2011年7月31日 星期日
美違約 殺傷力巨大
【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】太陽財經「投資藺語」專欄作者藺常念:8月2日美國國債限期將至,可惜上周民主與共和黨仍為完全沒有意義的方案拉鋸。兩星期前,市場普遍樂觀,認為美國國會不可能不在限期前通過有關法案,但最近一周的發展,兩黨仍在作無謂爭吵,令市場失去信心。
靈獅控股有限公司董事總經理 藺常念(作者為註冊持牌人士)
美國兩黨在執筆時就發債上限仍未達成協議,市場似乎仍傾向相信某形式的妥協方案最終可趕及在 8月 2日前出台。不過,即使上限得以被調高,若方案沒有實質的削赤內容,美債評級被下調的機會亦只會變得越來越高。
標普之前指出,美國 10年內需至少削減 4萬億美元赤字,才會對財政改革產生良好作用。因此,若兩黨「不肯妥協」的聲音鬧大,將表示美債「違約」的風險越高;若「妥協」的聲音越大,則表示「降級」的風險越高。
一旦美債保不住 AAA評級,預料房利美、房貸美及地方政府所發行的債券都會面臨同被降級的厄運。然而,美債現時仍是全球流通量最高的市場之一,在沒有理想的替代品之下,投資者暫不會大手減持。
短 期而言,市場出現震盪是無可避免的。近日美國隔夜回購利率由 0.02厘升至 0.1厘,就反映了市場對風險的敏感度增加,投資者傾向增持現金,減少放貸。回購利率影響到銀行、對冲基金的短期借貸成本。若國庫券真的被降級,投資者將 要付出更多的現金作抵押品,最終令信貸市場收縮,引發去槓桿化的活動,繼而拖累經濟表現。投資者為了迴避風險,會暫時減持股票及商品等工具。為免經濟陷入 困境,聯儲局最終將不得不再次推出寬鬆措施,為市場注入流動資金。
長遠而言,市場將會更積極地分散投資,減少對美元及美債的依賴。擁有 AAA評級的政府債券,包括德國、丹麥、澳洲、芬蘭、瑞典、挪威、瑞士、加拿大、新加坡及香港等,其資產將會因而受到追捧。而在美、歐、日同時面對高負債 的困局下,各國央行亦會持續分散外滙儲備,黃金、澳元、紐元、加元及瑞郎等,將日益扮演重要角色。
金價料闖 1800美元
本周初美債談判若有妥協的方案出現,美股以至全球股市料可暫時鬆一口氣,美元或藉勢反彈,惟隨着評級下調的機會增加,未來兩個月美元仍應逢高減持。筆者維持明年首季前金價可見 1800美元的預測,而屆時白銀料可升抵 45美元水平、澳元將逼近 1.15美元、紐元可見 0.90美元、而美元兌瑞郎預料會下試 0.75水平。
歐美震散信心 股民撤資逃亡
2011年7月30日 星期六
Confusion Grips Wall Street
With no resolution in sight to lift the debt-ceiling, investors are scrambling to find ways to hedge themselves against what was once unthinkable: A U.S. debt default and loss of triple-A rating.
Further spooked by Friday's shockingly weak GDP report, the stock market appears headed for a sixth-straight decline. In recent trading, the Dow was down 0.4% but off its earlier lows.
As discussed here earlier this week, concern about Washington's dysfunction has been evident in a variety of markets, notably gold's continue strength, the rising cost of U.S. credit default swaps and the dollar's weakness vs. the yen and Swiss franc. Meanwhile, the CME now says it won't accept short-term Treasuries as collateral while The WSJ reports the $4 trillion repo market is at risk if the U.S. loses its triple-A rating.
But there's a lot of confusion on Wall Street about how to plan for Aug. 2, as The WSJ's Greg Zuckerman and I discuss in the accompanying clip. This confusion is evident, most notably, by continued strength in U.S. Treasuries. In recent trading, the benchmark 10-year note was up 26/32, its yield falling to 2.85%.
"Treasuries are fascinating," Zuckerman says. "Do you sell them or do you buy them?"
On the surface, it seems illogical for traders to be buying the debt of an entity (the U.S. government) that is threatening to default. But the government has said making debt payments will be a priority; and if Congress does agree to a deal to slash government spending, that will likely put further pressure on an already weak economy, which is a bullish scenario for Treasuries.
As the week comes to a close, the conventional wisdom remains that "in the eleventh hour, [Congress] will come up with some compromise," as Zuckerman puts it. That view is preventing panic on Wall Street, which is a good thing. But the lack of market panic means there's less pressure on Congress to reach a compromise before the Aug. 2 deadline, creating a chicken and egg conundrum.
Confused? You're not alone.
美元資產響警鐘 中國外儲臨巨虧
香港文匯報訊(記者 海巖 北京報道)美國29日宣佈推遲眾議院支出計劃投票,但美國國債危機仍愈演愈烈。即便美國此次再次提高債務上限並繼續大肆舉債,世界經濟亦將繼續籠罩在美國 主權債務危機的陰霾之下,全球都沒有贏家。隨著美國債務的膨脹,美元將進一步貶值,這將直接導致以美元為基礎的全球儲備資產的大幅縮水,而中國佔全球近三 分之一的外儲將首當其衝。有分析指出,對於美國第一大債權國中國來說,其擁有的1.16萬億美元美國國債可能面臨兩至三成的縮水,相當於中國人均至少虧損 177美元(約合人民幣1,150元)。
實際上,美國之所以敢把「債務違約」作為政治博弈的籌碼,這是因為美國有挾持全球債權人的資本,即 美元全球儲備貨幣的絕對主導地位。「無論美國是否提高債務上限,都意味著已經把全球經濟綁在一架戰車上了。」國家信息中心經濟預測部世界經濟研究室副研究 員張茉楠指出,如果因債務談判破裂使得美國無法及時償付債務,當前以美債為基礎的全球債基體系必將大幅動盪,美國貸款成本大大上升,從而引發全球資產價格 重估;而如果美國債務上限得以提高,美國繼續大肆舉債,全球債權人則要繼續分擔美國債務膨脹的成本。
有關專家指出,即便此次達成提高債務上限的計劃,這對於美國經濟而言,也只是暫時的「喘息」。美國 經濟依靠不斷的「發新債還舊債」的資金騰挪來支撐增長,隨著債務規模越來越大,財政負擔、融資成本上升,及社會福利費用將大幅增加,從中長期來看,美國債 務風險將長期化,全球資本市場將會失去風險評估基準,整個資產定價體系都需要重新調整,中國的金融體系以及資本市場也將面臨動盪。另一方面,美國債務不斷 增長也會讓美元發行失去控制。隨著美國債務的膨脹,美元將進一步貶值,將直接導致以美元為基礎的全球儲備資產的大幅縮水,而中國佔全球近三分之一的外儲將 首當其衝。此外,美元氾濫將進一步導致大宗商品價格上漲,增加中國輸入型通脹的壓力,遏制中國經濟增長動力。
Gold's Direction Depends On Debt-Ceiling Talks Outcome
(Kitco News) - The outcome of the debt-ceiling talks will give gold its direction next week and the bias is down for the short term.
The deadline for raising the debt ceiling is Tuesday – that’s the date that the U.S. Treasury said it will run out of money to pay all of its obligations.
With the impasse continuing, gold futures on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange made an all-time nominal high on Friday, trading to $1,634.90 an ounce, basis the August contract, before retreating modestly. The most-active December contract settled at $1,631.20, up 1.7% on the week. September silver settled at 40.13, flat on the week.
In the Kitco News Gold Survey, out of 34 participants, 24 responded this week. Of those 24 participants, eight see prices up, while 10 see prices down, five are neutral and one sees prices sideways or unchanged. Market participants include bullion dealers, investment banks, futures traders and technical chart analysts.
President Obama said at a press conference that there was still time for the two sides to come together and work out a compromise that he can sign. At issue is how much to cut spending. Previous compromises have offered a combination of higher taxes and reduced spending, but some of the “Tea Party” House Republicans have said they will vote for no plan that includes revenue increases, and only for spending cuts.
Phil Streible, senior market strategist for Lind-Waldock, said he still expects Washington to work out a deal to raise the debt ceiling this weekend and keep the U.S. from defaulting. While the U.S. Treasury has said it will run out of money by Tuesday to pay all of its obligations, some bank analysts noted that is likely a soft deadline as recent tax receipts have come in higher than expected, so the Treasury may have a couple of extra days of income to rely on.
What’s important, Streible said, is to see whether the ratings agencies downgrade the U.S.’s triple-A status.
