2016年4月30日 星期六
Freddie Mac may need another taxpayer bailout next week
美國的債務計時炸彈 !
www.marketwatch.comBy AndreaRiquier
Freddie Mac FMCC, -1.21% is expected to report a loss when it announces first quarter earnings before the bell on Tuesday. That’s bad news for any public company, but especially critical for the mortgage provider because of its tangled history with the federal government.
Freddie and its counterpart, Fannie Mae FNMA, -0.58% were put into conservatorship in 2008 as the mortgage meltdown ensnared the financial system. They have lingered as wards of the state ever since. The Treasury department modified the deal in 2012, requiring Fannie and Freddie to send all quarterly profits to the government — and shrink their reserves to zero by 2018.
As Mel Watt, the chairman of Fannie and Freddie’s regulator, put it in a speech in February, Fannie and Freddie are quickly approaching the point where they won’t be able to weather quarterly losses without going back to the Treasury for taxpayer dollars.
There are many reasons Freddie and Fannie could lose money in any given quarter, Watt noted, including the fact that the enterprises now stand to make less income on the portfolios they’re required to shrink. What many analysts are watching for this time, though, is the use of interest rate derivatives.
Freddie has used such instruments to hedge against big swings in interest rates, and their value can fluctuate unpredictably. (Fannie relies more on the issuance of longer-term debt to guard against short-term interest rate swings.)
Derivatives have gone bad for Freddie before. In the third quarter of last year, it reported a $475 million loss, the first negative quarter in four years, when rates plunged. Freddie did not need to tap Treasury for more funds, but neither did it remit money to the government.
Noted bank analyst Richard Bove speculated about the possibility of a first quarter loss in a recent note. “It is impossible for an outsider to predict what this will do to Freddie Mac earnings but it is not unrealistic to assume a loss of $2.0 billion plus in derivatives (it could be as high as $4.0 billion or more). At the $2.0 billion plus level, Freddie Mac’s pretax earnings would be negative $749 million,” Bove, vice president of equity research at Rafferty Capital Markets, wrote.
Spokeswomen for Freddie and its regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, declined to comment.
A Treasury draw is a possibility, Moody’s Analytics Chief Economist Mark Zandi told MarketWatch, although he thinks the chance of one is “less than 50-50.”
The 10-year Treasury declined 49 basis points in the first quarter, far more than the 29-basis point drop that caused Freddie’s loss last year, noted Laurie Goodman, director of the Housing Finance Policy Center at the Urban Institute. (A basis point is one one-hundredth of a percentage point.)
More important than the results from one quarter are Freddie’s steadily shrinking reserves, according to Goodman and Zandi.
Freddie will hold $1.2 billion in 2016, $600 million in 2017, and zero by 2018, its fourth-quarter earnings release noted.
“As capital continues to go down it makes it more likely that they end up with a draw,” Goodman said.
Zandi, who co-wrote a proposal for reforming Freddie and Fannie in March, thinks a loss will help make the case that change is needed. “It may light a fire under lawmakers,” he said. “They clearly don’t want to be in the position of giving Fannie or Freddie…another handout from taxpayers.”
But both he and Goodman think a real overhaul of Fannie and Freddie that would get them out of the current limbo isn’t in the cards for some time. It may even take a crisis to spur lawmakers to act, Goodman said. That may be too late, Zandi noted, making another bailout — and more housing market pain — inevitable.
“The catalyst can’t be the next recession because [Fannie and Freddie] will be out of capital by then.”
Fannie Mae reports its first quarter earnings on Thursday, May 5.
This chart paints a discouraging picture of the stock market today
By Adam D. Koos
Have you ever been driving down the road and felt something strange that made you think there might be a problem with your car? Most of us have. Imagine taking your car in to a mechanic who listens to you describe the problem, tells you it's no big deal, and then sends you on your way before even glancing at the vehicle, let alone starting it up or taking it out for an investigative test drive. This might seem absurd, but many investors jump to similar conclusions when it comes to the stock market. They take a peek at their portfolio or the stock market, and as long as it's going up, they assume everything is fine without any further examination.
The S&P 500 is up more than 15% since the Feb. 11 intraday lows, and if investors aren't careful, they're going to get caught sleeping. Not that I'm predicting a market crash because my job is not to predict what the market is going to do tomorrow, but to observe the current conditions of the market and maintain the correct level of risk, as determined by the current market landscape.
In either case, markets take time to crash, when in fact they do crash. As such, it's easy for investors to become complacent when they see the market go up. They think, "My financial adviser said to stick with it and that it'll always come back, and by golly, it did." Of course, markets do come back ... eventually. But this assumption ignores the possibility that the current bear market isn't finished clawing money out of the hands of investors.
When I look at the market in the chart below, I see three things:
A. The market has continued its rise as of late
B. It is doing so on overbought and negative-trending momentum
C. It has done so on weakening volume.
In a healthy, northward trending market, we would see momentum indicators — such as the moving-average convergence/divergence (MACD) at "A" — trending up along with the market. Instead what we see here is negative divergence with momentum pointing southward, against the trend. This unfavorable signal against the grain of prevailing market prices indicates probable near-term trouble for the market.
Additionally, in a strong market, we would see robust volume accompanying the up-trend. Instead, what we see here is a Price Volume Oscillator (at "C") telling us that, from February through early April, volume actually receded while the market forged ahead. It is important to avoid confusing this action as being resilient. Again, stable volume that tags along with a trend indicates strength of the trend in place, and observing the chart above, it seems to me that momentum is shifting negative all while volume is starting to pick up some steam.
Human beings suffer from a serious case of recency bias, which results in investors quickly forgetting the pain once felt when markets drop. It took almost two years (from 2007-2009) for the market to ransack investors of more than 50% of their wealth. In 2008, there were exactly the same number of positive trading days as there were negative ones, but still the market fell 37%. People kept saying, "The bottom has to be behind us at this point," but it wasn't.
Today we look in the rear-view mirror at a 15% market rebound off the Feb. 11 lows, led primarily by laggard energy, materials and metals stocks. A good portion of this rebound has been carried by large caps, and since the S&P 500 is a cap-weighted index, of course "the market" is going to look good when the largest of the 500 stocks are pulling all the weight while an abundance of middle and small-sized companies remain in the shadows, marinating in bear market territory.
When markets get mature, the small caps go first and then the mid caps fall as investors flee to "blue chips" for safety and dividends. But when the large caps roll over and there aren't as many buyers remaining to buy the shares you're selling, all of a sudden things go parabolic. At least, that is what's at risk today if you look at nothing more than the value of your portfolio today and then walk away.
By Adam D. Koos
Have you ever been driving down the road and felt something strange that made you think there might be a problem with your car? Most of us have. Imagine taking your car in to a mechanic who listens to you describe the problem, tells you it's no big deal, and then sends you on your way before even glancing at the vehicle, let alone starting it up or taking it out for an investigative test drive. This might seem absurd, but many investors jump to similar conclusions when it comes to the stock market. They take a peek at their portfolio or the stock market, and as long as it's going up, they assume everything is fine without any further examination.
The S&P 500 is up more than 15% since the Feb. 11 intraday lows, and if investors aren't careful, they're going to get caught sleeping. Not that I'm predicting a market crash because my job is not to predict what the market is going to do tomorrow, but to observe the current conditions of the market and maintain the correct level of risk, as determined by the current market landscape.
In either case, markets take time to crash, when in fact they do crash. As such, it's easy for investors to become complacent when they see the market go up. They think, "My financial adviser said to stick with it and that it'll always come back, and by golly, it did." Of course, markets do come back ... eventually. But this assumption ignores the possibility that the current bear market isn't finished clawing money out of the hands of investors.
When I look at the market in the chart below, I see three things:
A. The market has continued its rise as of late
B. It is doing so on overbought and negative-trending momentum
C. It has done so on weakening volume.
In a healthy, northward trending market, we would see momentum indicators — such as the moving-average convergence/divergence (MACD) at "A" — trending up along with the market. Instead what we see here is negative divergence with momentum pointing southward, against the trend. This unfavorable signal against the grain of prevailing market prices indicates probable near-term trouble for the market.
Additionally, in a strong market, we would see robust volume accompanying the up-trend. Instead, what we see here is a Price Volume Oscillator (at "C") telling us that, from February through early April, volume actually receded while the market forged ahead. It is important to avoid confusing this action as being resilient. Again, stable volume that tags along with a trend indicates strength of the trend in place, and observing the chart above, it seems to me that momentum is shifting negative all while volume is starting to pick up some steam.
Human beings suffer from a serious case of recency bias, which results in investors quickly forgetting the pain once felt when markets drop. It took almost two years (from 2007-2009) for the market to ransack investors of more than 50% of their wealth. In 2008, there were exactly the same number of positive trading days as there were negative ones, but still the market fell 37%. People kept saying, "The bottom has to be behind us at this point," but it wasn't.
Today we look in the rear-view mirror at a 15% market rebound off the Feb. 11 lows, led primarily by laggard energy, materials and metals stocks. A good portion of this rebound has been carried by large caps, and since the S&P 500 is a cap-weighted index, of course "the market" is going to look good when the largest of the 500 stocks are pulling all the weight while an abundance of middle and small-sized companies remain in the shadows, marinating in bear market territory.
When markets get mature, the small caps go first and then the mid caps fall as investors flee to "blue chips" for safety and dividends. But when the large caps roll over and there aren't as many buyers remaining to buy the shares you're selling, all of a sudden things go parabolic. At least, that is what's at risk today if you look at nothing more than the value of your portfolio today and then walk away.
黑客洩3600紐約市民資料 籲恐怖分子殺人
【on.cc東網專訊】 一個與極端回教組織「伊斯蘭國」(IS)有關的黑客組織,本周日在網上披露美國紐約3600名市民的資料,呼籲恐怖分子殺死他們。當局正嘗試聯絡有關人士,但相信事件沒有實際威脅。
該黑客組織「網絡哈里法軍」(Caliphate Cyber Army)發放的名單,據指以國務院及保安部門的公務員為目標,但當中大部分人其實都是與政府無關的一般市民,並非政治活躍人士。美國情報人員指,由於有關市民的年齡層廣泛,相信是被黑客隨機抽選出來。
【on.cc東網專訊】 一個與極端回教組織「伊斯蘭國」(IS)有關的黑客組織,本周日在網上披露美國紐約3600名市民的資料,呼籲恐怖分子殺死他們。當局正嘗試聯絡有關人士,但相信事件沒有實際威脅。
該黑客組織「網絡哈里法軍」(Caliphate Cyber Army)發放的名單,據指以國務院及保安部門的公務員為目標,但當中大部分人其實都是與政府無關的一般市民,並非政治活躍人士。美國情報人員指,由於有關市民的年齡層廣泛,相信是被黑客隨機抽選出來。
Vogue慶英版創刊百年 百歲女人瑞任模特兒
一百歲, so easy !
on.cc東網專訊【on.cc東網專訊】 提起時裝模特兒,一般人腦海中都立刻想到年輕可人、身材高挑的美女,但國際著名時裝雜誌《時尚》(Vogue)為慶祝英國版創刊100周年,特別與英國高 級百貨公司夏菲尼高(Harvey Nichols)合作,請來一名全無模特兒經驗的百歲人瑞,為5月出版的一期擔任模特兒,藉此帶出高尚品味沒有年齡界限的信息。
獲《時尚》青睞的是現獨居於伯明翰一間長者屋的寡婦吉貝爾(Majorie Gilbert)。她早前在當地一份報章撰文,談自己如何慶祝100歲壽辰,繼而被夏菲尼高的廣告代理發掘,邀請她擔任該公司SS16系列時裝的代言人。
電子課本爛尾 議員責政府目標短淺欠持續
想買俾孫仔孫女學中文都突然無得賣 !
