2012年3月31日 星期六
英相失言掀搶油潮 女子家儲油燒傷
所以有時想要政府高透明度是有難度的 !
2012年3月30日 星期五
高盛唱好金價 料高見1940
團購公司突倒閉 優惠代幣變廢紙
香港文匯報訊(記者 陳寶瑤)擁有2萬多名會員的團購公司JigoCity,突然宣布重組業務,不再推出新優惠及停用代幣;有合作關係的食肆Darts 1 Bar Restaurant早前亦已結業,其團購優惠券亦無法兌現。警方發言人證實,42名受影響消費者向警方報案,涉及金額約21,000元,警方列作求警調查案處理。在團購消費普及下,今年首2個月消委會共收到210宗涉及團購的投訴,平均每月有逾100宗,較去年多1倍,消委會指團購網對消費者的保障有限,若團購網站倒閉而「走數」,消費者或會蒙受損失。
在新加坡、台灣等多處有業務的團購網JigoCity,近日宣布「業務重組」後網站隨即停止運作,位於金鐘的辦公室亦人去樓空,部分顧客指優惠券已被停用,估計受影響人數以千計。有網民在facebook成立「追討JigoCity退款大聯盟」群組,包括曾購買Darts 1 Bar Restaurant海鮮自助餐及另一食肆「嘴兒」甜餐券的顧客,由於兩間食肆已先後結業,網民相約集體報案。
魚生優惠券 食肆拒收
網友亦透過群組交換商舖消息,網友 Lai Mei Tong表示,早前替朋友購買2張意式晚市套餐,一直無法預約,向Jigo City申請退款,3月23日獲覆指可退款,網友遂按指示交出戶口資料後再無回音;而上周以128元購買的日本魚生優惠券,已被商戶以Jigo City尚未「找數」為由停止優惠。有已購買美甲服務的網友指,店方未有取消服務,但極難預約。除了消費者,亦有與該網合作的商戶投訴被拖欠尾數,涉款數千元。
去年548宗 追討困難
2012年3月29日 星期四
專家預測 金價今年料高位橫行
環球經濟有復蘇迹象,加上美國聯儲局主席伯南克暗示將推 QE3,令股市大升,市場避險情緒消退。商品研究公司 CPM Group指,金價已於去年見頂,今年雖仍維持於高位,但只能穩守每盎斯 1500美元水平。
獨立商品研究機構 CPM Group每年均會發表報告,分析影響環球黃金市場的供求因素,報告備受黃金市場關注。該機構在最新的 2012黃金年報中預測,今年金價將會維持每盎斯 1500美元以上,年尾會橫行;未來數年則會低見 1400美元,意味黃金進入調整期,告別「黃金十年」。金價昨曾跌 9.53美元,低見每盎斯 1671.24美元。
報告又指,全球黃金供應增加,投資黃金人數亦同時增加,令金價能於高位企穩,不過就不會再出現近年的升勢。雖然環球經濟前景未明朗,但金融體系崩潰的恐懼已掃除,商品避險需求減少;而全球央行為黃金的凈買家,去年央行庫存增幅較 2010年少, 2011年私人投資者持有黃金亦按年減 5.8%,亦影響金價走勢。
不過有分析認為,金價未必完全欠缺支持。澳洲礦業公司 Solomon Gold行政總裁 Malcom Norris接受美國財經網站 CNBC訪問時便表示,美國不斷推出寬鬆貨幣政策,歐洲憂慮持續,環球市場仍現高風險,投資者買金是無可置疑的。被問到金價今年否升至每盎斯 2000美元,他回答:「只要黃金仍是必然的選擇,金價便會上升。」
2012年3月28日 星期三
2012年3月27日 星期二
LPM 有海龜賣

WEIGHT : 31.105 g (1 oz)
Metal : .999 Silver
Finish : Bullion
Diameter: 40.5 mm
Edge : MilledMilled
Denomination : $2
Mintage : Unlimited
大家手快有, 手慢無 !
2012 1 oz Silver New Zealand $2 Fiji Taku .999 Fine
客戶購入價格: $291.76 HKD2012年3月26日 星期一
The Supremacy Of The US Dollar Is Behind Us
Dear CIGAs,
Brazil, Russia, India China and South Africa are meeting next week because of the use of SWIFT as a weapon of war. Expect the formation of a competitive SWIFT system in three blocks. The dollar will test .7200 USDX and fail on the third tap.
There will be an audio interview on this development with Erik King of King World News tomorrow morning.
I have been doubted on many things, much of which has come to fruition. There was a time when $1650 in gold was considered the ludicrous dream of a madman.
2012 is the year that the US dollar will suffer from a significant drop in utilization as the international settlement currency. The utilization of the SWIFT system as a means of making war is the singular greatest mistake dollar managers have ever made.
Phil, that might have seemed logical to you, but you fail to focus on the consequences now in motion soon to isolate the dollar in a three currency block (Yuan/Euro/Dollar) losing at least 1/2 of its previous strength from the international settlement mechanism provided. It is too late now to rethink the use of the SWIFT system as a weapon of war. The cat is out of the bag and the damage is done.
As a product of acceleration of this process, the US dollar will test .7200 on the outdated USDX. The test will fail on the third tap.
2012年3月25日 星期日
Tungsten Filled 1 kilo Gold Bar Discovered in UK
In the biggest news we've broke since the JP Morgan whistle-blower stepped forward,
Australian Bullion Dealer ABC Bullion has contacted SD to advise that one of its suppliers has provided them photographic evidence of a tungsten filled 1 kilo gold bar discovered this week. The bar passed a hand-held xrf scan which showed 99.98% pure AU. The tungsten was only discovered when the bar was physically cut in half.
After numerous reports of 400oz tungsten filled bars being discovered in Hong Kong, this is the first documented and verified report with photographic evidence that has been made public.
Submitted by Australian Bullion Dealer ABC Bullion:
Attached are photographs of a legitimate Metalor 1000gm Au bar that has been drilled out and filled with Tungsten (W).
This bar was purchased by staff of a scrap dealer in xxxxx, UK yesterday. The bar appeared to be perfect other than the fact that it was 2gms underweight. It was checked by hand-held xrf and showed 99.98% Au. Being Tungsten, it would not be ferro-magnetic. The bar was supplied with the original certificate.