Analysts at Brown Brothers Harriman said a scenario in which the debt ceiling isn’t raised “remains unthinkable, but a scenario where the U.S. loses its AAA rating is now becoming a near certainty.”
They suggested it might take a sharp market sell off to get a deal between Democrats and Republicans, perhaps as much as 500-1,000 points off the Dow Jones Industrial Average to spur a compromise – and they said such a compromise might push the centrist Republicans into a bipartisan deal with Democratic support. “This would be similar dynamics to the TARP vote back in 2008, when a failed first vote led to equity market losses which in turn spurred passage in a second vote,” they said.
So much will depend on what type of deal is hashed out – whether it is a short-term deal that causes Washington to revisit the issue again in a few months – or if it’s a long-term deal that lasts through the 2012 election season. A longer-term deal will be bearish for gold, Streible said.
That said, trying to determine where gold prices go next week will be very difficult. “Gold and silver could be significantly higher or lower, but it’s going to be difficult to predict,” Streible said.
Many market watchers have echoed Streible’s comments. Because of the high volatility expected, several have said they are playing it safe by either using options trades or are on the sidelines completely until a deal is reached.
Streible said $1,600 – whether looking at the August or December contract - has acted as firm support. The next level of support is $1,580, he said. That region could be critical if tested next week. “If we close under $1,580 at any time next week, we could see gold fall to $1,550,” he said.
There are limits to how far gold may fall, he said, because if the U.S. can reach a solution that eases investors, their attention will return to the continued economic instability in Europe.
Other market watchers are less optimistic for gold. Jimmy Tintle, analyst at Transworld Futures, said he’s short-term bearish on gold – for at least the next few weeks. He said a debt ceiling deal will be made which will push gold off its highs. Further, he pointed out gold is in its cyclically weaker time frame, particularly as the market heads into August.
He said Friday’s high in the $1,630s will be the short-term top, and said that in the next 30-45 days front-month gold futures prices could fall as far as $1,475.
Ira Epstein, president of Ira Epstein Division of The Linn Group, Inc., also pointed out that August is often the point in time where the market sets back a bit. By month’s end, in bull market years, it starts to accelerate upward, Epstein said. “The end of August through the end of September has been a seasonally strong time for higher gold prices. I don’t see anything other than knee-jerk reactions on the horizon that will change gold’s uptrend,” he said.
Epstein said savvy traders could use any weakness in gold as a buying opportunity.
Peter Thomas, director of business development, PFG Precious Metals, said the arguing in Washington has been a boon for the cash side of precious metals. While buying of physical silver has been strong and steady, buying interest in gold prior to the heightened debt-ceiling debates was slowing down. Now, though, he said his firm is “breaking records” every day and demand is strong enough that sourcing product is getting difficult in the short term.
Other Metals Prices Strong, But Will Follow Gold’s Action
Silver gained this week on the strength of gold, but there remains some nervousness by investors to hop back on the silver bandwagon following the violent price sell-off in the metal this spring. If gold falls back silver will likely see greater losses, Streible said, because of its more volatile nature. Still, he said September silver could see buying support under the market. “A lot of people missed this rally back up,” he said. If silver can rally and close over $41, it could target $43.
Copper prices have seen some benefit from the strikes at Escondida in Chile, the world’s largest copper mine. Streible said while work stoppages are supportive, upside for the red metal might be limited, unless economic data can give it a boost. He said $4.50 a pound, basis September Comex, will represent strong resistance.
The platinum group metals found support this week from auto news. Requirements for higher auto mileage for cars in the U.S. – now put at 54 miles per gallon beginning with 2017 models -- gave the two metals a boost as they are used in auto catalysts, PGM traders said.
By Debbie Carlson of Kitco News dcarlson@kitco.com
2011年7月29日 星期五
The Rothschilds and the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange
By Silver Shield, on July 26th, 2011
I have been watching the emergence of the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange with great interest. I recognize the importance of China establishing this new market that now not only trades Gold and Silver, but eventually Food and Oil. The ability to trade these commodities in both Dollars and Renminbi is a huge step in creating a regional, if not global, reserve currency. The historical significance of this new exchange in the sea change in wealth and power from the Anglo American empire to Asia, is completely missing in today’s media.
Two years ago in the Sons of Liberty Academy, I speculated about the rise of the anti-Hegemon challenging the power of the Anglo American Empire that has dominated the world for the past few centuries. The anti-Hegemon is a union of nations that has fallen victim to, or not benefited from, the Anglo American paradigm. The core of this group includes China, Russia, Iran and Venezuela, but many other nations are learning that there is much to gain from the power vacuum left in the collapse of the dollar. Nations like Brazil, India, Pakistan and South Africa have become closer to the core anti-Hegemon. Even nations that are supposed allies of the Anglo American empire, like France, occupied Germany and occupied Japan have much to gain from getting out of the shadow of the Anglo American empire.
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” -Sun Tzu
The anti-Hegemon has been most wise not to go head-to-head with the mortally wounded beast of the American Empire. They see the mathematical inevitability of the dollar collapsing. Without a functioning currency, America cannot control its global empire. With each trade agreement and exchange that is opened outside the Anglo American empire, the beast is wounded further. China has amassed trillions of dollars and is now spending this money on real tangible assets. The most important part of this investment is that China is investing and creating allies, while we drop bombs.
I have studied the Anglo American Elite very closely and I know they would not go down this road without having a plan. The first part, was the creation of the Petro Dollar standard. Both oil shocks in the 70′s were completely planned by the Anglo American Elite. The Bilderbergers instructed Henry Kissinger to create an oil crisis to increase the price of oil 400% following the closing of the gold window in 1971. The new dollars would be recycled back into America’s markets providing a very powerful petro dollar trade. Admit it, you have always thought it was very odd that the Arabs would be so willing to reinvest their dollars into the great Satan. Now you know it was all a game of power.
What is not as well known, that at the same time the Anglo American Empire started the Petro Dollar standard, they stopped all development of oil in America. After all, why use our precious and limited resources when we can print little green pieces of paper and get someone else’s oil? I guarantee you, that as soon as the dollar dies and we are no longer able to import oil for dollars, America will announce the most amazing oil “finds.” We still have half of the Gulf, both the East and West Coasts, Colorado, the Bakken Field, and most importantly Alaska. These projects will be up and running in record time to help re-establish the Anglo American dominance.
The end of the Petro Dollar will end our world and the Anglo American Elite will not go down without a fight. I theorized in the 3 Coming False Flags that Elite will pick a fight with China way before we accept a 3rd world status. Throughout the most of the last century the Anglo American Elite built up and created enemies. They do this to have wars, that create more debt and control natural resources in order to maintain their dominance. There is ample evidence that Wall St funded the Bolshevik Revolution and even financed and supported the Soviet Empire up until its final days. Without their support, Stalin would have lost the war, never been given half of Europe, and starved millions of times over with the utter failure of Communism. The British funded and created Hitler. While America was going through the Great Depression, Germany was booming with the creation of Hitler’s dream. Even Benito Mussolini was on the British payroll. Even more recentlySaddam Hussien received billions of dollars of support and was practically begged not to give up the dollar for oil trade. When he crossed that line, he had to go. (Just like Gaddafi and his gold Dinar dream.)The Anglo American elite, more specifically the Rothschilds, have supported both sides of almost every war in the past two centuries. The Rothschilds power is derived off of their ability to lend out more debt. Nothing creates debt faster than war. Without war, debts would eventually be paid off and control of assets would slip from their fingers. In order to create massive debts, massive threats have to be created. I believe that China will become the next major enemy of the Anglo American Elite. A little over a decade ago, China was nothing. They were a backwards country that had been closed to the outside world for decades. With the most favored nation trade status, their exports rose astronomically and trillions went into building up an economic, political and military threat. Without the Elite building up China, they would have been nothing.
When I first looked into the HKMEx I was mainly looking to see if silver manipulators JP Morgan, Goldman or HSBC were involved. The good news, I did not see that they had any controlling or operational influence in the HKMEx. The worst thing I guess I found out of the list of board members was President Albert Helmig was a former VP of the NYMEX. The amount of information on the rest of the board is limited most likely because they are Chinese and English Google is limited. I then looked a little further to see who was paying the board.I have discovered that Nathan Rothschild along with the People’s Bank of China created the privately owned Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange. According to MarketsWiki the HKMEx was founded by En+ Group. On the face of it, it looks like a Russian company is partnering with China as they strengthen ties inside of the anti-Hegemon. When you look at the board of En+ Group you see Nathan Rothschild is at the genesis of this new market that looks poised to take down the dollar.