on.cc東網專訊【on.cc東網專訊】 教育局早前宣布無意展開新一輪,由前特首曾蔭權於2012和2013年力推的「電子教科書市場開拓計劃」(EMADS),有電子書商今早舉行「免費共享中 文教科書」研討會,冀集合社會力量在今年6月開始籌資200萬港元,目標在2019年向大眾提供一套免費小學、初中及非華語小學生的中文印刷教科書,並再 以特價約60港元,吸引家長購買,為學生提供更多學科上的資料。
內 地債市風險再引發市場關注,外媒報道指,內地債市今年將迎來天量「高危」行業信用債到期,投資者正面臨史無前例的的信用違約風險。報道指,處於煤炭、金屬 和礦業此類產能過剩行業的公司,在今年第二至四季度累計債券到期規模超過7,600億元,為紀錄以來最高,亦較去年同期增34%、較一四年同期增逾一倍。
內銀「排雷」 研推CDS
內 地債市風險再引發市場關注,外媒報道指,內地債市今年將迎來天量「高危」行業信用債到期,投資者正面臨史無前例的的信用違約風險。報道指,處於煤炭、金屬 和礦業此類產能過剩行業的公司,在今年第二至四季度累計債券到期規模超過7,600億元,為紀錄以來最高,亦較去年同期增34%、較一四年同期增逾一倍。
內銀「排雷」 研推CDS
摩根大通預期,日圓年底將升至103兌1美元水平。而中金則認為,日央行或需更多時間,觀察負利率的不良影響,故今次選擇按兵不動。中金指,即 使再加碼寬鬆,亦有機會被市場解讀為對經濟已黔驢技窮,因持續三年,每年接近80萬億日圓的巨額購買資產計劃,未能成功讓日本擺脫通縮,再擴大寬鬆亦未必可以成功推高通脹。
日圓延續昨日強勢,一度升至106.9兌1美元水平,升上2014年10月以來高位,而每百日圓兌港元升至7.24水平。摩根大通預期,日圓年底將升至103兌1美元水平。而中金則認為,日央行或需更多時間,觀察負利率的不良影響,故今次選擇按兵不動。中金指,即 使再加碼寬鬆,亦有機會被市場解讀為對經濟已黔驢技窮,因持續三年,每年接近80萬億日圓的巨額購買資產計劃,未能成功讓日本擺脫通縮,再擴大寬鬆亦未必可以成功推高通脹。
美國控制利率, 就干預唔到匯率 ?
港股險守21000 五窮料難捱
來緊, 可能會是[價值投資]者難捱的月份 !
As The Price Of Gold Soars, Legend Warns That The World May Now Be Facing Catastrophic Consequences
文章說, 小心美股市走入熊市, 也要小心通脹的來臨 !
kingworldnews.comToday a legend who oversees more than $170 billion warned that the world may now be facing “catastrophic consequences.”
Eric King: “Rob, your firm helps to oversee $170 billion globally. What has you worried going forward? What has you concerned?”
Rob Arnott: “We are overdue for a U.S. equity bear market and if we get a bear market it will have ripple effects across other asset classes. But the other thing that worries me even more than that is the central banks losing credibility and losing control.
Massive Wealth Expropriation
Let’s suppose that headline inflation, already up to 2.3 percent in the last 6 – 8 months, hits 3 percent in the next 6 or 8 months. All the sudden the central bank (the Fed) has lost control. The central bank can’t keep interest rates down at zero when inflation is running around 3 percent. That winds up being a massive wealth expropriation from anyone with savings.
The government is intentionally engaging in wealth destruction for the affluent savers. That’s the essence of negative real interest rates. But if you are trying to carry zero interest rates in a 3 percent inflation environment, it stimulates all sorts of crazy behavior on behalf of the general public, and it winds up defeating the purpose of low interest rates, which is to stimulate the macroeconomy.
The Hairy 1970s
So, ironically, you could have the Fed’s efforts to stimulate the economy with low interest rates having the unfortunate effect of stimulating hoarding instead of stimulating inflation in the macroeconomy. And you could have inflation get out of hand anyway so that you wind up with the worst of both worlds — a stagnation in the macroeconomy and outright recession, paired with renewed inflation. It’s called stagflation. We had that in the 1970s and it was brutal. That’s a risk. It’s certainly possible and if the Fed loses control, watch out.”
King World News note: Off the air Arnott warned me that if the above scenario unfolds it will have “catastrophic consequences.”
The last time Rob Arnott was interviewed on KWN he recommended a specific fund to the global listeners, including the ticker symbol. In less than 3 months that fund has returned more than a staggering 26 percent! Arnott again gave specific recommendations for the global listeners and he also discussed the coming inflationary carnage that is in front of us.
Commercial Short Positions In The Silver Market Hit All-Time Record!
文章說, 金銀市場的空倉己累積, 所以大家要小心, 金銀價可以俾人推落去, 不過高手過招, 不知鹿死誰手 !
只要保留一手現金在手, 不怕價格跌, 因為又可以買到平貨 !
kingworldnews.com全文After a large decline in the dollar this week, both gold and silver continued to surge on Friday, with gold gaining close to $30 and silver rising 30 cents. On the heels of that trading, below is an important update on the war that is raging in the gold and silver markets.
Commercial Short Positions In Silver Hit All-Time Record High!
King World News note: Below you can see the commercial hedgers position in the silver market market. Note that commercial hedgers been adding aggressively to their short positions and have hit a new high in terms of their overall shorts (see multi-year chart below).
The commercial shorts are at a level that raises serious concern. In fact, the commercials now have their largest short cumulative short position in history. The last time the commercials held this large of a short position in silver was in 2004. Again, that does not mean that the price of silver cannot head significantly higher in the short-term.
King World News note: Sometimes it’s important to take a step back and look at the big picture in the silver market. Looking at the 23-year chart below, the commercials are now the most short silver that they have ever been in history (see fascinating 23-year chart below).
What is important to note on the chart above is that the last time the commercials were this short silver there was a brief 12.7 percent pullback in the price of silver, but over the next 18 months the price of silver more than doubled from the low of that pullback in 2004. So from late November of 2004, when the price of silver fell to about $6.70, the price of silver soared to $14.31 by early May of 2006. Nevertheless, the commercials now have historic short bets against silver and that is something that traders and investors should watch closely.
King World News note: Below you can see the commercial hedgers position in the gold market. There was essentially no change in commercial short positions reported for this week (see 10-year chart below). That does not mean that the price of gold cannot continue heading significantly higher in the short-term, but it does raise a caution flag.
香港文匯報訊(記者 梁悅琴、
發展商照賺 二手業主愁
【on.cc東網專訊】 據內地傳媒報道,中央政治局日前召開會議,會議強調,經濟下行壓力仍然較大,一些實體企業生產經營仍然困難,市場風險點增多。對存在的突出矛盾和問題,必須高度重視,冷靜分析,有針對性採取措施,做好打攻堅戰、持久戰的準備,紥實做好工作。
同 時也要按照加快提高戶籍人口城鎮化率和深化住房制度改革的要求,有序消化房地產庫存,注重解決區域性、結構性問題,實行差別化的調控政策。要堅持基本經濟 制度,深化國有企業改革,促進非公有制經濟健康發展,擴大對外開放,吸引外國資本來華投資,穩定發展預期,增強市場信心。
【on.cc東網專訊】 據內地傳媒報道,中央政治局日前召開會議,會議強調,經濟下行壓力仍然較大,一些實體企業生產經營仍然困難,市場風險點增多。對存在的突出矛盾和問題,必須高度重視,冷靜分析,有針對性採取措施,做好打攻堅戰、持久戰的準備,紥實做好工作。
同 時也要按照加快提高戶籍人口城鎮化率和深化住房制度改革的要求,有序消化房地產庫存,注重解決區域性、結構性問題,實行差別化的調控政策。要堅持基本經濟 制度,深化國有企業改革,促進非公有制經濟健康發展,擴大對外開放,吸引外國資本來華投資,穩定發展預期,增強市場信心。
美股收市向下 蘋果再跌逾1%
【on.cc東網專訊】 美元維持走弱,且市場仍在消化多間企業首季業績,美股3大指數收市向下。道指盤中一度跌逾170點,全日跌57點或0.32%,收報17,773點;標指 跌10點或0.5%,收報2,065點;納指跌29點或0.62%,收報4,775點。
醫療股及科技股為主要領跌板塊。生物科技藥廠Gilead首季收入及盈利均遜預期,縱使公司提高股息9.3%至每股47美元,但股價全日挫逾9%。蘋果公司(Apple Inc)連跌兩日後跌勢未止,今日再挫1.15%,收報93.74美元。
兩大油股公布季績後個別發展。埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)上季盈利倒退63%至18億美元,每股盈利43美仙,好過預期的31美仙,股價升0.42%;雪佛龍(Chevron)上季由盈轉虧,蝕 7.25億美元,扣除特殊項目後,每股盈利11美仙,遜於市場預期,股價微跌0.21%。
【on.cc東網專訊】 美元維持走弱,且市場仍在消化多間企業首季業績,美股3大指數收市向下。道指盤中一度跌逾170點,全日跌57點或0.32%,收報17,773點;標指 跌10點或0.5%,收報2,065點;納指跌29點或0.62%,收報4,775點。
醫療股及科技股為主要領跌板塊。生物科技藥廠Gilead首季收入及盈利均遜預期,縱使公司提高股息9.3%至每股47美元,但股價全日挫逾9%。蘋果公司(Apple Inc)連跌兩日後跌勢未止,今日再挫1.15%,收報93.74美元。
兩大油股公布季績後個別發展。埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)上季盈利倒退63%至18億美元,每股盈利43美仙,好過預期的31美仙,股價升0.42%;雪佛龍(Chevron)上季由盈轉虧,蝕 7.25億美元,扣除特殊項目後,每股盈利11美仙,遜於市場預期,股價微跌0.21%。
貨運量連跌:工人司機保險砸飯碗 物流業危
【on.cc東網專訊】 香港貨運吞吐量連跌21個月,導致最新全球貨櫃吞吐量排名跌至第6位,令身為香港經濟4大支柱之1的物流業,岌岌可危。貨櫃吞吐量下跌已造成骨牌效應,拖 冧3大行業。第1,部分貨櫃碼頭工人收入較去年同期大跌3成;第2,中港貨櫃車司機每星期僅開工3至4日;第3,貨物保險業生意也較去年下跌約10%,業界估計近年有15%從業員已「跳船」。
「好多貨櫃碼頭工人嘅工資,係逐日計算,上年,工人每月開工日數約25日,但喺今年1至3月,平均 得17日,跌幅逾30%,收入少咗6,000幾蚊,好難捱!」貨櫃運輸業職工總會主席陳迪手指出,貨運吞吐量下滑,令3,000多名吊機手、工程人員及橋 邊理貨員等的貨櫃碼頭工人,生計大受影響。
運送貨櫃往來香港及大陸的中港貨櫃車司機,更是吊鹽水。「往年,自3月起喺踏入香港貨櫃出入口 旺季,但今年截至4月,港口貨櫃量仍未見有顯著回升,令司機嘅收入,較去年少咗3成。」落馬洲中港貨運聯會主席蔣志偉無奈說,「呢行約有40,000名貨 櫃車司機,數年至今,已有約3成司機因生計無法維持,黯然轉行。」
骨牌效應下,貨物保險業也受影響。香港保險業總工會理事長張偉良透露,以1個40呎標準貨櫃,內含10萬美元(約78萬港元)價值的貨物為例,貨物險保費達 萬多港元。有1間保險公司,往年1星期的貨物險保費逾60億港元,但在今年,每個星期的貨物險保費,蒸發約5億港元。「喺過去3年,保險業正面臨重大挑 戰,因為佣金減少,有公司近年約有15%保險從業員已經『跳船』。」
【on.cc東網專訊】 香港貨運吞吐量連跌21個月,導致最新全球貨櫃吞吐量排名跌至第6位,令身為香港經濟4大支柱之1的物流業,岌岌可危。貨櫃吞吐量下跌已造成骨牌效應,拖 冧3大行業。第1,部分貨櫃碼頭工人收入較去年同期大跌3成;第2,中港貨櫃車司機每星期僅開工3至4日;第3,貨物保險業生意也較去年下跌約10%,業界估計近年有15%從業員已「跳船」。
「好多貨櫃碼頭工人嘅工資,係逐日計算,上年,工人每月開工日數約25日,但喺今年1至3月,平均 得17日,跌幅逾30%,收入少咗6,000幾蚊,好難捱!」貨櫃運輸業職工總會主席陳迪手指出,貨運吞吐量下滑,令3,000多名吊機手、工程人員及橋 邊理貨員等的貨櫃碼頭工人,生計大受影響。
運送貨櫃往來香港及大陸的中港貨櫃車司機,更是吊鹽水。「往年,自3月起喺踏入香港貨櫃出入口 旺季,但今年截至4月,港口貨櫃量仍未見有顯著回升,令司機嘅收入,較去年少咗3成。」落馬洲中港貨運聯會主席蔣志偉無奈說,「呢行約有40,000名貨 櫃車司機,數年至今,已有約3成司機因生計無法維持,黯然轉行。」
骨牌效應下,貨物保險業也受影響。香港保險業總工會理事長張偉良透露,以1個40呎標準貨櫃,內含10萬美元(約78萬港元)價值的貨物為例,貨物險保費達 萬多港元。有1間保險公司,往年1星期的貨物險保費逾60億港元,但在今年,每個星期的貨物險保費,蒸發約5億港元。「喺過去3年,保險業正面臨重大挑 戰,因為佣金減少,有公司近年約有15%保險從業員已經『跳船』。」
2016 1oz Australia Wedge Tailed Eagle Silver Coin BU
Year: 2016
Denomination: $1.00
Mint Mark: P - Perth Mint
Edge Reeded
Metal Content: 1 troy oz
Purity: .999
Thickness: 4 mm
Diameter: 40.6 mm
Manufacturer: Perth Mint
Comes in original protective plastic capsule
Limited mintage of 50,000 coins
前天在LPM買191蚊1枚, 普製1盎司澳洲麻鷹銀幣, 有原廠透明膠盒附送 !