The owner of the business that purchased the bar only became suspicious when he realized the weight discrepancy and had the bar cropped. He estimates between 30-40% of the weight of the bar to be Tungsten.
Now that we have confirmed documentation that 1 kilo gold bars have been drilled out and filled with tungsten, look for a rapid scramble to verify the AU contents of 400oz bars which reportedly have also been tainted with tungsten (the market is 'stuffed full' of gold plated tungsten 400oz bars according to Rob Kirby).
For those unfamiliar with the original reports that 60 metric tonnes of 400oz 'good delivery' bars were gutted and filled with tungsten, and swapped with US Treasury gold at Fort Knox in a highly sophisticated plan, an excerpt of his 2009 piece is included below:
The amount of “salted tungsten” gold bars in question was allegedly between 5,600 and 5,700 – 400 oz – good delivery bars [roughly 60 metric tonnes].
This was apparently all highly orchestrated by an extremely well financed criminal operation.
Within mere hours of this scam being identified – Chinese officials had many of the perpetrators in custody.
And here’s what the Chinese allegedly uncovered:
Roughly 15 years ago – during the Clinton Administration [think Robert Rubin, Sir Alan Greenspan and Lawrence Summers] – between 1.3 and 1.5 million 400 oz tungsten blanks were allegedly manufactured by a very high-end, sophisticated refiner in the USA [more than 16 Thousand metric tonnes]. Subsequently, 640,000 of these tungsten blanks received their gold plating and WERE shipped to Ft. Knox and remain there to this day. I know folks who have copies of the original shipping docs with dates and exact weights of “tungsten” bars shipped to Ft. Knox.
The balance of this 1.3 million – 1.5 million 400 oz tungsten cache was also plated and then allegedly “sold” into the international market.
Apparently, the global market is literally “stuffed full of 400 oz salted bars”.
Makes one wonder if the Indians were smart enough to assay their 200 tonne haul from the IMF?
2012年3月24日 星期六
Greyerz - Physical Gold Demand Enormous & Accelerating
Today Egon von Greyerz told King World News there is major demand for physical gold and it’s actually accelerating. Von Greyerz also said institutional money is going to aggressively enter gold and this will totally change the market. Egon von Greyerz is founder and managing partner at Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland. Here is what von Greyerz had to say about what is happening in the gold market: “We are seeing the low this week or we could be under pressure for another week. But thereafter, in April, if I look at the technical picture, gold looks fantastic. The next move will be a major move in both gold and silver.”
Egon von Greyerz continues:
“If I look at the physical market, we are seeing major demand and it’s actually accelerating. Again, we are looking at a paper market which is artificially manipulated short-term. It has no relevance at all for the gold market in the long-term.
There are two key drivers (for gold). One is technical and it looks and to me it looks like the next move (higher) in gold is going to be a big move. In our view it’s the fundamentals that drive this market. There is a lack of solutions (to the world’s financial dilemma), this means there will be unlimited money printing starting very soon.
I feel as confident as ever this is the main investment people have to own in order to protect themselves from what’s going to happen in 2012 and thereafter....
“I see a lot of investor groups and recently I made a presentation to a major group of Swiss asset managers. It’s the same story everywhere, they don’t own gold and they don’t understand the virtues of gold.
This is why I’m so bullish on gold because I see gold, having gone up in dollar terms almost 7 fold, and no major group owns gold. I am absolutely certain that this is the next big investment.
The institutional investors are going to go heavily into gold and that will totally change the market. As we know there isn’t the physical gold around the satisfy an increase in demand, so that can only be satisfied by a higher price.”
When asked about silver specifically, von Greyerz stated, “Silver has been under pressure and corrects more than gold when the market is down, but I see this as a mild correction that we’ve had in the last month. When silver turns, I think silver is going to go very fast. Once we go through the $35 - $36 level, I could see us going to $40 and beyond in a very short period of time.
Silver is not for the faint of heart because the volatility is enormous. My view is people should hold more gold than silver, but from a profit potential point of view, silver looks very much like it’s going to have a bigger move.”
2012年3月22日 星期四
Turkey to Attempt to Transfer Private Gold into Turkish Central Bank
No authoritarian gold confiscation will be attempted by Turkey- rather, the Turkish government would like to confiscate the private gold of its citizens....politely and voluntarily. The WSJ reports that Turkey is attempting to persuade Turks to transfer their personal gold holdings into the Turkish Central Bank for 'safe keeping'. We're not talking about an inconsequential stack here as private gold holdings among Turks is estimated to be in the range of 5,000 tonnes!
From the WSJ
The Turkish government, facing a bloated current-account deficit that threatens to derail the country's rapid expansion, is trying to persuade Turks to transfer their vast personal holdings of gold into the country's banking system.
The push to tap into the individual gold reserves—the traditional form of savings here—is part of Ankara's efforts to reduce a finance gap that is currently about 10% of gross domestic product.
Government officials say the banking regulator will soon publish a plan to boost incentives for consumers to park their household wealth inside the financial system.
How will the Turkish Central Bank attempt to convince Turks to voluntarily relinquish possession of their phyzz you might ask?
The Turkish Central Bank is offering to pay its citizens INTEREST on their gold holdings, and allow easy access to their phyzz through automated gold teller machines.
More From the WSJ:
Government officials say the banking regulator will soon publish a plan to boost incentives for consumers to park their household wealth inside the financial system. Banking executives said they are considering new interest-yielding gold-deposit accounts that would allow savers to withdraw gold bars from specially designed automated teller machines.
The moves come after the central bank in November announced that lenders could hold up to 10% of their local-currency reserves in gold, in part to tempt Turkey's gold hoarders to deposit their jewelry, coins or bullion at banks.
Economists say the policy shift is designed to change Turks' historic preference for storing a high percentage of personal wealth outside the banking system as a way to protect themselves against the economic volatility that has periodically hit Turkey in recent decades.
The effort is one front in a broader battle to encourage more savings while curbing the ballooning current-account deficit—a pressure point many investors fear could upend a fast-growing economy, estimated to have expanded more than 8% last year. Turkey's current-account gap has expanded faster than expected in recent weeks amid a surge in oil prices and data showing unexpectedly high consumer demand.
So apparently the Turkish Central Bank is willing to offer interest in order to hold possession of its citizens phyzz. Does that mean gold is no longer a barbaric relic?