Nathan Rothschild has had other deals with “enemies”of the Anglo American Empire. Recently, it has become apparent that Nathan Rothschild had deep financial ties with Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. The relationship was interesting since most of the world’s central banks are Rothschild controlled and Libya was one of the few nations not under the Rothschild control. Nat developed a relationship with Gaddafi’s son Saif, then when the time was right, Gaddafi would have to go.
This is small potatoes compared to the Rothschild Rape of Russia. You may vaguely remember the rise of the Oligarchs in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was said that these few young men became the richest men in the world when then bought and controlled huge portions of the natural resources and industries in the former Soviet Union for pennies on the dollar. We were told that they were lucky, smart or cunning. The reality was that they were merely front men for a much larger power. Young men like Mikhail Khordorkovsky went from obscurity to owning the Russian equivalent of Exxon Mobil in a few years. For years these Oligarchs controlled Russia with their wealth and mob like tactics. Finally, when Vladimir Putin wrestled control of Russia from the Oligarchs it became apparent that the power was never with the Oligarchs, but the Rothschilds. When Vladimir Putin imprisoned Mikhail Khordorkovsky it was reveled that Jacob Rothschild was the real owner of Yukos.
Now Jacob’s son Nathan, is partnering with another Rothschild Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska in En+ Group with China, what could possibly go wrong? Oleg Deripaska was a manager of a smelter at 25. Four years later he owned the Sibirsky Aluminium Investment Industrial Group. That grew into Basic Element conglomerate that controlled…
- United Company RUSAL Largest Aluminum Producer
- Ingosstrakh oldest insurance company
- GAZ automotive
- Avaikor Aviation
- EuroSibEnergo Power Company
- Glavmosstroy Construction
In 2008, Oleg was the eight richest man in the world with an estimated worth of $28 Billion dollars.(All of these “richest”lists never show you the real wealth of trillionaire families like the Rothschilds who ownCentral Banks.) All of Oleg’s wealth came of course through the power of the Rothschilds. Oleg thrived in the chaotic era of crime that was rampant in Russia after the collapse. The Aluminum Wars were probably one of the more violent episodes in the battle for control. Lawlessness in Siberia was rampant as, “politicians, managers or reporters –were run over, shot, had their throats cut or were killed in air crashes.” In the midst of all of this violence, Oleg emerged the king of Aluminum.
It is also important to note that the Rothschilds exited the LBMA in 2004.The Rothschilds have been involved and owned gold for centuries. They know more than any other family in the world, the power of gold. At the LBMA they and a few other families owned so much gold that they literally met twice a day to literally fix the global price of gold. So why did they leave the LBMA after 200 years in London and why are they going back in to the game in China? My speculation is that the LBMA does not have all of the gold they are trading as Andrew Maguire’s testimony proved. These Anglo American banks are trading and suppressing the real price of gold and silver with multiple paper schemes. My guess is that the Rothschilds simply left the scene of the crime before it comes crashing down.So why China? Given the history of the Rothschilds and the fact that their wealth has been tied to buying assets when there is “blood on the streets,” I think China will be the next to bleed. The heart of the Anglo American empire is the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. They have been actively courting China to join forces with them. These Elitists actually admire the Chinese in their ability to control their citizens and its free reign they give to industrialists.
“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” -David Rockefeller, statement about Mao Tse-tung in The New York Times, August 10, 1973 (65 million died under Mao.)
“Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” -David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405
The Rothschild minion George Soros has been trying the hardest to get the Chinese to play ball with the Anglo American Elite. Their creation of a New World Order must have China or it will collapse.The Chinese have been wise to take from the Anglo American empire and not give them any control. They play along while they continue to strengthen their position. Ultimately if the Chinese do not take the offer, they will be handled with the gun. (Read the 3 Coming False Flags.)
“If my sons did not want war, there would be no war.” -Baron Rothschild
Having the Rothschilds involved at the HKMEx really raises my alarm as they create deeper ties inside the Chinese elite. If you know anything about the Rothschilds they are very generous and gracious friends when they want something from you, and when they have what they want, they turn the tide and leave you hanging. They mastered the cycle of lending generously money that they don’t have through fractional reserve banking and then contracting credit markets so that they take ownership of the assets that they loaned against. The big play they mastered is loaning to both sides of wars and then making sure that the victors are responsible for the defeated debts to be paid. Don’t dance with the devil.
“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”The current Nathan Rothschild namesake Lord Nathan Rothschild.
China would be wise not to associate with the Rothschilds and the Anglo American Empire, just look at the Opium Wars. When the British Empire continued to run trade deficits with China, they tried diplomacy with Lord McCartney and economic inducements, all of which failed. The more tea, silk and porcelain the British imported, the lower the money stock of silver the British Empire had. This was because China was on the silver standard and they would not buy any English goods to off set the trade imbalance. (Sound familiar?)
So what did the British do? They smuggled Opium into port cities and started a drug trade to create problems for the Chinese Elite, weaken the Chinese populace and get the silver back from the Chinese. When the Chinese asserted their sovereignty and fought against these drug dealing criminals, it started the two Opium Wars that ravaged China for years. The British defeated the Chinese and they the signed the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842. The Chinese signed over all of their ports and international trade to the British. (If you ever wondered how Britain owned Hong Kong, now you know.) The Rothschilds controlled Britain at the time and I am sure that they were influential in getting the eight nation army to crush the Boxer Rebellion in 1898. The Anglo American Empire subjugated the Chinese until Mao kicked out all of the Westerners.
What does this all mean for silver? I believe that the HKMEx is still a very positive development for the price of physical silver, despite the Rothschild involvement. The Rothschilds are some of the most brilliant men on earth. There is no denying this, given the amount of power that they have accumulated over many generations. Nat Rothschild is clearly the future of the dynasty. (Especially since enviro Jesus David de Rothschild has blown his mission for the Global Warming Carbon Credit Scheme.) The Rothschilds throughout history have not so much created history, but flowed along with history. They used to study the effect of sunspots on the prices of grain. They have carefully watched political and economic cycles to be in the right place at the right time. All of which I am teaching in the Sons of Liberty Academy. The Rothschilds know that the debt cycle is coming to an end and that it is a mathematical certainty. Even they, cannot prevent this from happening. So they are preparing for the turn in history.
The fact that the Rothschilds are back in the metals market and they are behind smaller silver contracts being sold in China, is a good thing for the price of silver. Any more physical demand in a huge market like China can only accelerate the inevitable physical silver default. The price of silver over the long term cannot be stopped. At some point the 3 Demands of Silver will force the physical prices of silver to over ride the paper price of silver once and for all.
“You can ignore reality but not the consequences of reality.”-Ayn Rand
What I am very concerned is the coming crisis between the Anglo American Empire and the anti-Hegemon. It is fun to think about the price of silver when the physical reality sets in, but the economic, political and military reality of what will happen is very disconcerting. I hope I am wrong about my prediction of the 3 Coming False Flags, but the more time goes by, the more I see that this will not end well. The Anglo American Empire still has the largest military, the strongest propaganda machine and deepest capital markets. They will not just throw their hands up and let the Chinese dictate the future without a fight.
Finally, I would like to touch on another subject that I am sure will play into this, racism. I believe when this time comes to make China into the next Nazi regime, all of the power used to make Arabs into “animals,” will be turned against the Chinese to make middle America blame those “slant eyed, commie bastards.”Donald Trump has already called China our “enemy.” Video games and movies are trying to make China our new enemy. This will all be done to fuel the fire of ignorant Americans to blame China for all of our problems. The fact is that our Elite is responsible for all of our problems. They are the ones running up deficits fighting never ending, senseless wars. They are the ones that invested and built up China while gutting America. They are the ones that control both parties. And sadly they will be the ones to profit off of the next war of the Military Industrial Complex to create a new paradigm. The Elite will blame China while they go back into the shadows retaining power and making more profits.
I know I could have made this article very small and simply said the Rothschilds are owners of the HKMEx, but that would not have put into perspective what is really going on in this world. I spent 6 years studying and putting together the Greatest Story NEVER Told, the enslavement of humanity by the Elite. Far to often what is missing from the even the best bloggers, is the historical, economic, political, military, emotional and even spiritual perspective of what is behind all of these stories. I believe that everyone should understand how the world works and the Sons of Liberty Academy is by far the best way to wake up to this reality. Take time to join today, it is free and it will change your life.
“When you are aware, you can prepare.” - Chris Duane
若美債上限達協議 金價將大跌
【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】 MF Global稱,如果美國民主黨和共和黨就債務上限問題達成協議,這將避免美國債務違約和評級被下調,那麼,金價將大幅走低。但稱,若兩黨不能達成協議,違約和降級的前景將支撐金價。
2011年7月28日 星期四
Will the sky fall on August 2 if Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling?
