fed would sell dollars and buy the other currency. The currencies that are used for intervention come from the Fed's holdings and the Exchange Stabilization Fund of the Treasury, which largely consist of euros and Japanese yen.
There are two types of interventions: sterilized and unsterilized.
When the intervention is sterilized, the NY Fed will buy or sell other securities (e.g. sovereign bonds) through open market operations. This prevents the intervention from changing the monetary base and interfering with monetary policy. The composition of the Fed's portfolio is altered, however. When the intervention is unsterilized - which is more typical - it has the ability to influence the money supply and impact interest rates.
What is the history of US currency intervention?
From the 1970s to the mid-1990s, the US frequently intervened in the FX market in an attempt to stabilize an otherwise volatile dollar, especially against the DEM.
The late-1970s marked a period of aggressive intervention given that the dollar was under heavy pressure and depreciated on the back of high oil prices, high US inflation and widening deficits.
There was also a strong case for intervention in the mid-1980s when the G5 countries (the US, Germany, Japan, Britain, France) met at the Plaza Hotel in New York, and decided that the US dollar was "overvalued", agreeing to bring the dollar down by 10-12% through coordinated central bank action (aptly known as the "Plaza Accord"). The intervention following the meeting was successful: by the end of 1986, the yen, deutschmark, and British pound had all appreciated by 40-50% vs the dollar.
The 1990s marked the final stage of big dollar interventions. Between 1991 and 1992, the Treasury and the Fed intervened in the face of a weakening dollar on the back of the Gulf War. Once again, the US was faced with a weak dollar in 1994 and the US intervened repeatedly, coordinating with the Japanese and individual European central banks to support the US currency. Since 1996, however, the US has only intervened three times, according to NY Fed data: buying Japanese yen in June 1998, buying euros in September 2000, and selling Japanese yen in March 2011.
Is US currency intervention legal from an international perspective?
The most recent G20 Communique from earlier this month, to which the US is a signatory, reaffirmed commitments made in March 2018 regarding exchange rates. That statement reads as follows.
What do other countries do?
The geographically smaller and economically open financial centers such as Switzerland, Macao, Singapore and Hong Kong have been the most active in currency intervention. This is because exchange rates in these areas have an outsized impact on the economy because of their importance to overall financial conditions. Among these, Switzerland intervened in its currency for all three years between 2015 and 2017, with net official flows averaging 14% of its GDP. This was conducted entirely by its central bank. Meanwhile, Singapore's action materialized through its public pension system by investing income taxes entirely overseas through a sovereign wealth fund. Japan also increased the share of public pension fund investment in foreign assets between 2012 and 2016, resulting in a net financial flow of more than 4% of GDP.
Outside of financial hubs, currency intervention is also commonly found among manufacturing exporters to boost their competitiveness. For example, both Taiwan and Israel intervened in their currencies for all three years between 2015 and 2017, according to Peterson Institute research.
Emerging markets' central banks also have a history of intervening, largely with the goal of smoothing FX volatility. In good times, they have tended to accumulate USD reserves (pushing down the value of their currencies) to self-insure against periods of infrequent but severe global risk aversion, where capital-flight risks necessitate selling USD to prevent currency depreciation that would jeopardize their inflation-targeting mandates. Although China had been the largest currency intervenor a decade ago, it actually did the opposite in 2015 and 2016. Instead of buying, China sold large amounts of foreign assets to prevent its currency from depreciation on the back of capital flight.
Finally, the all important question: Does intervention work?
The answer will depend on the intention of the intervention. If the goal of intervention is to stabilize exchange rates, the evidence suggests that intervening proves successful. This is particularly the case in emerging market countries where the financial system is less developed. Moreover, token or temporary interventions can generate meaningful signaling effects, helping to underscore easier monetary policy and support the economy.
However, if the goal is to achieve a targeted long-term level of competitiveness, the literature generally finds that unsterilized intervention does not work because the increase in relative inflation offsets nominal FX depreciation (just look at Japan's decades of failed direct intervention which eventually became targeted by the amrket). It also could have negative side effects as it creates distortions and could work against other policies if not coordinated properly with the central bank.
History shows that currency intervention is a useful tool for emerging market countries which need to stabilize exchange rates. But there is little evidence that it works for advanced economies with the intention of targeting long-term FX competitiveness. Which may be precisely why Trump will try it...
Here's a "shocker": Donald Trump is right about the dollar being overvalued.