Denomination: $1.00
Mint Mark: P - Perth Mint
Edge Reeded
Metal Content: 1 troy oz
Purity: .999
Thickness: 4 mm
Diameter: 40.6 mm
Manufacturer: Perth Mint
Comes in original protective plastic capsule
Limited mintage of 50,000 coins
前天在LPM買191蚊1枚, 普製1盎司澳洲麻鷹銀幣, 有原廠透明膠盒附送 !
2016年4月29日 星期五
USDJPY Plunges As Dollar Drops To 11 Month Lows, Commodities Rise
Following yesterday's Yen surge in the aftermath of the disappointing BOJ announcement, the pain for USDJPY long continued, with the key carry pair tumbling as low as 106, the lowest level since October 2014 before stabilizing around 107, and is now headed for its biggest weekly gain since 2008, which in turn has pushed the US dollar to to its lowest close in almost a year as signs of slowing growth in the U.S. dimmed prospects for a Federal Reserve interest-rate increase. As a result, global stocks fell and commodities extended gains in their best month since 2010.
The yen strengthened against all 16 major peers for the second day in a row, climbing as much as 1.1 percent to 106.91 a dollar, the strongest level since October 2014. It surged 4.3 percent this week as the Bank of Japan defied economists’ expectations that stimulus would be stepped up.
The sliding dollar is proving beneficial for raw materials, helping lift gold and silver to 15-month highs. Crude oil has jumped 21 percent this month to more than $46 a barrel in New York. European equities trimmed their biggest monthly advance since November.
As Bloomberg writes, the dollar’s third straight monthly drop and the prospects for the Fed moving gradually on interest rates are spurring the outlook for inflation, with the 10-year U.S. break-even rate at the highest since July. Reports today on consumer confidence and personal spending will provide clues on the trajectory of the world’s largest economy after data on Thursday showed the slowest pace of expansion in two years.
Looking at regional markets, Asia traded mixed amid holiday thinned trade and a cautious tone following Wall St. losses, where an Apple sell-off and weak US GDP dampened sentiment. However, ASX 200 (+0.4%) edged higher underpinned by commodity strength in which WTI broke above USD 46/bbl.
Elsewhere, the Shanghai Comp (-0.3%) was subdued after further discouraging earnings in which PetroChina posted its first ever quarterly loss and ICBC reported lacklustre growth as well as an increase in NPL's, while the PBoC also conducted a net CNY 290b1n drain. Finally, Japanese markets were shut for Showa Day public holiday.
In Europe, despite the upside in the energy complex today, sentiment is firmly dampened after the soft close in the US yesterday and the risk off trading seen overnight. Although Asia saw thin trade due to the Japanese holiday, the upside seen in both JPY and precious metals illustrated the uncertainty felt across asset classes, with this filtering through to Europe.
Equities have traded in the red throughout the morning, with Euro Stoxx lower by 1.2%, although with the downside in equities failing to filter through to any significant price action in fixed income. Bunds are flat on the day and continue to trade in the tight range between 162.50 and 162.25.
In Fx, it has been a mixed session in FX, but one which again is to the detriment of the USD as the index is pressed down to fresh 6 month+ lows on the back of another down-leg in USD/JPY. Losses in London saw 107.00 taken out, but ahead of 106.50, exotic protective bids are helping contain the sell-off, albeit temporarily so as yet. EUR/USD has been propelled higher accordingly, having adopted a strong bid tone in recent sessions. Earlier gains extended through the pre 1.1400 top seen over the ECB press conference last week, and despite running into strong offers above here, the pullback is contained ahead of 1.1350, with better than expected Q1 GDP in the Euro zone now aiding the bid. This has also helped EUR/GBP recover a little, with Cable now only managing to match the early Feb high at 1.4667 before retracing back through 1.4600. Bids in the mid 1.4550's supporting for now. Commodities still recovering amid the backdrop of recent jitters in equity markets. Oil continues to power north to help maintain USD/CAD pressure on 1.2500. Strong bids coming in ahead of this but sellers keen ahead of 1.2550.
Looking at regional markets, Asia traded mixed amid holiday thinned trade and a cautious tone following Wall St. losses, where an Apple sell-off and weak US GDP dampened sentiment. However, ASX 200 (+0.4%) edged higher underpinned by commodity strength in which WTI broke above USD 46/bbl.
Elsewhere, the Shanghai Comp (-0.3%) was subdued after further discouraging earnings in which PetroChina posted its first ever quarterly loss and ICBC reported lacklustre growth as well as an increase in NPL's, while the PBoC also conducted a net CNY 290b1n drain. Finally, Japanese markets were shut for Showa Day public holiday.
Following yesterday's Yen surge in the aftermath of the disappointing BOJ announcement, the pain for USDJPY long continued, with the key carry pair tumbling as low as 106, the lowest level since October 2014 before stabilizing around 107, and is now headed for its biggest weekly gain since 2008, which in turn has pushed the US dollar to to its lowest close in almost a year as signs of slowing growth in the U.S. dimmed prospects for a Federal Reserve interest-rate increase. As a result, global stocks fell and commodities extended gains in their best month since 2010.
The yen strengthened against all 16 major peers for the second day in a row, climbing as much as 1.1 percent to 106.91 a dollar, the strongest level since October 2014. It surged 4.3 percent this week as the Bank of Japan defied economists’ expectations that stimulus would be stepped up.
The sliding dollar is proving beneficial for raw materials, helping lift gold and silver to 15-month highs. Crude oil has jumped 21 percent this month to more than $46 a barrel in New York. European equities trimmed their biggest monthly advance since November.
As Bloomberg writes, the dollar’s third straight monthly drop and the prospects for the Fed moving gradually on interest rates are spurring the outlook for inflation, with the 10-year U.S. break-even rate at the highest since July. Reports today on consumer confidence and personal spending will provide clues on the trajectory of the world’s largest economy after data on Thursday showed the slowest pace of expansion in two years.
Looking at regional markets, Asia traded mixed amid holiday thinned trade and a cautious tone following Wall St. losses, where an Apple sell-off and weak US GDP dampened sentiment. However, ASX 200 (+0.4%) edged higher underpinned by commodity strength in which WTI broke above USD 46/bbl.
Elsewhere, the Shanghai Comp (-0.3%) was subdued after further discouraging earnings in which PetroChina posted its first ever quarterly loss and ICBC reported lacklustre growth as well as an increase in NPL's, while the PBoC also conducted a net CNY 290b1n drain. Finally, Japanese markets were shut for Showa Day public holiday.
In Europe, despite the upside in the energy complex today, sentiment is firmly dampened after the soft close in the US yesterday and the risk off trading seen overnight. Although Asia saw thin trade due to the Japanese holiday, the upside seen in both JPY and precious metals illustrated the uncertainty felt across asset classes, with this filtering through to Europe.
Equities have traded in the red throughout the morning, with Euro Stoxx lower by 1.2%, although with the downside in equities failing to filter through to any significant price action in fixed income. Bunds are flat on the day and continue to trade in the tight range between 162.50 and 162.25.
In Fx, it has been a mixed session in FX, but one which again is to the detriment of the USD as the index is pressed down to fresh 6 month+ lows on the back of another down-leg in USD/JPY. Losses in London saw 107.00 taken out, but ahead of 106.50, exotic protective bids are helping contain the sell-off, albeit temporarily so as yet. EUR/USD has been propelled higher accordingly, having adopted a strong bid tone in recent sessions. Earlier gains extended through the pre 1.1400 top seen over the ECB press conference last week, and despite running into strong offers above here, the pullback is contained ahead of 1.1350, with better than expected Q1 GDP in the Euro zone now aiding the bid. This has also helped EUR/GBP recover a little, with Cable now only managing to match the early Feb high at 1.4667 before retracing back through 1.4600. Bids in the mid 1.4550's supporting for now. Commodities still recovering amid the backdrop of recent jitters in equity markets. Oil continues to power north to help maintain USD/CAD pressure on 1.2500. Strong bids coming in ahead of this but sellers keen ahead of 1.2550.
Looking at regional markets, Asia traded mixed amid holiday thinned trade and a cautious tone following Wall St. losses, where an Apple sell-off and weak US GDP dampened sentiment. However, ASX 200 (+0.4%) edged higher underpinned by commodity strength in which WTI broke above USD 46/bbl.
Elsewhere, the Shanghai Comp (-0.3%) was subdued after further discouraging earnings in which PetroChina posted its first ever quarterly loss and ICBC reported lacklustre growth as well as an increase in NPL's, while the PBoC also conducted a net CNY 290b1n drain. Finally, Japanese markets were shut for Showa Day public holiday.