Not likely, according to analysts, who say that even without the ability to borrow more money, the government could avoid a devastating default for another week or so. That raises the question of how urgently action is needed to increase the nation's borrowing limit.
For weeks, President Barack Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner have stressed that the U.S. Treasury will run out of room to borrow funds next Tuesday and have warned of dire consequences if Congress does not raise the nation's $14.3 trillion debt ceiling in time.
But Treasury officials have never said when the government will run out of cash to pay the nation's bills, and the consensus among Wall Street analysts is that the cash won't run out until about two weeks after the August debt-ceiling drop-dead date.
"The first risk of a legitimate default is August 15," said Ward McCarthy, chief financial economist and managing director at Jefferies & Co. "Cash is not going to be an immediate problem. The debt ceiling space is not going to be an immediate problem."
McCarthy and other Wall Street analysts predict that the Treasury will have enough cash to meet its early-to-mid August obligations, including $23 billion in Social Security payments to the elderly and disabled on August 3.
That view lends credence to claims that some Republicans have been making for days now that the U.S. government will be able to keep functioning and paying its bills even if there is no deal by August 2.
But it does not take into account how the market and investors will react if Congress fails to raise the debt cap by the deadline and the U.S. Treasury is unable to tap markets for funds.
Analysts also expect that the U.S. Treasury will be able to roll over the $90 billion in U.S. debt that matures August 4.
"In all forecasts, it appears as if they have ample cash to cover their obligations," said Lou Crandall, chief economist with research firm Wrightson ICAP.
Wrightson and Jefferies expect the United States would start defaulting on its obligations on August 15, the date the government must pay out $41 billion, including around $30 billion in interest on U.S. debt.
Barclays Capital has said Treasury may run out of cash to pay its bills around August 10, when $8.5 billion in Social Security payments are due.
A Treasury spokesperson on Tuesday had no comment.
Analysts do not expect the credit rating agencies to downgrade U.S. debt if Congress does not raise the limit by August 2 and the government is still able to pay its bills.
That could potentially give a divided Congress more time to craft a plan to cut spending and raise the limit on how much Treasury can borrow.
"We think there is enough money in the month of August to take care of things," said Representative Jim Jordan, the chairman of the House Republican Study Committee, a group of more than 150 conservative and Tea Party-aligned lawmakers.
Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid and Republican House Speaker John Boehner are locked in a bitter battle over how to control spending and increase the debt cap.
Reid and fellow Democrats have proposed a one-step plan to cut the deficit by $2.7 trillion and raise the cap by the same amount to carry the administration through the November 2012 elections. Meanwhile, Boehner has pushed for a two-stage deficit reduction plan that would provide an initial increase in the debt limit that would only last a few months.
Any sign from the administration that Congress has more time to negotiate a budget deal could undermine Geithner's credibility.
The U.S. Treasury has shifted the forecast of when it would initially bump up against the borrowing cap three times and once pushed back its drop-dead estimate -- now August 2 -- of when it would exhaust all special measures that let it keep borrowing.
"It doesn't help that they have shifted dates. There is definitely a perception from lawmakers that even if they pass the deadline, they may be OK," said Tom Simons, a money market economist with Jefferies & Co. "There will come a point where it is no longer true."
(Reporting by Rachelle Younglai; Editing by Leslie Adler)
通脹升溫預期加息, 亞幣強勢沒法擋
【本報綜合報道】美元持續弱勢,加上澳洲公佈最新通脹數據超預期,令亞太區貨幣昨呈現強勢,追蹤亞洲區內 10種貨幣(不包括日圓)的彭博摩根大通亞洲貨幣指數,昨升至 120.14的 14年高位;澳元及紐元亦應聲抽升,兩種貨幣同創自由浮動以來新高,高見 1.108美元及 87.66美仙。
韓圜今年累升逾 7%
其中南韓圜升至近 3年來高位,兌美元年初至今已累升逾 7%,不過該國政府周二表示通脹問題仍然嚴重,希望盡一切辦法將消費物價指數( CPI)升幅控制在 4%內。
馬來西亞日前亦表示,通脹升溫在國內已成為極關鍵的問題,馬來西亞央行行長上周更表示,現時利率偏低,暗示有加息需要,令馬來西亞貨幣近日不斷攀升,兌美元年初至今已升值逾 4%。印度在周二宣佈加息後,印度盧比昨日續升 0.4%,近期印度盧比升勢為近 7年來最強勁,顯示該國可能仍有加息空間。
澳洲及新西蘭兩個商品及資源國家貨幣,近期亦受惠美元弱勢而備受追捧。其中澳洲昨公佈第二季 CPI升幅高於預期,令澳洲聯儲銀行今年內加息預期升溫,澳元兌美元再創 30年新高 1.108。不過,澳洲財長斯旺強調,不會干預澳元滙率,同時又表示將在年底前決定是否擴大國內債市規模。
債市或加碼 澳元添動力
有分析指,在歐美均受到債務問題困擾的情況下,投資者對美元和歐洲貨幣信心明顯不足。澳元等商品貨幣成為替代美元和歐洲貨幣的首選之一。但澳洲債市的規模較小,難以吸納過多的資金,反而限制澳元的升幅。一旦澳洲決定擴大該國債市規模,澳元料會進一步飆升。新西蘭方面,該國央行將於今日公佈議息結果,市場預期該行會將息口維持於 2.5厘,但下半年則會加息至年初地震前水平,故與澳元齊創新高。
2011年7月27日 星期三
中國人民大學財政金融學院副院長趙錫軍在該文中則表示,美國兩黨可能最終會在2萬億至4萬億美元 (約15.6萬億至31.2萬億港元)減赤計劃上妥協。梅新育建議,為防美國違約,中國應與美國財政部保持接觸,以施加壓力;其次,若美國違約,中國應做 好國際金融市場可能崩盤的準備。
2011年7月26日 星期二
Soros to End Four Decades as Hedge Fund Leader
George Soros, the billionaire best known for breaking the Bank of England, is returning money to outside investors in his $25.5 billion firm, ending a career as hedge-fund manager that spanned more than four decades.
Soros, who turns 81 next month, will hand back the money, less than $1 billion, by the end of the year, according to two people briefed on the matter. His firm will focus on managing assets solely for Soros and his family, according to a letter to investors. Keith Anderson, 51, chief investment officer since February 2008, is leaving, said the letter, signed by Soros’s sons Jonathan and Robert, who are co-deputy chairmen.
“We wish to express our gratitude to those who chose to invest their capital with Soros Fund Management LLC over the last nearly 40 years,” they said in the letter. “We trust that you have felt well rewarded for your decision over time.”
The move completes Soros’s transformation from a speculator, who in 1992 made $1 billion betting that the Bank of England would be forced to devalue the pound, to philanthropist statesman, a role he first imagined for himself as a Hungarian émigré studying at the London School of Economics after World War II, according to Soros’s writings. In the last 30 years, he’s given away more than $8 billion to promote democracy, foster free speech, improve education and fight poverty around the world, he said in a recent essay.
Family Assets
Soros’s sons said they took the decision because new financial regulations would have made it necessary for the firm to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission by March 2012 if it continued to manage money for outsiders. Because the firm has overseen mostly family assets since 2000, when outside money accounted for about $4 billion, they decided it made more sense to run it as a family office, according to the letter.
The rule calls for hedge funds with more than $150 million in assets to report information about their investors and employees, the assets they manage, potential conflicts of interest and their activities outside of fund advising. Registered funds will also be subject to periodic inspections by the SEC.
“We have relied until now on other exemptions from registration which allowed outside shareholders whose interests aligned with those of the family investors to remain invested in Quantum,” the executives said in the letter, referring to its flagship Quantum Endowment Fund. “As those other exemptions are no longer available under the new regulations, Soros Fund Management will now complete the transition to a family office that it began eleven years ago.”
Druckenmiller’s Move
Soros, who controls more than $24.5 billion for himself, his family and his foundations, declined to comment on the letter. Last year, Stanley Druckenmiller, Soros’s chief strategist from late 1988 until 2000, closed his money- management firm, Duquesne Capital Management LLC, and created his own family office.
While Quantum has returned about 20 percent a year, on average, since 1969, when its predecessor was started, according to a person familiar with the firm, the fund’s performance has suffered in the last 18 months. In the first half of this year, Quantum lost about 6 percent, the person said, following a gain of 2.5 percent in 2010. Other macro funds have returned 5.6 percent in the last year-and-a-half, according to Chicago-based Hedge Fund Research Inc.
Soros was born in Budapest in 1930, as Dzjchdzhe Shorash. When the Nazis invaded the city in 1944, Soros’s father arranged for false papers for his family and friends that identified them as non-Jews. Most of the people his father helped survived the war, Soros said in the essay published in the New York Review of Books in late June.
