1990年舊版澳洲笑翠鳥 2011年尾在華興買 600蚊
舊版方盒只用到 1998 年, 之後發行的全是用圓盒
Kitco Forum
Perth mint has gone back and reminted the 1992 Kooks to the 300K mintage limit. Many dealers had or have these in stock at low premiums compared to usual Kooks. If you are a collector of these I would suggest just wait until Perth remints other years. If you are a dealer I would dump your old year Kooks - the premiums across all years of the Kook line should crash with the prospects of all previous years being flooded with new Kooks.
Here are past mintages and how many Perth can actual pump out.
Perth Mint 1oz Kookaburra Coins
Year ... Max Mintage ...Actual Mintage ... Difference
1990 ... 300,000 ........300,000 ................0
1991 ....300,000 ........278,136 .......... 21,864
1992 ....300,000 ....... 195,118 ..........104,882
1993 ... 300,000 ........165,406 ..........134,594
1994 ....300,000 ........153,414 ..........146,586
1995 ... 300,000 ....... 131,411 ......... 168,589
1996 ... 300,000 ........146,286 ......... 153,714
1997 ....300,000 ........147,781 ..........152,219
1998 ... 300,000 .........91,550 ......... 208,450
1999 ....300,000 ........ 98,513 ......... 201,487
2000 ... 300,000 ........ 93,238 ..........206,762
2001 ... 300,000 ....... 158,969 ..........141,031
2002 ... 300,000 .........76,245 ..........223,755
2003 ....300,000 ........ 86,737 ......... 213,263
2004 ....300,000 .........74,059 ......... 225,941
2005 ....300,000 .........80,336 ..........219,664
2006 ....300,000 ........ 73,765 ..........226,235
2007 ... 300,000 ........197,229 ..........102,771
2008 ... 300,000 ........300,000 ................0
2009 ....300,000 ....... 300,000 ............... 0
2010 ....300,000 ........300,000 ................0
2011 ... 500,000 ........500,000 ............... 0
2012 ... 500,000 ........500,000 ............... 0

似乎新發行的 1992年笑翠鳥對比舊的有少少唔同, 因為用咗新印章 !
I enquired with the Perth Mint regarding the dies used to produce the current batch of 1992 Kookaburras being distributed, to my relatively untrained eye, the new coins appeared to have finer/thinner details particularly in the branches and leaves above the kook's head.
Here's the response regarding which dies were used:
So basically differences depending on the age of the individual die sets used to strike a particular batch of coins.
To produce up to 300,000 coins it is necessary to prepare several sets of dies. All dies for 1992 Kookaburra coins are made from the original working hob.
Any minor differences are down to where any set of dies is in its life cycle.
Every coin is inspected and approved for issue only if it is within our quality parameters. Once the strike no longer satisfies the required level of detail, the dies are scrapped and we move on to the next set.
36 則留言:
回Chic Wong,
舊幣差價可以差好多的 !
無乜野賣呀, 又貴過 LPM !
呢間booksilver由台灣過來開店.D lighthouse膠盒10個HK$200,25個HK$500,嚇死人@_@!我仲以為睇錯係台幣.
Master NLP 你睇錯價錢~你睇既係台幣
睇完Master NLP 講。我都入去睇下!基本上依家係將個價錢改過!Dan周圍做宣傳嚟個網,九成九同個網有密切關系,這個不重要。最重要是謙虛不斷改善,互利互惠做福奇大家。金銀甲都是著重誠信嘅賣家!
謝rl! 講返句公道說話!
我昨晚都有睇. D 野好貴, 你冇睇錯, 全部寫住HKD. 所以, 我睇咗幾隻大路都冇再睇. 其實, 一上LMP/ KITCO 果D網已經CHECK 到哂, 冇得呃. 隻PERTH MING 龍昨晚報緊HKD8XX, 今朝再睇係HK6XX, 但都貴過哂LMP/KITCO. 再者, 呢間新店, 又未買過, 就算同LPM/KITCO 一樣OR 平少少, 我都唔會去買, 唔好話而家貴過人地.
想和其他公司競爭, 第一價錢要平外, 還要款式多 !
LPM 暫時都沒引到我上去買野, 還在等佢有無特別岩我的銀幣 ! 因為地點偏遠, 也唔會為只一個幣上去 !
