2011年8月29日 星期一

No Truth In “Chinese” Rumour

Quoted from silvergoldsilver:

Friday, August 26, 2011Exclusive: China or one Chinese buyer....
just bought ALL OF PERTH MINTS 1 oz Coins.

This is not a joke.

Contact them for yourself, as my dealer said there is an 80% chance that China just cleared out the perth mint for all of the 2011
1 oz supply, especially the Dragons.

IF true, we should be hearing about this from large suppliers shortly.


There is no truth to this claim at all.

In reference to the 1oz Dragon silver bullion coins, dealers in Australia and our main overseas markets of Europe and America who have supported the Australian Lunar Series II over the past four years have been allocated coins. The numbers they will receive is directly related to the quantity of coins they have taken in previous years of this 12-year Series.

We have stocks of 2012 Australian Kookaburra 1oz silver bullion coins (500,000 mintage) which we are supplying to dealers as they are ordered.

There is no mintage limit to 2012 Australian Koala 1oz silver bullion coins, which will be launched on 1 November 2011 and be offered for sale until the end of 2012.

15 則留言:

Lisa 提到...

不過講開又講, 2012樹熊好醜樣 XDDD !

Lisa 提到...

個2012金龍幣都麻麻, 最靚是2012龍銀幣 !

CK 提到...

近日中銀有很多銀條供應,想買要早點去買啦。今日在中銀見到很多人問有關銀條的事宜, 他們還買了一兩條銀條。有一半的counter的客人係買銀的。

Lisa 提到...

不過我不嬲對銀條無咁興奮, 反而想買靚銀幣多D :)

匿名 提到...

即是話上星期silvergoldsilver段新聞係流料. XDDD


匿名 提到...


Lisa 提到...

有謠傳說有中國人掃曬澳洲幣廠的全部一盎司金銀幣, 但幣廠說無咁事 !

匿名 提到...

1 怎麼付錢給他們?通過HSBC轉賬還是其他方式呢?

Lisa 提到...

付錢方法有幾個 : 信用卡扣數, PayPal, 去銀行過數 !
買夠300澳元就可以免運費的啦, 而在旺市中預訂貨後一星期才收到貨吧 ! 你會收到兩個電郵, 第一個在訂貨後, 第二個在幣廠寄出貨品後, 而多數在第二個電郵後二天你就會收到貨, 可以在網上查出交貨日 !

匿名 提到...


Lisa 提到...

信用卡會扣費用, 請參考你信用卡條款, 不過都係平過香港個個代理好多 !

匿名 提到...

谢谢lisa。 为我打开了pmth购买银币的道路。还有没有其他可以购买银币的网站呢 这次钱币展我买了一些英国钱币。没有买到墨西哥的自由女神

Lisa 提到...

請看本網[投資金銀手冊]有介紹 :)

匿名 提到...


Lisa 提到...

好似係, 因為依家在網上沒有得買 !