2016年10月31日 星期一
【on.cc東網專訊】 人民幣「入籃」1個月,中國銀行(香港)高級經濟研究員應堅指出,人民幣受了一場市場考驗,從十一黃金周開始,離岸人民幣(CNH)先急步下行,突破6.7大關,更一度直奔另一個心理關口6.8,但今日收市已回穩至6.77水平。
【on.cc東網專訊】 人民幣「入籃」1個月,中國銀行(香港)高級經濟研究員應堅指出,人民幣受了一場市場考驗,從十一黃金周開始,離岸人民幣(CNH)先急步下行,突破6.7大關,更一度直奔另一個心理關口6.8,但今日收市已回穩至6.77水平。
加連威老道一條街22間吉舖 冠絕核心區
【on.cc東網專訊】 根據美聯工商舖資料研究部數據顯示,今年第3季4大核心區(中環、銅鑼灣、旺角及尖沙咀)共有620間吉舖,整體空置率約8.8%,其中旺角區共有276間吉舖,屬4區中吉舖數量最多的地區,空置率約8.3%;尖沙咀區共有141間吉舖,數量排行第2,空置率約9.9%;而中環及銅鑼灣區分別有130間及73間吉舖,空置率分別約10.0%及7.4%。
【on.cc東網專訊】 根據美聯工商舖資料研究部數據顯示,今年第3季4大核心區(中環、銅鑼灣、旺角及尖沙咀)共有620間吉舖,整體空置率約8.8%,其中旺角區共有276間吉舖,屬4區中吉舖數量最多的地區,空置率約8.3%;尖沙咀區共有141間吉舖,數量排行第2,空置率約9.9%;而中環及銅鑼灣區分別有130間及73間吉舖,空置率分別約10.0%及7.4%。
收市10大要知:大媽掟港股 道期靠穩
【on.cc東網專訊】 港股收市後,市場焦點轉至香港時間今晚8時30分,美國將公布9月個人消費支出、個人收入。道指期貨現升22點。以下為「收市10大要知」新聞:
1、港股5連跌 港股通現走資
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2、滬指收企3100 10月升3%
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3、歐股開市受壓 西卡集團勁升12%
瑞士西卡集團(Sika)勁升12%,此前傳出集團控股家族擬舉行三方會談以解決目前僵局。當地法院上周回應集團管理層要求,禁止該家族向法國Saint Gobain出售控制性股權。
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7、新盤專輯:ONE HOMANTIN及富豪‧悅庭有消息
何文田站通車帶動區內新盤銷情理想,會德豐地產常務董事黃光耀表示,旗下區內ONE HOMANTIN於最近3個月售出211伙,累售311伙,套現37億港元,平均呎價逾2萬元。
)執行董事兼首席營運官范統稱,旗下元朗洪水橋富豪‧悅庭由11月5日起至明年1月31日內買入一幢洋房,首3位買家將可獲得價值43萬港元的BMW i3電動車1部。他稱明年1月料加價,但加幅未定,現時共有6幢洋房已公布價單,稍後會再加推4幢。
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8、沙田第一城首9個月租金急升8.5% 最突出
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9、差估署:9月私樓價挑戰高峰 細單位最勁
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【on.cc東網專訊】 港股收市後,市場焦點轉至香港時間今晚8時30分,美國將公布9月個人消費支出、個人收入。道指期貨現升22點。以下為「收市10大要知」新聞:
1、港股5連跌 港股通現走資
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2、滬指收企3100 10月升3%
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3、歐股開市受壓 西卡集團勁升12%
瑞士西卡集團(Sika)勁升12%,此前傳出集團控股家族擬舉行三方會談以解決目前僵局。當地法院上周回應集團管理層要求,禁止該家族向法國Saint Gobain出售控制性股權。
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7、新盤專輯:ONE HOMANTIN及富豪‧悅庭有消息
何文田站通車帶動區內新盤銷情理想,會德豐地產常務董事黃光耀表示,旗下區內ONE HOMANTIN於最近3個月售出211伙,累售311伙,套現37億港元,平均呎價逾2萬元。

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8、沙田第一城首9個月租金急升8.5% 最突出
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9、差估署:9月私樓價挑戰高峰 細單位最勁
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九巴八折回程拍卡有上限 宜帶多張八達通
【on.cc東網專訊】 九巴下月5日起推出為期88天的乘車優惠,乘客只要即日來回以同一張八達通,乘搭同一路線或同一組別路線,即可享用回程車費8折,折扣優惠涉及297條九巴獨營路線組別。不過要留意,乘客在去程與回程之間,同一張八達通不能有9次以上的任何拍卡記錄,包括乘車、購物、增值、停車場出入記錄等,如果每日經常使用八達通的市民,可能就要準備多一張八達通。
【on.cc東網專訊】 九巴下月5日起推出為期88天的乘車優惠,乘客只要即日來回以同一張八達通,乘搭同一路線或同一組別路線,即可享用回程車費8折,折扣優惠涉及297條九巴獨營路線組別。不過要留意,乘客在去程與回程之間,同一張八達通不能有9次以上的任何拍卡記錄,包括乘車、購物、增值、停車場出入記錄等,如果每日經常使用八達通的市民,可能就要準備多一張八達通。
僅60%社福機構公開財務 查閲報告留難多
【on.cc東網專訊】 社會福利署自2000年開始,對受資助社福機構實行整筆撥款制度,以取代過往的實報實銷,當中要求機構必須對外公開財務及薪酬報告。有工會調查發現,僅60%機構跟從上述指示,而索取報告的過程亦很繁瑣。工會曾要求社署將所有受資助機構的財務報告上載到網站,或向違反的機構訂立罰則,卻遭到拒絕。
【on.cc東網專訊】 社會福利署自2000年開始,對受資助社福機構實行整筆撥款制度,以取代過往的實報實銷,當中要求機構必須對外公開財務及薪酬報告。有工會調查發現,僅60%機構跟從上述指示,而索取報告的過程亦很繁瑣。工會曾要求社署將所有受資助機構的財務報告上載到網站,或向違反的機構訂立罰則,卻遭到拒絕。
Gold Is Going To Play A Role In A New Monetary System. Interview Koos Jansen by ‘Dutch Financial Times’
by BullionStar
Submitted by Koos Jansen from BullionStar.com
In the Netherlands we have a financial newspaper that prints on pink paper and is named “Het Financieel Dagblad”. Basically it’s the Dutch equivalent of the Financial Times. A few weeks ago I was interviewed by two of their reporters, Joost van Kuppeveld and Lenneke Arts. Today the interview was published as part of a series of interviews with gold experts, among others, with myself and Aerdt Houben, Director Financial Markets at the Dutch central bank (DNB).
Perhaps not surprisingly I disagree with several statements of Houben in his interview, to which I would like to respond in a forthcoming post. For now, you can read my interview below. In case readers didn’t know my real name is Jan Nieuwenhuijs, and Koos Jansen is my Internet alias. Het Financieel Dagblad preferred to disclose my real name.
Original source at Financieel Dagblad, published 29 October 2016. Translated by Koos Jansen.
"The whole world is now in the same boat. Everywhere there are low interest rates and on all continents money is printed. Only the United States has paused printing for the moment.
There are many flaws in fiat money. You can print it without limitations, which is politically too tempting. Fiat money printing was used to save the financial system in 2008, but since then nothing has changed. Banks are not split. In a next crisis it’s going to end badly with paper money. There will be significant inflation.
Gold is a hard currency. It can't be printed - like fiat money. It is divisible and it does not perish. It retains its purchasing power in the long term. If it’s in the center of the monetary system, it will also be more stable in terms of purchasing power in the short and medium term. That has to do with economic principles; it is a commodity.
In that respect I feel safe by keeping a portion of my savings in physical gold. I am protected from economic shocks. If the euro falls gold rises, and so my purchasing power is maintained.
Something has to happen in the international monetary system. It cannot stay centred around the dollar. Since 1971 – when the dollar was detached from gold - the United States has an exorbitant privilege. Most trade in the world is settled in dollars. Therefore, there is a huge demand for dollars in the world, and the US can simply print these dollars.
In the new system gold is going play a role. Look at the developments in Europe. The Netherlands and Germany get their gold back from America.
Austria and Belgium are also repatriating. Russia and China buy a lot of gold.
The Chinese have too many dollars in foreign exchange reserves and are therefore at the mercy of the whims of US policy. The transition to a new system will be gradual. No one wants a new shock.
With my blog I try to fill the gap between mainstream media, who do not understand gold, and conspiracy theorists. I always try to seek the truth. Because if we get a new financial crisis, we must know the truth. The Dutch central bank shouldn’t state it holds 600 tonnes if it can’t show us the audit reports and gold bar list. That's why I'm pushing for the audit reports and gold bars list to be publicly released, but those requests find a lot of resistance at my national bank.
While you would think they can be fully transparent. What’s there to hide?"
by BullionStar
Submitted by Koos Jansen from BullionStar.com
In the Netherlands we have a financial newspaper that prints on pink paper and is named “Het Financieel Dagblad”. Basically it’s the Dutch equivalent of the Financial Times. A few weeks ago I was interviewed by two of their reporters, Joost van Kuppeveld and Lenneke Arts. Today the interview was published as part of a series of interviews with gold experts, among others, with myself and Aerdt Houben, Director Financial Markets at the Dutch central bank (DNB).
Perhaps not surprisingly I disagree with several statements of Houben in his interview, to which I would like to respond in a forthcoming post. For now, you can read my interview below. In case readers didn’t know my real name is Jan Nieuwenhuijs, and Koos Jansen is my Internet alias. Het Financieel Dagblad preferred to disclose my real name.
Original source at Financieel Dagblad, published 29 October 2016. Translated by Koos Jansen.
Gold Is Going To Play A Role In A New Monetary System
Jan Nieuwenhuijs
Profession: Precious metals analyst at BullionStar.com
Owns gold since 2010
"The whole world is now in the same boat. Everywhere there are low interest rates and on all continents money is printed. Only the United States has paused printing for the moment.
There are many flaws in fiat money. You can print it without limitations, which is politically too tempting. Fiat money printing was used to save the financial system in 2008, but since then nothing has changed. Banks are not split. In a next crisis it’s going to end badly with paper money. There will be significant inflation.
Gold is a hard currency. It can't be printed - like fiat money. It is divisible and it does not perish. It retains its purchasing power in the long term. If it’s in the center of the monetary system, it will also be more stable in terms of purchasing power in the short and medium term. That has to do with economic principles; it is a commodity.
In that respect I feel safe by keeping a portion of my savings in physical gold. I am protected from economic shocks. If the euro falls gold rises, and so my purchasing power is maintained.
Something has to happen in the international monetary system. It cannot stay centred around the dollar. Since 1971 – when the dollar was detached from gold - the United States has an exorbitant privilege. Most trade in the world is settled in dollars. Therefore, there is a huge demand for dollars in the world, and the US can simply print these dollars.
In the new system gold is going play a role. Look at the developments in Europe. The Netherlands and Germany get their gold back from America.
Austria and Belgium are also repatriating. Russia and China buy a lot of gold.
The Chinese have too many dollars in foreign exchange reserves and are therefore at the mercy of the whims of US policy. The transition to a new system will be gradual. No one wants a new shock.
With my blog I try to fill the gap between mainstream media, who do not understand gold, and conspiracy theorists. I always try to seek the truth. Because if we get a new financial crisis, we must know the truth. The Dutch central bank shouldn’t state it holds 600 tonnes if it can’t show us the audit reports and gold bar list. That's why I'm pushing for the audit reports and gold bars list to be publicly released, but those requests find a lot of resistance at my national bank.
While you would think they can be fully transparent. What’s there to hide?"