回lisa, 甘樣可能要你暗示下咩野合你口味先得,哈哈
回Chic Wong,
有呀, 因為我已貼咗好多幣出來, 不過所以我都買到七七八八啦 XDDD !
lpm日日有新幣@@ 有多左兩隻
謝小C9! :)
@Lisa,你買完先至貼出來,人地睇住你返貨,所以永遠都引唔到你上去啦! XDD!
回Chic Wong,
PM 幣姐嘛, 我都唔去 PM 買, 更加唔會去 LPM 買 XD !
如果我唔係買咗, 又點會貼到相上來呢 ? XDDD !
booksilver 最值得買是 2011變形金剛紀念銀幣(三枚套裝組), 因為 PM 已無貨 !
多個賣銀的地方是好事來的, 只睇佢地識唔識加多D又平又靚的金銀幣俾大家買, 唔係就會好似 swiss investment 咁石沉大海 :)
They've done this before... the most recent I think was the 2007 Kookaburra which they started minting again a few years after its release (2010 or 2011 I think).
I guess the takeaway from this for the coin collecting community is to expect that any previous years of Kookaburras that did not reach their 300,000 mintage limits are potentially subject to continued minting until this limit is reached. The Perth Mint has done this before with both Kookaburras and Series II 1oz Lunar Mouse, so it's not a new direction.
Ron Currie has explicitly said that previous year Kookaburras can be reminted - see the comments posted under http://www.perthmintbullion.com/blog/bl … Coins.aspx on Nov 22, 2010.
The mint is on record however stating that this would not occur for any Series I Lunar coins, so those mintages are set in stone.
Good news is that there will be opportunities to complete 1oz collections of Kookaburras for those seeking to - assuming the same dies are used, there's also fresh coins in the market to get graded as well.
While not ideal from a numismatic perspective when previous scarcity has been priced into current market prices, mintages of 300,000 for modern bullion coins are still pretty tiny compared to other coins like Pandas and ASEs.
When did you do this tally Big AD as it looks like they have been reminting several other years between your tally and October 2011...
5500 extra 1991s
3000 exrta 1992s
15,000 extra 1993s
10,000 extra 1994s
原來PM已在早年重鑄沒去到限額的笑翠鳥, 所以唔怪得我1994/1996笑翠鳥是用圓盒的, 而1998是方盒 ! 原本1990至1998年的笑翠鳥是用方盒的, 後鑄的全是用圓盒 ! 而唔係鬍鬚仔說的, 方盒是歐洲版 XD !
而鬍鬚仔之前叫人買發行量少的笑翠鳥是掉眼鏡俾PM耍, 因為依家最值錢, 是一早已去到300,000限額的笑翠鳥, 因為唔會舊幣新鑄 !
原來PM出過咁野, 唔好以為是假幣 XD
PM真痴線 !
想買 high relief kookaburra 的人要快手啦 !
回 LISA, LISA好熱心, 幫大家“昅”住PM, 所以我已經買左啦。XDD
booksilver 最值得買是 2011變形金剛紀念銀幣(三枚套裝組), 因為 PM 已無貨 !
今日乘假日快D去買返啦 :)
PM 重鑄咁玩法,都可謂見利忘義,既賺不了大錢,亦令人有被欺騙之感,你若一早開宗明義講明或會重鑄又唔同,正所謂買既人已預左,而家 2 幾年後玩呢招,一早收集既人心理滿不是味兒.
如果佢夠胆重鑄一二期生肖,咁樣,來年之生肖幣一定溢價冇現在咁高,公佈左既量都可以再重鑄,搵亞戊同佢買,成班管理層個腦生係pat pat 度.
已確定第一期唔會重鑄, 但第二期就驚驚, 除咗 1盎司銀幣, 其他 size 有機會重鑄, 只要有公司想訂一大批 !
PM衰在推個 mintage 表出來, 原來表內有D野可以有變數的 !
外國討論區都好多人抗議, 說唔再儲笑翠鳥啦 !
呢 D 咪吃力不討好 LOR,班新管理層(我估)仲唔係個腦有問題?直頭係自毀長城,搬石頭扎自己隻腳.