2013年3月1日 星期五


美國勁滯脹, 通脹升經濟縮, 就連樓價都升 !

Wal-Mart 店內無貨代表乜野 ?

1. Wal-Mart 有錢財問題 !

2. 中國來新貨貴好多 !

3. 中國企業唔信美元或驚收唔到錢, 唔運貨去美國 !


By SD Contributor SRSrocco:

Backwardation of gold and silver have been going on since 2008 — the year the financial system died.

Today, I watch as the majority of gold and silver bugs get PULLED down by the constant MOPE and misinformation by MSM.  The Financial System died in 2008.  The Big Banks are Zombies walking around getting increasingly weak every day.  This is a huge disaster… and most in the USA have no clue.


The Great Global Supply Chain System is now starting to show signs of buckling.
The manipulation of the price of Gold & Silver as well as the miners is an attempt to keep this system based on credit and debt alive a little bit longer.  However, each attempt and manipulation has made the system even weaker.
I believe we are now BEYOND THE POINT OF NO RETURN.

I have to agree with Sandeep Jaitly and Fekete on the correct “Call for Backwardation”.  Even though I have some disagreements with Fekete as it pertains to silver and etc, he and Sandeep are masters of monetary science when it comes to “Trading the Basis”.

In this article from ZeroHedge:
Wal-Mart Situation “Getting Worse” New Leaks Reveal

The problem is not just the worst FEB SALES since 2006, but Wal-Mart’s inability to keep its shelves stocked coincides with slowing sales growthThe is very bad news going forward.  According to the article:
“There are gaps where merchandise is missing,” Cruz said in a telephone interview. “We are not talking about a couple of empty shelves. This is throughout the store in every store. Some places look like they’re going out of business.”

 Cruz, 41, who has worked at Wal-Mart for nine years and oversees the photo and wireless sections at her store, said it can take weeks or months for merchandise to be replaced after it sells out.
 “My camera bar hasn’t had cameras since early January,” she said. “They let the merchandise phase out but nothing new comes in to replace them. We’re supposed to have 72 cameras but we maybe have 12. What are customers supposed to buy?”
You see, the problem of the Global Supply Chain System only gets weaker going forward.  Basically, the world’s retail stores will not be able to keep stores STOCKED.  This also gets worse when we figure in the decline of NET OIL EXPORTS.

To see just how much INFLATION has hit the United States, take a look at the break-down in money printing at the U.S. Treasury:

Look how much more in $100 bills are being printed just from 1992.  Basically, the overall CURRENCY IN CIRCULATION is $100 bills…LOL.  Now these figures represent what the U.S. Treasury prints each year to replace old and lost Federal Reserve notes.


I really get a good laugh at the NITWITS who talk about DEFLATION.  The Western Central Banks only have one option:

Charles Hugh Smith wrote a very good article that is on ZeroHedge:
Guest Post: Why Central States/Banks Inflate Asset Bubbles, And Why They Implode

You see, American Wages have been falling for decades.  The US Govt realizes the only way they are going to get additional revenue is from assets profits and capital gains.  Thus, the reason why they are printing.

Now, on the other hand, if they stopped printing, its just more than a Deflationary Collapse…. its a DISINTEGRATION OF THE GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN SYSTEM.  Once the supply chain starts to break down… the cascading ramifications are just to horrible to think about.

The upcoming closing of hundreds and hundreds of BEST BUYS,  SEARS,  JC PENNIES,  RADIO SHACK and etc in 2013, is just the beginning.  This will spread to other big box retail stores as well as the whole RESTAURANT CHAIN SYSTEM.
What is taking place in Walmart is wake up call for what is to come.

The manipulation of the price of Gold & Silver as well as the miners is an attempt to keep this system based on credit and debt alive a little bit longer.  However, each attempt and manipulation has made the system even weaker.
I believe we are now BEYOND THE POINT OF NO RETURN.  Deflation is the END GAME scenario.

Look what is happening in Greece.  They can’t get medications now.  According to another article in ZH, the Red Cross has stopped sending Blood to Greece because they haven’t received payments on past bills.  Can you imagine that?  RED CROSS shutting off assistance?

Unfortunately, this sort of outcome awaits the USA.  How long before we get there is anyone’s guess… However the signs are now showing more than ever.

3 則留言:

嘉芙蓮 提到...

Walmart冇貨一定唔係中國唔肯ship, 而係D買手唔落單或減少落單,盡量賣晒D Stock, 同埋cash flow真係有問題。

Lisa 提到...

謝嘉芙蓮解答 :)

嘉芙蓮 提到...
