銀同金一樣價 ? 發下夢先。。。。。
不過不是無可能, 因為在宋鴻兵本貨幣戰爭系中有說, 以前中國的銀比歐美的銀貴, 而黃金是在歐美貴過中國, 所以有商人去中國用銀買金帶去歐美又換回銀 ! 當時銀和金雖然沒去到同價, 不過銀價無依家咁平宜 !
剛搵返本貨幣戰爭3, 第十章 :
十七世紀初, 廣州的金銀價格比例為 1:5.50 至 1:7 , 而西班牙則是 1:12 至 1:14
所以依家的 1:53 是抵到極 !
Chris Duane of Dont-Tread-On.me says Hurricane Sandy should be a wakeup call for the entire country. Duane says, “The impact of a dollar collapse will be hundreds, if not thousands, of times more disruptive to life than a two day storm.” Duane goes on to say, “Sandy is a great precursor to help you get your act in gear.” According to Duane, most people are just as unprepared for a dollar calamity as they were for the recent super storm in the Northeast. A much bigger financial storm is coming.
“The big problem with all this is counter-party risk. You cannot trust anybody; you can’t even trust the currency.” Duane trusts physical silver, and he thinks its 53 to 1 silver to gold ratio per ounce makes silver attractive. Duane thinks he could make a good case for “. . . a one-to-one silver to gold ratio, especially with all the paper manipulation.” Duane says, “The system will collapse, it must collapse, and people will learn a very difficult lesson.”
In the next move up, Duane see’s silver “pushing past $50 per ounce.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Chris Duane.
6 則留言:
真係耍要發下夢先得,金銀比1:1 ^_^
依家唔用駱駝啦, 而用人背住一袋袋實金和實銀, 走私去Iran ! XD !
咁...而家買的銀幣將來價值咪等於金幣囉,哈哈 !!^^