好多人還好鍾意去日本旅遊和食海產, 見不到的就不危險 !
www.zerohedge.comWe noted 2 days after the Japanese earthquake that radiation from Fukushima could end up on the West Coast of North America. And see this.
We started tracking the radioactive cesium released by Fukushima within weeks of the accident.
In fact, U.S. nuclear authorities were extremely worried about the west Coast getting hit by Fukushima radiation … but publicly said it was safe.
We reported that Fukushima radiation spread worldwide.
And we’ve documented for years that the failure to test the potentially high levels of radiation hitting North America is a scandal.
Sadly, we were right to be worried …
The Journal Environmental Science & Technology – published by the American Chemical Society – reported last year that airborne levels of radioactive cesium were raised by 100 to 1,000 times (what scientists describe as two to three “orders of magnitude“):
Before the FDNPP accident, average 137Cs levels were typically of 1 ?Bq m−3 in Central Europe and lower average values (<0 .3="" and="" characteristic="" europe.="" m="" northern="" of="" p="" q="" southern="" were="" western="">Indeed, even hot particles and nuclear core fragments from Fukushima were found to have traveled all the way to Europe.
During the passage of contaminated air masses from Fukushima, airborne 137Cs levels were globally enhanced by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude.
The French government radiation agency – IRSN – released a video of Fukushima cesium hitting the West Coast of North America. EneNews displays a screenshot from the IRSN video, and quantifies the extreme cesium spikes:
Levels on the West Coast were up to 500 times higher than estimated. Cesium levels from Fukushima were higher than expected worldwide, including in the arctic region of Europe:
Radioactive cesium bioaccumulates in large fish and animals.
The radioactive half life of cesium 137 is usually 30 years. But scientists at the Savannah River National Laboratory say that the cesium at Chernobyl will persist in the environment between 5 and 10 times longer – between 180 and 320 years.
And the Fukushima accident has pumped out some entirely new forms of radioactive materials … in “glassy spheres“, buckyballs, ball-like spheres, and bound to organic matter. Scientists don’t really know how long these new forms will last …
The Day Tokyo Got Blasted by Fukushima Radiation
On March 15, 2011, the winds shifted …The Fukushima radiation which had been blowing out to sea suddenly turned and hit Tokyo:
The image is a screenshot we took from a video released by the French government radiation agency, IRSN.
As we’ve reported for over 3 years, Tokyo got nailed by radiation. For example:
We knew what happened. Now we know when …