In other news, Bernanke is busy editing his power point slides for today's GWU lecture recommending that American citizens deposit their gold holdings at the Federal Reserve to prevent the horrors of another gold standard from ever becoming a reality.
金價下跌 受內地PMI收縮拖累
黑客「攻破」金銀場 科技罪案組緝兇
香港文匯報訊(記者 杜法祖)金銀業貿易場(下稱「金銀場」)的網站及電腦系統,近月接連遭有組織的黑客攻擊及刻意破壞其交易訊息及電子程式買賣,藉此向受影響的金銀場行員勒 索金錢,該場已就事件報警,警方證實已接獲11宗舉報,部分涉及勒索,鑑於事態嚴重,已交商罪科調查。
勒索第一金 癱瘓電腦系統
2012年3月20日 星期二
Will the Cartel Soon Set its Sights on China & India's Silver?
一定要買實貨, 唔好訓身, 唔好借錢, 只用閒錢 !
Historically, any individual investor who has accumulated over 100 million ounces of silver has been forced to liquidate their silver position by the cartel (see Hunt Brothers and Warren Buffett). With India and China accumulating nearly 1/4 BILLION ounces annually in 2011, and on pace to repeat this in 2012, how long can the cartel afford to let such silver accumulation continue?
It is pretty clear the financial wars are engaged. We are at war with Iran and by proxy, with China, India, Japan and Russia to name a few who have vital interests in Iranian oil and sovereignty. Jim Sinclair notes that just because someone occupies a desk in DC does not make them aware of the extent of their actions and the repercussions of those actions. Attacking Iran financially is tantamount to lobbing bombs. With bombs the damage is confined to a small geographical area. By excluding Iran from SWIFT, we've set off a 10 megaton H Bomb in the world's capital center.
I woke up this AM with some numbers running through my head that may or may not have much to do with Iran but I can't help but think they are related. The transfers of thousands of tons of gold from West to East must seem like bank robbery to some, particularly the Fed, which is acutely aware of the wealth transfer. China is divesting itself of USTs as is Russia. Russian holdings are half of what they were a couple of years ago.
Japan has some real problems with trade and budget deficits so their UST holdings will be shaken up.
We are trying to force India, a weak hand in the world of FIAT and PM, to do our bidding and stop buying oil from Iran. We can't force China to stop buying Iranian oil and we are not ready to lower the boom on Japan just yet since they, as an ally of ours, are too strategically important--for now.
But what really struck my interest was a particular number that seems to keep cropping up. That number is the total holdings of silver by one person or institution AND what happens when those holdings hit a certain number. It may or may not be related to war, actual or financial, but it does seem to have parallels given the reaction by banks and governments when a certain level of silver holdings hits the radar.
When the Hunt Brothers leveraged ownership of silver went well above 100 MOZ, their world crashed down around them, forcing them into bankruptcy. This attempt to corner the market aroused some powerful interests, going all the way to the White House.
Silver was sent to the dog house for 20 years until Warren Buffett recognized the value of this metal and quickly acquired 129 MOZ. He foresaw shortages in silver as well as its usefulness. The price of silver at just over $5 an ounce was just too tempting.
JPM helped him acquire this stack. They were later prosecuted for this on the chance they were trying to manipulate the market. Warren saw value and bought as much as he could but, according to rumor, was forced to sell his holdings in order to be bailed out of AIG. The stack was reportedly used to fund the first US silver EFT SLV.
The SLV now holds 350 MOZ and is a target of speculation that their vaults have been stripped of silver. Those shorting the stock seem to smell blood in the water.
SLV has become another major silver holder in the gun sights of powerful interests.
Much has been written about Eric Sprott and PSLV but his silver holdings may not yet be to the magic number of 100 MOZ . But if you count CEF's silver holdings, these two ETFs are now above 100 MOZ so we will see what happens there. I imagine some people may not sleep well at night with that knowledge.
And then there is COMEX with its 133 MOZ. Nothing to see there, move along. COMEX sits at ground zero in the Silver Wars. It's just a matter of time until the COMEX holdings are taken. How that will happen; calls for delivery comes to mind, it will happen possibly for no other reason than the corruption in this system.
All of these institutions and individuals shared one thing. They all held or currently at least 100 MOZ of silver. It seems to me to be a magic number where the baleful gaze of powerful interests take notice. Which leads me to the next thought.
China and India each acquired about 110 MOZ of silver in 2011 and are on pace to acquire a similar amount in 2012. Given the strategic value of silver and China's attempt to corner the world's supply of rare earths, silver being one of them due to lack of supply, these numbers must be arousing interest world wide. The total annual world production of silver is somewhere around 1000 MOZ. 25% of the world's supply of silver is being absorbed into the hands of individual buyers as well as central banks and industrial facilities in China and India. This will not go unnoticed but unlike the ease with which individuals' silver stacks are taken, it will be several orders of magnitude more difficult to take silver from sovereigns.
If the purchases of gold by China at 770 tons and India at 900 tons plus this year like bank robbery in the eyes of the western powers, I wonder how the acquisition of 25% of the world's supply of silver will be viewed by our central bank. Double parking? Jay walking? I think not. If for no other reason that silver, more than gold, arouses passions well beyond its monetary value, someone will be held accountable as silver disappears into the Eastern vortex.
While this seems to be a small part of the story, I expect that it will become much larger as the silver shortage I predicted a couple of weeks ago becomes more noticeable. It's no accident that Eastern countries are quietly creating a strangle hold on this most vital of precious metals.
As the sanctions being proposed to punish India for buying Iranian oil with gold become more commonplace, and as our central government foolishly targets more and more groups with misguided sanctions, this silver story might be seen as a pivotal battle in the coming financial and physical wars.
在本人網誌旁慢慢加咗好多新金銀甲的網誌連結, 所以如果呢類網誌有日超越講股票的網誌, 大家就會進入金銀市的頂峰啦 !
就如股市, 在癲瘋時, 一條街或一間大廈可以有幾間證券行, 而如果你附近都有間賣金銀幣的店, 咁時晨就差不多到啦 ! 所以金銀依家沒是癲瘋時 !
2012年3月19日 星期一
Obama Signs National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order
中國愈來愈美國化, 而美國愈來愈中國化 !
silverdoctors.blogspot.com 全文
With absolutely ZERO coverage by the MSM and while the nation was fixated on their March Madness drug, President Obama Friday night signed the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order, outlining the Federal government's plans for 100% control of private resources, labor, and assets in the event of an emergency.