‘Evil Force’
“Instead of submitting to our fate we resisted an evil force that was much stronger than we were -- yet we prevailed. Not only did we survive, but we managed to help others,” he wrote, adding the experience gave him an appetite for taking risk. “This left a lasting mark on me, turning a disaster of unthinkable proportions into an exhilarating adventure.”
After London, Soros came to New York at the age of 26 and became a trader, initially buying and selling stocks for Wall Street brokerage F.M. Mayer. He planned to work for five years, enough time, he reckoned, to save $500,000 and return to England where he would pursue his philosophical studies, according to an interview he gave to Michael Kaufman, author of “Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire.”
Instead, he stayed in the world of finance, eventually moved to Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder Advisors LLC, where he set up the predecessor to the Quantum fund in 1969. He started his own firm in 1973.
Conflicting Goals
Over the years, Soros had to deal with conflicting goals of making good and doing good. While Soros’s fund made about $750 million betting on a decline in the Thai baht in 1997, the wager increased economic woes in Thailand as the government spent billions unsuccessfully defending its currency. In the wake of the devaluation, Thailand was forced to cut public spending in exchange for a $17.2 billion rescue package from the International Monetary Fund.
In 1997, his philanthropic tendencies drove him to buy Russian assets. He took a $1 billion stake in RAO Svyazinvest, Russia’s state-owned telecommunications company, and went on to buy Russian stocks and bonds. He didn’t sell his positions even after publishing a piece in the Financial Times advising the government to devalue the ruble by 15 percent to 25 percent. Four days later, Russia followed his advice.
“He felt that if he was a beacon of investment in Russia, others would follow and the capital inflows would transform the society and integrate them into the G7,” Robert Johnson, a former Soros managing director, told author Sebastian Mallaby in his book ‘More Money than God.’ “There’s a philanthropic side of George that started to interfere with the speculative one.”
‘Public Interest’
In his recent essay, Soros echoed the remarks of his former colleague.
“I have made it a principle to pursue my self-interest in my business, subject to legal and ethical limitations, and to be guided by the public interest as a public intellectual and philanthropist,” he wrote. “If the two are in conflict, the public interest ought to prevail,” he said.
Soros opened his first foundation, the Open Society Fund, in 1979, when his fund had reached about $100 million and his personal wealth had climbed to about $25 million. His initial focus was on promoting democracy and a market economy in Eastern Europe. Soros now funds a network of foundations that operate in 70 countries around the globe, everywhere from the U.S. to Montenegro to South Africa and Haiti.
In late 1988, he hired Druckenmiller to be his chief strategist to take over the day-to-day trading of the firm’s assets so he could concentrate on his charitable pursuits.
Breaking the BoE
While Druckenmiller was the architect of the $10 billion British pound trade, which forced the currency out of the European exchange-rate mechanism, Soros served as a coach to the younger man, encouraging him to increase his bet.
Druckenmiller left in 2000, together with another star manager, Nick Roditi, after losses when the technology bubble burst. Just two years before, the firm had been the biggest hedge fund in the world with $22 billion in assets, and Soros said it was too much money to manage in such concentrated positions.
After the departures, Soros decided to farm out more money to portfolio managers both inside and outside Soros Fund Management. He said he would settle for a 15 percent annualized return, about half of what the fund had posted since its start.
Stepping In
In 2007, as the subprime mortgage crisis was gaining speed, Soros again stepped in. Quantum returned 32 percent that year and posted an 8 percent gain in 2008, when funds on average dropped about 19 percent. Overall, Quantum Endowment grew from about $11 billion in June 2000 to today’s level.
The firm went through several chief investment officers, including Soros’s son Robert, before hiring Anderson, who was a co-founder at BlackRock Inc. and its global fixed-income chief.
The uncertainty about markets and Quantum’s 6 percent dive caused Anderson to sell positions in mid-June and the firm is now holding about 75 percent cash. It hasn’t been decided whether Jonathan and Robert will hire a new CIO, or whether they will add to their stable of external managers.
In the meantime, Soros continues to focus on his philanthropy and on voicing his views on macroeconomic events, such as the sovereign debt crisis in Europe.
“My success in the financial markets has given me a greater degree of independence than most other people,” Soros wrote in his recent essay. “This obliges me to take stands on controversial issues when others cannot, and taking such positions has itself been a source of satisfaction. In short, my philanthropy has made me happy.”
美債談判膠着 考起 PIMCO
會唔會出現意外驚嚇 ?
美國就發債上限的談判仍處於膠着狀態,令投資者對於前景感到非常困惑,寧願採取觀望態度。美國國債一直被視為「沒有風險的資產」( Risk free asset),究竟在美債風波中,投資者會拋售美債自保,抑或蜂擁投入國債市場避險?而由於債務到期,美國財政部將於本周拍賣 990億美元的國債,將會帶來啟示性作用,更可能令危機火上加油。有分析指在談判結果未有突破前,預計市場反應不會太熱烈。
股票基金走資 1560億
即使連全球最大債券基金 PIMCO行政總裁埃利安,亦不知怎樣做,表示「正在研究」。事實上,市場大部份投資者都對前景摸不着頭腦,並陷於忐忑不安的情緒中。哈佛商學院經濟政策教授 David Moss指出,現時的狀況極不尋常。投資者可能會瘋狂拋售國債,亦可能按兵不動。
富達投資貨幣市場部主席 Robert Brown表示,早在一個月前,公司便擬定應急方案,並為國債基金進行一連串壓力測試。
根據投資公司協會的資料,不少散戶投資者近月開始逐步從美國股票基金市場撤資,單是 6月份撤資金額已達 200億美元(約 1560億港元)。有分析師認為,因美債上限談判仍未明朗,投資者傾向採取審慎的觀望態度。華盛頓區投資顧問 David B.Armstrong則認為,投資者對於美債違約問題其實並不擔心,他說:「所有人都在談論,但沒有人真的在害怕。」
2011年7月25日 星期一
華裔研抗菌不鏽鋼 應用醫療廚房
2011年7月23日 星期六
iPhone 4模型扮正貨傾銷
【本報訊】 iPhone 4手機持續熱賣,近日城中出現一名手機老千,斗膽以模型 iPhone 4扮正貨向手機店傾銷。據知旺角先達廣場一名手機商早前中招損失慘重,老千日前再在深水埗出招,終遇機警女店東當面開盒查機識破, 15萬元貨款失而復得。騙局被拆穿,老千棄下 30部手機模型,交還支票落荒而逃。
識破老千局的手機店女東主陳太在深水埗鴨寮街開店,她指「手機老千太猖狂,好彩我今次開紙盒 check機,如果唔係就中計啦!」她說假手機只是 iPhone 4手機模型,「重量同真機有番咁上下」,因為行內人收機時不會開盒檢查,當日心血來潮才開盒檢查發現只是手機模型。
她說現時白色 iPhone 4手機回收價每部 5000多元,估計因此吸引老千犯案。在逃手機老千 40歲, 5呎 8吋高,衣着光鮮。
記者所見,假白色 iPhone 4手機外形顏色與真機無異,記者秤重發現假手機連紙盒重 375克,與真機重 412.7克相差無幾。
2011年7月22日 星期五
As China Enters Silver Market, Dark Days Ahead for COMEX
I have been writing for some time that I could not get my hands around the silver trade. I had a feeling when the market went up 202 points on Tuesday that gold and silver would sell off into a healthy pullback, and they both did. Yesterday I was very surprised and confused to see gold and silver put in very strong showings. As I wrote yesterday, I expected them to continue to sell off to about $35.00 in iShares Silver Trust (SLV) and $141.50 in SPDR Gold Shares (GLD). (See Has the Rally in Gold and Silver Run Out of Steam?) They did not act as scripted. What was I missing?
On Tuesday I spoke to Christian from GoldSilver.com and he pointed me to a link on YouTube by someone using the nom de plume Brother John F. I watched this video in stunned disbelief. This man had a live stream from the Commercial Mercantile Exchange (COMEX) for the minute by minute trades. Silver contracts were selling higher and at about 1:40PM they started to sell off for no reason. Then at 2:03PM there was a trade for 50,000 contracts of silver sold. (This would lead anyone to conclude that the sale was known 23 minutes before it occurred.) This is not a typo -- 50,000 contracts in one minute! Each contract is for 5,000 ounces of silver. So if we do the math 50,000 contracts by 5,000 ounces per contract equals 250,000,000 ounces of paper silver contracts. If we do some further math and we multiply 250,000,000 contracts by the proxy price of silver yesterday, which was $40.00 per ounce, then that trade was for 10 billion dollars in one minute.