【on.cc東網專訊】 食物環境衞生署食物安全中心今日在進口層面,發現兩個品牌共4個日本進口乾冬菇樣本含微量輻射,有關產品沒有流入市面,中心正與有關進口商跟進事件。
【on.cc東網專訊】 食物環境衞生署食物安全中心今日在進口層面,發現兩個品牌共4個日本進口乾冬菇樣本含微量輻射,有關產品沒有流入市面,中心正與有關進口商跟進事件。
埃利安:日央行墮「塔西陀陷阱」 股市等死
【on.cc東網專訊】 日本央行昨日又一次令市場驚嚇,令日圓匯價大幅上揚,據外國傳媒報道,早於去年4月已高呼「現金為王」、去年7月呼籲投資者不要再買股、言論一直較中肯的 安聯集團首席經濟顧問、Pimco前第2把手埃利安表示,日本央行陷入了一個陷阱,其政策判斷一再失誤,政策信譽也因此不斷受損,這可能令日本的經濟困境進一步加深。
埃利安表示,日本央行明顯已陷入了政策措施效果適得其反的魔咒,這主因是其政策信譽不彰,陷入了所謂「塔西陀陷阱(Tacitus Trap)」,下一個掉進這個陷阱的可能是歐央行,緊隨其後就是聯儲局。所謂「塔西陀陷阱」,即政府或公共機構在一再失信喪失公眾信譽之後,其任何政策措 施都會招致民間的反向回應,即使這樣的措施本身是正確的。
【on.cc東網專訊】 日本央行昨日又一次令市場驚嚇,令日圓匯價大幅上揚,據外國傳媒報道,早於去年4月已高呼「現金為王」、去年7月呼籲投資者不要再買股、言論一直較中肯的 安聯集團首席經濟顧問、Pimco前第2把手埃利安表示,日本央行陷入了一個陷阱,其政策判斷一再失誤,政策信譽也因此不斷受損,這可能令日本的經濟困境進一步加深。
埃利安表示,日本央行明顯已陷入了政策措施效果適得其反的魔咒,這主因是其政策信譽不彰,陷入了所謂「塔西陀陷阱(Tacitus Trap)」,下一個掉進這個陷阱的可能是歐央行,緊隨其後就是聯儲局。所謂「塔西陀陷阱」,即政府或公共機構在一再失信喪失公眾信譽之後,其任何政策措 施都會招致民間的反向回應,即使這樣的措施本身是正確的。
恒指收跌320點 內銀捱沽 油股跳水
【on.cc東網專訊】 港股在4月最後一個交易日跌超過300點,全個月就累升291點,連升2個月。恒生指數跟隨外圍低開172點後跌幅擴大,最多跌過365點,低見 21,023點,逼近20天線(20,986點)有支持,大市跌幅收窄,並於21,000點樓上橫行,收市報21,067點,跌320點或1.5%。國企 指數跌穿9,000點,收報8,939點,跌121點或1.34%。主板全日成交606億元,港股通餘額99.61億人民幣;滬股通餘額125.19億人 民幣。
【on.cc東網專訊】 港股在4月最後一個交易日跌超過300點,全個月就累升291點,連升2個月。恒生指數跟隨外圍低開172點後跌幅擴大,最多跌過365點,低見 21,023點,逼近20天線(20,986點)有支持,大市跌幅收窄,並於21,000點樓上橫行,收市報21,067點,跌320點或1.5%。國企 指數跌穿9,000點,收報8,939點,跌121點或1.34%。主板全日成交606億元,港股通餘額99.61億人民幣;滬股通餘額125.19億人 民幣。
Money Honey:港人痛苦高到「數」唔掂
香港人生活有幾艱苦?最簡單而可量化的答案,是將通脹加上失業率,得出痛苦指數(Misery Index)。以香港3月份通脹3%,以及首季失業率3.4%來推算,指數是6.4%,但上月失業情況較年初已明顯惡化,港人近月的痛苦程度已提高,但未來日子或更苦。
財經分析員Money Honey
香港人生活有幾艱苦?最簡單而可量化的答案,是將通脹加上失業率,得出痛苦指數(Misery Index)。以香港3月份通脹3%,以及首季失業率3.4%來推算,指數是6.4%,但上月失業情況較年初已明顯惡化,港人近月的痛苦程度已提高,但未來日子或更苦。
財經分析員Money Honey
其 實,近年很多線上公司都轉戰線下,如大家熟悉的流動應用程式供應商Line,就在世界各地,包括香港開設線上動畫人物的精品店,而內地的健康海鮮餐飲「虎 奔夜送」及時尚休閒百貨連鎖店「2358」也紛紛跑到線下,往後希望零售物業能有複式增長確實很難,但餐飲、線上服務機構,以致體驗店等都將會是往後零售 物業客戶的新主流。
高力國際估價及諮詢服務亞洲區行政董事 張翹楚
其 實,近年很多線上公司都轉戰線下,如大家熟悉的流動應用程式供應商Line,就在世界各地,包括香港開設線上動畫人物的精品店,而內地的健康海鮮餐飲「虎 奔夜送」及時尚休閒百貨連鎖店「2358」也紛紛跑到線下,往後希望零售物業能有複式增長確實很難,但餐飲、線上服務機構,以致體驗店等都將會是往後零售 物業客戶的新主流。
高力國際估價及諮詢服務亞洲區行政董事 張翹楚
陳德霖︰資金遲早外流 香港樓市仍需觀察
Peter Boockvar – Got Gold?
With gold surging more than $20 and silver up more than 30 cents, today Peter Boockvar asks the all-important question to investors, “Got gold?”
Peter Boockvar: So let me get this straight, on January 29th the BoJ surprised markets by moving to a negative interest rate of .1% on bank deposits and the move completely back fires as the yen goes from 121 to 108 in the following months. The Nikkei cracks by 15% in two weeks. The only beneficiary were JGB’s. The BoJ then decides overnight not to push deeper with this policy in a show of patience to see how the January move plays out and maybe not to panic the markets again and the yen rips further and the Nikkei falls almost 4%…
Peter Boockvar continues: The pain trade in particular from January were in the Japanese banks due to the crushing of their margins and the penalty rate so what does Mitsubishi UFJ do overnight on a pause in negative rate policy, it falls 6% on top of the 5% drop in the two prior days. Mizuho Financial plunged by 6.5%. I GIVE UP! JGB’s had the muted but mixed response as the 10 year yield rose 2.5 bps while the 30 year yield fell by 5.5 bps.
Bottom line, markets are now behaving worse than spoiled little children as now it’s getting even tougher to gauge what they really want from our central bankers that are losing credibility with their monetary reputations every day. I’ll venture to guess that many are realizing that we are at the end of the road in this cycle of modern day monetary extremism notwithstanding Kuroda’s belief that he doesn’t “think there are limits to monetary policy measures.”
For the action in Japanese banks today, investors were likely disappointed the BoJ didn’t go the way of the ECB in paying them to lend. Got gold?
As for the Fed after yesterday’s statement, I’ll say to them: Your mandate isn’t to have a perfect world. That only exists in fairly tales, dreams and in your econometric models.
Japan also reported important economic data overnight. Headline CPI for March fell .1% m/o/m vs the estimate of unchanged. The core rate was higher by .7% y/o/y, also one tenth less than expected and down from .8% in February. The core rate has been in a .7-.9% range for the past 8 months which is the highest level since the late 1990’s not including the VAT related spike in ’14-‘15. The BoJ doesn’t realize that inflation is a symptom, not the disease.
The Japanese unemployment rate fell one tenth to 3.2%, matching the lowest level since 1997 but the composition was not good as the number of employed fell by 130k and 180k left the labor market. The jobs to applicant ratio rose to 1.30 vs the estimate of 1.28 and that is the most since 1991. The labor market is tight as a drum based on this figure but the mix remains an issue due to the many part timers who face off against the entrenched full timers.
Overall household spending in Japan in March fell 5.3% y/o/y, worse than the estimate of down 4.1%. Industrial production on the other hand improved by 3.6% m/o/m in March which was better than the forecast of up 2.8%. The economic data out of Japan today remains very uneven.
Economic confidence in the eurozone in April improved to 103.9 from 103 in March, 103.9 in February and 105 in January. That was a touch above the estimate of 103.4 as manufacturing, services, construction and the consumer rose m/o/m. Retail sentiment fell slightly. The European economy is slow but steady. The euro is higher but likely being dragged by the move in the yen and European stock markets are certainly moving in concert with Japan and the S&P futures.
Germany reported better than expected labor market data as the number of unemployed in April fell by 16k instead of remaining unchanged as expected. The unemployment rate held at the lowest level since reunification. The Germans we know are dealing with a massive influx of migrants and a high absorption rate of them into the work force would do wonders for their economy. Unfortunately, non European refugees saw a rise in joblessness in April but hopefully this will change and domestic demand can offset the challenges of soft global trade that their export heavy economy is so reliant on.
After seeing a modest fall in the bull/bear spread off the widest since August in the weekly II measure of stock market sentiment, the individual investor AAII survey got very neutral. Bulls fell 6 points to 27.4 after rising by 5.5 points last week. Bears rose by 4.7 points to 28.6, the most since March 3rd while those that are Neutral rose by 1.4 points to 44 and has been above 40 for 7 straight weeks. With the US stock market very expensive again and seemingly only reliant on the lack of rate hikes from the Fed in the face of falling earnings and an economic growth rate that will likely have a one handle this year, there is very little margin of safety.
King World News note: Many investors have been waiting for a major pullback to buy the high quality mining shares. Others have been selling into the rallies and losing their positions. This bull market is doing what bull markets do, it’s shaking out weak hands and not letting people in by giving them anything more than very short and shallow pullbacks (see early stages of the mining stock bull market advance on the chart below).
It’s also important to note that the public is not invested in the mining space in any way.
As for silver, there is trouble ahead in terms of global supply. This should make silver’s advance quite exciting in terms of future price gains (see chart below).
The bottom line is that there is an enormous amount of money that is still due to enter this bull market in gold, silver and the high quality mining shares, it will just have to do so at much higher price levels.
With gold surging more than $20 and silver up more than 30 cents, today Peter Boockvar asks the all-important question to investors, “Got gold?”
Peter Boockvar: So let me get this straight, on January 29th the BoJ surprised markets by moving to a negative interest rate of .1% on bank deposits and the move completely back fires as the yen goes from 121 to 108 in the following months. The Nikkei cracks by 15% in two weeks. The only beneficiary were JGB’s. The BoJ then decides overnight not to push deeper with this policy in a show of patience to see how the January move plays out and maybe not to panic the markets again and the yen rips further and the Nikkei falls almost 4%…
Peter Boockvar continues: The pain trade in particular from January were in the Japanese banks due to the crushing of their margins and the penalty rate so what does Mitsubishi UFJ do overnight on a pause in negative rate policy, it falls 6% on top of the 5% drop in the two prior days. Mizuho Financial plunged by 6.5%. I GIVE UP! JGB’s had the muted but mixed response as the 10 year yield rose 2.5 bps while the 30 year yield fell by 5.5 bps.
Bottom line, markets are now behaving worse than spoiled little children as now it’s getting even tougher to gauge what they really want from our central bankers that are losing credibility with their monetary reputations every day. I’ll venture to guess that many are realizing that we are at the end of the road in this cycle of modern day monetary extremism notwithstanding Kuroda’s belief that he doesn’t “think there are limits to monetary policy measures.”
For the action in Japanese banks today, investors were likely disappointed the BoJ didn’t go the way of the ECB in paying them to lend. Got gold?
As for the Fed after yesterday’s statement, I’ll say to them: Your mandate isn’t to have a perfect world. That only exists in fairly tales, dreams and in your econometric models.
Japan also reported important economic data overnight. Headline CPI for March fell .1% m/o/m vs the estimate of unchanged. The core rate was higher by .7% y/o/y, also one tenth less than expected and down from .8% in February. The core rate has been in a .7-.9% range for the past 8 months which is the highest level since the late 1990’s not including the VAT related spike in ’14-‘15. The BoJ doesn’t realize that inflation is a symptom, not the disease.
The Japanese unemployment rate fell one tenth to 3.2%, matching the lowest level since 1997 but the composition was not good as the number of employed fell by 130k and 180k left the labor market. The jobs to applicant ratio rose to 1.30 vs the estimate of 1.28 and that is the most since 1991. The labor market is tight as a drum based on this figure but the mix remains an issue due to the many part timers who face off against the entrenched full timers.
Overall household spending in Japan in March fell 5.3% y/o/y, worse than the estimate of down 4.1%. Industrial production on the other hand improved by 3.6% m/o/m in March which was better than the forecast of up 2.8%. The economic data out of Japan today remains very uneven.
Economic confidence in the eurozone in April improved to 103.9 from 103 in March, 103.9 in February and 105 in January. That was a touch above the estimate of 103.4 as manufacturing, services, construction and the consumer rose m/o/m. Retail sentiment fell slightly. The European economy is slow but steady. The euro is higher but likely being dragged by the move in the yen and European stock markets are certainly moving in concert with Japan and the S&P futures.
Germany reported better than expected labor market data as the number of unemployed in April fell by 16k instead of remaining unchanged as expected. The unemployment rate held at the lowest level since reunification. The Germans we know are dealing with a massive influx of migrants and a high absorption rate of them into the work force would do wonders for their economy. Unfortunately, non European refugees saw a rise in joblessness in April but hopefully this will change and domestic demand can offset the challenges of soft global trade that their export heavy economy is so reliant on.