In attempt to answer the ongoing debate about whether the USD is overvalued relative to its peers, in a lengthy report from Bank of America's Ben Randol and Adarsh Sinha we read that the simplest gauge is to compare the real effective exchange rate (REER) to its long-run history, which shows that it is about 13% above its long-term average...
While according to more sophisticated techniques from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) show that the dollar is overvalued by 8-16%. In the recently published Semiannual Report to Congress, the Treasury cited the IMF research and pointed out that the 4.5% dollar appreciation over 2018 is concerning, and that sustained dollar strength would likely exacerbate persistent trade and current account imbalances.
Thus, while the dollar might be overvalued, it may not be necessarily out of line with fundamentals. The US is growing at a faster pace than many of its trading partners, therefore supporting dollar strength. In addition during times of heightened uncertainty - owing in part to the threat of tariffs - the dollar is underpinned by safe-haven flows. It is therefore important to understand the reasons for short-run fluctuations around the long-run fair value.
* * *
Whatever measures one uses, however, it is clear that the dollar is currently "overvalued" and Trump is clearly pissed about it, arguing time and again that the strong dollar is "unfair" for one simple reason: the strong dollar stands in the way of his goal to boost exports and support the US manufacturing sector.
So what can Trump do about it?
For one, he could encourage the Federal Reserve to ease policy - something has has been doing rather deliberately on his twitter account and in other media - thereby weakening the dollar. The Fed has shifted and is guiding toward cuts but with limited impact on USD so far.
Another option is to "talk" the markets into weakening the dollar. In the beginning of his administration, this proved to be successful but there appears to be diminishing effects as the chart below shows.
So if verbal intervention is no longer an option, BofA cautions that the risk is that the focus moves to formal currency intervention, and while this is not Bank of America's baseline expectation, "the risks are rising."
If not Trump, what would the Treasury do?
At its simplest, BofA writes, "the US Treasury - which is responsible for international financial policy and therefore managing USD - will guide the NY Fed's market desk to intervene." So, if the goal is to weaken the dollar, the NY Fed would sell dollars and buy the other currency. The currencies that are used for intervention come from the Fed's holdings and the Exchange Stabilization Fund of the Treasury, which largely consist of euros and Japanese yen.
There are two types of interventions: sterilized and unsterilized.
When the intervention is sterilized, the NY Fed will buy or sell other securities (e.g. sovereign bonds) through open market operations. This prevents the intervention from changing the monetary base and interfering with monetary policy. The composition of the Fed's portfolio is altered, however. When the intervention is unsterilized - which is more typical - it has the ability to influence the money supply and impact interest rates.
What is the history of US currency intervention?
From the 1970s to the mid-1990s, the US frequently intervened in the FX market in an attempt to stabilize an otherwise volatile dollar, especially against the DEM.
The late-1970s marked a period of aggressive intervention given that the dollar was under heavy pressure and depreciated on the back of high oil prices, high US inflation and widening deficits.
There was also a strong case for intervention in the mid-1980s when the G5 countries (the US, Germany, Japan, Britain, France) met at the Plaza Hotel in New York, and decided that the US dollar was "overvalued", agreeing to bring the dollar down by 10-12% through coordinated central bank action (aptly known as the "Plaza Accord"). The intervention following the meeting was successful: by the end of 1986, the yen, deutschmark, and British pound had all appreciated by 40-50% vs the dollar.
The 1990s marked the final stage of big dollar interventions. Between 1991 and 1992, the Treasury and the Fed intervened in the face of a weakening dollar on the back of the Gulf War. Once again, the US was faced with a weak dollar in 1994 and the US intervened repeatedly, coordinating with the Japanese and individual European central banks to support the US currency. Since 1996, however, the US has only intervened three times, according to NY Fed data: buying Japanese yen in June 1998, buying euros in September 2000, and selling Japanese yen in March 2011.
Is US currency intervention legal from an international perspective?
The most recent G20 Communique from earlier this month, to which the US is a signatory, reaffirmed commitments made in March 2018 regarding exchange rates. That statement reads as follows.
Flexible exchange rates, where feasible, can serve as a shock absorber. We recognise that excessive volatility or disorderly movements in exchange rates can have adverse implications for economic and financial stability. We will refrain from competitive devaluations, and will not target our exchange rates for competitive purposes. - Communique, G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors, March 20, 2018While the G20 countries have agreed not to target exchange rates for the purpose of competitive devaluation, the text recognizes undesirable effects that could be caused by volatile exchange rates. This means that temporary intervention for the purpose of stabilizing FX is permitted. So while the statement provides possibility for intervention under the auspices of countering volatile markets, the currently low level of FX volatility would argue against this being a relevant argument at this point. If risk-off conditions precipitate a legitimately disorderly rise in USD, however, BofA thinks "the probability of intervention by the Trump Administration increases significantly."