【on.cc東網專訊】 資深市場人士蘇子在東方產經「群星匯」專欄表示,目前美國的主流媒體普遍認為「狂人」特朗普氣數已盡,不可能入主白宮。但不要忘記,特朗普的支持者以狂熱稱著,即使有甚麼對特朗普負面的消息,亦難以阻攔這些狂熱支持者向特朗普投票,因此,目前仍難言特朗普一定不能入主白宮。
【on.cc東網專訊】 資深市場人士蘇子在東方產經「群星匯」專欄表示,目前美國的主流媒體普遍認為「狂人」特朗普氣數已盡,不可能入主白宮。但不要忘記,特朗普的支持者以狂熱稱著,即使有甚麼對特朗普負面的消息,亦難以阻攔這些狂熱支持者向特朗普投票,因此,目前仍難言特朗普一定不能入主白宮。
奇招抑樓價 深圳買賣樓要先「罰抄」
【on.cc東網專訊】 內地傳媒報道,為嚴控深圳房地產市場交易風險,從10月28日起,無論是新盤或二手樓、預售的買賣合同都加多了一條「聲明」:確認買賣雙方都提供相關真實的證明材料。該「聲明」需雙方手抄一遍並簽字。
【on.cc東網專訊】 內地傳媒報道,為嚴控深圳房地產市場交易風險,從10月28日起,無論是新盤或二手樓、預售的買賣合同都加多了一條「聲明」:確認買賣雙方都提供相關真實的證明材料。該「聲明」需雙方手抄一遍並簽字。
2016年10月30日 星期日
靠指紋可登入銀行App Android及iOS都得
方便得來又會出新漏洞 !
on.cc東網專訊【on.cc東網專訊】 渣打銀行(香港)率先推出指紋登入(Touch Login)銀行帳戶服務,客戶明日可開始使用,適用於Android及蘋果手機。渣打香港客戶明天進入手機銀行App「Breeze」後,將會收到App的更新通知,更新後登記1次,以後登入App只需手指輕按手機HOME鍵便可,全程毋須輸入用戶名及密碼。
指紋登入的好處包括毋須再記住用戶名及密碼,而且登入速度更快,保安更強。渣打香港現時有超過50萬名網上銀行活躍用戶,過半數有下載手機銀行App「Breeze」,渣打香港個人金融業務主管尚明洋指,指紋登入方便易用,加上港人自Apple Pay推出後對指紋認證的接受度提升,故他預期下載App的人數比例,可升上活躍用戶的7至8成,該行明年會將指紋登入技術引入其證券買賣App。
各大銀行於生物認證領域競賽,中信銀行(國際)去年底率先推「指紋查帳」,只限蘋果手機,而星展銀行(香港)的信用卡專用App「DBS Omni」亦支援蘋果手機指紋登入。今年6月花旗銀行(香港)首推聲紋認證,滙豐銀行及中國銀行(香港)(02388

Perth Mint 2017 Year of the Rooster Silver Coin BU and Proof
Perth Mint 2017雞年半盎司(113.68蚊信用卡價)和1盎司(235.79蚊信用卡價)普製銀幣, 在LPM買, 有capsule 附送 !
Australian Lunar Series II 2017 Year Of The Rooster Silver Proof Coins
Year: 2017
Grade: Proof
Denomination: $0.5
Mint Mark: P - Perth Mint
Metal Content: 0.5 troy oz
Minimum Gross Weight (g) 15.553
Purity: .9999
Manufacturer: Perth Mint
Thickness: 2.30 mm
Diameter: 36.6 mm
Mintage: 9000
Year: 2017
Grade: Proof
Denomination: $1
Mint Mark: P - Perth Mint
Metal Content: 1 troy oz
Minimum Gross Weight (g) 31.107
Purity: .9999
Manufacturer: Perth Mint
Thickness: 2.60 mm
Diameter: 45.6 mm
Mintage: 8500
Perth Mint 2017雞年半盎司(320蚊)和1盎司(520蚊)精製銀幣, 在SCS買, 有capsule、外盒和証書附送 !
剛剛發現雞年生肖銀幣, 普製和精製都改用9999純度銀 !
Australian Lunar Series II 2017 Year Of The Rooster Silver Proof Coins
Year: 2017
Grade: Proof
Denomination: $0.5
Mint Mark: P - Perth Mint
Metal Content: 0.5 troy oz
Minimum Gross Weight (g) 15.553
Purity: .9999
Manufacturer: Perth Mint
Thickness: 2.30 mm
Diameter: 36.6 mm
Mintage: 9000
Year: 2017
Grade: Proof
Denomination: $1
Mint Mark: P - Perth Mint
Metal Content: 1 troy oz
Minimum Gross Weight (g) 31.107
Purity: .9999
Manufacturer: Perth Mint
Thickness: 2.60 mm
Diameter: 45.6 mm
Mintage: 8500
Perth Mint 2017雞年半盎司(320蚊)和1盎司(520蚊)精製銀幣, 在SCS買, 有capsule、外盒和証書附送 !
剛剛發現雞年生肖銀幣, 普製和精製都改用9999純度銀 !
意大利中部發生6.6級強烈地震 羅馬有震感
【on.cc東網專訊】 意大利中部地區當地時間今早7時40分發生黎克特制6.6級地震,據歐洲地中海地震中心數據顯示,震央位於首都羅馬東北132公里,震源深度為1.5公里,屬淺層地震。地震震感強烈,首都羅馬及那不勒斯亦感受到震感,暫未有傷亡報告。較早前,美國地質調查局表示,震度為黎克特制7.1級,但其後作出修正。
由於中部地區近日不斷發生地震,不少民眾都棲身戶外。小鎮烏西塔(Ussita)的鎮長連拿迪(Marco Rinaldi)形容是次地震為一場災難,他受訪時稱:「所有東西均倒塌,我看到大量濃煙,活像地獄來臨一樣,我一直只敢睡在車內。」
【on.cc東網專訊】 意大利中部地區當地時間今早7時40分發生黎克特制6.6級地震,據歐洲地中海地震中心數據顯示,震央位於首都羅馬東北132公里,震源深度為1.5公里,屬淺層地震。地震震感強烈,首都羅馬及那不勒斯亦感受到震感,暫未有傷亡報告。較早前,美國地質調查局表示,震度為黎克特制7.1級,但其後作出修正。
由於中部地區近日不斷發生地震,不少民眾都棲身戶外。小鎮烏西塔(Ussita)的鎮長連拿迪(Marco Rinaldi)形容是次地震為一場災難,他受訪時稱:「所有東西均倒塌,我看到大量濃煙,活像地獄來臨一樣,我一直只敢睡在車內。」
黑球係咩? 非風球但風力可等同3號波
【on.cc東網專訊】 掛風球就聽得多,掛黑球又有無聽過呢?黑球原來不是指黑雨,亦非風球,而是代表強烈季候風信號。在通訊科技還未發達時,天文台會把一個黑球掛在桅杆上,告訴市民強烈季候風信號現正生效。當強烈季候風信號生效時,風力可等同3號風球或以上的風力。
【on.cc東網專訊】 掛風球就聽得多,掛黑球又有無聽過呢?黑球原來不是指黑雨,亦非風球,而是代表強烈季候風信號。在通訊科技還未發達時,天文台會把一個黑球掛在桅杆上,告訴市民強烈季候風信號現正生效。當強烈季候風信號生效時,風力可等同3號風球或以上的風力。
China's Blowing Out TED-Spread Has Traders Bracing For A Cash Shortage
This past July, we lamented that as a result of the now implemented money market reform which sent Libor soaring, Wall Street had lost one of its most dependable, forward-looking crisis indicators: the TED-Spread (the difference between LIBOR and 3 month TSYs), something which Bloomberg also figured out last week.
Specifically, we said that "now the regulatory intervention is set to pressure what have traditionally been reliable metrics indicative of funding stress and systemic risk, among them swap spreads, the TED-Spread and the FRA-OIS spread, the market is about to lose the last metric indicative of underlying tensions. After all, with central bank intervention having broken all conventional signalling pathways, including equities, corporate bonds, Treasuries, and VIX, there will no longer be any reliable sources hinting at fundamental risk in the market, certainly for the short-term and perhaps over an indefinite amount of time."
However, one place where the TED spread - ironically - is still a valid indicator of liquidity concerns, is oddly enough China. And it is in China where traders in the local interest-rate swap market are bracing for a cash shortage as a result of the blowout in the premium for the 1-year swap rate over the 1-year sovereign bond yield to 52 basis points, the widest since July 2015.
As Bloomberg reminds us, this is China's version of the familiar TED spread, which in the US is (or rather was) a gauge of stress that compares funding costs for banks and the government.
“This is a signal in the market that swap traders are readying for tighter liquidity as the government tries to prevent a property bubble,” said Iris Pang, senior economist for Greater China at Natixis Asia Ltd. in Hong Kong. “Further tightness may be very limited because the PBOC doesn’t want to put financial stress on the market.
The good news: it is still well below the 140 basis points reached during the trust finance crackdown of early 2014. The bad news is that as reported last week, China has just launched a new crackdown, this time on on the infamous Wealth-Managemnt Products, shadow banking conduits which amount to just under $1.9 trillion in products, the immediate result of which has been the recent 10% surge in bitcoin. Which means that should absent another liquidity injections elsewhere, the drought is set to get far worse.
The recent, sharp move in the swap spread is the result of market concerns that the government is seeking to crackdown on the local housing bubble:
Making matters worse, China Securities Journal reported on its front page that finance companies need to prepare for "tight days" as monetary policy shifts to focus on deleveraging.
The "good" news from this upcoming liquidity shortage, is that China's government bond yields, already near all time lows, are set to drop even further, as bond investors - who assume the market's reaction to a Chinese growth slowdown is similar to that in the US - are preparing to benefit from the slower economic growth that may result. "Any decline in real estate activity is likely to dent growth in the world’s second-largest economy, providing a tailwind for government bonds", according to ING and DBS.
And while it is all connected, the liquidity shortage, the drop in yields, and the rising swap spreads, the cash squeeze also reflects the flight from a weakening yuan. While China's SAFE reported that 44.7 billion in yuan payments left the nation last month, up from August’s outflow of $27.7 billion, Goldman's calculation was nearly double that, or some $78 billion in September outflows.
As a result of the return of China's banking sector bogeyman, which as we reported last week just hit a staggering 200 trillion yuan...
... the Chinese currency continued to slide this past week, bringing its drop against the dollar to 4.2% YTD, the most among 11 Asian currencies tracked by Bloomberg.
How should one trade this reacceleration in Chinese capital outflows, Yuan devaluation and overall economic deterioration? One way, as Kyle Bass has done, is to short the Yuan outright, and in size. Another, as we did last September, and as Corriente's MarK Hart discussed in February, is simply to go long bitcoin - a trade that has returned over 200% in just over a year.
Of course, one doesn't have to trade it at all: sitting back and watching events unfold may be just as satisfactory.
This past July, we lamented that as a result of the now implemented money market reform which sent Libor soaring, Wall Street had lost one of its most dependable, forward-looking crisis indicators: the TED-Spread (the difference between LIBOR and 3 month TSYs), something which Bloomberg also figured out last week.
Specifically, we said that "now the regulatory intervention is set to pressure what have traditionally been reliable metrics indicative of funding stress and systemic risk, among them swap spreads, the TED-Spread and the FRA-OIS spread, the market is about to lose the last metric indicative of underlying tensions. After all, with central bank intervention having broken all conventional signalling pathways, including equities, corporate bonds, Treasuries, and VIX, there will no longer be any reliable sources hinting at fundamental risk in the market, certainly for the short-term and perhaps over an indefinite amount of time."
However, one place where the TED spread - ironically - is still a valid indicator of liquidity concerns, is oddly enough China. And it is in China where traders in the local interest-rate swap market are bracing for a cash shortage as a result of the blowout in the premium for the 1-year swap rate over the 1-year sovereign bond yield to 52 basis points, the widest since July 2015.
As Bloomberg reminds us, this is China's version of the familiar TED spread, which in the US is (or rather was) a gauge of stress that compares funding costs for banks and the government.