After seeing a modest fall in the bull/bear spread off the widest since August in the weekly II measure of stock market sentiment, the individual investor AAII survey got very neutral. Bulls fell 6 points to 27.4 after rising by 5.5 points last week. Bears rose by 4.7 points to 28.6, the most since March 3rd while those that are Neutral rose by 1.4 points to 44 and has been above 40 for 7 straight weeks. With the US stock market very expensive again and seemingly only reliant on the lack of rate hikes from the Fed in the face of falling earnings and an economic growth rate that will likely have a one handle this year, there is very little margin of safety.
King World News note: Many investors have been waiting for a major pullback to buy the high quality mining shares. Others have been selling into the rallies and losing their positions. This bull market is doing what bull markets do, it’s shaking out weak hands and not letting people in by giving them anything more than very short and shallow pullbacks (see early stages of the mining stock bull market advance on the chart below).
It’s also important to note that the public is not invested in the mining space in any way.
As for silver, there is trouble ahead in terms of global supply. This should make silver’s advance quite exciting in terms of future price gains (see chart below).
The bottom line is that there is an enormous amount of money that is still due to enter this bull market in gold, silver and the high quality mining shares, it will just have to do so at much higher price levels.
Top Money Manager Says Gold And Silver Are Destined For A Historic Mania!
Today one of the top money managers in the world told King World News that gold and silver are destined for a historic mania!
Stephen Leeb: “Right now I am focused on gold and silver, particularly gold and silver stocks. Many of these stocks have already tripled in price and some have gone up much more than that. I understand that the massive gains in the high quality mining companies give people pause, and they worry about whether or not to sell. But if I’m right, Eric, about there being a massive bull market in gold, can you imagine how high these stocks will go?
Meaning, you haven’t seen anything yet when it comes to the shares. By the time this bull market is near its conclusion it will be an internet mania type of atmosphere for the mining shares…
As far as silver goes, Eric, silver is not only a monetary metals but it’s also an industrial metal. And the move to solar all over the world, especially in China, is going to create massive demand for physical silver. China in the next 5 or 6 years will probably need more silver just for their solar panels than the world is able to mine each year.
Eric, I’m so excited that this is all coming together now for long-term investors. King World News has really encouraged people to hang on to their positions and not lose them in the early stages of this new bull market. Once people lose their positions, sometimes it’s really hard for them to get back in because prices are so much higher.
The Best Performing Asset This Century
But I also get angry because why are financial planners and Wall Street ignoring the best performing asset this century, which has been gold? Yes, gold had a huge correction but I’m counting that correction. If you look at gold from the year 2000 to now, it has killed the stock market, it has killed bonds, and every other asset class. Yet gold is not on anyone’s radar.
King World News readers and listeners are the exceptions.
But it’s not too late for investors to purchase anything gold and silver related. As I said earlier, we haven’t seen anything yet. Before this bull market is over, it will be one for the history books.”
Today one of the top money managers in the world told King World News that gold and silver are destined for a historic mania!
Stephen Leeb: “Right now I am focused on gold and silver, particularly gold and silver stocks. Many of these stocks have already tripled in price and some have gone up much more than that. I understand that the massive gains in the high quality mining companies give people pause, and they worry about whether or not to sell. But if I’m right, Eric, about there being a massive bull market in gold, can you imagine how high these stocks will go?
Meaning, you haven’t seen anything yet when it comes to the shares. By the time this bull market is near its conclusion it will be an internet mania type of atmosphere for the mining shares…
As far as silver goes, Eric, silver is not only a monetary metals but it’s also an industrial metal. And the move to solar all over the world, especially in China, is going to create massive demand for physical silver. China in the next 5 or 6 years will probably need more silver just for their solar panels than the world is able to mine each year.
Eric, I’m so excited that this is all coming together now for long-term investors. King World News has really encouraged people to hang on to their positions and not lose them in the early stages of this new bull market. Once people lose their positions, sometimes it’s really hard for them to get back in because prices are so much higher.
The Best Performing Asset This Century
But I also get angry because why are financial planners and Wall Street ignoring the best performing asset this century, which has been gold? Yes, gold had a huge correction but I’m counting that correction. If you look at gold from the year 2000 to now, it has killed the stock market, it has killed bonds, and every other asset class. Yet gold is not on anyone’s radar.
King World News readers and listeners are the exceptions.
But it’s not too late for investors to purchase anything gold and silver related. As I said earlier, we haven’t seen anything yet. Before this bull market is over, it will be one for the history books.”
Are the Metals & Dow Aligning?
Sling-Shot 要來了, 解為大波動 ! 大家要坐穩了 !
本人認為來緊3個月是股跌金銀價升 !
All three are moving together since mid-January. Does that mean all three are already aligned and a lift is now possible? Or do we go to retest the January lows first?
This is the preparation for the Sling-Shot Move which is coming. Everything is pushing it to the limit. We are carrying the weight of the world around on this move. This is how you will trap people buying highs or selling the lows. They will make their judgment based upon emotions. You will see extreme moves in both directions. Markets are NEVER that forgiving. They strive to wipe everyone out on both sides and the more arrogant they are, the bigger the loss.
We should see the metals push higher trying to get closer to their 2015 highs. The question becomes; can they exceed 18.50 in silver and 1307 in gold? If not, then they two have done what the Dow has done. We achieved a minor Daily Bullish Reversal in silver and gold today, but a sell signal in the Dow. They are trending together, but still in opposite directions. So we can see that they are starting to align. The process is not yet finished.
Just look at this logically. It appears to be the four major elections coming (BREXIT, US President, French President, & Germany) hold the potential to turn that world we are carrying around completely upside down. If the British vote to exit, that can be devastating to the Euro and set off a wave of civil unrest demanding also to exit. That would benefit the dollar in a big way. What would that do to the metals? Would the Dow then recover from another retest of the support? The Euro begrudgingly holds on, but here too, trying to retest its 2015 high or at least the target reversal at the 11600 zone, is difficult to say the least.
We are getting there. What it takes is that collapse in confidence and we can see that where Bernie is frustrating Hillary and Trump leads the pack no matter what they cry about or conspire. People are just losing it when it comes to government. Trump and Sanders are bringing more people out to vote than ever before. Why? They all know something is wrong. They may disagree at to what it is. But the universal knowledge here is that something is just not right. This is the seed we need to fertilize to get that Sling-Shot.
香港文匯報訊(記者 李昌鴻 深圳報道)
金。世界最大的黃金ETF SPDR今年以來規模也增長了近170噸。
樓價跌勢料未完 負資產年底或增至400宗
【on.cc東網專訊】 金管局將於今日公布首季負資產數據,由於負資產個案於去年底重現,首季數據令人關注。隨樓價下跌,分析預計首季及未來數季的負資產個案會繼續增加,料到年底上攀到300至400宗,但數量仍處於低水平,對實質經濟影響不大。
上商研究部主管林俊泓表示,近期樓市跌勢加速,相信首季負資產個案會加快上升,且會是中長期趨勢。現時市場普遍估計樓市今年跌10%,樓價由年初至今下調約 4%,即樓價仍有下跌空間,預期負資產個案將隨市步升,料至年底至少有300宗至400宗。不過,由於大部分業主已完成按揭供款,故相信1997年樓市與負資產的惡性循環難重現。
【on.cc東網專訊】 金管局將於今日公布首季負資產數據,由於負資產個案於去年底重現,首季數據令人關注。隨樓價下跌,分析預計首季及未來數季的負資產個案會繼續增加,料到年底上攀到300至400宗,但數量仍處於低水平,對實質經濟影響不大。
上商研究部主管林俊泓表示,近期樓市跌勢加速,相信首季負資產個案會加快上升,且會是中長期趨勢。現時市場普遍估計樓市今年跌10%,樓價由年初至今下調約 4%,即樓價仍有下跌空間,預期負資產個案將隨市步升,料至年底至少有300宗至400宗。不過,由於大部分業主已完成按揭供款,故相信1997年樓市與負資產的惡性循環難重現。
2016年4月28日 星期四
Stock Market – What Next?
Mr. Armstrong; At the WEC you said stay in cash not debt. You also said the stock market would dive in the first quarter the turn back up. I have followed the reversals all the way up and caught probably 80% of the move. Thank you. My question is simply are knocking of heaven’s door? Is it time to breakout or are we consolidating? I have found the Socrates preview for attendees a real asset for it has no agenda but forecasting.
B from UK
Well put. Stay in mostly cash far away from fixed income. Yes we are knocking on heaven’s door as they say in the Dow. The GMW has done a pretty good job for this rally. The Daily Bullish Reversal in the Dow that is important stands at 18137.50. We reached 18167,63 intraday, but could not close about that Reversal. It is possible to break through to new highs on the cash index. However, to do so we need that daily closing just to test the former high established last May at 18351.36. We need to exceed that high here in 2016 to imply we will continue to push higher.
Nevertheless, it is never wise to ANTICIPATE such breakouts because that is how people buy the high and lose a fortune. A daily close above 18010 will help warn that we may press high for a day. Keep in mind we are at the threshold in many markets. If we press higher after April,then we can see an early rally into June/July. But lift-off still appears to be next year in almost everything.
The issue seems to be CONFIDENCE. That must crack and when it does, this will be confirmed by the breakout in everything.
Mr. Armstrong; At the WEC you said stay in cash not debt. You also said the stock market would dive in the first quarter the turn back up. I have followed the reversals all the way up and caught probably 80% of the move. Thank you. My question is simply are knocking of heaven’s door? Is it time to breakout or are we consolidating? I have found the Socrates preview for attendees a real asset for it has no agenda but forecasting.
B from UK
Well put. Stay in mostly cash far away from fixed income. Yes we are knocking on heaven’s door as they say in the Dow. The GMW has done a pretty good job for this rally. The Daily Bullish Reversal in the Dow that is important stands at 18137.50. We reached 18167,63 intraday, but could not close about that Reversal. It is possible to break through to new highs on the cash index. However, to do so we need that daily closing just to test the former high established last May at 18351.36. We need to exceed that high here in 2016 to imply we will continue to push higher.
Nevertheless, it is never wise to ANTICIPATE such breakouts because that is how people buy the high and lose a fortune. A daily close above 18010 will help warn that we may press high for a day. Keep in mind we are at the threshold in many markets. If we press higher after April,then we can see an early rally into June/July. But lift-off still appears to be next year in almost everything.
The issue seems to be CONFIDENCE. That must crack and when it does, this will be confirmed by the breakout in everything.