I'll this one step further. According to Jason Hommel writing on behalf of the US Mint, the amount of silver produced per year in the entire world is roughly around 680 million ounces and the amount mined in the US last year was 50 million ounces. The amount that was traded on the CME on Tuesday was approximately one third of all of the silver mined in the world. It was 5 times the amount mined in America.
Why is this so troubling? The reason is that there are rumors that the SLV is rumored to not have the silver that the paper purports to represent. There are reports that if SLV was ever called upon to produce the underlying asset it represents it would be unable to do so. Is there any wonder why this commodity is so volatile?
The fact is that the silver market is being manipulated. However, that is about to change. On Friday, July 22nd the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange will start trading dollar denominated silver futures contracts with the hopes of tapping into the growing demand for the metal in China and India. The new contract will enable buyers and sellers in China to trade effectively with their counterparts around the world, while at the same time allowing investors to gain exposure to silver price movements and broaden their investment portfolio. The exchange also plans to roll out Yuan-priced gold and silver futures to capitalize on growing investor demand for China’s strengthening currency. They also have ambitions for products in base metals, energy, and agriculture.
This was the missing piece of the puzzle I could not find. Starting tomorrow the Anglo American monopoly on silver is over. This will be the first time that Asians can buy and take future delivery of silver in Asia. No longer can the CME raise margins close to 100% in eight days. The silver shorts are and should be afraid of the hundreds of millions of Asians that will be entering this small market. China alone has trillions of dollars and they could drop 0.01% of that money into silver, leaving it beyond the control of the American elite.
The one that has the most to fear is the COMEX. Yesterday’s manipulation 23 minutes before the trade of 50,000 contracts was consummated only proves that the exchange has been manipulating the market. There has never been true price discovery as this manipulation of the market has kept the true price of silver hidden. Well, I see dark days ahead for the COMEX. There will be investigations, there will be discoveries, there will be trials, and there will be jail sentences handed out. Market manipulation is not something the Feds take lightly.
I'd encourage readers to buy as much physical silver as they can. Until I am convinced that the markets have established a transparent state where true price discovery is possible I will stay away from paper vehicles. I do exclude Sprott Physical Silver Trust (PSLV) form this list as their paper is really backed up by the physical it purports to represent.
George Maniere
2011年7月21日 星期四
Gold May Rally to $1800 and silver to $70
Gold prices will surge to $1,800 an ounce by the end of this year, and silver will soar to $70 an ounce by March as physical demand climbs in Asia and investors seek a haven asset, Newedge USA LLC said.
“Gold is an excellent hedge in troubled times” as European and the U.S. leaders struggle to resolve debt woes, Mike Frawley, the global head of metals, said yesterday in an interview in New York. Demand for gold and silver will be “very strong long-term from Asia, and the economic trend in the West is improving,” he said.
The gold forecast indicates a 13 percent rally from current levels. The metal climbed to a record $1,610.70 on July 19. The silver estimate means prices will jump 77 percent from yesterday’s closing price. Newedge, based in New York, was the biggest futures-commission merchant by a measure of customer assets on deposit as of May.
Record investment demand for gold in India will keep climbing as higher incomes spur buying, Reliance Capital Asset Management, the operator of the country’s second-biggest fund backed by the metal, said last week. Chinese demand, which increased 32 percent in 2010, may double in the next 10 years, according to the World Gold Council.
Industrial metals such as aluminum and copper will also benefit from robust demand in emerging markets, Frawley said. Aluminum may climb to $3,000 a metric ton in the first quarter, and copper will rise above $10,000 a ton, he said.
‘Very Positive’ Outlook
“Millions of Chinese people are moving from the countryside to cities annually and that migration is leading to new jobs and new wealth, and the money is being invested in various opportunities,” Frawley said. “And you add to that the growth and modernization of India. The outlook for metals is very positive.”
Yesterday, gold futures for August delivery fell $4.20, or 0.3 percent, to $1,596.90 on the Comex in New York. This month, the price rose for 10 straight sessions, the longest rally in 31 years, as debt concerns in the U.S. and Europe escalated.
Gold will climb to $1,900 by October, John Taylor, the founder of FX Concepts LLC in New York, the world’s largest currency hedge fund, said yesterday in an interview in London. His firm manages $8 billion.
Silver futures for September delivery dropped 66.3 cents, or 1.6 percent, to $39.558 yesterday. In January 1980, the metal climbed to a record $50.35. The price reached $49.845 on April 25.
On the London Metal Exchange, copper for delivery in three months declined $85, or 0.9 percent, to $9,755 a ton yesterday. On Feb. 15, the metal reached a record $10,190. Aluminum dropped $14, or 0.5 percent, to $2,536 a ton.
澳洲 Perth Mint 做事效率高
昨天睇網上說會今日4點送到, 而剛才11點已送上來 !
安在家中都可以買到銀幣, 謝謝 !
大家可以諗諗佢: 生日禮物/聖誕禮物/新年紅包/結婚記念禮物 !
2011年7月20日 星期三
不幸身故 強積金如何處理?
積哥說:「在強積金制度下,計劃成員身故後,其累算權益便成為遺產的一部分,處理方式與處理其他遺 產項目例如銀行戶口存款、股票或物業等大致相同。」在一般情況下,已故計劃成員的直系親屬,按優先次序為他在生的配偶、子女、父母或兄弟姊妹,可向遺產承 辦處申辦遺產管理書,成為「遺產代理人」,再向強積金受託人辦理提取累算權益之手續。
積哥接著說:「跟一般計劃成員申請提取強積金一樣,遺產代理人可於積金局網頁下載或向受託人索取 並填寫一份『累算權益申索表格』(表格MPF(S)-W),填妥後連同相關文件,包括遺產代理人的身份證副本、已故計劃成員的死亡證明書副本、遺產承辦處 發出的『遺囑認證』或『遺產管理書』副本等,交回所屬的受託人辦理申索手續。」他補充,受託人有可能要求遺產代理人出示文件正本,以核實資料。
若思疑感地問:「我不太清楚爸爸有多少個強積金帳戶,該怎麼辦?」積哥著她不用擔心:「你可在積金 局網頁下載一份供已故計劃成員的遺產代理人填寫的『查閱保留帳戶資料申請表格』(表格PA-PR),填妥後再連同遺產代理人的身份證副本及『遺囑認證』或 『遺產管理書』副本,親臨積金局,或以郵遞、傳真方式作出查詢。」積金局核實資料後,便會提供有關計劃成員保留帳戶的受託人資料,遺產代理人便可向有關受 託人查詢帳戶詳情,如戶口結餘,以及辦理申索手續。
市況未明 大鱷要錢不要貨
香港文匯報訊 (記者 周紹基) 股市風高浪急,大鱷亦要增持現金避避風頭。為索羅斯基金管理公司(Soros Fund Management LLC)運作255億美元Quantum Endowment基金的Keith Anderson也怕了目前全球市場的動盪走勢,現金頭寸比例升至75%左右,避免目前承接過多風險。
市場人士目前都在觀望歐債危機、中國遏制通脹,以及美國債務上限的爭論等一系列全球事件,在事情變 得更明朗之前,普遍基金經理都選擇減少持貨。索羅斯基金管理和Moore Capital Management LLC等多家對沖基金,均降低了投資組合中股票、債券和外匯的頭寸。美國銀行上個月的一項調查顯示,約18%的資產管理機構,包括令人聞風喪膽的對沖基金 都在增持現金,為一年來的最高水平,5月份這個比例只為6%。
有投資者透露,管理著150億美元資產的Moore Capital,旗下的旗艦對沖基金Moore Global在5月和6月份錄得6%的虧損。
不良債券投資公司Avenue Capital亦正增持現金,創辦人加德納表示,該公司預期會有愈來愈多的歐、美中型企業拖欠債務,現時中型企業的違約率偏低,主要是銀行願意延長貸款, 一旦銀行無法繼續延期,將有大量公司違約,故該公司現保留現金,靜待企業違約時「低吸」相關債務。
Phony Default Crisis May Yield Bargains
If the drama in Washington rattles markets, here's what investors should buy.
America is two weeks away from defaulting on its debt, dramatists in Washington say. Fortunately, this crisis is as phony as a million dollar bill, which is why Treasury bond prices have barely flinched, which in turn is why the players involved will mug for the crowd until the last possible moment before striking a deal.
That doesn't mean investors should shrug the whole thing off. As Monday's steep decline in the Dow Jones Industrial Average showed, fake crises can produce real losses for investors. They can also provide some excellent buying opportunities.