“This is a signal in the market that swap traders are readying for tighter liquidity as the government tries to prevent a property bubble,” said Iris Pang, senior economist for Greater China at Natixis Asia Ltd. in Hong Kong. “Further tightness may be very limited because the PBOC doesn’t want to put financial stress on the market.
The good news: it is still well below the 140 basis points reached during the trust finance crackdown of early 2014. The bad news is that as reported last week, China has just launched a new crackdown, this time on on the infamous Wealth-Managemnt Products, shadow banking conduits which amount to just under $1.9 trillion in products, the immediate result of which has been the recent 10% surge in bitcoin. Which means that should absent another liquidity injections elsewhere, the drought is set to get far worse.
The recent, sharp move in the swap spread is the result of market concerns that the government is seeking to crackdown on the local housing bubble:
The fixed cost to receive the seven-day repurchase rate for a year climbed to an 18-month high on concern the People’s Bank of China will tighten its purse strings after property prices surged 40 percent in Shanghai last month from a year earlier. The one-year swap rate reached 2.73 percent on Friday in Shanghai, matching the highest level since April 2015, while the seven-day repo rate reached a one-month high on Thursday. The one-year sovereign yield was at 2.19 percent, heading for a third annual decline.
Making matters worse, China Securities Journal reported on its front page that finance companies need to prepare for "tight days" as monetary policy shifts to focus on deleveraging.
The "good" news from this upcoming liquidity shortage, is that China's government bond yields, already near all time lows, are set to drop even further, as bond investors - who assume the market's reaction to a Chinese growth slowdown is similar to that in the US - are preparing to benefit from the slower economic growth that may result. "Any decline in real estate activity is likely to dent growth in the world’s second-largest economy, providing a tailwind for government bonds", according to ING and DBS.
And while it is all connected, the liquidity shortage, the drop in yields, and the rising swap spreads, the cash squeeze also reflects the flight from a weakening yuan. While China's SAFE reported that 44.7 billion in yuan payments left the nation last month, up from August’s outflow of $27.7 billion, Goldman's calculation was nearly double that, or some $78 billion in September outflows.
As a result of the return of China's banking sector bogeyman, which as we reported last week just hit a staggering 200 trillion yuan...
... the Chinese currency continued to slide this past week, bringing its drop against the dollar to 4.2% YTD, the most among 11 Asian currencies tracked by Bloomberg.
How should one trade this reacceleration in Chinese capital outflows, Yuan devaluation and overall economic deterioration? One way, as Kyle Bass has done, is to short the Yuan outright, and in size. Another, as we did last September, and as Corriente's MarK Hart discussed in February, is simply to go long bitcoin - a trade that has returned over 200% in just over a year.
Of course, one doesn't have to trade it at all: sitting back and watching events unfold may be just as satisfactory.
Here’s why bond yields are rising around the world
A global bond-market selloff sent yields around the world jumping in the past week, reflecting the potential for a pickup in inflation as well as growing suspicions that major central banks may be less aggressive about boosting monetary stimulus.
The 10-year Treasury yield TMUBMUSD10Y, +0.00% rose nearly 11 basis points this week to end Friday at 1.847% — the highest close since May 27. The yield is up more than 24 basis points so far in October, but remains around 43 basis points below where it started the year. Yields increase as debt prices fall.
The yield on the 10-year British government bond, or gilt TMBMKGB-10Y, +0.00% this week hit its highest level since the June Brexit vote. The yield on the German 10-year bond TMBMKDE-10Y, +0.00% known as the bund, which was negative as recently as early October, also jumped to its highest level since May.
Rising yields weighed on stocks, with the S&P 500 SPX, -0.31% logging a four-day losing streak. Some yield-sensitive sectors, such as real estate and telecoms, underperformed.
The selloff comes after a big rally, which took the U.S. yield to an all-time low in July. While the 10-year Treasury yield could test the 2% level, many analysts expect such a move would prompt renewed buying interest.
That said, what’s behind the recent weakness? Here’s a quick guide.
The Federal Reserve is headed toward its second rate increase after tightening last December. Meanwhile, a will-they-or-won’t-they debate centers on whether the European Central Bank will soon move toward tapering its bond purchases; the Bank of England appears reluctant to provide additional easing and its chief, Mark Carney, questions the efficacy of negative interest rates.
Indeed, a stronger-than-expected reading on third-quarter U.K. gross domestic product helped trigger Thursday’s selloff. The data further curbed prospects for additional stimulus by the Bank of England.
At the Bank of Japan, the desire is to steepen the yield curve, raising questions about its willingness to press the accelerator any further. Remarks by BOJ Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda that appeared to reiterate that desire also helped spark selling Thursday, analysts said.
Overall, those factors have combined to lift yields, particularly at the long end.
Typically, a predisposition of monetary tightening would be seen as a relative negative for longer-dated yields. But a primary goal of the central bank’s extraordinary stimulus efforts has been to drive down long-term yields and flatten the yield curve — the differential between short- and longer-dated maturities.
So a pullback in stimulus would be expected to steepen the curve and lift long-term rates, at least relative to shorter-dated bonds.
On top of that, there are growing expectations for fiscal stimulus, which would also be a negative for bonds as governments increase debt, though analysts caution that investors may be getting ahead of themselves.
Inflation eats away at bond returns. Investors see central bankers, who have been battling the threat of deflation, as eager to tolerate inflationary pressures.
Analysts at Danske Bank argued in an Oct. 27 note that a rise in commodity prices will lift global inflation in the near term, particularly as the drag from the past oil price decline fades. That will help reduce the “deflation scare,” while leading the market to price in greater inflation prospects.
They argue, however, that central banks — which have tried in vain to lift inflation expectations — would welcome that development. And that means that instead of scaling back stimulus significantly, they would be likely to maintain an accommodative stance.
That still means bond yields have further room to rise, since loose policy in the face of rising inflation would further lift inflation expectations. But the Danske analysts don’t expect a prolonged bear market for bonds, arguing that the commodity-inspired inflation lift should prove temporary.
A global bond-market selloff sent yields around the world jumping in the past week, reflecting the potential for a pickup in inflation as well as growing suspicions that major central banks may be less aggressive about boosting monetary stimulus.
The 10-year Treasury yield TMUBMUSD10Y, +0.00% rose nearly 11 basis points this week to end Friday at 1.847% — the highest close since May 27. The yield is up more than 24 basis points so far in October, but remains around 43 basis points below where it started the year. Yields increase as debt prices fall.
The yield on the 10-year British government bond, or gilt TMBMKGB-10Y, +0.00% this week hit its highest level since the June Brexit vote. The yield on the German 10-year bond TMBMKDE-10Y, +0.00% known as the bund, which was negative as recently as early October, also jumped to its highest level since May.

Rising yields weighed on stocks, with the S&P 500 SPX, -0.31% logging a four-day losing streak. Some yield-sensitive sectors, such as real estate and telecoms, underperformed.
The selloff comes after a big rally, which took the U.S. yield to an all-time low in July. While the 10-year Treasury yield could test the 2% level, many analysts expect such a move would prompt renewed buying interest.
That said, what’s behind the recent weakness? Here’s a quick guide.
Monetary stimulus pullback
After nearly eight years of extraordinary measures, including numerous rounds of quantitative easing and forays into negative interest-rate policy, there is growing consensus that major central banks are running out of room on the monetary stimulus front.The Federal Reserve is headed toward its second rate increase after tightening last December. Meanwhile, a will-they-or-won’t-they debate centers on whether the European Central Bank will soon move toward tapering its bond purchases; the Bank of England appears reluctant to provide additional easing and its chief, Mark Carney, questions the efficacy of negative interest rates.
Indeed, a stronger-than-expected reading on third-quarter U.K. gross domestic product helped trigger Thursday’s selloff. The data further curbed prospects for additional stimulus by the Bank of England.
At the Bank of Japan, the desire is to steepen the yield curve, raising questions about its willingness to press the accelerator any further. Remarks by BOJ Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda that appeared to reiterate that desire also helped spark selling Thursday, analysts said.
Overall, those factors have combined to lift yields, particularly at the long end.
Typically, a predisposition of monetary tightening would be seen as a relative negative for longer-dated yields. But a primary goal of the central bank’s extraordinary stimulus efforts has been to drive down long-term yields and flatten the yield curve — the differential between short- and longer-dated maturities.
So a pullback in stimulus would be expected to steepen the curve and lift long-term rates, at least relative to shorter-dated bonds.
On top of that, there are growing expectations for fiscal stimulus, which would also be a negative for bonds as governments increase debt, though analysts caution that investors may be getting ahead of themselves.
Inflation expectations
Despite a potential slowing of monetary stimulus, inflation expectations are on the rise. And that is also cited as a reason for rising yields.Inflation eats away at bond returns. Investors see central bankers, who have been battling the threat of deflation, as eager to tolerate inflationary pressures.
Analysts at Danske Bank argued in an Oct. 27 note that a rise in commodity prices will lift global inflation in the near term, particularly as the drag from the past oil price decline fades. That will help reduce the “deflation scare,” while leading the market to price in greater inflation prospects.
They argue, however, that central banks — which have tried in vain to lift inflation expectations — would welcome that development. And that means that instead of scaling back stimulus significantly, they would be likely to maintain an accommodative stance.
That still means bond yields have further room to rise, since loose policy in the face of rising inflation would further lift inflation expectations. But the Danske analysts don’t expect a prolonged bear market for bonds, arguing that the commodity-inspired inflation lift should prove temporary.
【on.cc東網專訊】 曜熊理財策略理財顧問梁肇晉在東方產經「錢途」專欄表示,美國大選正進入直路,如無意外美國將會產生第一位女總統,預計大選後聯儲局可能加息,美元進一步走強,市場開始反映有關情況,美元兌各類貨幣均告上升,人民幣匯價貶至6.8左右,未來美元對各種貨幣均會保持強勁,持美元以外貨幣計價基金要計算匯率風險。
【on.cc東網專訊】 曜熊理財策略理財顧問梁肇晉在東方產經「錢途」專欄表示,美國大選正進入直路,如無意外美國將會產生第一位女總統,預計大選後聯儲局可能加息,美元進一步走強,市場開始反映有關情況,美元兌各類貨幣均告上升,人民幣匯價貶至6.8左右,未來美元對各種貨幣均會保持強勁,持美元以外貨幣計價基金要計算匯率風險。
The Coming Bond Market Crash - An Interview With Eric Hadik
Submitted by Erico Matias Tavares of Sinclair & Co.
The Coming Bond Market Crash - An Interview with Eric Hadik
EH: The first thing that jumps out at me is a perfect illustration of what I just described. The debt surge in 2007--2009 is like the accelerated or dynamic ‘3’ wave advance, in an overall wave structure. It is when debt surged to unprecedented extremes. However, it is NOT the ultimate peak, it is merely the penultimate peak. The debt levels subsequently consolidated in 2009--2014 before resuming their uptrend and heading to new highs.
Those charts corroborate what I have been discussing and why I believe 2017--2021 will represent the end and reversal of that multi-decade trend - as the debt bubble bursts and bond markets begin to crash. They also validate what I have been emphasizing in recent years - the parabolic phase of the 40-Year Cycle and how it is portending an intensified battle between hard money and fiat currency (which is rapidly deteriorating in value, due to this governmental debt orgy).
Every 40 years - since the founding of America - this battle has raged. It began with the Continentals (America’s first experiment with fiat currency) - that quickly plummeted from 1776--1781 - and then moved ahead to 1816--1821 (2nd Bank of US charter, quickly followed by Panic of 1819). From there, it was on to 1856--1861 (devaluing and then suspension of silver and gold currency), to 1896--1901 (Election based on battle over Gold Standard, followed by re-implementation of Gold Standard), to 1936--1941 (affirmation of gold confiscation and subsequent loosening, then tightening of credit - leading to 1937 crash), to 1976--1981 (Jamaica Agreement, delinking all major currencies from gold; led to skyrocketing inflation as the corresponding value of US Dollar plummeted).