五一咩境況:金行救亡 減免手工費等優惠齊出
去買飾金要留意每間店的飾金價格 !
on.cc東網專訊【on.cc東網專訊】 為吸引「五一」假期顧客消費,金飾商紛紛推出優惠救亡。繼六福(00590
收市10大要知:美今晚有GDP 道期現跌143
1、日本央行:維持量寬規模不變 圓匯急升
日 本央行以8:1的投票結果維持貨幣政策不變,貨幣基礎年增幅目標維持在80萬億日圓,另以7比2投票維持存款利率維持在-0.1%不變。美元兌日圓在日本 央行利率決定後,由111水平急跌至108.77日圓。每百日圓兌港元由6.9水平彈至7.1。現時美元兌日圓更低見107.92;每百日圓兌港元升至 7.14。
繼 聯儲局及日本央行公布議息結果後,市場今晚焦點落在香港時間晚上8時30分公布的美國首季經濟增長,經濟學家預計GDP僅增0.7%。市場尤其關注美國消 費者支出是否嚴重削減、商業投資可能連續第二季出現下滑、企業庫存會否過多。數據顯示,美國經濟衰退結束以來第一季GDP增長平均達0.8%,今次或許低 於平均數。
3、結算日恒指反覆靠穩 騰訊支撐大市
聯儲局不加息,惟日央行意外維持貨幣政策不變。港股期指結算日先升後回,恒生指 數高低波幅399點;午後在10天線水平窄幅整固,收市報21,388點,升26點或0.12%。國企指數收報9,060點,升23點或0.26%。主板 成交677億元,港股通餘額101.4億人民幣。
4、滬綜指收跌8點 滬股通淨流入
5、歐股跌近1% 空中巴士跌約半成
多 家歐洲銀行業績「走樣」,德銀首季純利按年跌58%至2.36億歐元,股價早段靠穩升0.51%;西班牙BBVA首季純利跌54%至7.09億歐元,股價 大跌5.86%;萊斯銀行股價跌2.73%,此前公司公布首季稅前溢利跌46%。另外,空中巴士跌近半成至4.84%,此前公司指首季純利按年跌50%; 奢侈品牌愛馬仕報告首季收入升6.1%,股價升2%。
中國工商銀行(01398) 公布今年第一季業績,期內收入1,689億元人民幣,按年增加1.92%,錄得淨利潤747億元人民幣,按年增長0.59%。利息淨收入1,188.1億 元人民幣,按年下降5.17%;非利息收入501.82億元人民幣,按年增長23.83%,其中手續費及佣金淨收入434.85億元人民幣,按年增長 16.86%。
同 期,公司未經審計的油氣銷售收入達約246.4億元,按年降30.7%,主因國際油價大跌。期內,公司的平均實現油價為每桶32.54美元,按年降 39.1%,與國際油價走勢基本一致。首季公司資本支出約96.9億元,按年跌39.2%,主因公司為應對低油價環境,進一步削減全年資本支出預算。
8、新盤專輯:SHOUSON PEAK新增置業優惠
新地(00016)旗下壽山村道Shouson Peak新增優惠,引入Premier House特選現金優惠付款計劃,按售價減4.5%,該優惠只適用於19E號屋的買家。
10、劈價瘋潮:雅利德樺臺劈6球 美孚削61萬
1、日本央行:維持量寬規模不變 圓匯急升
日 本央行以8:1的投票結果維持貨幣政策不變,貨幣基礎年增幅目標維持在80萬億日圓,另以7比2投票維持存款利率維持在-0.1%不變。美元兌日圓在日本 央行利率決定後,由111水平急跌至108.77日圓。每百日圓兌港元由6.9水平彈至7.1。現時美元兌日圓更低見107.92;每百日圓兌港元升至 7.14。
繼 聯儲局及日本央行公布議息結果後,市場今晚焦點落在香港時間晚上8時30分公布的美國首季經濟增長,經濟學家預計GDP僅增0.7%。市場尤其關注美國消 費者支出是否嚴重削減、商業投資可能連續第二季出現下滑、企業庫存會否過多。數據顯示,美國經濟衰退結束以來第一季GDP增長平均達0.8%,今次或許低 於平均數。
3、結算日恒指反覆靠穩 騰訊支撐大市
聯儲局不加息,惟日央行意外維持貨幣政策不變。港股期指結算日先升後回,恒生指 數高低波幅399點;午後在10天線水平窄幅整固,收市報21,388點,升26點或0.12%。國企指數收報9,060點,升23點或0.26%。主板 成交677億元,港股通餘額101.4億人民幣。
4、滬綜指收跌8點 滬股通淨流入
5、歐股跌近1% 空中巴士跌約半成
多 家歐洲銀行業績「走樣」,德銀首季純利按年跌58%至2.36億歐元,股價早段靠穩升0.51%;西班牙BBVA首季純利跌54%至7.09億歐元,股價 大跌5.86%;萊斯銀行股價跌2.73%,此前公司公布首季稅前溢利跌46%。另外,空中巴士跌近半成至4.84%,此前公司指首季純利按年跌50%; 奢侈品牌愛馬仕報告首季收入升6.1%,股價升2%。
中國工商銀行(01398) 公布今年第一季業績,期內收入1,689億元人民幣,按年增加1.92%,錄得淨利潤747億元人民幣,按年增長0.59%。利息淨收入1,188.1億 元人民幣,按年下降5.17%;非利息收入501.82億元人民幣,按年增長23.83%,其中手續費及佣金淨收入434.85億元人民幣,按年增長 16.86%。
同 期,公司未經審計的油氣銷售收入達約246.4億元,按年降30.7%,主因國際油價大跌。期內,公司的平均實現油價為每桶32.54美元,按年降 39.1%,與國際油價走勢基本一致。首季公司資本支出約96.9億元,按年跌39.2%,主因公司為應對低油價環境,進一步削減全年資本支出預算。
8、新盤專輯:SHOUSON PEAK新增置業優惠
新地(00016)旗下壽山村道Shouson Peak新增優惠,引入Premier House特選現金優惠付款計劃,按售價減4.5%,該優惠只適用於19E號屋的買家。
10、劈價瘋潮:雅利德樺臺劈6球 美孚削61萬
澳洲留學生財困 25%人翻垃圾桶搵食
【on.cc東網專訊】 能到外國留學是難得的人生體驗,很多人一般都認為留學生都是富有。不過,在全球第3大留學目的地國家澳洲,當地25%外國留學生處於嚴峻的財困境況,有留學生甚至要靠翻廢棄食物垃圾桶找食物過日。
墨爾本大學高等教育研究學系副教授阿可蒂斯(Sophie Arkoudis)表示,過去10年澳洲在國際留學市場上非常成功,澳洲亦成了全球第3大留學目的地國家。阿可蒂斯指出,很多人誤以為留學生全都很富有, 但她最近對澳洲高等教育及澳洲留學生的研究發現,近25%澳洲的留學生面臨嚴峻的財務困境。
塔斯馬尼亞州多元文化協會主席穆倫巴 (Alphonse Mulumba)亦有同樣看法,他指出人們普遍認為留學生都很富有,但從他曾幫助過的學生來看,卻完全不是這回事。在塔斯馬尼亞,有專為流浪漢服務的餐車,現在每周都會到塔斯馬尼亞大學,不少留學生會前來領取免費食物,有學生甚至翻廢棄食物的垃圾桶找食物。
來自馬來西亞的留學生EJ Yeoh,認同很多澳洲的留學生正面臨嚴峻財困境況,她指澳洲很多東西都很貴,不少留學生朋友因沒有收入來源,經常一天只吃一、兩頓飯,把省下的錢用來付房租或其他用途。
【on.cc東網專訊】 能到外國留學是難得的人生體驗,很多人一般都認為留學生都是富有。不過,在全球第3大留學目的地國家澳洲,當地25%外國留學生處於嚴峻的財困境況,有留學生甚至要靠翻廢棄食物垃圾桶找食物過日。
墨爾本大學高等教育研究學系副教授阿可蒂斯(Sophie Arkoudis)表示,過去10年澳洲在國際留學市場上非常成功,澳洲亦成了全球第3大留學目的地國家。阿可蒂斯指出,很多人誤以為留學生全都很富有, 但她最近對澳洲高等教育及澳洲留學生的研究發現,近25%澳洲的留學生面臨嚴峻的財務困境。
塔斯馬尼亞州多元文化協會主席穆倫巴 (Alphonse Mulumba)亦有同樣看法,他指出人們普遍認為留學生都很富有,但從他曾幫助過的學生來看,卻完全不是這回事。在塔斯馬尼亞,有專為流浪漢服務的餐車,現在每周都會到塔斯馬尼亞大學,不少留學生會前來領取免費食物,有學生甚至翻廢棄食物的垃圾桶找食物。
來自馬來西亞的留學生EJ Yeoh,認同很多澳洲的留學生正面臨嚴峻財困境況,她指澳洲很多東西都很貴,不少留學生朋友因沒有收入來源,經常一天只吃一、兩頓飯,把省下的錢用來付房租或其他用途。
冷凍牆包圍福島核電站 非百分百阻隔地下水
【on.cc東網專訊】 日本於2011年發生311大地震後,福島發生嚴重核災。為了防止地下水流入受損的福島第一核電站反應堆內,東京電力公司及當局正建造冷凍牆包圍反應堆。不過,負責這個項目的工程師承認,冷凍牆不能完全阻隔地下水流入反應堆。
負責建造冷凍牆的總工程師岡村雄一本周初受訪,承認冷凍牆不能百分百阻隔地下水流入反應堆。為了防止受損的反應堆過熱,工人不斷向反應堆射水降溫,但結果產 生了大量受輻射污染的水。有見及此,東電早前決定建造長1.5公里的冷凍牆,包圍福島第一核電站,防止地下水流入反應堆及核污水洩漏。
【on.cc東網專訊】 日本於2011年發生311大地震後,福島發生嚴重核災。為了防止地下水流入受損的福島第一核電站反應堆內,東京電力公司及當局正建造冷凍牆包圍反應堆。不過,負責這個項目的工程師承認,冷凍牆不能完全阻隔地下水流入反應堆。
負責建造冷凍牆的總工程師岡村雄一本周初受訪,承認冷凍牆不能百分百阻隔地下水流入反應堆。為了防止受損的反應堆過熱,工人不斷向反應堆射水降溫,但結果產 生了大量受輻射污染的水。有見及此,東電早前決定建造長1.5公里的冷凍牆,包圍福島第一核電站,防止地下水流入反應堆及核污水洩漏。
供港內地豬大減 排骨價飆4成賣70蚊斤
【on.cc東網專訊】 曾幾何時,豬肉被視為下等人的肉食,但目前情況已大不同。受內地供港活豬數量大幅減少拖累,活豬批發價由年初每擔1500港元升至本月近1800港元,今 個月更單月勁升7%。鮮肉大聯盟副主席關國華形容,豬價升幅得人驚,對民生影響嚴重,一斤排骨年初只售50港元,近日已要賣近70港元,升幅近4成:「代 理都唔積極攞豬,非超市肉檔捱得好辛苦。」
關國華指,每日要有4400至4500隻內地豬供港才能穩定豬價,可是內地市場也求「豬」若渴,代理寧願把豬隻留在內地出售多賺取利潤,加上大部分內地供港 豬肉被超市瓜分,使供應更緊張,平均拍賣價由1月約1500港元一擔,升至本月初近1700港元,到近日更升至約1800港元,非超市肉檔幾近蝕住做,更要被迫加價影響民生:「50蚊斤瘦肉、70(元)斤排骨,基層市民仲食得起咩?」
【on.cc東網專訊】 曾幾何時,豬肉被視為下等人的肉食,但目前情況已大不同。受內地供港活豬數量大幅減少拖累,活豬批發價由年初每擔1500港元升至本月近1800港元,今 個月更單月勁升7%。鮮肉大聯盟副主席關國華形容,豬價升幅得人驚,對民生影響嚴重,一斤排骨年初只售50港元,近日已要賣近70港元,升幅近4成:「代 理都唔積極攞豬,非超市肉檔捱得好辛苦。」
關國華指,每日要有4400至4500隻內地豬供港才能穩定豬價,可是內地市場也求「豬」若渴,代理寧願把豬隻留在內地出售多賺取利潤,加上大部分內地供港 豬肉被超市瓜分,使供應更緊張,平均拍賣價由1月約1500港元一擔,升至本月初近1700港元,到近日更升至約1800港元,非超市肉檔幾近蝕住做,更要被迫加價影響民生:「50蚊斤瘦肉、70(元)斤排骨,基層市民仲食得起咩?」
Harvey Organ: Silver Sets Another NEW Open Interest Record!
Today we got a little surprise in that gold rebounded from its lows to close at $1249.20 at comex closing time and silver was up 18 cents at $17.29 The comex options expiry had little effect on both metals. In silver, we now have an all time high in silver OI at 206,748 which represents 1.03 billion oz. Generally when you get a record high OI, you also have high prices for your commodity.
Today we got a little surprise in that gold rebounded from its lows to close at $1249.20 at comex closing time and silver was up 18 cents at $17.29 The comex options expiry had little effect on both metals. In silver, we now have an all time high in silver OI at 206,748 which represents 1.03 billion oz. Generally when you get a record high OI, you also have high prices for your commodity.
Please remember that even though comex options have expired we still have London’s LBMA and OTC to contend with. They expire on Friday morning.
In silver, the open interest rose by
another 711 contracts up to 206,748 despite the fact that the price
was silver was up only by 11 cents with respect to yesterday’s trading.
