2010年2月3日 星期三

股市調正完嗎 ?

依家還是見到死亡交叉, 除非轉為黃金交叉, 就係10天線和20天線在50天線之上行, 咁再跌的風險就會減少 !

註:圖表只是用來參考, 而唔可以信盡, 就如睇運程書也一樣有佢參考價值, 不過唔可以太迷信 !

8 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Thanks for sharing your critical thoughts.

Lisa 提到...

You are welcome :)

匿名 提到...

any stock recommendations for 2010?


Lisa 提到...

回 AC,
提出呢個問題, 証明你無睇我寫的教學 !
只問 number, 唔做功課, 輸佐都唔怪得人! 只睇我的好書推介, 你已可以學到點去睇前景選股票 http://investtalk-lisa.blogspot.com/search/label/%E5%A5%BD%E6%9B%B8%E4%BB%8B%E7%B4%B9

匿名 提到...

Lisa,why do you assume I dont do homework/research based on my question?Many people on the internet ask for market recommendations.Its such a common question.I never just buy whatever numbers that are thrown in my way.I do this to collect and compare with stock picks amongst the bloggers.You can still learn a lot from their recommendations and the reasons for their choices.Everyone has an interesting analysis model.So reading your recommended books is not the only way to educate oneself.
What is wrong with you??Why such a huge reaction with just a simple question?And please dont make biased clueless assumptions based on nothing.It shows your character.Is that how you invest too?If so,then we dont want to know .

Lisa 提到...

我一開頭已說過, 不會推介任何股票, 第一會俾人懷疑, 是否收佐錢幫人寫, 第二一睇錯會害人 !
我已寫出自己持的股票已是去到最盡啦 !
想搵出升十倍股何談容易, 何況風險又大 ! 在我十年的股票經紀生活中, 我已學到唔去貪大升股, 因為隻股可以大升, 也可以大跌 !
人愈貪, 輸錢的機會就愈大 !

Kai 提到...

可能你本身己好有料, 但Lisa姐都係想指出, 睇多D書, 學多D, 自己搵股好過信人.

OPM, 亂吹個號碼有乜所謂, 反正投資賺蝕都係你的事, 但有良心的人唔會亂吹害人.

不過, 你如果想要number, 打開報紙就有大把. 家下連青姐都有是日推介.....

Your money, your choice :)

Lisa 提到...

係囉, Kai 說得好岩, 差不多全部財演都有股推介, 所以少我一個不少 :)
我只想教人正確投資方法, 而唔係去幫人發達, 因為明知自己無呢個能力 !