2016--2021 is the next phase of this uncanny 40-Year Cycle and promises to resurrect this battle (intensifying in 2017) as the debt bubble bursts and the backing of fiat currencies evaporates.
ET: Focusing on those imminent long term cyclical changes, today there are over $10 trillion worth of bonds around the world trading with negative yields. Of course this is not sustainable. As such, the longer negative yields remain in place the higher the likelihood that a growing number of investors and financial institutions will lose money here, possibly badly, once there’s a recovery in yields, even a small one. Do you agree? And looking at yields specifically, are you anticipating any cyclical reversal to the massive decline we have seen over the last 30 years?
EH: Yes and yes. The negative yields are a perfect confirmation that this trend has reached an extreme: an uber-extreme.
This reaffirms that we are in the parabolic phase of a mania, very near the peak. However, just because a market has reached an extreme does NOT mean the trend will immediately reverse. It usually takes time. I have described long-term cycles - including the ubiquitous 40-Year Cycle AND a 70-Year Cycle (as well as a sequence of descending cycles) - that all project the culmination of a MAJOR bull market in Bonds, and bear market in rates and yields, for 2016/2017. I will then be looking for specific reversal signals - and corresponding evidence of a fundamental reversal - in the months and years that follow.
I am still convinced that one of my other primary outlooks - for an inflationary surge in commodities, metals and oil from 2017--2021 - could be the impetus behind that reversing trend as governments and policymakers are forced to bump up interest rates in reaction to those rising prices. Since the markets are built on perception, it would only take a convincing threat of that potential for the markets to unwind.
There is one specific year based on the greatest synergy of cycles in and out of the markets when I believe the accelerated phase will take hold… which is also when the debt bubble is most likely to burst. It represents the tipping point in almost all of my cycle work (not just in bonds).
ET: Let's review some of those catalysts. We recently discussed how a major food crisis may be looming in the not too distant future, where you outlined an 80 year cycle that has governed such crises with stunning regularity.
While our grain situation globally appears to remain healthy for now, this could change very quickly because of weather, water, diseases, human disruption or any combination thereof. And if indeed it does, what sort of magnitude move could we see and could this translate into higher inflation around the world?
EH: The Food Crisis Cycles are certainly one of the factors I am watching. But, I think that those cycles are likely to be fulfilled with a combination of natural and man-made stresses. That has often been the case, with a perfect example being the 1930’s - when worldwide drought and crop challenges like the Dust Bowl created shortages but governmental policies (in the USSR) led to one of the 5 worst famines in history in terms of lives lost - the Soviet Famine.
A different form of global Food Crisis emerged in the 1970’s, exacerbated by the manmade debacle of fiat currency chaos (Nixon Gold Shock of 1971, the collapse of Bretton Woods in 1973, oil weapon and then oil de-facto backing of US Dollar in 1973--1975 and Jamaica Accord of 1976). Multiple global droughts in the early-1970’s culminated with California’s worst drought (until recent years) in 1976--1977.
Combined with a collapsing Dollar, all that sent food prices skyrocketing with many commodities doubling and tripling in price… in 1--2 year periods.
2016--2021 is the next phase of that recurring 40-Year Cycle of Food Crises that I have documented back to the 1770’s and even earlier and the corresponding cycle of commodity inflation. Ironically, or not so much, this natural cycle dovetails perfectly with the economic and currency crises cycle I just described.
So, whether it is Dollar/currency-triggered (man-made) or crop stresses (natural; including droughts, floods and/or freezes, disease or super-pests) or both - which I believe is the most likely scenario - the resulting, escalating price movement should be the same. And, yes, that is likely to impact interest rates.
To compound my assessment, there are other long-term natural cycles that are likely to play a role - including sunspot/solar storm cycles and volcanic eruption cycles. And they, too, focus on that one year when I believe acceleration is most likely… even though preceding and ensuing events are cyclically probable as well. It is a Perfect Storm of multi-year, multi-decade and multi-century cycles converging.
ET: Food crises tend to affect emerging economies the most for various reasons. However, we could see something different this time. Western Europe is already buckling under a mass migration influx, and a severe food supply disruption could expand it several fold. This would further deepen societal and economic impacts all over the Old Continent, particularly at the core. How would you view a food shock impacting both developed and emerging markets this time around?
EH: You touch on the manmade aspect of these recurring food crises.
Complicating it is the evolving banking debacle throughout Europe, ranging from Spanish and Italian banks to those in Portugal and Germany. Some of those banking crises are so near the tipping point that they could actually represent one of the triggers for the debt bubble bursting - and also exacerbate a potential food crisis. Greece got a small taste of this potential in 2014/2015.
Historically, banking, economic and/or currency crises have repeatedly spurred massive strikes and social upheaval that could disrupt the distribution of food and other necessities, if the pattern is repeated. But that is just one possibility. I do NOT want to sound like I am yelling ‘the sky is falling’, because I am NOT, but I am also not willing to stick my head in the sand and ignore some ominous developments across the globe. Intensifying cyber-attacks could provide another contributing factor as they have already done on a smaller-scale and shorter-lived basis.
Paraphrasing the immortal words of Patrick Henry, I don’t want to listen to the song of the siren until she transforms us into beasts. I would rather recognize the threats looming on the horizon and to prepare for them.
ET: What about an energy shock? Do you see any cyclical factors that could spark a massive crude oil price rise and thus also cause a spike in inflation? The disinvestment in new production infrastructure resulting from the recent significant price correction could play a role, along with increased economic instability.
EH: Eventually, I do expect a new energy shock… but not just yet. Oil prices plummeted to downside extremes - in early-2016 - but were/are expected to undergo a 1--2 year bottoming process before a sustained uptrend is expected. One particular energy market is projecting a multi-month peak for late-Oct.--late-Nov. 2016 and that could usher in a final decline (a type of ‘5’ wave to the downside) - leading into early-2017.
Ultimately, I expect the oil markets to corroborate - and probably lead - Middle East Unification Cycles that I have discussed the past 10--15 years. Those cycles come into play in 2018--2021 and are expected to lead to some form of Arab or Middle East Union, as has been attempted a few times in the past century. I discuss that in related articles and reports.
ET: There is an important economic interplay here. When we talk about the 2008 financial crises we often forget that the large spike in crude oil prices beforehand certainly helped to flip over the world economy. A recession normally keeps yields in check, but there are some cyclical factors that suggest otherwise this time around. The graph below shows historical US corporate funding gap as % of GDP (smoothed) and high yield bond yield spreads (versus AAA credit rating) on a quarterly basis. We can clearly see that the former tends to lead the latter by some quarters, and as such we should expect higher spreads going forward at this juncture. Does your analysis support this?
EH: At this point in time, my analysis does not support OR contradict it. It is ambivalent. Until trigger signals are activated, it is hard to determine the expected width of the yield curve. Due to other analysis - in other arenas - however, I suspect that could be the case. I am just not comfortable giving any definite answer at this time.
ET: The modern financial system and its interplay with the wider economy are inherently deflationary. As long as there is some slack production, logistical and financial capacity anywhere in the world there will always be arbitrage that mitigates some of these price increases. This could help manage any transmission effects into the bond markets via higher inflation (except if these occur in the form of a shock of course). However, national trade balances and related currencies could be severely affected. What are your thoughts here?
EH: The relationship between currencies and bonds is certainly expected to play a key role. However, the question becomes more of a ‘chicken or the egg’ syndrome… which comes first and/or which leads the other. I have very distinct expectations for currencies - particularly the Euro and US Dollar - but I always analyze each market on its own before assessing any possible causal relationships.
Once I have reached specific conclusions on individual markets, I will certainly consider the potential correlations but it can be dangerous to become too tunnel-visioned on one specific correlation (since it often blinds us to recognizing a more imminent and ominous - but unexpected - correlation). The markets are notorious for throwing curveballs, which brings up an important point.
Out of 11 Trading Axioms (in my Tech Tip Reference Library), the one I quote most often - and the one which I emphasize most frequently to my readers - is the Axiom on Market Correlations (which I can make available to anyone who contacts me via my website). The crux of that Axiom is that inter-market correlations are fickle and ever-changing and should not be relied upon as the primary signal for trading. There is always a new and more urgent correlation right around the corner that ends up usurping or overtaking the first one and pushing related markets in unanticipated directions.
ET: You also talk about another recurrent crisis cycle which relates to the European Union and also the UK. And this one may already be upon us. How does this relate to a possible bond market crash in light of what we discussed above?
EH: For the last decade I have laid out the case for why I expected a developing and intensifying Euro Crisis (and EU crisis) from 2008, more so from 2011, even more so from 2014 and that reaches a tipping point in 2017 (note the 3-Year Cycle that has governed the Euro). My conclusion has been that Europe was destined to undergo multiple crises that would push the EU to the brink and force dramatic concessions from the nations that would ultimately be a part of the (new) EU moving forward.
I identified 2018--2021 for the time when I believed the EU would undergo a Major transition and a re-unification that yields a significantly different EU than what it was in 2008. Leading into 2016, and right up into June 2016, I explained how an uncanny 8-Year Cycle was projecting another meltdown in the British Pound and how that was likely signaling that Brexit would be approved. That was projected to be the next ‘straw’ flung on the back of the staggering EU.
That ‘8-Year Cycle of Pound Pummeling’ timed Sterling crises in 1968 (8 years after France and Germany surpassed the UK as the economic leaders of Europe), 1976 (Britain forced to go to IMF for Pound bailout), 1984, 1992 (George Soros sunk the Pound and forced the UK out of the EU Exchange Rate Mechanism), 2000 (inflationary meltdown in Pound led to fuel crisis and brief food rationing) and 2008 (35% plummet in 14 months). The Pound was projected to do the same in 2016, stretching into 2017.
Sure enough, Brexit was approved, the Pound plummeted and the Euro is under renewed selling pressure (even as other nations seriously contemplate their own EU-exit). At the same time, Europe is plagued with intensifying banking crises - in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Germany - with Deutsche Bank recently named (by the IMF) as the greatest risk to a global crisis.
Considering the enormous levels of debt, and the rapidly deteriorating value of that debt, one can envision a scenario where a crashing debt market enters the fray and the EU is thrown into chaos - at least for a time.
ET: If indeed we see that major bond price correction, if not outright crash as everyone runs for the exits at the same time, could central banks absorb it for instance by purchasing a huge amount of bonds? Any type of bonds, even equities at that point perhaps. They certainly seem omnipotent these days…
EH: The big problem is that they are already doing that. They print more money to buy debt and then repeat the process… over and over. The culmination of Draghi’s debt-buying binge keeps getting extended but there is a tipping point in the future (perhaps the not-so-distant future) reinforced by the deteriorating value of the Euro throughout this process. It is nothing more than a giant, debt-based Ponzi scheme. The last ones in are really going to regret it.
The deflationary environment is one thing masking this craziness… as are the consolidating equity markets. But, there are slowly developing signs of that transitioning as well. Since early-2015, I have explained why I was convinced that US equity markets would enter a 15--18 month topping process (with sharp 2--3 month drops and strong 1--3 month rallies) before entering a serious bear market in late-2016. Nov./Dec. 2016 has been my primary focus for that shift… and we are almost there!
So, what happens if/when the next shoe drops in global equities and then some price inflation returns shortly after?! It could be a form of ‘Stagflation’… and is not a pretty picture.
ET: So what should investors do? If the bond market goes down hard this will affect everything, starting right in the financial institution where they deposit their cash. How can you protect yourself in that event?
EH: First of all, I should stress that we are not at the acceleration phase. First, we have to complete the culmination phase (which is expected to reach fruition in Dec. 2016/Jan. 2017). I suspect that a final spike high could be a flight-to-quality if equity markets see a sharp sell-off in late-2016/early-2017.
