2013年4月2日 星期二

又有平金銀買啦 !

15 則留言:

Lawrence 提到...

Hi Lisa,

I am a newbie to the gold and silver market that I am still working out my research before I am buying the actual gold/silver. It's great that I am reading your blog and as well gogoldjoe's blog. There are so much valuable information for investing gold and silver from your blog.

However, I encountered some issues while regarding to the value of gold/silver coins/bars and would like to seek for your advise. Take Silver as an example, how am I able to tell the mark-up of the silver coin/bar since the market price is showing in USD; but kitco's website is showing the price in HKD? Should I take the market silver price multiply by 7.8 and compare it with the silver coin/bar that kitco is selling?

Sorry if I am asking a stupid question, but definitely I would like to seek for your advise.


Lisa 提到...


銀依家的 spot price 是 27.4美元 1oz, 所以計返港元是 27.4x7.8=213.72
所以在 Kitco 賣的銀如果 1oz計貴過 213.72 的叫 premium (溢價)
通常愈靚愈多手工製造的幣, premium 就會愈高 !

Ronald Fung 提到...


Unknown 提到...

去kitco揀美金價咪睇到, 仲計...救命.

Lisa 提到...

回Ronald Fung,

調整正是買貨好機會 :)

Lisa 提到...

回FredFred Dai,

金銀價俾人打壓, 就係想嚇你地唔好買金銀 !
買貴咗就放下啦, 有金銀在手好過有太多紙幣放銀行戶口 !

honson 提到...

Apmex 買junk silver bag 溢價去到3美元1安士,

Spot 價已經和實物價分離

Ronald Fung 提到...



Unknown 提到...


Lisa 提到...

回micky tsang,

有無睇本網誌[投資金銀手冊] ?

- 提到...

係味講緊us half dollar?

Chic Wong 提到...


Lisa 提到...

Chic 買咗乜正野 ?

Lawrence 提到...

Thank you Lisa! I think I will start buying gold and silver and becoming part of you guys =)

Lisa 提到...

歡迎你, 只要知自己做緊乜就最好不過啦 :)