2016年1月28日 星期四

Sling-Shot Move Setting Up?

須要一個突發性的大跌市(跌50%-90%), 股市才可以見底 ?


We have penetrated last year’s low in the cash S&P500, not the Dow yet. The Yearly Bearish does not come into play until we get to the bottom of the upward channel. Penetrating last year’s low is indeed setting the stage for the Sling-Shot.

Everything on our models is clearly pointing to this trend extending into 2020 and instead of concluding by 2017, that will be the starting point.

We NEED the vast majority to get really bearish calling for the end of the world and declines of 50% to 90%. This is the fuel for the Sling-Shot we need in place just as we saw in 1987.

7 則留言:

平行宇宙 提到...


Kai 提到...

如果跌左90%都唔見底, 餘下都無所謂了 XDDD

Unknown 提到...


Lisa 提到...

等著睇吧 XD !
全部外資一致唱淡, 好戲來緊, 散戶就是不信邪 !

gogoldjoe 提到...


小初哥 提到...

我唔係好睇明佢講咩。。。係calling for "end of world + declines of 50-90%"
定 calling for end of world + declines of 50-90%?

Lisa 提到...

就係說, 要使到全世界以為是[The End of the World], 才可以使個市跌50%至90% !
所以大家唔好以為現在真係升市, 不過只是退幾步, 之後衝落去等你地嚇到雞飛狗走, 個市才見底 !