Then, we have to go through the initial trigger phase. And then, eventually, we get to the acceleration phase. Here again, I am looking at one specific year when I believe that acceleration is most likely… but we have a little time. I do think that gold and hard assets play a key role in that protective approach but there are complicating factors, this time around.
In the interim, I think 2017 is going to see a battle between deflationary forces (as paper assets like stocks and bonds begin to rollover to the downside) and inflationary forces (as deteriorating currency values and natural resource challenges steadily push commodity prices higher) - the next stage of this multi-generational seismic shift.
ET: Final question. Do you have any plans to publish a book with your methodology one day, or will you just keep on focusing on www.insiidetrack.com and your INSIIDE Track and Weekly Re-Lay publications?
EH: I do have the skeletons of two books compiled - one on cycles and one on my trading approach - but time is the elusive factor. Ultimately, yes, that is my goal. But I cannot tell you when that goal will reach fruition. In the interim, I do provide a ~100-page trading manual (Eric Hadik’s Tech Tip Reference Library) as a bonus with several of my subscription packages. That explains the 11 Trading Axioms I cited earlier, as well as detailing the published indicators I use and key aspects of my cycle approach. (There are a couple proprietary indicators, whose calculations are not revealed.)
ET: Eric, as always many thanks for sharing your thoughts. Fascinating how you bring so many technical, historical and inter-market factors together.
EH: It’s my pleasure. Thank you.
Submitted by Erico Matias Tavares of Sinclair & Co.
The Coming Bond Market Crash - An Interview with Eric Hadik
EH: The first thing that jumps out at me is a perfect illustration of what I just described. The debt surge in 2007--2009 is like the accelerated or dynamic ‘3’ wave advance, in an overall wave structure. It is when debt surged to unprecedented extremes. However, it is NOT the ultimate peak, it is merely the penultimate peak. The debt levels subsequently consolidated in 2009--2014 before resuming their uptrend and heading to new highs.
Those charts corroborate what I have been discussing and why I believe 2017--2021 will represent the end and reversal of that multi-decade trend - as the debt bubble bursts and bond markets begin to crash. They also validate what I have been emphasizing in recent years - the parabolic phase of the 40-Year Cycle and how it is portending an intensified battle between hard money and fiat currency (which is rapidly deteriorating in value, due to this governmental debt orgy).
Every 40 years - since the founding of America - this battle has raged. It began with the Continentals (America’s first experiment with fiat currency) - that quickly plummeted from 1776--1781 - and then moved ahead to 1816--1821 (2nd Bank of US charter, quickly followed by Panic of 1819). From there, it was on to 1856--1861 (devaluing and then suspension of silver and gold currency), to 1896--1901 (Election based on battle over Gold Standard, followed by re-implementation of Gold Standard), to 1936--1941 (affirmation of gold confiscation and subsequent loosening, then tightening of credit - leading to 1937 crash), to 1976--1981 (Jamaica Agreement, delinking all major currencies from gold; led to skyrocketing inflation as the corresponding value of US Dollar plummeted).
2016--2021 is the next phase of this uncanny 40-Year Cycle and promises to resurrect this battle (intensifying in 2017) as the debt bubble bursts and the backing of fiat currencies evaporates.
ET: Focusing on those imminent long term cyclical changes, today there are over $10 trillion worth of bonds around the world trading with negative yields. Of course this is not sustainable. As such, the longer negative yields remain in place the higher the likelihood that a growing number of investors and financial institutions will lose money here, possibly badly, once there’s a recovery in yields, even a small one. Do you agree? And looking at yields specifically, are you anticipating any cyclical reversal to the massive decline we have seen over the last 30 years?
EH: Yes and yes. The negative yields are a perfect confirmation that this trend has reached an extreme: an uber-extreme.
This reaffirms that we are in the parabolic phase of a mania, very near the peak. However, just because a market has reached an extreme does NOT mean the trend will immediately reverse. It usually takes time. I have described long-term cycles - including the ubiquitous 40-Year Cycle AND a 70-Year Cycle (as well as a sequence of descending cycles) - that all project the culmination of a MAJOR bull market in Bonds, and bear market in rates and yields, for 2016/2017. I will then be looking for specific reversal signals - and corresponding evidence of a fundamental reversal - in the months and years that follow.
I am still convinced that one of my other primary outlooks - for an inflationary surge in commodities, metals and oil from 2017--2021 - could be the impetus behind that reversing trend as governments and policymakers are forced to bump up interest rates in reaction to those rising prices. Since the markets are built on perception, it would only take a convincing threat of that potential for the markets to unwind.
There is one specific year based on the greatest synergy of cycles in and out of the markets when I believe the accelerated phase will take hold… which is also when the debt bubble is most likely to burst. It represents the tipping point in almost all of my cycle work (not just in bonds).
ET: Let's review some of those catalysts. We recently discussed how a major food crisis may be looming in the not too distant future, where you outlined an 80 year cycle that has governed such crises with stunning regularity.
While our grain situation globally appears to remain healthy for now, this could change very quickly because of weather, water, diseases, human disruption or any combination thereof. And if indeed it does, what sort of magnitude move could we see and could this translate into higher inflation around the world?
EH: The Food Crisis Cycles are certainly one of the factors I am watching. But, I think that those cycles are likely to be fulfilled with a combination of natural and man-made stresses. That has often been the case, with a perfect example being the 1930’s - when worldwide drought and crop challenges like the Dust Bowl created shortages but governmental policies (in the USSR) led to one of the 5 worst famines in history in terms of lives lost - the Soviet Famine.
A different form of global Food Crisis emerged in the 1970’s, exacerbated by the manmade debacle of fiat currency chaos (Nixon Gold Shock of 1971, the collapse of Bretton Woods in 1973, oil weapon and then oil de-facto backing of US Dollar in 1973--1975 and Jamaica Accord of 1976). Multiple global droughts in the early-1970’s culminated with California’s worst drought (until recent years) in 1976--1977.
Combined with a collapsing Dollar, all that sent food prices skyrocketing with many commodities doubling and tripling in price… in 1--2 year periods.
2016--2021 is the next phase of that recurring 40-Year Cycle of Food Crises that I have documented back to the 1770’s and even earlier and the corresponding cycle of commodity inflation. Ironically, or not so much, this natural cycle dovetails perfectly with the economic and currency crises cycle I just described.
So, whether it is Dollar/currency-triggered (man-made) or crop stresses (natural; including droughts, floods and/or freezes, disease or super-pests) or both - which I believe is the most likely scenario - the resulting, escalating price movement should be the same. And, yes, that is likely to impact interest rates.
To compound my assessment, there are other long-term natural cycles that are likely to play a role - including sunspot/solar storm cycles and volcanic eruption cycles. And they, too, focus on that one year when I believe acceleration is most likely… even though preceding and ensuing events are cyclically probable as well. It is a Perfect Storm of multi-year, multi-decade and multi-century cycles converging.
ET: Food crises tend to affect emerging economies the most for various reasons. However, we could see something different this time. Western Europe is already buckling under a mass migration influx, and a severe food supply disruption could expand it several fold. This would further deepen societal and economic impacts all over the Old Continent, particularly at the core. How would you view a food shock impacting both developed and emerging markets this time around?
EH: You touch on the manmade aspect of these recurring food crises.
Complicating it is the evolving banking debacle throughout Europe, ranging from Spanish and Italian banks to those in Portugal and Germany. Some of those banking crises are so near the tipping point that they could actually represent one of the triggers for the debt bubble bursting - and also exacerbate a potential food crisis. Greece got a small taste of this potential in 2014/2015.
Historically, banking, economic and/or currency crises have repeatedly spurred massive strikes and social upheaval that could disrupt the distribution of food and other necessities, if the pattern is repeated. But that is just one possibility. I do NOT want to sound like I am yelling ‘the sky is falling’, because I am NOT, but I am also not willing to stick my head in the sand and ignore some ominous developments across the globe. Intensifying cyber-attacks could provide another contributing factor as they have already done on a smaller-scale and shorter-lived basis.
Paraphrasing the immortal words of Patrick Henry, I don’t want to listen to the song of the siren until she transforms us into beasts. I would rather recognize the threats looming on the horizon and to prepare for them.
ET: What about an energy shock? Do you see any cyclical factors that could spark a massive crude oil price rise and thus also cause a spike in inflation? The disinvestment in new production infrastructure resulting from the recent significant price correction could play a role, along with increased economic instability.
EH: Eventually, I do expect a new energy shock… but not just yet. Oil prices plummeted to downside extremes - in early-2016 - but were/are expected to undergo a 1--2 year bottoming process before a sustained uptrend is expected. One particular energy market is projecting a multi-month peak for late-Oct.--late-Nov. 2016 and that could usher in a final decline (a type of ‘5’ wave to the downside) - leading into early-2017.
Ultimately, I expect the oil markets to corroborate - and probably lead - Middle East Unification Cycles that I have discussed the past 10--15 years. Those cycles come into play in 2018--2021 and are expected to lead to some form of Arab or Middle East Union, as has been attempted a few times in the past century. I discuss that in related articles and reports.
ET: There is an important economic interplay here. When we talk about the 2008 financial crises we often forget that the large spike in crude oil prices beforehand certainly helped to flip over the world economy. A recession normally keeps yields in check, but there are some cyclical factors that suggest otherwise this time around. The graph below shows historical US corporate funding gap as % of GDP (smoothed) and high yield bond yield spreads (versus AAA credit rating) on a quarterly basis. We can clearly see that the former tends to lead the latter by some quarters, and as such we should expect higher spreads going forward at this juncture. Does your analysis support this?
EH: At this point in time, my analysis does not support OR contradict it. It is ambivalent. Until trigger signals are activated, it is hard to determine the expected width of the yield curve. Due to other analysis - in other arenas - however, I suspect that could be the case. I am just not comfortable giving any definite answer at this time.
ET: The modern financial system and its interplay with the wider economy are inherently deflationary. As long as there is some slack production, logistical and financial capacity anywhere in the world there will always be arbitrage that mitigates some of these price increases. This could help manage any transmission effects into the bond markets via higher inflation (except if these occur in the form of a shock of course). However, national trade balances and related currencies could be severely affected. What are your thoughts here?
EH: The relationship between currencies and bonds is certainly expected to play a key role. However, the question becomes more of a ‘chicken or the egg’ syndrome… which comes first and/or which leads the other. I have very distinct expectations for currencies - particularly the Euro and US Dollar - but I always analyze each market on its own before assessing any possible causal relationships.
Once I have reached specific conclusions on individual markets, I will certainly consider the potential correlations but it can be dangerous to become too tunnel-visioned on one specific correlation (since it often blinds us to recognizing a more imminent and ominous - but unexpected - correlation). The markets are notorious for throwing curveballs, which brings up an important point.
Out of 11 Trading Axioms (in my Tech Tip Reference Library), the one I quote most often - and the one which I emphasize most frequently to my readers - is the Axiom on Market Correlations (which I can make available to anyone who contacts me via my website). The crux of that Axiom is that inter-market correlations are fickle and ever-changing and should not be relied upon as the primary signal for trading. There is always a new and more urgent correlation right around the corner that ends up usurping or overtaking the first one and pushing related markets in unanticipated directions.
ET: You also talk about another recurrent crisis cycle which relates to the European Union and also the UK. And this one may already be upon us. How does this relate to a possible bond market crash in light of what we discussed above?
EH: For the last decade I have laid out the case for why I expected a developing and intensifying Euro Crisis (and EU crisis) from 2008, more so from 2011, even more so from 2014 and that reaches a tipping point in 2017 (note the 3-Year Cycle that has governed the Euro). My conclusion has been that Europe was destined to undergo multiple crises that would push the EU to the brink and force dramatic concessions from the nations that would ultimately be a part of the (new) EU moving forward.
I identified 2018--2021 for the time when I believed the EU would undergo a Major transition and a re-unification that yields a significantly different EU than what it was in 2008. Leading into 2016, and right up into June 2016, I explained how an uncanny 8-Year Cycle was projecting another meltdown in the British Pound and how that was likely signaling that Brexit would be approved. That was projected to be the next ‘straw’ flung on the back of the staggering EU.