In ounces, the OI is still represented by 1 over BILLLION oz (1.03
BILLION TO BE EXACT or 147% of annual global silver production (exRussia
&ex China)We are now at multi year highs in OI with respect to
In gold, the total comex gold OI ROSE by 2448 contracts, UP to 497,884 contracts AS the price of gold was UP $3.00 with TUESDAY’S TRADING(at comex closing).
1. Today, we had the open interest in
silver rise by 711 contracts up to 206,748 despite the fact that the
price of silver was UP by only 11 cents with TUESDAY’S trading. The gold open interest ROSE by A LARGE 2,448 contracts AS gold ROSE by $3.00 YESTERDAY. Somebody
big is standing FOR SILVER and surrounding the comex with paper longs
ready to ponce once called upon to take out physical silver.
Silver Warning
Martin Amstrong 睇銀價要大跌 ?
www.armstrongeconomics.comWe will do a Private Blog tonight on Silver. We have generated a – P E R F E C T – Double Daily Bearish Reversal which is very rare. We will provide details tonight.
【on.cc東網專訊】 美國聯儲局香港時間凌晨一如預期按兵不動,聯邦基金利率維持0.25至0.5厘,當局表示,美國經濟平穩增長,並且不再提及環球經濟及金融情況對美國構成風險,重申未來加息步伐緩慢,似乎未有排除6月加息的可能。
羅家聰認為,聯儲局主席耶倫在聲明中的措辭中,可留意對「加息」的陳述會否如15年10月的聲明般具體,當時聲明措辭為「raise the target range」。他指出,是次議息近期的數據,以失業率走勢與之前分別較大,已經再無直線下跌的現象,即是接近全民就業的橫行。
【on.cc東網專訊】 美國聯儲局香港時間凌晨一如預期按兵不動,聯邦基金利率維持0.25至0.5厘,當局表示,美國經濟平穩增長,並且不再提及環球經濟及金融情況對美國構成風險,重申未來加息步伐緩慢,似乎未有排除6月加息的可能。
羅家聰認為,聯儲局主席耶倫在聲明中的措辭中,可留意對「加息」的陳述會否如15年10月的聲明般具體,當時聲明措辭為「raise the target range」。他指出,是次議息近期的數據,以失業率走勢與之前分別較大,已經再無直線下跌的現象,即是接近全民就業的橫行。
Gold & Silver Are Behaving Differently… Charts Smell of Desperation – Fund Manager
Submitted by PM Fund Manager Dave Kranzler:
Silver continues to trade DIFFERENTLY, in a positive manner that it has not done in YEARS. The potential for the silver price to explode in the very near future is all there. The shares continue to maintain their own positive tone and refuse to give up much ground on corrections. – Bill Murphy from GATA’s Midas report
Nearly the entire precious metals investing community looks at the Comex options expiration and the Fed’s FOMC meetings with trepidation, as historically those two events have triggered a massive Comex paper attack on the price of the metals. Having both events back to back in the same week elicits even more fear. Of course, Goldman Sachs commodities clown, Jeffrey Currie, was on CNBC again today calling for $1000 gold. This guy has absolutely no shame about continuously making an idiot of himself with his price predictions for gold.
I exchanged emails with Bill Murphy on Tuesday morning because the precious metals, especially silver, were unexpectedly buoyant in the morning. I wrote last week that the Comex bullion banks, based on the put/call open interest for May silver, were incentivized to make sure silver closed below $17 today for options expiry.
I emailed Bill asserting that “they” can’t keep the metals down. Gold spiked at 9:00 EST
on no news or event that would have triggered a spike The 5-minute graph indicates that it started to move up and then short-covering kicked in. Silver started to move and then there’s a red bar and then silver pops. That tells me that they tried to hit silver to keep it from popping but short-covering still kicked in. (click on image to enlarge)
The 60 minute bar chart of silver shows silver oscillating between $16.80 and $17.30 since
last Tues, with a move up that was slammed with a paper hit on Thursday. But silver refuses to go lower at the direction of the Fed/bullion banks. At this point silver could break either way. They are very desperate to keep it from breaking up, but they seem incapable, at least for now, of forcing it lower. (click on image to enlarge)
The charts smell of serious desperation. Most gold commentators are pointing at the COT structure and sweating bullets. That side of the ship is too crowded in my opinion. We may well get another surprise move higher later today after the FOMC’s Cirque du Merde show is over. Gold and silver are definitely behaving differently than we’ve seen over the last 5 years. The criminal bullion banks seem to be having trouble pushing them lower.
Submitted by PM Fund Manager Dave Kranzler:
Silver continues to trade DIFFERENTLY, in a positive manner that it has not done in YEARS. The potential for the silver price to explode in the very near future is all there. The shares continue to maintain their own positive tone and refuse to give up much ground on corrections. – Bill Murphy from GATA’s Midas report
Nearly the entire precious metals investing community looks at the Comex options expiration and the Fed’s FOMC meetings with trepidation, as historically those two events have triggered a massive Comex paper attack on the price of the metals. Having both events back to back in the same week elicits even more fear. Of course, Goldman Sachs commodities clown, Jeffrey Currie, was on CNBC again today calling for $1000 gold. This guy has absolutely no shame about continuously making an idiot of himself with his price predictions for gold.
I exchanged emails with Bill Murphy on Tuesday morning because the precious metals, especially silver, were unexpectedly buoyant in the morning. I wrote last week that the Comex bullion banks, based on the put/call open interest for May silver, were incentivized to make sure silver closed below $17 today for options expiry.
I emailed Bill asserting that “they” can’t keep the metals down. Gold spiked at 9:00 EST
on no news or event that would have triggered a spike The 5-minute graph indicates that it started to move up and then short-covering kicked in. Silver started to move and then there’s a red bar and then silver pops. That tells me that they tried to hit silver to keep it from popping but short-covering still kicked in. (click on image to enlarge)
The 60 minute bar chart of silver shows silver oscillating between $16.80 and $17.30 since
last Tues, with a move up that was slammed with a paper hit on Thursday. But silver refuses to go lower at the direction of the Fed/bullion banks. At this point silver could break either way. They are very desperate to keep it from breaking up, but they seem incapable, at least for now, of forcing it lower. (click on image to enlarge)
The charts smell of serious desperation. Most gold commentators are pointing at the COT structure and sweating bullets. That side of the ship is too crowded in my opinion. We may well get another surprise move higher later today after the FOMC’s Cirque du Merde show is over. Gold and silver are definitely behaving differently than we’ve seen over the last 5 years. The criminal bullion banks seem to be having trouble pushing them lower.
2016年4月27日 星期三
香港經濟寒冬臨 2成中小企或一年內結業
【on.cc東網專訊】 香港生產力促進局公布今年第2季「渣打香港中小企領先營商指數」調查,綜合指數按季下跌2.4點至40.4,降至三年多以來的最低點,當中5項分項,包括 招聘意向、盈利表現、營業狀況、環球經濟及投資意向,其中招聘意向首次跌穿50分界線,反映中小企今季或凍結人手。
【on.cc東網專訊】 訪港旅客減少,香港零售業陷寒冬,餐飲業亦不能幸免。飲食業職工總會上月11日至今,接獲18間酒樓及食肆結業消息,較去年同期多2.6倍,涉及1075 名員工。去年大部分食肆在母親節前一周的訂枱量已爆滿,今年卻急跌至只有20%。
飲食業職工總會主席郭宏興表示,經濟市道疲弱及港府限制個人遊旅客數目,直接影響飲食業從業員生計,由上月中至今已有18間中式酒樓、日式餐廳及快餐廳等食 肆結業,較去年同期的3至5間多2.6倍。即使以往是消費檔期的五‧一假期,業界普遍亦不看好行情,「去年(食肆)一晚大約做(生意額)十三四萬港元,今 年料最少跌一半!」他又補充,以往大部分食肆在母親節前一周的訂枱量已爆滿,但今年僅得20%。而酒席定價亦較去年跌8%至10%至2200港元,本地客 以往一圍的消費額達6000港元,內地客則達8000至1萬港元;但今年本地客及內地客的消費額均下降2000港元,及少吃海味、花膠及鮑魚等貴價食材。
有年資逾30年的酒樓廚房工友鄧志堅慨嘆,業內生意「淡咗好多」,直指僱主在生意淡靜下會首先向員工「開刀」,「請少啲人,退咗休嘅(職位)唔會再請,變咗 10個人嘅工作量,得8個人做」,導致三輸情況,「僱主對員工唔好,員工為趕時間,菜都唔洗就煮畀人食,食客感受到咪少幫襯,到最後僱主都係搵少咗 (錢)」。
【on.cc東網專訊】 香港生產力促進局公布今年第2季「渣打香港中小企領先營商指數」調查,綜合指數按季下跌2.4點至40.4,降至三年多以來的最低點,當中5項分項,包括 招聘意向、盈利表現、營業狀況、環球經濟及投資意向,其中招聘意向首次跌穿50分界線,反映中小企今季或凍結人手。
【on.cc東網專訊】 訪港旅客減少,香港零售業陷寒冬,餐飲業亦不能幸免。飲食業職工總會上月11日至今,接獲18間酒樓及食肆結業消息,較去年同期多2.6倍,涉及1075 名員工。去年大部分食肆在母親節前一周的訂枱量已爆滿,今年卻急跌至只有20%。
飲食業職工總會主席郭宏興表示,經濟市道疲弱及港府限制個人遊旅客數目,直接影響飲食業從業員生計,由上月中至今已有18間中式酒樓、日式餐廳及快餐廳等食 肆結業,較去年同期的3至5間多2.6倍。即使以往是消費檔期的五‧一假期,業界普遍亦不看好行情,「去年(食肆)一晚大約做(生意額)十三四萬港元,今 年料最少跌一半!」他又補充,以往大部分食肆在母親節前一周的訂枱量已爆滿,但今年僅得20%。而酒席定價亦較去年跌8%至10%至2200港元,本地客 以往一圍的消費額達6000港元,內地客則達8000至1萬港元;但今年本地客及內地客的消費額均下降2000港元,及少吃海味、花膠及鮑魚等貴價食材。
有年資逾30年的酒樓廚房工友鄧志堅慨嘆,業內生意「淡咗好多」,直指僱主在生意淡靜下會首先向員工「開刀」,「請少啲人,退咗休嘅(職位)唔會再請,變咗 10個人嘅工作量,得8個人做」,導致三輸情況,「僱主對員工唔好,員工為趕時間,菜都唔洗就煮畀人食,食客感受到咪少幫襯,到最後僱主都係搵少咗 (錢)」。
Keith Neumeyer: Silver, More Rare Than the Market Understands
By Rory Hall - The Daily Coin
April 25, 2016
For the past three plus years I have been asking how silver and gold have always been available when we can see stress in the markets all through the supply chain. According to several prominent analyst, and producers, global silver and gold production declined in 2015. In Mexico alone silver production is down approximately 6%. According to some of the information that we reviewed, here at The Daily Coin, silver production increased due to the low price of silver.
Silver has become a just-in-time product. With Eric Sprott, Sprott Assets, recently announcing a $5 billion addition of physical silver to the PSLV ETF we shall see what is happening with the silver market at the institutional level.
Keith Neumeyer also explains how a large electronics manufacturer recently contacted his company, First Majestic, regarding the acquisition of silver for their manufacturing processes. This screams of a very, very tight supply of silver in large quantities. Where is metal coming from?
I sat down with Keith Neumeyer, CEO, First Majestic and Chairman, First Mining Finance, to get his take on Duestche Bank admitting to rigging the silver and gold markets and naming both HSBC and Scotia-Mocatta as being involved with the scheme. The important part is Duestche Bank naming other bullion banks as being part of the scheme.
Keith also shares with us how the gold/silver ratio is so far out balance that when it begins to correct that it will be breathtaking in the way it unfolds. Can you imagine a 8:1 gold/silver ratio price? Currently, the ratio is 75:1. Meaning the price of gold is 75 times higher than silver even thought silver is mined at a 10:1 ratio to gold.
Let’s listen to Mr. Neumeyer and allow him to explain the current condition of the market and how the mining production will continue to decline, thereby, putting quality mining operations in the drivers seat for the unfolding next leg of the precious metals bull market.
