2012年3月26日 星期一

The Supremacy Of The US Dollar Is Behind Us


Dear CIGAs,

Brazil, Russia, India China and South Africa are meeting next week because of the use of SWIFT as a weapon of war. Expect the formation of a competitive SWIFT system in three blocks. The dollar will test .7200 USDX and fail on the third tap.

There will be an audio interview on this development with Erik King of King World News tomorrow morning.

I have been doubted on many things, much of which has come to fruition. There was a time when $1650 in gold was considered the ludicrous dream of a madman.

2012 is the year that the US dollar will suffer from a significant drop in utilization as the international settlement currency. The utilization of the SWIFT system as a means of making war is the singular greatest mistake dollar managers have ever made.

Phil, that might have seemed logical to you, but you fail to focus on the consequences now in motion soon to isolate the dollar in a three currency block (Yuan/Euro/Dollar) losing at least 1/2 of its previous strength from the international settlement mechanism provided. It is too late now to rethink the use of the SWIFT system as a weapon of war. The cat is out of the bag and the damage is done.

As a product of acceleration of this process, the US dollar will test .7200 on the outdated USDX. The test will fail on the third tap.

15 則留言:

旺旺 提到...

見野狼幣反應良好. silver pocket club決定再接再厲, 推出團購第二炮.

澳洲2010虎年一安士銀幣, 有興趣過來看看.

Macy 提到...

睇錯左標題Super macy添....原來係 Supremacy,哈哈 !!:D

Lisa 提到...

文章說, 美元的強勢地位已成過去 !

Chic Wong 提到...


Lisa 提到...

回Chic Wong,
因為美元跌囉 !

Macy 提到...

回Chic Wong,
記得Macy的投資朋友笑話嗎 ?
她認真的再致電Macy 1/4要著得靚靚和她吃晚飯了!! =.=!!


Chic Wong 提到...

回Macy, 哈哈哈哈,甘搞笑,如果果個係男仔就明白哂~

Macy 提到...

回Chic Wong,

Chic Wong 提到...

回Macy, 甘準,聽下都好丫,嘿嘿

Macy 提到...

回Chic Wong,
金價又有變化了,看來真的未到最後一日,不會知鹿死誰手哩 !!:D

Macy 提到...


Chic Wong 提到...


Macy 提到...

回Chic Wong,
對呀,她作東所以她決定地點時間的,Macy沒有異議,飯後她還會駕車送Macy回家 !!

Chic Wong 提到...

回Macy, 唔係你請咩?甘你真係著數哂,跌又有人賠,升又有人請食飯,甘大隻蛤蜊,哈哈

Macy 提到...

回Chic Wong,