That ‘8-Year Cycle of Pound Pummeling’ timed Sterling crises in 1968 (8 years after France and Germany surpassed the UK as the economic leaders of Europe), 1976 (Britain forced to go to IMF for Pound bailout), 1984, 1992 (George Soros sunk the Pound and forced the UK out of the EU Exchange Rate Mechanism), 2000 (inflationary meltdown in Pound led to fuel crisis and brief food rationing) and 2008 (35% plummet in 14 months). The Pound was projected to do the same in 2016, stretching into 2017.
Sure enough, Brexit was approved, the Pound plummeted and the Euro is under renewed selling pressure (even as other nations seriously contemplate their own EU-exit). At the same time, Europe is plagued with intensifying banking crises - in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Germany - with Deutsche Bank recently named (by the IMF) as the greatest risk to a global crisis.
Considering the enormous levels of debt, and the rapidly deteriorating value of that debt, one can envision a scenario where a crashing debt market enters the fray and the EU is thrown into chaos - at least for a time.
ET: If indeed we see that major bond price correction, if not outright crash as everyone runs for the exits at the same time, could central banks absorb it for instance by purchasing a huge amount of bonds? Any type of bonds, even equities at that point perhaps. They certainly seem omnipotent these days…
EH: The big problem is that they are already doing that. They print more money to buy debt and then repeat the process… over and over. The culmination of Draghi’s debt-buying binge keeps getting extended but there is a tipping point in the future (perhaps the not-so-distant future) reinforced by the deteriorating value of the Euro throughout this process. It is nothing more than a giant, debt-based Ponzi scheme. The last ones in are really going to regret it.
The deflationary environment is one thing masking this craziness… as are the consolidating equity markets. But, there are slowly developing signs of that transitioning as well. Since early-2015, I have explained why I was convinced that US equity markets would enter a 15--18 month topping process (with sharp 2--3 month drops and strong 1--3 month rallies) before entering a serious bear market in late-2016. Nov./Dec. 2016 has been my primary focus for that shift… and we are almost there!
So, what happens if/when the next shoe drops in global equities and then some price inflation returns shortly after?! It could be a form of ‘Stagflation’… and is not a pretty picture.
ET: So what should investors do? If the bond market goes down hard this will affect everything, starting right in the financial institution where they deposit their cash. How can you protect yourself in that event?
EH: First of all, I should stress that we are not at the acceleration phase. First, we have to complete the culmination phase (which is expected to reach fruition in Dec. 2016/Jan. 2017). I suspect that a final spike high could be a flight-to-quality if equity markets see a sharp sell-off in late-2016/early-2017.
Then, we have to go through the initial trigger phase. And then, eventually, we get to the acceleration phase. Here again, I am looking at one specific year when I believe that acceleration is most likely… but we have a little time. I do think that gold and hard assets play a key role in that protective approach but there are complicating factors, this time around.
In the interim, I think 2017 is going to see a battle between deflationary forces (as paper assets like stocks and bonds begin to rollover to the downside) and inflationary forces (as deteriorating currency values and natural resource challenges steadily push commodity prices higher) - the next stage of this multi-generational seismic shift.
ET: Final question. Do you have any plans to publish a book with your methodology one day, or will you just keep on focusing on www.insiidetrack.com and your INSIIDE Track and Weekly Re-Lay publications?
EH: I do have the skeletons of two books compiled - one on cycles and one on my trading approach - but time is the elusive factor. Ultimately, yes, that is my goal. But I cannot tell you when that goal will reach fruition. In the interim, I do provide a ~100-page trading manual (Eric Hadik’s Tech Tip Reference Library) as a bonus with several of my subscription packages. That explains the 11 Trading Axioms I cited earlier, as well as detailing the published indicators I use and key aspects of my cycle approach. (There are a couple proprietary indicators, whose calculations are not revealed.)
ET: Eric, as always many thanks for sharing your thoughts. Fascinating how you bring so many technical, historical and inter-market factors together.
EH: It’s my pleasure. Thank you.
2016年10月29日 星期六
Jim Rickards: Trump "Will Probably Win" and Gold "May Rise $100" Overnight
大家要坐定定睇戲啦 !
www.zerohedge.comby GoldCore
US election is just two weeks away on November 8th, and one of Hillary
Clinton's most vocal critics on the business side is finance commentator
and monetary expert Jim Rickards. Jim is in Sydney this week, armed
with his latest book, hot off the press entitled 'The Road to Ruin - The Global Elites' Secret Plan for the Next Financial Crisis' and gave an interesting television interview to 'The Business' on ABC Australia.
Rickards says that Trump "will probably win" and, if he, does stock markets will crash 10% and gold will rise $100 over night.
markets and polls believe Clinton will win and that is priced into
markets in the same way that a 'Bremain' was priced into markets prior
to the 'Brexit' vote.
“If Hillary wins nothing happens, if Trump wins you will have an earthquake.”
Trump win, which looking at the polls is not an impossibility, gold
would likely surge $100 per ounce overnight, says Rickards.
Hillary did was appalling and there will be ‘another reckoning on
November 8th’ which the market has failed to price in, creating a good
scenario for gold. He says you don’t have to agree that Trump will win,
but agree that that in reality he could win.
Rickards, this is an excellent opportunity for investors, particularly
those who have an allocation to physical gold which he believes is set
to rise in the coming months and years.
is editor of Strategic Intelligence for Agora Financial as well as the
founder of the James Rickards Project: an inquiry into complex dynamics
of geopolitics and capital. He is also the author of New York Times
bestsellers The New Case for Gold, Currency Wars: The Making of the Next
Global Crisis and The Death of Money: The Coming Collapse of the
International Financial System.
Why the selling tsunami will spill into Monday
Abigail Stevenson
Cramer watched as billions of dollars were shifted out of healthcare
stocks, to technical and industrials, and then out of the market
altogether on the news that the FBI is probing new emails related to its investigation of Hillary Clinton .
Cramer doesn't know what will happen with Clinton, the rapid decline in
stocks signaled that investors need more certainty in the current
"I do know that this market seems to want some certainty or it wouldn't have plunged so hard midday," the " Mad Money " host said.
was one of the most vicious rotations Cramer has ever witnessed. Health
care stocks, which were already under pressure for election season, had
massive declines stemming from monster shortfalls. Cramer expects the
madness to continue next week.
除了叫車 Uber計劃10年後讓你叫「飛的」
【on.cc東網專訊】 外媒報道,近日,Uber發布了一份白皮書,這份白皮書可不是關於現有拼車的,Uber是要探討未來「拼機」(即俗稱的飛行的士)的優勢和現在的制約因素了。
這份白皮書由Uber產品總監霍登總結而來,他們的夢想是在Marina SF和聖何塞之間推出一條服務線路,其時間可從現在的2小時降至15分鐘。
【on.cc東網專訊】 外媒報道,近日,Uber發布了一份白皮書,這份白皮書可不是關於現有拼車的,Uber是要探討未來「拼機」(即俗稱的飛行的士)的優勢和現在的制約因素了。
這份白皮書由Uber產品總監霍登總結而來,他們的夢想是在Marina SF和聖何塞之間推出一條服務線路,其時間可從現在的2小時降至15分鐘。
黑客攻陷海事處電腦 鎖檔案勒索比特幣贖金
【on.cc東網專訊】 黑客網上綁架勒索贖款犯罪手法蔓延至政府部門,消息指,海事處電腦系統前日(27日)遭黑客利用勒索軟件綁架,數以百計檔案遭加密,要求交出折合港幣數萬元比特幣贖款,海事處已於前日向政府資訊科技總監辦公室及警方通報,案件即時交由警方網絡安全及科技罪案調查科跟進,暫未有人被捕,今次亦是首次有政府部門公開承認被黑客勒索贖款。
【on.cc東網專訊】 黑客網上綁架勒索贖款犯罪手法蔓延至政府部門,消息指,海事處電腦系統前日(27日)遭黑客利用勒索軟件綁架,數以百計檔案遭加密,要求交出折合港幣數萬元比特幣贖款,海事處已於前日向政府資訊科技總監辦公室及警方通報,案件即時交由警方網絡安全及科技罪案調查科跟進,暫未有人被捕,今次亦是首次有政府部門公開承認被黑客勒索贖款。
Russia's Most Potent Weapon: Rapidly "Hoarding Gold" As Global Currency War Is Upon Us
"He who holds the gold makes the rules?" notes SHTFPlan.com's Mac Slavo...
As The Free Thought Project's Jay Syrmopoulos warns, Russia is Hoarding Gold at an Alarming Rate — The Next World War Will Be Fought with Currencies
With all eyes on Russia’s unveiling their latest nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which NATO has dubbed the “SATAN” missile, as tensions with the U.S. increase, Moscow’s most potent “weapon” may be something drastically different.
The rapidly evolving geopolitical “weapon” brandished by Russia is an ever increasing stockpile of gold, as well as Russia’s native currency, the ruble.
The symbol is the new designation of the Russian ruble, Russia’s national currency.
Similar to how the U.S. uses the dollar sign ($), the U.K. uses the pound sign (£), and the European Union uses the euro symbol (€), Russia is about to begin exporting its symbol internationally.
After the failed “reset” in U.S./Russian relations by the Obama administration, and the continued deterioration of the countries relationship, Washington began targeting entire sectors of the Russian economy, as well as specific individuals, meant to impose an economic burden so severe that it would force Moscow into compliance.
Instead of decimating Russia, what it precipitated was a Russian response of gradually weaning themselves off of the hegemony of the U.S. petrodollar, and working with China to create an alternative to the SWIFT payment system that isn’t solely controlled by Western interests (see Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, New Development Bank).
According to the Corbett Report:
Recently, financial guru Jim Rickards, author of the book “Currency Wars,” wrote that “Russia is poised for a major comeback in its economy. Russian bonds and stocks and the Russian currency, the ruble, will all benefit.” Rickards believes a “strong turnaround” is coming within Russia, and that this comeback will benefit the ruble.
While still suffering from the economic warfare being waged by the U.S., Russia has realized that as long they are subservient to the petrodollar, there remains a clear and present danger of the Russian economy being devastated by the whims of Washington.
The Bank of Russia, that nation’s central bank, is extremely clear about its mission, and monetary policy declaring on its website:
In layman’s terms, that means that monetary policy, similar to nuclear weapons and the military, are “an integral part of the state policy” in Russia. While many analysts have noted the increased build-up in Russia’s military arsenal, seemingly few have highlighted the massive build-up of Russian gold reserves over the past decade.
Below is a chart showing Russian gold reserves between 1994 and last year, 2015:
Since 2006, there has been a year-on-year increase that reveals a significant upward trend. The chart clearly reveals that Russia’s state policy of increasing state monetary assets, in the form of gold. Additionally, the Russian government has been converting state rubles into gold assets. From 2006 to 2015, Russia’s state holdings of gold tripled.
Within just the past year Russia has substantially increased its gold holdings
According to the Business Insider:
Currently, Russian gold reserves rank seventh in the world. It’s clear that there is a concerted effort by Russian authorities to build up the country’s gold reserves as part of a national strategy to negate the effects of economic warfare waged by the United States.
Rickards, in his 2011 book “Currency Wars,” theorized that Russia and China could combine their gold reserves to form a global gold-backed currency to compete against the U.S. dollar. Currently, Russian reserves stand at roughly 1,500 tonnes, with Chinese reserves totaling over 1,800 tonnes (according to China — it’s likely more), which would amount to a combined total of roughly 3,300 tonnes of gold.
The U.S. is about to lose overarching control of policymaking within the International Monetary Fund (IMF), thus the U.S. lockup on global gold is about to vanish, according to Business Insider.