補返張 Moose 的相先

Weight...............31.10 Grams 1oz
Diameter...........38 mm
Thickness............3.15 mm
Purity................9999 Silver
Face Value........$5
在 www.gainesvillecoins.com 買, 連匯費和運費來計 313.83 蚊一枚, 所以同大家買的價錢差不多, 只因我太心急, 而也想一次過買到新西蘭個兩盒銀幣 !
依家(2012年3月) LPM, Kitco 和好旺角中心都有貨賣 !
門戶大開 中國大豆產業陷困境
江連洲說,中國大豆產業陷於窘境,主要是外國大豆湧入造成的。那麼,為何外國大豆會蜂擁而上呢?一 是剛性需求增加,隨著中國經濟增長與人民生活水平提高,需要更多的食用油與大豆蛋白。而中國大豆自產只佔20%左右,缺口只能由進口大豆來補充。二是由於 國家強調糧食安全,一些產糧大省為保糧食增產,進行種植結構調整,而大豆單產較小麥、玉米、水稻低,就間接出現了「壓豆」現象,導致大豆種面積植逐年萎 縮。三是2001年中國於加入WTO後,把大豆作為一種最放開的農作物,實行零配額零關稅政策,大門打開,國外大豆從而大量湧入。
江連洲教授說,儘管中國大豆還存在一些問題,如單產較低,企業規模不大等。但是中國大豆的現狀也是 不正常的。他認為,大豆產業的興亡,事關中國近1,000萬豆農及數百萬大豆油脂加工企業員工的就業問題,關係非轉基因大豆品牌保護和國家食品安全問題。 所以,一定要抓住機會,積極化解中國大豆的危機。
為此江連洲認為,國家要制定大豆產業中長期發展戰略,建設現代化的大豆產業體系,逐步實現差異化 發展戰略,使中國大豆產業真正走上市場經濟的發展之路。一要完善大豆補貼政策,激發農民種豆積極性。實行長期的大豆保護價收購政策,避免豆農利益受到損 害。對民族加工企業實行動態的價格補貼政策,保護中國民族大豆加工企業的利益。
二是實施非轉基因大豆差異化戰略。建議在黑龍江省建立非轉基因大豆保護區。建立一道防範轉基因大豆 衝擊的「防火牆」。建議國家在每年新豆上市期間,通過檢測等非關稅壁壘措施,適度調控大豆進口數量和節奏,給國產大豆銷售和加工創造有利空間。建立非轉基 因大豆產品獨立的定價體系。逐步實施差異化價格戰略,把握非轉基因大豆產品的定價權、話語權。
2012年3月18日 星期日
Sinclair - Is the Fed Selling Europe’s Gold During Interventions
把我的錢放在你的袋, 真搞笑 !
Today legendary trader and investor Jim Sinclair told King World News that a number of European countries are beginning to ask themselves where the gold is coming from which is being used for interventions in the gold market. Sinclair also said some European countries are beginning to think it’s their gold, stored by the US Fed, which is being used for these interventions. But first, here is what Sinclair had to say about the recent plunge in gold:“Eric, this has been going on since $248 in gold. Any idea or concern that this kind of intervention is going to cause the gold bull market to cease or shorten or even contain where it will potentially go is simply wrong.”
Jim Sinclair continues:
“Every time you intervene in any market or any time you intervene economically, it’s the same as using a controlled drug. The first application gives you the best high you’ll ever have. After that you have to do more and more just to near duplicate what you expected.
The selling down of the gold, what this means now is time....
“If in fact they can’t bring the market under the $1,600 level, then the demand here is beyond the willingness for intervention. That means that if the demand is greater than the supply, the price is going to rise.
If gold does go through $1,764 and stabilizes there, you are beginning an unwind in terms of gold cooperating with the management of perspective economics (MOPE). (Central planners) would want gold to be very soft at a time when a credit event takes place in Greece, that very few of the participants and even bondholders knows yet exactly what happened.”
Jim Sinclair had predicted many European countries would want their gold back, which is being stored by the Fed in the US. This movement is beginning to take hold in Switzerland and Germany as well as other countries. When asked about his prediction beginning to take place, Sinclair responded, “It had to happen because we all ask ourselves the question, ‘Where does the gold come from on these attempts at intervention?’ Because it’s not simply paper gold, it’s also in the cash market. There is a concern that the gold that’s being used to intervene might not be our (US) gold.
Basically they (Germany, Switzerland and other countries) are now asking the question, where is the gold coming from? There are two possibilities, Fort Knox or the Federal Reserve seller, in the cash sense. Fort Knox, nobody knows what’s there.
Everybody knows what’s at the Fed, other people’s gold. The trend that we discussed a long time ago which is really turning into a modest torrent, is to take back gold. I mean the truth is what do the Germans need the Fed to store their gold for? Are they afraid France will invade? It doesn’t make any sense.”
印度加關稅 金價勢受壓
香港文匯報訊(記者 梁悅琴)全球最大黃金消費國印度上周五突宣佈將提高黃金進口關稅,再加上美國近期經濟數據向好,上周五紐約期金應聲下跌至每盎司1,655.5美元,上周 金價累跌3.3%,為近3個月以來的最大單周跌幅。由於美國經濟復甦勢頭明顯,令金價輾轉回落,黃金市場目前仍處於調整階段。市場預期,黃金牛市已見頂, 金價今年料在每盎司1,580美元至1,750美元上落。
印度財政部長穆克吉上周五表示,4月1日起將把對黃金金條、金幣和白金課徵的稅賦由2%增至 4%,對銀的徵稅則不變。上周五紐約即月黃金收市報每盎司1,655.5美元,應聲跌3.6美元,跌幅約0.2%。市場分析師說,隨著印度傳統婚嫁日的臨 近,該國對實物黃金的需求將大幅增加,而印度剛提出的限制黃金進口措施將對未來的黃金需求造成不利影響,因此打壓了國際金價。
鄺民彬:歐債明朗 持金誘因減
凱基證券營運總裁鄺民彬指出,黃金價格已連升10年,今年已呈疲態,加上最新經濟數據表明美國經濟 復甦勢頭明顯,美聯儲也不再提QE3,市場預期落空,美元走強,打壓金價一路下滑。黃金一向有市場避險及抗通脹的作用,如今歐債危機已明朗,並無避險需 要。除了新興國家外,發達國家的通脹率亦不高,令持黃金抗通脹的誘因減少,加上持黃金無利息可言,黃金市場目前仍處於盤整階段。
近期國際黃金價格走勢震盪,經歷了從每盎司近1,800美元的高位,下跌至1,700美元並持續波 動。廣東金鼎黃金交易中心首席分析師陳志豪表示,近期歐債問題以及美國經濟穩健復甦給美元走強提供支撐,使得金價承受下調壓力;另一方面市場對黃金後市看 好同時也支撐了金價保持較高的價位,多重因素影響導致黃金走勢出現持續震盪。
2012年3月17日 星期六
2011 Legends of the Air

Grade: Proof
Denomination: $2
Diameter: 40.7 mm
戰機一套4枚, 290美元, 在 www.gainesvillecoins.com 買, 計匯費加運費後約 588.70港元1枚
Mint New Zealand 裝幣的盒真是好重, 所以要讚 Perth Mint 用輕便的包裝, 慳好多運費 !
