2016年1月10日 星期日

Germany’s Refugee Crisis is Starting to Explode

歐洲慢慢變中東, 以前自由自在的生活會消失, 而女人出夜街會好危險 !


The Arab sexual assault in Cologne, Germany, occurred on New Year’s Eve when hundreds of male refugees robbed and carried out sexual assaults against over 100 girls. This illustrates one of the huge problems with allowing such a mass migration of a starkly different culture.

But what has become the BIG NEWS, is the cover-up by the major news in Germany who did not publish the story for three days. On January 6th, Denmark began “temporary” passport checks on the German-Danish border. The attempt to cover-up the Cologne attacks with one-third being sexual, has sent a shock-wave in Europe behind the headlines. The temporary passport checks in Denmark is a clear response to Germany’s unprecedented acceptance of refugees who a portion are not quite ready for Western living. The men involved were said to be Syrian.

The German government and the press have tried to hide the issue because they are not prepared to admit this has been a huge mistake. Welcoming in huge numbers of boys from a culture which denigrates women is a clash of cultures which will not be resolved. The European Commission itself now estimates that another 3 million will enter Europe and many of them are not educated even in their own Arab language and are unemployable. This is a huge disaster that will tear Europe apart and will only get far worse. Because Merkel made Time 
Magazine person of the year for this very issue of allowing the Muslims to enter. 

This was to soften her hardline approach to the debt crisis in Greece created by the EU’s failed design of the Euro and Goldman Sach’s manipulation of their debt. There is NO POSSIBLE WAY Merkel can reverse this policy for politicians will never admit such mistakes. She has doomed Europe and nobody will stand up and tell the truth.

In many parts of the world, Western women are pictured as sex-crazed creatures. Since Arab women are supposed to be modest, seeing a Western woman dressed provocatively can be seen as an invitation based upon their culture.

In some Arab countries, Western women can be jailed for wearing a two-piece bathing suit or for simply walking down the street without an escort. In some cities in India, women staying alone in hotels are placed on a women’s floor where guards are placed at night. You cannot easily mix cultures with such diverse social views without creating new risks.

11 則留言:

Lisa 提到...

唔怪得預言歐洲人口會減少, 因為你唔走會迫到你走, 好彩我早走早著 !

K H 提到...


Lisa 提到...

襲擊來之邊度 ?
大陸不須搶, 過31年就一國一制啦 !

Lisa 提到...

我依家反而擔心我在英國的仔女和在荷蘭的親人 !

Kai 提到...

德國的廉價勞工期望, 太過理想化了.

對上一次聽, 好像己經超過一百萬難民, 好似有文件流出, 出事的話, 當地警差根本無能力去阻止.
我諗送返原地係最後的方法, 但呢批人易送難請, 一攪唔好就會大暴亂 :(

平行宇宙 提到...

好羡慕香港人可以买到价钱比较便宜的黄金和白银(港币和美元挂钩)。金银价虽然创新低,但是相对马币贬值的速度比金银价快,反而更贵了。香港人是幸福的 XD

Lisa 提到...

係呀, 好多香港人, 身在福中不知福 !

Cherry 提到...


Unknown 提到...


Lisa 提到...

大家一齊等死啦 :)

Lisa 提到...

但沒到世界未日之時, 大家都會求生, 而唔係死咗佢先, 如馬雅人 !