Imagine for a moment the distinctly real possibility that Russian-Chinese alliance could exercise indirect (or even direct) control over the IMF’s gold reserve of over 2,800 tonnes. Russian, Chinese and IMF gold combined would equal roughly 6,100 tonnes, and would allow for direct competition with the U.S. gold reserves, estimated at 8,100 tonnes.
Russia and China have realized that the petrodollar is wielded by Washington as it’s weapon of choice when opposing a well-armed state, and clearly see the writing on the wall – thus working together to create a new global financial paradigm.
The reality is that the United States is $20 trillion dollars in debt, and eventually the time will come when the U.S. economy begins to implode — and all the fiat currency people are stuck holding will essentially be worth nothing more than the paper it’s printed on. Hard assets, such as gold and silver, should be bought and taken custody of while there is still an opportunity to do so, as a means of hedging against the potentially disastrous results of the U.S. using the petrodollar as a “weapon.”
Ultimately, the United States, Russia and China are all controlled by centralized power-hungry tyrants attempting to command powerful global bureaucracies like the IMF, the World Bank, SWIFT, New Development Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
It’s not Russian nuclear weapons that people should fear, as the policy of mutually assured destruction essentially voids any benefit of a state launching a first-strike nuclear attack. The true threat to America is our economic house of cards, built upon the back of a neoliberal trade policy that puts the “rights” of corporations over that of people.
"He who holds the gold makes the rules?" notes SHTFPlan.com's Mac Slavo...
Fresh attempts at containing Russia and continuing the empire have been met with countermoves. Russia appears to be building strength in every way. Putin and his country have no intention of being under the American thumb, and are developing rapid resistance as the U.S. petrodollar loses its grip and China, Russia and the East shift into new currencies and shifting world order.
What lies ahead? It will be a strong hand for the countries that have the most significant backing in gold and hard assets; and China and Russia have positioned themselves very well. Prepare for a changing economic landscape, and one in which self-reliance might be all we have.
As The Free Thought Project's Jay Syrmopoulos warns, Russia is Hoarding Gold at an Alarming Rate — The Next World War Will Be Fought with Currencies
With all eyes on Russia’s unveiling their latest nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which NATO has dubbed the “SATAN” missile, as tensions with the U.S. increase, Moscow’s most potent “weapon” may be something drastically different.
The rapidly evolving geopolitical “weapon” brandished by Russia is an ever increasing stockpile of gold, as well as Russia’s native currency, the ruble.
Take a look at the symbol below,
as it could soon come to change the entire hierarchy of the
international order – potentially ushering in a complete international
paradigm shift – and much sooner than you might think.
Similar to how the U.S. uses the dollar sign ($), the U.K. uses the pound sign (£), and the European Union uses the euro symbol (€), Russia is about to begin exporting its symbol internationally.
After the failed “reset” in U.S./Russian relations by the Obama administration, and the continued deterioration of the countries relationship, Washington began targeting entire sectors of the Russian economy, as well as specific individuals, meant to impose an economic burden so severe that it would force Moscow into compliance.
Instead of decimating Russia, what it precipitated was a Russian response of gradually weaning themselves off of the hegemony of the U.S. petrodollar, and working with China to create an alternative to the SWIFT payment system that isn’t solely controlled by Western interests (see Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, New Development Bank).
According to the Corbett Report:
New reports indicate that China is ready to launch its SWIFT alternative, and for those who have their ear to the ground this is the most significant move yet in the unfolding process of de-dollarization that is seeing the BRICS-led “resistance bloc” breaking away from the financial stranglehold of the US-led “Washington Consensus.”
For those who don’t know, SWIFT stands for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication and is shorthand for the SWIFTNet Network that is used by over 10,500 financial institutions in 215 countries and territories to transmit financial transaction data around the world. SWIFT does not do any of the clearing or processing for these transactions itself, but instead sends the payment orders that are then settled by correspondent banks of the member institutions. Still, given the system’s near universality in the financial system, it means that virtually every international transaction between banking institutions goes through the SWIFT network.
This is why de-listing from the SWIFT network remains one of the primary financial weapons wielded by the US and its allies in their increasingly important financial warfare campaigns.
Recently, financial guru Jim Rickards, author of the book “Currency Wars,” wrote that “Russia is poised for a major comeback in its economy. Russian bonds and stocks and the Russian currency, the ruble, will all benefit.” Rickards believes a “strong turnaround” is coming within Russia, and that this comeback will benefit the ruble.
While still suffering from the economic warfare being waged by the U.S., Russia has realized that as long they are subservient to the petrodollar, there remains a clear and present danger of the Russian economy being devastated by the whims of Washington.
The Bank of Russia, that nation’s central bank, is extremely clear about its mission, and monetary policy declaring on its website:
Monetary policy constitutes an integral part of the state policy and is aimed at enhancing well-being of Russian citizens. The Bank of Russia implements monetary policy in the framework of inflation-targeting regime, and sees price stability, albeit sustainably low inflation, as its priority. Given structural peculiarities of the Russian economy, the target is to reduce inflation to 4% by 2017 and maintain it within that range in the medium run.
In layman’s terms, that means that monetary policy, similar to nuclear weapons and the military, are “an integral part of the state policy” in Russia. While many analysts have noted the increased build-up in Russia’s military arsenal, seemingly few have highlighted the massive build-up of Russian gold reserves over the past decade.
Below is a chart showing Russian gold reserves between 1994 and last year, 2015:
Since 2006, there has been a year-on-year increase that reveals a significant upward trend. The chart clearly reveals that Russia’s state policy of increasing state monetary assets, in the form of gold. Additionally, the Russian government has been converting state rubles into gold assets. From 2006 to 2015, Russia’s state holdings of gold tripled.
Within just the past year Russia has substantially increased its gold holdings
According to the Business Insider:
In July of this year, the central bank of Russia added 200,000 ounces of gold to its reserves. The one-month uptick in Russian gold reserves — 200,000 ounces — is approximately equal to the entire annual output of Barrick Gold’s Turquoise Ridge gold mine in Nevada.
At that same rate — 200,000 ounces per month — in a mere five months, Russia would add to state gold reserves the equivalent of the entire annual output of Barrick’s massive Goldstrike mine in Nevada.
Currently, Russian gold reserves rank seventh in the world. It’s clear that there is a concerted effort by Russian authorities to build up the country’s gold reserves as part of a national strategy to negate the effects of economic warfare waged by the United States.
Rickards, in his 2011 book “Currency Wars,” theorized that Russia and China could combine their gold reserves to form a global gold-backed currency to compete against the U.S. dollar. Currently, Russian reserves stand at roughly 1,500 tonnes, with Chinese reserves totaling over 1,800 tonnes (according to China — it’s likely more), which would amount to a combined total of roughly 3,300 tonnes of gold.
The U.S. is about to lose overarching control of policymaking within the International Monetary Fund (IMF), thus the U.S. lockup on global gold is about to vanish, according to Business Insider.
Imagine for a moment the distinctly real possibility that Russian-Chinese alliance could exercise indirect (or even direct) control over the IMF’s gold reserve of over 2,800 tonnes. Russian, Chinese and IMF gold combined would equal roughly 6,100 tonnes, and would allow for direct competition with the U.S. gold reserves, estimated at 8,100 tonnes.
Russia and China have realized that the petrodollar is wielded by Washington as it’s weapon of choice when opposing a well-armed state, and clearly see the writing on the wall – thus working together to create a new global financial paradigm.
The reality is that the United States is $20 trillion dollars in debt, and eventually the time will come when the U.S. economy begins to implode — and all the fiat currency people are stuck holding will essentially be worth nothing more than the paper it’s printed on. Hard assets, such as gold and silver, should be bought and taken custody of while there is still an opportunity to do so, as a means of hedging against the potentially disastrous results of the U.S. using the petrodollar as a “weapon.”
Ultimately, the United States, Russia and China are all controlled by centralized power-hungry tyrants attempting to command powerful global bureaucracies like the IMF, the World Bank, SWIFT, New Development Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
It’s not Russian nuclear weapons that people should fear, as the policy of mutually assured destruction essentially voids any benefit of a state launching a first-strike nuclear attack. The true threat to America is our economic house of cards, built upon the back of a neoliberal trade policy that puts the “rights” of corporations over that of people.
美股全日反覆 道指收跌8點
【on.cc東網專訊】 美國最新經濟數據勝預期,刺激美股早段向上,惟其後聯邦調查局(FBI)稱重新開展對希拉妮的電郵風波調查,引發市場憂慮,美股3大指數收市向下。
【on.cc東網專訊】 美國最新經濟數據勝預期,刺激美股早段向上,惟其後聯邦調查局(FBI)稱重新開展對希拉妮的電郵風波調查,引發市場憂慮,美股3大指數收市向下。
After Correctly Predicting GDP Would Beat Estimates, Former Soros Associate Now Says Gold Headed Above $2,000
After yesterday correcting predicting that the GDP number would beat estimates and telling KWN readers to buy the initial dip in gold because it would mark a low for the correction, here is what a former associate of George Soros told King World News today.
Victor Sperandeo manages over $3 billion, has been in the business 45 years, and has worked with famous individuals such as Leon Cooperman and George Soros. Below is what Sperandeo had to say.
Victor Sperandeo: “The GDP number came in at 2.9 percent, and after an initial dip, gold is acting terrific. If you look at gold and silver, they should be trading down and yet they are trading higher. This is very strong action in the gold market technically and this setup is very bullish. Gold is now set up to trade above $1,400 and then above $2,000.
And if you look at interest rates, they are rising all over the world and the stock market has topped. And in Europe, people are switching from the Swedish krona to the Norwegian krone. This action in the currency markets is a further indication that the EU is in trouble. Norway is not part of the EU, even though they have trade pacts with them. The reality, Eric, is that people are fleeing the EU into countries not affiliated with the EU. This is another point where gold wins because if the EU collapses, then the world goes into a depression.”
After yesterday correcting predicting that the GDP number would beat estimates and telling KWN readers to buy the initial dip in gold because it would mark a low for the correction, here is what a former associate of George Soros told King World News today.
Victor Sperandeo manages over $3 billion, has been in the business 45 years, and has worked with famous individuals such as Leon Cooperman and George Soros. Below is what Sperandeo had to say.
Victor Sperandeo: “The GDP number came in at 2.9 percent, and after an initial dip, gold is acting terrific. If you look at gold and silver, they should be trading down and yet they are trading higher. This is very strong action in the gold market technically and this setup is very bullish. Gold is now set up to trade above $1,400 and then above $2,000.
And if you look at interest rates, they are rising all over the world and the stock market has topped. And in Europe, people are switching from the Swedish krona to the Norwegian krone. This action in the currency markets is a further indication that the EU is in trouble. Norway is not part of the EU, even though they have trade pacts with them. The reality, Eric, is that people are fleeing the EU into countries not affiliated with the EU. This is another point where gold wins because if the EU collapses, then the world goes into a depression.”