The Debt Crisis Will Rotate from Europe to Japan
Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Econonics.com. believes "capital knows something is wrong" and we’re past the tipping point of the debt crisis. He sees the crisis rotating from Europe to Japan and finally reaching the US, with devastating results. As to gold, he believes the best thing for gold would be a correction this year and a healthy period of consolidation, setting the stage for a launch higher as the debt crisis worsens.
ArmstrongEconomics.com offers a collection of research from Martin Armstrong, a world renown economist and the creator of the Economic Confidence Model, the author of the Greatest Bull Market in History, and founder of Princeton Economics. This web site is a resource to stay up to date on Martin Armstrong’s business accomplishments, legal battles, and views on the global economy.
2012年3月16日 星期五
Great Motorcycles of the 1930's

電單車銀幣, 一盒5枚 190美元 www.gainesvillecoins.com 買 (依家 187.15美元平咗添)
計匯費和運費都係 319.60 一枚, 同 bullion coin 價差不多 !
新西蘭出的銀幣雖然靚, 不過成日附大大的盒, 好食運費 !
Maple Leaf Forever

Purity : 9999 Silver
Grade: Brilliant Uncirculated
Denomination: $10
Diameter: 34 mm
Thickness: 3.29 mm
Weight: 15.87 Grams
1/2 盎司9999加拿大楓葉銀幣, 在 www.apmex.com
團購時買 ! 31.99美元加約5港元用費, 如果自行去 apmex 買夠50盎司銀幣, 用費(匯費加運費)是約20港元一個幣來計 ! (記住, 買愈多有盒裝的幣運費就會愈貴, 所以最著數是買一筒筒的 bullion coins)
因為近來貼得多由好旺角買來的銀幣, 俾人說本人是好旺角打手, 所以以後會貼多些由網上買來的銀幣 !
2012年3月15日 星期四
驚跌 1公斤金條跌逾2萬
2012年3月14日 星期三
台北「極毒海帶」 鋁超標14倍
大陸加工野要少食, 日本野唔食, 依家就連台灣野也唔食得.....
香港文匯報訊 綜合消息:美牛、禽流感風波一直籠罩台灣,令島內消費者近日對食品安全十分警惕,民間傳聞海帶 有助化解體內毒物,致使相關產品近日在台北市內暢銷。不過,台灣消費者保護委員會(消保會)12日竟在台北市面檢獲「極毒海帶」,其含鋁量最高超過國際安 全標準100PPM(百萬分率)達14倍之多,若食用過量,恐損害生殖系統與發育中的神經系統。
消保會指出,衛生署雖尚未制訂食品含鋁量的相關標準,但是次檢驗參照國際標準及學者專家的建議,以 食品含鋁量100PPM為基準,結果發現,92件樣品中,22件大於100PPM,比例約24%,最嚴重的樣品來自海帶,含鋁量竟高達 1,441.61PPM,遠超安全標準14倍;42件介於1PPM至100PPM不等,佔比46%左右;小於1PPM則是28件,大概為30%。
2012年3月13日 星期二
Turk - Why Army of New Buyers Will be Entering Gold & Silver
With many investors worried about the recent action in gold and silver, today King World News interviewed James Turk out of Spain. Turk told King World News that an army of new buyers is going to enter the gold and silver markets. But first, here is what Turk had to say about the situation in Greece: “Greece remains a mess. All the bailout means is that the country has increased its debt by $30 billion euros. The Greeks couldn’t repay what they already owe and there is no way this new debt is going to be repaid either. Greece’s problem, as well as other over-indebted countries, means that we should continue to focus on precious metals.”
James Turk continues:
“Whether or not the CDS payouts on the Greek default lead to a full blown contagion, only time will tell. But one thing is certain, every party that owns a CDS on Greece and other sovereign debts is looking at them closely to determine if they will be paid and how they will be paid.
There is some frustration out there, but we’ve seen this type of action in the metals for twelve years now, Eric. It is just taking place now at higher prices for gold and silver. I expect a few more days of sideways action, but silver should then be headed towards the $35 area....
“I wonder where the silver is coming from to satisfy the demand at these levels. People have to understand there is a big difference between the vast amount of paper trading in these silver markets and the relatively small amount (by comparison) of physical silver trading hands. While last week’s shakeout may have taken out a lot of the paper longs, it didn’t impact the strong hands owning and accumulating physical silver.
What I expect here, Eric, is a resumption of the short-term uptrend by the end of the week. Silver will be testing overhead resistance between $34 and $35. We have been watching the chart of silver (below) develop for several months. You can clearly see the attempted breakout last week and the subsequent move back down to test support.
But the important point is a breakout above $35 is imminent. I still think it can happen this month. Hopefully this will be the breakout that matters. By that I mean the one that will send silver to $68 to $70 within two to three months from the date of the breakout.
The naked shorts in silver, who had the upper hand by sending silver back below $35, are going to be in for a real surprise by the speed and strength of the silver market when it turns.”
When asked about gold specifically, Turk responded, “There was no technical damage on the gold chart either, Eric. What’s happening here is gold is testing support at $1,700, which is continuing inside the trading range that goes back to late January.
