2021年7月8日 星期四

Canada's National Archive Cancels Country's First Prime Minister



Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Canada’s national archive has effectively canceled the country’s first Prime Minister Sir John Alexander Macdonald by deleting a page about him because it was “offensive” and didn’t represent Canada as “diverse and multicultural.”

“Sir John Alexander Macdonald, born in Scotland, was Canada’s first prime minister. He is famous for his role in the establishment of Canada as a country on July 1 1867. Some of his other notable achievements include building the Canadian Pacific Railway and forming a strong Conservative Party,” writes Dan Frieth.

However, it is Macdonald’s role in passing the Indian Act, which mandated that children from indigenous tribes assimilate into Christian boarding schools, that has drawn the ire of far-left activists.

The government’s establishment of the Chinese Immigration Act in 1885, which limited the entrance of Chinese immigrants into Canada by charging them a head tax of $50 each, is also apparently grounds for Macdonald’s cancellation.

After an unknown number of complaints (it may have been just one), Canada’s national archive website apologized and vowed to remove all offending material about Macdonald and any other historical figure who upsets 21st century woke imbeciles.

“Our current website contains information that was written many years ago,” states a notice posted on the website.

“Unfortunately, it does not always reflect our diverse and multicultural country, often presenting one side of Canada’s history.”

“Library Archives Canada acknowledges that some of its online presence is offensive and continues to correct these issues. That is why content that is redundant or outdated will be removed or rewritten.”

In other words, history will be “rewritten” to satiate the mob.

As we previously highlighted, while Canada is canceling its historical figures, representation for the LGBT movement is more ingrained than ever before.

The Canadian government recently announced that it is expanding ‘Pride Month’ for the entire summer and calling it ‘Pride Season’.

Meanwhile, the mob is alsotoppling statues of Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Victoria outside legislatures because they are symbols of the country’s past.

Good luck, Canada.