In brief, there are at least four reasons not to fear a U.S. default. First, the debt limit America breached in May and must raise by Aug. 2 is an artificial barrier created by Congress mostly so that its parties can scold each other every so often about having to expand it. They have done so 11 times since 1940 (and many more times through extending deadlines and stretching definitions). Second, world demand for U.S. Treasury bonds remains ample, with China, Japan and Britain raising their holdings of late.
Third, under the gloomier of two sets of long-term projections by the Congressional Budget Office, federal debt won't hit unprecedented levels relative to the size of the economy until at least 2025. Fourth, as I've noted before, the U.S. budget shortfall isn't nearly as worrisome as European ones because America overspends on health care and defense by preposterous margins, and can therefore extract vast spending cuts from a handful of painless reforms the moment it musters the political will.
Of course, the U.S. can't necessarily prevent a threatened downgrade of its credit rating by Standard & Poor's, Moody's or Fitch. But if the Treasury market is impressed with the opinions of those firms, it hasn't demonstrated it. The 30-year yield rose Monday, but the 10-year yield recently slipped below 3%. That's less than half its average in Fed data going back to the Korean War.
Such low rates make Treasury bonds unappealing at the moment, despite their credit safety. Corporate bonds look similarly overpriced but municipals are somewhat more attractive by comparison, with tax-free yields of 3.2% on 10-year, A-rated issues. Shares of large, multinational companies look cheap, meanwhile. The largest 5% of U.S. firms by stock market value trade at a modest 13 times this year's earnings forecast and carry an average dividend yield of around 3%—half again as high as the broader market's yield. AT&T (NYSE: T - News), Pfizer (PFE - News), Philip Morris International (NYSE: PM - News) and Intel (NASDAQ: INTC - News) pay an average of 4.3%.
Gold topped $1,600 an ounce Monday, up 8% since the start of July. It might gain more, but what gold can't do is provide its owners with income or any intrinsic justification for its price. Those are two sources of much-needed support when asset prices broadly fall. Investors who are keen to hold commodities should consider dabbling in a diversified basket of grains, energy and metals, like the PowerShares DB Commodity Index Tracking fund (DBC - News).
Among the best things to hold during a phony default crisis is cash. It pays next to nothing, but the dollar looks cheap relative to the euro based on purchasing power parity (a comparison of local costs) and if policy makers in coming days overplay their role and rattle foreign creditors, bonds might swoon and offer better yields, and shares might tumble in the U.S. and abroad. Long-term, however, all the breast-beating in Washington is a promising sign. It means law-makers are properly serious about the importance of deficit cuts. If the drama creates bargains in the near-term, here's hoping the results are worth it.
2011年7月19日 星期二

由於紋銀和寶銀都是成色高過925, 所以請大家唔好衝摯銀舖仔推高價格 !
多謝honson俾我地址買咗個好似金舖用的放大鏡(280蚊名廠鏡), 可以睇到印在銀鍊的字啦 !
以版友要求, 放大鏡地址是 : 南與鐘表行, 油麻地白加士街 117號地下 ! (不是賣廣告, 因為我無錢收的) !
在實際流通領域中的金屬銀,成錠者稱「寶 銀」,即鑄成元寶形式的銀錠。寶銀的成色通常全都高於紋銀。由於各地寶銀成色不一,因此在其前面冠以地名,或申水標準,如蘇寶銀、武昌寶銀,足寶、二四寶、二五寶、二六寶等等。
香港文匯報訊(記者 馬子豪)安老按揭計劃(又稱「逆按揭」)於上周推出後,昨日終於開齋。中銀香港(2388)昨表示,已接到該行首宗申請。而永隆銀行昨日則獲香港按揭證券公司正式批准首宗安老按揭貸款申請。
安老按揭計劃利率以按證公司釐定為準,現為該公司公佈的香港最優惠利率減2.5厘。借款人亦可申請 提取一筆過貸款,以應付特別情況。除非貸款因特定情況而被終止,借款人終生毋須還款。此外,計劃不設提前清償貸款的罰款,借款人可隨時全數償還貸款及贖回 物業而毋須繳交任何罰款。
據中通社18日電 失業五年,仍可生活無憂,台灣新北市劉氏夫婦有「秘訣」,兩人靠家中的噴墨打印機印刷百元 (新台幣,下同)的偽鈔,再趁高峰時間到街市、小商店購物竟屢屢得手,劉氏夫婦在過去5年來憑此「手藝」過活,真正做到「沒錢自己印」。但上得山多終遇虎,兩人終於在17日被拆穿把戲。
2011年7月18日 星期一
我都好想買多D保障下自己D錢/股票 0.0"
好想做收藏家 累積財富
我得20歲.屋企人成日都話我"大想頭"= ="
想保障自己財富買實銀, 就最好買最少溢價的實銀, 如Kitco 銀和利昌銀 !(請睇本網[投資金銀手冊]
限量版銀唔係唔可以買, 不過如果有人只用純銀價幫你回收, 你會蝕錢 !
1. 中國長城硬幣投資有限公司
(可以留意新貨, 不過唔係成日有新金銀幣發售)
2. Royal Canada Mint 加拿大金銀幣廠
(不過唔運貨來亞洲, 香港代理是 國際金錢(香港)有限公司, 而價錢會貴過由廠直接訂貸 !)
3. The Perth Mint 澳洲金銀幣廠
(今早試過訂幾個1/10oz樹熊銀幣, 勁方便又易用, 又可以訂夠 300澳元 free shipping)
註: 買金銀幣, 一定要留意金銀純度和重量, 去衡量金銀幣的合理價錢 !
本人發覺, 好多新幣會愈溝愈淡, 而多數在英國出的新銀幣都是用925純度(sterling silver) !
2011年7月17日 星期日
【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】中國保監會主席吳定富表示,內地上半年保險投資收益為2.09%,期內全國實現保費按年升13%。而他績稱,今年以來,資本市場低迷及加息,令所有權益價值縮水,保險公司的償付能力充足率受到較大影響,部分產品面臨一定退保的風險。
骨牌效應 韓物價接連飆漲
美債後信用必受損 金價原物料可能上飆
2011年7月16日 星期六
Could silver one day be worth more than gold?
Summer time is a chance for re-reading investment classics at ArabianMoney. We’ve just been dipping into the 2008 ‘Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver’ by Michael Maloney, and find that pretty much everything he predicted has come right.
If you bought silver when this book came out then you have probably doubled your money today, and briefly sat on a three-fold profit back in April this year. ArabianMoney is confident that April’s spike will be passed this autumn, so loading up on silver in the quiet summer months is our best tip right now.
Silver, not gold
However, we were still struck by Mr. Maloney’s conclusion that the silver price will one day exceed that of gold. That is an absolutely extraordinary claim as striking now as it was three years ago.
But we can see a scenario that could get silver more highly valued than gold. It would require a hyperinflation of a kind not seen in the advanced economies since Germany in the early 1920s, or at the very least a long period of elevated monetary inflation.
At the moment gold is the currency of choice among precious metal investors but this could change, particularly if the kind of price momentum we saw from last autumn to this spring is repeated. Everybody loves to jump on a winning trade.
The thing is that physical silver is in very short supply, and the situation in the Comex futures market is one of artifical price suppression that teeters on the brink of a breakdown. How else could any commodity be priced at less than it was 30 years ago?
Physical shortage
So if the Comex price fixing is broken by overwhelming physical demand, and a momentum trade develops in a tighly supplied market then you do have the potential for an exponentially soaring silver price. Those presently stashing their insurance money in gold would therefore be tempted to switch part of it into silver, and so the price would go up and up.
Perhaps in that dynamic the price of gold might begin to weaken, or certainly not to rise at all. Silver could then in a super price spike shoot past the gold price. But this would be like the dot-com bubble of the late 90s and after a short time the speculative fever would burn out and the price collapse.
However, the point to note is that silver prices are low now with massive upside potential if the bull market in precious metals continues and the global economy does not fall into a deflationary depression.
Summer time is a chance for re-reading investment classics at ArabianMoney. We’ve just been dipping into the 2008 ‘Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver’ by Michael Maloney, and find that pretty much everything he predicted has come right.
If you bought silver when this book came out then you have probably doubled your money today, and briefly sat on a three-fold profit back in April this year. ArabianMoney is confident that April’s spike will be passed this autumn, so loading up on silver in the quiet summer months is our best tip right now (click here).
Silver, not gold
However, we were still struck by Mr. Maloney’s conclusion that the silver price will one day exceed that of gold. That is an absolutely extraordinary claim as striking now as it was three years ago.
But we can see a scenario that could get silver more highly valued than gold. It would require a hyperinflation of a kind not seen in the advanced economies since Germany in the early 1920s, or at the very least a long period of elevated monetary inflation.