The key overhead resistance level for gold is $1,800 and I expect this level to be tested very soon, just like I expect silver to be testing its overhead resistance in the not too distant future.
On this move, you are going to have army of new people entering the gold and silver markets. The primary reason there will be new entrants to the market is right now the chart is telling me a major news event is likely to happen. That news event will propel gold and silver higher, outside of these consolidation patterns, into new record prices.
So the bottom line is there is absolutely no reason to change one’s outlook about the upside potential for both gold and silver. It’s the same story, currency debasement and the unwinding of the debt problem that is causing more and more investors to move into safe havens.
Gold and silver remain undervalued and more importantly, enable owners of the metals to avoid counterparty risk. So as attention moves from Greece to other countries, expect gold and silver to take center stage.”
2012年3月12日 星期一
2012年3月10日 星期六
2012年3月9日 星期五
London Trader - Massive Physical Silver Orders Filled Near $33
With many global investors concerned about the recent action in the silver market, King World News interviewed the “London Trader” to get his take on what has taken place in silver and what to look for going forward. Here is what the source had to say: “The Chinese are divesting out of paper right now. So we are seeing a huge uptick in euro physical silver purchases, as well as dollar silver purchases. When silver took out $33, a huge amount of physical orders were filled.”
The London Trader continues:
“The Chinese are doing the exact same thing in the silver market that they are doing in the gold market, massive accumulation on dips. It is also important to note that the local traders in silver are short and nervous. Everyone is short silver and so that market can move violently higher when it turns.
When silver reverses, it will be the one that leads the market higher. Also, the commercials have been covering in silver the same way they have been in gold....
“The physical silver orders that were just filled have been waiting since February 16th. Those orders near the $33 level were filled in huge size on Tuesday. These long-term accumulators are buying every dip. There were some fills at $34, but some very large orders were filled near $33.
As long as we stay under $34, there is going to be constant accumulation. What does it matter if you buy silver at $32 or $38, when it is going to go multiples higher from these levels? The Chinese know this and that is why they are accumulating in size.
What is happening here is essentially criminal, but the smart money is capitalizing on it by accumulating. They take advantage of the manipulation. Remember, a lot of this is spot indexing that will be converted to physical over the next few days.
These guys (bullion banks) are so naked short and the last thing they need is to have physical disappear at this time. This is the ammunition they have to drive the market lower and they don’t have very much ammunition.
Even in the virtual market they are running out of sellers they can cover into. There simply aren’t enough weak hands for them to cover in size and as I said, the last thing they need is for physical to be disappearing at these levels.
The real (physical) market is taking over now and the virtual (paper) market will not be as important going forward as the price of silver begins to rise again.”
2012年3月8日 星期四
廣州「限外令」動真格 禁港澳人士買商舖
香港文匯報訊(記者 古寧廣州報道)繼上海「升級」樓市調控後,廣州「限外令」也開始動真格。廣州日前下發通知規定,包括港澳台在內的境外人士不能在廣州購買商舖。此前,穗主要限境外人士購寫字樓,此次則擴大到所有非住宅物業,包括寫字樓、商舖、商業用地性質的酒店式公寓等。廣州市國土房管局相關負責人7日向記者表示,此前下發的文件要求對國家相關調控政策加強執行。
規定不新 執行更嚴
2012年3月7日 星期三

本人比對自己影的相, 呢幾個圖應該全是假, 請用本人下一貼圖比較 !
2012年3月4日 星期日
一連兩日的歐盟峰會前日閉幕,各國領袖稱已採取一系列措施穩定金融市場,並換取時間處理歐元區長遠經濟問題。 歐盟25個成員國正式簽訂新財政條約,控制財赤上限,不過市場質疑新約成效,認為無助解決根本問題,歐元兌美元持續疲弱。礇豐控股首席經濟師簡世勛警告, 國際原油價格高企較希債問題更危險,將威脅全球經濟增長。
倫敦布蘭特期油上周四升至每桶128.4美元,創2008年7月以來新高,簡世勛指出,希債憂慮 暫時淡化,油價若持續高企,將波及發達國家復甦過程,通脹亦會重臨新興市場。他認為,投資者應購入能源股作「保險」,外匯投資者則可持有挪威、俄羅斯、馬 來西亞及巴西等石油出產國的貨幣。
歐盟簽新約 償債問題未解決
CMC Market分析師休森稱,歐盟新約未處理各國根本的償債能力問題,歐洲經濟缺乏增長動力亦是一大隱憂,現時只是在延續西班牙、意大利、葡萄牙及希臘等財困國的痛苦。
穆迪接力降級 希債變違約
穆迪指出,降級主因是希臘換債計劃讓私人債權人蒙受逾70%損失,否則要直接面臨違約,換債後會重 新評估希臘評級。穆迪今次無公布希臘評級展望,因該國未來違約風險依然很高,同時「C」級已是穆迪的最低評級。報告稱,希臘未來數年債務佔國內生產總值 (GDP)比例仍超過100%,新一輪續命貸款用盡後,仍可能難以重返私人市場融資,而政府能否落實行財政改革也存在變數。
2012年3月3日 星期六
Gold to $3,500 this year still likely despite crash
As we have discussed in a previous article, our Fractal Model suggests the wave for Gold in US Dollars will sweep up into the $3500 to $3600 area into the mid-year time-frame. The leading edge of that time-frame begins in May and extends out for a few months. A potential for Gold to spike to a $3900 extended fib level exists. Like all parabolic moves in Gold, the late stages create the biggest price movements. Personally, I would be happy with a huge Gold run up to the $3200 level.
Our description of the Gold tsunami wave to come this year as a result of the huge wave of Dollar Inflation initiated by the $600 Billion US Dollars sent to Europe back in December of 2011 is beginning to be noticed by the markets. This is a very important "point of recognition."