【on.cc東網專訊】 對於有消息指中國銀聯將於10月29日凌晨0時起全面暫停透過銀聯在香港或境外地區購買人壽保險,至於醫療及意外保險則未受影響。中國銀聯發表聲明證實此事。
【on.cc東網專訊】 對於有消息指中國銀聯將於10月29日凌晨0時起全面暫停透過銀聯在香港或境外地區購買人壽保險,至於醫療及意外保險則未受影響。中國銀聯發表聲明證實此事。

2016年10月28日 星期五
【on.cc東網專訊】 據內地傳媒報道,證金公司減持銀行股。招商銀行、浦發銀行、民生銀行、工商銀行紛紛披露第3季業績,數據顯示,4者均遭證金公司減持。截至第3季底,證金公司持有招商銀行股8.45億A股,相比半年業績時減持809萬股;持有浦發銀行5.77億A股,相比半年業績時減持2,240萬股;持有民生銀行15.33億A股,相比半年業績時減持6,254萬股;持有工商銀行46.98億A股,相比半年業績時減持3.62億股。
【on.cc東網專訊】 據內地傳媒報道,證金公司減持銀行股。招商銀行、浦發銀行、民生銀行、工商銀行紛紛披露第3季業績,數據顯示,4者均遭證金公司減持。截至第3季底,證金公司持有招商銀行股8.45億A股,相比半年業績時減持809萬股;持有浦發銀行5.77億A股,相比半年業績時減持2,240萬股;持有民生銀行15.33億A股,相比半年業績時減持6,254萬股;持有工商銀行46.98億A股,相比半年業績時減持3.62億股。
房委會擬向公屋富戶開刀 持私人物業即叮走
【on.cc東網專訊】 公屋長期供不應求,房委會資助房屋小組委員會下周一(31日)開會商討對策。據了解,房委會擬檢討多項房屋政策以騰出更多單位。消息稱,房委會擬向富戶開刀,建議考慮針對在香港擁有私人住宅物業的公屋租戶,不論其申報的其他入息或資產水平如何,均須遷離公屋。消息指出,家庭入息超逾公屋入息限額3倍的租戶,須即時申報資產,毋須等待下一次申報,如資產水平超出限額,須遷離公屋。
【on.cc東網專訊】 公屋長期供不應求,房委會資助房屋小組委員會下周一(31日)開會商討對策。據了解,房委會擬檢討多項房屋政策以騰出更多單位。消息稱,房委會擬向富戶開刀,建議考慮針對在香港擁有私人住宅物業的公屋租戶,不論其申報的其他入息或資產水平如何,均須遷離公屋。消息指出,家庭入息超逾公屋入息限額3倍的租戶,須即時申報資產,毋須等待下一次申報,如資產水平超出限額,須遷離公屋。
Pound Tumbles After UK Government Wins Brexit Suit In Northern Ireland Court
Moments ago sterling did what it has been doing so well these past few months, it tumbled by as much as 50 pips after the UK government won a Brexit suit in a Northern Ireland court: a Northern Irish judge rejected a pair of challenges to the Brexit process, removing at least one obstacle to Prime Minister Theresa May’s plan to begin severing ties with the European Union by the end of March.
The Northern Irish High Court ruled that lawmakers don’t need to hold a vote to start the two-year countdown to Brexit. The judge also rejected a challenge based on Good Friday Peace Agreement.
But the court also said that it would defer to English courts on the wider issue of whether Prime Minister Theresa May and her ministers have the authority to invoke Article 50 of the EU Lisbon Treaty, the mechanism by which a nation can leave the bloc, without the explicit backing of the British parliament.
Reuters adds that Northern Ireland rights activist McCord will appeal the high court ruling to the UK Supreme Court, however according to ING analyst Petr Krpata, the decision reduced the probability that article 50 won’t get triggered, Bloomberg reported.
Moments ago sterling did what it has been doing so well these past few months, it tumbled by as much as 50 pips after the UK government won a Brexit suit in a Northern Ireland court: a Northern Irish judge rejected a pair of challenges to the Brexit process, removing at least one obstacle to Prime Minister Theresa May’s plan to begin severing ties with the European Union by the end of March.
The Northern Irish High Court ruled that lawmakers don’t need to hold a vote to start the two-year countdown to Brexit. The judge also rejected a challenge based on Good Friday Peace Agreement.
But the court also said that it would defer to English courts on the wider issue of whether Prime Minister Theresa May and her ministers have the authority to invoke Article 50 of the EU Lisbon Treaty, the mechanism by which a nation can leave the bloc, without the explicit backing of the British parliament.
Reuters adds that Northern Ireland rights activist McCord will appeal the high court ruling to the UK Supreme Court, however according to ING analyst Petr Krpata, the decision reduced the probability that article 50 won’t get triggered, Bloomberg reported.
In the immediate aftermath,
GBP/USD dropped 0.32% to day low of 1.2125 while EUR climbs to 0.89941
against the pound in sharp moves. GBP/USD next support at 1.2118;
EUR/GBP resistance at 0.9027. Cable now trading -0.21% at 1.2140;
EUR/GBP +0.33% at 0.89874.
【on.cc東網專訊】 港股收市後,市場焦點落在香港時間今晚8時30分,美國公布的第3季經濟增長數據,以及10時的消費者信心指數,道指期貨現跌35點。以下為「收市10大要知」新聞:
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
2、港股失守2萬3 或下試22500
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3、滬指收跌8點 滬股通有資金流入
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4、歐股開市全線向下 銀行股「抗跌」
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7、The Jordan連家電月租最平1.4萬
俊文地產集團首個全幢商住出租物業佐敦廣東道501號The Jordan今日委託中原獨家代理租賃,即日起接受預租,料11月入伙。
The Jordan共提供32個單位,實用面積174至312方呎,均為開放式間隔,連全屋家電出租,月租由1.4萬至2.5萬港元。
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【on.cc東網專訊】 港股收市後,市場焦點落在香港時間今晚8時30分,美國公布的第3季經濟增長數據,以及10時的消費者信心指數,道指期貨現跌35點。以下為「收市10大要知」新聞:
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
2、港股失守2萬3 或下試22500
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3、滬指收跌8點 滬股通有資金流入
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4、歐股開市全線向下 銀行股「抗跌」
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7、The Jordan連家電月租最平1.4萬
俊文地產集團首個全幢商住出租物業佐敦廣東道501號The Jordan今日委託中原獨家代理租賃,即日起接受預租,料11月入伙。
The Jordan共提供32個單位,實用面積174至312方呎,均為開放式間隔,連全屋家電出租,月租由1.4萬至2.5萬港元。
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歐盟學生憂脫歐前景 申請英大學人數跌一成
【on.cc東網專訊】 英國公投決定離開歐盟後,歐盟學生申請入讀英國著名大學的人數減少近一成。分析指,這個數字反映英國決定離開歐盟的破壞性影響,令歐盟學生憂慮英國前景,失去留學英國的興趣。
英國大學聯盟(Universities UK)發言人表示,目前的數字未能反映真實情況,要到明年1月待九成大學申請完成後,才可見具體情況。發言人說,由於前景不明朗,很多歐盟學生均擔心未來是否能夠繼續獲得英國政府的財政資助。發言人提醒歐盟學生申請入讀英國大學前,要充分了解自己經濟情況以及有否學費資助等。
【on.cc東網專訊】 英國公投決定離開歐盟後,歐盟學生申請入讀英國著名大學的人數減少近一成。分析指,這個數字反映英國決定離開歐盟的破壞性影響,令歐盟學生憂慮英國前景,失去留學英國的興趣。
英國大學聯盟(Universities UK)發言人表示,目前的數字未能反映真實情況,要到明年1月待九成大學申請完成後,才可見具體情況。發言人說,由於前景不明朗,很多歐盟學生均擔心未來是否能夠繼續獲得英國政府的財政資助。發言人提醒歐盟學生申請入讀英國大學前,要充分了解自己經濟情況以及有否學費資助等。
深圳地鐵新線開通連接皇崗 客讚慳金錢時間
【on.cc東網專訊】 深圳地鐵7號及9號線今早11時許正式開通,其中7號線更連接深圳皇崗口岸,吸引不少民眾一早前往試搭。有乘客表示新地鐵方便出入,以往個多小時的車程,如今只需約半小時。從事網購生意而需經常到香港取貨的商家更直言,新地鐵可節省不少金錢及時間。
【on.cc東網專訊】 深圳地鐵7號及9號線今早11時許正式開通,其中7號線更連接深圳皇崗口岸,吸引不少民眾一早前往試搭。有乘客表示新地鐵方便出入,以往個多小時的車程,如今只需約半小時。從事網購生意而需經常到香港取貨的商家更直言,新地鐵可節省不少金錢及時間。
Let Crude Crash: US Oil Producers Are Hedging At Levels Not Seen Since 2007
如果大多數人睇淡油價, 而大手玩衍生工具, 本人反而認為油價有機會大反彈 !
www.zerohedge.comAs warned here one month ago after the farcical OPEC meeting in Algiers, the cartel's latest jawboning ploy to keep prices artificially higher - if only for one more month - is fast falling apart. Just a few hours ago, Bloomberg reporter Daniel Kruger penned the following assessment of the situation:
Production-Cut Talk Is as Good as It Gets for Oil. Some OPEC members are talking about cutting production again, and so prices are rising. Saudi Arabia and other producers both in and out of the cartel have done a good job fostering the storyline that there are terms under which parties can agree to pump less crude. Continuing signs of concord among producer nations have boosted oil prices to an average of $50 a barrel this month in New York. Yet several obstacles make it difficult for countries to commit to signing on to a deal. One obstacle is that sacrifices are needed for the agreements to succeed. Another is that those sacrifices aren’t shared equally.
Having successfully raised $18 billion in the bond market, Saudi Arabia is better positioned to withstand the loss of some revenue. Iraq, OPEC’s second-biggest producer, was the latest to plead for an exemption from a cut, citing its fight against Islamic State as a cause of hardship. Ultimately, no one wants to pump less because the upside is so limited. Saudi Arabia’s 2014 decision to double down on production in a drive for market share succeeded in making it more difficult for higher-cost producers to thrive as they once had. But having committed to that goal, they also locked themselves into a fight to keep what they’d won.
And while ConocoPhillips’ announcement this week that it plans to cut spending on major projects demonstrates the partial success of the Saudi plan to drive out rivals, it also shows producers see diminishing chances for crude to climb much above $60, said Wells Fargo Fund Management’s James Kochan. The big reason, of course, is latent U.S. supply. Baker Hughes data shows the most rigs at work in the Permian Basin since January. Sanford C. Bernstein analyst Bob Brackett suggests the per-acre price of drilling lease land will rise to $100,000 from about $60,000 now.
The one agreement players seem to have reached is that oil isn’t able to go much higher.
That oil's upside is capped at this point is clear; in fact as both Goldman and Citi have warned, unless OPEC can come to a definitive and auditable agreement - no just another verbal can kicking - in which the member states, by which we mean almost entirely Saudi Arabia as most of the marginal producers are exempt or want to be, immediately curtail production, oil will promptly crash to $40 or below.
But an even more amusing twist is that a plunge in oil prices may be just what US shale producers are waiting for. The reason for that is that while OPEC has been busy desperately jawboning oil higher, US producers have been thinking of the inevitable next step, oil's upcoming reacquaintance with gravity. As a result, as the EIA reports, the amount of WTI short positions held be producers and merchants is just shy of a decade high.
According to a recent EIA report, short positions in West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil futures contracts held by producers or merchants totaled more than 540,000 contracts as of October 11, 2016, the most since 2007, according to data from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Banks have tightened lending standards for some energy companies as crude oil prices declined throughout 2014 and 2015, and some banks require producers to hedge against future price risk as a condition for lending.
Short positions of WTI futures increased at a faster pace than futures contracts of Brent (an international crude oil benchmark) since summer 2016, suggesting U.S. producers are able to drill for oil profitably in the $50 per barrel range. In the Crude Oil Markets Review section of the October Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) discusses an increase in U.S. onshore producers’ capital expenditures that is contributing to rising drilling activity, which EIA projects will lead to an increase in U.S. onshore production by the second quarter of 2017.
Which closes the circle of irony: almost exactly two years ago, Saudi Arabia set off a sequence of events with which it hoped to crush US shale producers and its high cost OPEC competitors. It succeeded partially and briefly, however now the remaining US shale companies are more efficient, restructured, have less debt, a far lower all-in cost of production; and - best of all - they will all make a killing the next time oil plunges, as it will once OPEC's hollow gambit is exposed.
Meanwhile, the last shred of OPEC credibility will be crushed, the truly high cost oil exporters within OPEC will suffer sovereign defaults and social unrest, as will Saudi Arabia. The good news for Riyadh is that at least it got a $17.5 billion in fresh cash from a bunch of idiots who will never get repaid. We are curious just how long that cash will last the country which burned through $98 billion just last year, before the threat of social unrest and financial system collapse returns? Two months? Three?
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