At the moment gold is the currency of choice among precious metal investors but this could change, particularly if the kind of price momentum we saw from last autumn to this spring is repeated. Everybody loves to jump on a winning trade.
The thing is that physical silver is in very short supply, and the situation in the Comex futures market is one of artifical price suppression that teeters on the brink of a breakdown. How else could any commodity be priced at less than it was 30 years ago?
Physical shortage
So if the Comex price fixing is broken by overwhelming physical demand, and a momentum trade develops in a tighly supplied market then you do have the potential for an exponentially soaring silver price. Those presently stashing their insurance money in gold would therefore be tempted to switch part of it into silver, and so the price would go up and up.
Perhaps in that dynamic the price of gold might begin to weaken, or certainly not to rise at all. Silver could then in a super price spike shoot past the gold price. But this would be like the dot-com bubble of the late 90s and after a short time the speculative fever would burn out and the price collapse.
However, the point to note is that silver prices are low now with massive upside potential if the bull market in precious metals continues and the global economy does not fall into a deflationary depression.
By: Peter Cooper
2011年7月15日 星期五
Kitco 買銀幣記 (4)
1oz兔銀幣- 480蚊
1oz樹熊 - 460蚊
1oz奧地利音樂隊 - 400蚊
2011年7月14日 星期四
就黃金價格的變動,知名財經作家、黃金研究員肖磊於微博表示,機構的眼睛是雪亮的,思維是敏捷的,自從白宮被爆有意助推QE3之後,全球最大黃金專 業投資基金SPDR即刻一次性加倉約20噸,黃金價格直接衝破每盎司1,580關口,距離1,600美元僅一步之遙,而1,600美元曾是各大銀行及機構 預測的年內最高點。
網址 : www.quamnet.com
Ron Paul Attacks Bernanke on Gold
NEW YORK (TheStreet ) -- Congressman Ron Paul's commitment to the gold standard was on display today as he challenged Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on whether the precious metal is considered a form of currency.
During his testimony to the House Financial Services Committee, Bernanke was hardly allowed to speak as Paul grilled the head of the Fed.
Paul: The price of gold today is $1,580 the dollar during these last few years the dollar was devalued almost 50%. When you wake up in the morning, do you care about the price of gold?
Bernanke: Well, I pay attention to the price of gold but I think it reflects a lot of things. It reflects global uncertainties. The reason people hold gold is its protection against what we call tail risk ... they have gold as a protection.
Paul: Do you think gold is money?
Bernanke: [Long pause] No.
Bernanke went on to acknowledge that gold is an asset and that central banks hold it as reserves. Paul demanded to know why the Fed didn't hold diamonds as an asset instead of gold if it wasn't really money and Bernanke, who seemed stumped, said it was a "long term tradition."
Paul has denounced the Federal Reserve for his entire 35 year tenure in Congress and has been the gold standard's biggest advocate, something he danced around with Bernanke. Getting the Fed chairman to admit that gold was a form of money would underscore Paul's belief that gold is a more valuable form of money than paper currencies. Since the Fed started pumping money into the system in November of 2008, gold prices have climbed 113% while the U.S. dollar index has sunk 13%. Gold hit an intra-day record Wednesday of $1,588.90 an ounce.
Many experts think that high gold prices are actually a reflection on the lack of faith in the U.S. dollar. With real interest rates negative -- interest rate minus the inflation rate -- gold has made an attractive alternative to paper money. The real interest in the U.S., at the top end, is negative 1.05% which means that each dollar is worth around 90 cents whereas each ounce of gold is worth more than $1,580.
In a recent interview with TheStreet, Paul said, "At one time the ratio of dollars to gold was $20 to 1 ounce, now it's over $1,500. They'll lose control, people will panic out of the dollar, then you'll see gold at maybe $5,000 to $10,000 ... But now we're losing the trust and we're only waiting on that day, so when that happens there will be a restoration of sound money to some degree."
Paul thinks that Washington will come to its senses before gold hits $10,000 an ounce and crack its fiscal whip, "we're going to quit spending, quit printing money and then restore confidence, but it's up for grabs because the bubble is bigger than ever before."
Paul advocates returning to the Constitutional mandate of using gold and silver as legal tender and then letting the people chose which they would rather trade in gold or paper. "I want to legalize the trading in gold and silver, no taxes, no sales taxes, no capital gains taxes. " Paul hopes if given this option that individuals would opt for gold and silver, making the U.S. dollar more obsolete.
"Gold, if you pick up a coin minted 6,000 years ago, you'd still have your money. If you pick up a piece of paper printed a year ago, it might be worth half its value. So history is on my side of the argument," says Paul.
If a true gold standard were to go into effect, meaning that every dollar was replaced with gold, then the gold price would have to skyrocket to $5,000 or the government would have to extract $9 trillion out of the system. Paul concedes that might happen but that it would be worth the pain.
Jon Nadler, senior analyst at Kitco.com says that Bernanke will be crucified by Paul and his followers for not saying gold is money but that Bernanke was not wrong. "We all know the date and the time when gold stopped being money. This is all about perception, sentimentalism, and reality being at odds with each other ... Anyone who acknowledges that inescapable reality will promptly be dismissed by the gold bugs as a heretic."
With Paul announcing that he will no longer seek re-election to Congress but is instead putting all his eggs in the Presidential basket, he is no doubt hoping other people see his side of the gold coin.
2011年7月13日 星期三
美債務談判 靠中間方案救亡
合約需淺白 字體禁蚊型
守則屬自願 違規不受罰
IBond 可有可無
剛才打去證券行問, 不過一早已諗到, 證券行除咗佣金之外須收100蚊的認購費, 而將來說不定會收你代收利息費, 所以放棄了申請, 而拿個一萬蚊去買實銀好過啦 !
IBond 本來的用意是幫補市民抗通脹, 不過出來的較果是幫銀行拉股票客 ! 睇怕銀行家的影響力真係好大 !
2011年7月12日 星期二
2011年7月11日 星期一
香港文匯報訊 (記者 馬子豪) 由按揭證券公司推出的安老按揭(逆按揭)計劃詳情將於今日公布,料將有約6至7家銀行與牽頭的按揭證券公司簽約推出計劃。
參與安老按揭計劃的長者,可透過將物業向銀行機構進行抵押貸款,每月收取以作日常開支,年期介乎 10年至終身,而長者可在物業內居住至百年歸老。日後長者的繼後人,可選擇支付本金、利息及保費等以贖回物業;或可由銀行將物業變賣,扣除成本後若有餘額則歸予繼後人,虧損則由按證公司「包底」。
2011年7月10日 星期日
雖然違約或破產是終止危機最乾脆的辦法,可是在金融海嘯 3周年的當下,各國尤其是美歐似乎已不想再面對這辦法帶來的「短暫痛苦」,情願把問題盡量拖延。危機浮現初期即使不一定是「大得不能倒下」,卻因長期「以債冚債」,最終越滾越大並自我成就了「大得不能倒下」這句話。
若堅持不以違約的手法解決,可行辦法就只有印鈔及貨幣貶值。黃金自 08年底每盎斯 700美元,升至現時 1500美元,不但反映新興國家如中國、印度、俄羅斯及中東等國看穿了問題的真相,亦反映全球富人越來越擔心財富貶值而積極把紙幣轉移至各類實物資產。
9月底前料破 1600
筆者認為當前金價不但不存在泡沫,而且從任何基本因素來看都顯得十分便宜。 80年代金價曾高見 850美元,當時美國負債水平為 9300億美元,兩者比例為 0.09;去年底金價為 1420美元,但美國負債已升至 14萬億美元,比例是 0.01。美債規模比 80年已大幅飆升,考慮到泡沫式的債務膨脹,金價仍具龐大的「追落後」空間。
過去 40年,當實質負利率超過 1.7厘時,金價一年期平均升 20%。傳統上, 7月是金價最淡靜的月份,在過去 40年錄得正回報的機會率只有 49%;但踏入 8、 9月,機會率卻升至六成以上的全年高位,而 8月至 1月也是全年表現最強勁的一段時間。
在過去兩年多,約每隔 6個月金價便回歸至接近其 150日線,並於隨後兩三個月內出現兩至三成的升幅(見圖),短炒或長線投資者均可以此作為參考。筆者並不建議把黃金看作短炒工具,因當前央行干預動作頻密,短線走勢已被扭曲,但長線黃金卻是對冲債務危機的必備項目。
筆者預期金價在 9月底前將可突破 1600美元,明年 3月底前可望升至 1800美元;但無論短線目標能否如期達到,金價升勢料將延續好幾年。