時下要對抗高通脹,為財富保值,卻又不願沾手複雜的投資產品,保守投資者可回歸簡單、信賴度高的黃金。作為中長線投資工具,專家建議最好「月供式」定期買入,買賣差價較少的 5両裝 9999金條最實惠,套現能力最強。其中中銀香港 5両裝 9999金條為 82705元(按 2月 27日買入價計.下同);入場門檻最低的則是恒生千足財神金牌 5克裝,每塊只需 2615元。 記者:李芳芳
作為全球最流通的資產之一,世界黃金協會最新數據顯示,黃金去年全球需求再創新高至 4067公噸,按年增長 6.7%,主要由強勁投資需求帶動。金價過去三年上升逾九成,目前仍穩守每盎斯逾 1700美元的高位,但鑑於黃金需求熾熱,金銀業貿易場理事長張德熙表示,相信黃金未來兩年仍有較大升值潛力,預期今年有力衝破每盎斯 2000美元關口。
黃金衍生的投資產品多如牛毛,以購買實金這種傳統交易方式最穩固,至今仍有最少 6間銀行出售各類實金,其中以中銀和恒生款式最多,以 9999金和 99金保值和流通性最強。 9999金重量介乎 5克至 1公斤,而 99金則只見於 4間銀行的 5両金條。恒生今年更特別為龍年推出刻有祥龍獻瑞圖案的 100克及 10盎斯裝「恒生千足金條」,售價分別超過 4萬及 13萬元。景福亦有 15克的「五條九」龍年足金金章。
實金買賣是跟隨各商號每天特定市價釐定,銀行和金舖一樣靠賺取中間差價。綜合資料顯示,恒生 99實黃金的買賣差價最窄,僅每両 20元; 9999金差價則以中銀優勝。而金舖差價則明顯較闊,如周生生實金條差價每両超過 700元。然而銀行經常被指缺貨,金舖貨源則相對充足。
不過,投資者要套現不算方便,除了永隆銀行會回收金銀貿易場認可黃金鍊鑄商所出、重量為 5両裝的實金產品,其他銀行一般只會買入其售出的產品,如中銀更須客戶持有銷售單據。金舖優勢則凸顯在套現規限不多,因基本按市價及含金量回收所有純金產品,但可能會收取一定火耗費用,影響投資收益。周生生業務經理李瑞強表示,該公司回收時較看重實金的成色及製造商,最好實金上有清晰字印標明。
至於金幣,如紀念鈔一樣,售價添加非實質價值,投資者賣出時若未能趕上熱潮,未必能取回購買時價值;而且回收渠道較窄,金舖只會按含金量計價。來自加拿大的金拓在港出售不少種類的 9999金幣,但目前該公司僅回收其出售的產品,不會買回收藏幣。張德熙指出,金幣受潮流影響,而非單純計黃金價格,目前一般僅溢價 2%至 3%;即使如楓葉金幣,流通性亦不足。
張德熙建議投資者最好買 5両裝 9999金條,因差價最少,亦最易套現;而少於 10盎斯的實金則差價較大。他亦提醒投資者,黃金買賣須承受較大價格波幅,宜以閒餘錢作中長線投資,最好以平均成本法定期買入。
永亨:該行出售的 99金條及純金楓葉金幣
永隆:重量為 5両裝,須為金銀貿易場認可黃金鍊鑄商所出的實金產品
香港文匯報訊(記者 涂若奔)惠譽國際昨日發表研究報告,礇控(0005)及礇豐銀行的評級展望由「穩定」降至「負面」,並確認兩者的長期發行人違約評級(IDR)為 「AA」,惟礇豐銀行的生存能力評級(VR)則由「aa」降至「aa-」。不過,礇控股價昨日未受壓,反漲1.59%收報70.3元,為恒指進賬近52 點。
不過,礇控透過其全球業務和審慎管理流動性,可以抵銷礇豐銀行面對的挑戰,令負面效應於集團的整體 層面被攤薄,因此礇控的IDR和VR評級未受影響。目前礇豐銀行面對困難經營環境,包括歐洲經濟放慢、匯融資產問題,及英國礇豐銀行VR轉弱等不利因素, 均可能對礇控的收入或資產質素形成壓力。
事實上,今年以來多個機構均曾唱淡礇豐前景。另一間評級機構穆迪2月中亦宣布把礇控在內的逾百間大 型金融機構放入負面觀察名單,並稱未來或將礇控的評級下調兩級,由目前的「Aa2」降至「A1」,主要是由於脆弱的經營環境以及資本市場的挑戰,將影響到 礇豐銀行的未來盈利;而國際監管環境的轉變,國與國之間對銀行資產更嚴密監控以避免小存戶受損,也將影響礇豐的跨境資金調撥支持。
惠譽昨日亦將大新銀行(2356)長期外幣發行人違約評級由「A-」降至「BBB+」,VR由 「a-」降至「bbb+」,評級展望維持「穩定」。同時下調該行之次級票據評級,由「BBB」降至「BB+」。惠譽指,下調評級主要反映大新銀行盈利質素 減弱,因為該行對持有20%權益之重慶銀行的盈利倚重程度日增,令該行的信貸狀況越來越受波動的內地經濟所影響,而重慶銀行盈利貢獻對大新的資產增長並不 可靠,有關金額雖然計入股權盈利,但未有計入監管性的核心資本。
另外,惠譽還確認本港8家銀行的生存力評級、長期發行人違約評級及其「穩定」的評級展望,分別是恒 生、中銀香港、工銀亞洲、永亨、創興、上海商業銀行、星展香港和中信銀行國際。惠譽指出,競爭激烈的運營環境、香港與內地的經濟和金融往來日益緊密,是主 要風險因素,但港銀通常會保守地保留部分抵押品、資本和流動性緩衝,以應對意外損失。
擴金融交易稅 加緊買美元
同日,巴西政府宣布從即日起對在該國作金融投資的外資,凡期限在2至3年內,徵收的金融交易稅均擴 大至6%。財長曼特加表示,此舉旨在避免雷亞爾過度升值,巴西不會對愈演愈烈的「匯率戰」無動於衷。曼特加指出,央行還會在匯市上加緊收購美元,這樣做既 可減少美元流通量,又可增加外匯儲備。雷亞爾於今年截至上月29日已累升7.9%。
Whistleblower Maguire - US Entity Interferes in Gold Market
This morning, in an exclusive interview, London whistleblower Andrew Maguire told King World News that the launch of a physical gold and silver exchange in China was interfered with and subsequently killed by a New York based entity with very powerful Chinese connections. Maguire also said Wednesday’s smash in gold and silver was blatant manipulation. Here is what Maguire had to say about the situation: “Well, Eric, it couldn’t have been more blatant (intervention in the gold market) could it? Talk about not worrying about hiding your footprints. This was obviously sanctioned somewhere at a higher level because the amounts of contracts, paper contracts that hit the market, all at once, within seconds of each other, this was not normal trading.”