By Rory Hall - The Daily Coin
April 25, 2016
For the past three plus years I have been asking how silver and gold have always been available when we can see stress in the markets all through the supply chain. According to several prominent analyst, and producers, global silver and gold production declined in 2015. In Mexico alone silver production is down approximately 6%. According to some of the information that we reviewed, here at The Daily Coin, silver production increased due to the low price of silver.
Silver has become a just-in-time product. With Eric Sprott, Sprott Assets, recently announcing a $5 billion addition of physical silver to the PSLV ETF we shall see what is happening with the silver market at the institutional level.
Keith Neumeyer also explains how a large electronics manufacturer recently contacted his company, First Majestic, regarding the acquisition of silver for their manufacturing processes. This screams of a very, very tight supply of silver in large quantities. Where is metal coming from?
I sat down with Keith Neumeyer, CEO, First Majestic and Chairman, First Mining Finance, to get his take on Duestche Bank admitting to rigging the silver and gold markets and naming both HSBC and Scotia-Mocatta as being involved with the scheme. The important part is Duestche Bank naming other bullion banks as being part of the scheme.
Keith also shares with us how the gold/silver ratio is so far out balance that when it begins to correct that it will be breathtaking in the way it unfolds. Can you imagine a 8:1 gold/silver ratio price? Currently, the ratio is 75:1. Meaning the price of gold is 75 times higher than silver even thought silver is mined at a 10:1 ratio to gold.
Let’s listen to Mr. Neumeyer and allow him to explain the current condition of the market and how the mining production will continue to decline, thereby, putting quality mining operations in the drivers seat for the unfolding next leg of the precious metals bull market.
世界金銀比例 !
Commodities Futures Expert Warns Commercial Signal Failure May Be In Progress
又要推低銀價俾大家買平貨 ?
不過作者說, 行動可以失敗 !
Submitted by JB Slear, Fort Wealth:
We have a New World Record with Silver’s Open Interest being above 205,000 contracts… Go Cartel, you can do it !!…
Drive that price lower, that will scare all of us buyers … yup, it’s worked before hasn’t it??
LOLOL … for those of you that do not or have not been in a futures contract that had a Commercial Signal Failure in it, you missed out on the Corn, Wheat, and Soy Beans markets of the 1990’s, when very bad weather struck the bread basket.
This Silver market has all the proper elements that dictate the commercials being on the wrong side of reality, especially after Deutsche Bank’s admittance to the manipulations ….
I’ve been on a few Commercial Signal Failures in the past, plan on being on another one soon enough … this may be happening right now, it depends on what unfolds in the next few days, so stay tooned!
JB Slear
Fort Wealth Trading Co LLC.
It’s A Gold Bull Era-Time For Gold Community To Embrace It! – Stewart Thomson
Submitted by Stewart Thomson, Graceland Updates:
Submitted by Stewart Thomson, Graceland Updates:
- All institutional analyst eyes are on this week’s central bank announcements from Japan and America. Most gold community analysts seem to have a difficult time grasping the idea that Japan’s fiat currency is viewed by top FOREX money managers as a safe haven, albeit less of one than gold.
- The Japanese government is a huge debtor, but the citizens are even bigger creditors, and the bottom line is that the weakness of the debtors is superseded by the strength of the creditors.
- It’s possible that the Bank of Japan fires a “bazooka” this week, but how that will affect the Japanese stock market, the dollar-yen trade, and gold… is unknown.
- Goldman Sachs analysts believe that a Kuroda bazooka shot will strengthen the dollar and make the Japanese stock market surge higher.
- In contrast, Morgan Stanley believes the bazooka shot will have the opposite effect; the Japanese stock market rally will fail, and the dollar will fall against the yen.
- On that note, please click here now. For more detail on Morgan Stanley’s view, please click here now. I think Morgan Stanley’s team will likely prevail. Here’s why:
- Kuroda is attempting to send the stock market higher just as the seasonally weak month of May arrives, and that’s a tall order, especially when powerful money managers at Morgan Stanley are going to use any strength to exit the market.
- The US central bank is also in an interesting position right now. The NIRP policies adopted by Japan and Europe are viewed as failures by more and more top money managers around the world, yet just one small US rate hike caused a huge global stock market sell-off, and a safe haven surge into the yen and gold.
- If Janet Yellen raises rates at any time this year, an even bigger global stock market tumble than the last one is likely. If she leaves rates unchanged, or joins “Team NIRP” and actually cuts rates, it could cause a loss of confidence event with central banks in general, and an enormous institutional gold buying binge is quite likely to happen.
- In terms of the fear trade, gold is clearly sitting in the best win-win position of many years.
- Please click here now. I’ve been emphatic that India is entering a one hundred year “gold-oriented bull era”. Stock market enthusiasts in the Western gold community should focus on Indian stock market ETFs, rather than on “hail Mary” plays with the aging empire of America.
- Please click here now. Double-click to enlarge. From a technical perspective, the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) index looks truly spectacular.
- I think the BSE is likely beginning the greatest bull move in the history of global stock markets. Eager investors can use INDA-NYSE to get in on the upside action.
- Interestingly, as Indian markets soar, the US stock market rally is likely to drift aimlessly, and a crash to below the 2009 lows cannot be ruled out.
- That’s because US stock buybacks have massively distorted price/earnings ratios, and without the QE lifeline, large money managers are showing real concern about being invested in American markets.
- Please click here now.
- Sizable volatility is likely as the Fed and the BOJ make their announcements. After a likely pullback towards $1190, gold should rise towards my $1305 target price, and then onto $1320, $1350, and $1380.
- Fear needs to be tossed aside. Short term pullbacks offer superb entry points for all ultimate asset enthusiasts!
- Please click here now. Double-click to enlarge this hourly bars oil chart. Oil is the largest component of most commodity indexes, and there’s a nice bull wedge pattern in play.
- Chinese demand for commodities is rising again, and many large US money managers believe an upcycle for inflation lies just ahead. I don’t think they will stop allocating money to the sector because of any short term concerns, and most gold stock charts look somewhat like the “oil chart on steroids”.
- Please click here now. Double-click to enlarge this GDX hourly bars chart. The bull wedge pattern is almost identical to the oil chart wedge. All ten percent price corrections in gold stocks should be bought aggressively. Stock market investors can’t avoid India just because they lost money in US markets after Y2K. Likewise, Western gold stock investors can’t focus on past gold stocks losses. It’s a new era. It’s a gold bull era, and it’s time for the Western gold community to embrace it with open arms.
- Please click here now. This is a nice Chinese commodity exchanges volume chart. I predicted a soft landing for the transition of the Chinese economy from an exports-orientation to domestic consumption, followed by a surge in gold buying. That’s exactly what has happened, and I’ll dare to suggest the upside fun has only just started!
- Please click here now. Western mainstream media is beginning to note the growing power of Chinese exchanges in major commodity price discovery.
- Please click here now. Russia’s central bank continues its relentless monthly gold buy program, as does the PBOC, the central bank of China. Western gold and silver community investors should be modest buyers of all small pullbacks, and bigger buyers of any “price correction” that ultimately appears. It’s time to say good-bye to tears and fears, and say hello to about one hundred years of bull era fun!
收市10大要知:全球等聯儲 道期現跌43點
【on.cc東網專訊】 港股收市後,全球焦點落在香港時間周四凌晨2時的聯儲局議息結果,加上蘋果公司業績差,市場亦注視其股價在美股開市後去向,道指期貨現跌43點。以下為「收市10大要知」新聞:
1、港股收跌45點 大摩叫忍手
恒指收市跌0.21%或45點,報21,361點;國指微升0.24%或21點,報9,037點。聯儲局議息前 夕,大市窄幅徘徊,連日缺乏方向,成交僅549億元。摩根士丹利認為,H股已自低位反彈兩成,不可高追;維持恒指及國指未來基本目標20,500點及 8,250點。
2、滬綜指收跌11點 滬股通未見資金流入
3、歐股個別發展 巴克萊升逾3%
4、7成打工仔曾帶病返工 令香港損失306億
你有冇試過帶病返工?原來好多打工仔為了不影響花紅及不想同事給予負面評價,都帶病返工,打工真艱難。保柏一項調查發現,有90%打工仔舊年曾患病,當中 68%都曾帶病返工。平均而言,香港打工仔舊年平均有64日帶病返工,約佔全年工作日數1/4!員工咁辛苦,僱主又知唔知?原來僱主估計,員工帶病返工日 數只有19日,哇,足足差成45日!
香港生產力促進局公布今年第2季「渣打香港中小企領先營商指數」調查,綜合指數按季下跌2.4點至40.4,降至3年多以來的最低點,當中5項分項,包括招 聘意向、盈利表現、營業狀況、環球經濟及投資意向,其中招聘意向首次跌穿50分界線,反映中小企今季或凍結人手。中小企看淡前景展望,近20%受訪企業表 示,若經濟持續低迷,或於1年內結業。
7、湯文亮:急賣樓唔多 樓價難大跌
8、帝峯.皇殿車位308萬摸出 10日賺78萬
這 機會不時屬於「你」的!如何鍊成約10日即賺70萬元?答案係「炒車位」...約10日前拆售的西南九龍帝峯.皇殿車位,每個車位閒閒地都賣逾200萬 元,消息稱,市場已錄首宗摸貨個案,帝峯.皇殿L1層雙號車位,剛以308萬元摸出,1星期有多,帳面已賺78萬元,售價料創奧運站車位新高,成交價可購 天水圍嘉湖山莊2房戶。
9、減價潮擴大:逸瓏園優惠逾26% 推30伙
10、劈價風潮:太古城2日減17萬 碧湖削33萬
【on.cc東網專訊】 港股收市後,全球焦點落在香港時間周四凌晨2時的聯儲局議息結果,加上蘋果公司業績差,市場亦注視其股價在美股開市後去向,道指期貨現跌43點。以下為「收市10大要知」新聞:
1、港股收跌45點 大摩叫忍手
恒指收市跌0.21%或45點,報21,361點;國指微升0.24%或21點,報9,037點。聯儲局議息前 夕,大市窄幅徘徊,連日缺乏方向,成交僅549億元。摩根士丹利認為,H股已自低位反彈兩成,不可高追;維持恒指及國指未來基本目標20,500點及 8,250點。
2、滬綜指收跌11點 滬股通未見資金流入
3、歐股個別發展 巴克萊升逾3%
4、7成打工仔曾帶病返工 令香港損失306億
你有冇試過帶病返工?原來好多打工仔為了不影響花紅及不想同事給予負面評價,都帶病返工,打工真艱難。保柏一項調查發現,有90%打工仔舊年曾患病,當中 68%都曾帶病返工。平均而言,香港打工仔舊年平均有64日帶病返工,約佔全年工作日數1/4!員工咁辛苦,僱主又知唔知?原來僱主估計,員工帶病返工日 數只有19日,哇,足足差成45日!
香港生產力促進局公布今年第2季「渣打香港中小企領先營商指數」調查,綜合指數按季下跌2.4點至40.4,降至3年多以來的最低點,當中5項分項,包括招 聘意向、盈利表現、營業狀況、環球經濟及投資意向,其中招聘意向首次跌穿50分界線,反映中小企今季或凍結人手。中小企看淡前景展望,近20%受訪企業表 示,若經濟持續低迷,或於1年內結業。
7、湯文亮:急賣樓唔多 樓價難大跌
8、帝峯.皇殿車位308萬摸出 10日賺78萬
這 機會不時屬於「你」的!如何鍊成約10日即賺70萬元?答案係「炒車位」...約10日前拆售的西南九龍帝峯.皇殿車位,每個車位閒閒地都賣逾200萬 元,消息稱,市場已錄首宗摸貨個案,帝峯.皇殿L1層雙號車位,剛以308萬元摸出,1星期有多,帳面已賺78萬元,售價料創奧運站車位新高,成交價可購 天水圍嘉湖山莊2房戶。
9、減價潮擴大:逸瓏園優惠逾26% 推30伙
10、劈價風潮:太古城2日減17萬 碧湖削33萬
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