What do other countries do?
The geographically smaller and economically open financial centers such as Switzerland, Macao, Singapore and Hong Kong have been the most active in currency intervention. This is because exchange rates in these areas have an outsized impact on the economy because of their importance to overall financial conditions. Among these, Switzerland intervened in its currency for all three years between 2015 and 2017, with net official flows averaging 14% of its GDP. This was conducted entirely by its central bank. Meanwhile, Singapore's action materialized through its public pension system by investing income taxes entirely overseas through a sovereign wealth fund. Japan also increased the share of public pension fund investment in foreign assets between 2012 and 2016, resulting in a net financial flow of more than 4% of GDP.
Outside of financial hubs, currency intervention is also commonly found among manufacturing exporters to boost their competitiveness. For example, both Taiwan and Israel intervened in their currencies for all three years between 2015 and 2017, according to Peterson Institute research.
Emerging markets' central banks also have a history of intervening, largely with the goal of smoothing FX volatility. In good times, they have tended to accumulate USD reserves (pushing down the value of their currencies) to self-insure against periods of infrequent but severe global risk aversion, where capital-flight risks necessitate selling USD to prevent currency depreciation that would jeopardize their inflation-targeting mandates. Although China had been the largest currency intervenor a decade ago, it actually did the opposite in 2015 and 2016. Instead of buying, China sold large amounts of foreign assets to prevent its currency from depreciation on the back of capital flight.
Finally, the all important question: Does intervention work?
The answer will depend on the intention of the intervention. If the goal of intervention is to stabilize exchange rates, the evidence suggests that intervening proves successful. This is particularly the case in emerging market countries where the financial system is less developed. Moreover, token or temporary interventions can generate meaningful signaling effects, helping to underscore easier monetary policy and support the economy.
However, if the goal is to achieve a targeted long-term level of competitiveness, the literature generally finds that unsterilized intervention does not work because the increase in relative inflation offsets nominal FX depreciation (just look at Japan's decades of failed direct intervention which eventually became targeted by the amrket). It also could have negative side effects as it creates distortions and could work against other policies if not coordinated properly with the central bank.
History shows that currency intervention is a useful tool for emerging market countries which need to stabilize exchange rates. But there is little evidence that it works for advanced economies with the intention of targeting long-term FX competitiveness. Which may be precisely why Trump will try it...
好多年前同老公坐深圳地鐵見到一個叫[購物公園]的站, 以為是一個好多小店的公園, 所以走去睇下, 原來是一個圓形商場, 但當時商場還在裝修, 只有在外面開咗間Starbuck, 所以當時我地唯有在Starbuck食野 !
呢次去見到的是一個長長的商店街, 叫[連城新天地](Link City), 我地由A區行去B區, 再行去C區 ! 一路都有好多食店, 最後我地在C區大快活食野 !
食完午餐繼續向前行, 轉入去[中心城廣場]行咗一個圈, 唔敢上二樓和三樓, 因為唔知要行幾耐 !
由Starbuck行咗出去睇下外面是乜情景 ! 唔知呢個Starbuck是否以前個個 ?
最後行返入去[連城新天地]由C區直行到[會展站]上返地鐵返羅湖口岸 !
原來由[連城新天地]可以行去福田高鐵站商店街 !
上次坐高鐵去廣州南站返來時, 老公見到有1號地鐵線牌, 但本人說沒行過, 驚迷路, 所以跟返4號地鐵線去落馬州口岸, 但依家就知點樣行啦 !
呢次去見到的是一個長長的商店街, 叫[連城新天地](Link City), 我地由A區行去B區, 再行去C區 ! 一路都有好多食店, 最後我地在C區大快活食野 !
食完午餐繼續向前行, 轉入去[中心城廣場]行咗一個圈, 唔敢上二樓和三樓, 因為唔知要行幾耐 !
由Starbuck行咗出去睇下外面是乜情景 ! 唔知呢個Starbuck是否以前個個 ?
最後行返入去[連城新天地]由C區直行到[會展站]上返地鐵返羅湖口岸 !
原來由[連城新天地]可以行去福田高鐵站商店街 !
上次坐高鐵去廣州南站返來時, 老公見到有1號地鐵線牌, 但本人說沒行過, 驚迷路, 所以跟返4號地鐵線去落馬州口岸, 但依家就知點樣行啦 !
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