The following is an email letter from a RCM distributor concerning the problem. To summarize, the RCM's position on "milk spots" on their silver coins is : "Don't like it? Buy something else."
Here is the short explanation. We just had a meeting with the Mint about this 10 days ago.
The white stains (or "milk spots") result from the planchet (flan) cleaning and preparation process. Some Silver Maple Leaf coins have them (SMLs), some do not.
This is the Mint's official position: The coins are bullion coins. They are not collector coins. They are sold as one ounce of silver. The Mint knows that there is a problem. The problem has existed since 1988, when the SML coin was first introduced. The Mint says that there is nothing that they can do about the problem.
Our experience is that some SMLs have them and some do not. We do not know what we are going to get when we open the boxes of 500 ounces of silver that come from the Mint. We have to take what we get; we can not return them. We do not have the time to sort them, etc.
We ship out what we get. Per the terms of our invoices, we do charge a restocking fee for returned bullion items.
I am sorry about the problem, but we have no control over it.
I hope that this helps,
Professur :
Maybe I'm strange, but I welcome seeing them. Sort of an unofficial authentication mark. After all, if you're going to fake Maples, you're going to want them as shiny and attractive as possible, no?
Another thing also, philharmonics get those spots too.
When grading Proof ASE look for "milk" spots, they happen when some sort of condensation reaches the coin (such as sneezing). That will cause the "milk" spots and will hurt the grade.
What are milk spots?
Milk spots are very common on silver coins and bars; it happens when condensation reaches the silver. Depending on your luck, sometimes the whole bar or box comes out perfect. We take every precaution to ensure our bullion is shielded from the elements. We do not open mint sealed tubes when shipped whole. That spots sometimes appear on mint sealed items that we ship out is indicative of their natural occurrence and difficult prevention.
I have some 2009 Maples myself, but none of them have those "milk spots", so I cannot speak from experience. However, having been involved in the numismatic arena for over 30 years, I can just about guarantee you that you would end up doing far more damage to your coins, even if only esthetic, in your attempts to clean them. Cleaning any kind of coin properly, but especially uncirculated ones, is an extremely delicate procedure best left to professionals, and only to be done in the worst or most unusual cases. Any slight rubbing, buffing or wiping of any kind, for example, with ANY kind of material (no matter how soft it feels to you) will instantly and obviously mar the surface of an uncirculated coin.
use toothpaste with a cotton ball, no water. Wipe clean. LOL
One thing you might try is to dip the coins in the liquid "Revitalizing Silver Jewelry Cleaner" produced by "Connoisseurs". It come in a silver-gray plastic jar; cost is about 3 dollars, and it's available in the jewelry department at WalMart. Just follow the directions...dip item for no more then 10 seconds and then rinse thoroughly with water. Pat the coin dry with a soft cloth and let it finish drying in the air for a few minutes. If the item doesn't look the way you want it to the directions tell you to repeat the process.
The dip does not harm the surface of the coins. I've left .999 rounds, Eagles, and M/L's in the dip (was busy with something else & forgot 'em) for a minute or so and didn't notice any effect other than tarnish was removed.
搵到啦, 用洗銀水, 在銀飾舖有得賣, 十蚊一樽仔, 唔會留花痕在銀幣上 !

洗銀水對付污積一流,對付氧化白就冇乜功效, 最有效係用抺銀布.要注意含銀量 80% 以下既,都係唔用洗銀水為妙,一沖會變喑啞色,冇哂光澤,此時,妳又係要用抺銀布先攪得番.
22 則留言:
象膠可以留花痕 !
象皮膠 - OK .. :)
花痕 -- OK .. :)
I will try 洗銀水 this week...maybe even better ... :)
我一早已見到你用象膠, 不過剛才Dforum 有說會留痕, 所以唔好用任何野去搽, 會在評級減分的如有肉眼見唔到的痕跡, 所以下次都試下用洗銀水 ! 洗完後說俾我地知, 後果如何 ?
因為洗銀水我是買咗, 但沒用過 :)
有膠套的中銀出品, 沒有milk spot 吧.
奇怪為何會有兩套出品, 就連外國網站都很少有膠套sealed. Almost all of them are in monster box, like the one sold in Kitco. I checked the packing, the sealed cover is really contains "RCM" marks.
Kitco 早排有賣有套和無套的 !
而中銀只回收有套的 !
不過如果銀價大升, 將來無人會 care 啦, 但 numeristic 收藏就無咁好啦 !
慨然係咁, 為何唔買英揚或愛樂呢?
橫豎中銀都唔收咯, 起碼無milkspot問題
回 鬍鬚仔
咁, 邊種值得大量買入呢?
以祼幣計,具投資及觀賞性,美國鷹揚銀幣及維也納愛樂團銀幣,甚至 美洲獅均可,買楓葉一定要買有套,冇套既唔值付出等同鷹揚及愛樂之價值.
係 ?
謝提醒 !
妳見唔到我在forum copy 的文說鷹楊和愛樂都試過有問題的 ?
所以有時好靠運氣的, 因為代理唔可以退貨俾廠, 但大家可以在買時驗清楚才帶走 :)
睇來我個D舊荷蘭銀幣要用洗銀水同佢地沖下涼先 :)
妳又要注意喎,d 含銀量 80% 以下既,都係唔沖為妙,一沖會變喑啞色,冇哂光澤,此時,妳又係要用抺銀布先攪得番.
都係唔搞佢啦, 因為唔識用, 問個銀飾老闆有乜可以洗銀, 佢就俾洗銀水我, 諗住十蚊姐, 所以買咗, 但遲遲唔敢用 !
"妳見唔到我在forum copy 的文說鷹楊和愛樂都試過有問題的 ?"
Sorry 呀, Lisa 姐問章過萬, 尤其早期一些追唔切. 可否再post 這兩種有什麼問題?
Another thing also, philharmonics get those spots too.
When grading Proof ASE look for "milk" spots, they happen when some sort of condensation reaches the coin (such as sneezing). That will cause the "milk" spots and will hurt the grade.
ASE=Amerikan Silver Eagle