2013年5月10日 星期五

Gold Inventories

Martin Amstrong 說, COMEX 存金量上落不代表乜野, 因為存金量可以在紐約和倫敦兩邊走 ! 操控者用呢些把戲來影響金價 !
最謄心的是美國政府阻止黃金買賣, 就如加拿大政府管制 BitCoin 咁 !
美國產金公司須向政府報告全部金屬的出入記錄 ! 法國關閉咗收金公司和管制櫃員機吐錢的限制 ! 有些地方唔俾實金交收, 只用現金交收就係實物黃金的管制 !
所以如果你還可以用錢去買金幣時, 你就要在窗口關閉前快快買啦 !


QUESTION: What about the gold inventory decline. Is this not significant?

ANSWER: No. The inventory at COMEX has always been volatile. Inventories rise and fall without any leading indicator to price. Supplies will shift also between London and New York. Inventories dropped sharply after 1980 as well. Manipulators often play with the inventories of all commodities to try to affect prices. During the Buffett silver play, he was buying in London so the inventories in New York dropped sharply and that was touted to get people to but those highs as well.

My greater concern is the organized effort by government to shut down gold as an exit out of the “official” monetary system. Just as Canada is going after BitCoin, we will see other countries do the same. In gold, the US imposed regulations on all refining whereby they must report to the government all metal coming in and out. France has shut down buying gold for cash and limited ATM machines handing out cash as well. The stories about cash settlement rather than bullion in some places is due to this new aggressive tactic of tracking gold. This is why buy what you can in coins for cash where you can for that window is likely to end as well.

Gold ETF 4-2013

Does the increase in demand for coins offset the shifting of investment out of ETFs? Not really. Gold has not rallied sharply and that is the key issue. Falling gold prices will also help reduce mine output and that will set the stage for a stronger rally. Despite all the hype, after 13 years up, it does not matter what the market is, there just has to be a pause. It’s no big deal. It is what it is. Always trying to talk it up is bad for the market. That is why the Nikkei declined for 23 years.

8 則留言:

gogoldjoe 提到...


gogoldjoe 提到...


Lisa 提到...

黃金歷史又幾多人知呢, 而黃金背後的意議又有幾多人明呢 ?

Gordon 提到...


Lisa 提到...

Martin Amstrong 講緊歐洲和美國呢 XD !
只怕到時中國想買都無得買啦 !

gogoldjoe 提到...


Lisa 提到...

Martin Amstrong 說的是實金市場, 而唔係期貨市場 ! 期貨市場可以最終變成無實金交易賭場, 不過政府可以阻實金運出國, 如加大稅收等等 !
不過暫時佢地唔會行呢招, 因為首先是想用期貨搖D實金出來 !

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