Andrew Maguire continues:
“This (manipulation) was 100% to protect resistance levels that were about to be breached. However, I don’t think for a minute this has fooled anybody. Anyone in the physical market was waiting for something like this. You only have to have enough of the weak money in there and sure enough they will flush it out.
They (commercials) have been meeting these guys (futures buyers) head on, one for one, short for long, for the last couple of weeks. We’ve been seeing it build up and all they (commercials) have done is cash it in....
“We were seeing massive order flows. We were seeing every single bid being hit. The offers were just massive. I mean we were seeing 10’s and 20 thousand contracts at a time being unloaded by single individuals.
This would be the agents that control the markets. I don’t believe for a minute it was genuine selling. This was 100% paper orchestrated selling and it had nothing to do with the physical market whatsoever. They came in with massive sell orders, creating absolute panic in the marketplace.”
Maguire added some breaking news for KWN readers and listeners: “I’d like to briefly remind King World News listeners just what PAGE (the Pan Asian Gold Exchange) was going to be. This was going to be a Chinese Exchange that was to completely change the way gold and silver trade globally.
If you recall from our previous interview, it posed an immediate threat to the current fractional reserve bullion banking system. It was the competition of a brand new fully allocated gold and silver contract being pitched up against unbacked paper contracts. It’s not a stretch to imagine what a threat these contracts posed to the bullion banks.
The whole thing was killed and we recently found out how PAGE was interfered with. Within hours of our King World News interview last July, I mean you sure get some hits on your show, Eric, the interference stemmed out of a New York based entity with very strong Chinese relationships. It delayed it enough to kill it and it was killed.
China has recently been taking back control of all of the regional gold exchanges. But it’s more of a bullish thing that’s happening here. I think the Chinese are actually formalizing a proper RMB/Gold relationship, once the new government is in place.
I want to get to the good news. The original people behind the international PAGE contract, they stepped aside from PAGE when it ran into this interference (from the New York based entity). They moved to set up their own dedicated international exchange.
It’s been in the works, quietly, for many months now and we will soon be able to announce the first official trading day. This is a game changer, Eric. There are just two of these bullion banks that control almost 95% of all precious metals derivatives, so you can only imagine how welcome this new competition is going to be.
Now the LBMA and the COMEX based bullion banks, they are already defending what is really a growing and unsustainable underwater naked short position in gold and silver. That’s why we see the kind of antics we saw on Wednesday.
So things are about to change, Eric. This new competition will give naked short holders a heck of a lot to think about. This is a bombshell.”
Eric Sprott - What Happened in Gold & Silver is Stunning
Today billionaire Eric Sprott told King World News that a staggering 500 million ounces of paper silver traded hands during the takedown in the metals this week. Eric Sprott, Chairman of Sprott Asset Management, had this to say about what took place the day of the plunge in gold and silver: “I can only imagine it’s the same forces that for the last twelve years have been at work in the gold market, trying to keep the volatility very large on the downside. As you are aware, we hardly ever get days when you get an intraday $100 rise in gold. When we look back at what happened (on Wednesday) we saw huge sell orders in gold and silver.”
Eric Sprott continues:
“When I look at the silver market in particular, in a 30 minute span we had sellers of 225 million equivalent paper ounces, in a market that in one year the silver miners only produce 800 million ounces. So again, it’s the paper markets overwhelming the physical market. It’s stunning to me that on a day like Feb. 29th we traded 500 million ounces of silver.
No rational person could believe it had anything to do with the real market for silver....
“That was all just on one exchange. God only knows what happened on the LBMA and the SLV and all of these other vehicles where paper silver is trading hands....
It was a smack down and unfortunately anybody who is running a precious metals fund (or invested in one) had basically all of their performance stolen in literally a one hour downtrend. It keeps investors uneasy and it’s unfortunate for a market that’s gone up for twelve years and has been the best performing asset over that time period.
James Turk always says, ‘It’s a managed retreat here. The price of gold and silver go up every year, but they don’t want it to get out of hand.’ As everyone is aware, on Wednesday, silver was breaking out, gold was approaching $1,800 and I just think it wasn’t allowed to happen because central banks try to keep control over precious metals so people don’t see them as an alternative to paper currencies.
All of this happens on the same day in which the LTRO lent out another $800 billion, which is just ridiculous. These things always seem to happen, Eric, sort of countertrend, that whenever you think something should go up, pretty well every time the price goes down. Because, the authorities don’t want a linkage between monetary irresponsibility and the price of precious metals going up. So they whack it on a day when it obviously should have gone up.”
2012年3月2日 星期五

其實呢個名是大大的誤導, 因為萬象城原來是一個大商場, 內有好多名店和香港的商場差不多, 而書城是在外面同條街的大廈內, 但由地鐵站行去須穿過個商場 !
我同老公在國貿站坐地鐵去大劇院站, 由C出口行出去, 就見到個牌指去萬象城商場 !
在商場內一路直行到尾見到有間百貨公司和外國 Ole 超市, 到呢到要轉返轉頭由剛行過的電梯上一層, 之後行出大門後轉左 !

一直行入去經間中信銀行後, 由前面上電梯(金山大廈有兩個出口), 上面2、3、4樓都是書, 而我地又一層層咁搵 M 層 ?
最後在頂樓搵到啦 ! 呢度要由樓梯行上去 !

在樓梯口你就會見到呢個畫面 :

上咗去行入去, 好多檔仔賣郵票、錢幣和電話卡 ? 再轉左, 行入去最後面個度, 見到有位大叔個檔似幾老實, 在檔後面有兩個大夾萬, 所以停下來問價錢 !
藏羚羊 1000 人民幣
2011銀熊貓 285 人民幣
銀梅花龍 1200 人民幣
老公說: 千二咁貴 ?
我說 : 你都唔知在香港賣的價錢 !
所以大家如想買中國幣, 可以呢度買, 因為價錢應該差不多啦, 唔知可唔可以講價呢 ?
註:開放時間早上9點至下午6點 !
膠盒就無得賣, 只有有白墊的圓盒, 可以自己調整大小個隻, 不過無咁靚啦 !
2012年3月1日 星期四

*Bernanke fails to deliver QE3
*Promises more ZIRP
*Fed expects inflation to remain subdued